HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-09, Page 7poor threat heh eerr2ofrai4- ouey in other hands than hzs • er otivene.ss cogs the ekee up the natural .outlet impure mater, and retalOSznth panic in e Limber of commercia,'faint arts." , All the long - r. cozn- ercia1 revival waits is are8t,ora- tion of onfidenee.,..,Sii_great ain unwaged, .greit -unwrou contz.. ii unacqu unsub- dued bees. e of our faint ilearul* A tenons of stieb timid folk would oubttat Maim a longlist. but ituch list is ruttier quite so depressin en ----it I II P.1 set_ ort.the bads and promote rr free and teplurst-letion, thus-ei • t the dlse.aac-S *,1 tr. fley it. 'Pearce, 40 Standish., Ai -e,, Ont,, writes.4.41Taving Wiled foryears with constipation,: 1,..atious so-ealled reme . ound thein mot bern . „Oda, they ar indeed, 4 splendid pill and I ilk "Th worst it- sorne good ,._ ti- o e is t y are such tow - Thor i species of • eow... i .. which g with reSpectabi1- 1 d 'helougs to great decorum, t.ii.ew dice . of tbe, wicked who flee when i ---ri *ther-is,it-the e of the pore craven. It 'rtlre-tghltitto-tr--Zrrtiti • ehom we expect a different spirit- • eums_in„the coniiiii chain'. -her ; of an :Erasmus in the reform Lion. • --- - --,- -------7 , it is said that certain_ enraged beasts invariably waft a slgri of terror in the eyes of their victim deathiscribng rt• The ipiestion still remain „incluved_tlfiC'faiottiOt more th 'ts rhalla wtl my es ibteier an rrS eoin Q 4, guilty, That state of niinci hich ieedL cuser scts like ft ' 2tt14a Obi upon THE SOUL'S ,EEST POWERS. , • want of Faint-heartednessevie a 0 that a bank never suceeeds untit its president takes it to bed :with him. But this ii. only another ,NraY of ing •that a nrnn pint believe , _a /11040 friend by way of:actountin ertain.eommerciat...-fie neer put' himself' into o can wan put hinmelt into his ts4i until he be Yes in his task. But • the fundamentai cureof 'fft To be onvinced of His imnen-e. • ulenee-of -retvuree, ito*know that. He has a greater stake in as than tkilitilleve that He .never sends His children on footle errand s is one _part of a ere OUTO for tiMidity. 'The secret ierthe Lord is with those that fear Bim." And those who in the best sense fear the Lord are not afraid anyh�dv else, p y vecrer4- 01 11. J ant ..14041118.-- wouid net make the Ideterrnined that Iwou „,, ** -V; .,eheka.The coneiwionofniy fligik YerwikelmS Me. 'nothing .to aybutaccept the, co grain a a Of ZOO representatives, of Tho Lon - 1 don Daily Mail and accompany f, ' , .torve-1 butter poured o best. when a tahl spot) PREPA1LT1ONS FOR STA "At 2.30 on 41inday I rose at the rmiuus Hotel, , at Valais,ad at ree '0100k 404;444 with my motor rque. ur,„,:way wo noted the w•• was, favorabie to udeavor. •We therefore torpedo destroyer Eseepette usly• plated at my -.divots y our Government, to ,start. " - "At3.30 a.m.F4rwen which-i*p wy cieenth. be-exignie,and found oiiita A11-•ryTh "At our o'cI.:ck 1 took tile aeroplane e a trial flight of, one quarter of an hour aixand--its.en 33 , Wit441t40, *ATV ( 34 Miles). Having completed it, '4eacilided-444-1.120-13foinnribt lift-trom-which-Iinteuded.to-start., "Here I waited for the slug to come out, the conditions of TV... London that 1 shouid fiy between sunraze and sainseti, "At 41.40_ ive could,see all round. Daylight had come.M. Le 131anc endeavored see_the coist of Eng- . • UMW IVS.,..1$A1,71.4081FIPS, *item 4Ifana Wortlf,Mbre The . Little sjilliana of ;Rolland ii:ereat- r then any navy as a peace int -O- nce policy in favor of the Let the Other nations build Dread - ti Ins and par_ wars takes, writes mer in •Or..illier",s. 'd1W-agitigr•i•1e thcy ler beets and cook 'of the stem 04 0 proven inch' "XI Have. ready a eupful . of erear tett, with a pineh of soda. skin off, 130aupe.;04.43tairthe bee 14"•thiP`I. - 'he tang thn pan of belling water. ' all are in niiblistiediritoo r inatabtc4P°Iilou ttil°r,, PP alt and a teaspoonful, tes "4-tortiZik the piacc this in the centre Of the dish. To a pint of thewater in *ilia the earnywc.40 boiled' rnoiasses and ' a saItspoOn u -a , Freneh mustard. Mix well and -pour, this over the beans and pork. Cov- erdish and bake in a, steady oven for six hours. -Lithrtt -kMiitfnatton:" -t-ertivet-rintrate'2W or 5 for $1.00, at all dealers, will fie' mailed diftet on receipt of Price manufacturers, The T. Wilburn Torouto Ont. . . . hugv-Vhe sewing„ .farnily is aeomplieshed by sys- aB i every other department horrcpcoupmzcs. Making dress-. is not of much importance when pared to the neeessary stitches wrs ks it in this way and it n • She has a sewing bag in every room of her small home, sup. plied with necessary articles. In the kitehen.a musiin bag with - eilyand'ifl it ,o01* • -dire eo-n rig holders -ready to maker with read inible,404-xieed ed In her rfP0 b h the iretonne-drapings . rooin; in another s -brag wit articles for erochet or knitting. The one- point she emphasizessis to have everything ready, for we all know bow many- idle minutes are apent because "nothing is ready to • " If you say that the mak- • in of an these ha s is ult* an items get pretty 'a ets -*tore-alan thimhl s at the flee. this ail you thire sewingzricIcommon- hnrdly know it. Lesson X1.- Astitrit. Tit' ary Journeys Acts 21: , Golden- text,- Act,11.1.411,4,,- . I. Homeward Boundttrom 3,11Ietus s, o au and los tompaifiiiiki at Miletus where he had a, long ton- forence with the Ephesian Lidera, After a sad parting Paul's company embarked again; on „Sunday morn - i May 1., for theymust take the; miles south of Miletus. It isasmall island off,the vetist of Carla in the sou WCS cor r o . Tit'y ‘"`'.-14-h6-" nnles to Ithodes Oland 1,11114:1 a that of Sir Frank Crisp, at thetst1 of oos, o t e tejiith---frna la1th ern toast of -Cana,' Sere -they u1 repr(1uctinn of the Matterhor changed vessels, payed along the 411 a stale of about three Atereti. here; of CA)rus, whereraui and Seven thorisand tons of limestone I3arti4as preached the gospel xn was brought from Yorkshire to their early, clays. There „were. melte itk' - Christians there even ,before. stew • The snow cap isrePre- • hen's martyrdom.-(For4le` . -541i pon thous*, f aApine Acts it 1,J0.,, 20. 13; 4; • 39. IL V. "early," who re- sided in but seems to 95•141. -VW, Vj at Wite-p an, for they would be under the protee- ion of a devoted Jewish Chris- ti well known and doubtless prominent in the _Jewish church, but who al.No had., been brought. up • kateA1LeAu3M,__Wmtlso ble that at this erdw-ded es ival the 'travelers might net easily' have obtained. _tom forteti pr lodging/5. The brethren received us gladly, referring to private and personal trariason,"4.fiouse, wlech a. a u have been .very affectionate and enthusiastic; while the more formal reception took niece the next day at the home 44_,Tames... , Enian1afloutoiI linittatterliern.uii, .1 . and filling -every chink in inerci tu , 11drab bet flirt o . 'that•-aseend,--t: Ite , ustauyizito_hundr -I1,. ?an ienees,---a ff in bloom. at bit ed ' 4-0. re was *bout thiee Init. rediirOftiliiiTWIrafiitilliVr al * d eeit4, be reached it threeorCountry Life in Merit*, is ft Mint ft lir days. tint Wi**4,olitilet, whece,ene may prepared. 1 was' dressed as 1 ain ai this moment, a 'khaki' jacket linee, with wool for warmth over my. twted clothes and beneath my engineer's snit of blue cotton overalls. My elose-fitting cap was fastened Over mY heat' ad 1hadithtr unk anything since trete.lIy thoughts were only iikon-the nigh -4 and'my deteriainattota to aitomp- lish it this morning. • "4 33! Tout eat prct! Le Mime eyes the sig al and in an instint attt intheair ruy engine making 1,200 revolutions—almost its high- est speed -in order .that I may get oniekly ,over the telegraph wires along the edge of the . As *00 isEi, iIrhDk'it�1eps t wearing wooden shoes, washing the paVements, iitirehing the, door- stoPt, ord knitting while tbe.clookt • Jeltieir -sum tud-iiie-clikeirrarth ' picture of their little -They aro-tho,--lorkipiearlieliplec-iii Europe. 'The Orangeblood in little ana isaboutas thin as that --of the Stuarts in Edward oftine-and and the Mayflower blood in some of the 10.000.000 deseenditots, ot the ori ginel passenger list. Her father IS Oermanc her- grandmother is itte 1. av law and by faith Some 'ever-Th74---i. ion the Silent. 'which is uci tam ment to , her beauty," S. -cording tb th":standards of outriders -, She refuses to yield her rattle at the nurse's command and etigens her and sets her chin firmly. That c acter--)ntc' arac e d water for haif an hour. Put in the inner .cornp.artrnent of a400.- bie boiler with no water upon them. ce which clings to them af. r. ThoFiiilbe1 0 . • lt,_ crape and 'longttoenou d eover with a good wh Mashed Carrots. sliee, and boil in two waters. Aram, rub through a colander, and mash with a potato beetle. Beat light wIth a tablepoonful of melted bet. ter,--add..talt-atuLpepper Oauhot , tarter au Grati Oatarageff erMile4 ani boil wider in salted water0. 41pla,4tauta,141g4 jaw41"a-clateeitto,4;,,Piguni4di-ilVite hard boiled eggs have been ehoP- ped. Sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake to a,light brown. -Stewed Celery: --A. bunch of in- different celery may be utilized f this dish. Out into half Well bits -4 hiwoutr. .Stest tender lightly ed water. Drain and teamster to. ic fel of heated milk, thicken it *lin tablespoodui of butter, rubbed in a teaspoonful of flour and stir to . a boil. Mix the-teleey well with this, season with pepper and. salt, heat all together for one minute, and serve Corn Pudding. -Mix together two b corn, two HURILYINO HIM A LITTLE. Tho kteamer was !moving , very siowly up the brkkid, swift river. SeYeri-a-Mites-alicad"; where there was a bend, a 'sharp point of land projceted a COrkitider.able distance into the stream... It had beenin sight nearly an hour. On the upper un a hwyirigj :O. _1! ion • -"Five or silt years at 4eitet,, isn' "I believe sm." "Don't you think & girl ought to know a fellow pretty well by that time 1" "Why, yeti of vournse," , "You've never heard anything badabout-me+ .havc you E' attg ought to know * 'girl pretty uppose 10." • 've boon togetbsta. good The leng pante, "And of co rse;:you Must, have, t 6 MI • flight, steady and anti*, towardit-ttes-Coitst-c, amid - lions, pas du tout; ."The Escopettc bas leen ine:Iihe is driving ahead at full speed. She makes perhaps,4 kilometres (about 26 miles) an hour. :What niatterst I inn inaki,4 at les4 68 kilometres (42Y -Miles). "fiapidly I Overtake her, travel- "tig---at-aLlesight.of..60-nitititei,--(about 960 feet). de ul - &nd his compafliona * st affectionate. farewell, 4000M. ing him to the ShipIt is in- tcresting to note that even the Chit., drn went with their parents to the ship. It reveals a new tote in Paul's character, - *hitt thegres w wide r. eentnrie.s.lo' duties attr*cved the till the niain festures wlih& little , bronze *Modelof the • Matterhorn which Sir Frank 'had made for the titertaintuent of hisguests, . bre(*) courses down the rnotiritst side.and just before it„restheLthe pretty caseadeiind ire lak� deeOrate :With , levant. • 1, drjve .611, "Ten minutia ,ett . • my e em pro. ceedin he right direction. 1 am zmszed. ViOtet is nothing to be seen, neither the torpedo -destroyer, nor Erariek, :• nor England. 1 am _ to pieces eared size, th�n dip 1rst in rumbs,, then egg, then in erunlbs again. Fry in an iron . • er :till a light _ brown, cover , and ura .,41.,*_-,Ijarke for ist-few7 pour in enoughirnik to cover theItieatrplitee in the-oven-for-one-- TheAnilk the meat and the meat will bo so tender orily a fork will be needed to eut it Always season bread crumbs before bresdening . any meat., • eefoteak Pudding -Line a dish into Mites, mix a little POPtiej*---P- iIt t'300%,.# 1 layers till nearlyLull, th, oins cloth`ter it tightly, and, bogto water in pari reach to top of disb, which should •be, s deep bow Baked Stenk.-Butter the drip- ping pan; lay steak, tit a bout one halt inch thick, in pan, cut an on- ion over top season with salt, pep- • • wk. *en for about fften minutes. Then uakeaRue 1.v,tomitrealtitoeins,g, ttmhilekleiciouoira quor with a little flour, season with salt, cayenne e r, and a tea- spoonful o sugar; tug to arid pour over steak when redy to serve. A -round, or loin steak may be prepared in this way. - solethered000hici;en. -.4544,Preppare higkeri s for frying, roll each pieoe • ukiUsito d butter,'and a tablespoonful of sugliir4,17:' t'1177_1141 g tin,tusprinkle with butter brea unibt, cove and bake for half AO 'holm, then ,U,neofet and brown. . • Boiled Onionti.-4kke1 and lay for at hour in cold water. Boil in tvro waters' untii tender. , Drain; Sprinkle with pepper- and salt; put into a deep vegetable dish and Vont ver-thent-&-great-apoottul-of-malt- butter. , e ffitplisttettetet--*--scate, pas and while hot run through the etet:itritinsite-stli ospoonfuLothut- r and tsireto of floor. PePPerand io• n u Yt beat itt a well whjnp&I egg. i!'„iti a vesseI set' Another protracted silence. "Anybody Would naturally sus. pot -I. -though rive 'neverbeen in pOtittOii Until lately—and- yet my 'And has been 'made ap all the time .4144 -I can't tell you *bow 'much $t ' AU s first day 1 roln Tyres brough avelers7thirty-:miles-to-ktel • .ais (named front PireIerny),, _theModern: Acre,' tlitei greeted' the -Mititittint; and the next day they Oiled thirty or forttoiltt to Cesare*. (naetI frorri ("*1 -Sart), tltt5 liromArt espital .f arid the oftie41 r'idenee ,dewis ithiroYertiert Ilere flied , 0,401410n who was led t, ESE VATIXO,.• it -stall it Ms g 141 Thiroa: World human t taurant. TI bis t StrOttittlweto BRITAIN,RST S[EHC OF --- ten minutes 1 coti irate,ei rising tor'fidang,„ mot turnin twenty minutes titer left'Me French eo or.Doiter, ,way&o the weat ended 14-1 _ekes you *u} aJ�ngth* t o the point -11 , • VILLAGl E I arcof . 'Inii - 18, illObUS U for th nearly all the irnpxtant. pcist sre women. Pwengeri alighting tbe railway statkYn are met c , Who i buahan til hot all though and set away un. til told. Moki into croquettes, dip into beaten egg*. 1140d erseker (Inn:eat; leave on tee for half an hour before frying in deep fat. Drain and sere* het. . &mooned Peas. - A most deikioui y of tdolting canned peu is. to o _put them14n tiMet i.ill require haif bern by, this, me etear47:.we'l ,nth hutter, 'Mi Serve as bot ttv ete:n.p:;tlttI eda• Melted hutter; - Salt and pour ever ii cream. -Cover tiktittilind place itt moderately hot.-oyen, bake until tender, rertioYellie etreer from the chicken, and let it brown for a few moments. This is an excellent Way i* cook chicken, b-oth young and cil‘L THR.SIONIket__BOOM- To Mend 'Woolen Clothes. To rid-woolen-elo ngs of .tiame goods, and ir neatly 4i411$31: ---Mend• = 00ration of is fling dots not harin themit might a itt 41.1t, the dust, and it is indutrv that' alls for little .skill. Sal oping hemsthe in buttonhole stiteh will daintiness to * plain towel, and the design an he colit4seasily ,narked by using the end of a spool af ii and s•peritil. Monograms p 0 vow -tut -lona' tigujo mq b6 ernbroidertd-*hove the bonier- indputini il tender. u t inni tie • - „, Vild•Stre irkt for 6,tvsl itied remed w ion*.