HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-30, Page 3a,.cOntitAt T Affil-W7i , „ Ldditions to the Empire Over. Austria's new -territolr is unde. raltlY ich reitnaireg, e poisonous varieties, and the Governnienttaking vigorous nattrthentz--- 40,1-11*Etti 905 theo-aNetaigir yir1y death-- veil terzegwina was thirteen persons • and, 1,338- head of -Cattle; horses an t7omestie animals Ilesid, this, - hundreds of persons were bitten by. eiutkes, • but recovered. , tlee, 1906theprovincial autbnri- ties have given titoriq preminnts for thc killing of snakes. In thairyear • 80,056 dead snakes were brought in, of which 25,438 were poisonous. c! rwflt 4UO au u s• f utter cut ma" , nut belted wal tt„.. And Jon ee wilt 10 both hard and get id iin Jwt tvp till you are strong Now add a levet-teaspoonful " Of, soda --in hot water -- OF which • it tablespoon en add„some i1avoring Twoand a luzlfc Are added to the whole; Then b .will • have Mot ,r4 ere da jui 19. He re1iesrd tmb s• "., present, but onii .le 4) nartaitivet -41$ the the. " round bus &re*djf been eoered •our e a cut in quarters t in a :,kettio--.Otte bowlful of e• o bowlful of sugar; let uil Minutest -then .anotber fol. of fruiVand one of sugar, lot 'boil Awenty, minutes. 1.)o s ailla gene, then let the le, amount boil t.,wiittioen4„,,,414,11°' nfireatttteo grLe1 an be used the , That's wGItb its .weight n gok1. 'f''''intittreakev=er,te-, to eggs; one-fourth cupful 0 u ter+-one.lialf-extpfu,Lot lard,„om cupftilL-07-st*r-crearn:Lonp:half-tett- -let * • filour;-otte lieaping -to n end of spoon, and' taste. Cream of sugar, one egg,_ one. and one. loll cupfuls of 'sweet milk, one spo.onfal of 'vanilla, one. heaping tessotionfid of flour. ` Zit sugar, flour, and eggs, stir in .hot Ufa and boil Until.. thick; spreatcl hc- tween 10,;ers aritliee with two table- • oonfuls el sweet rnilk thickened n x es 1 fwr b ol water of Mire headahe It h n guirtii# OS teeth .whit and' weetees. Out flelkers may is kept resli% water.,- . • Weak.,ankles 'should be rubb' Ie feast oL nte .veili- years .aftc totia_lOttL9E he Et atest. pro • Ing that with a solution of gait water and, jewish Christiens were &II zealous alcohol, • - . - for the law, To 'them Christianity., •Rad cohls - ha er and kind. only an improved Judaism, and -x-re‘ritfiecti'att-m much-reliev,c41- erem_ouskv4o,..all the -brusing*ft,ne dry, t lilt% stru • . i rernonials In ' whieh they ' ..1)yspepsia, hear barn: and i eon trained, . - The destrue- ltin,,,a .A., whichmall s been utelterk_ , alt- -4 r-"-i-tt I- siutetrireS ions 0 'when Itto I ' f Jertualeta wasliecessary in 0 -Ma ,Irer. 14:4WiftWb-fe AO eon the old and new. I , -black-7--clierries k .p., a p.„,,T,14* ore_Lesolsin ' T i gives the jelly iTheauti tt 410 a fine flavor. ApPle.k.14 may als . ht_t-L * rtt asfint tastet, two-tbirds apples.;; By taldng the xne dons of rhubarb and 16-MAylii -veep, hat has the blackberry flavor but rot the sweet taste, which many do not like. '. If the Cooked blackberries and rhubarb are 'pressed through a sieve to extraet the Seeds, sweetened to the taste, and cooked about ten minutes, it makes -a nice' jam. tevive an lino corning -thee-The verb indicate har-tLif b -ran lerncKaleat • mouth with salt tinit . Viiitit*IfTW"Oyes-Aret, ell by bathing with warm water and Thou teaeltest:. to forsake time in Arabia - ° Moses -Knowing as -we do; from the While I Prayed*. in the temple - • Salt rubbed into the scalp or oe.: acts *and words of 'Ault how per- Such a man would ;not be likely to casionally. added to the water in verted:wirs this accusation, we eam' disesteem Jewish observances, washing prevents the hair falling understand the ferotity of his de -1 Fellinto a. trance -Paul had out. - • . nuneiations of these rafilicious Ju litany of-these-experienees. • Feathers unCLtrlcd by damp wea- aa ze et thee -quickly out of Se-- 0er are quickly dried by shaking 23.20. The Jerusalem elders, while, rusalera-Tis sotaY lasted only ,fit, °vet a rite in which salt' has been •reeognizing and confirmii* the ,11).. teen days., hrdwn city of the Gentiles t ' 21, 22. "Unto the Gentiles. And au , e xceptiona 1 44( It. notio 0- a , tea wer east like r _tetemeicad themhighlq,all with rt 'err troubl� co-. 00 cents t-' TO t. Jesus• e other aceolinta of PauI'seontersion (Aets 9 AO 20 do not refer to Jesus in this way. - 1._Ceu1d not see; lorY t that light -This is tbe n • here this explanatiow-ot-his-bli mess' is given. -7.T.47-Triruarorwrtit tice that, in the mind of Ananrn itt're'tVitt--4-41 -- with the joys. - 15. All stu LIAM 11011RIBLE DEA= TO SAVE IIIS 001tIVANION. •;;;;;'g• Wert, including. 1 cue c:ant teaspoonful of baking poisonous.- • powder,'one-.quarter cupful tepid LastLayear'sk-.Agu'teS were ver$ water,. and, lastly, the heaten .arly /the. Same, and it will be whites, of eggs,- This ilake Tequilas Some years beforethe work of ex- 1 miteh'beating. Bake' in eight inch erminatiorr _ean • be anything eopt ,cut.: in thir c-si 'voinpleted.. out at the saine time, ,squares. ,FrostingCream.oneup be rtulitUr',errterseits siepOtted-hiti ful° of britttr' and gradually add, hytioikonous' snakes, seems, to tointectionery sugar as ranch as it te steadily' decreaaing.-200 in 1907 on tablespo9fulLereams 140 last year Pall 1011 Ga. crredcssert spoonful vanilla., Blaneh SVIVIOE OF UtIALS. efusal--te- Live Ntler--the-Deatli--of Their Mates. 'sea st edeucitinbers 'fifteen, large white iis, one4talipeek small onions, lour' -heads cabbages; one -;pintof - tatted horseradish, one-half pound * master(' .see41, one-fourth out, 'ground' mustard; :One -halt teaCti fulzround-black pepper, one-. half 'once ground cinnamon, two 'Ounces lurtnerie,, :.--Slicerlhe tome- toes- andIarge onions, eat cabbages as for, slaw, quarter cuttimbers g wisc, i u in 1!leeeS wo 'town and roll in nuts. Recipe for Two Cake Two- -cakes ma' be made by -Using: five eggs and t 'e following recipes: Cream toget lee one cupful of sugar bed .Perrier, addressing '•aild onemhalf cupful of butt, Add Aeademy deseribrd -011e,half cupful .1,3,f sweet milk, then 1,144. -that, ',voluntarily -en( luis-tw 4,liert„..* :twit - peeimen ias, scen•pre r • , AntlionYt.„ Vanat dala Hu is—extre . rare, said M. Pcrriert Despite its length of tixteen feet, it almost a); rkiimitis..hidden from the -des Only .28 specimens of 'this • • d o whale are known ,„ and this , is the firt time it has been pre. -It-possessesonly two -tee lace in the middle of the jaw. thAtthsit •(43010 ashore only itteeuples, I.E.0 i1tcrrtsrh. self with some huznblc Nazirites1hated word, then their violent (see Num. 6,-., 1-21) and complete sion broke forth. with them -the final ' piirinca,...orni 25'''Tied him'upwith the tho eeremonies of a vow which they. etching the Trimmer forward had assumed. As an evidence of by means of straps, so that. he will good faith, he is to pay for all the be inposition for the scourging. upwards of 100 descendants. frie .untit the full ordirtanee is ob-1 eitizenship Was acquirable- in ,fo England, in her 100th ,,ear, leaving sacrifices, and remain in the tern- 28. I AM ,W-4;roloth,anicb:tniii--,:rmezatutc Mrs. Bur -men was bore on April --e.rve.,. ti. -351--thilt-wa, the Aligaftect•cdfli4a4 44 4 0 mot, at Wymondbain, Rutland. I WM see he does not negleet the law, !.. were Romans 4 (2) Init rants to' co.. • himself will contradict none -fain districts; (3) by grant.tilyr reat chin .or practice, as rvic pur• in -,-Australian- -Woe- John----Allert-k---, reit Whte itteuitttngio,,Arettl . ' . - - To the c deeds assoemtedI44wilthhatte4i -tttiiminers f---thr,e-A-ne4zit,orstra ctlrlfietdf Bal- rot- raivair life for flia--frien ,'-etn:Th-u-Viidayrftertfixxliv,- - John . Allen, a married ntiner, 2 Years of age, descended with two of his mates,- Joseph Davis .and Dan, Dareey,. a new 'shaft in the Gold- -fields Consolidated'saine at Dia- niond 11111. preparatory to blastieg operations. The . new shaft Was SankijelOW tif 780 -foot plat. The men had to bore the...41*nainit ht tount b a ladder to the plat, lere they wee to await the Ur lit the Nies and rnallt-t°ef'olr the. ladded- Just, however,. , roeoateihne:;„tnh4e -- plat,. , he missed his t FELL TO THE BOTTOM of the shaft where the fuses • explode the eharge. The titan on the plat fall, and one miner cried in agony, "Jack's gone:" ,loseph Davis, • however, without the s ig test Centenarian Whose .tnelets Fdll at Waterloo. • Mr. tfannah-Bursttell died 'yea entli nt Skillingto.n,,Lineohishire,. 'add Lh mall onions whole. Mix with salt thoroughly, let stand enty-four',. hours. Drain - off the juice and pour vinegar and water ever ,pickles. Let stand 'a day or two. Strain Again as dry as pos- sibk. Mix the spices obitet4Italt loar. fru bo in tItk1t,folt11the- thitihe ,calld, Stir vs) vs ▪ he -white to egg iebig.and use thorny(' yolks you ,have fora simple gold lcake. Use one-fourth cupful of /butter, halt cupful .44 sugat, one-fourtti cupful of utilk,,one cupful ilottr,, KO one teaspoonful of baking pow. ,der--.---Stitiugretlients together and bake in .ft • loaf. There will be tno t takes'. fie 4_, • * the male die, one ertil c4peet to. see ,14SSe 6 cupful t ter a, feniale stranded seen afterwards, laid to x , n , ul tand-sice • - - . pit t • -• --7,4infuiltPerrier explained mile. czinnrnen srmonful u1 t vtitegar audp v4:tr the,,piekles. tr and ce brated her/dianto ding, Soon -afterwer s band; who was a shepherd,' died, and, since then she had lived with otterof • her children. Mrs. Bursnell- would -often chat pleasantly and intelligently about tite carly....yeara of the_past 'en-, tury. •Two of .1her Vit f hi , , willing to beeo all things to all Ititbit, for the sake of the gospel, -to the Jews becoming as a Jew,..that 1 he might gain them. ' 1 27. Seven dayst--The appointed ' tittis for the Ailfihnent bf the vow, in the seclusion of the tenip.W. otti-44alrig-tbe azne ithiegnr -each time. .The third tittle addOne und•of Sugar to the vinegar and il,.pouring over as above.; also nJ theoil and ground mustard together with a small portionof the vinegar and add -when cold. Oil ,mart-lte-vinitted-if- so:desired- Blackberry Vinegar.-4(asli 'the pa..,,jajLztilkin a 'stonewar Add good" eider "yinegat to cover.well, stand in the sun all day' ' fp the tellar 'over 'night, stir.- . Ih1ocresS and egg, and mol spiecz and zoda to the fluur, mix irg thoroughly. Mix wet. and cTr, ingredients exe pt water. Adc *ter gradually, stirring eunstat Bake fifteen. or twenty minute in moderate oven. . '.For A. 'Plain Cake.--Creant.to gether• two etititula of, powder gar Ite,4*r" lespoonfit ,f butter; 4 add tla..3,01ka 0 three eggs wrl1 beatT, then, tlu whites of threggs well beaten one eupful of,rnilk, two be*pin pfulg of ,whieh has ee iftid two teaonflil* tics well »d add me tea 0 Vring. Bak . . i oi OCfl tor onei cup. with ettouffli , *0- *0 h quart of juice aIlow orie int of water Afid five pund3of *gar. neat slowly 'to' the boiling, itttt 'steam ;when it lxnls ton and bottle, ieftling air tigh bvi7 To ItOAST TURKEY. rrt o feathers and sgnge o' , harra oicr* an *Icahn 0 ly 'gosh, and w 01 with a 0th, Then irie, aw the' fowl and wail) warm water. Cut off the nook else L( the hothi;.-leakiiing' the skin/to oldover th6-optiiing.- Then'bend thr leif-botek and-ClirefuIlY *tut trti skin pp 'tile joint" just twougli to expuc the Sinews without break them arid, draw theuritut_by a, Ilreak.isff :the! leg at the oint tile sinew* hanging to it. Cut the 01. sack a*ay front thte rump.../St it i ready U'r stuff. • the stititng that IS '16 be.U•S prise • eading and knitting- were Afrx. ursnelrs - chief recreation in rec- ent years. :Her health was seri- ously affected by A fail just•prior to her last birtlidaY.'„ She was very t-ighly esteemed atS,Akillington. + • 1(„n11.11‘11rOVT pi? 'Bram,. "Have ten Brown Since he got ho'ner borrowed ten ,dollart fiom me 4 go away on." • Lsnitheitrhi,gge4tesit, atof ilte.earth is the largest -revolver!! up AU ae ebarge, narnely b'ostility vercunterept-fo Iaw, and desecration of tire te *s., last eliarite was supporte 46.elaration that los brott arceks Os° into the, temple, reference te Trophintus (verse oue of Paul's tompaniOns, aGe tile frchn-Ephesus, was, of course, unfounded. The ”Court of Israel" was 41,5finet fieni the outer cella known as the lYtrourtof the en-,, titet.-"--antl4tetatatS-from-i-t-Iti -high wall, with ioseriptions"threat• etting death to all Gentile intrud- rs. Though Paul, wa not .actzl- ly of thc Mcjsair law,- holta-d /reached that it saved by 'faith; in Christ, „04) it was cheap. 11is es_sume that the apostle's parents were ci.t. I27: -*W. a; afraid' • • • `because he bad -.1.ound.hinr-Ile did not now, -loose him from the ehains, simply from the turgii1 thongs. to the reseue of his mI te, regard Jess of the danger of ineeting with a horrible -death. On_reap lug the hottout-ef the shaft lie fotind Al. len huddled in a corner with his leg broken, but still conscious.. The led -glimmer of -this burning fuse 5e2emed mere -pronounced ita,145 • -11F., pertilitmliaktk an 1&ttrtst1ig Of Returns, yon hear tie toiWv r this morning'Z'r Wife -."That wasn't the storm. It: a , the new girl washing Vie klast•ditilies." Country Doctor --"Well, Silas, our wife bas gastria. fever.'" Solas (m4eh ttoneerned)-111)01A Ste how that can be, Airy seeing - as how .,.burntid gas*...hittihr0 used .st ' - he•law 6 111013g th Jews. no., Dragged him out of the tem- ple and ...".the doors were shut *his.-precaution„-wasidoubtletstini. oiled. to prevent a profanation f the ternItIe by the murder kerb' hi they weriCoonteniplating. 31. Tidings eAme up to the chief enptain 4,,if the .bantl.Thitt 'officer of usittel_inen was stationed tbe fortresa Antonia* 4tijeinlitif,iTh temple, on. the hill Acre. Notice, llierefore. the 1&ccuraey the de teription, "cattle up " a "ran.:40y;PA,1.4. 4. Shouted- -LiikeAu▪ t , Statistics just -published by Dr. Jacques Ilertilion, the,ehlef-of the Municipal Statistics-Oface, east an inStrittitive.sidclight on the -shrink. age in the French birthrate. Tak- ing -4-15 prOairtleat 'tarried Tarisi. Dr.-.11ertillon finds they havo men he divkTh The perls,niti iiiiut ne son who bay .Tut then the first e arege explo (14' with a Ileafening'noise, but luck- ily the rtlehris was thrown against; - the.oppesite stele Of the shaftt.etear , rt where the two tnert were erouch• ing. Davis kadeavored to. drag Al- len's legs up under him, - so as to ke surrr eartli lodged by the second hole,,,whie •lod moment or two laftei-.N.L. s- an t t n iii a terrible, state of zu. pentte at the plat, imagincd that . and eluded in tboare ritcrs whohave nochildren. En tixe thirJ categoryfall 111 poiitici- ns, alt 193.ehildren. ItsattlY one.third of the political group are childleta. Finslly thrte *rot 23 merchant and manufacturers with 39 chil. arra, 33 military men and functio • les witht 41ildret and 51 ether aitttiorith chi Frafle, says Or: Ther n Marching rapidly to her ruin 6ealtS# She fullows the ex. of thpie Very people whote uty it ia t4J inztruct and athhe"her.- 1Tflflit%1de. 35, The S.tafr tTflpk *t&'a t4 ** as that au) was fro t *aid y the d41re 'OM LONOON TO DEBEI t Vayit4 44urne3 etlITAIN DEATI): be,the tate of thckr two cortt. thep*nnsagn44a*jt en • the bottom of 'the shn eserjoyod to And the t A1kx, thoogil mitterhi 'quite (OI1MCiOUS. IIis le br,kn just above the ankle, he as otherwise bruised 'necked *bout; Davis remarl feel all Take poorJi the, plat. the til r ritticpstio, 4fraoy4 (al yrilartikimilmtrxtanpsait iS interesting., It itt,art iitta lom