HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-19, Page 404- tatitue-% Water Tower 01. blo locittione 4,,• weter :••raal pumpingetation and 4 along, Oahe Street e Ilage and to 0 her* ntein 'ttie ND REAS Lted that 1. of e ,aid Village of Xie to vote OA 01.6Ily-Law be taken on rritlity the laOth dae'. of Au us .tbeeevernre I ' at Nine • ceele0-0 forenoon and continuing until Ocilock in tbe al ' , • MAC 44.1 at the foil bin tke eeid Village of Exctere.by he folloWing Depete Vete pt. .. TS; OW Att 100 No, 3, at •Idil. l'e Reeideeee, Ed, Treble C.1J 1).*, •Jlerbert Pori Pell Clerk; /Sub -division No, 14 Weekels' 'hor,j..iD ret1 W. eCaL N ek o rk Polling tub -division No,.....-.. •lgStreet, *d , . .., 4 .. , A p 0111e lib 14 i 'on . 4i, frOW01 Hall, ja.: E. '.Ilueton, O., R. N. T43104 POI Clerk, , 1° -d r of August 'lino at Elven o'clock 1 o he toreueon, eralle-eth '''In'atlit-Iree ..e.e.. ..1- e el; a4' es fort On Vill0ge cftt'56 reaid .jt-wIII be debentureot tbe said znunkipftl- of 116 Villa* of Exeter for the suui ot e22000.0e and latexes bereinaftr provided which is the nunt Of 110 debt 1ntended .to be d. by this 11±..Paev. the fvoeiedis theSaid debenturea to be applied tbe tpelsitien-oe re« -the faw days vLth re1.tivc5le rnitb, n• nd tpoint. ale.,e tete join )urhe coue o .4 100.014.'4134. .067. Will • the n the Seattle EXPoeititeei,,- Piek , Wee in t46 .vi1Ige at week Spending" a day or.o witb ber t ve*...on her - J.rkbU1 to her •honle in rhacn big new dram running aloi lineeten.'and'Ulti .the la get 44 1)60.0 -Our village i.near. •fietr; We $park, of iN" 4 0 accotap0ined by 14s le, *Ids 'beother; Mr JameaS.Lark, village* Jf 1A Yeeree''incc Mi': 6 0 e8. many han 0 6.03'10 IWe regret to have to cbroaleettethe death •O't Mr. ValSin Newell, .whe bad been in declining :health for .quite length ' of tiwc Mr& efewell ,wens Ieight, 'nitia young.....woinan . . • maidenMargret . ebledeneareOhlsel th t ineret-eb tie -0- e years .an 1114 time re.'wo 1,04:43•1:1;teee lleetene e various • *. t the fired nuniming up of the votes kdL11t 04- our •It° 'tvAll 414' by 1)14.7010k .bebalt eooreeert'ins" Yenta 'est age*. 41444 114' ni"*' rte., tbl-tvOnra6linatigierienOnsing' the r -All illgeintrelZ1veirtgitft ;tig-trIret' " 17; triii4 746- 1-77 'ot tixe Corp.teirt-tortre,0114'4.:tfutleVer;!ti::011cletaitt; ton of the eaid VIlle,gwof ,Exeter ..eeeee74'e on iball tend -at. iii,e-ollieeeinetheesal4C efe-iY•e'eete n"eeee'.nee 1.• c 0 u titheon e 141 0 ven for and against th o The'. jorznula 15nn the cent .box, AskeyoUr Doctor bp- Aro - gist about Illite.-fteteetiltileatoi*---$0* .*• anly pans, heattches‘ and paineetetee The above *era title ••copy of the Pro- where. 'Write., .Shoop, Racine, Wis. -harbeeet-aele for free trial'AO -Prove valuelft 1114 into consideration and which" will he Headache, ov 1ink Pein. 'rebid*. Sold finafly passed by tbe, Council of the by ,W..0.• flower. corporation of tbe Village of Axe - tient Of Pie assent of the' ir,4irea.! rt. telegrapfl--OF--lCttOr. COLLECTIONS (It in all Partetof_Canada, and: FOREIGN' BUSINESS. eh • cques an zeat Britain d other Per eterBraOch drat on- th un bought rriso AND W1IEEE it paya le-ebyeetartue 'the period of twetatY yearanext ft.er tbe belle of the debenture Ltereor, such initalments of prized 1 to be ot .ettch amounts that the !". Anrotst sass *it'scr*I. „hall :04041. nearly' esznay be to whnt or peincleat and in-, „ treat during eaeb of" the other yeara; ^ 'IWIltatre-AE it be.nece.- ry to retie ,artheelly for the -period, ol ter -year's (luring, the currency ol tbe debenture to be jostled here - a epeeist' eate:sufaciene eor on •411 the rateable'propere blo the trautiteipolity the 'sera of 1105.36., for tbe peeing the coev- al' beetalmenta of. Principal and in, tit thereon, at the rate of rive per REAS ' tiVroperty..ol die' • utter according 4o 1 .,- 1 one month from the first publication Pair Of .1909 are ..giving seeelal• at - In the Exeter Times- and Exeter Ad- ' tention to . the Stock -Departithen vocate newepapers, which first rubs • and Stock exhibits this year. When 1i -cation was. -on the 15th day oaf July i the Prize List was in cou'ree of pros 1808, and at Alia howl ' day-andplacesvariation additions" were made where therein- fixed for taking ,the vote* over possible,.-- New 'sections ' were. of the Biectors a pal will beheld, pieced-in/the. Rome Department for Every teasekOlder-entitledebi law liklarrnere, Ottitil while .handsoette to eoteon tbeproposedSYstaw shall vexes were also -given for "Tandemies At it ten days next preceding the and "Vourein-hends" • :SaVen Unatle any of, polling file in the offloe of -red Dollars was tidied to .the Speed, the Clerk of the Municipality a Stets money, which Omuta bring out the utory Declaration otating that • his fast ones; in the'Cattle'DoOartMeoh' Leas zneetotbe requirements by •Ieer 4500.00 Jurs beenerelAtedeetoe.the Shoe tartervotentratt - or ereas-,,,l'eliere-wW, lii • an I Mea-,--eiteetet*Itoldas .. nee , eeteeele. levee ebeeto emade to o firo-imeS--4' reiblieratiferr Clieees, in the..Sheeei old Sivin De - :be .1031004 00 Ilie irotore Rarttaoata edjuotment0 have. heear 4,:ei,efeltieellt ture 'debt :reamed by -sPeeial Assets xi:tents therefor amounts to the emu of $1,2,884.24 and no part �f the .prine oleial or Interest thereof is in arrears. Thereeore the Municipal Council of • tbe •Vilinge of Exeter enacts as fol. 1.-0-11t *hell -be -lawful • for the B... Of the said Village ot Exeter tte bor- - row on the credit of the said Vorior- stLon of -the Village-ofe-Exeter- - of $22,000,00 far he pnrpasei Inbetore set forth and for that satd unielpality to. the *mount .00 ,eo."eurns of not leesthan 00 ath •ar.d *Itch deberetnres shall be nedeby the Reeve of the said Poporation for °die time -being and ittted- t -014 .ftied with the Vorperati a1 tbereof4 whieh 1 tbe tiine beiteg of said rebet Authorized and directed to Olt ettek *Old ae 'In a letter to 'tbe %Allister of Edu. • tion a 'Public .80001 inepector dralvs attention to 'the diffieelter eel boards of trustees are experie excing in getting qualified teacher". --*Atalifiart Net "We to engage eompete.nt teaetters, o fill existing vacancies for eeetetal. y ilo.rrotlt44k'-''rWwoniTcr might to her nett -thee teachers: 4eolirte. •to but that they are ex ..ce• 0 0 voi ou ars is nowadays hardly less o tance for a year'a--- tervico, than 00 was 74 110Ztri years ago; The blew of making ends . meet , on 00 a veer lees not much harder of ,9 1411- t nis tit _ , on ze OVA year ---at prcscnt.• Partners are ...gettieg rnor everything they produce three got at the beginning of the teot of-coormerlike.fhe tette:her; 1)10' • alie Said debenture* ohs& be detts4 Plk7141/87 111°r° for ever/thing 'the/ Int." eittitheY. and they must, not expect • her to,...ttette ar. her_ otter reeetadeft iteireirt theeeeeiriCee- ,seeribeeeet-eitee Men -yr -of -whie 4000 the date of the 16604 there* to 14 ale exertion to the 440:4 beat interest zit tie rat teeeei 010. hs aanuti tram of liSing 603t. oe 1 y af thcnontb on i1Ith ad irn-brd by th.e faratere. To tnboI tuned Sed ste1 tare! teeetter to meet the •en * A ' ,16,tottst tha . e. knd Cost of living sehool t 1.res i'hall be eetealde In son 11,. a the eat:tarry districts will laV6 to •al ' With14 tw61:4",,r r:a.r4 trouff inks, higher salaries. Portttoetely 'for etherrOfteeeeekineeyetteg leeehete:thil'aree rto., longer- to k *Moutita tailLt meth . At the efierety...ole ....t11 scba& egete-atnount Iyab.e-- for ,1-..b)tted,aa tiii4 --tet-el to be, - the arid irteret ih snyye.ar,more rernoneretive callm.e. beekon • be etleal as Ile e meet lee: them. Nor is it only in the ioulai hat is exleab:e' for riot doct,r1,13. tht,t, thil, 4ttraetioo4 o: .4tes.-y. tit during. 'esteb of .. -. h teriott 0 $re;ft4r rovt7 fortb ',•eeenifeeenitea'e -4 Int-iclleat-eltilir'liit'ithep euelloue tockmeaeatilleiret.thatetheyewill_ ejaokeitTattert4Leeteheieliene-e7 tt• -Sept.and all .inforMetion will be , eiroreptly, given on application to the IiIrtc eer,• A. M. iiunt, London, Ontario. Auguet time, tells on the nerve*. ilut peat stetitiese, no ambition feel- • ing ran be • inking tile kJ:le-Wu to druggist '•everywhere a* ler, Shoop'e Iteitore 1 ative, -Within' 48; hodee After begi - eilb-g-ette-neeetereileettWative,.iroll ment will be noticed* ' Of r.041406i0 full health will net im.rneillatetee: tetuen. itheellalniettoWevewellleeurely follow. And beet of alleYou- will realize an, feel, your strength..etee,-embieben as 1 is 'returning. Outside influeoce* de press' first, -the "Ineide nerves**, then he otornetth heart and kidneYs will . uo, y engettette.thteeeetei '‘ OttT-n-ereeesT-Tvitk71Tr;,'ShiaPeil'-elt-eitbr.. tive,andette bow rolickty health will be your gable. Sold by W. S. floerey, , . . he.*t_th_or callings are euperior ett thpee of ityeeera.211..eatheog.Teey,e., offereppoetonities 'even *Wax eho door cloees • caaie'to..44niteha eel:40g 116 este he rewod frozu thre to leibreevain and 1#110(1 in farming OA the well knownItOM1,A,41t4, furee, finellet rent -- g Ms arm and removing .to Manor and ,eartiog in businees there. Oii flccountet 111 henith heewas obliged. , and wear beeeness eolitely nod af- trering illaese finally passed away on thedate mentionede lee 4 wife end three children to. mere Ws Xass, irs. 0. ItyaleDawe 4 A W. 8 1tos, ofVancouver, and. pet of friends who •eincerely liked and 'loved UM, for bis kindly, court- eous and ,generous heart. The fens tree 'eeevice was beitt•at the Immo' of tbo detoased's daughter, Ilk 'Nerve, and the **tulles were laid to rest In the Manor ceteeteryee.The dee teased. was 4 man ..0t, good butipese ability and occupied mane pubile peal - tions 'of honor and trust both in the old' Peoeince,..n::.finb ' the .,now- tlieae aohtt e waa ,deceasde, was e tenth of- a II f et yeeea,eei g roe e fat ,in rk Thee Were ativs of the town o Corluke,Lannrksbire, Scot. etlee umbel hut eoonrame trreOenatirteand ruAractte--isettli-ogeoiiet-b ondoe Road In theierwnship of lla inAhrefall,of lett The detoured wa* born two weeks After the- parents are, rived at their new home. 'The other members of the tomtit are Ur*, Geo. Moir ef noose/It :lobo., of Elmer re eittiteitift I „ Jane, t Margaret ,O E016.1444.Gavin ,ot ttioieleceated-wass 7. years ot uge Whew -he died ane °the other waa 07. 'The surviving brOe there nnd.eletterk,ore all welladvanee ell in years and who ,a470 de- ceased bad reached a good age. WE. George Moir, the- eldest • being 83 Years ane etfr, Gavin ROSIN of liensall, 70 year ° • 604 r 4 4 VESTOMD. D. 84 tPentle X0 entiouttp,ps:ors or ee, eteiroolo andHonor UnIeriity leitadekeemel'elleil• grIrt° orate Dr. .And Q "11-4-- e 'university: -Dental Surgeon Office 41.1rei.,Oiegrottn'#,Statiburr Main et.reetee ,,,NOT1Nersdusiatet.visetorlit 13 tad rmalmosoe. nowt , strt„,01.,ilitro September $2. September 2n itlitepte vice. Ado . P. and Minor Cfradua,te Timing° tn.-- Veroity. Two yearcrogidentphyoltiiiti R9,1441-0/44nOxifiCsolt41, eto..0ffloo anc1-rosidepre,:rtrt,, '-.0) staple Andrew Street, B*eter, • ONEY LO W. lesestudkalsod prlialos false* for bereft :11i3bIt term or Tinge proporsyst lowett . • *tom $lS.O0Atirom011.11.1, 'Ecormsv: RETURNING is Chic* 'Oulu* and Port lerren or North:FipeteAuge 2% SeptV, e• - -Fu II information trout J. 3o KNIGHT, 1".10;pot Agent, or write D. *OJALD, 1n10 Depot.Wortento,- Ont. PA 'WOULD -VT e-MINDe-WIIATI After bell* Allotted 10 bed • little Madge begged her mother' 1, to 'star %title :her unLii he,°_, goL.to-ettleene. 'For*" oho Mended:, It 'ler ell dark. and, Matige..is•so.elevaid, thert eellittlillegeteebe AteteltreV',*" ifer make .r Weeuredeelter.. %Menet - intutt • go right down-etairs,. 'tor veva 11there waiting -ter her. Now try, to gotoriTeep and remember Ile tames re right.here with You end 011 traCie 'Of" $O11.$* rob,but, memee* Lei-the-11tt1 retetvrit-mtWr- lova: ..• .reeeesee ...tend the itegele d�wn vutit 'retie end you,Attty borewlth Madge.' The,Delineater for 'Sep e 'ee - PENI "VACATtlXst AT Tut sli.U)1 The on tate eiteuta:enea VL gzind 1atcrn to , it* 0, 12,ttur *uU kttfol to his e, the presextt n I area Onterio, according stat eeentAinedAneetheedeetemare t:---Torolito,-+Xleetrd‘-9$r-friW 2000 _or,..140.009,000 xtn-Tees, proyince from the enflue ,the nboundary, •miles, while its width 'front take Erie to riudson 1 fre150 miles. °et 'toe° covers, larger grow than the state of .11tiolneee ...New Iliatieddre0 Vcrtoorito New York, Pennsylvania, letr-contterret4eandelereartet nrger• than • -nine 'North JUlautio Stater,. • lef the 'total arta of4he Peovietee, eti-X00,000-aektl-are- settleteeeeatt ' • this -144000,000 acre* ate 500,000 acres are • woodland, Ow- nee' _Steliblande end, 0 acres'. swamp, moreh or •Weste land. Of the ,Metrie Settled rime. ell. but 1,- 500,000 &tiers lie in Old. Ontario, hay- ing been Settled between the yearS' 83 ata 18e0; remeliiing ,ealte -relessehrtlf'srere4-tterilsteofee d ".traelseter NOW:. 'Ontario, ttled...witttinethe lett row years, p.In iaddition to this theeStle'llie *era easy belt, 18,000,0004erestir exteet, which lote-oPened UP by the feetional Transeontinebtal lleilway 'end whloh all good ottrittiltomt.landt.. T P.', i:ir LII00L ..$%rtzlford is e to . .-- -,-- --.- b.,, itee,sif Ill-fdjj th.. tray/nee, • r e different .. tertments: voila. Sborthind ittl• Totegratettee Those wishing to are .positions In the eerorrtertet oj4.. Shoald Welter. ;the , tollege :for w - eatte:ogetee, . The Pall fetes r_l, :+!**314:#43._ 1St.' - ' lonoitr.mnr27637m1r..... , „......... 01 altatelkir, -Or abet 'Mali o ro *A -00Yeleitnesteed a quart. Retool' of availitblei Dominion „land ,,'Isite Manitoba, Salikatcbtwoo ..or Alber.t.i The applicant most opp;or to 1, at the Dominion, Ural* Agee , t"roEt.1317 magliliZ4111415444 tiatt irita7-11044.78 kitt i-44, . tain pouritioto.„1:0 fitthore Olathe* 6 deirghteee -brother, , ora_titir to!*. g bomeateadez'.t 1:01.01(YT (Myr to tout Itogufrvrimo °Mkt. 14tan Stft.t.- • " • The' footprint* of leeripe'psia bore beettedirectly tracedto the Stomach nerve. When these "ine.ide 0W4 reirrattitr.: b440-7-4 giats evcrywhere are snpplylng' At preacription -known, .as Dr, Shoes, Bee ettive, these tiny ineldo Stomach, Matt, and 'Xideey•-•116elers(nil. T1300 ' ggsist`iin bicicokbioittinilocjoitit 'itatio, or trt,013 Strat4theto-theseLlitirt' 'rig'''. lit Ir. nerves, not the °tennis . 6 W t' • nne an4ks al stead. on a iarzn of at hast 80 **tett 0 big father, **Mote brotber or ester. eesiele standing n*y ,quarter waft aloogel *Wed,. Price $3, per Meet retold* tax Monti:tit •Yeatir tito 414.--kir- -04014(11 time requi pitent) 'and .dee- are-ealling-OrItellt: -Within ill bolus after etarting the nortontive tretite tit you will realise the gale. :A. test will tell. Sold by W, 8. Howey, ued,b*oestd iri eertaln,. aore. JJut1i fifty6 lArtike WOrth $400 W.W.04> 114664,