HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-02, Page 8ttow*to take *u 0uw wate'orks t *I ese e ua direct Iot and finish are pr(ect. . T1iee a - Vireo' Soctlais, In BlackOcue biffopavoTeatiffeextai Silk, ail inches , --wade. 1e have eitettedi9111. inone Bayers. 'no o Scotc Oinghauts direct from the -01.4 Oonnty in .new StrI -13retks-.41-048b-ado-vr tatito;-Trearliea ties. Every yard gdaran4,ed, 4,b,04:41:4.41$ new desgnsvin-im- port loner-Setsatiecetr--- to Oto set; pure white grounds hard:semi chino, body, decor- --7-atect-fwitir neat spray an floral effetto, gold traced and tippled. About fiftirsets to choose from 57.75 to $15,00 • 111!-f-Ill'e,0 static-- eitils China. Mt -Wang fi-ein a eteacup-tir-a-fultedinner eit‘ acknowledged to be the pret- tieskpattern in the tradejes, serfor $7.2. Dinner Set VS, te#3.00 according to num- ber of pieces. "..Ask :for dat Roses" Oavi at bu . Xellaetings visited relative 11111 last weak. .4rott_.„ w rela- :ivea in Toronto, and OrUhia,. M. 4. A. Stewart is attending the millinery openings in Toronto. Thornton Palter and Jrn. Vipers, are attending the Toronto 'fair, . : *ng tilinery openings in Toronto, '",04-:ilLrOgtifer Iditb are visiting irinds in Toronto c`-....turnsooPS will be the Y. e * Miss -Willis, of Moriches, ,Mich., is visiting friends in town. Irina , Vishet ivisitig heir ereCer ---44lias-ne . ,,:lreliontati j Lat..41 :Y7 -zit n ke.the..,:___Ir. 31, ports ionda Will be 15 and 10 centa Mr. Shirley Dobler IS'eeending' bill evrteitton tiith brs arAhei in Buffalo. Mise klvelyit OM retUrns to-Toledo- toeday to resume her positionas nutse. • . .. - _ear,. Geet.eitawkins, left -Monday -for 1.1rittnipeg, where be will remain for a month. . pee and plain mirror finished goods. See onrllnesst S0e, We, $1,00 and 51.26. Farm 'Produce is just as good as cash •++++++++. +44++++ +++++++++++++++++4++++++++ 4++++++++++4.4444+ o. of'Lon4on,wt' w - _-44001,;* vtt_ucd" 0-401-11.0 eV;It, E.I illiyard. • will occupy itlae pulpit F1rop»rty ;fall .in afternoon. whfle -v. „ ear Wiir f e r - he. 1 in,Oederielt that flay. lLena Oen:nett, of Voionto,, left I 110NXM &TOP. SALL- it, for her home 44:tttebrI-01 a ,v p *OV -0-41. 0,06Y 14-14444,-foglae, 11($pc,r,-,.... NV hlte-clow lt,*ft ' lsis Stewart. o , xi' . -Tiiiitnkoottiliu , t Monied, ,,,,,, ..„.-ew10 l3Cent�-_,. vi „ r ,ithort ' time.,, .• Ali kinds- of- plums at market Mr. Almost Gtibr, of Shakespear e orleee. Mrs. liarry. , Prow , Witi- wbo 'has. 'the tont-reel for dredging eivesene - 8410.4 the Sanble river in 'Osbeene townShip. . .... lias-rented the house of Wm. Platch. ' WANTZD Apprentlee wanted to ford at the eoener Of %al0, 4Pd Vic- lain barb'r trade.. Penfitase and toeiete-streeteeetntle-will-ernove--lier J3urk' Shortly.., - i •-•-"-N-rr-•:::*-,'.;,-1---:-rafrin ZrCi.Ir---717---telBikl-Ciiiirl- :Iii: tbo Scottish games flat Seatort.ii Weds, 1 $ itt four in the 1.4 mile race won third' prize." The opeediest runners ' Ontario tvere there, iioute Of _Whom othing.-elett_,-bot_tralreetnkleee_Ael_n tiOn„ iinet-41TeWTS-rirci‘lieecangrser° ontrac 01.ep *Wean, 40,-/i*SLterfl-4104‘44 bridge crossing the Sauble near EU ertell'.s. property two miles west of town, and ts imaking the excavations for - the ---abuttnents.- A '1.teineerarY coostritcted across ag,SepterabOr ro14 by pubile, the river aea is in a- 101,0 001141t.11 Auetjon on Sept."20th together tittle for crossine. e . • - ib,._eitteete;'eo the. premises. For nouste, has teen en;agad --turthini paractilites apply to Ilobert .ter Fir nuut,_ Iv 'en the • Bv4ilytt. newn- 'on the.-pronisee, Thomas:. natid on -the sgeiliff-Conoession,, nek, reijniktrirtitir E:Oter and" five Iles /vont tiensall, closehurcb and Ione ,' Mile and a quarter froux echool. On this property there -is erected ei good frame' house, ieven :yawn -4- convcnient to J.izirdand �ft '-twatert-tarne-4.0er.6*,1 er'iniderntath bore itable .20 x -5, -wit cor drive floor mir loft for hap.Thre 4ye-Afotty-acrea-Oted.04-400%-end-4,00, 40r0a in .bush; also a good hearing orchard.' //This pro erty-is-well draihe ed and in a 'good -htate of cultivation. If not /mid privately before the 1.0th 01,Y 01 •LOST -Pa it't BOA" regsot, thiS W aces for Produerk antler rtces sub*t cbnge • Tel •',11 del,: 1.4.,- Alt•- 'd e ir • e ag e ittle man with the b1 vele*, Of Tor-, 41:441317 .ItiveiO4,,r07343: „.0d,to.„,,,tof iviilliiilt,,,q4silvii a' hi h doss concert. FOR ALE ve te...,:'e,--e•.-- 0, 10 .e r, fa -if friends in -et, - Marys over etteekley, iso ol i t. Mr. Edd' ' t .. , _, pratto 0 ist: . . le , , Cottage and thre _ ver one thousand enro11e&by-our chain rirc ol tbis great n, -for , ow -7 15 - RE es'irrnEwerili" - T e demand for our *gradages. • is THREE 4. 'TIMES the •suppY, • - + • Other ' seht1018 engage + •our gr&duatese aittettehers. *I''coureelor ten.ch-. TIIEUE'S plIEY1wrr VAtilf3g "ter our pride In Star flour' XfOulo- keepere tall °ns it bake* more art4 bet r bread to /the seek than any r- brand they -have - -"ST-Mt -e-Ltitirit- •Cialisses Martha, Carling and Winn!. 'red Carling left Monday everting for • Dradtforde They must- aillie-eleared Jess or _are- . come and et a bargairi. rW One door nod istr. and Mrs. Judea liern:have re- tiu- *ed after a Week's visit with their tin Norwich. e• Mix. Arnold Moir, of Latchford. is visiting her another lira., Jno Gould of Hay township. e • Mrs. W. it Atroasser,' of Seaforth, was a goat At the home of W. J. tathimTntsday„. pent the past summer in _the returned ,home Tuesday Mr. Thos. Rusteir returned Satbr- A10-veningestterespendin st mon , In t e.wes :The Misses • Marthand •returried home Friday niter a •pleaSent visit eeee_ :earned er-71,,.4ereeri: redny-froinererryelgouride7;wbe edeeesetent her var.ition. fe; etave-returned -after -v-eiating friends in iMttriettte Mich. , Mr. returned Mon- froin-,Zendoe, wheee_idee visited 1- parents for seven • Wm teach; or 'Cleveland and 146114X Ptelnyttfolt.- et .flotreitt,-Itre-gele411- 2itr.lind Mrs. F. W. Gitidatate, - • Mrs. Saxon Vitton end Muter Ger- old Vittott, returned Saturday after a two 'weeks' visit in Buffet°. t 0 , ear . appal., amorous alf•• • ,. dramatic reader i Elva mourcolu , Simeoe -Street.- 'Oh tins property ill ft, 'Laird, violinist, and Irene Stevens. frame sottage (brick foundation) con- 4. . pianist and occoenparaste _ -, A reactionary otorm period iscon4. - trail on thew 3rd, 4th and 5th. %The moon i' tint. 41.113_41,s,e celiginblourse afloat _peror oll, 110 An estat . :Apply to . . G AD,M„AN- .ritk STANIIIIRY, Cea, hence deeld..14, barometrie fluc- tuations. with petibibre .. .thunder* storms. will appear in menY Places ----, ----.-- --Itivrriaters, - , 'Exeter, Ontario. tts early as the 24). During the 3rd! ., 4th Arid 5th these 'disturbances will' "P,Alt It AL ° --.....m. til; -.........s-- - B ais oait-wiraty ,oi-ix too3t parts --or., . -4--- eliatricalMou, .171r-4coolerli4J41-eathbitrpner will fr-olltioncrtwi--1-011v.s-th anillIdnalirted-li Ziotaess'lleottr.y 20°f -4 fled --t e 2p - this iieriotL toreseVetat-days, • -Irene----Tlete-farrne hae 10 acrea good ipt ,,,A,, special mooting, . of the county . haedwood bush. bank batn 72 x 30 -hue oee-evo.eegootl-lrameehoueeeenever'fa' . , 'fatitesdr.! irtr,iyootitimlat4teiteirgeetiro, to.linesicipenreott 70thoe... deiltebren, on,thtetrhehabstaern;atneocobaorene.eaegdoo. 4 'entealeation -from the Corporation of wells, orchard* /30th $trc in good. , The- teial will not cost YoU °a cent t Star its *old at the POI edentate. taining five rooms end aegood cel- lar 'also lb, good well ..and A • large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The property hoe to be *told to wind t , xliii.,,flithinturrv,ot ihentetritit _ #4---451:7-4$aq.-1 _ssued-trrittil i;litUu- . -ifrtltk.r7'w_ci-ai..ey,wrut_A-aprvo aiii., ' Mttrch mutileation . had been 'read ,:atnt dis.J".it .1r-.1rattes 'Ariztrb- varebai '•etete.:-Deeepeeteeemeseies. lefetetedoetheefectia..,doe,thelreplosila. Ei. . As the years go by it la Pleaskr&t0' 441'‘ .."'"tYn* Exeter, 4)13 ony mem 15 --Variteg--fierF it - 71..41th,er par ctha1.. note that -more, farmerwrite_ letters- Anuointed...letter...hwutsithi. ve-th learde on their envelopes. was one rortgage Sale '- thought that no one could do this un-, be-weps-engaltefl-in-tbeivedletlon toder and-fietue ot. • e powers con - of some speciality or breeding some tabled in a,. certain Mortgage which bore blood farm stock. one be. will be produced .at the time of elk, heves that now. Let Or 4110' be , there be offered for tole named and th n give that . with the! . D'untrktt, .000s tor arti The Otct Reliable Flcn One door South of theelfetro . tan. ° 4natiliok *4 the following pr*cee(notr*de, and no truth RAMOS n, per:hundred Trot) from 00e to 75e. per bun. bblpr &es Acteitaitte g4tibition -1U to . • I • _Miss May Gill, who spent her vac*. tion in town, left Tuesday fiat ,Xoort Vrie to resutna herTeaeliing duties«- . Mre..11. IL Collidi 'and, Miss Don. thron left - 'Tuesday for Torontee nterifetesid‘ _ _ Mrs. 1?.. Sparliteke of. the Thrones .1tritid, is tonfined to her bed -suffering fromea-Serereeotteck of appendicitis. Z. Vireo. Mite -and iMastel; Torn, of Pueblo,. Col.; are gurats • ot Ur, and lttre. W. 3. Stet. .hani. , 1 frir* '" hi ln Xora look * **le Vaal fabrics- we 1We-tailoring in-, go suits: And top -coats. You won't Ste tilel****YWkiee, el** Or w havt,i,them: -- Oen A SUIT MADE far ilviirielt while you tit se 1, make .you a meat one tor ..ttit *woe and guarantee more clotba,entlifectitia.- for the money tban yon ever had before.- 4oitti 'Welke etnd tonal Intend loping neat 'S1004, t • ville;" where -thef WilleAtfe at itoreittien ita /gun that 1��4 4t*e1f. Ihrititt easily men ftkt k a b'otflt float aretild nre- m be itcrAtta :in 11 ploy ot Too Ilttislits at. flo ,Drugstore* %thanes gnatantecd to tornerant;$40 Itdin-Ortik,Ins nt�4 b1 tit re -1:6 o r. c ain Stu* announce to the publicthat 1 have opened -out-businesovtit-theilite,-of ' -,eral-Prevtelene-- FLQUIti 0,8140,, STOOK FOOD • • frnti= • GRAIN, Ste. E';_0,, _ addrees so& -business is w AlOtlar • Thoi --t' Auctloneer he Cunty of The annual meeting of St.":-Ii4:1"---.V-70:::as'mjpd-tdelitiesexabealr 6.1einstlit..tiuel:1114.107attli. eat hour TolvAjjittliguitahnuda3LeIg •.1",41"theil"trtVirtia":. tor Assorlatkor -held- In 2 vitaiock -ie. et. the feeloieleg -andiln-n 2 ---er" • -lift* •r atul et yarlety of IRON 4"1118sonabia price, °El Idiv fine •poste, braclng holitelr4l,rdmis:• Jackson k SOUS 0° it 'Mar when the frillowing offiters were el. • peted nrWtry. -Tairtmtann";4, lee.- entieth Coulees& oa.41.111vr, "ntrin4; ilitrdnn "riln* nSeyroperty there ft- te4 /.11A*.Ps*teC,Irreet11,..; Intwict Cet„/11,107, dwellinti house and ben; a good 1 __e t‘tr4t• -*" orchard. about 11 acres ,of bush, sofl Artible4 Taylor Amu' W. W. A arnan r first outs, vrirtn. woo ,wAttre Untth • ennunitt-ee. ‘1/4 Ilefl;"otto Vt. About five And one halt miles from d. W. Taman ;mit It( -v. Collin& It Wes ter -within. 000d told*. A moor, tor, nfOideliC nati:orett*Ittiot Sttect---they tam , If"or -tertns noel condition of et derided to. allow ;the ladies to play sinAntLE, ironotoittra. A few eveninl. app. to' id Ste. Ken. jivenetit Geed, M., to Y0ti: atsifine TaxeDL_ Jumping' gto 0_ !).. donr gyin +the iditekit and tariteteng the'ittlir 1 r aunt 'bay tAgi n Montreal. old. The torte nirtnetrolv.to .vt; beL0.SODtI by handling torosteible by the, neva of Jean' • •Ittlifii.g.tter_.drallpinf,tizt__,bui gttittriii-atrf (,.°titlitiltellingertinttzfitubrbs4ertitrinlbcrtIF:ctre°1111111,tie"ifitktalret. 1114:111:* 111 4 24::#14$: of Nt. Up« owe e for some ditancc fna'1y *iigli`°°104;711,' t./bittliintoo, t take sirtrt:btr_t.ii‘rti_,,jeobta rolenisisnt.. bis bfr11 bndy lemaged' and the top broheree whih'the doctor got a **ere jahake zng p. The horst' Int* round tivrteo- iil1y.gratint in u field ort(1 portions at tbe boxroom were found strrtilt Abe rodsid.6. Labor heti, lte irdotei O. nest Athiott bit Thors Septembpt Oth, itetterAil. appi tam.' 1.4 mile se; 1-2 mil' Bieyelc raee; 2 - ffioflev. If vou clo not need 1aaes vou will • After twenty-twoiota Dia& work we hsua become theist. geat. best and moot etticettoftd training ithoOl in Wes. • tern Ontario with no onperlor In Catis,44 Thrtioi departnien 00164/t1wlAre Sno1vrnAD atirosavtivir thing ,tlittt hato *adat titre /Out; ' latitbi.n; wrong wi, but 'disotel eonsfitutI04, T.pinuts' THAT.; Ar.111, , . Art amity tir1 • - ,014'Nowalit vit iirlth trod in ter' lot Voir ,c4itiage '1tt Meek Mt, Att it. TOr00 tof th aie at • ' Yo . ,