HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-23, Page 8ry Strong
ow York models are wbat w
Our 1 nes amuuboatabl
, .
do last w
tviaLtor iniGwfl
ai0ar000 'spent
4014in Landon last we*.
Miss Mtra, of tolettlit Viottea Jier
stater, Niro. W. S. :Cole this wee
111$13- FIV0,7jIobhs$. Of -pier, 4s -v
ng er alsiter-'14c,g. 0,.1 W.1701141
Mr, 30s; 'OobblediclO, of Calgary,
visited his father hero dgria ". 'the
past •N •
Mr. Joscph Cpbbictlick, af Calgary,
eentr'es of Detroit, Buffjoiind Tar
ono and jimpare With the ver
-TuaretEy1es for your approvaL--
- We 104' 0,A4t h
-iivas,:to-come in and -take a look. We '
want to introduce to you Our eXelusive
*0 interior an
.410AvAr hoOPt41& W�fluE
Gledroan tanburY
1nted itnd.a neat iporc.
-very desireab e resj
doubt sett well
'Ars. Zastwoost of
hcen visiting her
Stanbury for .the.„'
turne4 liorflc. on
t -
- Mi. _Viewing( o1�incardine. who
cd he,*(11,114
very uiii nolo in.the James Bt.
clLurch ,atxticio)*,'plrOX44..•
•It 4as:often hPon...Wonctered" tVbere
.;Pole.i.eatot,;•originated., 1)4"Cook and
ciao harri:400.kris wise. ,• .T • .
-Misa,Maride qohns.lett hist .Elrittit..
day for liainfiton„ tjliere.,ebe..Wili
4. at -
(end tire • $0rotai so#00.1.,•
giro Bditir llyntitnan and lArtt.., Bert
•11.;,nigbt ,viaited..,Itiv• .1: and "
Mrs. Per-
kin3, '01 In 'wcbk.
bithY, 'Wile has
ghter, Mrs.
Month, re,*
Y's Mr.
Sabbath . last. •Itee.
lite:red two able address to
rge and delighted .congregations at
Presbyterian church; ;gr.
Sbarpe basTaireadywon ins way itts
to the:.hratte.'efr. * Hon and
is -attracting.„'..inolt$:,,....,others to lick*:
htnt,;. norlOg 111.07extariiire bi414ing
improvements whieb are•Roing an aer-
0 ttrOPDX
aIdn w
141IXat Jr dreasm
Wil,a0n113ros. store',
lee wanted',
vo ,11
lour c ance ge Oe
Sixes, to clear at 40c I* le they
C only Ram Lais Tea n. B
Prtceafoi Protuco.: Butter 19c;-
• Cottagennd three ota,in ter,
be ts NOS. 00, 50 and WI south of •
Siic� • treat, On this property is a
£ramt cottage (brit,* •foundation) con-
taining five rooms and a good ce-
.41$0 a good well and a /large +++44++
The property *has to be sold to 'wind
up an estate. A, -
, 4• 01:44k1A
Or Val
, prehte, y,,,loottrgitiartn), jio4rmtvcciremriy la, „,,,,,,e- a.r Ite, 1 0145. ,t:rn. 44::'•14,0:14,;f4A14;--•ril ;,,006,74.4"---7:9:04ita4vd;
• -rt• - ti. ' siely eckd trOnse hOOre• .nevo failing, 1411;
: ichtiot)iwilwoo,.. tuto.mhe!: ii.Oorttrrir;ttedfeotatah,eth:74a4;:titl,v1-. ...t:ir,:i..,:usho.,: ,00r140,,Ilardi.4,, 31,3$017;nicir,itt.r,1171 00005tpad
-0,040. 4Thefuneral_tot.ki Place •ort „ftatc...0 It. t' -
Monday% .
Ilhictigow. .
r. e trats 0 wilts I 100 acr er.
/ 2
* 1%, floes 'Mary; And ScramMack. a . ossesalott can behtiel on 1.1nreb 1st
ended t,he. Wedding. of their c•0400V- 1010., it -Val tloo wiSh to 0.erChatt4.
. Jaraes !Mack, only eon. of Ioseph they CA0n do their, plowing now. filar
Mack,.of illtritain to Miss Sarah Pool' :further particular, apply to 'Thos.
only„i1 • • ter of WO tool of h. Itartyn, ' U O'er, Ont.,
children etiOit and l'e MIch. kttrerrnn
Sullivanallivan stret,
Mrs. IOW Adereon ancl Mr..Lsoul 'who hoPPY ' couple Jett on. t
Anderson,We- 4ralit,--totturbaniv.--
re-gAttietfuttircirours. ,
the M John 'NV ' -Son. -farms .4he old- horo-estead
day. t ,,_ ' acres of choice land. .
Mr. Jos. Lawson has been awarded .417 •
' - -; Iltvbilaw-tathto
4, -
-•4 dtito and is now getting the rnAterisfri woo /Ado 4 o,,z,' Qualm,. to Mr. wra„.3%.
. * ou the ground; , -.. . •:, Veer , batli of Sxeter. ,Vbe ee'remony
A ' 44,44,„artS. .,5141,1„,40,44".:.1) was performed -by--Itev..-- - -10..:---Bee
Ienia, lett Toridaf morning for their .nrTharl'oirat.'
11314e -utter -pending u week/or no brother -in -Jaw of 'the 'groont. •
rub. mauves hore,..-- - , . .„ were, Unattended. , Mr. And inrit. llecr•
3301dot,,, ot irsuron btroat, villa yeturned from tl*ir honeymoon Wed-
ttaski , • • . .• tic* .sday• .eventog- and' havetakeir-up.
,moOthol returned home Wednesday bearr's'etdra ar.
ev_orritor of; last weel4 ' 4 . - 134detl• 131`'
, . , . .
Th ratepayers of Blyth last week . Mrs. ItusselL'of 131... ginaw, who was
defeated tire water...Works by-law by Visiting. her eiter Mrs. 'Charles iliro,
.69 Majority, thi-vdte .atandinx 91 nor on Moron istreet, was last 'Thurs.':
against to. Oil for it. ' drat taken to Victoria hosisital, Un-'
Mrs, (fli.) Anderson; 'of Wroutoea,..dou to undergo an operation for the
liam---witewt ,,guest-,,,,iit.----Ars.- -Sax .-treloYaLat-eq.04.4.--40t119,A.--4., lig r c .
moan t r .4 oupkt orWeeks#. lett fo intestin-ii: 'the operation was per-
" _formed_ and _it...was thottrilit.:„tbe
ntles Childreres Coats.
• MensAigh,t- and eavr BOO ,
L.Iftentitnd-Boys Suits and odd Trousers, alt at bargain prices.
:Don't forget to See our,table of Ladies and Girl's hits at zo0
440. Vesy-,nice,for SlehO01 or a second hat also some nice tricci.
logs and featheri cheap.
ti00,*41.4400hvii-et,14,44 1100,0,
-tburteatt 101:01) *zoo-- 0 e.---on-Friday--loic,.
In the words 'of ti nowsrlaParlu.oroner. 146. titling
1L'orter it 5'le.atisryllPwlitalch°:ka.nt°nottgoeceatt :citscale 13. 1,1trit, We°1e1 8"tt* of 7h.oro-
tho on tIie
IL.;?diuz a the north 'pole. , •. • • slwt 1.1,7• •14/4311.
• Mr. A. hustings "WAS • in London s ry”, h_o_ing hint, Owing . 0
Lo ttntifi !jilt it Toert that rhe was,
roar week, working ttt his trade, be"- the tact that he. ;had continually by , one .or the barbtir abused her* verdiet •ot the jury
- • b -0 -the
.h East ItoUndary, Itirkton. it
as 'well eit0ated three 4uarters of a_
ith eboOt-mW, churh etc,. VertY
rods from echoot gook barn with
stone fou..a ,
Good frame house.' The buildings and
bouse are upplicd by water from a
drilled 1 and windirr• L Good
further paiticulars write to Mrs. 1, •
3. Tufts, itirktori, Ont. , 9.10.4
1,-3stri-now----in----the West ‘o
triplor My-heitiMiny-hook aecounii:
will not' be Collected until 1 return
two montbs hence. A. E. rrM.
liXeterp SePt.,' ,0th 1009. • 9.10.5
year. •Q•
chain, fortriet UNION
itasttt 19 sTuotoartr4,1 .•
The -demandfor,our t.
-TIMES tite.....su
. ,
other schools en
out graduates as tese
A.bpielat eOurse for teac
r0 .
,best k
, even the
'Mir ilour
and wise.
e mar et —price' s otrnk
are ali've ands°
TJJe Old tiir
one door LOU
tan, ./rtst
ces (no tri
Pdalies irt.. Stock •91- .Fist!r
shops •of that city on account of. fair will haVe .no effect in Ivo ;
Week. • wouttin, tried but itj doubtful if it
,.tury cnn bt ecur1fi to eonvict her
o y
i ,
witbout tirig In for e. look at the
bkros we ere togoring n'-
tasults and
top-costs. YOU won't see
them ers'eless for wo ha've, ilea
ft E. 'A SOW
'for- Yourself *Idle bre.
mrelt tott)40 you to, ewdl one for as
. little sto-pOssit3te- anirgitiainore
•Atiotbt 44'004013qm rot
thart-sou-,ofteirbita btLore.
Jat My, -10,d. Or a nnmbcr o:
been it Rrotnin,rit
Exeter, home o
grs4, night. ,
bun lohns ttritiliar,2_4111
n.Auction Sttk wi Tuesdayi Oc-
ames• 1 .to'd lett. this,
-sew -wlia
"fatter bttwet tg;44'tit t1 forietial,
an,d, thq, hulk of thetaf:0 w&e410.10
hs randson .The,linsband OL t1ic
Jaffa, -the tnta
... . ...
Ladies wishing roan.tall'ored suits
WI and leave your order abd-Measortf
with Mies Tom., as she. represents &
leadinggity tortiop• . - 1
, An accommodation train has AS
many stops as Li** organ. ,
*onuarigildomt - feels
Mari tOleel sort'
wLtla:x•Plk„ .
and discmirsgedu Will
h Mental. *aid *Wily •vigor
'E1u' optiort-rainzrafgu- •bas
started' in Exeter in earl:oat. %The
petition /vagina the countil to sub-
mit it byelaw lifts been Circulated
, and will no dotibrieteitte.eirttili, Ate-
tottures prescribed by .•
Or: iipoWr Ii3,OStOttn• of aiirtda.
vilts ,tluring th4 latter Part of
iust_week - visiting tits brother • and
eters. hie children_Miss"Matzatet
tour va.
cation here, Ireton:led witb him«
Sunday roxt *Ili tit oily day' in tht
hunes Street Methodist Church, *ben-
giddresses in tht.mornitl, after -
and eyening. Atthe mess meet-
_ -afternoottr Ilefit•-thargie
d xelland .will also. address the
nattiest's*. - -
0. an for game
eks-, *pt.. 1st to Dec'.
-SWans, a6ot. 151le to
.pt. 1.5tb. 40 ,:nee. 11
ls to Ike. 15th
41 -40,1* -014-0,
WOli „*.nowrk in th'rvicinity
of If-nn1LIte0r3 ago Ao
sod her husband ome out frain.
taking un land .thret inlick
*pit ot-ilensnitiehln it w445 ail
making.. for then:141,es a totntort
Abio boo*. Eighteen, yehrsr ago _,J,ast
opring they, deoided to retire froM4
iivf and went teVarbirry .whero 00)1
1014 10,.children WOW
00 the' •bomsted. %hey built is nice
*e. -Years later Mr. Mack was enli.
e4 Away sod, 80 )fogric,Mu. Mack
as lived alone oter ainte.,;exceptln
when the visited- her .414ottot
witta. !k-ite*,y *otivet, Op, to tb* last
kok*every year tikil n. nurnber
or fix4st..orifts At- thx
for nit kinds .ot needle wor
is iiorsivod,_,hynye, *Su- Antdsuzghters.-
c rot Mr.Broderick,
Aitt'Street, 1 beg to an*ounce
to the public that 1 luSve opened
out lattsinetar in the line of Ciott-
i Provision&
otoint, 'ono, wroax rti9D
' ALL ICIM.V8- 00 SED8,
•we in"vitelour. jn
• 'roc0=Fil
Old Stand do