HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-30, Page 2$0,
h -pretty
.1c t its contents, he
doflar bi11. ho had never even
at one tine . 0
• \V1nn she beard Mr. Kinglea
throughoutthedi for sh
that tk)be. growingwe
About six clock, and after
liad had his evening meal, he told
tly, nurse he, thought he oh -40d re-
' "er-,--begg
not to go away, but come and
beside him for a while, after he was
-settled-for-the night. -
•Vvhen thc attrao returned to the
r .4 ouklhave beei
i roti
ut --sti I
nge ent wou1have been mad
ens t
. i here, if it, SY
fl it A
th him at in-
ous les until
hen he
• ui*gupir
to you wher re
,it soon (mover, e
"nure though it 1471se forbim
talk longer„ and Esther ifoxiti- tO
,go to her own rdora. 4- -
.The invalid taught her hand as
she. did' so, held it in a lingering
elazp for--a-mturrent, -then raised it
ips and telt a light caress
thehand that saved me
e #," he said, in a seam* au -
guest; 1 irish to do
make her envy e re-
Ispenclq, bracing =self back in
his chair and plunging his'handa-in-
c his fcr now- be was pre
• was cortu
,ter now began ----to
emark*My handsome
this bon-
fzee tha
well a
it to be
iringy qualms.
ions r
supsibk .to
utmost to
wifl be
marrTn rT*
will wed no
enf tht.
rig litadjatISEAC
have, banged
..4 I 4es , r
A i
a (0 he 0
on "rangy1" i AIX 'ia ti
0 g, showtn too little depth
1d and loess of b xna7 be ,
The h... should •
e rens° antis , iiiaiatiag sup o
.ears grazing and feeding eaPaeitY. The
and nostrils„. whett somewhat Protili44.; '
Ils ent and largo, with .0. wide nose
and show ,ample nasal capaeitY to $1!,1)"
oceurs with cattle,
iaastr g
th a gsttt c* Ossive ofcU
owm loys
au • argument Wold,
.slightest udlneuee upon.,
j ric er -sill be a very rich wo-
man and by; 1 I 'know she is
rids* ,_•.an4InalcitillilneApp-ear
:_lcaurtee itn,,atwucietY:.!vrtn(yr,,tviwltp eitren,x,araorrrye_,
for me than for the • world; not ,trk
er ;Of-failloja, whora I should
scarcely see from one week's end
f nottEiirr Firritt isfai
o Wit 111
nake my borne -the dearcst spot on -
Really. my son, you have grown
hypereritical an of a suddeul?raYe
ere. yeti find this paragon of
perfection, this model wife, .whom
on have Veserihefti" sarcastleall
tiiiii-der his mother.
"I have already found her," said
Donald, -with placid frankness.
Lancaster- grew startlingly
c Penalties for ilreaei
Froini t'be laintiff"i'point of
17-544'14nd' ia the__ beak': etitin
earth for torenett
f the
that her affections e
otitis, °trifled with will be ahno
sortaittiAr receive substantial -
nos from a- sYmPathetic • n
0 1 1.Z hopo'. yon will
rest until morning." .
ehes_p_aiseii- out into the
softly elesWr the door 'beliin her,
she saw: the houseinaid,,Coining up
:from below with a card, in her band-
"It- is fOr you,., Milts Wellington,"
- -there's a -taller in the -Parlor for
you." -
A shiver shook the girl from head
to foot as. she read the. na
es 1
"As far as.
Donald, trying wasurae air o
Then, meeting /pith a `Steady,. -di -
treat gaze, the proud1.i.rToy eyes
fastened upon him, be broke forth
irritably-for-fEsthe re -
ono ancititer e r
She had' hardly believed that he
would come; but it seemed that he
^ was intlined to keep up tile farce
of two days previous a little long-
l.ips-curled-liitterly at the,
theught; then she drew herlorm_u
"What are you at, mo-
t erl Out- with and don't go
IMF. MIS .0,311111.6.
a w e
"Heaven's! that „ plebeian, little
r& maker, who comes here to
take orders for housemaids! 'and
waitresses' aprons I"
-"Yes, soother, -if- you See fit to
So laeSignate her," Donald proud!
ingentraus, more beautiful girl, is
not to be, found in New York City."
"Donald, aro you demented I"
"YOU t 1 am
l'elriving at,' as you rather coarse-
ly express\it,''' iter re-
torted, her upper og vial
'Scorn at the term fie lad. employ-
ed -just enough to reveal an un-
broken -Iiiio of Sne - 'teeth-
o ;ow* her -way
'A .few moments' later she heard
'Aber flint heavily, an
the sound was like thedeath-knell
46" all her fondest hopes.
At, an early hour Of the morning
Mr, - King -came toeller -door -to
*Louse her, and gently told her
that Lord Irvington was deed.
Ho had come in shortly after ske
him all night.' Ifs -Wien-into
stupor about twelve- o'clock, and
mg quietly awayirait itts the clock
struck the Itourro. four.
And so,_.,Esther,.,Lady Irvington,
true Jurktt11ts_g_ w
011APO'.ft, X
Donald itantaster stimd *like on*
• •
paralyzed) after receiving Esther's
.message from the ,housemaid.
"Engaged !" he repeated, at
length. • "Did 'Stott gave, her my
"Yea, sir."
"Ana -WO that ▪ la the mem
ie ung -man fiuzhcd tly.
ld draw hut one inferen-eeirci
n5ta:itly bis iEi
reverted t
z- iret'in of the preious,eve
tilt bad given him t
rjoric will _he bat thearc now
-siniply of -a Siiereny sisturei-4.1:
not see what future noderstanding
,is needed," Donald stoically
. •
flant color, ber
very, welIbat
radically bee
nouncemeift - of
to this public."
441 have neer
all --,you- would say about a die -
graceful .mesalliance and a scandal
in society; but Esther is the peer
of any of your so-called creme de
;la creme -she Would shine a queert
•among them. '-'And, then. she ,114$
&rt. ,,,4she-iir good, throughand
through"clUded t1 • n
we livedas aeiLbcrs to the 1,ex-
ters,there wals tiouse jesting. -
tween the two families,*tou
ing the friendltip by iaarrisge, in
he, future.' 1 rensesaber Ott It;
od t also lit
subject,now ',Mgr tbea. But after
•t came to New Trk
gave the matter *
i her did 1 suppose
zured -the slysItteit
connection with t”
111 certain parts of tlte
States breach of promise actio
aro not alro-weti-be
to court, -1344-1E-67-AlikAltrarT
to bdisci
4 Il
• '14) is
a dainty as a rebud. •
risian gowns exquisitely •ott
charming slinpliclity. She
that by living rational
• rtub
1 able. to spend titeAdat in
st factory from 7 a.rn. until 3 p.m.
n- summer and rom 8 ani, until
winter. Miq
L he
..her ,.$ece'ess
.,. ,
n other partsof ' 0
r,, 'huge damages are. Mire e
...-warded on vprY 'alight evidence. '
In Germany a . special Jaw has
been frateed which has corp1etel3r
belished-breath ' of protnts- aes
c de
sire to _become engaged, they visit --to,u, ,41,
the town hall and declare their
willingness to d ig
..Trnnd on tbe a s part prattles,
-iiiiag Ili io
been carried out., _
Should' either party discolor Abet-,
they 'have Made a mistake and, -1,ift,,,b'
te• withdraw from this agreement,
the pair again visit the town hall,'
and another series of documents
e formally signed! :witnessed, airl
aled..----(The_anthorittes then -deter-
mine the question' of 'compentati$ '
for injured feelings.
In France breach of promise ao-
- sususisiti
nose sedite 1
lint it is neither uttraetive: nor de-
r le, Thedistartse from tlie
zsle o e -Piiiiir linniattit#IY
ned ntire i -
e- ttusrmake-their-buw
''s sit"- -she--deelaredr whieb-ehould-baParrti--1
as it is termed, just below t le eyes
, with some curve or is ,
and *wit ifirg
en;tathe qxvtlt.. ' is '1),A*TerablY
er gli gitIbiidiary'raWeV. -thtir,
social-Wi.ftb-es-r..---tiWrsia b le: nee,yrev-riirrn e
h I and epilog every year, I eare fo"rrtiThet-e f "oreheak - 4
pouring out liy''-• ' _
re, seeking .some. -genteel ottliPa- Tiiidieating _mental capacity, shOuld
Mill Will 011 will leave them free to be broad and reasonably •full, The
play tennis and attend -unlimited face A04 cheeks, in a superior head
nuMbern of Aftern0011-fease law -al are-1011.-and-eleep, connected-1Ni*
them -succeed -in- business -..in, „Engs:-.A-10,thes-lsreadrt strong lower jaw:
'iand because their habits are not If on the horned type,. the horns
businesslike." e ' lt s'tlio5:uldTtbe"-ratthehead
With Miss Forster aro exhibi but should ohewAZtalretex:
, thid bogracoful
French law requires the p atatt
tit prove in court thatshe has sof
Nred pecuniary loss by her fiance s
fickleness: Throughout France
bride almost invariably has a Illftr
riage dot, large or small, and the
fact, is likely to weaken her -cal',
The semi)* has n 1010140
• • .
Donald," rindhis mother, in.
scare y AuttLAUfV61e,k-bn
niena-cingin hr
tOtlet 'OW would have been appal-
ling to * less dauntless Swain.
t‘Oh, but 1 shall -that is, if
will have me," Donald
shade of anxiety crossing his fske
fusal ,to see MM. ."Come, now,
mother, dear," he continued, in a
.1 he_ °_;y4v_14
tenc,expre1ssion on the bandsome
fsee .pposite.':him, "be retisollW
&stew to your 'mother instintt
not Marjorie Dexter, and I
s1ou1d be,wretched if bouiid to her
or life for, asideirotn urnoney
f 0141111r 4,40‘,71 • I T41 Wag
most of the Continental cities th'
lea -tenter
t -e -tlieir own - hands and get their
big brothers or nihicular friends
4 -severe thrashing to.
•any fickle man who, breaks' his
promise 10 marry: -
Still another method is follow
;n Italy. The Is* requires the, -per -
eon suing for of promise, of
Whichever sex, to produce a writ-
ten Premise to, marry from the
ft:ritirihrowir out of--courtirThe
ctitfieultY; of 'producing such evi-
- 67,.1* 44-cOurgef -PraPtitan3r-ixt--
starinountablisfand cases art rarely
Ifatiran 'Italian girl, there-,
fore, *hose *Notions , have been
.._ ....
a h inti have found anniw:.re P old ere h 0 or PI et ---t
w erica 0 A II
lOrrell * ' -
these ladies lamentedthat so, ear should be neatly attachedto
rlittlit. was JOAO to ftlr,t e tenti- the lend, 'without legar§eMeStitE, and
grati011 of 'women of t better that is should be of superior qiiall;
elass. There is a demand ter:them ty and neatly pointed and covered
In America, she declares, ,because with. talky hair, with long hair at
trhtierabitiree,tratatetrikede 3,1143164utnedg wanodtneuxon of - e or tips.
04 . Ot the beef' animaueril
b. shor this k and tans-
tular, of, .. um dcptb, an ,sho
be neatly atta hed to tho head and
smoothly biend to the shoulders.
rrireerlys nw,cosoemxicitu_seahttr wthueouretaidyves, , 4>etialsbir'.ticelefIlit. : ihiltea with I and
a--hhiliehiv7YfaevA3ttra 'il In: otlirci7
1 ,
en., er Sex,
rdtsitanadtmed:Itoasotwritiart7iesslirceshet gooeig, ; earne:41ithstserdertpett; 'w7ithhelesstLtrhiscLuelods
ear :bail • -
,u have 4 shorter thicker, - fll:wr:
tir--beitingiirgt thMito,their WiVell 4931°OtherillPia)leekthilli thtt
r, has ed. that V-011 41 leitiariof
..,14,0t Pose, with bead
• or-characteristici in
too yort:100 too
fond of inc to wih to ruin my lite
isy 41, ng me into ft loveless mar
res,. 1 ant far, too fond of you
t allow you to ruin your life .by
tIrowing it4-11,wa3rYupon
Wan pauper; •Whil has been beg-
- fr1ni hbiLs to house bero iii
passionate retort.
/"Mother," returned her 11614
with * hauteurthat, sit well UpPii
ha* 41think ytilf art forgetting
and Also that 1 haveitr.-
or rent vocfAikt
ner sptak thus inmy presence of
ie woman whoa I: have told you,
joie and intend to mike my wife.'
surely have Ow forgotten the
rd'ny toward. Scotch *bstinac'
have inherited ,from:previ,4
is iierationt. when . on assume
ark be driven into a union'
itb 'on for. whom T d not enter -
troubled him
,fite 41ersialt
rrora an' article iii
Ish armored cuiser 4.,,orrisrall, it
ppertra that fear* 14 to the bot-
tling up of iteets are not entirely
confined to Engltsh writers on
journal reports that on
*shin of the Cornwall's *
a dense mist prevail
e harbor tho 'ties*ho
een advised her pending
did not
et her to put n aii appe*rin
hrolte, 1
very, :neat Mart It or er y . a -
ifs ought to boIittelf a 'reproieh
the opposite kind _of woman that
should retirerfrom-soeie un -
1 she changed her ways.
iLwb are neat and, meth "cal
ur Ways we are lacking in the chief
„lute of woman. ,;. het-is-..uteant'
0 keep the world- in older and so
ke hfe beautiful, man gives
_ he good.„:„.
odd' ean redeem the sloppy wO-
man fronkbeipg_a failure *it wo-
-Slicean .bo r -
ori, but It *-tioor crcature if
_is *Igo* in appearatiets
things outofOboe,:
We gangtot, have riphiudi haa-
t ul *things around us.. ,litcorte* of
' ipit;go/olad- in gotten and eat'
lr�m pint* boards. But those
Lio*rds should be strtilibed until;
they glisten like ',snow, and the,tot-
on, rest shouhd beat troth as the,
Vivo nornenseist-='
althy ,American oriel Power,
e owner of Mines in Mti�,
41850;00.0 at the OitAitOt. IDS -trat
dries 'Play -which lasted less than.
.ar. Jiour;brinight. hinMOO
init7eielt :ad
footsteps '0;1 n- to4eofmne whenever0 t ho onteroa
c. nes
do ed,
lona itoTielanCtifir
"coat •r Jut the' ,mor
000. .
- --A- itussia,n count on
'4w4Y- $70,000 t
-well- into -the, aegra*p-,--triolith4.
covered with flesh,- blending neat -,y., with Ora body. A high 'type' ot
,ftsh from shoulder: potot to top of
.•.tineven covered* are among . the
motif" tommon. 'defects ' of tattle.
A' prominent shookler also empha.
sises it,IteTIiVrfiarireleveloope_oenteiltdo woito.
.111f Taaiti7"-The tertairslidiihrbe
.• . . .
0* ied well forward sand be broad:
u I
te carried
esu1t of A
single night's play, x -North
c *England shipowner won $ ,
" a couple of hours. On another
o asiork a, ' k i - l' w
s er-in
lish :peer *lost
•,e, 100,00°,4
One -of the most reMark‘ahlo
cidents .whieh ever ' p
Monte Carlo waz', when A
ger* won $400,000. He kept at
watch over the roulettewheel
the various tables, and discov
,04.0 ss sornsrnali
=feet which resulted in one AA
wiflAtig more frequently -thSu
ether. These numbers: lie., hue
winning *600,000. The -
. ,
ever, discovered
new wheel's inatiti,', an4 Mr. :lagger
464104 and returned liozne -
nced *shin* ehesj
that won't owl,
to use in your ,hou
cloths, dust eovired bric-
• tter in.,empty' room
bare walls.
the. great
,Oeith and the briiketromes with,
in Kfteo:--inthes of the level of the
:loot. Viewed from one side it PI:AY
eurte foeirard' like the prow of
ship. ' With ,oOntiatrible
bosom may .00**.bu.t not in to
great a degree, Ana .with. less'
'breadth and feminine .outline; Thc
chest whieh lies bet
very *curious aciden oecui
Mysore, India, recently.
it *I,' elephant mahout, scatet
iuge tmiker, hap
kr the Mainiine
full at the erops, showing rfiueb
tirl,g ti ' so )
ut 1,1% the front 'flsnks.1he mot
tutiful front on the beef animal
o matte f:_ „whether ..bali, eow or
Leer, it $14,*rokittly 1 1 ' h'-,
tdoulder, with -a istrong reit of
ib behind„.leavinglittle or no,,,de
stion. Much :4epresSionc behind.
be ulders or a. :na, Ow, on
raeted, thoist, indk*tes io
'reedsof Vann- Animals.
in * *-ver-,,,,Tri
.of being amongst.,the mon who h
brokett.the bank at Monte Carlo.
11. won something like $300,000 in
Ja 4bUrile 4:1 .days; and it may be
ternatked that LordVilliers;heir.
to the earldom 'of Jersey. was ere-
flititta safibitTree age with an tijr.r-
traordinarY fug, Of Ititk., 'Starting,
with a:capital - of S12,060, a Mini
'''Wfi'er'ire'ito lYiliii,35iii(Xi;'-'. '1'7'.
mumcoups, and playing only Orfe''' •
hour in the evening, ,,Always ofl
.rAte*_ *IV' in.. a_.lesr.
But in site of all...these,,lit a ._
lums tife,'''-w-Ou,
a holds iti own -against sys-
tems, plungets, and .persevering
si. and, as * 'Witty prover
in thedaya, Of M. 'Illatte,
'the founder of the . Casino, truly -
:tittys, The blackoften loses, Ittiii
red often loire,s, but white4pliiit
1.rtqa,, wins,"' .and his waniii '
P.mitt rOM $0,9091 14'; $7$000.0011'
t heti! oyd.c.4ue, his
bere is
if Chief our