HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-09, Page 5ditoll IIftry .Ei!berur, ,,,z7z,0•.*-:. OA etitr. • 'become t I Xl‘t A , X0.'.. , , 0 , 1.3 o! - the # . rnad (bWn. cak ; ' *, 1 64 Ala *LU OY 4'11:47*ttea:gt111:0)4; g iiew MO 1ea:t 0.44 1414* Ott i" IVO '4410. t r hnnksgiting..• rvfrts -; .cnnnee .Q1 frion 0Luroa With the triVitt...:Memoriztl clearch t retro •,t. r. h'ool start 4 Trietierf rettrtne -Lb.,0140-Mon4erefter--SPen4inga, 'Wee • irk TOrOnt0s.nd Bexflu. werehold last SUridays.wheulteir, Ig•,‘ MeArthur familY .have: iVA.;149-1..14% where. they had beon str-nCling 'al Thad 's of rritsonintrg g ve tnrn. returned 'wino from, Oran(' Bend, . 0f • =A.:7ST. 4.1".. Al= am a 'the holitlaYis Witir her A-. and tfIrs. W. Tiick Vright„ of London, e ent ic =OM - Tilitge, retiirned iticV evenini3O iter spend, eek iu Ilarallton. . ';'../Lartlia Wind is spending a 'few weekS in Detroit visiting, friends .And relatives. . •Alrs„ tinny Wind and children left foirtheir home In Detroit after spend- ing a few weel.q.1.,)Y.4.4.ber..fatber.„Mr.k. and. Xi: .er - ntid daughterleft for Detroit after vis- iting friends around here. -11r7.-tuitt-Tarti," -eat km and cbfl.. 0 er Uwe r Moir utimv.r- 4---irwoowev-tro _ fi.rtt-itita-Isfelike 444 Vancouver and Seattle, shiand,Altiaconsin.aire'lif ' t • rit;Ttitnes iMore-left last wet Iit ,okstattro :Attention ot oar edicaititatr„ who conslder.thosytopt,o,iiis, comdkicationa and comma.. „.tr - and then dedde no to the disc000 (thd• carabillw. no. 0000 retnewettAre then prescrioca for the case Oa_ Ate compounded by our oven themist In our own Laboratory. Such . --tapproorintetratOntent494044-falLto-ottre4ttutpeehle xnedlelneu Are aelected to moo the Toms tbut trouble Wo Two rio cure -nil medicines liko most speciansts mitt Who the srne medletitea-to nil wittolirotilicouttouro-VOIM-Via- hsvortriAtted-patittlts- ughout ettustlator over twenty yeftctt Ando:gin WO to aity bankasto our responsibility. , WsG tee C or Nor. W*Treat binotees„ief Men. W A • ug--trae uu. the parsonage to the 'Victoria hotel. Mrs. J.-Ilarris and her son. 'Master; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shier and Mr. Oecirge, of Drandon 'Manitoba, are and DIX'S. J. lioilewood are in Tor- visiting relatives and--frinds in this! ,truxtor4,-.4.#!vtr.4141412. tote7„vexeliiblotrion. josited... 7:44i0.102,0, coo ...,1,44444:43„, • of Lunt:lout, frientiathe vielnitY Wirer Suoday., tertitalY,',.ot Allis accompainie4 Quite a iltinibiff'fragi bere'attended by herelitiigliter.Taiss.Maggiei super. the Roman Catholic- tea in 131ddolPh visor. in a New York; llospital, were., ."MM°n411atr 4eYeiVceeS nIIIIerlusteS "pent thd be- beifteheirlrirtrdiee14' tile- guests °I AIrs. J. iss gitinlog of -the Week, visiting friends Miss llessie Urluliart _left here last . anWeek for. North Carolina to 4ccept Arelativesr.tiovardligifi' fout:1 of St.Marys, .4 position a.s. teacher of ElocutiOn in I Astotitiat D. llazIewood's an , college. e., o ZL ra tg, own visiting friends. On Saturday evening while Miss Beulah Smith was getting the eat. tie andhorses in th?, pasture field .4.ppone, ciii--2-.Arcic bey:knock", 7"' in her lip _badly.. we hope she will get along alright. - /Mei is-orr-the--sicic list.. Mrs., 'McMurray and son Laverne cf Mondty Tor th w,t wherefthe will visit friends. The Stars went to Zurich Labor Day and defeated the team of „that ...virdaze by the seem ef 11-1. halen : most everyoneattended the festivttle or visited fraends. Mrs. 4. Vitrightls visiting in'Strat. forl the.guebt of Mrs. John Passroore. ' -.0 .0, AtnnAny....ot..._,Iasweek,-Jen-, Mr. Ilarry-Vickers :spent n -few gaged in adjusting a -puny belt:..iri-,- hoiiidays At his kome.. Mr. • 11. Ilrltilmet's fax AV. Great interest has been taken- the II. Ileakio had,41te misfortune to get PaSt standtit r11T1wheat the top of his. third finger torn'off.'- corope ion 1- turat society. loolltniing is . the standing of competitors. 1st, Wro,-j. ;Robinson, Dawson's Golden Chaff, 83.; 12 point; Orcd. Arthur Prina010, rk--aktrAir-i n11-741-,- SEtriiti;L Cfli;/C-4, v,. I Eirvoit Ring, 84; gth. iI. 11"...Sweit- ier,. 0, G. 0.„ 831-2; highly commend- ,--Altint-SIttifrrit....(17- 'tiCirk. D. C. 0.. 83; commended. Vm. Ilotinell, 82; Verry Doupe, *11G. Mr. Perry Daily° got first prize and Mr. Wro. Robinson second in . the elwi.t exhibit of fall wheat. at ' the Toronto exhibition. ' WORK FOR -• 20.000 LIEN IS MANITOBA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN ungsto holiday with friends. Nos Ethel /Allison is visitirig with her relatives. While engaged at threshing near Oter=04-thatte .114-4410400 , The council of the tom/118149 91 Stephen convened in the Town nail; Crediton, on Wedni sday. the 1st day ineetrn were. ren and adopted. wo h.-Yea:04i 'Tat • ohm G. ."Yourig. be and is her......by appointed col. lector of taxes for the year. 1909 and accidentally fell from the top of the . 1)etteitili.4 15th, 1900, subject 'that be . * It'vt-wiTtirtbreraveriship-elerk- . • Juries that will causehitn to be laid for the due performance of the work 1 off dutylor some time. . arid that he receive the M1111 of Seven.: The young child of Mr. and Mrsty ito:lars as his remuneration." Car - George Parkinson is. "itt the time of ried. writing seriously ill, Anderson -Love !inlet the 'Merit aaptLfrgsts of t e ast week s otify William Viewsdeputseettit touched the corn and- Yinea n some ei the (1eiien4hip n e ,1 'war at places. , . Adtiltriall for Thelettlia Tait , Elt-te ys o s TRIrj- LII untr ttialtletts as Ulm. .:1,_ GOINGDATES • ' - - -- . Aid ii 401 From Stations norilt of line of G. TOconto totgarstisto papa cu. A .... roc. sielieris oii and west of Torortio.SnWittilt floe. 0" ,Froni Terosto heel all,c..r.a. stilt:ono vets.* in Ontario on,and iontb -,i .. I ihtlitcrtictfrtweCIfirrpritifiwairenstwaspftiara In .0eittiritt tn. 14,#,CAR.. P.M, and T,IL Ei, ft. flys. / l 'r--- treuto„fttrbrirrIorooto---intarwairw-tutfttirlfraiWititlitit Ittittii- 41 ....tcriAnd &11 .l.AILStettointia„Dalarin-Wt10-1.? illititie‘ 14.0,-Aliglieml.L. , -C.Oi:li, IS4 "Of irras-,;;Cirwrstitillinsliiii: ;7761- r. woults-ortreitiivor.-r 4. . PIrficiiii_ all Stational Totoatriiin4 west, Istelndinj Stations aos orantsTicto stigir.r. ent. 0' • - IN en SOIIININI *Nat Of Tomato sitrOonstio. _ Centralia 4.1 ONE.WAY S COM). LASS TICKETS WILL BE SOLD TO wirourra OUT itoretaltntivo fatrnmt4, npp.ointed by lIanitolini Frosititclicsian and Albeita Coverurncnts,' will meet and ceggro laborers on arrival Vi araipey, Twee tran4iortation n ill 11g.1 f4rnishod zit Winnipeg to paints on Can. Pae. where Istero.r4 aro needed, cast of hiciame Jaw, including brattcho, and at one cent a mils each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and Alberta, *certificate b foreiShed with each ticket, anti ibis cfrtiCeato when. orpetzir4l farrilr showing that laborer hes worked thirty days or trip% will be hanond frmai that.paint for second ticket back to starting paints Jti Ontario, at SIM°, prior to Nov.pr.otb. . ets *iv good only on gpCcitil Farm laborers* trniele hnd issuod to wanes is well na-,b0 k'36ed S4:11111Lfaro.1? FJ1qcin;:l. • •.1 n For tall parlicaloss see nearest C,F;01Lativot, ar HUMPS itlgr:ItaftCa - att-sa- pending few day At the loronto exhibitiou. Miui eris7Mery-or Missy Laura-Butt7 *ems ned f London on Saturday titer a several Ilayetvialt _gorlbettebali,testn_plajed at Exeter on Labor Day, but owing to being incomplete and nut of practice,. they lost 'both game* of the day. Bow ever, another one of the" boys brought home s, number of t.he prizes. The Ile*, P. Brown, of Staffs will occupy thepulpittlf-ther-Met dist church while Bev. W. II. Butt willtaketbswork at Stoffe. : r. A. T. F. Butt, junior minister ,L-WiRinttilikcjr_opttAcolett thu ulpit here ou Suoda &reliant w We are -on best clotlis Money can buy • We are reaping satisfied etis .totriers. Iiitturaif ,,isn't it. When We sow One advertishinent, iri tbenetwP1P:'!s. statios the price for Matt Trouser% or ..wit$ever ht.suggett.44kinelude the ofcvet'ytbing to that *oft, The t dntb. die beet Linings, tile atidinifitt.the-hest, Viroad ete47 as 011 At the best of our ability.in flut- tftg, .1ritting end Making, shouldift we reap **or revearn . Thli sil. is *Two! to rev you Akil one our tustoinerS...-.-When y,ou need 'A _ (Oat, Tr0risers Or ,Ancy vest , Wit ea* load rem trout, ehoO'wher* &an orbit,s, to,you thlt willive tip to wOht. Vin. Ittillbfleisch, of ,Ottaita he Day township coutteil itut h.re 'our Wednesday. Of laSt tveek, afl mon. be,rs bring prosenG Mr. Fred Irarn. comb', of' London,was appointed township ekleinevr. train Tab:et:I-Dr. Sha stop Ileadaches, womanly, mins, ri Van, anywhere, En lid -minutes- sure. eijrtitii7TA titt etle. hark.- MI: -.Iota. ttroggW---o-rAttetor=:obottf--,th: A eever, poPular ufttini Lint u InVet-callgt1 rr2ventics...14 tatog d'spersed by druggists everywit. Itt a few hours..Preveritics are to break, any ci-44---ectnrplettly,." Ard rreveoties, bang so safe. nnd twat - seine. are versr fine for chitdren.. -Quinine, no laxAtiVer roathint_. Itirs tor riekertIngt ilo% of 48,-.25e, So: by. W S. Ilowey, tb: Council refuse's to iostruct the Reev, to 'vigil an agreement,- under The Irtches a, Watercourses Act,. ,to construct a drain alonp, the bound- ary bet tve-it the. Tow uslups... of ..Step. en iiiiirr.crtiTIWIV:-"trc`Wsto e -1"L Tkid, ravt".1--for went on Sauble bridge', T LI as, irravel. 01.40; DenniS 'Wire, -FtillittefttllithrFltosts-irnde 1117.1,1olla. Etat e. Itiehttrd ,Davey, rep. culvert Cori. 4., ;3.50; `William 'White. Barriers for trediton bridge. 5.00: W. licitly, rep. cu:vert 11..r 50a.; dos. Guinan, rep. eilvert S. 11., 1.25: I?rarik Schnei- der, two i'mads of gravel, 2.00; David 1r-4trr 444'- , • Wr:lam Yearley, am M. 7.50; Wm. Anderson, work and overs:.eing bridge flaq, 5.00: Fred Disiardliae, rep. & Ti.60.1 LA.w. rifiltyncr iltittitackTortfilitY--. tuthrucT. tz6.4.1 ; •foR. -1;a *can. r`ot--. pay. Mtge Satah Neil its Spending e‘ few; rents ?0.00 Sit eltxer, eta I. draw - akin thelair. site_ intendst+Ittiv_trravetivol,::_ectneytt,1.25-';_tbbit Devitio. rep. bridge and inateria.t, -ItioriSsit-Beadly 4/pent-alit/pi for ti1P. he Toronto eklsitsttton last week.; i 11,20: Ilarvey rota for grading - 1"") „ ttra:n, 1.00; It; aridfoa gtaVel It's n pity whenelek one* drug 'me (-3.ist 25,00: It. liaralfordt. stomach or stimulate 'tile Mart and c3rneet: Biddle:ph' boundarY. 10.00: &Wiley& That is all wrrinst A weak 31..11,y eetnner L. Ittl.. 2450; 'Stomach630411.1 , . weak Sterna -eh *ter- , ry '<raft, grave', 4.02; VjIIjit et% rdwaYs. Arid this 15 *IL°. tittle j•.,,;wet 'Sanitary Insp. if e Ilertrt 0.64 Xidnois- wa0 weak lien:tile 25.13: ,Iferry Shenk. nerves nre intlead crying wit Lot. Offieer ,Ite. Chris. Hoist, 10,001 'W11.. .Thls silte eo rogation. • theca tt ternporary bridge Exeter sida rs. 05 I LI ' ponied by her children, are here vis. it,inglthe,_rprareiits, air.und Mrs. Wm. McRri wa, of the liondon Itoad- Quite terve tit inber r u '1 r tending the exhibition- -Toroxito. Miffs Bretton, 'lit' illiotinalC-#114 ,was here visiting inrs. Scott, ties re- • .A.Ve are 'pleased. to see` Mr. Robt.,, Stewart who has been confined to his oih roirT-soirittarrrir 'EfarLeT27- able to go around again a little, arid we hope soon' (to see hint hi the enjoy -I meat of his, accustomed 4;roodi,hezilth. ' Itosteratixt is promptly belPing1.140ffi• lev asb-011911LkaliCM•4Wcy,Mlitutz rriedF-1-6 'cubes out. rot thc Itctu°1- n TOW n IIt. Crediton.'"on e t itilmnienwt4s37itstheti,t4i 113. failing ..dtty. the 4.th day of October 1909 „tid Lora st bours.--It-Writia,tUra. ., 1 en:17-vi AO 500A nt kblft hut you will toad • • *how that tap_ hi, coming.: Sold by W.; S. lloweY4 tot ivy OW it flYD*. 'woo, Week *stomach, incligeotion, spePsia. try Carter's tittle 'Liter nolleff js earts. The only:nerve izokiloitse 13*.zoorket. 4skirIZ 'MON D ° .#ARES . Drive rheumatism out of' the blood k j' 4 It degt1t4• arrryjrwnr Untmons 'Slaver did reach the real disease. Rheumatism. 'net irt 'the akin. It's deep down it's con- 1re4S rOtttgrA413 Liciies, Misses, babies, Men an vercoatiiss.as for men. an( 1)00. 0:40-000 0 c ^ At.1,10:tE4E;gil!..t',1*. Greatest Live Stock licItitibit on the Continent Forty industries . in active operation. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES' BEFIESFORD -4011-4414.tittwitaipatirtt,a1=-41-AtiguiML.- .--r-IkNILITARY-,-VEAR -AT ,TH OMR- Cemp-..--Victorla-Crortaand-Wrestlingoratorseback_Competitkunt_bef. tweets team from Dragoons and Artillery --Artillery Drive -Musical Vat, oto, " THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE OFTHE NORTH SEA' ix Entrastors, _lia=z..F1r4"% ir a 1 S is 6 in' It tTO- vord rif nitioth frortre- t aubther. Antl herein lies the popu-1 larity of this Remedy. It iswinning! defenders everywhere. Tablets or t. 14 uid. Sod by W.'S. liowey. • Mr, Bijou, the liveryman hali re, turned. Glad to see: bins around once more. Mr. W. liockens intend moving to Snowflake, Man., where he will make .3s-hor3e-w Keys. Alice Gaiser is laid uF with a sore thitiat. Hope she will soon be around etznin. Ezra Brenrter is -on -the sick list, also 41,4 ss . f---Graurt rseR •Brennerli-Iew days ag� ear TH..siod- 4et urn -home.... • ' vs, Reveller 411(1 -family,- were -guests at S; llOEtt Mi. JoIittitfttZ, of Milva, has • ur. Chased the tgen.eral 'store of rs. Wing and tvilt take possession on the :- 1st of October: Ills sons will conduct the bus:mess. . • . Tickling or dry areghs wUl inickly loosen, w • en. usuffrlDr714 Iternedy, .4114 it is so t °roughly harrokzs, that Dr. Shoop tells mo- thers to .use nothing' Or,/ evcn for , •• - recw-tenSTe*-antVte.nder:„.aterolt'..of . lung healing mountainous shrub give • the eurative•-•properties to Dr' fhoeDit ,Cough Remedy. It callus the ecio5b, tocrottroloco. No oploto, no cbor�- forin, „rolling- .fitty"---Trsed-btr- lninref Shop's. Rowel. 14.r. and q‘trs,' tlohn Delbridge TueStlaY morning for a trip tkiroug northwest. 'stopping ot Shdtr They.are..just,makitilr th ?ip to se hitt-thecittntry4s,like.- ittk' hope for westerners se Arg the genial Oolin 43 a residen Jit m toe welt Ideated herd, Tb '.- witshes Them a p9.saflt trip. • ?Jr. Samuel trieS-frOtri, tollitg.orf grain otrtek. 1 orouod. tog. :Sir. .Ie - ph hi to build his IN! tore *vet -4111.y des ed 'by fire. ,t1r. Gerinotte'lk hrikd IVrtftfit ; hc..d 4 ,47 daYs aga, -BicycleTOW r tpittly °coming back intci popular favor, the dt•mand this yearbeing aye times what w is five yearp two ways -by gettim: tl,t, very best Eng,. lish wheel we eau for popiii.,r selling, and .5thing to our customert; all intermediate pro- ..-avAteijK,Dit_..... • - , ,047'. 4..1 --tura givie Utter SatisTiartion all ratiod. The qualiti ofthevilteelitialrith,t _ ...-,44,- --trub--A4m y_-4, - - . ni... Pt, . 1 ...t. 1'4 ' -COnStfilCtiOn• Tlfe equip -1;16.3a is. right up-to-date and the marline; throughout are Such as we can thbrougley reconunend. We sell autoino- bitesas well as bicycles and our plan is to nuthe wheirs serve as a. good advertisementto the entire business. pend for itlustrated (eider. / , HYSLOP BROS., 1,imited Arikh-Ciass Automobiles aid Bicycles roRonfro, oNr Take no 1 SPeclid t torttl P*It Otr sIIRsIIr k otiirm a:6(in Ito= ol Ib-'tt.‘ Ditir.Ysoni of A 'having u flu CU tittle° t to each ether abut th co it I toctl ever. 1141,..tr-rtatt wbY thtt tiartietoto In the d .0 bi noter. I k6 ftu *ni1In , , om ti e TiltAftttDOfl,, e' 0She rIft0 I 0 LC1t xnirht b plf4dto 'hkat 11,in vls, vMh0. ert 11, op 0ir 16 o etten$, moy be el' Ion of 'stun** 41 i 'a * A 0 'Coln on q * 'llotetitalls, pi atioy 1.'1)t.. .1t000te.„. tot/.