HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-23, Page 6, bits ible' in Oil Yttle he o energy, was sad u vigor;4d not belp .1 at of biir r4:borough,. Utrinher-' o thousand wherrie mal1 boats vi*eTeb'y; rid por. n at the, m work and maintai, tone are o e 0 -et, whieb pears in natiowith -cryt.a1 _ . ai1ver a»d gold. It IS also intro ducd in be4utiful embr<idcry de In ome new. moce1& tliewais Iward Gardner,. W;t Thirty-third and wo they 1 • iarioiis irairiips )uildng. She airship st si_l_o_Lgi Abe and 4( en stre t g�'wns are 81 id of trintm 11:e1.417 inc. 'Designers are- dccoratiie effeetL (.)n the bicidicei itch braiding andfancydesgnz. tiAttreet tWinee ialst on, the. ratherAhan-the trinuning. TIL deservti careliil study,. but :when:mattered tan be, incorporntcd in Tann/ new gGw1s. raigettline i the last inoton It -appi ears n the tipward.te ct the" bodice and in tile, uri4er- *earn that turve pard fozii hip to the:bus-v. is bride who wiriltes to -depart eonventiomil pink or yet. rileaestea*,.44INC4‘..looni, it one atery 864:groen. ho 3rideseenee of tho sea at 'slin.set caiight in the 'Shimmering effect. pro - luted by, tlie two. materials: --Tlfe,-other gown= has tlAe-retreited or Over. thegreen ilIfalls ti ike pink, Oiffon intheiame design t )445itof jlie-firstit —' dal bellows 06,1'434 sbaped entrance *cry common in trees, in wnicb m T-4apping- hcrbee&Anti these suitabh, for their to ooper tho, * 1.11_ e e that 'taming/0 estibules of thc hure iabnost ,certain ly the. tom f the( anym tree. toe SAVERS ""'% • Mi tc-durIurthc 3*' - - sere ,wo grstfufly considered 050aptend- d -irOile 'done in itAr,inc., and prozt ,by our *axioms 'fiertordi *Ala iiientions taitt$cd in their doles, ','Some rettivo more iralse than others 'hitt ere of the mutt p ot uttroub '- n rob,P* *d the &tore of fortifications ..!stsily irk. . tLeight otirwor Alt_ 9.4$53se ri, 4 al tirpeodc were idiseharstd. whilst , . .. ttitY . a rate. of aboitt thirty milesan vIA91.e.7.. r. seereay, ueted of th German' airships,. b 1 Itus -is we . . 'll 11 as aerial torpedOes. This, would enable. it: to fight any other -airship it might meet, whilst otkers conla bluries wth Serlous Rcufts. vett yoreold on his • virott, Ott'tfttet, ta!rk .14Lazaal'r3ttsst 40010 Othl tO 1*e cYcn hi thc simple igutimilou. ri d wire (este. er * them, totehet ibt you ibilitfftritiUdettlitted'ssit' trim** thesir about *0* folk I)freetly them 404 thrOtret thei.bresth is e ms work in an of.anot picproperty saving only fire on them by going 'hsrmtheir ritd compound, nuaw tie;Inetial31ifr j1,: Ti n;g: •- ett**-10101000.0nr. use -s efences, is * 'kw -hours the fiigcr will beeetwe'bot and throtitgok . A . the Wisieri naty ;exlilit :1 whitir4- mrsirsoett in the middle of the Stollint, and 'we 'have w*t is knew* it* *.fist #apg or • , *ray to *told sum stilt** itity to cicaii. the worte4. and apply ‘'s powerful iet veiniest germ ;when applied to the Woke* slcirt absosbcd. int° 'ijle tiOget: 'errantly ,iles- troYieg the germs OW weed .4inti4iro and 11.PrOMIttOk. ---"thefioi'412-thtti-setabfir otsrutt& Jack—"Thatimperly hesitate to -touch.' him, tOittil break".onta wou hesitate- about. touching700 if he was,. broke.$2 It is only necest 'testimonials to IfolloWnes Corn Cur uncquakd for ,the removal of tornsi warts, tte.-•••••It is a complete extinguisher. , A mares tallness may border on IiWd _by t •01014.1ste 'et:1444 41,44*se Py*Nano iltea:thousatuti .01Wist attaohed to 1 41$116 bqd. 11%.)it*$ Pada will prevcxtt lI dangcr.• , both, the oplas MI AND GI 'mono, or, *Admen for onr ju,nietat tialiett tnehu1cJopeelaKitU Ilt Agolfs OS Vest •vetetoeut.te d7, ire reontet. emleAl* Ib Co, It'rento,v ,Ont, jf the go o etiissed f black tar as -.Ord at .the TorOnto ibiton whet* ettOrl..., were, oothiheit "ilueor Po „andlutcorlitntclY.nger*-irdortath- ed:' The wetpt ran off per *hoe. „like **tor oft * 'duck's •htek' said the *Watt AltAsit ibtlt -'41esttoyrit, proving' that it ii weter.proqf ,patiolu Thesh , oe *so tten wioe4 tAtect., font, the otdith did.rot nib' Oft *04 eon it, ',which In ton- ittpltirit !mil:Torre that it wilt° rt..t totat I? (x the Clotho, -in 3*Pt, 81'ew4ter. t *11.-tteiiiers,--Onver. NEVERUT OF tiS1)an<1. (eal:ttly) Aiapgtri. thinit sl,se i* viles,,ifer c flut air-hp%l roft,'/ t het' the "Zeppelin," . will take a,' liitr part. - All the military airshipsof both - ions have. netomPAdil Attedei$ flights in various kind% (4 vomi- t port than a liuttli4A ttiilerc so' the Vottest goes on. ;- In 2.._larArLo.* $1,00().000 tn her rituyv td her ex u -ticrrnany Sfics5751. ',utile% Made by 'tile latter may be *Aged b'y the fact that 'two: year Wog, co The Jett with, lint it liss Iiitrodueed. motcome•-sith it an su *Iert"od. it is teAtilly t bo. Jed asa coming, fashion—i Whetlieror riot it will. b Ot iii ,,!thin thei;i-rnt 1hiqn-per2o! 1Cno the dige tion and *11 Ale Iif the *stoma liver . 'rrne1ce't 1Trgcah1e lt thotitatAll IIbefl 1ther specifies have filed Irmo tie ttiititttOrtittla olio' protiltv. to establish i_be truth of thic * 'ertiffl. f4nn4 iperkrto all otherpilb'in h treatment Of the ailment* the), are reserib,ed. titers' she iti 01, she�r y for th, u It 'shout st ettr. * on -ea nous It* it est two einites inhered Olilria! eXpl'I'iF has been oho! g: (‘Oh., 1301 0.* tion to what. tnaGra ato4:1':rk°A*h3:':'ttesgtteetli t ItrOtit, *WY * tete; ' is -10*, food; For all thio iii$teses eta et*, Utiles" ker** ectertte, theft**, ekertt, rin*worm, etc, it itr/stithoet equitio it is iso user.1 widely for piles, Jur Aehteh. it =Ay *regarded *s * spertgr# m. All tireligists.40(1 ores eeTl et fifty tests 1 bak; or poet fro* fronl Zeat.I3eit Co., Torouto, far leies. riAstid4, .3„ (*hug -water. 2"They do, aid. Itys. liugwater1 terrible itA odic% they marry re.,s use kilo** WOMAN 4stP. " 'ay tteit, any a - on behind ray te , rgestia1 0.4,- sm. yestOt- att,Tli%vzsfr urniait141e*u;Tieti,bniliu.3tuaItaififfimot Mold .otubstitutte. there' Vatte--1447e. to,o, bat tet,. tr bet." tic let thing ti: gilt to lie 41oues, tout 1, „ g t:ng Wert. Dt..Thoi t= t4In-drm3*ft as tuit Through indseretion in, eating , coo moth*** tatited irritating ate ds 4410itra ' tor it (Irom• beton* the that net violtuily on the lining 464 rect& thiOntestines. rains and Aloger., 141.• otts„purgings ensue and the delicate itt-tort,, _ haki irdferstu dram. 0 sue 'ea$V1 MPdi1ifl scotery C:raletigii*ludiI o n3t th-rtre nailer *er Week.y. ot ten true thsL 4red the gold n Sk.,hiell art% WeTe 1ropped shoulders and tiO6t the uninjured, Thc .111 rittieR: root on the the itetes, pyinee hitd con- - his, skill. manufaethrin thing for kiU- ti 0 sufficient m•in tiild houses I tat ;deal of riz*iry stnug hese men as. to"..sho bett house with RE force it in merit* See* c on-ennlitoktion, Ak It*, *60 .for. intlh* Pxice $t.40 to rertre$t e:z* Ithontr-out1/4- on-tice 241u -it& — 14e4orit catt,4 le here", plain bream ih entry Jal iott • re*titu tor taw •'41 )1? A 11 ft,11 " F V' U E. 4t1,