HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-16, Page 5;07 cf., a.
.,..:.47,1`.1.ceellerklin:-e,.-2-of •
We 1te
the la.d)ea oeCreditOn 'and" suirotioding conn.
,tO insCct ou1utUu1 displayofie end ,r.:
When rybheyou CatfiCeMS to turn to, vs
and your stomach and intestines cause you end-
less discomfort, it is *nmtfailime sign that YoUr C11,-
, Ire system nce4 a thorougb housede
late, resid n
8, inte ant • bein
iT eeitTertr . , he. 1
incere .eympathy• o he tornWitiltY
in their bereavement. .
Mr. Ilarry Deaver and children
returned home Saturday evening after
',vending a few weeks with her else
ter Mrs. It. this:table..
g. IXY'-'11'''e7tilarg`14117461'..a few 'r-4)±4tweehns"""tille Dell' .
troit %,..:',.ing friends and reititive,s.
A number from here tire attending
the. London Fair,
iulfzire.alr,a Braun spertt Sunda,' '
Mr. 'Chas. Bilber, ofZurich, ',spent
SundaY in town. - v
r. airy EilbaeT ."-frte• rxii-liiir-liorint
takine in 'the Fair.. • „ .-
Mis.ses Iloxie .and Dora Eilber, of
Zurich, were the teueets of Mies M.
. Wenzel on Sunday.
•eeTrire-elififg -iii --,firtialteirliriVe flai
laiTte:Miees' es Ilartleib, of Dashwood;
• pent .Tuesday • la- towne---sasitinge
.friends. . - ' - • I
• . Miss M. Braun spent Sunday In
1"-E1.-7:-Jittnes of Sunny 71SIdat
'his yAtecejtjonereeiunt" e youn
• people aro all tglad to see bine again.
ee.IllieS Edna Brock spent"Sunday iii
-Exeter visiting her parenta. •
'elfies 'Attilti Rill spent -Tuesday in
Axete% •
One - ay -last week while Mrs. 3`.
rialeheiner_orees-drivIre -homee-eilia.,
-...ItegieigiiAteteens*Siii kt
had a couple ot rihe broken, and was
bruised . very badly. Wee hope ehe
will soon be around again. ,
We understand- that Mr. Kerry E4.-
ber, eitunp-Silaitek and Mr. -I3. Braun
were in Toronto- ott',a bowhing ex -
.pe A ion tinCare now witting- 0- a
against anybody on t4e, continent.
es 404
Of the. eVen,in telt' . returni„.
Ing?.tt *eception. With relatives
Paell'aeolturele „vicluitat.e.----'
otir A. *month a
prcit oeiveteune'
future 'Canadian.. hertie.:
-Mi. Frank Mifls, of T Dank
ental roof.
Jed Mrs. M. Jlazdwood and
Mies Nellieaft returning to their
Wane in Vancouver, 11. O. this weals.
Eddie Pigott, the little Irian with
a big "voice. is .engaged to entertain.
1st. 'Pomo and hear IOW _
lefr.•,Walter. Itazettvetal.is attending
the Western lair. • •
The •fartn .of the late W. J. Tufts
is. for Sale. .
.The friends of Mrs. J. A. 'Kirk will
be Pleased to hear that ehe is pro.
gressing as favorably as can be. ex.
flatulence by elimhiatink the cause of the di4urb.
',lett with an 1004 or Sidu`Disitose
" ew , fit safictiraran
curootertheac eaelpstiatie asteronteici
- aAisilled ,face
eallptions and blotthes.
whether hereditary 014 isealredi <Jur Tom°
_remed*ei and treatment neutralize
sotislotthe blood and expel them treat the
orst-ollA -.our:clot exPerietice te the treat-
meattuousands of the most...serious tied
asetpliested cues enables oft to perfect a
• cure without experimenting. 'We do business
Ott the rise...Pot Only for, the Ponsfit You
Duelvo. Toth:weeny I4and con -
us Fro. of Chute end let OtepeoTe
you bow_aulekly 0,14, remedleti Jvido..remoye
,allesiderieet or disesse. `Under the inane/ice
of tba New Mitkoilqleasaserar ISO isktichee
neemes tier, ureereepeetees and blotches
enisrged glands aro reduced, fallen
Ifttrrow, 'have- '
th, gr, "tilr,4
dray- last and pot their new, grounds
oferosite Petty's black, in good oder
for, making a first-class green.
,Miset U. it/. Sutherland is ependine
a weor so with Mende' in Torartto.
wilt be ellapeneeiteia-Viermel. -Church
on SabIJaU2, 'Uit, 19L.h nst., at the
Deeming service. Thee preparatory
eternion on :the 'Friday afternoon pre-
cedine will be !conducted by Itey. tar.
Sharp, of Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. James Taylor spent a
couple of weeks with "-their son and
daughter) in 'Toronto.
. Mirelober-Welstrreiretricianetiteed
_yell painful and hat nearly moved
a fatal aceident on Sunday of last
week. It appsars that ivbilo attend-
ing to some repairing and adjusttng
o Cfrirees oeierberenetareotnie
-Carmel church, he took in his hand
what he considered a dead wire, but
the ovoiiin
and the. effect eatesed_.ileye tbe wires
coming in contaet with wet branches
fetretisj,_`fx_eele_trietttharettiee wire- w.-
eaVtly cuargeo, anu instanter -drop-
ped to the- ground with the live wire
in his hand. Fortunately- -his- wit
had walked over with him, and in
-endeavoring to pull her luSband
DMUS, from the ivire received a bees,'
shock. Shethen. ran foseltesistaneei
and getting a stick she pluckily
• 4k4oeitiotetLhoe4niv.ittrenietittaro,4% e„..it4igv.00.74-41
withatood the high- voltage. As i
was, Mr. Welsh's hand was ,severely
burned. ge waS,carried home and we
are pleased to say is around again at-
tendirrg to hie duties.
Mr. Henry' good,. of Pease, Sask.,
spent the -past-weelceitert-ti rah,.
Mother and other relatives • and
friends in illeasall and neighborhood.
. tield (Mrs. Armita e, .of London
were herr h-Tirlisi t • tar
elaughter-r-Mia. -talkenhea4r-
•The Ladies!eiAtietillary.eof St. Paul's
.--churele-a- veep." eckingethetr_ annual -le
and sending it to Fort Macleod, Alta.
Western fair.
Mrs; Jelin Coperand, of Sr. MarYfs
yisiting at Mr. It. 'it, Copeland,
13th Osborne.
-7--triger 0- crie-a-
phone Co. attended, the telephone
convention in Torontee last week.
nOw tro44.11„ for Wattion-Brine.r. bas
*boilielit the resideace ot: Mr. John
Livingetone.- - -
-11.tretont. ellititie-Flate of Kirkton
has purelutsed 100 acres near Xas.
14enttyein the S_eskatetteewnet Already
etc:dic; ,
Me -sirs. Elliott and Foster areetteak--
ing good headwaywith their ditehinC
eontract. .
The ,sidewalk craze in •Rirkton. Is_
ealit ngitlrnie which Is a good sign
the home of and Mr. IL IL Cope.
land on Wednesday 'the+ 15th, inst. at
*ix o'clock when theireldest daughter
Olive May .was united in holy bonds of
matrimony to Mr. J. Edward Stone
a proeperous OWE farmer of .
•tunes• o ett the appointed hour
witi1e the • Mendelesshott's Wedding
naarch wee' being played by Mies
Mil. 11441440alitW
on the arm of her ffithc,e,_4ho_heil
witS OShored tO the matrimonial
threshold _which was --so-- arch of
eirer3reena erected on the lawnt de-
ceirated with chineslanterns, aird
!are bell. The- bride looked charirt-
ing dressed,jri..palblue silk trim-
medevrith Yalencenes lacer and in-
Sertion carrying a bouvet of white
carnations, She was unattended. _The
ceremony* =a -performed' beetite-Steiv
11. Snell, of Kirktors Aftet congratu.
lations all repaired to the dining -
room. where a sumptuous dinner
was prepared, The evening was en-
* - -erteeteefiret-
atruatental. also the ItazinaeOrtheste
e presents were
both, numerous and costly among
A. 0
- Among those who went west on the
ha'rvee *tins --were-eChtis - -Mc-
Carthes---John Egan, John Laiirence
II. lirineacombe and David Itowecliffe
of Crouton. •
Mr. INTichael Heenan has "returned
home after visiting his brothe.r irk
gonses 'City and his uncle In lie-
braakee .At the latter place
• • varts the zrowtlievery-rapIdaving
Odell corn gra* eight irtchea in 24
hours and potatoes on the .teble ready
to eat six weeks after planting.
Those ReAtil, must hoyaehesi alLt
ritillins mummer.,
. Pettlearden on, Sunday visited -their
nephew, Newton Willson who has
deto-at ttosinLettrmind_.
Plivet.sitemeral tireestester-
-A-Ititeat -anmettereta=:relatites ,and -
friends from va,rintiii places showed, .
their "sympathy for Air. and Mrs. •
0 r ki son le nttending the
funeral of .their little intent dauzh.
ter Pearl, which took place on Sunday
to Zion cemetery. Itev. rettS00, Of
Elimville conducted the
burial- aer-
vke. 'The little one was only itiek a-
feW days and 'died on Friday. -.Much-
sympathy is extended to the heretiVed
parretiseee •
Ir, Neon unnin who li on
ptiZUCe etsrelVtitill
in Itosatand, 11. C., .after ..being at
Halifax and claiming as hils brldet
5tIss 11.;:tttle Waite. WaS given a
• 1.-Iteent Tees b het t
av • o nstone bent fifty. 0 hie
Mb/el, vprs.Li.._:preert t _to welcome
him and hi brid.afld.th.
s, fine and Jeavy serges, plain a4trzpe
broadctoths, fren eb trict.itine and ft; ¶
of r"nioe- ress. _
vercoats for men a
Ladies and Misses .coats.
eroc.lore Won in exchange*
rapidly emu:1g hack
into p9pular favor,
+la ye..4
live. tunes w eat es five years
— oze-Weltam
tso uliyS,--b-y getting the very best tng.
lish wheel we can fur popular selling, and •
saVing tO --our -ustoztiers -inittnitediate pro- -
fits by filling orders direct,by mail instead of
through agents. In ibis way -we can otTer
Next Sunday, Sept...19th, .Iteve11.
Wa.ton will preach a special sermon
to the mothers of Elineville COittreit
No. 93, Cartadien, !Order of Chtisen
*Friends. Tire Inerahere - are - reaneste
elfin meat At the hill at •A. O'ciCkek
and proceed to the- chirps!: in a body',
Mt the men:them are expected to be
ettieleartha-siat Chifilrene" hos.
'noshing l the order of tire day
on the. Olineville finseand the, opting
grain is turning out hetto
hr now reitidenee of Aire Will
• e rar-
- . . J. YhrviiL.., btts fin
ishcd all . the inside work and when
nli is completed, it will no doubt be
a oemfortrible and convenient dwell
/nee 1"
gr. Ed. • Johns is under .the Or's.
tare suffering „from an attack of
rouseulitr rheurtiathint.------- -
A catrections,,,Vill you nifinv mb
thtauflai your paper, for the benefit.
ed financial report
It; tor . last
Tbe error 1, found in amount'
rsIis(-d for tier* parposet. The
amounts co) ed by the juveniles
rtr ntir-1y omitt4d, aso setae -
theLeaelleetne °t.
tiollst7i paid_ 3 :el *101;
--thfIc 1rortb4,4ro.e.4. are
4 and
hcb was rid t4 ,
Itt tha.
business of M A, E.
tavpre d to ,kindtr-vf illacksraithrk
for the General Public, and respectfdlly solicit the
patronapzi ot tile Old Customers .of the Shop
- and many Neve One,. lieve we can give you
entire satihraction.‘
and aoclability which were -extended'
them will no donbt haVe a lasting Im
pression on theta as they go to .their
new home In British Vol:ambia rith
tit! best Wishes for n; happy and pro.
• sperous totyage through life. The
groom visited his grtindt110ther. MrS.
Gunninit on tiaturday.
ob. Washington*
ati:1, 4n t
Smith. reeve, mid IL W.
win, clerk, lett ill Tuesday for o-
rottto to3 delegates of the Ontarld
Municipal Aseaciation for the Prt-
venticn ot •Consunti)tiott.
MV. and Irs, Williain ;Wiliddqh and,1
sois Mr. -John -Whiddon, and nel-e03
ifiles•Atinie -nose, event Labor Day the
•_Itis--brothor Mr. Jahn
d 0
Mis taloaerWeetielee-W-innie 14ticNell
d Florencef.."Actrtin left this week
for getiforth to attend- the nigh
&booI and -Mister Ford Xing to sts.
nd the 'Ooderith iligh School. '
three dollars' w
Tressuter and
receipt and is al
'Minutes of '
_46 111
e er seeeetip a 1,0"d. Thti quality ofthe -i5 is all sot
only the best mated* used mIc,tomy*iiiometh=ic5emooyeti in
construction. The equipment 'is, right up-to-date and tho marlines
m• throughout are such as we can tiloroushly recommend. We sell auto cee
bilt4,a, well as bicycies and our plan is to make wheels serme as a ood
-advertisement the.etitirelxiWress‘ Send for illustrated folder.
li}"SLOP .BROS., Liinited
�Trot or thevaceLmitchWrinel!
Race; taiik Drivers! Conipetition
among public schools for- ,proge,.
slant patriotic sorts,
The babas been enlarged; bring
°on your exhibits, therevill be staple
--room for all« For any other informs-
tion*rite tbersecr.- - • • •
JOHN HA%VilVit00b, Pres.
Simple Iajul:rlel:with Serious riteSults.
Morris Quota/fan, an eleven Years
old Witideor ho has just diettlas the,
Poison entered ' the wound, which
ltuwadlcallesui jeletirnit..T./4.mera„(1 by \ling. off his4beleyi?0,,clye
died. Stott incident* as thdite-;br-110'
Means rave might to make
people realise th0-: danger that may
lie even in the smallest fleeli:wound.
4, Take y aknainitte.palexutsitiriontrtactalitr;t1 sWohletina
ter, of dirty wood, a barbed •wir6
,0e_tehicheetite„.,11.hotet ua POI*
the latter -is inoculated with germs,
" or a thorn, seratch1,1 the land,
li:reefiriEesa ger
* I
through 031 breath in th
.-battteroyat mazer between thea extid
certain orteanhatel ttite
When the favriding gertas-are too
strong for for Nature* defenees, fa a
few hours tile ringer w neo
and throbbing. littte. later tix
wound may txhihtt a whitish apPeere
nce _the middlii of the owelling,
and We hate a-1040-
.0ring or poisoned wound.
"- way to aatild suet* serious te*
aLtIts is to 41culiGet4118Zatimt:;;X:3muk.,:iiiittedazd
erftfl yet pnin1sa and
Pirewor Take* Holiday StiO
Ends Evening and visit London's Fair I ' Over
Win. Ruby htis streied bi5 connec-
tion with tinder's store and left
last wesk for his new home in New
- Word was .reeelved on Tuesdat
-lust week of Ile death of grit.
thous t'town. 'Tho 4eceei'
was living „stitil tie 4 too
inflatntaation, from, ye
"d, die
at St. ...iniopb'S?: Ifoaitalj Loudon. She
le.avee betide* her busbold and father
three ,isnanII children, the Youngest
- WeC5 OW to her
early death, basing teachcd
Ott „only about twenty years. ,
The deth Of Denomy
St.y; -,I.Inee• which '-arid
event :ticeitrred On Tuesday, of !Oat
week, removed out of the early set-
fh.i ot
that line, ileetaSed had
.11 retiring 'disposition :and
I '
TJ.i fo]lcning rats
icct the; e iture fo*re144:44r:
eat, 'Courity rate V,,s' On Net
•* Township rate, 2.2 MI rt. *14 *le
floral, School 1. tailia,Ort the
11 tbr,same as last yet
he arnotint required by truati
• elt or
4e*everAti 0101 Minato be levio&
apecial rates,
tlit a 4
lk‘ty.ltaw No. 7 tin heti:Int th
ing of/Waive *ate* 1V55 3ptLfld
4e4)31cailit° Ace' ito the credit Of
Andefaott drain dement. was 'ordered,
to he, refunded to the rikfoPsyttre tirf
Md dreitt
d nssessmtnt fur veld work,
ins' from the taxes for Ind*
itSr*INto*-8 Pinithiing for the re-
fund .and *mending jty4itiv
IOC% wits Pasered eiceried 137 -INS wow
and Clerk, and hp OrOtefatte
'in her rar'z:
Jaittes leltuston;
Igrs. Smith* of IQ.
115 15
ing n tett -Nreckltth gui'atof
4, orentst li%fre and %rti„,. JAnies
'37' 'to.
or b ' 1ctk snd visltiro
intt di1incounuirtito
to3t wook. ibe
by her brother, Mr.
rr t whit*, Wilt attend
the\ Vitiate.
- Sterling Of the lin
JohnZfelloil was in,011ittott on
day tetWiSitegirie-S4th
d! -n5' and 1111 ll!flflEttiOfl.
heti, the wetittd Made per
he Malt te thus leckothe
Mr* 41/14 'Stir Tilt:11M •
„Acootints nmoi
*Sett and ordi
'Connell ..t.hert
taditto: Oettilit
rr1414. trIlivre •11rtit°d*fo
'the -tee
not C 4 lent
s. Zente t
1021, DoSs.-?#-si
and healing Vet 14
found togothe
fon. II is not ni dtogett.
IbIt for ordf
aditiOn unique,
sptie, eoothin,
tte that are " root to
any ether fike.$
41 teiti Ittni
lit *le 1**41. let Alt
-skaar,`$4,torisito.cos, 'fir s, horns*
tstettrits, eluding, ulitt ',rinSwoinsi.
te. 16 Wititolit el' It Is 1
4 lealts
te.ti. vie
t IS *Ito muia-jL'sfi
e Srot.,Jbs kik I
dbcf.'ILt1t this.
W, t0We7.