HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-09, Page 6, LJIith I rtr milhteryor, O ing bf oneTcolor ver int* one of •tho fashion* Of the. tia crepes, on accoupt • weight, :4 Frefe m e rou leave the table, wthout* a ot no re1ie worLh a 'till 1 be e..use o me rink Pills. They gra, re4toresi my health and-, and now 1 AM VS - aa. I would earuestbe' theta to all those who - I did." the -blood n4 b1o00.- ause �f .tenths of t telt both men and The blood.i"' o -worn ,everrithere show It great deal of-embroidery,,done with the eosioest,fbreadtt.' • , Soutaehe has lost none of it fay - ..414 ed_wi - lloivry to this season are tan 48, - and • American ats r cable for tat- nik in * heavily soutach- the sm or u 001400 ite11C440 *Rd, blpodis bad it ii bou tem nd thus it is that rbi ney: trou • 4* 1 geatton, aehes and backaches And a host Of other troublea make their appear - nee --D at ri Upper vamps whiie tbe rest 0f. d the 'heel are of white '.nihott, inE& with • pretty for; the-elde don with a dark lawn ns, and other tona- l* are seem ever a color. b' • in and next w uter with tux. Some of the stratght scarfs are made so deep that, they are almost &bawls, and the shaped (meg are made with the same idea. mlfigs of pge aigrettes and enore4- *us flowims. - Artifielal flowers are worn to seine extent in the-4.tair. The new- €aat for this purposeare inado of teer i'aims mostly pinride with 'ban.Vs.of the same material. It strengthens the sleeve, and they aro less liable to rill out. Vellut - Ins 'the' • full t name r.191i * Pink Pillefor Pale People' ° told' by '43-41 dealers in medicine- or , by mail at 50 cents a box or six 0. boxei for $2.50 from ,The Dr. Vit. 'erne --hfectioine Ont., ONE OF III EntertaIned Young Latlies as Count Pkeyserling. to b. t, but fortunately bi guard s, whih granting ea itt his tenure of laudaid ret -urn, to--w-ork for * fait pay -Me -Pt when r000ttr4mkto #p„‘so by bis gov utfint,---as-oxtrepoo: TebeiJdhar. . emit age for coolies is not, therefore, an arbitrary *04 high -hand &ys- tem bullying1, but .4101Wa call • work for a fair day's -of. our-to-.six-annas.----- eorresponds to the taxes which ofls itt .411.ciyilized oountries Siuce fhe -natives -have-little r no oney, . a permitted tO lin* in labor. - 931670001itAraw • e reluctant, liko pe u its • n and Ito . .11'ebly4 But the 1ight al 1 t • sufficient to it fall futo the p0 OU ver o tht, nQrrnally, it ould have given backward speed I to knots, Still the whale ..0on- nod to tow 0 vessel during rs, at the -o cabloparted2 hagrined crew saw their ape with the harpoon. CURE curs 11. ae1Ia 00104 owora outala 1ortliabo4 otx„,,. 4114104 t4* *Ori, $044, et to uuz brott/tra. Eesthuu.l ore than-us0 1 i 10 tr f 1 f the daily presi'ith. the dealer would not c a face %it'll the propcctive cuton a t.. rain every -day, elear.eut tal is the most impTessivc tothvLplftOUR i 011/1t L4110 $044.0040* o�4ntrett g lnstdo-1* , *X -4101,10 44 'Oat two souls. repo** Apt e...Notiout LU &Mtzrno fa one of out Wile 'western elttla aye 6/trout' over 'Two -Toou5sz4 Dollars 00.00). * mouth from the ' time thet, !led get bustuesa for.--thWrotroati well eoutp_u itMr k *Yell 017.-006$0311S, of couroe,. tultriton are bustlers. anti rs *wonr Dory, sgiou otor oars to cover thetaw* rapidly.tv&bowever.,That-aor Matt *butt; to Oita nue could. do .country Miniator the -mars ofhis visiting7-Jaay- ed at hon rbere a roast abieltell was ervcc dinner. The chicken. , looke good to him. "Well," he facetious 4-,Femarkod, "here's where tha hieken entet77-* --Ortz:nnist , g d he uad cn attest r u b oir bcait Irodbencath hal ight of the eahib'e tri * 114utestlnft p i, "holm)* 0 t orostuoit 'in their advertuota0k; paver. If At Iola *vet �curj tskt Op the 1410 loautikoca canaot *sus tixrsasettett toter Com any to it.ecura t - PORtFIAIT, ACENT tart to bush:was or rctit)1:e*4autt Vortrat :boy of the few an old barnyar vitas as jolly and befiterona as the: 1ea4 promiaing $autlt is gener- ation. Moulins, to the author of recent book, "The. forltus- eia n' he 'en'a .ed dentin and sin - (Jount Key8eriing, was deficient itt it; and on this difference itt tem- perament hangs a tale. One daythe shy and reserved Keyserling came to Bisma,rek in.. grimt"..-agttatiolt. ' '"What is the matter demand ee Bismarck. "My mother writes -that an and two 'cousins are coming for to. be overconu by. that .disease "the Itirszes.: - Lost .my reader , shOuldnot be Ouainted.. at lea*: .fh.40 naine, here is tite'diag,' doctor: - k "Weil, sir,. I eats well arni I !deeps well; but whezt tI've ill) of ;work to dec..,,tat 1636 you, ior, I breaks out all over in a treat. .The bark of the average worse 'than, his bite; tho uu*fl*k 11 itt lt Whaternnybeibe indigestion, 'nervela d IS ranstraent or mental worry, try a de table muse, until 1istr . 'had skipped aira another boy "held up ti and satd — 44' e 1 s and 1ta1tlifu1 deepTiin -- mw They exct a sedative, force upon the nerves and where there is rest Alley" bring rest. untisputed tact that ptteket liVit.wn's My Pads ally !dna a bushel of! Fortnwately no sueW °to 3r to .* 4 roloies ss 1 to t1e t d re!ttivelr prorolo ief!v totercst; Bales lower. Teritta. of titarok'cub easier. • --- .1.HE pottcirootoEns untItt. We, • Ttonvito Au/141nm Votooto; ora e ayi Perkins,est ton we had for dinnor to -da; the kind of meat to whi0h been aecustomed.'" lira, . . iblcyoungsinking, on oro cxiee, o your YoUr birthday gift myself." "Thank Youx' astlio onld roly, "but 1 -only owe,. bnt whether they few or loan Wiliow's Fly Pads iI1 kill tkews. ,Cati/tAitto Ran ere. Tote. mph 'Operator/LI-, Oct The ortirmu divided, and Matto ,ittt0 numer, Sequins and beads are As Ugh.. ionable itit Paris as they ever were r evenibg wear, both for entire gPWIta And • rot those additions to the hotlitd which make -spelt a good _;_effect as supplementary to a .plain - M terywhert :1---,-. thini-gar-tiati rens ii ,... . o roand1Ceyier1rng, as ave P Yee 0r--, izPi-tiuto lor prottycou - t *tains I." _ . ismarck saw. his chance, artetinv. ediately inquired: . "'Tuve you ever seen these young Os I Rave. they eVer seen rout": • "Never in my lift." ' • • "Capital. Nothing could be bet- Jr114a-.eDit uose UAW& dtAhat, _heM*44 Ss- veritwould-noes bo a pest* A married ,matt ts apt to tql the *superior witdotn, of * who once' courted his Stitab tlist$ 11) m the weather. *dd t� their , groattalet rce Atly asI.0111–.0041.. V' to prognosticate knno men, u know, of o servatkm 74 sts, grocers and g 11 Wi1ou!F1y Pi .,..._. - keeperdoes nof, Tho forklift*, Petrie -72 -Poe l_spiettonsly in, certain now paper ()Meer.- oShut the door, and' 4 soon as yott have done talking usiness serve your mouth the. taint war.,, P. P irpf-TO tboltt.ta'tot,. 41fitoirk. &X litmtbol!(, wit/kb atoo4 tbo tv:.1 of urea; fradtatIon.%dH t4 The & la padabi Davls' ,41k toratette Co. , rominent wan was ,chafrtng towit councillor about the f lirticoua douia I land sal — An Mt. OlterfirallOW Ela Whitt a Slit le I1 Cast. one ily may inako s. wintu, or At leasta seaon of great discontent for 104 And this -At a time when turaliy winter would be furthest from *Our thriughte; tho. tingle iefer to -helnt,. the one that COMO litiottlItt *Ma ii001611- us when we - want to hep onsuntmer morn - to) start at 5 o'1ock and mnrked Sienna t w4hadssr.. oo nd see that it isnly our good to, .sleep ti 406 stretch outin head in -such * ,Iight streAtt ye;.r4 then houghts 'Of the sleep to tiome thrce t 0 if heir Iasi Keyier1ing eaerly acceptedant , at itirttatlf stay itt Berlin. 1eyaerlinguried himself in his hooks and thonghtno more about it until the sir gone home to the Baltic provin week or. two later Ito was. concerted by receiving, * letter front home, in which his mother Oxpriligt 01 her great delight in hearing rnotlior how immonioly- • an e •pretty cl 11. bowever thin . 4hehveschievcd fam., have to pay the pen* . deeply abg$40#101 Its bust my Pile* and 1 bear the 0belt ring and. X oki myolf-:that's lone*, going to order he was ...talking ibu .* But' when I And did not igso be not toothy, and the the matter yritlt my !Ur( Simple remdies are ways :the. best in treanK bodily atn, and a sate, sure and 111121)! remedy iseDr. Thomas' Zelearte Oil. You cannot do wrong itt giving ben requfrrd. ehildre Graves' Worm Exter ones are one of the suffering inehi t 1 twentlow the 'stoneot tk tr In,-wrifing to ittrert Lzdy (to tromp, who has her itt the street) -"So you fell Ma Vitt bate gFren up 41 Tramp--" es, D. fora li dysente 1 's Dysertter ikndtd spetially to holer* morbus - a up ond p5rent, 'to 11 destrzp ujt stein* tor ob 040ttitUeil '40 it- froir* 010* ttitir0 rown 4.durin 0 where gel* tiallY Els 11 oat; nti iptt ions of tli&t lade away. o *tole thkt e a sunt- 1 ointed er°,ittit