HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-16, Page 2-*0
4Annoe r0a.
a (pia cath
r diss
er breath.
anytbing like,
tha1 they. were. pu
y 'ant 0
ni ng) On, ' 't
d'ag i I
•it.„ aS W wj t
Melt` had been ' t 1
gratifying. me '''tn1714:4
ryk el its los* -ex:pla!
lir ' t
. ,
on' r
f it..
us •
thc us took to
e IIO fear of beeo i
'^ A x
A .1. e 0 0 . . %
\ lagk
n 144 Ion have elevated in • , ,
i • '''
\ Il r evinpartiori slied out:eft- -t 190 4t 00u „fr .14:atcr one tilte( ,
taty. \ whereupon both lowelti loame 'nt..,1
y At her perpie
t - 10.7 the Pessessien\ le the' 4the'''' ad
"Of course, I knew tha
- imuld be astoniShed" h -4-,-trd "fit were thus handed dow the
,:..- .. ,t, ... ... . ... s-
stheis yoirstrirnatordifilitt giV est- S90,,nr-48-2r,_119g-e-
tk that. from the firat- Y num° ° I4`4'er-
it this cow j
1 have see'44.*
our ,sequa,bltaand mist try many yeasts AP, fr-di lori
an A
.^ not underrate yourielts .t two; with American girt Alt a seal she
to their bethro
for 146 next three T4--fons, year, thal, nt her oe man
• it will be well for •eel attend ,9i the twin11`111438,.in4"S 'in a
Ittessel i g o eri le
a4er pernsing missive
he name of tliiiii‘ woman wa
. . s
o AS, A //
• i
af my father ZZfG
rhine of •tbis trauge
n this ,old-tiing t
trietly to the perfeetion of your
Odueation-rand-inark-thitfl rega-0 Perfeet3Y trustwor" lordshit-a, _ton
ere, not to, mare ,expense, There hY• .The lea° "5.• 14.ttaelc went.
ItIlltrritY ;At -rohimai-so-the-sterY'g9014-Anu't"1414- iltat-teltine-now
• ---4hat-4ewei,- lest. .. The Other, Ul * tiI*141 - '
0... . . 444/4.it . 433011$ 1 g appen
and your sigaatore will always be tY, fell mt9-1119 414 her resumed her s -e -or end re-
-honored for any. amount you may and, as y'Ou knots„ was stole by in; peated the story which her father
choose to draws .t have also air. beother and bestowed upon his fay: had related to her, after which ,he
v..ele.ti nirike yourlioni rit---4-11.11'e'tt);.14:-.3791."9.'11" Iclk? -lutd---vennno • he -lo
- r4tel And.s.tsatislittw soa
with Mr. ieg tinting t 'We ays, I ' - "411.-- rec,
,•a)A ...whew our, education is Art. deposit vault 'in London, toget er If she should over
• with many' other pretiouss.nsonosy
at• Ass discover the --
bo s0 fortunate
baked, he, with good e, wt
Present yeti at,--courfrand. givo yoti
a little taste of society before you
settle down iiisteor proper positins
ae the lady Of Iiiington 'Manor.
am going to leave you perfectly
free to *slo as .2teu choose in all
things, Esther," the man eontino
ed, but with a little sigh, as he
n the fitture, you shoul e
some one worthy of Your love, you
,are tes_follO'sit--the kortenntingsof
yoor own heart- Nay, do. not
shrink," he interposed, as she shiv-
tred slightly at his words; "a beau-
tiful woman, such.. it$ you, must
necessarily attraet lovers -it is but
natural, and I am sure you will
•-never clipose rashly or unwisely. 0136
thing only X wiz
that, should children be given you
by and by, you will nameyourold-
rvirig shy fright !"
.-of-thornarne; and, after -you* make She Iifted-her s to her coin.-
'him heir to both title and the es and -131141-
tato. Will you promise me this "What is it I".. he inquired ; "of.
' 'Ant are you thinking 1" ,
Esther V'
"Yes -yes, I would promise. you "Can, you imagine that, two
anything," she breathed, the girt Yeats Ago, was so- painfolly
tering drops fa *n thick and fag; to be absolutely repulsiver she
whichwillnow -lieconto your
tber, and you are wear theMan
control there OS long '48 you live
ter that they are to go -to .yetir
eldest son, if he lives to succeed
you; if not, to your second.
ehild," .he added, bending a- m
lug look upon her, should Itt.
-y nineb tOfieo you, just for once
p 3 3011 ki*
wearing these family jewels, .wire
for so long have been lying uselete,
zeause-therer has heerrno-mistrese
in the manor house. Esther, I.
ow iyou would be -really -beastii-
The youthful, wife flushed to the
brows at this tribute to her 1oyeti7
istsLit-he-possible„..the Wonder,
ed, -that she was the same girl who.
lass than two years previous, had
gen_ desi nate& " erfect
----think that he -must srsur
31113411 to her, a coMparative
Then she added, -*priest g y, a
sho„ saw -howpale
"But do not tilt k-etirnizire
this to.day-L-retr- now, and finis
what, you have to say to -morrow."
"No'•dear, I want all these mat- •
ters settled whilethey may -be.,-see_
less " she asserted, and then
first saw -her in her Ittestern.lionte,
-antl weatY Istid tcs tdll tar sst.hiesidiseqnent
etforts. toi.tuprovesher personal ap-
"Well, I ani'surprised,1 Lord Ir-
vingtonr -observed, when she. con -
eluded, "end I must ,say . you de -
are. not sure of toztit0rreoki
'1-6&-si7greittW-76ilit -for yOuteenr
ltnow " he .gently returzied. "There and l'ertevera,nos In submitting to
siAr tinipi *ant to *no. But -itire-not-1011
ito not So:ter-I Math more to tell moeh toU o improve your appear.
*peak *bout .tli7e tont Y sewers, :e.19P„04-enn Yet/.
4.et r,..yAlAtab prispnesy that, trite° years
- -
whicb hits- made zo ninth trotibie rbeautiftlriv911111°1-1)04--hetter
tor me. It was one of a pair, cons- thos(i)tj I am,sure, you will also. he
Jwitieltlutve- -known its "Thank you,' said Tither; W
whyslid toy remove it r
the ease 'Why did you conceal '
within the ball of worstedl" times possIbie, te„ read at mitt, h.? h,„ oaughter suouj"btain 4a Nut,
h10,, eimpan has
j WO In /tup
tteen rung
ng i
. aunt*
do ti li e wins.' Wit out. any -o it
In ties isle\nd of SaVeri in the n LtirtglY of the work of her or.
$.0309an group, dtiring a'n. August, fantzation and the part .she has tow
Irvin the a 1005 oleic aro- In building it up after the
om t le.ini t peace t 0
ritation-a-ssoleano that -in --four
swot. forth more molten I
gtliasT A
a. 0 tion ho or
• . tinkiirg-Tship.-----This Women wileboru
has --of-slavosperentage,--and- -when a
"16 young seri,. after the war, eon
' eriothonrkloineteisweehm
,,• . s ,,, •. ., , — /as Vaken intorilifltilirt
To -day trim now Or lava, Va. isorne tenariee_ of the family. she carried
Places ;00 -feet in depth, is —filling the wash to each home in a -hassled,
P theses, along a frontage Of *more that shelter°, upon her had.. •
than 0.1teirixttlett.. has -destroyed . .. .
(AA filty--rillitarilirany ---.--- -0E0
square miles of. \vita Was -onee-th --Netivithetandi , poverish-
M st rodinitalveArea in ail. Satire. ed condition of the family arid .the
From Apisei.--aboub-tiftysmilea away humbleness of its inirroundings, the -
len the island of ITpolo, it. it sonie- young girgssniother-determined tha
i an Intinifeai',. 00.,,s,helerte-tied, Ilie glare Of the &trams Aro canis, catkin,- and spared her time to at-
point ot the 11"1.4"vet u'ere- whose tivin pillars of vapor by doss tend the pulitie .sehools, of 'Bich. -
upon .stie tom him of theconverses,tmeemes eolumu,01sr-reids---, mond. Mrs..,Walker recently recall.
ion het'gee° the tv"I'lx4r1 ntr Laktki fbe Over ‘eething'iake Of 04 hovf her mother bad ottens)400,1t
„ , f, s ts,
urge, 404 which she had over -
fire within -the erttor hangs a great at her bedside, belie.ing her
, oIi to speak of how i I lesser cloud, sometimeshi e to her 1440 and pen IN
trayed herself, how their suspeions , a
hen Mrs.
had been aroused by hearing Frank i i -,-11.t.? Ir..-,,,anY eelerens.er apparent Are' [WalloolutAl eomPleted her sebooling
bush -in -in 'Cill-tier name, and --the -t'set;18'-'014.0t010.retrskyt-eirtgr malt eloti-wfiriTititvhae i: hersh-e-be
fright which she -had - manifested;rAetleern"in tlle--....."11°fAell'tilme"cand teachers
and how, after diseeviring that one' thicat"'ellftel:17,:aelt l'illithogg:seti:st.firtel;reurd-Ntedlietroo.itbho-esehr:s4atisont titheslie-svtasi„. %sill;
of tho limo bad climbed to her win- -
(lc)* and seen the leaden ease in her • of molten
temecod the jewel higher every day. The ocean steam- I That. .WAS nine _years ago/ when
rocks builds higher and Order, .
hands, she had
nd it withithe pair ers touching at Apia pass within ' the organization, although.having
aconcealed n 01
over the old
-010ft -Itailing-tli4tance-0
tsetse spectacle.,
Seientists who have seen the most
cent flow ray,. ttest_eymillintite
300,000 tons of lava. flow over tho
lower rim of the ehater;:and this
not resembling in any Way the-iithe
lava, but like molten iron spreads through her personality succeeded in
field and beYend, _lin- having hundreds . renew their moms
til at the sea there is a. Niagara o bershipin tinasfraternity, And.L.she
Are full tea miles in -width. As exeursione into the ad.
molten lava falls into tho oeeiin !joining State of West Virginia and
it turns to fine black send arid sinks • secured other members.
worrsi-W "nseeisteneosm
years, wai m its death -throes,
She also related how, the 'Fri -
membership hsiviiig gone down to
ens 'winter, the same. man had en-
Oply,lAis was in the
e her -room for-the-putpese-4-
reasuiy. Mrs. Walker day- and
robhing her of it, and, but for -Ter
he coveted prize.
night tramped thts_dreets of
iought, would. have see= •
• . • mond and tU-Wear-h-Y-tewns, an
It certainly WAS, a *lever inspir-
ation " Lord Irvington remarked-,
when she concluded, , "and 1. be.
lieve you canna do better than -to
rewind the wool about it. No one
*or awn-
I"- Air.
iiti deposit it with thc other, open
s:g_tarrs- to L,t_sndoa, Boni orria-
tuts will- henceforth-Wriiirter.
your proper place in society., upon
the eompletion of your education,
I want you to weer them, with the
othef family jewels. It is loii since
the Irvington gems have grated &
11146$41 for,m-
min seizreely holey lur,s
wearing stich costly things,' sai
Esther, musinglyl, , -
"I*41.1 'will 4000 become aceustoin
ed to them-seweIS thirigs t
I , ti-anit g -conscientious vionzan
loosed very long -ben y --s -ones, • •
'The Irisingtsm. twin rubles', starting tears; ar am 4
- hafe'yeil, tell titer that than to know
that I am personally agreeable to
ULLItL TI:11 XXII. you ; although, of course," she ad -
As Lord Irvington spoke of "The dediwith a shy smile and blush,
Irvington twin „rubies," Esther "it . pleasant to feel that 1 am no
electrified him by springing to her longer repulsive to others. Now,"
; feet, quivering in every nerve, a she 'continued,. after 4 slight pause.,
look, 0f. blenk• itinatzement upon her "would you like me to tell -yon,
tidee, • tr 1---kn4M---ab'oxtt the Itwirt zit
ifectly wonderful! I can hard. potion, eagOr
like it!" • - "Welt then to begin with," sh
'tom tteion regarded her said, with repressed extitertient,
wonderful,' jewel,”
%at,i t that is wonderful? Vie Iffiff now stared
t is it you eau hardly believer blank' amazement at this *stein
Iie intotire4. "Why are yon so,ex- ing staternent., • -- •
eited, Esther, ever -what I have said ”Esther! have :eon lost your'se
ont_roy „family ,jeliVels ses I It cstinot be Possible !'t
, The girl seek baek.. Seit- -
II i._,,----- ' . '
of the n re, At" 114
, .. t )
i usab f
But -with the
'141 &rte.:11°147; rsaitiusez
i stock the
lle f.
.__.i /
a \ 'Wit r
'dred t -o Grade,
Holsteit)n or •Gt°inie%:rgull'ulsiteilt:elf' t'er calves
Id when. they areste months old,.
and gets besides all the but
v se e, k es
aking, g-- a -hi
ore.s.lirect•, Y-cajidca.
* can afford ..
calves make, all helps greatly to
keep up the fertility, of his soil.
This is not the case when the num
is titsied:lv-theese ineltisig or:a
the edirde1CirtliTelattlierT
better aide. of •dairy farngs__00
side that makes -a full-fledged,
rstselasslarmer of -the maul -that
as not been studied as it ought to
have been. Just because they ean,
-get- -little egtra, 400 -now, -,for the
Milk, has been. enough to send
thousands of farmers away from
the broader, better and -truer -phase
of dairy farming, the phase that
wiI lone kee u the fertility of
This moving molten lake:titivate:4es
, te-0-10ur,railesr-arr---h-our,.
s it urs.. itself into the se
COlUrnflSOf -ea
to incalculable. -heights, and this,
deseending in a fine rain of brine,
destroys vegetation and eorrodes
the galvanized irop roofiings ef
ehurehes and trading stations, for
Aa the torrents of boiling • lays
lireak inst, the_basalt clilts5-or
um left by -the -old flow- cliffs
re melted, the Beek'
iutegrated rwitru,
y 146-1%*- to I)
v itia • h . a,- where3 x
hat my. zinel ver married, booths sold ri
,ut--04-e-beartievsb-iiited ritt, v.,:yjauzeat,ajorixagr...x
tf wheat in order to Obtain
vegetable matter. 'Mit. about the
same -length .of time, more than
four times the amount dt. siieh ma-
tcr&al may be produeed by eowing
'Ian. 1003.
uud til wiWdraintbc la
inneb moretluickly and satisfactor-
ily open ditches, which are an
eyesore -end -expensive, sts they hese
to/be elearted out Wen'otherwise
1jthe44-4ks-cavillfriarilitY- would
soon become so filled Up that -they
ould net drain the land•tit-all: •
A cetera' farmer should always
try, a -notebook with him, or at
least have access to one each day.
'Whenever an implement breaks or.
sa akening_ef__. ariy f its
eason hour,
r supper, to ene
Isronits an<L,
drinkiiig verytig
is-tfue,---mett 0.
he -morning -they -batsis•iur ei
tassi.tude, and are lit' no sneeze
about thei
cal hours you will
snatching tile repose they 011
have hehtte
Ski to indulge -themselves x
Under .44ernsan.„ .certain mins
or:Offer-7as aiii7aa- iii
that should commend itself to our
lawmakers. Forinstance,
when -under thorin-tli.ience-of.drto
it' rather . neisY,--"and, -P`OrtkaPst„
breaks., is escort=
to, thes.neartst poll e -station, where,'
his-snatne and. address are ,taken,
tie a unt, as
rine ..0. 10m
For tertain_ offences,
au 'wary mace in the stre
ic policeman stop's Iiirn,
mands 00 cents, for which h
ferca. receipt. If the offender
kreigner who does not know the
power of, the law in Germany he
may be tempted to spit again in
_All_reglit-The 'Mirth
the law will remain inye, nn
et' -
establishingh d the
e u t o,r _ re
t Whiled in seventeen- tales,
w mem. berstee 1st more than
45,000 nr,t the various departments.
From a racial standpoint, Mrs.
Walker is•dissat-iiiried over the feet
in6 kin,to branch out business
'"There isno reaon why
negroes ehotiId-n4ot-liasic-von
menu of_t -en:e
for the OPera,
oor work.--Such_sseourse may save
he.titisy seaion., nig tiiit aiwa
ary to
t..Te necessity fos,-repairsz
ILC poultry -house need not be
an expensive affair, but should be
of Atriple,site, and built well enough
to kstiit. the snow in winter and
the tali' In simian r. One or more
windows, should be put in the south
and a number of opertingsleft
)r lentilati*t.;
wcathr, and :red
iitti itzitro.,_::,,terectopt,..0r netting 111
when -a -Screen ocies -
'eke the'. e-cf-ther -wooden-one.
roosting .poles all the
said jo---'have, been- -4.-very-beautifit thilte 011
tnglish giri, and--,- a,: great Society n(.n the water boils and from
Woman, and not long after her en.
gagenzerit to ,Lora -Irvington, 'she
rude the aequaince tanof-A Weals
thy American, with *holt). the "fell
violently in love; and flirted diesper-
ately. She at length broke her
troth with zor„unclei..iii the hope of
winzang _the otli but She fair -
hat. he sra akeaidv pledged
intrywoznan ,-hit own. They
re. Married *Tittle litter, but I
knew *hat beesiret of this girl
d'throwit over, my relative.
Et as a bitter blow,. front which
covered„ and* s long as
avoided *11 wo
This •wia4 what probsibly,Til
I se austere, strut I sun sureit
.lieerk-Cutv;st..;_keetter di
ntMent. to him, :t
iiarng brother and Myself t
`his hopes.. ) ,tion
,•••In •this ,cOntitris:people whc
boarding ithhcd- apartmenti_ Itenerall
6 Alt tatiOn.,; TAP1.41.P
so with the Kaiser's subjects. In
Germany, even bachelors „I14V6 to
-pay taxes, and the foreigner ,who
is *lily in the' country tein rily
istential -one, too.
Of ,aourse,- you may protest that
ou are only in the ,toentry for s/..
• 100kins pato m14 troUbleds, She . "Wait one moment,- and 1 wil
overwhelmed alniost appal- prove it th yon,
hosigh t her sais
twiutthr1aS now-- rier nu.
band, itth iilolong-en d.
o ether_witls,its
• less mate,tas about to eeree into
her :out , sten. " It was eer.
„tpd 4OSSib1y4
'there might ome intake. ,„ •
IINctise me to intrupting' you
uncertreouiettsly,;. she said,
tom -trolling litOt flOat1011.bY a 4W,U,
effort, "but, I hattAicard Settle. ,
thing t these rubies,. Please
TA the
oera i it of such enterprises the
crater still flows a teady stream tett will not amount to much. We
Of lava greater, it is iseid,than man must cast out nets out lint() t
1104 ever teen in the pat, sssue treat deory, where fish are in alniudanee,
any, volcano of which there 1$ re- for we have been fishing. too- close'
cord. to tho 'there.'t • • \
Never -onO since that night four
ra- ago, when tlus voleano was
born in s 014 valky, has it re-
eti olate..
A -ben will -consume- -out bushel o
eorn yearly, snd lay ten sloren or
fifteen poi** of- eggs. This is
equivalent to living 3 1-10 pounds
corn will produce, when .4fed: o
tt f
*01 ON 114 T.111,1 MlDDLI1AGES
Ages sohittle w*
wn af toxieology that *11 ttd-
idettlis ere at-
ributed* but in' the hxght
tifertsitin IS'ate' West*
itortl‘le Death,
ent took
*nn4oit n4
0 s ot it ifli1 -i
rk rcquiresitbout five poundo
ram corn forits prodution.
We won
ier e years o d ko forake,..
cs'fizl bnsiness to enter into pout
isins;.One 3oUzij
4 grow up witit tile 'business; Ili
t 20i. must study the ' hest methods
thefeeding and of marketing .his pr
in. duct. No ane ean advise. anoth
.,s to th, hiltit4
'rciiiit mut be a matter0110dividu
*I tt . There sh.,uld be -am
tw) or marc olflciaIs, who
our •boxes,
and your handbag, and c
tt, open any of them, si
great many are serious, lis
working - young Mett,, • Ilut there
also St. turions stirvivel *Moog t
in the, formof various studen
'societies, and , in the most sel
of these chielling k stilt. carried
With -these students the, hg
, potable ambition is to' got.'
'nasty sear on thefue in a figh
maj be In
ife,. having Som
hulking f
If yon has
et his tilde iota
wilt eerntly
gigr-4)with%'ye'tir rstor..,Atud--wline
1.4?ii rough, I well tell
Li*rd sten iegar 1 her eur
to , iii'nt, , s. ,.
0 11 I 1
Ora. ,
Ler.yet* k o t
o be t.old r gardina my. f his.
ry It .1.6tt riot been a liteAtittt
but I sincerelx hOpe-fthat,
vett art ' henceforth to tear vit 0
he attietlyour lot in lift wilt be• t
ppier Allan(' that, of those be- tii
-nidnto 010 lest two'-generatiintsTl
zetozeit." he tonovtdod. iiiiit
,.., r
NJ fis
r her waist,
it not been for tbe t