HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-23, Page 2_ , ,. • .. ... ,.
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emu *sltestheiti ' •
t ' ss. ' „.4. a - - -
e orenoo"."-ott • tb6. iikuio,
think our plan-fer.ruess=that I cent.
, . . , .,. , , . .,
.-, , , . ,
-aim. , ,,a-ht.a,sr;,tt:tliat coitlftzt.iki 1 .r:
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10 t . , :.
-._•,...„.. .____ 0.. - _..-_, _ -.- ' -
• • ak. r- ure that the mate to
\ t rutv., io now 14k.n saftiv.. vault
for ter"- eiterosity -, ,
- • , , *
"IIII6 I etxtinot boa - I e ": ong t,
r t i . . ,
-of- golul ,awtty " - • .
, ,-„-
almost seem s. tionthS ...ha. •
a e, . ... , . „. . . ,,. . . . •
'as 'if- since morn‘ing's She- waS.Yery
v te4,-•too-..-44-7.1
I t i , ati - 0 d
. r... , u . ,
for ) • its.
• •
et., r , hoge,•,,
• ---butrit
• . •
- '- 4*- '
, t
, , i P tg per,
i te t , at these plant food' e .
li 1 t A ih ' f • otti14'
„ .. ..is i in c, orrn • „
. , verage --
-.-..411 a e i "tille‘rt, t - .
•,;...,,:',,,,..4 . ;at: I'
ril , v y . ti s,....1 . ...s.'
tOlti 4,-
men interested .in the matter
•• ."'llaere-- are =of votive, exeeptiont ,
iltere..t.lte taal ineome trent eisi,..
aere is $. year., .4
.6,00Q.0 but a$ 41,1Snat
hing the gardeps -yield:hat ft,oli„ ,- - ., ,,
. ,.
„ -I- thceiere., artil the average an4a
al profit 4.4 filo garde.tter is ilot °Vet
a thousand dollars.'" . •
itt)w tna- nY •nlitlisteTA tt-O'l ,-o011eiOr
professors and teachers at small
, Inqi!ired.' . •
itt its my friend ging saw,it with,
',:s other farailyieivals, oats _,, a shOrt
Witlilteirtii/Ut0,•lipies, 4'4:we-have lived
• - - • ."' ' • . - ' ..
4* Plensnt411'IngPtile'ro• I 81'11-11•4'4-
t= opts
'•' -citteentst. . 1 ,.a.
tiT' su.P , ' 'n (1,1. at
, . . .3.45Mresersiriftrirtstittri
=--, e.,:.1:L.I.i..:r.,-, Itz..rt,triviAdo*rt,
, --- ,,.:. -;
• with you.'" , '
- - .-,frT1I
are valutth,le for og.S.,°for It
- -- -
c,°!t.- AtS, 5 t, ' , .• 1
:'• search for toe. Isly anele's solki-
tor ednI4ded• in him ftilly, and ,. ail
these, mattere vrere thoroughly dis.
.eusSed before he. left home. But
, .... Itt L do ;you 'ask I" .
*..eeittoOr.4---Said . 'Esther; -.,-,witif
eJQ tlienghtfultiess, • ." 'fleet' res,
,co:ntly. seen another exactly like it."
"I thiok ,you must he mistaken,"
rettirried her tor/spat:tie-xi, 4"for those
ornanteuta_wera_mado .10' •th. '
....of manY generatione ego,and. I can,
. - tot .baieve titer* is .another- in e .
• tenee like tlieni.", . -
-Thlt. I-aati Sitre that the; <tee I
_ .4lieve.4ealuiatiidentlealy. ere
listed. .
Then she proceeded to tell hen
____ ... .„,01....eor...,s4.6it„...,te.....tees_theittre... sore°
"Arid I. you, ' Esther' rettirned,,
a"fog ' !`143.0 I •ultaY not .go, tit pro-
sent ---I snppests it will depend UPott
Ur. Irvingtoe's health," . .,
.. She. spoke of her ht.sband .in this
wai,,,purposely,,,,, for.„.„,, , .0._ slouiss.....00.t,
''q'f="ii.04...-.4•=r0.0-410,...as, umothetitle
,,sv',i,. iirble4 * she .1144 heels in:vested'
l'illtv u(44,* ' *N..
"Do .You s-uppese yen will go
Englknal" erin.i.eAnstione.4 .
, 9,..• -0.70t W,,,,„'ri. what plans ha
'pfeell 'urrangedt.- -Esther ritur
..V.", ..!•".1.114.„likeli......._•thtt ,
Lrlil*ligt4a w-c4ild. 71--shj tr"--rotAir
strength .neeessary for •suei on
neY- PerhaPs• 1 shall learn more
tosen- -regatiling.Asisz..intens
„she had not been in b. . ten .n
tttos wheu-she was sleeping •eexinsl-
• , • •
.1.3", .'".'
,. When :sh' '. awoke,. ties next mo,rn.
-nig. herArst thought 'WAN at usual,
that,-.-sholutist.-14Ste.-n-to. 4:liess \anal
.got.-441tervork,,...:,. .._ • .:..........,.......______
Then it: 'fleshed npon herthat she
Sras no:longer a busy, little'."apron
iitakers''.1 • reggliter for her -daily
' Iiire041,...... ts,.,,tiul.' • per
suglend,',... fore_ .
sy,a,,s, 'about , t4) opeA, , the 10
.1-4,4..q.17.111K-Ikr.91,400.0.4...-...„--. .
- ut-sslie-4104fied 3T011/1,10 -t-'
, , s ,, . 6 ',-$,-
n a. s. er e s t A ere
to be sent away„ sand thee, -.made
up-Lute_accolusts...to. getzthenLinsbets,
et witili Esther ; . a
I ast."--it .
'I *mid not' g itliout you
e hastily ;interpe,
.sed , .
:8110: -.-'would ,nos lee -hinsseiee-sehat
die .feared was in 'Lis runid; ..-she
'would not even -appear to .itixoers
stand •• kiln. lest, tile depressing
tbough,t. 411.0tifil heeemeinere arinly
, • s -ixPereshires-----.----- -
makes .thein. v•eor 'Ilea thful stud
ives them rapid Igrowth. .
*. edg .t.sn. , a pastare
y. requ-ire. mere. feed than.
ete-...-iliese- In yards. lie-eautke . mire
einergy Iv required in grazing than
in 14,$ing Around a, yard.
tbey get utore out.of the 'food 01*3,sa:iti.
. .
them 'while in pasture tha,n• °the
-70f-- ---nat-nrti
... • . . . '''',
• 11'. ' E 40.8.0S Or 310110CCO.
.. . s. --.- • ' -
T --
ribes Plough -Them 11".p. New and
sostv G rain nn .Thini..-
. - There are two roads from. Tan-
gier to Yes', the: one passing through
Aleazar and the other fellowingth.e
h , .- .„,s.' s •
*r* *,•,'''•d- ••••••43r
'in- '''se`r-• -he' Mize— tlre-
-* itikely
ral-if, -•v", tr. • ,,e
elirit.o leetpeis,- itittets7"10, il st, •
folk, are,--ther-makitig-a-bealthy--li *
leg and.putting a thettsend. ,4,=.aliti....t.,_.
,* . _
-10Ting his ' and. upen .ei3p .. 3.433
8 reIX...1,1.04 ' v
...he greater AC tenty of the digest
fis8a.,°.4-1•-..-.17.1,43,..n'..i.?-arssi7n•sis.re.9‘4.8,b,t.....0..an.,i5 tet.;:teut2riy.t. ..ei:0,..r--
Sou by the traveller , but the beach
'-t- -.
4.. yeas ."1 ..istessTiardelsessdeel _ _
, . . .• _ „r .1. I-. : -----..-
',..1110''.. o„,0,111.M0II.,, ' • ',111-eno , .4,0,11.1$ 0,1)01
rtreaeTrue,g7itfe7". berrintgu* ts-tvalwit.17.e'""fertnirand. .
vesitages. rer generations beton...
. Awls_ -ft,: . • r-bolds...t4. -live
--s--- -- - , --; --.. . „.„
i &ell
, 1 1 tn ' gwAigliAack,.. -
.... ...._. , „ . ...
ressl , „?1. s'°11° ra°r° VI° VofL.
my native fa,nu-Lor one more 40,04
al dear 414v1 Irlillgtoa...3141,71P.S4hi
digestive. eapaet°44"ity of,...a. ,4yir""a'ogiig --.411*p- igs
and Puts them in a 'better. eolidt-
attractio.n,s and vou are able to
"i4inele.ot'ititlr"--'14:ra.e.r. e----.'Ingno't 7tc,-117 r,-.AtriqP4et"'"t-riv.hieut:''8..tias'erf
of the for -tresses o.f ssr& serfs..
.ehe hed.heen•startled by eeeang th.e
tious!' - . • ....„ .,
ter._.order before.,,441,011M,9V)y h
no . et. er,•suwetsor....... ,. •
tater, When she went, disivn
43.11ite so.strong as he had been -the
daY before. •••Ife:Wies evidently „ in
some distress altos fOr\llis face Lwa4.
-strewn, and has breathing -labored
, er, i - i'll'ic.--n--rt'.- allt-.,tibt 141*•"•-•fe"'
** ' a Y°U .1. glj
• lov • *t. =
A, 11 0 t .hs, and by. . I kre.)w
' -34'6-4-41.'42---a-11-4"1"%e'-----7,1v.:-°- ---$4---4*
bn "I t°: l'af3r- ti)eugh -Its -v"alue` Ter'
I ag jijIliYWALti.9: psit,t41frozp., 1,400
4,,,,, .. -------s--"-------s----
"Tv'r:S• Otiellag: er=r-reert-re-a--sure-dll'e..
citrate's,' - the eXact diStaisce- which'
. . . ,- - r
.4- ---' ..
........... . _
loos run, 'in the- hi . -• ' - .N *ithin -
teu,nailo_. eirettit et,.Parie ...are...,.... •
cennte-xliari„ of her . :rntisti.uPoii _the
, • beautiful and elegant,ly ii.ttired wo.
, "iiiitfol-,:::-:,,z.7:u.-,...7,
. .. .
• . "That is a very, eingular teinei.
donee," Lord-Irsingtort remarked,.
• • with a look cif -petplexitYil "for it
has long beett- e. boat of -the Iry -
• ingtons.
t 44 _tirktin.:.*agiee, - hi...ill wit*
hasfiteen . present at. the adroit/fen:SP
Possible, as neither the invalid nor
Esther wiehed_to hey° any gessip
uMoilti-ibe inmate,4' of the house
eleaut•their affairs; .tlins nonesofthe
kil-Rol'e- -or -servants-it-new
a" iss-s-i--.....e.1K
times, when you go there to live;
I. .shontd, he sorryit I thought you
woll14-1 u9t; but You inu§t never al-
ow any vain regrets over ray llav..-
g,,,,4e,1".itt,_aff.....!0 -,-rly-frora 111./..
.-t-e --li-Tit-d. "or
Infieritritee,' 'WliAkYo
. Itege.nt...experitnents - with. brow!'
sows on pekmanent pastures anis
upon ually Ses t
worth from tste annuaterops ivir1,800, to.2,4,00 peunds of.
sliprts. • .. , • . . . .
t ,A4 .
fii.),:,;.-itti,:.,,iffor.„-t,...,.L!,•.:..,-,.•.--t„,---..1.--.- •-....:-...„..
Pz son •Lo Ina
jotrrney will take - a bie.vele 'wheel.
vitli a cyclometer attached. to set-
tie the vexed . ti 0 nee. and for:
.ques o , o •
all.. Roughly Istut the' distance at
18'5 _to too- miles, and it -is. usualtogardens
fl:1000-1LXIWEV-GARTY. -- • * 7
' . . ..
tnodels of care and' tultnre, -sonte
of 1%11 ti) have been -' held • hy ' tht
' • . . ' - --
same .fainil.i.e0* for ‘200jears, Theas, ..,_
Are not largCifthe, largos{ ," -
s .t. ,
isaid to be riot incre thanfoes.
neret,.• corattion'''gardetis • • are: ..not •
Moro than two acres; and not .011
il • ' . °Ate ' are -t -t - -.
that there was- not in'tlie
he held-...-iintlas haiialtilier. ."- • '
"Did yen .lialie a. plpasant .tire
last, nighti" Ite„itiquired; .
"Yes, very 4; but.I..xitnafraid, yen
a t $44?-. u i '•" Est re.
a was. , somewha .nervous and
!reittle•sts kilt am feeling. better since
, world another ruby like the twins,'
• They are called 'isige.en ,,,hlooda,a
, and are supposed to. be„ absolutely
flawless; :and ,it is next to impos-
v04)p'4r„ vTT,,Agg,,, , ,s„ 4 '
=ef. whet. bad-kiocturro-d eita$, that
afternoon. • • , : . . .
Esther. rested , for a eatiple Of
hours, then she went downstairs.
ill and, read terheg h. shand for
000114. '..I Ward,.;7oll. to he .happy
thero-,--to snake- its ,pieasatit and
IxOntelike one mei*, where, with
la, ' _ani.L.,,v 0 da. neon
HOW. TO FREI)... •
- Thf' present knowledge 'offeed,-
b 'led d =- and surninar.iz.
lug is oi own
take from Six to eight days onthe
roa:d, thui 'limiting Vie .4aity, mardt
to twenty-five irtiles, which is quit t
suilleieitt if yeti., want to shoot .00
't , • .1tLF.a
0 t etre.
Thur very.' tkaale$ the..instrais gess •
dens.,-„401/1el. jrdui.-•,.....tlic,....Aitarais.,0!
NOtliflo _ d , he wen..t
' Vs• --=‘,..,not __.,____ __,,___,0 that,". __
o t inestinis: °
ial,ileetty," re.,0,. re, fot_t_ o_nodk th,e, .e.o. w. jeleitaibe
1/41•1.,,:..1.,1V. Ai•' ,
whe, lottrney eatt he done eon )
a,,,bily in .Atix.,410..ys if -.3.=.our anintels are
= i * * a *
-,-Iiiiiiintineas of this one you' have
' described; but if there is another,
.tft., Xing eame in while she was
thus engaged., and they 'had a 'pita-
--.4 asessor-is---10- jo-hai^e
it. ,
'-"What strange things'happen in
. this world," Esther observed, ,as.
she eame to- the end of her worsted
and laid her woil-shiped, ball uppn,
the table beside. her eompanion.
liant-4ittle---cliat-----together, dim'
wh.ich it was arranged- thet Esther
should - aecotriparty -,thatgentleman
to the IIoffman ' House and dine
with him, and afterward they wenIsl
go te the 'opera to see "Fra,.•Ple-
•volo." • ' •
.Atiad-itik-ttrealrfasV-t-ixo.-res, .
4.), adding:., '."-IsTove, 'before -you. tell
me -silent your dinner__and . W.' e ,01-e„_.
era, there .are a few little. roattera
about Which I wou.14,iike to SIM*
Of coursis, if there .was any il,r9s:.
Peet of the recovery T
' 9ulv41-414-41b14-8*--te-Fia8tand
tti,live„.• tnd I should. • know • ilia,
what to doregarding your preparci-=
tioW,for, 'the fUture. Ilut, ,. under
eXistittg eireumstance% - u -may
have a ehoiee in the, ma' te Ila
e'11:')ed".11144r21."1"17, k09-41nrt:°11""ovir your•are griev-
440,11,:tg1y,,.44, oc. plu-0,•*-Att it is._,7411„ 1,..0.
tr forget •you-rself; bet •I could .nev-
er ..hav,e asked you to hind yourself
. '''''.111 Pr°41. "e• C -7"." -d ---"°I" °•n°t 11544411Y
c.onsuitte -mere food than tilei, can
Prof'eriiaigeit, The iation;• t tete-
foto, should b'M
e Made as palatable
rid- (len fr*Txt Fez t° Larache in .three
Ilas:s. during thfl.hea.. t.otit,ktigust. 1„)tit
it is an experiment not to be , re4.
iri .1.......,, . -.. -
comended. . . ..,'. r, .,,.
Innr‘lie4 *t rthe 'Seine' 1141idli Avert'. •
drained_ fourr„g_eeter,atiollsi. eg:(•..) to got
at their -rten hia.eir .soi . . .. ,. , es.
• riots are tucked, away in •anglesse1 ' •
the-oldJortifiesitioesi-ot baeko-4,,,
.the city...wall44. s . Which protect tinora •
fromsnorth ..a',east winde. ..., .___...
'to tae --10' oledge4,4Thr hand..wit-ls
out your 'heart, had I nbt.Inevin
• 'r.
("1:"41-14-143344 verY-nela-
Lts•-•P'.:iSS-thle.-In '1'''4e1I:" iild-tici"- 'tlitI'
cow to eat large quantities. .'
Thejarger-tho tiniount,A,. 1- • -
--- 0" 1
_nr...ng tile soraens of
July, • 1tig-ttst and the
clilisate-of-Aletto.ceois tem rate and '.
this for you to ,give to Mr., Xing.
I shall be 'obly too gladto have him
take care of it, for it h•as been a
great, burden upon My heart ever
since my father committed it to my
if she inust.'be livine in a -dream;
these strange experien•ees,. . which
were crowding so thick and fast
upon her, did not appear to be real.
But although her position was pe-
X .40 not -s -way that I would not be
glad toliveAnd go ktte*tP In7,hOnt6-.
itI eould• have nsi „health. andlove
to -to And vet the fu-
1 e, oven under ,,ineh•orcumstanc.
it, , :the ration,the ' huger tin milk
.f1°.:Cv.. .' Prote),a in the reti°. n -is- eits
!ti! oto tne production.of the
in'lt" .,
The less energy required to di-
11 , Tim ear y !vying ls, ow.
itSer, the hest season for . a jour -
ney, as t,lie tropieel rains. tv.hielistr
ikelto you 111 the 6
las* wintey• • hav
,usitn a e
•.• Ir.
,else .,•tile garden hail:s:w' Ira.
iglit..- to: fifteen feet..•• high on :th„
north. att!I oast iidea; girl. . •
mate of its own. ' ,..
Old gardens, 4ating .frent.
ollow buck wills- .witii- . e
fines. to force winter fruitort
-trained-against them.-- ----A -.1.)0
two and a half feet wide along
wzills 'will yield. more fruit,..e
,fistest, quality. than' .we co in,
. .. .- --- -,
n ers_lass_ • .,
- . _
1# # n.Vit am sure yo
ought to have a rest and a nap, af,
. . ter all that has happened ,this af.
ternoon; so, if you do not mind I
will call the nurse, thee run away
' for •a 'while. as there is some work
that musitAitt_finisliestitefere.evens.
- -----11-,----" --s.s....--'-'-.- . - -, --
, , -
"' - -
ow e ge *a lex- u.
ture w,as provided for, and she need
have no concern regarding. it, had
lifted a heavy burden from her
mind, 0;nd, in spite of the sore spot
A hOr heart,-eaused by her belief
Alsatt_Poessid. ,.Laricaster had beets
- tug-- with lie-i-Ett-ffeetien ' face
-----fitlt. '-,•-- '. --*
.you oug 1 o Wnysp ace vs ere you
. would. like to go. to • pursue your -
studies1". . . .. . ' . :-
= "No, I do net know inneh about
,institutionis in this pa.re, of the
eou,ntry," said Eother, thoughtful-
1 . "Before eoming East, 'I lad...a...
es, wou no ave.. eon, comp e e
-for me without the-weinan I haired.
My Neils), was a lovely girl,. Esther ;
you will find a.• picture of her
among the,' few treasures I possess.
But, little. woman," he sa.id„ •hrea)t-
` awe 'from 'his sorrowful nesod
# # „ _ _v. •
Tlie richer -the ration., the • richer'
the manure. The . dairy. -farmer
e or a arge pa ; *
MU it look . her' f '1 rt. f
his profit- ' .- *
No 'sv_o cows cari...b.e .a..yititiko...
stades during the rainy seasen, a
here are no bridges and nolerries
except close) to the voasts and eon-
sequently if the fords are impraeti-
ahle -you . are likely .to he, hung up
on, the,,Ii_artizs of '0, river fer.e verY
, •
stio-ti....g--ae-Filire-to- 9-,:-,g4ther--tfk::stiffi
. . . .
i . ' = - -
--IWC.--''' :-.4n er---:- 1. gve
- ...s.
- -
..• •
. r'; -
"wrii.i.--iii. a lite., A a i Ai
• - =
i IS L. i A tvo ,ro ., 1...er_..4.00. .
.. . -
- ................ .
114-11 . . -•
.,,,..., - . ......., .
s•--,...,,,...ss,,.ss,...ss s-,,,,,-
n ou , ours. our , gage
. .; , , i , co.
And Wellietreltrt,it'-anitili_ fe.nlit_,•ti-s.u. tt'unktsedn. ...,,t
-Litt 4--rea
- •
- le R I, .
inore about, them." ••
"ow -would You like to go 1111-
'Taedintely tos- England to• complete
your -Ceineation (1." . less_ rempanien,
itiquired, -.-• -
ain nrg iiit-Clalaielaii,ifirpes, 1,
iit...:-.7_•tem "1141,--kt4U:LAVAIL404,1ket
,,, ...,.„ . - - .a.s.liesreachodseutsa aptured-the
di. egged to accompany- -Mr.• Humbert.
• ----'-.. -
1 .ren4c3e.Ttite-ast-.:-.ti.y4iiteivg4.3d... _sisiti.eIrp.ettretsis;
.. piK,,o s.,,,a 9,Eniy,Lp attsor
your' future.- • •Nr....ew I want you_to
ink of mo:tiling else. The 10_44
ti Im ..4"
of Irvington Must liave,soinc pretty
7._ _:,._44..ivs, zs,sTooK_,..NoTE.s _.
Oetober-td-letr Ow:hen
l= ,
llpro'bper condition sothat there
e -plenty Of eggs when -thok-IY
, . ron_po to Ail fletis ,,,,
re; t 4) earrve-a on nittles Oi.litirses.
. . . -- -.. .. .
,, 6
-a ' he-traeles-are--o ten -ver..
&Moult to trace and vary, constant-
_ ..... ,... , , _ .., ....." _
b.ecause tile tribeS have. the Curt-
toni-of right aver
_ ._ .,,„........ ,.. ..,. ..,, . I . '.... I., 6.4=0.-
74-11401-144411-011. gRei._4NOTT',
t had
•TIrtgl--whit A---,pISkt'Xt4---tE-tTit--6-
r...xiattioic--3mas..,,re.*:-..stak . *,_.
that class "what is ,this I hear 'I Do
, you realize What this. entitles- you
-,-,.--.,..- !tar ' tauchin.g-ticatiluband
znexpensiVe, but it. was neatly and
astefully a -de, lied-becoming as
well, and the, two gentlemen- ex.
takendown and the.trees rest and
grow strong in the opensiir till BUM-
nrer. - , . • . . .,...
The. skilled Trench__ _e.r_..E. ta .
, „_. .
ii- ' en.er takes tour to -Seven (meg* -
of gold upon Ilir finger..
• • "I am afraid I do- net-qtrite,"
she answered, bilashistg pre.ttiiy.
"no) I ivill tell yesn --irniniiiiity
from all future manue..I labor, tor
one thing," liter companion rejoin..
'-'1ty-de.tr;7-tet-there-bAr-tt •
ebaeged. gl.apees ep,preeiative, of
, -1sts•
her, beautyandboth felt stron
desiris•to see ,her clad in garments
1.;-.0fittiny-her station.- 0
, As she ,was about to .leave the
room, I,ord Irvington lield out , Ills
44.*1---to-iter.:---- - ---.----* -
tliings „to. „wears, and, ..b..ytile way
with: gliiiiht:4titzt4
. Slant ,musti3e'..glien_am _ex_ers,
IlienLand_eowingithisr_graut. theve-i
- • - .--.,.._-
°Immediately ?..,'" repeated' Esther,
----,-• -
*alit you te,,ever wear anything but
tt7-thingI-alt# ll'ri.gilt-el°rs suit'
sd to your complexion and yotith-
fultiess-so yeti are to take this, go
isenvntIvlettrvf---.sitoett eirt-ioA
if they are to remain healthy and
Vigoreus.• A geed elover pasture
le.nniti be provided, followed y
4 i : , it 0. " ti /IP •
.. hits ili tlfe. setuimei -Viten- t
corn....is 4pe the old...ro&I toia.isoine=•
times 'entirely disappeared and it is
necessary to strike, a itevr trail. As
P e s .
. eason-froilt-the-sairto-4cAd
Iwittra. startled-iook--. .- , - -
. "Yes-er-that is, -very soon.
There ire 'i fine schools in -London
tsr. ,sotriess .firstselass • ,establishriseitts
pit4"provide, yourself .1Vitli whatever
s suitable 844 your taste diettltea7
for -L-1 %
ralt,-.,i,i-fo...4. . --.06...e.r --ii-ii.iirgi gn
pasturo. Mature aniirials not stiek-
ling_young need nothing in additiO'n
0_ ' .. ziiTt ie inteiloi-.7 The -out
wheele.d'yeltieles whieh.e,ver found
their way, to: tce.s. were brotight.the
The maraieher, or marsh gardener,
turns over the old mushroom beds -
- ,i) it) iti.ks,:th ,„, .,
tAttAlion,-_ C .mt,-,_ .r. ' ., : actx...13ir:-
0•4 itS 'Y'1,1,1.!iitity as castle, found any:
---wit-ere.„ and -there' are reasons- Why
r think you, would- be.' happier,
ivel-- - ---1-4t.tf:-ztefe*:ittieris
-----streist.;-taik otleielitegs when' thin,- is.
'an abursdance at your command to
'=-'4'0004,1=Itight,- . - dear," . 'said-,
as he wohld 'have spoken .to a
. -----.---: ------t-trp-ply-lieur,.-evirystretsf=4.tetts•
No, no. F.:stlier,. not another hour
sli-eri yon:toil ae yan , have been
-,---, „toiting; give tip_lour blisines,s, lust
es it standS, to your- friend- Iiii;
* *ny-e.,7-tiotitk.„--?T'..:4-**1:-.-0•41,V.,,riot,-.-,-
you. agaitctitil tosniorrow,. _I hope
you • will enjoy, the ,ev'enirig, and. I
shall look lorvvard to a dewription
fit it -ffd-it_---.-yiiftlr-f--_tlie: ,-:rifornM :.._
stand, you have.no rehttives r
"Nos.;I'. ant utterly alone
world, ..- far' ,a,s I.know.”
- • lily so that the air iorks atiu-init
off to
elod I 1 to42. r tl
- - s reey ;.a ry ..
gases of. decomposition-
__ eteattall---'-'31e-se:*,-..---
,491f0,41,--KIiit,-;-:;: ....rit;
V-1 144'Itten Oa rake4 lit ieve 4
three, to nine.inehts of line soil, not .
foo fine, tire sift4.1 over it.to makt '----
„ the .4e.ett .ljta,
, - • • .
..,yealielit raA1,4hiA.11.2 tosmeetet ttsoroi sr ortiticeer=
;-17,476,,i7 ,...601."ruts *to, thinwn, 404
' (4 " :!.f
presseu .gently.into- the earth. 00,
, . .eatite hid ••••= tit ...five I .
gone, there, will be .plenty • ore.'
Ife slapped a handsome,. Russia
leat,Iter poCketbook int0 her bands,
To chickens...we, hel.ieve..in...giving,
,s ,. , 41 f ' tl 4t rt- itl eat]
ury grains torn . te 14, pi 1
.4.jAtmeot rojitot.An,sty ,..sktskso
. o.
suceeeded in adding.consideriblY t ,
hii= 'unpopularity by the innovation .
‘... - • . . . -
_,.., ti - • :frt.. h'„.
- - lit4 t--tr--67:77-01-11.-
7iorii.:..airitt:Wli.eit;-Somil i • '
----' ---. - - ---i_.i-ct;-,.H: elt.1.1 . utx.t....,ifie_TATouir-o-rt,
===.., ,
laiii• -*vo"iess*” ir"rits heard 1 hts, hall
- -
tittid6 ' the tieXt *anentho
i... ....---,...n- -
''''iAt.'''btnie"15 6t1
Ihelstalt_.0.0t at • it.. NV:hole torn
be to Chickens tin.
• _ IIIIVID AS Fintstruitri'
,.., -- , : ,
ging 'When returns; both 4 a
-,:_-_-_.„-- .. tjf your society d.uring ..„the little,
...while T-remalii-liiire:' . - - -- - '
"Very well?'" Said Esther,. with
retitle compliance, "I will do, ex.
(Letts, as yoti wish; and lour ,sugges.
, Lou regarding jenme is very
tloughtful, and I will gladly reoign
the business to Iter. She will, have
est his 'hand. ..
— 'If YOU ere going TO--b-c-Ioilely; 11,
would rather stay, ' slie said, look-
ing earnestly into. his uplifted ,eyes.
'No, I shall not be lonely.. -• I
arn somewhat weary, and intend to
retire early. The nurse is,here to
attend te ell my neede, sos,',,do not
• 1
firs' iiiirerti-ciet a 060-iirititestifi
-for my sake at -first, for Your own
tater, I AM, sure -and you will he
welcome tt, a hpale with, tlierri. s.liclu
u a,re not in sehool. Then. since
'Xing will be s..ottr attorney, it
• • •
he reiteh Imre convenient for.
, ., ' . r,..,hitarNigiowyott.„,elin,„.
• din't *nee,
rappedfor a , i t . .
. (TO- be -continued.)
should' not given
til they are quite ; its hea
' • large t -17,,I
ing riatitre Inakes it likely. to ter-
ment4.0 th.ei.y, gizy.artts, as corturie41
Will sloS if freely.. Viheat is
• •
Many 014 roi Inc Sun Drioi#11.44,
- Slioeting-etthe East. ' .
Ifillie lend ot the pyraintdvirltottl•
. . . , .
II ME40$00., ., 0.,, pliitt 2
an excellent-16'Ni for chickens after
they ire eight -or te ,ri *weeks oli.l.
rv e- --horSeinart. brows that . - -
, . . , „ . .
over coffee:Is brought in to a visit.'
'lag giteit, this' SIM, eked bread
s flog tii - 1 . --' ',vet," there
-ste-'-eliffiettltr4it- Ittaisteeings,-it,. -iiiiw-
that- A- co941-tra(10-- itas-13Cert----eSta.b.
gliztj-ilie-tcicilv. . !ciPurc---14011- --
, 44
„ __ ,..,
.tigcst • . Ilion= .
. .ottrided
t imPritonment for '410ht 1S:
• ',1514ry mut shook' not he gbob.
. iii . the opinion, of the .8016'6
o Anittee which fists:beert'..sittin_g.
,. .
erfeet'lli4- nittily .1 dig- hii f" •
rge majority ot.therit,stris too wide.
for the 'neck .and, not adapted to
the shoolaert, Every horse should
have. bit. Jost% collar to be • :able
fd-Oilly..,'. .work-__Akittt.•.-..-couitilt it
inois , ., ..: ---, ,.=
. .. . ,.
so oi
t.asto, , ,
flour, and the eari ssed of
.pulp ,stil-
t aft raisins. It i.teleanlY to b,itudjeli'
' all be crumpled up in the
ithoutirtetitto,-- - ..
Li . .1,„ -
• u trig to wait for t
0 cross.the ocean. - ,
'Esther. lind not tta r6t h414 ti
thing -*itch -*bent ..*-chatige,...o..
' 4.idenear';' ,..Or..P!Ircits
, t upon.: her -during'tlit lest do.
or two. 'She, of course, kttew that i
Ititnetely .slie would go to Eng--
' lid 1# liVe4' hitt thiS. she believed
would be artreieut, of the dk4.4144i'
ture, tirtee .the suppo,sed it w,0„iild.
• e entirely uiten Lord Irving- .
' cOndition, , and there - was •,!a
0 flits the,. he" tor- ' : I' '
o 3, .., i e s 1
. ..
' glen t 19 , lia.
' lye T I- in• - . '
,,. 07 .' :1 ,
.. ,
, or g it lei -
t ,, , .
.....„ . ,
$ . r _rti,, _ 1. rni M4
xs 41 ti . ,
a."4'li g /
tplenty of - -t '
i .
e notilini to40.ut toSkpos -ible an- gr W 54
. tx,4_
vort, ishes -are to pull in
I ecks, the turni '• earrett
' to -Six weeks 4 e - t -.e be"
i - . ed and cut ' Ortnight lie.
, . - , ,
OV 3 0 1 t
. '
- •
. -
arsfil-WilI eve her in -iii.
<Aleut living." . • •
"Of eifittse, I have no intention
or eheining you here in this room
an 'the time!" 1...,ord Irvington, pur-
- sued; "if sou will conte to int for
• a fefewlioitts In the inorttingg, end
, . gain: a,ft.er my Afterrioeu nal*, I
. *II 4ie content. • 'get I shall want
_, essjet ga oat ,esery ,day for ti:drive
the rt:whereve
pa. ,or r • you like.
. Then Xing wooid like to toe sonte;
thimr.of . the eitY. *t*kr!, in the- thee-
Area, • t to., ertd,I have trout-
, .. et. sem nt,,,,,
,., ,,,.... -
. , ". '
11"-ned and =if_ ter-Af•'-t•
Esther found, lir. Xing
iellY comPanion, and she, eitloyed ,
herself thOrOughly tittring the ho-ur
that they spent =over their eXee -
lent dinner. . .4...07 . •
her at- teemed to know WOW to draw
,out in•a way. to wake her feel
Perfeotly at her ease, and appear
at 1161 best, and ruirny An Ultrlirillg
glottice :from persons Seated At ad-
Jacent tithles restedjipontite.hriglif
face of` the beautiful girl whi) to tin.
toesollout of..., yet" was so thartui
n her loveliness.
..vm,, •
ra , rov T?'be ig
f soine tithe in, London; Eng., to:
.- or tile 4tiostiOn.. • Change-
, or, in the present law ere. r
111#14e4. . - ' ' .
Theli.' tritrort, whieh ,V4S..111141 0
the table or the English flouSe
,c•iiritrooit8s 1014110w tleettlati
1 I.• de ti
ti- , ,
every collar should bts; fittNi to t .
tOrse .that is expectetl_to,*.wisti. it..-,
It theeolltir is too long it Should be,
e t 'Off ...et the titift'.. bitt-it too-witle,
not .adapted to the iihoulderS
e se.i' don't, think .you..niust
'fill in e apact.. rads
, ' . th
fit, , '4 • -gtou,klers .10.24iini.==
tit -',,,whit, .0VetS
.The. bread theeting,is la, m'it „
portent Article jet interior
-tree, per camel caravans, - 4,
t le AsTatic iteliftits.' and b .
't has for thousands ,01,Sear '
their octal:Arita tro,ii4,"triteted ,
1 k***kos. ell in 'ono... . -, . .
The breed itteetting itit- ut
Untries .....of..,Oggin-
. ef . t, 11
. 0 tive i ,
1 , ii, ',
. L,
i 7,
'. - --. i
-ul- t to .. ,
h „
'e .:per 'tif fat in ,.
, 01'44 -kin:I-tire - — t
, .. . .
.id i - ti et - • '
. '
- for'
-0 0
- - .
. -..,. ;-•,•:-•.-- ..._,
. .. - . - -r. to - fir4t)ie,
1- ' t - ' Is'
. eq-
than the lt ° ' v ' 'known
,• • •
.. __
. A
, "
-- went to '1
. ,
f , .
, .,..
.... ,.
.. . ..
, ,
. , .
, •
* , , ,
' "%nthing ,.
• , - r *.t. ' i a - 11'
. .. .
W'i ti 11 1. .,
' 401U '. lo
' 11151 Itirttifill145-4e1114 0
'it ... - ,,, ,
men *pile tea to .06
t -ill the • ,
' o e
¶L1 nurge elite '
' ' : ' h' a fare- - -
, • er...,040:6 _toot ., .... ,..
• ... 4, 't-gx,-.6 ' .
X, ,
' t a "
, .•ctti.r. beroite i
' . 0 Till:0,00n ' '
. . 1 ing t tleSS. .
. , , ., , ,her .
1 , , r;
,, 1
se t,,in- a
1 = , .
'hen the e ttilo - •
,i,htpro.,...1)*$.4 -
11- it, EStiOr. And'. '
:-..tyttdbia.3r let.
d 'LatictiSters .
,x u e ‘, his ar . _..,. ..,,.._ ii,...
i ' taitii‘ i ' :Ili Ytlieir -Svake'-it.
. ,M.akin or way but et
; ,
" I 3
i ,,...
-in dur ng
, I 1
.-, .. 11
,I5C, '
in , A
, '
-' it
her S*' hit .
, it
. . 1 ,.T.
. --' t Aritiviltie
' , 0: ' ,
- ,
_ ,
. 3
, 'd ,
, • . , ' .
hoi - . ...,
__....._.„._ . ,._
. ..
„ •s,
' • 1st - •.,o
. . ,
. ,. , •
• ,
CaltaefinS-. i ' •••4 ten titt to ,•6 '
II. .ititilei it ' nItZCh. .,
4.1,4i.,,ortikitt--, 4ttititt •
out. or 11 ng h
__....... _
Is all rightft-O.-.-.746-"-ii •
.., i
-- :to increase tut- 'net. -4)
d.' - ilk but Ie.: * ,
- - - .
rt Oilkin ot.. t.,,-4
tl * .aite.IO( ttttr.' ':' *
., . .
lite ' . - .is. ts:.4 ittak4:,-,Iii,',
ya, *V.,11, 'Want if. ,
, _
eSt ate .11*
. 0 .1*
• - , _ _
, ,.., .
at ,
, , ,
A ,
Y , * .
w '
,. • it Ai ,
0•••• • , '
.. _ _ ..