Exeter Times., 1909-09-02, Page 5re are 1 ar0444 ttgai ended the ser- 44d grand -dangly -0r, of Colorado. are. -4141t444 ;I:tiaileuraarratod WeshYter":„ viSitiog relatives atutit'xiends -in lot°11* venin 1;4, Woi very isful nu in even, lo.g4st,:tI.411tT:nbrt-o.tirt,rrbtt to Al r4. C. Charter*, 'Iter'diught Men's 2 pieceSuimer Suits Ladies ' aist4" Dress lesagth 'of DriAgpOds,,in d Were t ad s 1141 61Zr-* .aJane.o1 our. t „ inn OS Goods,1 a k crate a Glassware regularrse. and lac. ---- - - mei-Sets- . ire, Al , your tradev and we will Imre von good money. n ii,410zigro.:x4%,ZotistlietLa , ,,ivtufactl__hom :week -from. a, .plensant trip to .-."4*"'Vht"rl°.tk v 1alinnipEtwith Mr, Moans ratEt, of Ilrattdon, I -ladled)* Moat, DiSHVOC toba, was bore lost week visiting his sisteran-law. Mrs, john 'rope. Winchelta 1=5.1r, W, 3. Perkins, of the C'eunner- 'THE DASH:WOOD ay , ward ts tot --'11e ,A 7.01,--ore4wo,a4441 sitfl 40,atit-rukisotrtittaprotkIZIteros-iy "voat., 14117Cnnitrat "7"'al"' loor s, Sash, Doors Ptaix cd vin 644rius 4°'4-wnt ("1-15.' ald- Ift herr in Mondzt' ozi tr1p the - We self the celebrated P4roid Roofing—Nov Better il, be isufscre rIny ere. in 20 minute L'oift ork the olkgist or doctor a out MIS mu»n.-it's fine. W. 8. Ilowey. ttrdo astand although- ....00-braken...boncs_htittss_tAdkr_hruis- C.tist; ' ' .;=. ''' is.-Airturinentpi-ol-vil--Spriotgo,-15- =. - ltd., ° Ile was assisting putting Sheaves • Airkitiaibtjaetbrf Wm* date' t6.order rofiiiirehiSiii; iliFfe-itte:-ritaktoila larating her mother Mr. E. Beek/ . .. ... . , of grAin on a stack and wzts an a* , go, ' a pity Ni" en sick ones..:drug...the __. VbiCh we Si 131 sell 4 1fyoubavoanyotthofo It tao We. re nervous id -weak, despoo- tb circles under them,. vs** back, and loeses,seduuest In .urins. maiden POO raeolW.t, lacer. boos =pains, loose,. *ere thives, otc. LL BE A WRECK eohrG S «roUt� 1 otaft . aaAt west at Torpolo•Strilhary Hoe. • a, pfftkiitei.leit,.st to tboadovo-**11.stilatk., sterrOniOn 114. .11t. .4sita T.11 eys. ,arrness a *le* *Va.. srattats oa U.& r. south at Iteafar' gtotrwA, Wirt 15 SOLD TO wastrourr,o.ONVir Its9,0sen.t1t1 f;Itatilord *t it 0 . PAC% whore !abort. ..igir__!.sdaor.1amr.-'- .gIberta, , g" t a alit* oath vas, want tb 'tirket, sad tiii unite' a trtiva otrtutp.t by ft.ira)4r 0447431i* cr treotr. win be bottertd,rtota ',hut pomt starting po:ritis la Orstaltio. at, $16.00, prior tl at ;Mr.'. aiteli OMPS014. D.P.A.. C,r.L, TOitONTO - patrotinxe artT4s a it respectfully solicited. Just W band, a..large import order of WINDOW GLASS close pri Ltircan7fitio the- wagan -&,-(4'oitob.-ok-7t-tititiVIW•tb62'lforrt-irri• :bi uhi Trot Aidifii'Mititientl-nerti-nrlIcnvirolt. 7- ...... ooLastit-atea446---lkonk--8tomacb--sier itia-L. i .K-tod-fhTiThii7nIso rue o an ughtitr. n/ Pet rot t., 'it re visi g • o and . Ilion on which be e..c taciayi,7 _ iatives arourd here for n reW week*. ;standing' fe over the side- a th, the Il nod aCidneys. The weak Vila. Mr. Stantey Coyle ,returned to his! waon art:mint.. him to. the ground. t nerves aro% instead erYlug out for A 111W 1 e-tras taittertrt-tisO• 'mice and: meal- 1.4114P" irl?:'s CzPlai" Icrili. 'Pr' r. Mr. and Mrs.ciDr.) Orme and flan 1 assistance sulnittorted'. ' Mr. Mhos. ' '''°51.,.,..rative Is pro„tula.Y 1:4111111; Siam - ter, of CentriCrin, were the gilettS of Itzvek, 'who, was on ibetop' of tile ftiirv-4,--e41--r . . -, . Restorative reach.is oat lor 'the actual ut ss Martha i; er, returned to her o. Wien s. g . .... „lo,,,d,„ innt,r,..8 . A iii,,, _ test tx,g atarlirrS1" , - 'setcdrit 4/44-feiveli'llttiaus escadoir -1.1a*ItVtjuy 11.4., , -realt$410. . of tiles?). ni:ntents-the failrig, ..;„ 1.; u r, Ili.rtrve. . Iliiffara after a ecir-weeks visit- with jury,. turned home after visiting.. friends -4M Table d6,141itegiAmNg., ----. - A Sambrookand trAnurton-0.-.1 ' II' V:41:5, ikt,..SO ::: :0:tle:belll'-1::":"-a* Sod by 1*-- Woodhitm, • - dlspensed by druggists everywhere.. 4 ...... Mrs. .1, Ellber anal children re- lAt a few hours. Vrevent,ies are said ' 4-trirliii/V5iFiltvitiirefiriin-ds---- ---.' . • - Prevorti --bting-romwdecT.nid-boot thn-IV'u to :a-1MT ' Z, UrriClik. . . turned beine after Ispendin; a week to break any cod-comptetely. And_ lie guest of' Mr. and Airs. C",audo '' Quinine, , no lasitiVii.-nettitile I _/"3„--Tairs. Demi "Munn. illuett.,___, I nor sickening. 'Tat or to -.;ac., Zieilli Crediton and Zurich NI Miss D.T. Dratin retUrned, borne of- gLaamb:ronf aby3.set.33.11 14,....re.tbe`. ter‘ vending. a wee;P: - in Zurich the ' play a orenoon of. ,zuest of 'Aliss, M.. rreeter. . 1. • LIMAN 1 ,Messrs. Joseph Dowsort, of the 14th . 1,4153 s. sea!, of '1;rttssels, is vis- Twod7t•lia_letivok_ort4imet, of bIseThib:t14741,8e1. plt,..t'na6vde_wexi...evicize:-Ilism go. hiclnr:kw., reifilbc.. village woo weeks, t if .4rs r 6th between Wooltstock and the- lat., Atphon Easter, Eon: of Mr. an& 'Miss Pella Tirana spent • • a -few Irish Nino, ›foroinZ =ettrue at 10 a -r4-. Ales. j-ohn roster' • _And ''' MS4 'Lottir days in .Zurich. ' afternoon gime .,lit ''',4 Vali'. 1V06414 - Itildebrand,' were uoited . in marring -1i Mr. and Mrs., 'Win. Ti7neektel. and stock. is . bringing a picked - team , on Nireduesday, Atz;nst" it5tb, by Fa'• SOLI Gerald, returnvd to their home In .frpnx their. city teigu and tbe Ivrelsyh. ther Stroeder 'at.8t, 1,1 nifnee hurch. utter roendtiv- a-71..elv i• I l•d'uir.. hand'witha att7"-thrtrow.ers %Witt to n on the guests o/ Mr. abd :qrs. S. -Diann. old players. - • , _Wednesday of :ast Week and although ---•-raity. -Veested--717. -te------iTr_thir, r , •"....,,... praise of die treatment nceorded' left for Itamiltoin w she will t'• Grand 134011d, _,,„.„7:), ._,.., .. e .a1: ,0111 ,..rrta't ren,,, I. ,::: visit her=eister Mrs. Itussel Iluttabl.Q. ,,,,,.., 'Miss Moine Worm et Chicago, .is ' team drove in tind played n -sipme of c'..a....4°,., ti°,.11, .„„,,,- ' iron visiting re:atives Irere. • haseboll, with our 1,1rowinies. The i."..,'"" '1,,,,4 .".,,,l'' 44'.113C a ' ..iort L 1 Thxy _death _of_litvitriettiLlf,..wAxitt.!: , —........ - - ' re.'istoodlitt02.14.favor 'of Crediton. "t.C.1-1:153cr-'4. , .. , e 'hot's' 'need practice.- atitfr. GeorIe IlletzA who was' elee- T,,,,,itl",,,,PrPir tW*dtiberuel/tim '-n-ftii..'' n7utzriustt°61.).kftlitIrt"-, nailer l'crante2aii-f;roli;sd= t3bne 43=1z7-110*tAtt=lrszAUcalitani'10, -OW ''''""f-C-I't-t-il- at- gsfzi'4'ne=ty4-414r.s2qual;:tti ,,..,. . lifiallitli Vara --gawrirr vawitrot ro -''f° ri..„%olvirwr*„rertioir 'snail delitery_Lhos*Ica_ig the t lite dectkasea.0" was ;i r- ..etr'rnrtnrth • . ..., - .. ... - litTec--,:lttr.,-.0*-g:301` neif:faa Zir_Pk, feit-liiirtY---4---Y#Attr# " ho 11-r-40-44 rinliir711111111E, 150 + cw e e rit ,' t-- weeks the ,trnest or !Miss W. -Intl, fl''z's. a ° ' l'an mai ° 'Tem ' ri 44 n no, , . , tra•---wIt -.It-t1P.tV---'4 " Mr. and Mrs.'8..Dratin Tett for To ai°aX 11411' Itiult°4 iril° tvrescut -"In* ' 1! lk- ' "1"..-4)s ' ' 4' -D!‘. 4*- • to;.-.--irtN:tf thva- -win-war:in••-,,.. 7c.0_,...r,2_4'ears ago. and shn bus /3111C3 404111 - 0 : long time and his given both :antis- "'„„ffiiiirik.f. kliKrilm. h:t;i1v tlifhm. sb eira re4,7117 roe ,tii.... . fa1,41rias terot .iiloilirints returned horn't- faction both to the deportment and 'Eh" Zitne'rtes b: tmded took rir.ne on Thursday, ft; p. bop'tl. _ renewal e _o,rawilli f tatheran Cemetery' of ‘vhach potato.* Itoritteuvrn_r tiertitior a few months in 1.1c. on'thter=ifItia,alit.c017 wri. Jo iy., zittGe,,,,,, . vi. ittrig ft, 4 . ,utbsiftilie:briedmi,t41:unt,ttat:siret_ f":".atti:Ittate 0.710411''..1.-1.111141 on',41PI 4 r.....—!: -S -bee' .:-e'jr4'xil,•.e.ds lit;tialr-tna-I'll.).-irttlitlofir '1 . Artuma _,hero tws_vovoit:„,Whalen iltr, 000t4 witii or. s hoop. itheurnatie net:10.4171 ip:Itill2stt:rottrti'itd,&f.rrti:clicats.,1:1vt,„,7srla' sibt?!;i,11•1;drial."11:•11;6'. I , ts s en * .. - ' ' .....'''.....41110............ * rt . _ _ __V.L. ,-o--Pa=iysk_.....-=xill.l.,:,. ---.-i-; ig.frl,...7: 11 ta .0 31 1-8-18, tili, , .• _ ...., _ Mis friv141,11-riv;:ttltio-noorateiunn. ,Yuthi$'61:13l;tot,,l.,n;:::g:1,it:. ,rVt.heittElt4ti'dkil:ril.abit,ililt.,drte'heneimnertl-ei:isniad .xittbrts'ilse) itt:eotl:ittilf 'etrig:c4tetiv°,4nstitli:}114: ;$'17,e ;',4,1 °0,.'lltsti*Irlalltr: ; a Visit -With frit 1(19 at StAffti • hatt`fire, ktitutioiriel, ,GtItting rid sif tho 'psi*: iillt:14:444.,_440,61„,0 A cOntitutt:,,,,,:,,,...I.Eu3 :::id4nt. She ' turned home. . • ' iss rafter al), "dot tooth& . That ' W INtlia lh.,.• mother or &eta chi:kir" '3,gr, and l'itrs...11, tn. lOg e nre-.Was Why17-Shaellearltheatairttl -teio-b,u*:frtl-v*.i,---twettt-r-xt?,rro--'vt*n'd--ehttd _ . _ week visiting' friends at Warton » . e 16 *Ott or, Mt:01th Iran ,r, _ . , 11a,. ri..,,,% ord. forty.two 4rYtikt: gralut th .- Mrs. Alfred' Ortoting. -and *Orr Lorne 01, Ana. .ittrati Tim Ow . .. • . .. fir Oc =the opostIon. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES - RESFOR Model Camp—Vidor4 Crops and WrestUii woo tessasfrepi ono andAztilleri- GREAT DOUBLE BILL OF FIRE110113 $ o ,, her ttlga zet44. 8,...N. Shier. A.h. rgrAttort„ sof v. and Mrs. Ignell aro spendin; visit - 'Aid:Sirs. ,. i notation with friends in inzer. , t d Woodstock» go lost w t E. Spariinz of Anderson will V. '44's fr'lliCts "5* in Mitellell'i conduet tic..t, 14.rVic2s in the; Itirktore , e„keitrant,g tlitoLt ' od33$ iiith 1 Methodist *church on Sooday tootn- A* ''''.„'0,-rri. • ' ' z "a . ' fa?, next. 'Mina and bear Itil t'.. cl with typhoitliiferG!.-s... +03 farmers ikrri still s'owin; fall ;fifiniet etiatt.-,10')Itk,„„..11m*,,,,b14- wls•.--tut' in this "vicinitn nithOutirVzo. hot' equsirt= At .rls. WW# Aar4Z,4t'' mot, of 'them:axe throulft. Sit etarilett to Ilizir home in owed bo,r;vs. ,..r,,As ,xown ,in littlatut trzttfcird on 13toratty. . or thy?. first -titan tbi t ' lilir itirkton min' *VI be, ,runn1n and sLlorz,s..S. iitifi:e the Aithent hnS rery day tl-fti&lk tail:4 ri,.,,,,A tif ' 'vexed b:Jore the eats, which was known befora-- nts, wero r. rdzor r:ed on Wednesdoy 25 'Ike. George Sluirs.,' las erected f,ifizrst, everywhere» Tithieti colour- Mr, ZOO tfunkin, 'floUl•bt ...flower» cf Thirows; flat& did, the AtOrk. MISS Ed141). Gunning gave a virtY, to a number a her frikridt‘ About 40 4„0n '4whe.P1 .0$4aX.,m .o-r-.ociPs* Yoitog ,00pte were -fireSent», nod 11...toedy. itaf".. it 41 iook thortiottbl enjoyed the Otod_things,: harmtc1.1,, tlist Dr» liboop tells wok., cream provided by trfisi Ounnin e even for . , tOttlat 43$ 'mpt. eth.* premises to bet:, 4_0 Sotto% Josue& -x.io _lovao!Paor* .4_ WO do* gre4t _rotere5t is2-botnotT,grcost.•::.fotirels snid-tettit4Ar'steitiS'-"a' 'rnitelfested in th' blg iti$1.1 pltnio healing moutitglititut ..nothr.,k17., 141/.4 -talto p:occ on lhat Any. gartrus. t111 '41"4tefe titirni" " "4'; 1114PQrs torts», itnd ',music ofitlf kind's; eipeo-.1--Cougli44coitay'»-- estroi. tbe. tooth» intly. the London 'Harpers*who-will t1.- s nstv4-hitrith14I th,r. toul numb,r; Also, the thick.. T! oplutit, nci thloro.ii :en Ine .tititoinlnt Ztin in tio: eronttnitt carat* rOtitthg 11%11-61t •latoil, to; inoro 4***ttg with a- ge041 DrOgratitate pro.,i0.1* .glIPpress; Win ed Dr» .Shooria*.» * nirs-e* Vontr of, 04, oto for everyone ' Acc..'Ot 00. 'otifor. la .10 IV. Itowey. ; ifOW 111:81,11•1 •• Tiri• jorvir trade:. rob:trot prov etigVely that= hard times in Ci- hli at4 gotiN' Vat"tbr guatitht•ttailialt ;$1. 17 tio tit told. wielf elatoge of loiAllty and ..,,inaracese, pressure if btisktess that 0,troinsseted; our choir loader, tont4 •It imposibte to lin the ott» amid Alt .4 testa Vt.; %lay& dg'on:bat eti' APPrt 10 th* OInte*t 0411 ' r0111. nd's fti it It 144 414111 41°°°P. t°44 !oar, 4tio, total tratits At. the Da- .Organillt here. 't *Wotan ' $l9I,I131, 1%str IPttlt odesiiporti torel r/HE -SIEGE OF 'ItANDAHMI- iiwirie:oi-ritz-flaRTH SE* wxrci rO astrcia itAtis dIs *u* J OdORZ CSySia. Zoists. rtvvoy tx-rovala five tiathoest ,ltanTidt t:13.-t4sIearfire beyetg Ago :. We have Ph/luta for t lish,wheel we can forppia*seUPid ving fo our customers, Oil in...ermediste pro - Ming orders oilier/ Of s4tra• etta of = and give better SatisfactiOn *11 round. The (polity of thew e1szsaU rigbt the best materials used raid on1 t1kt1 ntectlatcm$oed in constructiOO. T.hts equivalent i right up4o-dott anti tbot. agl:°::;apates b su,itet)ricalest tvaenttiAoult rthoroughly recomineral. We *al *ntoolo- bsles gOOd savertilement to tile totiie basins's-4, inako wiled% save as * for illustrated ktide,r* ' 4