HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-23, Page 1.0•9•4***44440001000~404414. ' A • . • r. year.in ad VittIC , -1 Vbiti4eter 'felt 0.64 •Mieghlay. while '4iot•-nii tn. Abate'of . preVlows ‘yiars..ettstt at the:exhibit -ssornlisteersr.ot-atkb -4hii-iPirystibi.Palneurthere-wietht .q4antlty_of articles displayed, big, this . quality !fa! better than In forme • • The dispisly putter,w ..sas.tnsosOme•eaiphtror-brelid.--Isi-tlie • 'latter the judges had to nibble quite a few times Ix fore arriving at A decision '1*.q•iq'Pls1 zettg••••914!.'kelfer. 4i.•.!;ikrtititrottg,: :T. a 41.'94; -.IT- akilfet ::calt 'Brack, 4.; , - witasii4444maa4mit‘Matoeir'sab.r., 1.140ar..; , . . • r Dorset Horne...-Aisit ram. ...Chas. Ilerney ;:shearling:: ram, S. Cu m iiii;',C;Atiriey;;. *re -:Shea -Hill ewe. S. Cu4tnere, V. Ilaryvy cw lamb. S. • Clidmere. ti.Iiarvey.1 All are cordially- invited to call on us and sef our extra large showing pf Fall and Winter Goods.- • It will do youlood to see them aild us good to show • you our immepse stock. • All the Fall Wearables are now on our counters and we were never in better shape to supply your Wants. - u gettin-g-thitiiii in shape tw- ine° A new order of making the en- tries by number Instead of naming the articles. This also• confused the • Assign to a great extent. • The fruil display was oleo good and Isomers. tbe.flowers..whil• in -the root building some excellent specimens of • ths recent harvest Witte shown. Tueeday eyening the Evelyn Buck. ley Concert Company, twisted by Zak, Piggott, of Toronto, gave a vet", Interesting and pleasing . concert -Itt the -opera house. The CompitioYht a good one and ..was . greeted with st e ow,very usy.• The order ate. already awiyithead ofthem. Coine ly-and-14iii;your:orderand-egye-yottr-1411-11- ' OcLand-eaiiEL': visit to. our shost rooms -will_ delight yOu.:" ' mime. NeW -Dress Goods Our New Furs Are all here. -The best yet -Ruffs, Scarfs, MtifficCaps'ould Cada. Do, not miss them, - New - New Ladies Mang!! - ' Silk. Waists Wkajio..."r, , "7r*rt"'".'"Iribigleit41.01/fefegglirlytaleftegAiW Kru . . -alt-the Colors, 'Black,- Blue Silk and net with I, new braid - BroWtr.:Grettn or Gray. ' trimmings. -Dsashwood-tmar urnis nitisic durissie-the- afternoon dis, all that were *IT; in this . ass. Linoeins-,Geo. Penhate took all that were Won In this ciass. Leiceitter.-Sharling ram, R. 1Ielt & rain lamb. G. 'Penhale, IA. El- cott; owe, It. Dell : shearling eivo, IL Delp:A....IL-- : ewe.- la mb.7-1t; Bal.-. A. Eicott. . T.-11. Nell. a'. Lamont, Judges. , ; /1111G8 . tYorkshire-R. Birch took all the • prils.ns-won in:this class. • • ....J.13erkshire-Mottr..twoyears old, p. Douglas & Son. Dawson Ilros. took all' thc rest: - - - topic all the wires in --airs class-twIth estr old ROW Connor Bros:hod three of titeli*. air- cooled Kitson*. eligbition the ground eptiliwyjahowing-the-form-- ers what a dandy engine thew mansi, facture.- . - • --succitelf til exhibitors. . . •.,14EA,'" Dit` AUGHT Wood mare occerepaniet by foal. A. • Buchanan, S. Esser's: foal, Bu- chitaan, °J.. Campbell; two year .old. G. Moir...IL...William% R. +Gilbert ; one Tveu. ro'.ftorldii,..; 8: Estee: Wm.."'0,1ce •• AGRICUL-TURAL- Ilrood mare occompanie-d by foal. J. Camcbell, W. Pepper.:31. Horton; wen. •as,n. Iros, go secon . utTrcr Golden Piacilled Ilamburwc: TIOu• ans. ite 'Crested 1J1iek-1 Wands, 2J,Ge1de n Po Ian ds. -F- C. Prouty 1 &:2 White 'Leghorns, T. r-41rOck4.-Int..=As,...4=1.!sigige..44.4-4.0rown! Leghornit, T. .11rock,,jr.. J. if:- Batt- ler; Drown Leghorns, rose comb; F. C. Prouty, Battler JWItito Leghorns..-rose •comb*, (W; iCoatea, Hudson .4 -son; :Black Leghorns.. A. Sweitser, J. -U. -Battler : "Andalusian A SWeitzer 1 & ;C: Black Spanish. J;1.II. 'Battler. tW..Coates:..Blaek Min - o eas, Hudson &on: Silver Ltce WiandotteO, J. W. Ortwein 1 &2: _Buff,.Wyandottes,-,,T. Ortwein ; .13lock lit& 1:Pteriplop.t -two rt ge yan es. tason year old. W. Davis, A. /Wahl -nen,- J. Ited Caps, J. CR. ilattlir ; turkeys, W. Rowcliffe ; ane year old..W. Pepper Coates.; .Breman' geese. . W. Cotes; R. 'Beim J. ilkiwcliffe: team. It. &ltituen ducks, W. Coates :141 ht Bra- 4er,----,1;,,G.---M-cLean .. -.. _ ..• ... __..• amas. . • ar mg, Jr.,- noon -- IL Alexander. Judge. • Son': Barred Plymouth Stocks', T. . ' GEN VAAL PinO :MSE ' Carlinijr.. A. Bissett : White P17. Brood mare necompanied by foal ' Mouth Itock.s., j'. Ortwein ; Lanishaos, R. IlicksW. Fiat! .T. Hawkino; foal J. lit ilit outer: Silver Grey Dorkins, iColored_Dorkins, :Ws ikithething-real- swell for For.Ladies and Children in: Wig -iris. Nice fancy 'Coats,. Cotton, Union and pure woOL • Mell-SLie . • Our-new-Fall-Suttings-areitil'in-% and -real nifty. ---New--1 Winter Underwear, New Fall and Winter Caps, • - New Shirts, Ties, Sox, -Gloves and Mitts. • and Boys Coat Sweatent, $t..00 to $2.00 - .01F0,69,41•• ;mwnoe.As.m.... itiAtitett fOqhireelebrated F.;-Sanfd • him-Also:14h- grade shobiratia paper.-- i144141••••••44•••••••• 41444.• •••••••••••••••••i• 44•••••••••••••••••7*_.+1k..+•••••••9••••••,..ttiN. , - "cks-Mr-Algdoo...W.m. Pfaff lit. -three J` italer•-• years tfawks. J. Weaver, E. .. • .1 ; tirown red-Btur Carter • .black red Game Ilantanis. J2-11ey .One yea r ow. Ticuis-i-mr• ratct 2. • Rader two yebir:014.1. IS. Eareris el. /Judson on J. Itowoliffe•-R. nicks, L Wu • bantams, W, Coates 1 . any var k. sr ; duck- J. bantams. W.ACoates I & 2* Spangled liatnburgs, Silver Pencilled Homburgs,. W. :Coates: Blank Ham - burgs,: W. Coa.tea_L & .,,any...variely ducks, T. Brock. sr.. 1 & -; collection pizeons, W. ICoates. /Lsrvey Belgian rabbits, !Harvey .Bros.; any variety • rabbits, narvey a.. Brock. sr: .Guiness Fow14. .E. Hod- , 'Special by .JonCs, Clirk tor Ilan team, Wm.7 Deeker, D.•'Schiten: Wm.415de. •• -mood Mare accoMpanied by foal R. fl1rb, L. Wurni :foal. Mrst 'A. McArthur, S. Andrew; three year old, -II. Jones, E. Iroehlers two year old, T.f. Forsyth. R. lircArthitr •041rcarriage horses. WM. "-T,teeke-,4 pt.; W,n. Oke-; elagle:carriage-harse J. Pringle, 8. Muter. A. McDonnell. ROADSTERS • Brood mare accompanied k 103 m•aartibtittf:271%- C .MeIrsifestIrlr:*71"Kitlyr173 o rayl h. 4.-.-.-Ekattri-three-years-old;_13.--hta -teitk-LIChzirtabithanstrirTivo -• */Vielt-e-r;--ji--.; pair roadsteri, • Chas. Choi Hobbs: Single roadsteror. -Thos. Ilny. :,Pringki. Tito 'tortoni• • .-.._ . •HACKNEYS • • _______ old. Jos. Darr, one year .Old, T._ Brock jr.:- foal. T:113rock. jr. WM. Read. Lucan, Judge. Special by X. McLean for heavy draught breeding -mare and foal. A. --,,•!!--"•!-!---1.*ss•CYOU/110--tP,OULT/t- :-...Gaidenncill*d.,a1amburgs,...alewi • . 74111tia-Nro..7tir-SlYik_ak.ecti_74eL- lakes."0,reacrbeds-wroo.:44' a --w a's•hitt'Tere5"41k:4-11°Tiii band matielboot or .Shoe. ,G.,Manssn. Or hingtona,_Iludsoi;•,& .gion./. & • -ciath :3..dmetlivap...,47,11e,.etiiiteit?mte_h:.iirrianriaiw_ Oa - landiC....Lout74-...W-Idt; horns. mrapitre-orsor-rir7-nra W. Chesney: horse blanket, J. AC. Ir.; Brown Liti% ghor-fIudson lk. Son Wise, Miss 1 •4(1.-E4' lledgerfpAinwitjacsgt"rns' M. Brathpur: .woolicn s ,eonib:F. C..;Proliti 1 4 2; White N. Tom, J. K. ,Wise ; do- *antsroseepinW;--Oitttt'l l'e-- mestic yarn, Miscotton -warp, woollen _ _weft' ; ':-4V-a.11Diek miss M. Brethour: .siiiviri_smachine. .; Le hornst;•.k.--Swel0-1-&:21,Ancla- a -Martin "11.---Slin l'' & - 2: . Organ. S. •Late W4an lu ans. A. Sweitier r.i. 2; jSilver Martin & .son; parlor furniture, J. .tlottes..J....W......Ortscrin,A.. !tever:ey: Rowtkinsonbedroom e l& -A 1-. Sweitser : 'White Wyandotte% Jos. • urniture. J. Beverley: line salt, D. In : a- Nat• senior; Buff Wyandotles, O. Ortwein • turkeys, Coates :-11re11,1ills: salt, for packing purposes, D• . W. rnan Geese. M • Red Caps* `7* tri• 1/attlert'-an* "rietY ills ; .upholstery. ItoWe and Atkin- , . . • . .•SpeclitIAT,ITank.....41, Viiiiiiieroo-- for 1-LYZ.Cilaight-Brukanis-N-frresrling71. Itids" bobsleigh. E. Treble ; _ ho!frie.rs; tide. - best Mare in the heavy draught. ag- & son: Ilnrred 'Plymouth _rocks. T. We want you to 'Call and inspebt onr-npAtiCiiCeriio.elebf .. _ '1; Mii; ray lc -Son - 1 04-2: homc-made- - -riooltu MI .L..tx._-gr,..etat:11. erPthaelelesees :33riii; 0 ke. ,-,,,,-,: - -! . . -. .. Special by; %.,94j.:.1.1ei inn n fo;: best heavy. draught . filly. Geo. WO!. 44.' --, Satan' by. Milmaiedi Bank • PRAR.k.' ,k‘eli: tott! nucbems of ''Anjourtne-.. .4 • G .ZWo- -- -rhe.rata.kirr•lapp:44,14xerito..4.4.:Xicisi.4 I,isctt474.104344,4xteW-ingilid.4.71A41, colt; Dell:Luerative. whim. Brock& sr.. i8.rorwit14-EastIteurre.i.k.,8:!Deavitt ; .Louis__Ilonnie. de-. Ljersey,..-T. Ir., 1., Arinstronr -Son; Bur- au de Anjon.'4..:Arits4rong-1&Tsoit;,.."LTACO-OU- lag-. ITarttet t-, Mrs:J.-Ford. 1f.--IKre'sli: • Washington, A. EloOtt, 3. Powell.; Purple, If. E. (Huston. T. Brtick,jr.: Lombards. T. Carlirig. di. E. "'Heston any other variety, it.- N. Rows I. Arinstrong 'et Son: :Pond's; Seedling; T.Ctirling4r4 J, p rand Duke. S. Powell.; •GlaSs .Seealing, fl.E. Hilton • • ••• GRAPES . • .Moore's Early, S. Powell...T. Smola Niagara,' 8. Powell.' II. Kreck:Con- cord, A. Elcott, T. Simile; Deleivarc, T. Prior, Mrs. W. Sweet; No. 15,11. E. Hutson, T. Smale ; No. 19, Mrs; A. McPherson, Alex .McPhersotiltVii.-4; Mrs.. W.. Swiet ; No. 9, II. L1lutt Alea •McPherson': V' E:-Ituston ricor-orrirlioes, 1‘. Smale. - -PEACHES ' . • Ir.: late Crawford, T., Carling, jr; W. .1lawelett. • II MISCELLANEQUS C51. canned fruit, Mrs Decker sr.. honer, -F Alex McPherson-;-honeritrcomb, -Mrs: A.• McPherson. A. McPherson : .honey 4nr.1 rz-AzloicPherstrirr Pherson : col. borne made wines, Mrs. •A. McPherson. '31iss. E. • Ferguson: pickles, Mrs. A. 'McPherson. W. Deck - 42r, sr.; canned vegetables, Wm. Deck- er. sr., Mrs A. `McPherson. • Speeistis-.Extra--pleasant. S. 'An- drew ; :rah:WM Sweet,• S. Andretis crab apples, Wm. Cornish. Robt. Lang Judge. • , FIND ARTS Painting landscape. Mi -Alcock wire, J. C. Forrest painting fruit At flowers, /ars. r. J. 'Wickwire. Mrs. .T. White,: Jwater color landicape, Miss Akotck J. G 1.:orre_,,srater:z.color• • tgarer . -Forrest ; water cotor, fruit orflowers, J. G..Forrest, G. Hey- wood ; sepia painting. J. G. Torests Forrest, G. Ileywood pyrography. 3Iiss Alcock, 'Bowden : crayon or 4-pastello, Miss j-.- 1Vickwire :".pencil sketch. G: For- -rest. N. D. Burdon col. of photof_ griffh; .photographs. J. Senior, photographic views J. Senior Pen and:Ink sketch, Miss A. Carl's* Ileywood._* _ . • MIBCX L'LAN'EOLTB •Coins, G., E. Anderson. F. Clark •tam • • curiosities. U. E. 'Atiderson' & 2. Dr. Browning, Judge. • MANUFACTURES AND 131PLE- • • ANIENTS . . ; • Col. boots and shoes, G. Manson I & 2: harness, W. Beer I, ',94 2; double harness, W. Beer ./k 2; 4oeta,ssaisatawsew-meentr'llooti- ...18.311.1. Re4,7 e3. • weat ier-betterthan-ilmr,other 'lead' Insist on- havipg• it w th pure Boiled Oil, Raw Oil and Turpentine your jalL, • . • •,Martin Senours'and Elephant ready mixed paints in Is, • 25,45 and so cent tins -•'-- Senouti Fidoi• Painti the best Made"- - --"'-'"--;tic'. 'ettr Elephant. Illoor- Paintt • 40c. qt. Flooti Glaze Enaniel ' ....... 35 & 6oc: tins• • Chejap Floor Lac 4.`o &. 7sc. tins • Crack and Crevice Filler... --- . Cainpbells-7 Varnish Stains .. Varniihes...'...... :... JO O. • • ?,,,,11 f 1 • II, I 0, _ _ _ Alitininuin Paint .'. • . . ...... • ... •• .... r 6 &25c. - • ' •••allo.in.rm.............740.4.,•wip4.--,41 • - ' HEAMAN S HARDWARE AND STOVE _S AWL, e. you are nee in_g a s ove w pay you to call on T. Hawkins; &Son. We are selling the best , makes in Canada to -day and will sell them worth the money. • Now • we don't want you. to-take.our •-word for you before you buy. • We do all kinds of Tin Kiting. Furnace Work. Roofing, (Both Galvanise/a and Ready Roofing). Call and see us and tell us your needs , -Tune-tried IteputationTis - what erlweALyou.,. .,satisfattlom • - Ca rling.--A;---15svelisir r-1511Ve-F----Gret Son 1 & 2: brown red Bantams,. J. game, Hudson & on, A. Dissett Dortliw---J-. Battler: !Mack Brea -it Ited Games, J. illattler: any variety .17411w-Tht4ts.-PrsplieWsitcintr,.•• 04dd, -ht. Conk! : ..rolls.or_. oats; ,11.' Five pounds butter. 1-tobt.:Kydd.'34. DAIlt11 PRODUCTS • ds, Chairs, Cluffomers, ideboarr-dsr-Ett • - • .1 .... Ifitutsurm=lte . • It SP;i"-: ,Kydd :beetle 10 - SIIORTILORN Afittikniroatnns: W. _Coates.; any _ vfiriity for table U W. CO3teS I 11., Pitipec3froiliba;11.1jAkii. 13-tewa it-. 10 pounds •iiisr,eld- heifer.. 11. Smith I Spangled .11amburgs, Blank lIatoburgs, W Coates Ceate- • butter. 31. „Gould. - 'W. G. Medd, Judge. season of the year when you are goini` - - t ,t,Aticd• Cow. II. Smith I & yea'r old 'heifer. II. Ennis GRAIN AND SEEDS II & 2 'W. Johns: heifer calf. R. Fail wheat. witite, J. h':. Wise, M. .. • R111011-'4 C. W. Johns; bull call, Brethour; I.Theat: rtd* " Potatoes. T. Brock *9RADES ‘3, toe.,.. Wt„lnetker, sr.; winter cabbage --4:0170 *Irvitri twin; wheat. M. ilti4hoOr, • ,.. •• Smith' I A e; herd, II. Smith 1 Ss'.' Lo(ke*, N. Dretliour; ntiy t • niftcka sr.; red Elephant pista- • .g_vcrovasALshanfon, ,c,wtir* iv r_e_rawrd nrethaii t A. Ilissetti --J.- Sanders: fall rAbbace .setery,;_11%.4,ear„,„.0141..haltaxasslass.144-s-Ki•aWiNel'fr'retwt4"*'ec'YrIA--• 3"' ders, E, Anderson ; Globe bee tit. ' - - • - ,one year old heifer. Frank 1 Wise, 34... Ilretbour:- large oat% ht. Couk, G. KA nderson :;-.0norstr beet Coates.. . Itawkins ; heifer calf. S. Brethdur. J. tfr. Wise; black outs, 1%1. Esserk. A. E:cott : two year old .steer I Ilrethour. J. IC, Wise; timothy seed II. PaAmmore, Geo. Moir; Long man. T. IL Shapton. j. Eltapton : tonedear • M. Ilrethour, J. K. Wise : merchant's -- Wtn.Gtralsh, J.K. I Wise: cover seed. Irowev :early mang01.1%, II. Passmore. It. Sanders : golds, J. Sanders. V. [limey : .giobe L. Day. • Geo. Moir : :Delft. J.- X. Wise ; ensilage corh 1 W. Decker, or., A. S. Denvitt : Oranre intermediates, 'M. 'Bisset t. .. W. .1.. V.' J. IT4iiiii ; 'Nsitites Ca rrott. horn carrot% ' G._ Man. IC. Wise, hi. Brethou.r: g111111: in .car• I soh. i 111' Niel b, - - or red carrots long' 'J. Cottle. J. Wise. U.. Brethour; large peas NI old steer. rr. Shapton% J. T. A ison flour. Harvey Thos.: svhite beans, 'ttie,Inst,,.flo_nr_yon there is .but on_place ' in town 't0 get are: Royal liouBehold ; - Ontario Blended) ROSES'PURITY : .44ke:or Woods) (Western Canada Flour sMilts) -Leave, l'ont: nr.,lers, sir plittres *There's:' -no gift that be • more appreciated than an 1Cdt.; sou Ph000grorb mad a selection •-of thoen • PhoekOgrspii. as_8111.50_ -Austi--bkltl--•-•=.4.-.T -Let- •*, t et - welt for'imslogua ,„. Sanders; ;' white or yellow field car- rots, -A. 'Denririr. J. Sanders; sweet corm -A: Bissett. A. S. Deasitt: In- dian .co-rri. Ilissett. A. Ilissett: .water naelons,• D. Ifou;h: ihirs. F. J. Sla var. Winter apples. rtader D -Wickwire: ,Csirtneki "Nes. -1.--instatoes.. A. Ilissetta: itural. New Yorker, A. • - A toe's;. A. 8. D2I. E. Anderson. IL x • - nide n . J. S der -s a; Tirethour. J. R. wise :' Sinai! max,3. K. Wise. OIL. Brethdur. . •• WItardjudge. APPLE•S Haugh: fonr tar. fall apPies. D. fall 'tipple% A. Dearing. Win. ood4 new -varieties -pot Rhode ;Island Greening% 41. Krick. C• Vitt • umpkin.s. G MenclP ti erlaTtrukits=firivi-itlt 14"erusWAtuaskIn-21:1xli oI! rown pit'!en lirgn. Wm.1 Swede, turnip% If•cir= Cieseleis . °az 1..'-rrek-:-Aves.111ld'S'eilt•no-; A. E. Ilod Tett cauliflower, • : farther: II. Krecb, 8:•Andrif4: Stisile; Anderson...,G. Mien.; red onion, • C. Arra. 4. lord. oWtn. Wood; Proven- ' Itirney• A. Dearing: SPanisit onions, C. -steinis.-11;,-Kreeb.. H.'E, Iles bait Dirney T. pini, A. 'E:cott. Bissett: Polrerts. I tirnale4 celery, G. E. Anderson,J. Wm. Wood. F. C. Prouty ;..1:ing ...ot , Cottle citrons. 3.,Sandersi.,41.....Keddy ilinblrird awash, Alexanders.• W. Fisher. . -Mrs.' Void :"1It. Sanders, ,G. E. 'Anderson,: __table. Cams die rt-Ites1;-"--.A•r, .......111inay..Z.4; ads ra-t-Ae I f. -k.. -8o t,,_ 1'4.4 le i-ve trt iniTimt.F.;:Trietstust. •J;, • -,\31(4-Iroonl 00Cirnil -for: :t.,111tuftb. Itaderl; wd ..Ghtv Itnntieta." IL • It'reck.' OS en, ma gelds, Licit „hrolts.; , -1 • 4 'Andrew: „Men Jude ut,IfTe. 704: .41,7, Tr e/..).1.1...,.; I F.. 1:roeli. ',1rAfio .!•7•,•"- . .3,«n:thrf 'btotrec.,, lute: • • , • IN. CAMPIN for just snch-occasi,ons: No nse taking old beds and a laid • of straw fin bedding purposes Cots are better in ever), way. And then they are CHEAP. . and. come in .handy at all tinies. • -Special attention given to repairing and Vpholaterin ROWE & ATMNSo .4.47i,,xtm*stuic4tayzrzeicist... t Ntifel . • • ••-fine woolaltekly!... trs. Merherson. II. Nett,: fanty., stockstsg% 7. siontoith, 3.(19,4 N. Tom; men's *poi Mitts: Miss iMarriott• Miss N. Tom: men's; weiol Igloters. Wirt N. 41"oistr.retrtiterpans-knitted,---Wtp.- f- • lespie. C. Keddy. !Tatra, Panders and -12retch;do.r.L.eroth4tv Wm/ Dee' - er, -41Chrl-F -61.47 e , Ttsito: upaSitraltabis=ckWeerkiM. l, .Airfiii;:"- Mt. A. fMcPise rson bu t ton - ho le% Mils N. Mom, ,„Drpohs darnins.310161,:" Tom.. (Ifisilr*MarOitlit.; pittoir. shim/ -Mrs J. 14,iitar, *Mini .ta.r'.fa cy ba,r,: 'Misty Bre ck*Ire • r; laundry .W.161skrtite-14.14---4trat7tWickwir1 Ilietbour: washable sofa pillow, II. G. Fitanbury. ?Aim' Drethonr; Sofa Illo. mounted. U. ;Marriott, Mrs. Wick - j wire': pinto 41;ipe or scarf, MIAS rirC• • thour.2n4: u.i 11 r ir -- • noteity • in - frinesi- not*: 4511ss Tom. Sanders de. Creech child's d'resl. Ws Bowden. •Mra.- J, White :.„Itidica• underclothing. band TO do, Mild Brooks:. ladies' .Underelpthinr, (hiad0 IlOstings: OOting. or .n1gt4t:., ihrit;---Itia:- 'Ts; If ills ZeFfidson , pnln hanstise..4ing. Miss N. Tem: W Fisher Total tineh clo‘b' i'n, ite on linen Atm-4*ra' .Dfls:iitrethour, M .i Mrs., J. rrkitit loath" eoth..0Lreters..es7,