HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-02, Page 2w11, Tho wel 0 Major aked , •x 0 0 &r huitie.ra, *TOO.04,34! pone 004 to cover tlu oo tiodal J4f thar-ot the th�r',84votito It Jigs - h thf's Iv9izcoery, On hiii retur journcy over t1t in Antarctic startediey out. , .8 a Id ., , to t thc. becs but here they were,11„ bougb.. aryls,. trcc and began to- saw O in 0 biLkbera Ossibl 1,4313050.0._ Xiii$471 ' 6.30,and. 't"What kind of 111 ?: Iendid Iibrary you set LI.t1 tomach ani irritant, 00AAt0 3ation andrel3totc tho or ealt l,Pgethe n gone Of Ole "%don ofirrX o'tho house. It Wft5 putr wcre busy I -dame the - ;ere tupcted A At 7 Suiting 110 aetiQA Itt0 a)bed he *tor -13. ftr gone for repair V' I3ootma ‘.Avli.'*116;k1 r Missionsin work to,do inanimate.. . ont of it.' 11::Var A; ti 4 41%4 Iy it. eurei dfri 4 TRAL vel.,enn Oerraxd et, s I]1 ortstn..T8kon6t-'14-ile n and OPfen TUE ORAiMR mQther cried taloY, iumPr lug up frnnthe supittermtable as she heard nInate in the street.. My old Organ -grinder Matt and the 4ear. 1410ukey have tomel" Mother. went to the window, and ,, , grinder man w o , summer before u zioukei 00, -"fir hdr , o.the Porch- •Re d a. round red cap. Mother and LUCY went out on the porch and ora the monkey a 0000 -ot breedf,4;•X.-nibblerl at it happily enough until a sugar took/ Wan llanded to then 'he carefully on, tboeh rail - clothes, trve11ing'baga, rugs, .etc:i follow ',ill' ye don't driss 'in foirermiuntes out'yor.io. the *trate is,/e , were. born , - And atit the Major would have gone, but the4441°4disturb from ,his -formidable And. that was the res t af Pat's 11114-rtiYetail0;ii-OVVire If /011want to keep your ,dren rosy, healthy and full of Iife during tbo hot 'weather .nionths gr .r4 _ occasional dos of wbch was full, and truck the eor4uCtor during the altercationfr lle was thea Aitken to the police station, *here, he was.asked whe- ther he. had anydlaim to the ribbon of the testa of tionor in hi but litiff reply given in jblerlitilkiirtre-Wat the hitn to be searthtd. About :stecident--4-bisuranoe' polities and details, of occident* were, found. in his pockete. In - was tOuntl- to bc1ng to an Organ, iza feu. which has in the last zifear or two defrauded several insurant0 companies in„Peris of largo-isions of money. . The orgenization own* a JintOber Q"' r yf; for "ffeli,:both of ns thc do it." ciecope the hands exjerfs emt States iiled the faet Oa: ands * ft sometimes rios of dieue ger attaohed *it* hairy body. Tbc ads re usi esmb aaultk. 4)1., 48,r 1-1be ,°r1 (1$ hi re, r,fti- 4f no' 1 I pr°7:tcle 11° 1:t9 An aoi div wornan ef concluded open& upon it,.nothing ood wife. beg your ps lied ite. women. • "Sure prevent *0 d*ner of in etton front 41t.a4 source' 14"killi bath:, the -germs. and the,. II. • , you herb' id to en * other tv'Si!P gry. wan as be rushed itotbe es- tate agent's oflke, that plot. ought from, starday t under water!"Arden rny e I - OVA," itPOlogit man y.agent, ivo a aiving Suit with e send 'ours mot gikets. Tcronto. mit saboot tor ottls; Nos t stodosot,!, to I - ssissor ess Vios-Phw%paU • lit* Ittlittti "HOe rg. tutor. otiro to got tit ow,*k Jjawrsnc. Co , re goes a man wbo has never tpok.n an unkind word to his wile," „Mot! hbane 1 _ to: 4, I, other gave the gog cent to be- toww, on the untartunite animal. She hesitated * moment;before'pra- benting her then gravely askeat "Shalt X,give it to the xnon- key or to his 'Whorl pold 01 Y .4 trilyates for lio $240 draw the liow. across it ix iit it Viola pat for his cooky. _ .,which she gave to tho organagrinda • ht in the niidflo cf a tune to take thpin, ,w /11 •6 . the male change to ,groan,. Then. • Lucy wanted.thes• monkey to pity on " -the 11,4416'again, but the men said, -44o.- tired, " and tted the. little Teo tirell,". re-; ukolt. -g •u ro , s, you nack; and blinkd so ef-hlk-turiTr y fro ,irreilectir When they .azno to a. t 40.4: the organ-grjn 'a, MOtilaitt a , h is a—feap sni Lucy, Yout,',01 ' 1 if the bed av doctor in the Itrc 0. O. Ike 060r etown number ot end men who alia_b1onto the organis tion bft145 *or iorne ye rs t sue *Ili ca. oft can eart 7recoxnni - itheall*tt_,T407,04:411 great 1 to baby dining the .bot aumi mentliii.- bareinieil them .for si , result.," islers Or ',If At: ' The actor failing in DrWa3'1 co r ion* conlezteu tflat. 0 6 or z -uizdor- r of the food. . inp ore ar- Tbe way in ,---...----- . can. and 4there Is. genet 11:4'o:10 iyc the Jaded I 1 1!,0,11-Lhn .Whbeonvoien- becomemovo ° 1 'moves ti ess me' erfu Poitneieet Vegetable pins regulate• deranged i and th ! of this ea livez and uia-kc you feel Ike a ono need suffcr a t mos1ic4t tor rot witliitencl this wood tadly lileDtton the per in writing to adi Hope for roniDgapepti Through 1ick af eonsideratiou Iow isortlers of tlie_digestive pitons to endure chronic4 filling days and nig nt hit little.. gore:4011i,, ,. Bar- bar&, consequently bo ot to & shop where woundcd .ette the little one 'called nd iiikea if bet d�lI was mended. /Alto," the ca.n be got at 1-4ROADOWNED, �f - anY drug at hts Itiirnble Orlgin-0 16i_�doUs ou &sheif, b am Afro *huh on iJofl'tta�to.ste o built at the Notional Enhibitio °route. .104 VIOPLITS ifirIMUT limant bolded- from the it1is at the barge office, New York, her- itior bit appetoinoo -created sonutbiug of a senietl*n. The nt-411/11,04good .natur�dly - kwn n the erowtt'that surround- «1 int) and altOr,sholting hi with his \brother -in -le*, Benjarnin * 'stripling- of 6 feet r. 014 interviewers *ow till ,end, said ,thet he .weighed s pounds • Ho it 2$ years dld 11 Shoe. Be. Dt , BeeIdir—flcjaIoe 1* Spread or" nuentioitt. ... n Euri opoi.tje genersIlj held bat men from the rural parts of the Country rneke the best *sillier* arkr1 that the -titAtutoztons who , are better eduteted but here also ef clearer percepfton of the daners '-tiflifi-4-iiket lime *- a whennion there zse,ii oontlnulngthe gbt., Tho famous Boer guerilla leader, -4 . ,, i differently, and -ttr" .A.frkan .tudents the ode gave a Went. itt- or of educatdtit. Ile said that be birpself bad no school ing beoauio he haci neerh ehanee but thatring the tbr'e years of • tho , thr�ugh & p is of ei t whie.h fora for insuranoe are fined up ari often. more *musing thin enlight enin As ifluttratieni the Brit r ly f unded to coin. bat dyapepii& a. the many .ills that folIow in its train, and they re sucestieful lways. Na. , ... . , .. Ate ,iiiiii-'or-it.-in operation, ..under construction Or ,*urveyed At .ithe preient;:,,raPill -tate of italo it Will itt . it .teW .YO*rt. toM .11'00 .. linens ittreitkOt iteet oeoan .- to 400eani ,making . h� 'tiltir4,tria in *nentai hi ' - in .' ' , t does 'n b ho ie&nt; hu ne