HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-16, Page 7re lEADJCRi Fett rnZZINESI* . roe. ettlellellEar FOR 701tfillt 1,11YEtt., fOlt 000STIPAY1001. itR SALLOICS 0 aem-Iteligion- do ith *tether Worl tly t4 do wit aig ivi ourselves bor. We *11 s not an sv thin toshould. Ata e best it is hard to order our tve aright. We need the aid of every- thing that can help us to this and hen even., we • will sadi ;bottle eotof O1YR WEOLET. to ourselves and to those Around certainly tannot affordt " ,.4: . help.to. s - or destroy-trowims good wet would be to lessen the tatetyof - tetv.,'.14`n&I'.tlie&viihre life. Now, it it certain that "the fcar .oE God" is * restraint and .a FowerfuI restraint to inany Pee*. pe, as oi esseo or - troy in ones flood all fear,ot 'a certainliiOkilitiettf judgnintP- uld• serionaly Imperil -the seeu St.,,t0. „. .fisonietrr-7.„Ar ..teetiyis-thdre,c s^ real, qt•M, baa wed Milburn's Laxs-Liver b-67*--) can -th-er any question that to rob uman and recommend them to all his of the, ationtit.tti Ile writ' er,:--"*,1 take. Illeatere 144ou concerning the peat ,value 'have feetived in Y„ising lifilburrefs Laxts Ltve rills for Catarrh .of the Stomach„ 1.1*ve fQr*` ' e right. 1 rile)" had verir vero k of -14'Orippe, snd a few wo'quieldi that it was un- ear to call in a doctor to cure me: the small sum of 2A cents -we baTe -iileCiCir when '71c-r4i, LxaLzver Pills," Ihice 25 tents per vial, or A for $1.00, ,..... or mailed direct on re- price -$r-th--e'r.- Worgato, Oat. rainbig. hast the uie, an W Xec'r hou1U it be rItat.Ce' flChrniYi eferenc� to tbe biof years ef with regto , The supposition that tikristianit °-44071)111,' with thelife Of the world to come is altogether a mis- take.. As every one knowli Bible—and above all, the teachings ef Jesus Chrietialinn.0411-`4.0 good r.vice as O. right living now' nn here in this werld, winch if fully put in practice would make human thousand times hstter, safer d ?tweeter than it is. T40 the AS an exam le 1, I i I' '. orang aio ril ol 41 rguiu1akd ugiv and pound Well,, 4-thr 'elr.1.4 atePt a ..10 and -train;---... PI' ii h ' fee 'oE ham ,one nch.thih.. vqhe skillet Putkiokfdg ht. *if -fox and ,-s both aides; turn. constantlywait*. ,Iden brow*, Lower the fire,.add e tablespoonful' sager ;; spread it well *Ver the top of the ham. Cover, tightly and let coek slowly for . . . . wentrmputes. , _ . I 4,-,,.4fteep rcquiredUkittrii . 'IT g water mit- utes. Pour tea off the loaves and dilute with surourt .of cold water neee4SarY. Fill glasses two -third* toil'wit aeked me. --Put i* elite . . t, 'and to/ fewer than 120 ladies ed the, contest. Tasi o hiin- aeted as $udg�,and a)1, eek lat- a0' a bo t� try.t e tight and es rest well; 1 cn r oremettd.them high to all nervous and run'4011%11 women. tliihunea lieart 'and ',Nene Pills are 00e, per box, 'or 3 besee for $l.25at el ts of Milk n 014aning- It elm piano keys beautifully. wil1 "takinektiiis iseoloortatiloonngssftran4Iduigilt and pieture frames. It will lce I sed in *tareh I-glYo a hsJiko laundry. for 1400 ourtainu, will like new. 'rarnes-For gilt frames, in whieh °tiers have 1 A study of matrintonial advertie- ments reveal some queer wants" in the shape Us*'.tanda t4 wives. Thi is from a• , Eengal our"WantedforIna fair gir , Hindu, kayastiza, . for .a graduate student. 'Very rrs- epectable. heiress apparent prefer- red. Address sharp, confidcntial- The easte, but the idea of 4 "fair Ilin- Think what a hlcsscd thing it oaldbe if every man, woman and tho world-over-would-lregi this to -day. Why, in such ever-y-UnWitnitliolixisett-i*A *4),‘11(1 be lightened and salletirked ard-estel4-will-w0u egiri- to bo done -on earth as it .is e 30 'heaven., ULT. " A. W. SNYDER- oozes NTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 19. C -strong feet in, weakness." **. OM Lesson IX. we, us • a istian r1.igirn X. an XL, h 140 the hyuLng one 'heaping tablespoonful. room v . to ti is distinctly 4Ittic wnflotieert,.4 'Ltittatoltt:o'lletth`tatTlit5t4 bon ', eiot4h"atd no ,scth7 as it l'iittler'30dling'over slug t t s 2 .*,-ciffl ill of ,id . ;-;134-"ii„or,„..,1:1414.741. 2,47117-0 Clean Silver . MO lean silver a paper/ haill from the • .• . '1444L-' * u lard,...f!-Wanted...inamediXte-. .p.we/gt: chill b' ding' in a refrigerato , . r _ . . view to matrimory,--hand-' V # Ifts ly ack in e ''''Oefirelif ttitir 'ver • sij 4- - * ,,,,, tverting young man. hard take ne- ,.41. , Email itall4 rz, 'er,f., iitTAT4itioterrurast-own Rerrlisii ihitlied-orean - - - . f. tin water and7Tia'nieri:" - -- ObitUrnl:t. •Di4rramakte ty nesoino51,tri:oraupsh.. and Pan '4') orttoia of any fruit vinegar 0 _in Is.tvittit tionle4rIcrubruusit irithosenaat:raitwhaety, joilke,tilitisiav"a.s(itvhear:vt,i:e.butenenntwiris tunnotbatapoy zi glass of water. To make the vit., until PeOeetbt e'lenn; Wash !in tleal---a -lady who knew. her own mind eLiger, put, two finatte of AM' kind k 9ttOr*7‘ dry on towel.„. inctliolish . Pretty *thoroughly. it is ''Ecitiora yel---ovyeeiecirlewzStr :g.gigarttii,deil: .41i,der4rk4Liproh6„ ftp'"43ufotOrr::esusktiiine. This 1. 0111.11.1%1r' fir . sonrmaniny trbeareunisiitiinoena! _ ,, 4 . II EL, . silver. or :gold, +or ' . atones n in ADLE TO COOK AND WASH. . , train in its throUghl es._ own way and by its story,. teae 1100. uri, the juice and add ,mot' ..11,t.%,/ei4 articles for the how getuule •adherenee to Christ an equal (identity of granulated neusenew Is a • new' Paint brush- rxqgfkrok *tor" to„ the sugar. Zeit fifteen 'Minutes Andean Re01) three different sizes on hand thHU.itifird-Atuarterl view.- Golden Text, Acts• 19; O. rt. bottle-s$.1tile - - 3u:ran:Lan iOunfLi)riatt.e.. brasiktor es' s -18c tablespoon a:14i°4')i'-windt7''Dln Alt Eter s:daydinttre41ini orlOur, thetabepoanftls o T8:11reth;s°tab hra51ge: r ailed 132 the. Iv ar, 01,10.twoPoonful, of salt one eraily falls another larger brut MI tin . Cause of the 'Trouble to the Tele- graph Cable. ti1omes a remar a a -story, brought into port by the table repair ship Burnside. , The Burnside had been sett north along o -as a- "o----repar 1,beeaussy.,duthig--tha ter difficulty had been experiert - in sending and receiving mesa e iresier pakd'up'tie ca htet. Sitka. The erew never -TtirneThauling a cablc on board- *a • they, did that day - on th coast. • Finally the cause of the •- great weight WAS found. Some time daring:the winter a , whale, feeding on!the -bottom of the oceirni -with wide-open mouth -44• , lided with the wire rope. Unable to shake the big wire from the mass of whaleboat in its jaws, turt1r-rol1ed ever - once, turred-loinatirrolted agaiil and dived. In these .few moments the 6sb ,. proved himself' his own hangman, 4-elb about the head of the whale tha VIft SUEidajr school teachers of Method- ism to regard each Review' as a bird's-eye view of a large 'aril - ape, not as a process of, analysis r dissection In travellin along' roa we r OD up w rs this and then that; we see things by fragments. The Review comes to show us that we are not study-. tifings-,-huric; thin , o -give -to -u o mr_lifejn:411 Polo COOIVS GBEt_J4;0.1;1'1:4E1% Thtvelk4 a,000 mites to Cook rapin for VagUab EPicur. George Wt, Harvey, the inventor steamed oysters, and 4 famous estauraot 412:4s4 at recent was lode -414 bere„44441t0. repets Ina& 4he e)cploits zand,Other noted gour *Went Rome.I thought-, Ifee ionict tionsoeieti* God • teti-A-is-itotthe-itagmentsmarr, but 'the living man; and what sit need .from our quarter's lessons t is not eleven bits of lessons, but the one. great vital truth. That' truth n .this ca.targamon the Slain upr4 *hit' h our, Golden_ Testbe- f3o-P8o mighly grew the word of God and prevailed.” Vitro!) words wire iiratwritten in'emuttei, tion - - at Epbezus, but they ap- •Ily a1l tbe lessons. If. we k,. "How did the word at Gd grow -m-1 m find in v fleets- . g .gar. 'Cgooir all totgethiler uilo°douz I boiler untilit thickens, add a heap- ing teaspoonful of butter, beat well. Let cool and if coovenzent add a little either sweet or our cream, • oler finely chopped cabbage has made more than one dinner famous. lia• Li to 4 04 South Wales journal: Wanted a wk and ife; 2:1;1' ?-m** jab5r.: rable t: :Twe :tud43 Iti---,-*.t-ary-rate, was honest, art4- nc much sOoner trust. themselves to an ad- v rtiSer Of this kind that to one ECRIbTS OF 'WOE -TASTE eleieglett- ts tide- brthe A reeent Froth Writer cnunier- ates some of the precautions thee must be obServed by a good wine - taster. He niust, in the first pace, thee, and to must not be 'a Certaiii powerful iliVo the taste of the wine entire ILL relishes, used to revive a thirst, even the Ar_upti. and acese recommended by some to lovers of good „wines. The expert TrzlifFriiiatlypti-itfer Iiiii-talsk**2 -- virgin :palate. Re Must try onIy ink--wAter after tali-tasteto rre_ - pare himself for the next. _ Some tasters ,even go tar as to -apse the throat...fir , Via/ . and then with pure water. The ne is then first inspected, then Ilea, and finally tasted. The. espection May show various things. New red wines, for instance, are . inn" t uhen good, but slight cloudiness not necessarily a had sign in new ones. The -odor test is very- im as the bouquet reveals inany sec- rets to. the .experrt who out often tell by it the: precise region where ;eteen wer.()r eatber5lar.. t, gets all the dust out; and one s "r Pribti6art Anglo hat brush, one and one-half inches Sax"' announcements. ‘Kana ' wide, for greasing the bread st BIlialliwe: JaPauese PaPer, \ cake tins. Three such brushes had an "Vertisemerit from a lady sh_mu), after describing her own per- ould be bought for about 00 cents. sonal charms and torture in flow. errampirgerended, If there i a gentleznan who is clever,- learned, handsome, and of good taste I will join with him for life'and share the • leasure of being_ buried in the sante-grave. -Ofcooki inner, wea1thin1ishtnan, notcdfor his love .‘of geed:hying while on visit to Washington, was, given dinner at Harvey's,. skt which, ter- rapin formed inert tie resist. WWI -00 -first-timeilie---Eng.: lishman had eneountered the 0118 Thitylitild delicacy, and it made an instintineomiiindprefonntl !bit -vow would introduct- the dish t bi- London. -friends, and at opee enter. td into negotiations„with Harvey t eorne to London and do the cook:. d peel from Ormo ripe them- for sr -min boiling,,water, then rubbing rougb cloth.Quarter . ROUE COOK BOOK. Bily an ordinary blank hook iwth eosting 10 or rom an okl magazine n &re -- 14 aprnondressedas a coat, is'nd o rU ColOY prinkle with leman juicc- ivent.,theid from discoloring. I pound*sugar with haif cupful of water until it forms • thick syrup, then put the peach:.. into this and gentlyaimraer for mini minute or two. put n the frees. removing the dasher, , and pack sboutwith zee and salt, and freeze to the nerisistenoy' of water ice. v e thcn f11 tho- stone boflow y- nilia iee cream, covering witif-the 'other haif of the pexell, holding it thing , mg- am erattirtge- or plies paste Icture of a -top Or, belorite wout this different reci For. use *picture of *, roast' f or pork chops so often seen salines. . - 'low it through With earulies, opkies, hteasisi puddings,: etc., aving - pages for each Sub.. -eoznoi last of all, alsodepends very largely on. the sense of smell, XS we are told by the physiologists, and also on .that Gf feeling, by whic the expert's ti3ngt1e, for exa*ipl f.hstinguishes, betwk.eo a rough • tit -or-velvets' -taste:- Titt. reaJ sene of taste tells -the isster_whe- ther he wine is sweet or hitter, and enables hinito make ether shoi. Lar istinetzons.. surface of the -w&rmcd It -it .;1 swgatlowed too soon._ mucht ,f the: ften,--toce--a-Youn ra1rla.Whih,-1n.WfllC1t&1Or1C- J%• bgatUufr t fof iv thiniirsee isfraoralckscadnii ;Fiv4dittimesecirz,ed no vodiand oliei vcalta* after an • nistan .forth his requirenients in a. lettcr. Biti.ehief anxiety 'seems. to have zeksrtai owe you an, a been that his bride-to-be should not The feet is, it was raining, he too tall; "If you would be kind limy your umbrella'and supposing enoizgh," he wrote, "to -supply me -.0-11 iota gone bornefOr ithlier Immo and height of body it.", Wick -"Don't mention it. Mewl she should not be taller owe you; an apology. You left Vtir five Met or so -and With iiFe silk, hat, you know, and wore your, • you letiop' h tt •bYi the The whale drowned and the ear- :ass devoured on the bottom t tan •y ot er fis The of the Burnside hauled up an OW50load of whalebone, and turl a great twist, io the govern. t cable that had been the cause unuuzl diflutty in setfan neisagesm tither end ('bristianity growM, in the first ' (Less* iMpuist and guidance, by the obedi. erre, of hit ser -a hospitality of honest inquirers. thd sent the message, "Come ,over into acedonia"; 'Raul vent "immerli- it. -attended. to b* b e sitz.& teord'. plate (Lesson 11) vth of the word of GOd. 8,4ving faith in the Lord hrist, wWelf, 4 As We hive yiontly noted,totisists of 'three' ins ;bciief*in a dot rine,. dspend. rrortise, 444: Stle14„_ ti. ' nIIL iallwrett holt the st written Wor4f, ,xeir0 *'brings *bout t le t ti pa'.sage kir En utlicient nurrilier ofode ux long with 'dish so. Olt- He itipervisW ion or the* turtle* in neatly an, - cooked'iiad-nerv fl , eeted - his . 01,000 ind his ,expertses„and tiler haek 'New ndced delielous. h This Nearral.earie'hiY11.111Sivildtlit, dough neh thick. Price on top ‘Rxvvift:- $0 that die' erttiffsiii Cook -by ateani Of fruit. When . (test with room straw) tut.* *lit in top big ough to POW! in * syrup Mailt o cupful oif4stuogra4 and r l° e0-114a1.4f cupful ,f zed lump butter. 'Then este Cobbler o en until crust is brown virttp sour peach juke eombtne and o ro a riieh sattee-nolethei. is This itan bot molt Ili the :Iv ie my jer ming eatined fruit. If ptre* fe • huht ream, nialf be pas ol'er of thee or vier I TAXLVO, A Veil ttylous tpie -eerier* -nceoft intention e *113 1 *pits' f 01.15 a4ertisemCi .tndete1.ped uunerals, il czpicaah . h. 're 1 I 2 pert tic, iinue4s*:ent , not et bfPb ched. Thi 151 in , 't of toil deep 2 the earth. rati*lia1ity of or it itiOn to the 100.'- ufl2 Of iravailable" 4,4* ed -fields. of Great- ;safest*.fe trnated that there wrrc '1 belnw the, 4 o 0 1 should be--- ablei: to I .twnty JO -1145'g ging bott1s ind potatoes, and *1 - so at ballad sin ng. flhe shoulcl not be quarrelsome, but able to fhght * round or two,. to defend be *band whenin action." • 1 Li -fore -hedic. She ha bad hree. husbands,. but) fe rth." • if anyone dad du;tecr 'wake4‘tturober four,' .tulizli / Itr Om*, ihe Avtit*t. flOdt po.stizig „ hought the t • • 4, '',,•' 1 p tt ,1 1 t tt ntn..tato to if ,