HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-16, Page 611 # ,!'7
04 44
to SelteVO.
eholera 10fAUtUr4*
et e'tronbf‘ttat-
le tisure:,he rwoukt
he iihouW meot it iLny
0110 day 0 wholo lovely drea
sukten1y--eame true.. , Xtre
44 A
, 11, `tO, t
1144144. 940 At h
e.got up the bouquot all rigut7
*nut when It was finished gen;
aft,er admit -
nosegay, un -
number of
Thera were
ars, e, all
outdid and costly. Alt these
ealed" 414oDg the flowers,
g -them to the blossoins by
qua 0howc 110 traco oftho
311e17 contain dein-
id not look worth the .07thho
job, was the -value the purchaser
aced upon it. There was ncr-paS
r --
resent" asit wa merely intended
.the -*don:a
oat bouquets intended for popu.
me surprise" in the form of
pieco of jewellery, and
ube, have beoome "wise to the
ko-the-precaution of
very beautiful bouquet
orehids the other day for a Prima
rina who is well known at Co.
Garden and one which, I have
40 doubt, gave ther considerable
There was .no concealed
wels, but the holder was made of
solid gold and enerusted with gems.
This holder was fashioned in such
' arriv
04=0110 0 jowe
a r
LtLa, box from Tho
awe Medicine Oe.,
May Take the Place of Cord 801n
Oily In the Future.
Radio.aetive Are rain and 44,0Vra
rdio'Mtivity of. t,ht air in tertairs
cases has -itis origin f tlu, imilr
the other hand it seems equally oar-
tain that solar- protitberaneca and
sun spots have a marked 'inflamer)
upon the amount of emanation
sera e ust s t ey aro
...known ,,materiall tall-other-
inanifestattots- a eat_
_in 'int _ _... _ ..
intensely nergetio zeal agent
. known. Ofthe....hi est signifscaricts
the study of radio-activo phenom-
ena with regard to,. the transmuta-
tion of elements which seems te rie-
' omPail.7, a manifestations.
they* had 1:01Mkug11t 41cubat91', brood-
Ia the1nan
et, 144abOr fOr tb# p044- eoollas in 441118
and -74,11 done up in eottont in it all rjiodern imp
0 square ompartments, iuside Companion.
igger ones lined. with cor 11
fitting- into strong easess-egg o
'znany :there were that Milo-,gavo
up trying0 '401744,and
frOn "iwvcnteen eighteen,
• Tho .inenhater was very. ,
looking, ,Inst a big hox on 19,88,
`.aittted, lloWswith itsminio zeros_
tho' Ott In bittek
thermom.eter at one kIe. a
possibleome ,tlio
o and VOW .disintegration
.* matter; Thusone gramme -of
radium would' rfurnish an amount
of heat equal to that derived froni
32sg. tens of -coal..
If ,e are faced with prott
, the exhaustion of our natural re-
sources of the depletion of our
a parasol or umbrella handle, and
"I believe itii,now serving that-pni,--
oises'very-xtrecmsfull -
eio ,v/alue. was, I un erstand,
Wu, -
A pretty little, bouquet was or-
drd .other day, and ono
wes by no means costly. Lilies the
• advantage,however, Of being
'unique. The flowers comprised
. -
ssomil, was a dain.,
e sage, eontainus -a sin in
gauging the possibilities whieli the
future may and.whiJi
its of our needs. The disWilkiy of
radium and tho vhenotnena asso-
ciated with it has revealed to us
new truths of 60 fundamental a
character that there, is bardlY any
rlane& of-selencirwiiielt has not
some way ptofited by tile new
#4/I !,‘0 of sweet , sounds" that.
chartned-the---*1---etipi-elt t tar ---nfe
than a 7sostly viece of jewellery
,woold -nave done. We have mule
several such bouquets, end they
ha,k never failed, to gt e & vain
iniount ofpIeaSure.-
reek astress it half -way between its
ceiling and its floor),-Whieb. was not smouldered tea4tbri (tatting up, u
a floor at all, 1)14 ji,uit an ordinary. dreds of tho sit:ids-of tona.of.coal
as takrng great j()hie OUSO
Ove,01011 a.0-YOu
dr- s of Thousand
o of Coal.
One. of 1110 41108
e1e3 ever recorded in
Mr. DolArt wits Joking AIDMIX3
around the kitelien, "Bridget)" he
said, after after * c..WItat slid 1 do
Me, tiatr.
liaresit on et: bead, Mike,"
. '
orriti" said Mr. Dolan) -"the
nixt .thing be leaving nia head
in me hat!'
• ....,e...0Hltrrilvp_itteked_tight,4041. and .burni its way deep
four_iyal* 13,1),.rsiok..44 not tesfest, gr,aust• to. at.mini7W_iiat:1130f
CI Or- * There• mit Y.
b-feifr'pace iiirgratcas- if t e
had not hadzrjukte.,-.4snough
Wise t,o
ftnisb it overly-. -
there was a larnp fastonedthe ...,
Liintaide s Oat
The shaft in which the firbegan
Da_44,0 that had.- been work..-
. • • gam.' -71:44C:'.0.144.34
and lack of
startcd. In th',0_0411:1rievd"asiltetiof. CPO:
uninn ,,:niuch the r
ng.of the &rips, When4.1.
slot: tit less, an4 ardediic
' 'The enormous qunntitios of this
'discarded coal bountifully .fcdthe
hungry fire. • .
,in ISM, the Company attempted to
make/ an open out to "b1oelt off the
,fire„. After an txtavatiort OtHinsO
tbaasand 'feet had been Aniado,the.
yoris, for seine forgotten reason,
into ti� tottutre-reati-,.. 71 tia was
- - .
Mother Joel; the hook of diree-
ria telling all about how to -too.
put Milo to bed. -
Of course there were lots of im.
portant Wogs to do Mother gave
directions) Oornbei lack and
Shorty carried them Out, and Milo
acted as Amersoer, But °Mb lag all
WLtS ready. The incubator larasi was
lighted) the thermometer that hung
inside was watched tilt the mercury
g, 44$ on,, reciona eggs sr r
.1)144-on:the rita_ rzeic
tr_elosed, and -the poultry -rano
-bad begufl.......
There was one thing Milo eould
do to harry matters- along. Mama
turned the eggs every day, kept the
lamp- filled and trimmed and the
toHtist- right,
Then things begin to happen.
The, mornitig ot that wonderful dar
mama A114 110.0 put high stools in
not =eh, to beat
sound was heard;
teten years ago4 oles were aunk
until eracks or open shafts were
refusc, wa.tcz 4 N4;" , a
e being to blOcic tlits fire by a
wall of ineombUstible Material;
.1forts, than Aeix htindre4 holes *ere
Aud into thesethonsands stf
Tons of "gob" were fortod, • vane
of the holes eating up as ninth
eight' twioitiud tous oE. material.
Severa ',hundred thousand *Mars'
minim *pond aboitt half
'yin.' ,ssike-thcmselve
thro Ap
with At.0000, 40' vemplica lone
rise ,7 h difficult to tope
with, The eurest, tome y o 11
end And one that is 'within , Iwo
. all, is Parnielee's Vegetable
Pills, tho best laxatave and 4
'tiro. on the market. ,Do 'not delay,
blit try thein now. One trial will
eonvince. Anyone that they 'arcrtho
best ,stomath. regulatoilhat can be
11 .
toId sir, that you said ys
iunatic syl
4Y: .40:47t -
What 1 4id say, and be 0
4o , u-4.3 that the ,keepers shoul
uovar-lSave alloWesl-you.to eseape
prinelpal-,mearK -Of llistiOntlng
hold -- Overtdiphtheria and
-841411M. ' Pads kill
the tiles and, the discos!) geniis,
"DeCtor," said tho eonvalcseent,„
niiling - *ek1y, !.P.',You may send in
.oir-----hil- si„' tt-Tit,
tut!” repllcd the ILD.,_ siloneing
his patient with a wave olitia hand,
ityollsre not strong enough
40 114
roeto0 ct t ft
4 0 v
04400 eta I) • I
We Ovorp/Oun gain is/ o
te atlx1Otin , tO PrOpnr* fora
oot$ pOsitiOn At rt goOtronlinry
JO Write no at onOtor Addres5.
Contra' Telegraph- 8011001.$
orrard St i East, toronto.
ttre other*
Ibioniti tut ilf4ort-
tot tv g 70.#, 9iiis cot,
Brothers. Reaton ice VAG
. tlbotpte44•114 to *tett
None gen Int W tip:St:010
%PeonUROT1IERS, on 'each
voteksie itd be eenvineeda
mod by uiug
town to UV,* orders f b.t cw.t ztis
:ciathes 10-00*d*. 1Uh.s ommItxA,
lort#4.Co., !_fitent% • •
• PORTRAIT CEIlli;-1;31,A/3to1 MEtL
we 040 In bus nets or their own and Ore
IV) emir
telgtio t
t the
The visiting parson was giving
00aviet 4,1, consolation. , "Yon
161)ould not complain my misguided
itiest.d4". ,be said f'lit-i better- to
thing's as yott.find them..." "Yet
en- the wrong track, parson,'" ro-
plied the prikmer. "It Wer' prac.
fl.ro crept round 00 wafls aiL 4011"
4zuue4 to burn.
house flose levy 1unocent1ooking
house files; may cause a roat trag-
a,ny day,as they are known
to be the principal agents for -the
'or -those -deadly-diseases;
typhold fever, diphtheria and
Ne other Sy killer corn..
cigar, no atter how gtod it i-,
if you allow it to go out"8.
50 '01, cigar 'a good cleal
like 4 1444 • t respect,"
A CtrITA114 METtiO0 for eurino,016,14ps.
VItirp.tarfri'ilidiglititrti; taao:u0L141Z1
the naghest reputation for over 60 Years.
?mkt Jrzlbetttotee, thItti but one "P*In-
kraer -petty Davis -sus .sse
331obbs.:,..('You're ' pretty ,
me on 3114IIIfrobt-s, arent.t you, old
s tt,
or she saii`l, me-tasf
rm not going to pay „any raore..at-
tention her." Blebbs--"Iliatat
be say 'I"' tfolibs 4' 0 17*
*nil 14%0 , ale •
Oliondak. OU-Stelot.
lor your locality or Out only LLfe restos
nes-00 gr...-rtioating the requiurnentl
Ast the zni ournzSi4Iofl." Our DlikriX
,*114poUeLe ahrielki to the:common lien
mut Dosttivelf protect the ,Polierhektees
iuterot. .40.01 tower. Terme Of unirne*Ii
irough in4tion in eating
green fruit inr summer many thil-
dren btoo140 SUbkOt • to eholera
Irritatin acids
akit $3*Do on&
litak pent:0411okt WWI* t
est r$p4t1. Our
tamps gaols seU Pit
Worst!: W100 mit vital,
sze4 up ted4tortont. twits's.
takt., )14404010 ,t110
*Or 0ft,,
Thz "118
CATIOGUI. 747:1:
;TTI1 0:4,1 'ffhIBO RD.
onta Can
Not beTooCarfDIt
Own ftignitto
. •
.On an , ocean c.stearnship
forMsil intr4duction, and
--herinin this, yott.
thateao u mutt keep absolutely
to yo!1r4!r, unless eireurnsteness
&rzsewhen you tan talk to 101110'
older WOritaEt. Sh011tit yoube tray..
with party awl should. you.
Make adlidaititatite 421146 on the.
itearaor) tr f,.* rememberthat they
are al-
eolifideritiat fr..tonls;
er *lends may be desirable or Mos
de -41'4'W* They onie ssith-otts
references and they 'pass without
,gootl.bso. The chances are that
ti will never see thoi Again, so
It tTuesti go wi iota- hearing your
lai4terS 41uti .About ozr
44),*,,...1S,..skstruittietes happens
that -lifelong friends are msde u
�t* Fitt1 ittitthisis the.,eceptioii.'
a title, atkl; any case,
,i:ifrkid-hii 1r wilente4
seeu in he sky 4110VO thO Norfolk
fens.. Several rteople Observed it
at different times And plites, and
one. enterprising individuel, even.
made a drawing of it, which was re.
tiroclueed in one of the newspapers
of that date.
Of tours() it ma
1C-;--- dcscriptz
of the aeriail craft, coupled with the
illustration. suggestat least the
possibility that even in those
tant days some, enter rising indi.
'vi Wre
plane': of, 01.0.1kOlf,..141411-14r
In 1810,, again), What we should
now, designate is dirgible balloon',
was rsPortesl;„to be hovering over
Kent. it was said by those who pro-
fessed to have observed it, 'ahaped
like ii monster sausage," and wits
• ad rentl means of,
plain And loud. Milo 1111cTaliffolit far-i6ff`
- -stool- at- that,
ped hor hands. S1owly but Sure y
that sharp Iittlo beak wiorked away);
:till the creek it made readied round
the shell to the little hole where' it
began. Then., short rest,.4 and
then the of rot'
,bed, stretched its le buff
legs;and-snap halt* of
it -be •There 26 some
been the machine with wbich it ter -
Wu Fre tett aeronaut
chard was eiporitoontin about this
eriedir and with which. -h
did) upon At least- one ion,
ems the English Channel.
In this connection, --too it
worthy .. take that *
Drench C40V-0Arilett
*Patrie brke friem her
zr•i,• in 1704'ir, an
baby. Ithsry lite ag-
gle4-looking, but its oyes, *ate
round and brieit m jet beads, .and
it -peeped is f it had been doing
itfor years.
Another rest, '—iiiirthen itbogau
to took out of that glatircloors,-- ears
. y reierg-tbrelitie-e-iiiii-eris there
14,,,,th riot any wire, And down it wont
'right into the burlap lielowsi` that
was as ,soft and Yielding .asa 11414-
TOOOka, •
Of course this One theit were
ever 50 tnhoy others lo,t'workg eah
shafts are
th-tieross the
Path i fire, ie first -Wein; an
open' cut ,,one. hundred feet long by
twelve et wide. Threo • of he
other shafts wilt be fifty' feet lonr
by byclve feet wide, And the;
two will bo twent
long 1y twe vo-w • e. r
fifty feet apart,. and they will be
two hundred -feet.- --
The cOal wilflie removed -Oct
these shoats, and from the intervens
ing Spates between them, a **lid
wall Of concrete or Clay, or heti?,
wall witi e,
comple e a
ked up an ad -
ss -re.
her moutb, And the
levier ; Ifer twe4ve-
15 5,5
If Milo WAS 400002
looks at fir0 he ibt%
mindfor inside of an
down e(
the Aorta they kept
Asia r,
sce t 4t woni
ated in their
changed his
hour the lit-
up *As post
ter shortl)r afterwards ame upon
the Wile. Seeinfr the adder gill
dheAllatoatioo ihe realized
danger, ,defitto:ye(t ttui snake, st
Then suck thb ion from
dear," aid the -professor's,
'the ".hensi lave stretched .0
thd ho sat down and wrt
velopmen• n lits Minds- of
' A Benefactor to ,A11. The soldier,
the sailor) the Sobermauf the miner
the farmer, the znechame, and al
who live lives of toil and -pend their
existence in the 41u11 routine of to-
t&!ks.and who are exposed to
• "nrics and ailments
,evety,,titie of neecL
U h ase the,41tatiii
will chck the,-..-inilanimation .and
save- the -
I ---
."`"'"*. .
(‘'Y'ou are Mr. Queseen, the bus.
band of the celebrated lesturess on ..
cookery, are you, not.l!" "Yes, •Eir#"
replied the .del.e.eled,
fro „ t fel
Win Like latrine, t
Your DrugOste. Witte isor rive
Vas.. ittatine. gyit steteeav Toront
a he I
uctU her pretty r FAiim
The Real Liter 111.-A torpii
liver meant a disordered system
mental Adepression, and ii
AMA,- t
0., of dbility. The, very
best mediciAe to arou;e tbe liver
a.�,i.on is -
egetab1e Pilis. They
ounded of purely vegi
ancs of careful sel
14**1* It* CA titu
, Itcow 1* its Mit
ust ek to be un'bt
in<it,peiHbflt vf help
ing at,d 1ii""s vitom
he ItztlrevIIi eurte tg.
• W tiro -1
n this age) • II ot1ze.r, ther.
folk WM
o let their inut
1th dent,
y then hot been,
the -tirreetion Oi