HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-09, Page 1.vou want before. bisy SeasOn ';opens \ • „ . New Dress, A New Coat, A New.' Set of Kits ything New- or re,*11;-,94, our counters .ready • for Cornin ftndtookc.theirt • ,.colors are found 'here; This is to be Our ?. banner year .for Dress .Goods- and, have , atherect--.4otether-1.he::_ most ,,extensiv .range weiiave: ever. shown before. vi thitikrit,a pleasure to show vkN Waistings Waist Silks pure wool lone? In 'all- the new shftdea AO Flfgureil or Stripe. Beautiful self stripes or plaln VI deaignekw-rotors- tor-Ointe_lr our • IL',..1o4ratT, • They eme Real New. tvithece.ent Ort0 Con 1 era ons.nd petition WO riented to Ouncil !:,) 'Me 414 Orieye aucI• 13i '14,r4 Scott, of Bruvfi&d, Apre king bcrric,eitts setti in. , asking for ai cement waik froxn the corner of Sanderceouth, to Ann at. er.motionntliesauim.401ms. the pe - Won be received and if time sv thy - meat IlmIt .4 circular Ietter from the -Oral nada (lit h regard to tax, on linprovement values at a lower rate, than land value!) Was'read, accompan- ied by k• petition to be signed aud for- warded to the Provindal LegiIatu1e. Orob-W-7-Ver he petition be 414seiredi''It.. was- deelared crri thelteeye voting ' 'ZIRT a • on au..0. MiAhOditat 'cburch, west sIde, 0 tion of Ifearean..-., two on Hilrt Hu - on street; one at the corner of Will. OM and thecouncit have out going beyand improv Te;4#0 rid eatlinctr,Aultenthot-the-Lelerk rite theValete#W-Bvaporatfor 90y.- lokiditi . Per .Carling, tbat he Reel* sud-Trountrer,bortver One •Thonond. Five IlundreaTiolloiro to be or:tolled as the second InotroTlfinent,-per the con. -structionotcemeriVwid . The municlpal rate of taxation Was ilxed at 19 mIUe on. the-doliar mo- tintot Oarling—Luket. Carried. , The following account o were -resd John •Triebner, repaire to ccmetery tools, 230; john Cottle. flowers for .cemetery. 18.20; W3..131soett, salary,. .33O0 s'o. W. Orsu, salary. 00. .On' Ver leinit.4.of LX.01c6lienitto"'atbst. 110 id -$1500; '' p&yLu,efltofl al 4. lt and w twea ouder the weather. Any °wit' who- eau- -operatetwo new,,k, i apex's as as Bro. I.Cerr should ot let' a little thing lib 'sickness in, terterkt . 0. 2‘faria 1Vilso41, ot 140040141, met. with apeculiar and serious ec• 451:414118t; 41jr..°vb,r(rtrerligiljn. 1Sahkeing"ostf17 wagon load of oats with slings, when the Mc broke and struck. h WOWING Three rink* of Seaforth*bowlers ar- vcd during the during e soles vr#4. the 0 thecIfoe the morning, vn .whi0_1? :tizto,40onatiotxia,.. waken: her for:twelve Ileum 'he•11,cEjfli IStutu Fire Iniur VV,fitnr.l 'charges mad. tor new and re-, 'oval risks. Vormerly for every ne nertltep007.41 policyhttagtehnetsrepers:%t$ insuirin b it-06:ti-461P-14;flicies-ttir-to'Iti4-6117--thet-e----ntt:ttrett ust_zukt..1hP fel‘; v,•4119- to $808 41su,red,,,,,pays4ifty-ceoto-oe4-the, companyt.tb hebecotartra alance; on all -policie oos Aent. This will make the asess- ment On new and renewalpolicies o luitable„ and will be renewal. Or. /1011,4-11,01der4-014141S-o14 "4 well established coropaq. . Bich. Stookes., of Parkhill, was aptin instrumental on .MentlaY of last week jut, preventing a . pret„bable C d • er•hatit Brand in • . . • s, 46 Or 44$n tin Martin Senours t00% Pure . • 5,12Sa 45. and SOc tin 4ollywood, a few can left .... I0, 2.aud,4 C thIS 4,;-. • ‘,41 - 7 d • Vidor•Glaze Ermine' • 0H0 • • 1;7; • • 0 0 • • * • • VarniSh • 0 * AO** • • ....i�; 20. 3$, so, 7.5 and t.00 tins Aluminum Paint . • . a.. • . • and 2SC • Gold Enarnel . . - Floor Paint 0. • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • 40 rand 4$ ...... • . s tot ts,, 25:and SO 0S very deaf, was approachin essiAix. on the- .west -side .of the Alit4,1Mf taineliear Winningn asi. the re atiows. • • . .V011orringits the tiliulatott result Of the doy's playing. • , Seaforth * • Exeter W. V. T. 'arforsti4 W.. Its Xievett. 3. Shine T. • Acheson .3-.72M- Veit Creeali be and_ are ireal swell The new :Fall Shirtiltre Otte uptii-date. cervitrava-. P. This is the Place for. Mons and 13.oysshings_L • • 04.001CPt. 23 .....- ...Sept. 60,, Ocl Illyth • • ... .0 .00 t.„943t. 5. ;Scrip 8, C9, ... ..Sept• 15. 16- 0000.000 $00ff. 0041D t. 81 8 St. War „ • 23 4 • Mex. Wflzoj .. W. c T. itiforsin J. Shine lex: Wilson / Skip 18 W. Bright W. McDougal . P. W. Glidman It. N. Creech • Beaman. - Jos, Taylor .• Skip 7, tlearnan . • Spacktuan , 4 y be a, heater of some kind, * coal ove it th -s • . our Worti for it, lint we w in towards. stollen_ not expecting danger that might be coming- from that 41ireetion. Mr. Stooks realizing . XT. Yorke's dan- ger ,rushedacross the :street .from his shop and -grabbed him just as he was putting' his foot on the track, al- most itt thiptatue 'moment the express dashed b . • Mr. Yorke having.. been tffli'd"backAustin time. It was an. exciting :time for Ineveral .00,400heri.. be engineer- Initrjitnnud on t ;okra otor,"..**Iit' leaning' nearly brat out• -of- his etty,:wrodow watchinx the, Stookes. deserves the thanks of the community' for. .Ithe many warnings and rescues he, halinade_oLpeople this erassbag. There is never a train passing through but he looks out to 132 c' if there be any one • in danger. urnety. Stliti *Oa We do alt kmd�otTtusmltbing. Pornace-Work,' Roofing, (Both *Won and ,Ready Roofing). OM' anti see us and tell us your needs +=x -444+4-w4-44,'"' 444 YOrtake-No-Gliamos WhenYou Get Your Fait and ,ViinterSuits from an old established and relbible 1,onse like ours. wiggi' If; :411:IIIII144:_LO V • ..01.-0.11--trositt3t-irtone * ttftek'xio -04-.1rud'ilielyirtnerOte ul"cock;" over. the defeat of thei rivais,.ea the latter were* the chnl lenziog_party; The match was a tta-Zed-Ap-ortertfiat-PJim Grl* Tanta have n glitne before taking. , of a Montrcal wholesale firm,'an rinks from the test and west side Main street were chosen. Ililly lie man and Billy Tamen cbampa in the skin line Were npointed atickor4, -.and.siikAtoth,..liater„dene. *Oat' MI6 OW*0* niiCt cr bows Pinch Crass t take m ete an a numbrr of nterested ajctatoro witneeslst the troy, AkihAt westerners did to .the eager:fere ia ad:oto relate but pettiled,Atelow,, -Along. about the after that. the east side chaps didn't have even n look in. Pellorfluit-nre the names of, those wLio, participated; N. 1).- Burden 4 Weldinhamtuer 10Grey e D. Clark U. N. Creech V. 114, Snell W. W. Tanisn W. J. ifeetatin Skip 13 Skip 22 1ad Side w. right • kip 'VT Bright --4,walutga . Bright flrihL go X0 Broadfoot McTavish V•Ament . 0, Cofltng W. iiroadfoiii .154oTavith 4� 11 -e Rev. Co1Uni . Skip 3. G. Stannury W. W. Taman" • Skip 11 W. May 4. OrleYe 3. A. Stewart M. W. Gindninn , :t. . Stanbury VrehlonhamilleP _ • Reitman • ' Skip afeCee flinett * !galled . Forster Skip 21 I ni SkiP 142 • Bxeter weet • . 11 SPackman .W.; pevett s. Sititi 2 Local ittra.--Wm.--1311-kn et mg• - Toronto exhibition. here for the holiday. Ur. Anil liftegt. A A. Ross were in Toronto during the past "week. ' Arnold's Moodie B. *von 2od oh • Wm, Brick* nelteltla Sc*rboJeasto„,..:11tIrliwo0fLorcirto ro and Markham and attending • Fred • W Ieft Tuesday lo Toronto e ar.d who arevital** thote. NIM Ethel Northcott hoe kola tuined her poltion as howl routine IL N. leanings' establishment at Pal. 0:Aerator,. • (i)r. A.nderawa, of Virionip6g, e iZueat of'Atm Vitt ' T t e seasontiof\ the year when-yett o e P. L. Bluett • IgalleirL, Forster Skip :12 the alt 154 Otornoort , trent the ter qtsy. *me oLbe wir. Chas. Ad regent Mr. Andrew LtoUsnd Ise -4044 -- far te t Calgary, 1 And we haveme of tiio datidies o1rs LO taking beds bATO 110:#6 ntn. Vtio esday tin; VP • ell., or tonden• Alo-oittor0,1rov--- L. 1rickr, 1s? live; hor tbeir Iiotne in Tor kn ettld. *On* ek's fishing* ".ft.,south of nd Ur. *ua1ter P •ned tN $00 tckelf , Batt, it.,\ II* =CM tAntr at izelted. ts r bo prezr te ek tford. It' liviti1e4 wotri