HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-09, Page 4tu;b&inc"i.
1p( . f
*A ki
;t.s of the'019 e
tate, .• us , wI1 Zet t
low 1.1 o it Iro Can
et all thi ce:litre we want without
titling it that 410turtoo..
9 Pim/414ctn4 „re-U.2111in ti
eit. tloy. JnQormcdthe Iris
an that it would be nceesSary
alt 1.izn.opert.again to rotator A pair
'OOP* liettittel overlooked 4uiing
OPtratinn. ,!4;411 rigliti" Says Vat,
LU the. luotrument Iva* repel/col.
• laixt-44ii ,the -doctor returned and
nformcd him- that he had loft a,
uncb .ot'AbSorbent -cotton in big ab-
Ionlen and another ..eOtti'ng- was nee.,
sary1.; 'Ibis Vat agreed to 044
he. following *lay the doctor
)Togeh-TAY-the- t
re g When • Vat excIaimed
0, r, if yes hey left annything
would-Yez molnd
P7os, inshtead, or sewm
iIunns..ofthe 'Canada
tiCovett.--W I
may prove v tie- to idol
fiance at thelititish Science A.s1
elation meetinztt AVinnipegsSirlitte
Otanizinz. at the.1aki b. observid.
-t-the bbing-dostrort
b k fungoid .greoith. Prot l3o-
,10 18 AA authority on fungi, and has
read A paper on 'the control. ot tonal
• ;0-0P, b*$.00r0Yln. lie will -take back
the .tungus found b. ILm. at Lake
nit,L_Ilag:• • Mach
and. will • endeavor to cultivate I
bon ofvat irnporttrnc to tbi-
ricutturaIl world;:as it will provide
r0P'On'S the OXterlAin tin of
i4 4 on So o 1Amerte
onttwit, and a weed which on ec-
Of the, length or its roots ttnd
extraordinary tenacity of life, is
rY difficult, if not almost.
U*, to get. 110 of•
;-•ir-rstlerick A: Brooklyn
inan wha_hattno_oxtensive-fame as an
„,explorer..- announces ' fromLerwiek„
• §lietland Ifidands, that he 'has di's-
tOVered the North Pole,„the date of
Ook started en hit jehttio
1g0/. Ile was furnished the necessary
funds by John R. Bradley, an eastern
Ittillidnalrewho was interested in his
- polar toPirations. According to Cook's
• atibt he went nortb along the west-
- .0.-of,..:(1w nd.„—Arcetaaa
Smith Sound to Griitnelt and
and then on rwrtb„ -One *httomnii
IA-nuct returned ---before
Eskimo were witlt,the explorer.
_calk:says thste is na.agoinyLolar
set, be baying trait -aid' straight -to
the pole over fields of solid ice. lifs
.01altue to have opneil up0, new area
otoont 30i090 square iniks.'
Orangeville Danner) . -
credit 'tstem has itece and
ervts ti.-:V7-etY- uefulLporposo_.la,..the
community. At the raw itirec.. it maY
. the zwati3nt doin3 ;Truett injury,
-partieitilarlyl*Vheretit Is abus2d..- It is
no injury- to-th---btisiness man,.
nbd to carry accounts for
err lt
- compels,„ him,to inv(st
arty it oa ,snecessfully,
• !e'en aire prepared to allow tireir cuss
'toitic!rq credit for tt :rxmontrille time
tair-that- tile re- igitairl
' 012M, pretty well defiwti titne,
lev'hen• thtit expires the inerch-
Ant 1.1 ctitAled ,Ii"settlent7ti42 either
by „ragh or nettatiable twejtrity, and
it not be' consider'd any 0,1
fenge. k- insisted upon such a' set4,
tiemenL U has -to--pay- for his goods
ita3,,illitlY,:$1,1Y& Li t.b1;e0.. 11)ont4rf.
front date, from shipment. and it,
Wtiritttti, eredit for a longe1.. term.
oblitla-..d to pay ter it. if bu$Irtv
.srtea refusi.,d 46 grant any crZdit 'a
aU, piirehas. who 'etre rot, alwavs
tirt potion t� tay cash wnald
1'riv4,d of th:.1 ticonimotiatiou.s-
the r. i1i 111 artirdSi,- ttizeki
nnLIsattZ4 ih-reby srt ta n
. toss. and 1211,1COnV.MV'tIOZ.
iitt11.0 hftbtus1Iyebuse tb.syf'1.
by 010:00A,,..thPlr...400".10315
trait2r that ther: iathe.i.posibi!itv
.1m -4 -or
olated, and whicbtIstade.
by the diapenoinirwitbtb. mode
school system, helot'
I g te
• ,on7a CU -0
-4 t
kra dirge e • AWS It -No
of Z441940011 it4 rote that in view of
the nuateree4 jimaries rigarding the
reinoval of third 'class' certificates
and reattests :Or temPorerl, cetifi-
•eates, be isittunits for your guidari
the fel/owing 'Staten:WW1-0
(I) All boards of trustees- should
advertise for U. toucher with'ItirSt,-
Second, Provincial Third, or
advertisement sho
and altould b4 inserted
with provincial circtikitiou.
(2) -if .aafter ,ilue advertiseme
teacher litddiaz ohe'of the above.
'Wailed Certificates cannot be ob-
tained, the Minister 71 Prol:71,t
o consa ider proposal made a
o her t
cations, and .ho is prejrrc4 to ace
teabei-sin tta-qt'llitilt tL:Fr.:=
ar7si-LiMited, (2 IJrd CIa
renewed, andthe, any
other 'person hoze iptalifiea tiong Utz
'141kmotorAhlatil the best atalittble«- "
limited certificate tqluittid be made a
.forna oa (A), nod for u` temporary
Certificate ,on forni Oa, MippIie et
Which are being pent to you by ton-
ty I may I)0ifl0nt tbat tIieteach-
aor oection 1,
- 2,) b and c o
Nornaal BehoolSyllablis* Were AU*
4 - 11--Thirtlas
a and circular 02 were sent to such
tettch-with, their ---certificates.
copy of circular 02 is enclosed for
your information. .
6) It may bestated further that it
a-, board does not follow the forgoing
Jec3tructions.-it, luts-no
Government grant, and under the act
•of 190P, the itownshin-rant 'cannot be
ptTidTh—trteacher who does not hoid a
legal certificate: The alinistcr trusts
that you Will dotal in yolir power to
did boa_rds_Aind trustees in obtaining
the best -qualified teachers availa.bit,..
e . er and Oetrolt.,14 the. A e ea
oi aecotnt,of .Amezican. 444* Who latest- . baie a
score, are the firtit things looked for
int daillosarriVe here.
Barn.y Barnato aod the Sect of the
Slue floeli.
now gener4x believgC 'that
totr504 in *0 a rt1;, by
emo heat and Pressure. I3arney
e South African diatnond
niagnste ;teas one of the tint men to
fathom, the secret -Ot -the Boum of the
Eimberley M=0110 and to Make ft
the - yellow earth
diamends „there in airiintrtineo."Ilow
they cam 'here --thei--men,*totdd not
-ert‘therlittd-got• through
tba aYer. of )•*,,ellow earth and teueboa
the blue, rock toaderlYing it tliOir
hearts sank. They thought they had
-*ere Wtifkilt --wOre roatiy tLw-`
craters of extinct volcanpes., that the
'diamonds, had been felted up ,from
bel.9**_:.tmds.:SliaLW.1104.0-.Q.Jlikee.e. 311.41
come more -and :groator-vere.to-$o11:61r.,
So be, bought every claim he could.
and time vindicated his Iiidgment.
. He did_net ma "bilis guesa.Roblic
Provo:4.. ne ordinary umn vheu
°mid "hia' layer of yellow ground
run lbw jmade 'haste to sell out to the
MAO 0.010, Tolt0t4T-0 011 0
sliest uttp Capital,
GOO* erve Fiind,
.0bes throughout Canada, and the 'United States and Engian
liOno 500 Sto
0 44
s; .1_ C
' 50..,10ettis
Orders are payable at par tevery ojflce Ora Chartered Bank in
rn tbe "trukon)and, at the pribei at banking points in the United State
°UAW al14,90 to thea.,4 sterling. in Great. gritain ataand.
1)0st:4i —35 CrNis
F. OWLSTON, L. D. 13,
D. S.
.41"08:tatisrto atedra,llbaornocrt
raduate of -Toronto -UnIyeiity
Melt. ver Dicktion & Chirling's
awOfficeu tr- eles--forme
Damage amounting to a es •a
a million 'dollars was caused to the
west wing:, of the Provincial Parlia-r
meat- buildings by a tire which broke.
out shortly after 'noon, WednesiLayk.
The blaze pyidently_started in_ the_
6r- th 6ecUonot tb3
--otAtl,scre th. roasgve central_ or-
iuwitL 1312e
flatnz; rd ,fiktead. tntn_ity,3=wreAt:
• ..gi-fnto-tbrntiotnreiii4-nfiiitbv-*nr-
✓ f;Wfoih-i--iir'tEfd-nlibia:fVd'''nne-"X'.1T
Thence through the wooden 'Coors,
with iheilr---Joiste--otthe-stinie-material
they worked down into tile libraryit-
self, totttlly destroying it, and doing
damage which will to a great extent
irreparab:e. Blue books, no*
Imperial and Canadian Parliament
old newspaper files. a valuable col
lection or political pamplilots, and
splendid loyi.j.ihrary.„ ineluding,boolpi
-atWeli--rhatt- be4eoged--4p4he-,late--44,-
Onver Mowat, wore all destroYee,
rind can Irtrd.:y repiaccdr.Tbi
or3s in books whieb. can. 110`wev94
scarce;y be k•xporgii-ed n tigareai was
t-itniatd at a minimem..of 4200.00%
• g--raitr7Storta.-1'erlml-44-le
.0a OrIbth. tut we haw ccfLtI
tlmt (he IC-6-wf---M-tieni's
itinetion "with Erarth:onTtl'S,,wicfl th
14th, irould rctetv,I the final cuiraltn-
aVon et . Ltd!, paied. The tnagn:ttio
occurring annluaty
ahe b3nt Lb. Sth to t15th ot*Spptting.
bet', falls ino this period. nigh tem.
pt!ratgare and tow to3retn:ter 'may be.
exweted by the 10th, and storms
of notab:c character will ,orgatilvl
at4.!take• -42p- tkeir ,k--13..tir+L-nrarch
eoditions •413 gro‘-v in. maltte
tude- -and -loree---during,---tht.---Ilth:-Iit
and P9i13;y up to tb lith1! higli
barometer and fehangc)to coo!er
:env immAintely behind literals about
11) lOtKAlith and 12th, tfr. New
firaort on ttt
Farb: „rower do the cacoiry
Jut tbaIXLb, 4110:-Fartli
e in 1115 'Ortit morth
art:, aiirietat, tr,,,,rturinit:ctal, and
rt. s. a rtito,, avrcir
arlag tl,q1, force
tqraitiesr, :storm
this a busa Mar Matte tr:cca3arv toso.3,
t them.
a ins" for a
Ow depatut.
novice paid $2,000 for the site and
thought that he had virgin yellow
upon which to -work. As it fact.. ho
bad to go down into the -blue before
Blit the biter was bitten: The claim
which was sOld forl$2,0000 Soim /began
to pay out of the .blue rock and .then
could not haye , boon rebought for
$200.000. Barnet° would halite given
POMO for it and taken the risk, but
he did not hear anyt-hing f the trans.
action until tho tonderfootlitinought
and -the in n muse
clever had departed.
erosperous fattner nearStrathoyt
The bride looked charmingly .beaut
fat diesed in wbitc-alover cliabro144
red the: parlor leaning on Lba arm.
deissohiVs Airedding March. rilayed by Women 'with oticiork3s $46,„ell
• •
Misa Down sister of the groom. The Who feel weak and dittoontaged.
• groom W54 ably attended' by- Mr reoejvbothmenta1 and -bodily, vigor
Loafs Woods, ,brother of the bride by uMng Oarter'is Ivan imp& which
De%tit, tater -or the> zroom. After cOrOier4
the -ceremony Ivai-perritruted- -and tb
usual congratulations' .oier the emu*
Patty all sat deli% to a suraptuous,
dinner and Alioroughly satisfied; thd
inter man. The presentti werebeth
numerous ilea costly 'showing the es-
.-..terirk-in-irlifelrithe-Tottngq)cople ,ore
gr, 414 Di! "
evening for Strathroy... The Mines
joins in wishing the happy, young Cou-
ple a prosperous and .liappy naarriad
'41r. Itussoll altiniter. bad a ter
---Tue,4dtt ;the
Ao• o
It. A, R. li*SNIAN, Lab. 0., D
. Honor graduate Of Toronto-
• ir�m Exeer t Toro*to twid re. -
turn daily until Sept. lith. .11eturir
limit Sept. 4th. «3.
Ci7 a tho .11.0,014.4,own-inaprov.
nent --kirk can bo ,accom
liaom6 tOvintan
h -unnecessary ---no
• •F.stzbliah traveling libraries and go
bring nedin" g matter -within the retOit
He]p to e the forests frOui de
iuid4the-1iorss -an: for u inlia and- it
kitaner received a bad shaking .up
'injuinpi4t3 J34. -tbewagon
On account of :the Canadian Nation-
al. Exhibition. ,the arena Trunk
wity-Iiysrena wilt timae-lr'etity4
at olwatt tare to -Toronto from all
*Stations in Ontario west ,of Cornwall:
d Ottawa, .1August gat° Seritenaber.
or Ikeofre Sept '14th, 1990. Special Ont.WU itrlcker
w rate excuraions will he run -front' ..111 stoult Id
Clean up her own back yard
make it such tithing of beauty that
will be an inspixotion to her neigh,
•citizens is
appointment ot ft ubUc /runt
duty is the are and InXtrneilint
r gnt, M. and
Honor Graduate Toronto TJn
Ditty. Two eara resident hysielan,
!dente, Dr Amoo old,atand
Iv Street, Exeter'
NErvo LooT
• ilia
CCialial Ott% macaws teeth*
6a#11;610046 aflowsotratecoZ atoost. • •
flICZi-V41N 8Tzusist.11 srlirtiat,
z, pommel
a attaada
aves Exeter SAY/ a m. September Us
London 1.0.-50-tr.September
and 10th. • .
Sept..10,11, 14.1000
. Return no
OM Exeter t
Cleveland, Ohio. via. -13..40 0.
St. Pa,u,, • fyia,Sarnis.
Return limit October:4th,
• inforruation from
,3. IMIIIT• Depot Agent, .
or write I. 0. ZI0D0istAl.41
Depot. Toronto. Out.
atom tio work, no
to p " vent the itijuatioe. •of
Child labor.
Do . Away -with ittmorad theatre*
meting picture '',840,svs 4,tia posti
Be*uWy bor tret vt1i sande*"
• 414 the
to health in no time,
of pie' 4
"It fOttlflet the body•
of La Grippe an a
1 alwaro
1,* Cold co
STC�1NR toiisthesyitt
tolistior0.0. and Itibbert
:office*. ro.4.163ctiote*._0.
muh 10 of life by insitt
11 wires b ntidergrotina.
ub1i interest in the public
garbage 'bOX Clean and
• insist upon her folio
Ite Same.
n dolieettute site bas -den
every one of these things. And when
•slie doe* them, 'al) 100°04 and titles
%iI be .1‘41)itkv, Ititiote$onie
In whlch to uve.
416.-t; AL
Mt 0
-. 14s.
of a azniI.y, or any Mittili °tit ,
yeara oId inay 1otnetead a quarte
seetatil of bible Dominion .ittod .1044
ifitnitebt; 8ukatcbwan, Or Alberts*
The applioant moat „appear id versa*,
at tite ,,Deminion Lamle Ammo,' jer
Sult.agenoy tor the distriet*: Entry
PrOXY' ntitY be had At the .aggtoeiaegip
certain oonditIore by fatherreg.feet
soot daughter" brotber, or Wetter
*IluttOrt;•`41*- aitUrteit
and eultiVation of tbe 'land' In *lit
of three. years. ,A hoezteader-
lie 'Within- titter la boasi
atead on a ifarm Ot
aoIely owned, and eou
hia there zoo.% 0014 .
lacttlitet or
Ittoettain diattier*
in good standing may
tarter s'etttorrt aiongsid40,
steat. krice' to)g. per *ere.,
fiMut re -de six ines
ire from date' or huiad
tailing the time requ
harnetead t,) on