HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-19, Page 540,41
t„ 4 rovw;vin'Ate
big ,,:wciter*
vescat hes#
e hid Vondma
lo Is vi
Us Mrna UU1 spent fruett .41
ter witb friern1. •••
,*. and Ors., Brown have re
Ase tvent1144, 0 -
he Mend* • • -
tt.losylett he$. 1'oturne4 to
her onolo
••m fcw iredttl
eft for 'Toronto
inery °Doings,
t for /tor home
pending a le
r . ad
.. ,
master o rezuonies *..• .ba
race and.cUgnit'.Veeltmaicint Ad-
a e le 0 •Al on t
�it into
., .14 II°.
n ' by finea cherge
r A
arnage Jr an Indinn.: ilia: spech Bev
et. rensconces sancerni ' ri 4 fate *4
e ,. ier.dais ,04, • hifilts of iii xt
ItritkOs, Next. the $fetlietne-
t ell, initrx ,
,O01411, .
10.0.- ?:'cT.e.: ,.;... rnJcp*n , "1r O.
; ti l * .
water . 1 3o, - %Tht‘t 41, ' A r •,'
trader • 'had get separated: r 1 ''-iiraun, nfVre,
lki..s tribe, and was inVitods'• to the poss-. a few wth. riend
'wow exprestited hi* ,appreciation of the 4 Mr. 3. Uryb1 is vi 1
kindness. in Merit, grateful sentenc
.ohliti 0eorge. of 1,',4•04400 reser
elated , 1 nsure•
Xnnei S
4-11re.' • '`
v ng . • nd .00k t Jiir rspcctivt
'iondty--alit. ....
J!or:niul. fir ebief'of 'Woad,"
0 3v, aveostni, I ._ , „ Ur, Mat-
, .-. .
r. and Mr.VArist. • Either, of
rt. -witit-- Meads. - - .
_ve4411;14-:..telli-i - .cvr
AV 6 r'port
fL ini1Mr.Cha5. intriiZ
-ire )1'0YZ
:flflhome nfter ping
touplo of wee •
'TAVe -land'erStall
4*$0,0 has (oornplote
butinontsfor tile
rattan Vast. The
t4. SOVF4flY nft
es -are -
quite ed • greatest
artianY: existed atneXt
tive$ of the 'differenttxibeL
Otte 'Of peace having bezi lost
brolsell iva$ notin evidence.
--a•Sv t
rp bad truck .bm osing,
MILL. CO., Lhtitted-
yetA, and for SalscmAr
anti e -umber. abinukthg,P004.
Salk Door, Framo
looting and Wing.
q.§tin. celebrated rity014.E40.0 Better
prices are reasonabter
-Na"°•4-i'241-alargc .ilSi.etnrWPnGrs a; 3
s the t to order your Racks and Water -Troughs. •
Call in and See m,
MrTain Prettk, of Dnver 'Colo,.
an,. And daughter -Ratio, of Detroli.
o Sha gnosis *of Mr, and Mr, ik
- -"I strifont(On— eirs
hare and
-1i,i0.111410 JT
is *swills sf -note
Ifikirit-41176 ror�slo $uJbsy NS*
• 141"14-111110-0 611 is prontoto
mai44iumiat sis is"ostsitsi-west or tit stEtw:talso
.9.444.4,0“),,cits—s...4114-404/001,* X
and cagg lbortrs on stmvul 44t V & i ,
Ar* Portatiort *atm fitrehtheikett Winn; gto. to Ott Von. Pie. vhen, uhorinit
•ickd,suit of ltookt Jaw, iiiitiodiot tom its, and eas test at ,
woos oat *fey*
a tsukiltehewArk stud Albert*. ' .„ , .,...,, ...- ... • , ., ,
is fonibilte4 with i*ell 1'0(44 and ub. A*111060lIttO0 CTi Oteitted by forme
thxtlaborerb**,wptvited thirty ftsixst or mem *111 be loriorect-troot that pon
littorrd'oloi ticket •bgek to *wails% .poirds tol• Ontifrioi at $18.00: tit,k4e PS
k.-1RO, 2_,_
61:-.1 f on 11 nit' *tozFirra belga -to , it
isn . „int!, 110% 'I:Nth/Owl.* TIP titiOrtik
'-ii'l tilitt'ii:Orlialitala*****liteii.000;11te• ilaki**; et
. Intro IL 14 Toomrsolv,,, to,,,A..c.A.,Lito;! PiTO '
nfito Sherritt
a. fow ot
Greybeil and
reIrtereC'1:47e.lianew. terteher,
has.'entered upon be. 'Outiesend met
„-ith .,a cordial --xeception. on tlkifonda3r
evening when, Out tschool house wet.:
crowded with parents and children
iter speeches *aftsveleolne were
en refreshments were servo&
Mr. Wzo. 0°11%4111. -our blur *
at* Who las bzett OU a business trip
o the emrth and West provinces re-
amed.," r4
Th ftworth-'vengno-itrtir
grounds ,on. Monday evening, next.. ,A
" "briderc:*Irv-V:1
which tb' .swcet vocs.ot thesuaws
lind)3.0komes Jokadd„,
tr At-zbinds-,otol wbile -twa unruly
1&huI irreverent eurs,wbc1i Were out
f • harmony' with the prevailing sen*
timent flaw at each other and fought
furiously. Thus the graL feast twat;
'1.1%fr. Harnett, ni:yor of 6t
who Witli here receflty hit$ 1.
, on -the head7,-whietr-
lowing."Somebody ought to
nietiting (LhflI'I i ht ,11"1114-4-.4,41#1,
air re5ort. It is gettitifeirown at th-a
vet and if Improvement • does not
on • come will find ita good name
'Is ilia village is not in
1110A00. DOttrtli ANDIrVitT
• VitikNOES •
To r".‘fanitolca; Saskatchewan and
is *he- ,ntatraetive ,rotrta,a4t*
tionrest grand Trunk ..Ageitt pr -rat*
tkli!apl ns t .,trarisportittion, 4
OgetitentS 'lieyong Winnipeg', date
llyadmart pflt
at ifiArt#40t1 rvt. *Min
•brook returned ',here 1nt week to
r till --o
pa wheh.ad to the- Oa 0
returned bon ift
eolps. ;with* their gr ', Or,.
Wesaor-OnottnesAlror4o or- to.
WI -bot*,4 roontly,,,7-- ms dogfol*,'
•• act
* ti ., .,
?Ali.* , . y -1/ i
Vas' Idar(d a feW. das 80 on '14
wny.homel from Kirkton. trhe ant -
Corn tbi
4ikftS0fl. . Dry sveather • seems to. sult
3rAitti7e,..7,Ao-4*.---alsot-,;,- --
cated, out ke an interet
Prue it--up.-r-The-tow
Zetenough...taxes Iron the. Ilend to
•warrant appropriation' for *.zoo41 con*
trete /sidewalks eas.h,. side of ' th$
main street to the" betteltf end for
maintaining a constable to euppress
rowdyism and. preserve better order.
$.134en the aPropertvocygers
ha tbI-
se-s the park*Iike areas 'ick. bol'
Ifirto age* ou d- show a broader.
ideas ot the fitness of things. IWO
privacy is impossible in the condi-
• 1,1
onickep,„.fro,n the country
aa Weirto tun -% 0
cottages,, littering the ',ground* and
rt'pttrating -tricks. .LThe
id 41•Aenc_bg. should giv
* g,modorrA-.
atild-An nomrlje cal -1111E3 nde ent.. Too e
dent! the ideas of, people responsible
for the ,holidayand cottage .groundS,
are starved.
llend,,allowavert _ha* great pes*4
t -A-SU-Miner rock -bit- Of
money„to effect the.tranSformtvw
but 'that it would psi there oan
bc no /110,100,0::Ot '41011bt. matters.
kc» an as at- tiltend -oft
d.c4n. But t %tC. -ahead- abc
Artbur ikellerrotinn, of lMsl
graduate of "tho Isiapio 4o, 1
e, wilt tailituot-tbo---rocorrioos
hodist chttreh here`next Su
, fling.. •
i.- 41. Sweitier, of (rand
ndny rtt hls 'home triere.
Matta 11odgns who hes it.
pt'nd!ng li&'r holid ys ander the
nt,l roof retained bome' M013447*
Itabt. ro1con.404 Mrs. Donal
Int a,few
k friends cat4
rs. W A. MoIhIrdangle.
Evelyn, ieturned tothrir born* e. in
lutivon Mond.
lilr Irani( Vahner o a • visite
u '84.1
ng ro-operation bctween the
-turthateavtaship . The press
ection of Ontario should take
'an:tatter 4 up and administer the
ftet(l prod. .
wringthe severe 0lectrical star
ralty--:AATOWIT134 the -Oren '
Ara *as strut*. by lightening' and ,
t.',A1`0Y0 4. Several hors wpre int
(Ili harts, nt the time, hut 'ihoy were
'aJ.it nut -,AVItheut injury. After,
ere:c titorts, •the building adioining
inhurt and used for sleeping put.
ses, was noyed from destruction.
-1-05* At thi5 0104$00. Ot the year
,svill :.be toresiderable to Mr. lirenter.
There 4441ittittild.
it Th' proprietor is fixing.up
eart .Ond George Brook hay
bilt ss...,o large silos toworing above
. -August elet.
Lel CemP—Vietetiss,Croisk Wrestlingon Horseback Coin
u teamsfrom
iimpommaimme tommommiwomi
irt, and rs. John Pyin of Lon.
called on -Wends---here u
On. the' sfr to their ,cousins at,
at Anderson*. '
ISTr. Rector Ulit5eit feir'
at .4King5ville, 'the guest of Itev.
llnrv litur...fs
Of Abefarmers around here wil
finih mating this week. Those vv -ho
havt' threshed.,reort grain a good
Verda SouirOs is halidaying
VIM James Cottrill., of Hethany.
and.Mi83 aortrOale -Sutherbi vita
woo:my= ammo' utrits.Axo Itrovitso
,1tor laterwatios wilt* Itatentsr 3 0...olut, tlity gets, Torooto,
dCpxture.ti$ $Ofl, *Aid
Awrst Otred-lijkriakrt -
oi cattineis *11 into -await* profits.
a Bapti.st churcb, here oeenige-a
he .pulpit of (be blvtangelleal church
last .tileaday mulling and the Vey*
ttit there'll -via the afternoon: Mr,
tiller W.r.is pletor of the Gertnan p,pr-
"•tist...--eitureir--thirty- litre -years- itgOor--
Mr. Jb1Lrt'i!wei tin,
Zeller. the Prometar af
•the rural telephone Ilea actoired
the -nal. anes iu11112-IfeetiOnAllsj.ititi
the intentiou-ta -th-tehepbone
night rervice as Soon PS nuniber of
phones, rrach a hundred*, Tbere Ste
now 7.5vortneoltea• and abou.L 15 More
Will be 'added ithoin-ext few
weeks. : '
Id.rand afrs.„ D. Sitta".nbacho,
Thy madeirr
Mr. garnet &agel or Detroit,,
ited bia ,brother stnd other tcienc
ite,re. • last weilci,
Mr. Louis Sipple* &trait* .wi
vasitor in the vitt* e last wee
Mr and Mrs. Iohn$cbn 11a a
viting friends in riccon,
Mrs. Wrn. Ittalbfleisels,' of Ottawa
L* viiLing witis,Afr. and ,Ito. tient
n. erSekt;
Tbe Clinton baSehall team got
our learts-fitc-ille'dexiiii-JA
4 ss. couple or Weeks. ago.
to' inatek was ployAd r,rida
vomited in . Meer af
re of
ookriirst-class * will
t4**UO1 f tbtii pepelirit
*bityele yea, Ittla *re re* y *it
int or the tntme$ Oro* dietea 41;04,14.
tOt illostroet1 Vold**
vst,-oFcan 4.._tarnittAt,