Exeter Times., 1909-09-02, Page 1There is nothing like
.It gives you thne to look
urnriieTrthe tJme--oL13o1idayi
ydropbobia and at.row hats. is
end. 4A-utumuy with Is Atte*,
Y Xerox' is at 404, iaeopito the
ohbltjyt pijce oi hayq.Att ok
ew Dress, A New Coat, A New Set of
New Fall are al our counters1,1
royal. Cotne in and Iooktbcrn over.
1 1 a . 1
0 a' f't:
tined bon AO
and although Th
'll‘Ittv ,
cOvered, 4 ,jir t 00 g a
0,4 ,Ite q
AA 444 back and "otbe
o 'i. ich ,.004."' arerOlieYed
JJ'0 014-04 -
u e
wi.s instantly
d ea -
ie s been hs ClL
, is looking rOP. t)aper w
£uIJy nt the beds 'eh he has been Thlts.
le p .in in rotation to avoid tho .00506;010
of makinar thein. Soon
piopk j1 . YlbEbIak
to towi n ol! lite; the ;
0t-lially duties 404 and am,..
4:wide will be reaumed.,,, The
trei will *oda begin to disappear
oniryi„s fair shonlilers, and *he
• - --afge.--t4i,aPPeWin-a,decoltt
0 without looking t9,..0-oriCh, •like
the tatooecl'Jody: 1*- the:
Otbers " be loin down -town, t.
‘1 -41W -Yea e
ren ill n epee
atbeed together the tnost
or not.. ot wbith gciea
. t .
MI is over;
uitumn i3 here It Will not
gen -
dor on thcmail trces,-
.x 'in the nir, and tho
oken, ttnd „boacl_
'War young. Sarnhn, an
wif tt1..11 on chi!d.
ateon , pretty roll - tit.
ni wbip in tlw Conttoona; will abor
if4C4?,0asOr • to :the
Robt. fleid, ontbc-
enin. pfiast,ivceX
and 7were'ji
SP 25,400r4ctjn
tr:toe nd ri; few
it); oiirif
njet, • 250, 4-$: and 50c
. • IS: and 4S
and 6- Ok-
iarrifsh • ;44. , 101;20*.. $1 soi 75,, and .00 tit;
,A1:tn*inunt'.3a:4 tins
old 4nargel, .4* 0? 0,44 0 41'40 * 0 0,0 bOttle
tont, Jntentiona Uy or
Anifgerd •about
inch fro* the tenit,)11)-k: -11"a
trtuiatt Wit
p re woo atter
ia a or Sty
are It ntrdeE
t et' neff
-'tri'vr. :01
m-Betixtitut"-tPeeh oor:',4111.1
10,-* colors to
e uiidi&taj
ur niiVrai1 SUIWo.1* e -bele and are real *Will
The new Fall Shirts are quite up-to-date,
New-Ttes- $o* Suspenders,-ifats and Caps-
- $• •
Boys Furnishings
t prospeets for the,
brighter than ever.
,the C. 13. 0 are
ading-Pallodi0 and
and, , in fa
engaged, as
trc ce t
ini)evizt., England, «nit when
1 01
r lei line WiI(shjre. Shortlyhe
As tin 'the' t o -Toronto,. where iigbtwced 0.
' as proved to nu* aS :brakeman- on Grancl Trunk
an oeilent centre,' Aril» .Snotten bas ralMing:,:tittn i4ondo
rm/P.31 to 'pay attention tra-1. utter appointedglgrozett;Sfeer'.
to tbLs/4....1041, and as the cilia us of' at Paris. 1IL was -thenpromoted tollur
on are ever loyalto their `own 41104 .$304444- inastr at ,Z00404,
Iza0at/f. torkfidentwailtieipotcs whicif,positiont.tte hold 'tor twelve
.fizIIrattonage of n.1L who call norm years. 1115 next 00_10 was „Le"
or -fiv-
el1;10,74- in; '*heinPt .011101r. of 'years. In 1818. be was Ostisferred t
Canada' s ;greatest ,ekton af fligb4 Wetter as agent onft lkont`
Aolthfol: no-
0;40-3-tiditatiti -to eetTthe beet til 1000 when he retired owinT to-
, position*. The' ran Term of;t141* advatteed„ag....,:,..
;rielleOtptogri,tzotAgatag. ItAtl • 01
• dOW o, it action,: pre,'
The"folloWing is the report of 11. day's 'rubor tore-t.„'
la, for the' month of, Auust', Wftin at horne .with his famil
IV., .4.,farnee rfaff,1.0r, IV, EditliciiraS 1, ears 'or age, ' Ilesideabi
:'lieCarrick; Jr. serroulog widow' be is survivedby
1.4rIce "IfooPeri five sons ,404' one daughter; 't:thntlos
\!v ilileIlooperf,:
Nonan car, ,of Station:34a.; Oeorge, -0M-ItAtgesit
ulf 'Xidertont 44,!ranis-L,nt Mter*-
rrw home
n ofl,dledir sTfo;
e a -god -rat ex.;.
inuou tbo remnios -being',Interrect in
the guff& eemeterro
Very oter I on Tw?sday of
14 , gdeath, off 'away Mrs
Thompson, widow of the late
•Thos. VhoratiaOns, a well known red -
fleet of Ooderichic Deceased had been
01 for aame time; but had recovered
without -414 that day:, *as sitting
In a choir, when she sui I .becaine
0 0
s. Ann -3cDonaId died, at -her
home On 'Vie I2th,„eonoeOlartt,oef
,Killop on 'Wednesday of list week.
ThiS414dy had reached titc*,great.age
of vs Vars. The funeral, took .place
'...riday. from 'the late residertoe of th
decertsell to the Vgaitlanabankceine,
tery. Mrs. McDonald Was 'a native of,
_soil atter a ,brief
dnce -in rsatiPIL veree-vedl to4Weltiilop
concession, where she Continued, to
'reede untjLj,cr dnth. iter Imsband
only -been DIri row days and dill not
at.a Oxice• • atta0g.:04Stitittrars.
'An' accident occurred at Tilsonhur
Monday rnornjnc itt the.worits the
Viienn „53 w
ria Lraii
*ality cousttlere f
the lowest going
Or tk,hcit nett three wee
Snmmer rantiug at
Qf uitin
se P. at lett Tuesday ,'Mr. John Tucker, �f the Thames
pt.. topdto Dud, basal hi* farm and porch**.
ed a loupe and lot In Ellnwifle from
axe Robert Wilcox.
Iher education fn Exeter hlgh Mc; zoibus, 301168 aria family spent
iihn.Oornlith had it bee on FrL-
day. evening , put the root on hls
met kitohtn.
thro: .harivest and are hi
Insilost to get their fait Wheat stotvo.•
r*. 3:oho Johns, or. smntleat vie
on Butt avant a 000Ple
a *roundKippan and Het
vet* itys.„gust, ,RpWort
ue 8014: Of tortintO,'
ding litabtolidarit tinder the ...par
toot .
obaloline and Noy tax visited
friends lit Gitantota Sunday*
rc-tthornton tinker, ot liCtot.tr,
.visiting her mother MI* John Rita*
.1i/ram Botare#liffe
'tsgue a'u to badly clIt tha itt„104L
and lontint;
uvaon la0t
i; .-
truck bx
_ , *
t -e face ndd hend, and attbemost
has but it fibting o, for.
evenint about 8 o'clock
there passed to his reward another
--the,oUl-settIkrsof 41.1tche414n-zt
emu of ar..0eorge Mazer, in his
th Imo. Deceased bad been, ailing
for ,some time' with rg elnetirqui
M411. of -quiet ,disposition, aood
,and loilng_fatbert.
oandire°441-4144144'Moli'li.41nd"trkiebars.4414(4115 wife114'*114 prede.
d biro some few yeurs njo, and
he is urvived by tWo daugbters and
two tits 'all akt:14.,m.e, to monrn his
parture to a Wter land w
Vain , and utsorrow are 'unknown. Tbe
(*meta will be held 1,Vednesday from
Ists late, reshbeoce, .south Ward, nt
p. m. to Woodland tetaeterv, under
fie auspice* of the Latter Bar Saints,
whith-eht-ves** devout :mem
a Ott ta1I iI iri
So Ohair