HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-30, Page 4Ua.OWn
t is- tin
anaf,d3ell; •rollk *
st bOice 53 acre* n
13 railroad s.t&a north of the
In.tneiyillage; of Itxeter_tako
'ter on north. 'Where there .ie
bed oOrtkiClorrittr..0.41041011.'
for ent.110.4404 no ',waste
On ble property there is 4
ank barn, 10 Sores of fall wheat.
rnemall fruits. This Is 'a ,choice
ell.eulted for 'growing stuff
e Cauning Factory. A. 4;? Bp.
That 43 mires of land, eing nor.
arrOf Urn; 'Van. 0 -wry
sborne, In' the Village of libte
_O. B. JIAOKNEY, Prop.,
14140 -property Iylng between
Oing-Vorctor,y_a it.s.porMor„
AII TropeitOying-east-of
gtein and Victoria streets; In
cels 3, 4" and 6 there .are some
lee building sites -and Will be sold
104 to Snit purchaser. • Thie proper.
'Tongs te 06', Carta= estate and
be -:tesid: to wind up the estate.
rtezii purchasers may call • at
Ick -on & Vorling's office for *naps
nd descriptions of Property. ,
10,1 -Teat 35, Cons. It, ..11slao,rne, 100
o. te 'poultry.
t' barn$ and other build-
ace* and never faitiUppW
,weit situated, being one
ram‘Ifensall and 'four Mikitg
Pxttcr. 'This Is choice, 'farming
ts • mostly seeded tofXrass_ •
�rrns of-.03-Inent.. W. E. t101..i-
onsall.; Prop. .
or all of these 'properties may
' hosed privately en .or before
th dor of October. If..not sold
C4 -before that !sdate, they 1011
Sold by public auction, without re.
trent tb Metropolitan Hotel, Axe-
Wordrty,-Ottiffier, -30th, at• one
It. -ria,'
Orals and particulars, apply to
roprietora, .or Thos. Cameron&
, new 1 riding plow.
laud rolier, e.
nixing .011, c ttin box, a
mbnr s;ler Xst and 2ncl
outh oc nOwden Bros
W. rt r; Dor
a t_wi h 0tachinent or Bruheaaa
weighing $-Icitirtligrerr kg,ftrrac, 4401:-.4.4"o reasi
• Ilattleralst and end e ape,
stock rack, wagon box, new. .1 graraL
Xf Set:AV-WM *Pringai -414b, kft- elint- Adel -Sint --Wttipte
rapes, set double banes% Set of PIO& ,X.cgherns, 13„. J3ecb1er, 0. 01aus1us;
.Iurness, cream separator,- nearly new, 8. o Brown Le'thorns,' -Ilattleri
inctibator, new, washing- machine, I a. Clattsinst,R. I. Reds, Battier;
Daisy clattirn, whifIletreee,- neekiakee, nizeons. G.Plausins Buff Wyandottes
ehovels, forks,' boos and other articles J. Ilaberer, J. Wo OrtyPein; ' Saver
too numerous to mention. A lot .• of Crest Wyandotte% J. W. Ortwein- 1st
first class bay; 3 acres of choice man. and 2nd;.E. C. iirown /4eghorns,
golds and turnips, some tile.. Terme" 0 115111,s 1st owl 2nd: otateftuton;
olima-audercasbroverrthat-tonoun ,_Au
2.montba, credit, aniurnishing aP- W. pottier_lst _and tral „Langshans,
proved foint otee or a discount. or 6 W. Battler hst and 2nd.
per con off for Cash on credit, amounts 7 Pekin China Ducks, Snowden Bros.
-io-rcrryeitwthe rieter-bas-eold-Itoluoksr-0.-Coleueing
hirti farm. jOlitrly S-rrro-Po; T, 1:11101=0x*, Ct t Idualu0; ,turkeys,
;eess, Snowden ,'Bros. . •
Judge, T. IJ. Varline, ,Bxeter.
--,-, --..”.9.111014-AND---SERDS-----
Ir ilie-4411":Wreifs-Wiii-lit-de
iid` rtiquemextts w ,i1 1 - - - u F-.. It -.,„„.,,,,,
- ........ ,. --., .404,1:-.griss_fiin.,,begto,ar-Otaustesw.ea.--4:_..lt_t1-.,4
k . - "-,.,. . a rt -3-
„ '*11113441:1dOirirtn.„ OKSTeli313/76Wed Dar.
. • mires Arner . , , , e
structed to self by public auction On 61070% AA'. unepticoirertii: ‘,44,Vritrtit'i4fan,alve,r3;:wit!
'Wednesday, October :10thi. on London
En -
Road, South, a short distance ubore-ITarnademt-tructrasii j.Duearso,w.011; reyelit.,
Otoenvootnvirr. twelve o'clock sharp, the '
, . biack hurley; W. Dignan; collection-
Oorses-1 general purpose horse, 4 of grain, P. Clausilnvs: ,zili.ttllateeb. ft oluovaerb,
year* old; ,I general prn4rPorposs%hmorarsee, Liceedx;sv.tteollthwy31.11161:eds J. gtadee, W.
10. years old; 1 general
7 years olBattler. ; grain ha "heaves, 0. Olausins.,
d; .1 \mare in foal to iflafid.
ford and Baskerville's borzoi one jadgeo' wm.. Lamont, Zuricli. 0*
suc*r,. sired by Noetaz,i'roles ., \ 1.1011TICULTUItE
c r "A ittaY.; A.'"ykr,ot - 0 f;
- 2 -year old
calve in February ; A- 13PrIlift etwip,taIros_,_ $
3 2 -year ol
--.... O. rf rtl.t. f P".steers.; A ."-a,tt la
lof sale. , ...,
Weultry- aged geese; . 9 young, -
12 -ft Mc -
*etb lirattetion:-•-on- -per coigjor eish allowed an credit
£4 .Z34JI
ruetner, 0 .Rlopp, X.• „Pfaff t winte
aka 10,4. Pfaff, D. Bauch, S. Ilechter ;
Northern Spies, W. Dignan. 0. Klopp;
geese; 60 hens and chickens.
flaitheins„ •C. Trueniner, /ranch
Implements- Massey llarris binder
rt I Greening% A. Geiger, W. ,Dignan ;
Massey Harris mower;
• Spitzenburg, Wendel Smith, D. Ilauch
Cormick hay rake; .Massey HarrisCanada Reds, 11. Wesloh, C. Truentner
seed drill, nearly new: MeCormic
nibson Pippen, O. Klapp"; Golden Rut--
cultivator; gang Plow.; walking 'plow
sett, O. Klopp, Smith & Son: Ben 044.
disk rset of diamond harrows, new;
V15, Klapp, D. Rauch; Asmara, D.
iiCiopp; Waltzers, C. TruetanerA 0;
wagon; .pair bob -sleighs; root ptiblopxer; Itlopp; Mann, J. liaberer,13..Seehler ;
fanning mill; hay rack; .gravel Maiden's Blush, L. Rader, O. X10110:
it:patioagnseiher, hawo___eY --f"lcutters' ropes; sot/sat? Dultiednehrei; tareirviapupkeene.: TCrlutionsins, • -E
One° light harness; 2 sets of douly e • tuner, L.
Ahoverst chains, neOkYeke$, whiffle* rrdIrra;a20"011.13z.d1)41p1Cp'en,l'Eru.elniC?oePrPt
trees; emery grindstone,
arnep ; .14 or 15 tons of. hay; roots • „ ..,,wwerk„ -„. writeniner,
1 .E:aVor.- smith; Sweets.0.
t hum, N. 1,...;_k_box crolTriusset aPPless
ty of first class marigolds. t brei v.
. straw and mangolds oath; ,straw to Tialbieetxtre4er" E. MlioPP; fall pears, 3%,
be' 'tea 04 P11.4434'13. ' IV, 14.tvtiere°;--bgfratliet4111pcieanr.sill,i.r°.r 111 ea ba errs:
ITerms-All sums of $ rind under, 44,-, W Battler; rienalsh Beauty. 43`.
_cash; ov4r that amount 12 month.; n
kxttr3ztt.tv,-trttxat3yxcigntutburgPoz'.tf"1"-- -14abertrlIci!,'
commencing at 12 .
im followingt-tiottus WO. •
Mil oral brood show mare, 7 yrs.
.slred by Aloltottltuftts* bred to
g Thomas. Is !cultural mare 0 ,WhEtien
„ Atictioncor.
Old.,eFred by royal Toni; 1 ag.
tural pore a years old sired by
toesilera,..bred. to filr Matthew.
icultural mare 2 years old. sired by
on III; bred to .King Thomas. 1
ty draught 'gelding 1 year old sired
old by Clear
4- I Slear townewly- calved. 1 5,
2old coto due. to celf-tinu. of sale. -
year old heifer newly calved-. 13.
• ,cow.._41,sqh ealtationt--1.5.1r.
Mr. and Mrs. Diarshall Brock, of
Strati'ord,who were Visitini with rel.
a.thtes.and friends areund here for
few weeks, left last Monday for Den.,
ver, Cal., where they pUrpose making
their future beme. •
and.._Mrs-lleach'.. Chicagq,,
werir-viiitar—rsTfrliff.-Viiiiain; Brooks
last week. •
A number from around here attend,.
Sunday and, the vaipper an Tuesday,
Great interest is being manifested
, by this appointment in the circuit tea
to be held next Tpesdaynj)flfl
ot Lucan. 'This 'great eVent
to bs• held at tliimvIlla church.
VIr. and Mrs. Albert Miteliell, 'of
iCentralia, ;visited at her sister's Mrs.
1144". 410d1011 'Ott fittettily. '
•T,64t*itlit :t1C11.4.(1 :tont Mrs. fisitlni.
, by returned home on 'Wednesday after
spending a week with relatives at
• MIS, &MIL Mi1lS411' and daughter
Lila visited at Mrs. J. V, titilsole
on Ifs.
. •
nit s i, 2spritlesivis;4-yem;r
• '
, .
ultry-About 100 hem and chickens
',keys, 1 gabblF.,21 spring turkeys
nents-1k1 s11-ir-Batt% billdOei
WOoll 1 owe'', 1 10 ft. rake,
04 41.1%,1 Cb4Mpiint OUit,iirik‘
, Oockshut disk, 2 gang plows, 1,
lien *eta iron harrow', 1 walk.
. 1 scorner, 1 truck wagon
' oil# 1 Intlif 111-141 pair of
soda. 100 lbs, hat rac14,
son box.witbrelot,k rack
Water trougluillarge tank
el tidings; *et brass /13011ti.
efl plough Winne's; ladder
'Tr milk cans;
ather rtieled too MI et.
- a Tarn It4.411$1.ihi
gots, 1. beating
Chairs; screen,
�e roprtetorb*i gist.
Anniversary. .serviCes
b.11.!,;ti aa• .1,10/1,1virkf on nett Lord's
Bay, when Rev. GI afetr, cf. liucan
: elt:r!iit.t 17 /doglegtiy Elitnville. -chow,
,Of(orings: taken ---it- both sera
vices. On Tuoday evening following
circuit lea giVen, after
which ltev. It..11obbs, of Exeter Will
denver bjcVtttIltAS Ireture entitled
"Jb rriangtilttr Mate. II yen want
p:easant and- rojayab:e• evening.*
A4tak-,sion 3cents.
41, 114,1 tr.
,prunes,- rs.
_'0.lIes, J Ilaberercra pples,4
'flerehert4 :grapes
J. uabereri Mrs. V. Iless; col. ig'raPos
J. liaberer,W. Battler plate 61 plums
C. T,rtteniner, C. Fritz; col :of' plums,
. Kopp, 1, Johnston; coh of canned
fruit. J. Decker, sr.. It. It. ,Johnston;
,special, W. itiver.- Sararas.-
-Judles. D. A. Caritelon,. Tiznsall ; A.
1klitt.,:ha1tz, Zurich.
i - --,
nat. 15
4,,. -1,,,.._„.... '• '1. j:7 r 1..,,, , 73--' ,,, f ...f' ' , ^rgi , ''' 4'!1`. .
Casterla, 4$ 4 lin 10 , 1:ii fir
gorle, props- 414, Suothing. Syria 100401, ,
..„ILWRIAlps,tplior co er„.)Ttimo 0
. $ ne..44-: ItST-010.$3. .04,.,Otttirtittiiii. -I47 Tei -IOW,
It 1.3's' VOilroilShniei:it--,euies-,Plitte
Colle, It rolloveS tgoOthinig. Troubles, cures Cou.541p4tion, ,
and riatogiey. It itssunnoes 'the VOodo regulates the
Atomuelt and.- llamas; 'giving' healthy. and untttral, sleep.'
The 0141141ren*S• ra1.14COttr-00 MOtitee*Or1414,
„ DItorner, ToROrrro •
ink wart ontletta xisiiget Reserve Fund; 6;00
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United• States England.
Ude ,Fibr Over30; years.
•1114 COM/ ($01111.14111,4 VT MU A ItlilLY .11/11,1114 CT* MI* VORit MTh
may the zaines.4f' two.. GIL/
I more` persons ancl,1:Vithdrawals made by any
one of them or by the survivor.
- -ExeterBrancla 'artisan anager
ro. 0. itOULSTON, L.. D. 8,
• D. , D. 8,, Dentist. Member of
R. 0, D. 8.* of Ontario, and Honor
of TorOtito -1141yeraity.
Omelet-4),er Dickson-itt•-earling'it
-Anderson's looney
dental.parlors ,
cushion in stik, V lo e • .Tolin
an . c wi
tttCr faitChitig, Mjss
G. Forrest ; :work g
W* w* •
- _lraurs,ber
w ickwite, -. is ft , aee
handkerchief, F4 Wickwire, T. John-.
aon,_point lace collar, /Wellington rec.
„V. Wickwire; Ilattenbun -40S4,tro•Pteitio
E. Appel. F. Wickwire; battenbUrg
doylies, J. G. Forrest,* (Miss 'IST. Me -1
Gregor; battenburg tray *lab,
Appel...Miss V. Maass; batter:limn I
'sideboard scarf. Wellington fctligilai
V. Maass; batten urg tea x0Afi,
Wickwire; battenburg shams, F.
Wickwire; col. battentourg work, W.
11-.-Ktiercher ; lace
centre:piece, T„.--/Johnston,--0.- Ifs,
Leib netting_ centre 'piece or doylit
'Wellington Vet., T. Johnston.: telvilfrn
thread work. it R. Johnston, It
ro a Ploasuro to iliair
_ _____„,. _
__....--,---_, ,.. ...
. /
.• We have lohland are selling. agreatt,
man3r high claim pianos and our num
erous satisfied customers is 00 strong
est guaranteevf tbizasaertion. .
Our plarfas to -day are the. best that
the best Plano makers produce and
ouk•prif4es-stre right..
Do not be too quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from t
above lor-P ..- PurPose-of-sellitig-ye
c'behp_aiid in emcee/ea trash
at big prices. . i ..
t all and see Us
Wickwire, IL Pale; etching, T. T�hn and pe cOtIvingtd that ,what we se,
shot, a. G. Vorrest; pillow sham, rj, W0,111re up to.: „
Johnston, 0.--rino ;sofa cushion, Wei-'
lington Vie, Miss V. Maass;. apron, 11 tIn G1
Miss A. Carlisle, W. .,Ortweitt;;.
1' W1 BROWNll� M. 1t 0
41e P. 8.„-arsAtlateNto orts- tru
sad reSideu D.004nla°
iyersity*Tird yeartreadden p. st
Royal Alexandra:Hospital. ate. Office
andeaidence. Dr. AitO4t old stand
taws, cersart Arthui and to r4
be of points reached by Northern
Navigation Co.. also to certain polo,
in Quebec, New Brunswick, Noya
Scotia and Maine.
To Muskoka Lakes, -Pouching, inie,
of Ito s, Midland Ma an
'ere e e •,awaska ",,to Fsrry
Sound, Argyle Volsoionk. Lindiay
to lialibttrton. Sharbot)-..ske to Cla*
bogie, via IC At or Ry. 'Points &Obi
Severn to North Bay inclusive; ana
certairtj)oints reached by N'orthens
Return limit oni-all • tickets Dee
White Elephant potatos„ II. Itaderl.
York;-it,;-Geifer, E. GU*: 'any variety
ear:y. A. Bannie, J. Dackor, t5r„ A,
Poster :._a_ky vs.rifj_aj„,e„Q._ill '4
:11fider, ff.- Irrueger Empire. pota..
tozs,.E. Gies, II, Krueger, 3 lIckb2rer;
atnall white beans, W. 'Battler. Go
Clausins ; any Variety .bearoji P. Doi.
• -• .7-6-.;---tls,-.swee corn,
Ilechler. C. Oswald: black swot cortt
W. Battler, J. Drown; red anions, II:
Kober, V. Minnie) ; yellow onions,
1. lUirnm-1, P. Schwalm ;,dutch setts,
.11, Mile, 11. Krueger; white field pr.
rots. I. W; 0 rtwein; W. Smith ; red
field carrot% .S. W, Battler;
rod garden carrots, W. Battler, Goo.
40,:ausins; ssvedish turn1n3 L 'Ivy, Jr..
g..ita der long., red marigolds, 4,
IT:neither, W. -Smith ; :0111T eflow
ford Cabbage, W. Ir Lr 0; diatisins:,
1)titC1 eabbage, J. liey. •sr., A.
restev:: SpaniSh faddish, W.'
tt1er, II. rale ,canilflower.
Vesta; fellow plantain. B. Bad:
lder ; Zfammoth pump in.
-Johnston, G. V;atisini**
-johnstore„.'g. Jolinston`; sluas
Itadr, 0 C:ausins ; .blood beAtti-
ItIder, W. Smith ; .rooted .W.
' ilatt:cr; tvaterrtwiar.s, ;Ilethbr, 3.
liey, ; mask -Weans, XV Schwalm,
C:3_110104 red_:tantatoes, Stnittin &-i4ort_;
it. .W,e:1,',; yellow tomato:3.
sutlar ii.'alreher..
3odgo;3. fl. 11 3,.Vrys*,
41•110: f
tt m !lo?.- , Fritz ; tzo,,
crochet. 11. Koehler, Ai Kaercherf
CrOthaillifb cottort,
1Clopp.; crochet tolle`t mats, 3. Brown
W. Dignan ; crochet table 'meta F.
Wiekwlre,;,MtssV. Maass; col. tatting
Johnston,T. A. S. rout; Ilardingee
:entre or cloth. Miss V, Mattes,
so number for 2rult. IT -flitted ItieS cur.'
tains in cotton, 11; Neel); '
Useful -Quilt • svollep eoLrs, T.
...Johnson: do. fine, Ire 'lender, Nit.
Battler ; 'Coverlet -woven wool,
butter, fl
ecker, sr.;
;A. Itelehrt,
' MCI de bread.
:Itr4y,itt ,tetetti' J.
;IA304 411t4t0P.
n n Mr.. O.
Itu • o ton,
Tafel-6'1.41'k qui 0 T. 3dhtaon
it. Krue.xer; do. lk, .T. -3Ohnson ;
Vrazywork,auilt iIk, 11.- Krueger. Ts
Johnson ;Ao. cotton, W. 'Battler;
Counterpane tufted, T. Johnson, W4
Battler; Countcrpan3. knitted,
Johnson, II. Itader; do. crochet, J.
Deeher, -erg -1404- 6046 -term
pane otehing work. Miss M. kicOre.
zor, T. johnso4; Counterpane drawn
.T. Becher, sr, ,Isadie'tc all Wool capc
rocketrldi .
tin. Fee; orae -made ,earpot,
A. littercher, L Johnsen; llomeM
T. Johnson; do. rags,„Xfos X.,.Pritet
bell, T. Johnson.; Beat wool • yarn
homespun, 11. /4 Dotter, ar;
tidy, crochet cotton, ',Miss V. Mt_te
tid,knLUkd Wr
or 5donlbkv17r n, ei
Mrs. is, T. Johnston; ,cotton
stockings,..J. Prown., II* Isreeb; hand
sowing, 11. Well: woolen Atookings
; knitted fine, IL •Neeli, W. Battler
velen, stockings knitted coarse, 'w4
attler t wool mitt knitted knitted Om, .11.
Nook Mile A. 'Carlisle „Wool mitts
knitted ft:also, W. .„11att1er,
der; blankets horne.inado wool, ,f.
. Decker, ere; biankete, houreqnade un.
ion- IL Ittder otrgratind
k• ablowess table a 1410e6411.'u •rtilatiolt-frO
. ._____.... - ., ., L._ _....
-010fri7flAis- --litititaric' ' - -7- . .1. .3r*, KNIGHT; Depot Apfut.
isioastros .*.a,,, • .r*
TO tOA 1!!!, ,!4",..9-1- tAir write. ,.1„ ri., itopolzoi.,-;-_-UiiL
W. UN* tioesabitstlysts_t**410
Datums pro4411440 44 upwragg
• _____ ,...... .......„. . ._ .
. pardeeirs fietiotters. Via* Atiltesise
"Xfeel that
of life to
E. Pfnkham's
table Compound. *
EW,Teat yeait' ago
was i *taking
'aUndoln' Iluabeen,,
'wider the dettor's
My husband .r.tor.
suaded me.to
Pinkluttn s
eiretahre .-Crefin"
*fed re
LPeC1aI%—LIUUCb cloth, egOr; jewel '01.set. Nies .„ .85t.
, 114,d1r64 Urs, Frits,
..Or bend
' rum AltTS
Mrs. Wm;tHior.11aker,pos
cap' T toont:o n
or, latifseapes
crayon Work portrait,'
armors Mutual. flit "'Isar
• ..a1160.6omliallu
Z. itti.4
TheW. 11.
, 0. Oil or* water color,
flowers* F. Wkkwire. Forrest*.
dra*ua, zottett,-
t painting on felt, • t0.10
restl,,piliating Olifet Vitkivitil.•
M V 10 1441$1/
aditti it vsibI1;
otorma U&E1US4, Muse%
'far atbbott. rottartoti,moet
0A' JO 8
y*7rrfs*s* F*itiloh*r*
AtfL VNi3tJRZitgiAitttr*
0 of aVaiIableI)o
M&uitob, Baikatohewan, or A
,The," stpplioant must appear Pelle*
IC he Vominion Zotiat
'130/3.0goolo,fforthe idistrioL-:
Proxy our be had at the igedoy,.
certain coinditions. by father m.tb
soot daughter, *.brother, or ulitersi
intending " homesteader*.
' d sultiVation of the laud.
or -three years.- A. 130t$3reteader
tetra of tit 1-uat 80
kV:owped And oCetipied
044 thothar. �, dsugbt.r,
brother or siste -, -
Prise .per acre. Dutisi
reside six.
ears from 4ots ed ent
(including the Aims reqniz, 4 es
b00344144d patent) 0."
,fifqsorts extra.
boartsteider Who boil exbaust
Li toMeStellal right *Mt' 400140,..
ttottiaPtiOtit texo
ttad in Certain dietri
Vupb1i: Vac
1 f
• ,
oit o tb boo