HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-19, Page 714'#. quiet streer. riolier which ,t,ad beKt itinwtt 1.,0;trA ltl Winnipeg, was mar vheda u) the boarding licit& nii'd- by ht gnd0 be poh the, stri flour lflilT5 a the Hockon 141400 ex* xe, but. 4%1 erccnthgof go! hat tor men he sarnphla vf th to bo he 'best rOipt 1firit 40, r n the doo re y 110e0S burly striicers and told have to to t'emaitt'i ors, as as ceording,t0 'oTe ,e-ttrelitAtis o ., . utet e. o have three o1nvjtionr river. ; ()win o p iv In on tit , TRE JJLRED f the r*ously ttmt death i t, the ol;ir fear- irtStab ttlie,.80110,01 venity, Otartqf ,• outo,de rio d No.extra oUtBi4k. r lp Coin; 04`14 tb fl1gbi*nds 4-14-tta -444 Scotia. -fu1v fifteen minutei rnased, and rove, 0 the bunk-hnnse. e.s fired tltrough " the windows wrc preparing to stOrlit "t 0 ic', when Vhif Dodds/ baektd -l�rand the constables prevailed on the 4' upe. A I .the W1fl40WSn nk-house and all of th:'0. �I',R. ud nildings were. sinailied by 1lats. . . „ ,., CO %ee w uttaaint}the. • ee ripp°1e him, but Is not den ro lice, token. - son, of Tiines Journai,04; Cadet t'onstabie Bali, O.PiL pot • t4, usly woundcd in . abdomen; stable Carpenter, consth nee badly smushed;,. Two 0 -nstables slightly.. wounded. 'reeks,- names- John 4kti butcher at 4:041do II ; or witnes , but consented to,write r the infortnetion of the 1 to tIo British0 . u me tic, its Ai o ao r n1i,nt, it it aaid, ha8 a.ocoptec1 t gift,and0- transfer place in a IewS, ,for a momen WC hild in . fell " Pt%uune ill Wasnurdeid ii • he re$t 1rtjepo-1• be w out -e s,ed, 'IA to 15e per potind; to. lie;turkeys, 1& to 1t in r wise ue retre ted ht!4k to rot, but further they The appeartnce of t or be scene bad a talu on the iut.)h and they acatterc quickly thatit, was not Sat-lhe been ser;ed with sev bait 'cartridgv,c, titk Itincoelle "iViisnipeg/ despatch from Winn!peg says': Uit and Samuel Fontaine vioiat, oo zs y f ring - whit they, 'termed "Pst.. lied butter' in a fad° ry he re* ey bad a system which. ;was most Wiy an& revOlting. Rotten bn *Well is usually isposed IiICfl utet with a peu1LLr mishap at Rut. -stis. When going at a fair speed a, loose horse on the road jumped be- tween the fender and the baggage VStt,..rith—tho:_xostllLthgktivuw were derailed and the bort* instant- ly killed. No 0110 4)U the train as injured IMILTNETtES Ot T111VE BIANDES ay. o et. re olose band., A von ta Mzckflet 1104, * man Who had Mtn to vrison m y Basel Cason* Italian boy whose -Ii0 had killed. The, special tariff se f the' kiniterf State ii° Congre t the itrattiorfietweisw101000ra 490Q,- 000 ' Justice Mills, at "White,Plains, on Thursday, decided that Harry Thaw is still insane and not- fit to h. ,roleate41 from the asylum, own , belonged to her fa.m34.eoptitt sinvitoiro narncd /1134uSt **OM:10Y for -divi tol-teti4hre, waS.Cenitneaded at ack-ney oriog escuc .another „boy; previ- ously- saved •a boy frOul drowning. The plan of an immense abbey, walls five feet-„iliicli.and. ,dettial 'earviiigii-lit the Irstse.,.-af. the' buttresses, has been unearthed at the villafe of Bradney, near Lincoln And.. it it hoped. todiscover the tomb of *ttlielred*:Ring of Movie. In an attempt to recover his hat,, hieh-had un Eggoen. mat tn. lar twins. ting Imu' bafflo oven t nalytical , ,and14ky mer.. tants to His Majesty theKing of - After seyeral. eolferenees bo- e.en ,enrippoyers And operatives ii o letterpress- printing tra.de in Abordewat-to -the rate *I'wag, ananireable,settletnent has -been 'arrived at 'whereby the rainininn% itte---will--he-inereased:bY 2s, week - stone , . .15 The Seottiih Patpotkc Associ and tiott has, resolved to diseOutin 0 nbtle the celebration 44 at present con. A et mrTiAltir 144 43110 as 11 like, but they will not have the en. couragement of patriotic official- dom -.'An did lady residing in Airdript ' while stepping off a tram car :An Min street, Coatbridge, was-- rtin down to * 7.310t0t-Sfir. 0 arra • men. in the erect had gathered a liottle, bias basket, and severely cut the wrist of a irl. atie had tp,get.-three stades put in. :Mr. 'Tames S. DiXon// Bothwel!, hat intimated his inten- tion of Increasing his original gift for the inroventent Afamilton in order to -meet slitherexpenditu xieolo xpert„ elf in bis young 40W). rtkin, how the vari. tea.- Ot• not 45.1c4a1W any of exprrimmtedby - loor I o 140 ..4,peiz.r,,t,pos;pound dioincoa4te lots; perk, to it".91. RE medzuin, 15 106, bz'esI'y,14114 to 4 ; 13 to 18-e; shouldersi Mit to 13e; 'fitteks,1 18 to 1834r; breakfast ba- con, 1031,41 to Fe.' Lard,Tierces,, 1434e; tubs, 1 ails, lAc, - *Ming -them out he could distinguish he, of,. for ex- , • and ! thatdigitalis from ei titer of them. It was the knowledge thus gained at infinite pains,/ as ;well • as , considerable personal islc to himself," which enabled him o hang the scoundrel Dr. 144010011, fdr.,:a30 06/lite ms Arc . if mac Taw AMTP—tAtli—Tici., , rett_m_.-of.th tiitrbl i u A ' . te 1."-oropsur -I -,commoutiu t that' %omen 'Iv1)76:1* he fifty years old °alive -me *who have reaChed the, striae * -three', tti-oue. that Mr. eummins eforred-to the lougevity o ettes and blondes. .31:r. Cummins said '!that- .offielal. :figures show oulc.4-02ortsubjea tkii Inns -iron. 1 le ha*-1.4runettes. - e ivexTe a u 4 uuie -t - 'RAY ' - ThJr ,Attcutlon to Wheat.groivirig* pate ("1/4.algary. .411P1 trik titri4 e ptouger,,_pizekir at__thc farni- : wheat, ling olE thir e le, with n view incressinfit their vehrat areas.' As tilt the kravinee will, if the sent method of grainfartturt be :ntinud, be forced to import beef (tkin-thret.--xears,, atoors hae., imported from kuit_talia and iiit041 Stites tor a number 40 And tvro.thirds or the Vacon n the Province is, purchased United States. Live stock • will increase rapidly, but he farmers hav.0 livo titoek dis or they ;cannot reap the the itieroalectiathiel. )RSI JCMPED INTO T are return- to .work„., The Ilia tribesmen in liftrrocio are teekintto mike peace with Spain. ,Thre paingera.' in -,a batl�on eve succeeded in making thetrip ss the Alps. ortg-two aeroplanes will take part in grt'nt camp ltheims this nlionth. talJapan with - refeirenoe t� ti a 1 itNl -the Bay of Fundy oast this:year; :ragcdthere for oral hours onWednsday morning 'and the darnage i ziported heavy. Grain arid torn eropalisive in man localities been total!y tuined,-whil (ither eropa , have * red to st, les - r tent. Uay that bad been_ • &nd eked was i 1 tu 1 any of the orchards to have 'bn eoznpletely he sali*. 1eport arrivedfroin the _Bo *hot& done- to fishii At jelpatelt from lititoo4r, B. eft .piiinfuoy injurecl 44,Thuritdiy afternoon, *V 4 o'etok, .444% 41,.. litor!th--Arintiou to work, and iii.itifrocitri*ti, attest, and;injur u/g _sirs who ateskeaVar ence,. iirds,itoustim ' two 0 k* oE ihisky, ha.d .a go4.su per, and shifted all the drawing room furniture into the -kitchen ore decarnping with jewellery ",_ A (log hatt'SIS much tight to be orist said the tor kilhng s dog. hmee' poi eti up,” I given, the do the. mg out.. o t 'Frederick Burgess for trial,*.t '11410014 -charge iv named Annie L4ia Itine-P10, It vess 14• strong eseort. urges* IMMO ST 47 to 47310. 13ar1c- to 72o; Manitoba feed to ; hoOltIthOrit;-69 Flout :Manitoba Spin ter0 at. ba tong hakt t roUers,t which in buyer, tilts boo' he only sure way- to ascertain renieth-lind-purit it is sweet upon the.tok440 413410 Lrrn4a4.th1 week -s makox ed the .titittor.ty Sanding hintilson-far-%40 oo uch, 'contidering he. had CY1OU kinds of 'fun, ' On Saturday a. 414ter, namcd Joseph $inith, 50 years of *go, who 4.5,11:1:!"-,:ttii:n 4; purc grain et 0 !,4 to .111 creamery* $1,1il21 agairitt attack by the crowd which gathered outside " the court* 4 . Damage to the extont of,A100 w done At Nottingham •re'ontl7 by Iaoe han-d-na-medtko, who ri butiners o arrrnd lth* heivy bzrbcd nt with which he broke Jlfty largo Pilit6 gtittl:oitmwi removed t4b steanier, hu been muzng a the tailod from it*l. She had on boardat: and a rew of 'WI' Men, ity of the painsengirs wore- . and the other* Snefilt. e from *diner wbtn two dogs which wr flghting *thy resultnit h fell, Jraeturiti his flight arm ,auil 'dislocating hi* lett wrist. 00 WO taken, to -,the R.9141,",iattWitY;;;,-2,-- HEditlhiirtft•-•.ehatibet ef Conan's/xi* recentlytliteusted the provisions the rinanee hill. BelOtutiont adopted I* whieh the *Pinion was expressed that the subject of laud itabieS shoii14-te' deatt-Vvitli- separate meature; thor:thitTlir yisaelv, i_itttitiardit. tto the 1141,tur tr, *nd that ' At * IrUties at "V( int • * oer the auspices° DistrictTenante roit, tot: eistion, a. resolution om rfen. thanking the Government fo newt tost arts tow*** rerorm in t 0 t ktiee'S odwelling.h i welcoming ,the biU by the Lord A1vo ate, ling pon th* Gofer b' r 'We to all let t "'breath Ulloolistious hist Atter. a* *ud'110 *0 1113143.3* 101