HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-16, Page 1, reeeker,eemererVW:_,FlOve.010.,, , 4,1teeetz ,,fetter A ambit of Seaford), eele-e teel Ida. One ituntiredtb„.birthday 00 ,OndaY.,'Ot 144 '.eveek'. :04M:tn. ea born 4n. the ,,varleh o.0 Sefton, . Cashire, gneand, n September Oth. 440.9e- inP,4toVanadaJaee 18.119. _• , 4. ,2ptlon':4-tqt,04'101c.„ •, Ttiesday, Sept. 20th - When our show rooms will be Complete Withtthe Alev..MAt P4rsndNcw Yo m4cIsJn,A1L114.14_.§,04,911 beautiful colors. All the ladies are especially invited to attend our openings, .417, • Arecordial!y invited to call on us Fair days and . • It will di4t• you good to see them and us good to show you our immense stock. , 7 .46,001 4 &MO AMOIN6 * ,31;10011.4400,11# Ventie 41,0440 AiLtheigir.Wearables are now on our counters and rwitreOen,2ZWeWenbetterShap tcrs; app1y-y*0rwants.:-7:: .„ In all this season's ninet fashionable 4bades and clothe. plain or striped. I - -- LadiesMantles Out NO* furs Are all here, The bast yet Ruffsotilearfs, Miffs, Caps and Coats. Do not Miss there. ew Silk Waists _ ever wee. re ' arwat WAS a. Igentlemen of raucb. more than ordin- ary intelligence and a great reader. A few days ago Ilia honor ;fudge holt ieecived a letter addresSeed to "The fxecutors of the late Judge 1. " etrhaerAthereatarning-eoPlati came from a well known citizen .of Orace County. and 11i Xionor replied to it PersonallY, not being ,able te find his executors, and received con- gratulations from his correspondent, who said that in hie neighborhood Itade.undersfood--Ilisellonor-lead golte to a ;higher sphere. Rather- a einclocatee.- eetzeieee.,,eeeeeeet„,..„-ee-,, A coroner's ineuest was held in the teeety. jail ?1/40,2comemderieh oftt,,,t1n We,does4.7 to Gunn, an inmate of that institution' for over five year. The deceased, who was in his 90th rear,' was at one time' a farmer in Colborne, but bad •elearet:h Wtitezrof e'to-iintY'1411. At tieset-itelvas proposed to !remove bun to the house 'ot-ntfuge,e-buttbtVount7-ceuneitxle. cided that he was more coMfortable in Godertelt; -Coroner hunter.. Sheriff' Iteynolds and. the County , AttorneY were present, and Dr. Taylor, Otter- rtor Griffin, Turnkey Knox And- two prisoners gave evidence, after which daexverdict :of senile decay" was ken*, • At a meeting of theN. directors of the Blowhard Mutual, Vire Insaranyee any held in o he e co ors, • rown, Green or Gray. • New - Girls- Jackets someuonit teat swell for Wagliiir. • Met' fancy Coats In Green, Brown, Blue or Red For Ladies and, Children in • Cotton, Union and pure woo), Poop the time for them. 4 y N • ....- Our new FallISlitings are—alriti an rea Ili ty. ew- Winter Underwear, New Fall and Winter Caps. , - New Shirts, Tiest-SoxyGloves and Mitts. , ' 11/en's and Boys Coat Sweaters, Pc.00 to Szoo . . re, Thwfrpr, o the itrong reserve Jaw in tlie banks to the credit of -the °company coupled With OW large becrense_of new ,lausiageserdeerittir,tbe resent year that the rate be tee need for 06-eCaVenTenie,nt thc,-014; icy holders. The s. rretarr bas made arrangements with elle- banks so that this year's ttesessments, which are now being levied, will be payable either at the secretary's office, .nagit, _or _ate.an ecif Ithe_baititsc_ 119130 an . r Oa or, AferchantS Bartier-rerantort. Was solemnized. on -Wednesday,' - the. 0 •Rmo.,..o.....rot 1 •11 nor''. II nAtia-40tin . e her youngest daughter, 'AMY Allen, was united In marriage to Mr. Chas. Frederick Adams, of 'Calgary, "Al. bertae The ceremony was performed by nay. E. A. Pear, Pastor of Theo Main Street Methodist church in the presence of the immediate relatives .44t4rfirti, 1:000404. ;n41.-othe tero-poin • , fairtartIng ox th new hothe 1:r Calgary. 0.0,1-rorm 0107-)Forrn ; Aver- Avace. 103.7 divided 04 follows o .ments ,15e \Per , .110, elIus, ton - and S. : order. Per Principal; if. atten age attendance in 'the P. .0. departe re. e .o '.;tet ,blee boar o :Mitrtinethorthsw . " „,.ftect,„ 111 1* kr,LL 'InSlareefilr°1n765A,11&0404 'CIESIPI°14:UTSS.7°1*7 ),03114aig $300. Pere11 huston .and S. Martin that with prePaikettbargee Abe en- eyc!opaedii Antericorta sent by, principal vitb Pow,* er to add to the -cominittee to report on the sante at the next regular meeting of the beard, Per S. Mar- tin and P. Wood that the followinj. nor:neat& be approvedr Tlraes Priat. advertising • $4;004. W, a„, etc.. $ 20,05; 45,25 ;Ads. 'Crewe, laborer, . TK00: Per P 111(' e charge per ,term for sfngie subiects be $1.00 •40.4. Grigg. •Secy. _ or-anycaa-aiep- lasziess, "Te-nessriVeiik stoznich, indigeetion. dyepepsia, tryCarter' s lfAitti.ce..14Y)q,r. elili.Ittliefla-iffire.-Tliimolify• 'nerve medicine in market. - ;entrails ,-outotro-ritotiliate -ate tikj In ,the Western Pair at London ths. week.4 ' • • Miss Mabel E. Ilutt honor *graduate Inuree,` of the Victoria_ hospital, London, :who for a cOuple of months has been holidaying at her_heene heree ett.o.,y; Pr.at fier onore feashin. . — • 'The Bev. A. V. Stellirn, Or Stan** OCOARIO th0 thc church -on -Sunc1,y Iast, whiY -ttent.t-tOok-dlre-.--13retwn'S work on. the Stieffit circuit. . .11`. Butt, vof,.'Toronto, spent; a few • days underthe parentalroof last week, but shortly i.eft for De- troit on Friday; . • r • , t - '�r; ion -as weeke- Mole,. Baler filied her posi. t n der the auspices of the Ladies Aid on Monday evening' September 27th. *Mr. V. 0011011 our leading grover In thbeetown visited severot days in - and -a-round: Trowbrideo.,ehere Ceiwill's patents .reside. Rev. and Mrs, "W. 11. ilutt are via- t -or Irijch Of„ .11ank, which ad Oen 'Tfturedar: morning, Mrs, liurdon .bad been trou with heart failure ,. and :Or am: Irrs bas been poor ' health. t re tno f.:e We a on nes ay . hurdon, with two of his on and two friends, left for • 'his ane mai fishing' and hunting outing f _V -Milesessentii' of Grand Dead and! .were. 1011051= themselves when' the iuteiIinner WW1 conveycdtohii Mr 'ffgbWafinan,wllo wen out tothe Bend with* Dr. oright and in In the letter's auto. 0041 gatiges, 0.. from 32.00to 5Q' SouvenrRanges 4:;$: MI M.. .1' front 3200 to 47, Imperial 0:acirds; • • • .; from 2.$.9.9eto 44' Art Garlands, Jewels, 4rid gVtivear 4eaters _Oa.nsIa1Razors, exch49gea - ctpr ” LLndlathfmks Ihstbane • " • it • I- e so* .;; • • 4114 3'5* Rii" 2 insilage Forks.... • .4eg• X..4S for t.25. - Long handled Shovels... • . • . • Ji'04 **reg. '75 tor $9 • Long handled Shovels . • . • • • • • •-• • • reg f.00 for 80 • reg -f5 --fors Ifordon was. bon ..a1! ' , jet Canada to.day and will ;sell' them wor t the money. New we don't want you to take our word for it, but we will conYMOSI you beforeyou buy — years age4--auderrt-1883. tame -teen We do all -kindly' ofTinsmathang, Furnace -Work,. It g; (13oth-Galvan1zed twee and Ready:Rooting). ,CalI and see us and your need ter with ..the late Geo. D3#0.r, who bed been over there ,on a trip . and hired at the home of the late. Samnel GI& ley until her marriage in _Jan. 1889 to her now sorrowing imsbleml. eeeherjessband she le survived by here _sons. ilye, o Iit a a., rge„, erald, Eric and, jo ne at home ;her father* Mr, Manes Jeckell and lisle t olhr,. of (Kineston: Hai • .ort, en , re., owe. temispemeisiimenF Gd1�itiZr& Viri-ei Olitourke, London, gag.; Mrs. Not. -man McKee, 'London, and. Mrs. Bence, • Buffeao.---The late i!Vtrs; rturdon Wax of-,* dicer4t11-idlspoltoU nod- ttor 0011eat hostess and the .annenneetnerii of 'here.eleteth was reeeiVed with pro - When :You Get Your .faltand_WinteiSuits- from all old established and reliable house *,* •„. _ xitawN- Initserzsitv., trregittavsEptenitiorttieduniro tprestri„ ter.y of lluren_.2yvas held . lvie • Palpitation of the heart,e ner- vousnesa, tremblings, nervouit head..ohereolil band nbttrfaOti'tie.fztietha, ,...hatak and other forme of weaknese atejralitiod_by-,..Cartiest-Iron—Pilla; cme 0 (.4.101 y e town - day of last week. More. were P"'” ehip of Illanshard to the St* garill sent Arr.. II. Sowers,. %ledcrator; latgtern .00.tarut itaitivo, which • Dr. ,McLean, clerk ; Messrs. Fletcher, was,to have come UP. at Toronto last, Larkins °Cataw0SE-4bIlivr —8relt• u --postponfd---iifThY- 0 ssbniaark sAtileN4c,erenmtiniipsn'teirlatf:nani Odluirlpibson$: .hthttevelubdegeen um"baodnel, tbitel'ohzeartriwnagy iovnasto Cowan, lie'', Somerville and :McKay -eldePe. In atcodancc Witli. noticeVflC3Llo ee rivml47.-itnrlriAnd6nw4ttb pat 1114'441ttf'tovedtha4-leneefeichte minutes 41113t1°verlu • in theeleAgerietinerailWaY world, die sent- toctich-menibit•--Artei -some' VIltnut, v'12!",_e rt- :kN uc discussion the , Presbytery he4" artily , -axe' had reccberionsir itt for approved of /the motion. was tilSo 64)_..Inittc time.time.rind tbe" bld blen- t d er from the same charge should wilesti00 Watt given ns the Immediat ..0.44,4at4r4v4r, • cemetery!. e.-.11‘....eneetingeofeethe,-/,‘adiest-Aidce-at Mt. Pleasant was held on ThUrtday at- her ester Miss 11atrice Clark were vSo isitors at ing.Cre Farm last week. , • _MmeeeMex.e-liedgert-eantletion4Ce neth attended the liarvest.ifinne tier. ;ekes .at Staffa On Sunday. Miss Ann; arie L.at 11114 trlinils• .31iss ROY and Master 'Elnefat Hoy ere si4ht,....aeers ot Toronto Ex- .UtA."3A1--7 Mr dNetheoott and tally have moved to :Toronto... They. were tsar:nob* heillihors, and 11,7011711irair-re 111,111471tafi Bellinger, Tear" time, .monrs, sham tar.., aeons taThave, been ja mysyry,.. fucTie .p3.st two. .5., extantossionerx_144,000,3,1nntj s; tousp , of death.jiut . tim . real cam ,ri., ay. - ......i-kitu...ber_gra flO dmo ' - - 0.,addre . ;f9..fi1s:-.401,ratill_P; ings of tile W. F. M. S. PresbytexiaV horn in '1048 aidibeea121 0 her 0 at Myth in November. ,Messrse %toe ' the New ir0rk-stock exchonge at the I Neil and Smith. minsters, and IStes; 1 age of 2.2. BY 18S3 he had b•t01116 sirs. icte:n and ihfereays, elders, reporte'iPraninent enattith to be cluAen n. ta Atte tittetituntd at and liepeeee, dirheeter Of the Iiii:101s Central; ° 0 eons of the meeting of ' last General .*btell Ile later tteeaM0 alticeoPresiden Assembly. Dr. leeLion, and ,meste4 and, tteting, pto4dont• Itis first gree Anderson and Hamilton, *era kritoint, coui,„„p. wasi in:,,,..lefikta,*1404..._1$6 _.(t_ .410 A a committee'. to. examine into t e ,. ,kl-mi u, •L',.i. Lae mvuo4 Araelu0/;--w.,, — *matter of tin electici- eilicieney ne great! , itti roved. tilt h Presbflry )8 to b'e he! Senond Tuesday' of 110vmnber.*i taltdre.w.s church, Illyth. , nn1 Vi*u1iart or Puller the guest of Itilist Lizzie Dow on reCurdy, of' ittirkton• wits Sant 'caller at AVoodbinethe ze t tr, bL,.fl SO* art', lest Week, , a t Y.Sir at 11 4A /10 1 and Houtheto Patifie, and on attemnt to got.the .Xorliterit Nellie in 190i. pre!piloted a. Steek exchange, , . tote, torattrAt ftb30 totttost, grete bele irethe 11 lins to Mr, of ralgary;,, PI And viebaVe some of t o dandiest laCea$14)128.1 1": 0 in e:traioad or straw hed.din.g purposes. o are better in every . And then the are otn es„ n on-ghen torepair1n ancl Uphol e dalag teplon ...-and1. etin* o ri• brut)) ttive, flhooplit congh. 11. fl0 0410r0,0 lajure hoses. iltr•