Exeter Times., 1909-09-23, Page 7keir ra.ping off -111 sltwly 1 fled to thi, aii ire nar the t), j1Jitiu1. It- 'o a -i. hot, UP iti. the nir thre. LCt before the i eliixte ex p(;rtlofl 0 Tito alr$131 oyed, but n4r 0111 , . . * in nt police hut erctc *11wn-Malbay, Ltnd be1ived to 4. rz‘,_ ,__- ;Vat,. do recently, Mtohael .,-(m,o - 't do , trtztv41:::87,001:- . , iho t hata rat 11,petor for the lanulla iyis#01i for eloso on twe , ,l'eare, it a tendered hi csig,--„. . n. _ or ID sIntree lpeg $111 epartmen anize a regirnont. of c of J{aiIeybury, wa ed on the ehargof taki toner Tont& bare of („to e ind 1 ontoRailway for tho year c .1iWKW [101 Po, sqs, V11) 1 `10at the rk!ons1 *tree'. o tILa riinuje tater, Tb.' young, Ontario Vhit.W4.flflall tf)!fl' t1L tory 0 men utde for *diat ho pi ft fo , o ' 1(1 9C cw ada WeSt, oats, Bay ports, ilioptembe to 70 ' '4'flftw .1-i°u ido„ , , . —Prce st,turety nonhili obj the China the Ian c reiber 11.Trunk ine Will' nes, top, price fr ,pretty nirnais and from that low pound, e low cc on stock cd s, $.1”. a $1.Vneai ietitli ' Toronto; 0 ' Toronto. 4e . at. lb, sheep, , en‘iy SigIi 4 Ita1ian,was,toutt , 4 waa.alMen , 1 4 ' '1 Tliurday afternooii , orth,--ork-t argo. and kill Arthur .4301.4 .f Torpnto.- The warrant 'wa ited y 'pownty Magigtrate 011, and I <led the brother, ‘. rt mit 1: Twtodmhith, who a short .go was Firt Lord of the Ad. . .barrel, uthess, earis-- , A guu ITotel retur he .auionnt of the nes ha arrem rome tisternation- *1120K lief() liquor dealers, vpecia1 ki 3 t 'the: Government, a. number of other inbmittetL to ji werarraigned Edunson, ate 0 '1141ea4Th, On 7 of P t1'.itlatUif 04100 innarY bearing0,stPo till Sept. F4 1USK!LtT sattovit. 3fust Sfau� Tthrfor A depateh from Lindsay „says: e trial*t Jitob ,Sinith1-.144 was ivanded in connezvtion .with the oting of Dominick 'Spratt, Was med on 'Wednesday morning be- ' trate Moore. After'hear. apea Handsome - Profit tFroin Tinned Meat ;despatch fr:OM—fOrkdoil.--71-17rss Taking advantage of the prevailing. filiortage and the enhanced. price - for canned meats, thee thrifty Brit- ish 'Witr OLT- ft reiTRWto-Jtav reaped a handsome profit by lug back to certain Chicago houses forge /stocks of :tanned 'Meats o fore-tlw.prkes4,44,1444 su Hs art IlOt sisis h Largc'Ailautttics. r*,or • 'an& to arrisc city in Iargc-quantities, and pp ng etill e Walteondalt ,Vrtaava ar aithi irinslf) or Living ,Delh at the Traok. says:Early 031 I1tnrsd* Jacob fpioit 04.4 tql,tr tauak fib. This is ue. ' -11IellarElltirke,- who tad becn outste-r---4 the, -Tipperary Tiara to 4tw Inty-threo years, wat aToontly prcrntedwith a,:purso *3,000in -,of 'justice Doti rounty court 3 !ortuirmion, said the c id el :grieu1Lurai, 0114 e UU ri T, hzwA1 tun, sLt-a ;aary of 1J0 er_yea' ins for the -founds,. tio .of the nes: vestry for St. Protestant .,thureli Prog- , recently.. a St011e WAS UT, ea; Leaing date of 10107, thc triemory of Stephen Duff, Illityo ogItcda in IOW, and bit *if" berme. ,Ptiff; The t hitering h English st that atsiliinsilalls the Irrit$=-ontsitle-1 utCTiIC teven persons ost tlicir Jhrso lowera .flood in alifornia. E. IL liarriinn bequeathed all proped3'---, without .restrietton, to bi.,ffe_7: otro ha *ea Ainerteart orgainzation; , Chinaman At Chicago was. f'ined -of hi umbrella during a raintoLn.• . -jnhr*--W-kabluirti7 a thirteen -year old urgiari. 'committed sitieido, nt ast nits; Mich., when oat:Vizi' • ite4 pr,zmi AT, ,t4r- stron prime s What h Oolag On Itv the Ilighlandsi ...#,..m.e#?#.# aught alive on the ver ecepUoua1. in genera x ahtd 4°' g°,.P4 ioads was from anJ- and springer iet. rand..•Stockers e artfl Ffrrner. Sbeep andvalv twin screw steam to be built for the Don theta, . Glasgow,at 'WI - The IterSian pretender has pro. !aimed himself Shah at turistan. Ipan 'will devote a. large sum suiPS--V417.1.1a-„tbe .ro- tion oads; 4 to $0 to 9.5Q. 70 to. 7,6c per ha ack oir.'Outarios, and 8O for Tor t4.:41* u o. dicks, . Butter-Tourol-printo,--,10 to Me' tub s ,4nd large teas, 1$ to Vjellriz Itrior, 10 to 17ot --ereamery..."11/ 1c, and separator, 2.2 to V.36 P11,e dozen.: C1teeseL--32p• per for large lth at 1.244:t for twills. TIQC?: .1)1101),XT6., theL 3" '0 %Addlcek�f a ielivel'° 'Commander Peary; in an niter - Mew' -,sit,--BattIos lifarhot,..Acelared that, he hiniself was; th'e only 'white: man Who ever stood? at Om. The tesoltition in favor of Imperi. preference was, carried by alarge Majority At, the_. meeting pf„Ilict Chambers of Commerce, of the pito' At Sydney, X S V. nedixuu • s on ors, 1 , at , 8 to 1 `t'; breakfast baton, All to Lard -• 15e; tuba, itXe; .,1534c. ' BtSIESS ATMONTREAL.._. • ifOrttreal,. topt4 market for oat's is more active,- buyers were titerit' jartvii "a 4ii,rji isau &dvne over were purcbased at oroe' -agO„Ot-Vieper buzhel. n440'1 -',1yestern, 41 to Caudiati-Westerviitf'ed barley, 64 to tie.' „ y 4genius ro us .and neIvoss, * nerve hes ,between the hero and the, coward \aCtoiditi the la i$04* 301044• Bonnier, ous sure' of Paris, and. a rneu.ber of atftf the-tlfa—reet-'11-otipitat" has, after a aeries of exhaustive' researehos, found that the emotions orfear and ruelineholY are' 'due. .e,r1°: dy to a/sinalf Aervo. titat,sfreteh. -OS upward ''from ,tito medulla 461on. 11,4,4 itil&I''A.:07001-ktalik - at. tho aceji;-',71,1 . _ Asked 43,1foo t , on, Ont. orkton returns by AS - mt. as on his w *id was Walk. k to ass et 4? 0'.t' dower o is, h rda1 portion,* P 'er- ant in the Vioach army; Itt has eoloniat service and mai- reek ,gitlfront lifatititlixt,, iid her idower as aft, Loki env** pe. boating two tamLii. They what'ete it k00Wti, It, e , e 1 be words quot.4. Ther were eur .only tOt a'very iiiiort tirne. ost nf thom *ere used. it it b jusequenhitItii"biktAffisiVslci'161trkt ctteri were presented, and there the usual law of su a at regardsvat Itstained ie' M thm and was told that thf tl3,000, wit in vaine - 14&4liJt 0k 1 *e'enpasS-enge,r''frixtiz the * -.Ott Louis way. One Mile ,wes 1#•.!4trant, on eiWildnesday gtrt mon ere killed, *ne serioutfr ly injured 04° a number of e' others raported .more or less 14 2.r.0 pastengers, were killed. The _aught .firetand the bnclit' f cnt5, firsts, sem 40; Winterwheat patent, 507 Uanitolos afro g bakers', straight toilers, $614 in Wigs,. $2.34 tti *2;50 ntario_htati, $22 to $23; �ntario nkklllugs $24,54) to 11114.50; $f..1 Matiliatka_ah fit,. atersial* Oda* e says Gu* 1 • aec -'fern dairy at k* ,25/ .1,4 4131 r daore Th Ai -i.f'n• wartil;,* 'On' y wer essf'.4r, Isl. ,the 'develeplte441 the 'fAs0;3;74,-Tea go, hat I braver And more oiitiinistic. ' - - i,r15011 Itlitte f*. the DE(11' isiiiit-Only nevessary-firtut-the wilmrlet Tranlia41$4, • nerve to 'turn the craven into ,a, The Dilate whaling steamer 'iia.. . Titan or woman without fear; the f 'aorta reached Thuadee litst week melancholy one into a being .whos'et t from this Greenland fithiog* anu had on borc1 four v. iit sr-,Thete ill yiekl one and * halt tont- of Oros and I* tons of oil. ' can ,, 4fae...gilloo*Imor.iivTivz.nrin otkin_ rto0 • o 'Olinda,. • inc -`.,' z .1,,-. .,..,_,. iCowcaddcn, was tee- entLy„,destro e at a • 03- - lie; of 4. , „,-...—...-7.......... . A isaim feet .10 fi weighing 43 pounds'', a Ions,.aiul2 ftet 2 inthes,in girth, Vat taught at, Mea- Itert%iek. Mr. Alexander Keith .buteher of ineeli,--A ally drank a quantity of earbolio avid, dying in- a short time. ***Three • more animals—two ,cows • and a horse have died of anthrax - at It All'hehnig`to-the-- in iti reiniees-the-olit- etery 'mental recess is penetrated by gowl ,cheer. • ° This, . the roost ama7ing,..findin orbrain surgery for * dread,', ha esitly--•anit00 with the proo oov try. -1 eause..fektia one Of the impulses of life, and ha been rup. of e,col preaching, • tho erection it Bo mita, oats s. fact,In .It IA hard whetherfear r nor tame first it i to arnwer cu questi�n o 'etr4crth'irt:,:h1:11:41; gg of the hen that a first on the Far fear 1* *ere ,thtS tfi0164.0f selt,preservatuirt. .4,t. thmigh *fear that lile hit beeps uckt1ez'rond itan ok :„tl:asdebrifnft_bt,y.t:Trt:iiniittahifn'fptiritmm:,;t tittle ot- -into 1,iid id ,'• att'in4 Man.. Fear hM kept th organism sonty, from myriad and oiTati4lOtuktiredit to naarch, The;tAiah'd to (03t :Iurrart aiener 114awritt*rotr'..* ha 4to1001 domonstr4-