Exeter Times., 1909-09-02, Page 4r io;e., .0 1 stefl2 "13 nct or tlilng tbat occur onca ke but alwasa, Tbo. black 40.1*4 tut lt 4,1 thuteahed,nor' xjerIene tea mafl e for one of thejn n brand new suit ng tbat he: will be able aray and mak. ' , fOrl • Me* that any„, ,Otbe- e-Patto s le to annz.e a with Its zattolary. Ike bummthg biors:.10ogue # Iu respects ibe., moat romarbahio, of t I double nearly from end to 0, that the littie bird le able an P Its insect ,prey With, its tongue W iclui it pair of iingem • ly ¶lrIde repo ti rat- ame• Oaute tlaracy 1 Utak • dee*: forM-bein !IA. Plata. Tha 1,14,10is four iniles uorh- est the rulned caztle, In ono tower Ich 13. tke world famous atone, . sslng Of whlcli Is reputed to in •1Jng and flat e irge protrad "These are �z- ctly melte-those of other rfigs, pper ones being much longer than hoze In the lower jaw and .sometimes. ttalnthglength,. of over twenty , ButtLijinost unusual tea rations looking creature, an frotn which-if-40re* It* MD* b the Ereat* Vert just below ieach - eye, .,a kmaller one appearing between e,aels, andtusk The iftrgo wart 'above it ,Vderkfer;bairlak-e.telirpT rrid the Be* long r bans, tfirdibe whole effect ts-livird and grotesque. :hoics often tujce-iiiteaeasioa burrows made l,y other sant. aull *ben, lintarted_the slew enter,makThg 10A, l I FATE •to bo - 4" "over 0 parapet by THE ANT ,eels ;Out f..10. inany re 7 rt--1110-raffrate-1 A .. Harmless 'Animal . That Will rit gh... - ...._ . - : .- — , Inez; they have cothe rem. blai Hard Whoa at Day.. Steno that ono In tho top ef the '2-741000_4.71 Ant*: - -out-lnto „along,. . I d of which 13 a. tIny mouth jot blg *tough to permit the exit of its long, - tmill**0-tonguer-widch-''irr-Yr wlth va . TlaIs tonguo lo tbruzt aino ...hnsts_of. ants with great ra.pldlty, gems it back .laden .withtbe -tiny .insectL To °but% Its prey the ant calor breaka epen'tke ant hflls, 04 inztantaneously awipt away by tb. remOrselia tongue. . , The lawa, of the set eater are entireg without teeth and ,, the eyes and bere_ate several .1)04.4e* of apt ,..011k er, tbo largest kin ing about IMP feet long and having a. tail coveted filth 'very long hair, forming a lin* brush. 'The claw on tho third toe 0,1 each lore limb 13 of great siSo and liked for breaking opea-antst and �tbet Insecta'ttieia• Generally Speaking, the ant eater is a barinless animal, but at times:Whoa at bay it will fight with great gm* se,. $Ittlng ution. Its hind legs Ana huggiiiitis foe With int power:alarm* London raves** , The Perfumed Cloud. b dentist's sleeve was .smeared with a pale dust. Ile beat It with his.' Alt Graithlta« borta"....4re;thetAlrat.Wor4g' ittrauger liana of the Kaffir rocsb - The 'elpreselort is the Conlimc gern of salutation :used by t4:AtIv litetal translation :pa?' it Is onsidsttid s, Mark of -010tetilot to -Om -the greeting tamediaz *tels'i' the delay 'showing the mien** which ,the *mitre hold* his Visitor. ubstitute0r' Cator 011, . Weal , Plcasaut. o 01,114 1 Otitor gm , t'it- Or It Orr -DiairI&�a ani Yii ig Vir0 * orol, netttrfa Z�ej.• - stone- •wlth -ali---tbe evktr sgea antl Inilrm pereons.near the ettstio entrancedeclared to be the 4ffkroal..- -th-o-itiiiitttaiO4 a -eke the half----tew611-1 ecription read% g`Cortabck Utearth Me ‘Vierl.Patit,- A. 1). 144049 t-the-blarao e-ttath the Irish poet, declared that it wasthe of -legends regardlng it One that I was -brought to tii�'1444 Plioenlclann, veba Ars. roxiqted*lisI , snit 10/4 bcn In the custodythe C 10/4111;t14 Vagt:trOttl- latattea. for Inalaoority whtob # trans. jnittecl In The phiaie 'Took fattb,9 and that .tiefere'tbatit holoago4 to the:, Syrlan,who Nero •trOlted, 40eSithIg.--411th --410.010-4000es-Akttet- )lu1ng It. Aceerding .to the stet% liOrne—Teartbsigirdtm 'adientarete amo entutOred ot the stolla and 20 'PJPPrieted it. • They set Sell for inoco, 004 bnt, bbiog everbkiren by, a atom - Vere driven. :WC the bitrboro. of CO*: and lett the Steno' in that 'vicinity:** til it Was ,thade ute. Of in the.:.collIttlie! tiOnj.Of the &Nen; torver ef IllarneX erlatit*", Vis to the -origin of ..the. belief. In 114., gard't0 the , that In 1M, when the •debee„ 16 'freat-thellerte White the- Enelleir.• the o thick on their pretty -facet They, ells -,-Ori2ear1t.11104o4t-Tbe &nod. • their /brows peneLted, their cheeks rouged, and * 'a few oases ,the tiny network of vehm, In the tdmples Is outlined, la Mee; Pegglng 41170 at TO*, • 1:0; 0.0.. -ballast. Mexuber of S., of Ontario GradUate of Toronto, Unlit Irelostver Dickson ' Law omces in Dr. Anderson'former dental -yeti • b.au- tifying the'Church by paint put. pet4n-the-41slesrtimtrin windour&Jof tolottd ezstiv. varnjbjng:. oto, ' 'almost tt unanimous'npprovaf ond -ttelp:of the 'people using tbe cemetery osL *, place for . the burial of their dead have. levelled the, ground straightened up .tha tomb stones an . intend to ennre the ;cemetery by .11,10 loYebase ofrnor,0 1044. Aliejnir. -proverrients-tirei"iiiininindabIe and rid muchto the ,appgarance of ' both Church, ark,d corneter*t The People of. the appointment aro Providing -n ,cbielren, pie social for *Monday evening - September - (tabor 1)401` atnia ' are expecting -large crowd Ito' ellioir a good aapp r ViettlOrit tittial +evening' and a good erogro ',The arrangements are in the ban ,!`of abIe committees and* decided suc. tem is confidently expected, .of llensall. will prcacb Women - with pales co-loriess la005. . boi-leol-weak-and-diecourage4-ivil Maiz • a a I by .usng Carterts-lion Pille.:. which' aro mad for theblood nerires and r complexion. • a• S�ptember 11th. _ September44 7 and Othi, Hmft tereheri4. Special.tr ury= _ _ usto Victoria urr Dooms . Maeda e Coroner ot Ituroiss. isersity. Two year. resident phyaicisn LUBNiamizsz, Royal AlexandraflospitaP, etc. Olfte atd Kent 4&in0a*. old stand :Os Sept. 11, A aunt cif Western- Ia.ir Rattly* •imit *Pt.2Ob,iO� the lord.Drevident ca co rividering4t=749Lan:-.14g 2rrisow But be put 'him off froa dit.r.to 447' with 1110001Ourr Statemeribk fair promise* and ta* pretexts euital • lord • resident bleats* the 11M" ty. Ingitoek *pf the ministers of - Itlistabetb,,,aral the honeyed lirtd thank *sire, speeches of the lord Or tie taitilt became -known as mere *tore itt 0* int centurj F�x to 184. thos 'Is lids tweet the word: • HUM*. de Steil was regrettlng to Lord Castlereagh that tbereWit no word in WO be *sal bele Mb, mop up nue cup , on my..coat stove: 1 swat, red oYor white week •hlatk over pink 'cheeks. Phew! Leek outt" Nation-. • .-TrunEjt way, Sys era' return tickets .at 'oingle. fare to Toronto froth. all stations in Ontario west of Cornwall and Ottawa, ;August 28to September or. Incite Sept 14th, 1901). peciat :ow rare v.:ours:ens will be -run trod r-litalltenil ,was atricken down 'wlth to'Gdplie. 00 and tldt himln v bad con' • Ile says: down erderhig c AT, toted for the ef his attire. Zlet long - were being Ons, he library, aliPeared at tik ott -thrust deep in the pocket* of bt loo� j*cket whlte he turned tica lea ot hls prarer book, -thnitslittultr and viriad his Owes' with a dlatraught 44 (Alter the door Wes • -closed stealthy foot *lipped into the Mita flpd witiL tariticus, band -e is ur1uj king its teeth s I r* of P*� •• on. that Sainnel Lorer ffrots 421)e blarney** so great * decal one or bis Irieb *Mt* ,Ailnes Buchanan wro las yet to leak* that ins father's tz7Inen .twire:oter felt 3;1/VOA 01 my cocoa from an realm though theyjherosetsse do biarn-ey others, are ttLedneniyol viesri III a low tier:tram bottle)to napr • 0 itt-t. wag° and. DolicIth ition leaVOS 4 eturttline- gl4 no forujaUon lo 1 a coId •PSYtillista tOtle* r In good physical Ond don, No sttotd to be iiritli0tit It. All rutilstz and Stores, sett at Soo and ' Send' to Da. T. iss Ave., *IL?" I I NT Islii:JIM,1123 I 14 -IL A A. v1.1'liiir1lAritiatrifr,14