HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-19, Page 3eting oto a, policeman in
.14mil last Was revea
ttib Town section houso
Suspicin did not fall
but on her policemen. -
17 I!ulkr -was caught
bank . book belonging to Lesson fins Paul's Third---Mistion
61"..• ri enme zr-Te
he i1, bursting
arvost, It zsthe. banker,
irtereit exceeds the przocipal„ It is
the Plulanthrbpisy, .the
TH AUTO, 1118810:N41Z
lsing 1* life to iudit. It la the
dicoverer Uen
drik Hudson , and Robert ulton,
giving,their genius for thewelfare
el the people in41,'receiving, gener4
alterwardi the plaudits, an
theolcsgivin of theworld, coins'
Mea who. *vite,•bget. bilis of e-
change on
estof whichChpaidas
23g -t of- lif
the principal awaits your
ce the eternal ` city,
the brow of the'indiiidual.oz' n
It is unappr
0_ 4046.4k, it is irower
Oily recorded. In your -being, Chil
dren maY be undutifui,. but
ents are hle3se4 ,on.account of their
xpressiOns of Iciniciaes* and CAM
nohlods may he drunken or br
but the wife rho st_ruggle* pati-
, 0 *slier reward in her own
and it ma be the Anal r
deznption of her lest One.
gave x1imeIf upon
thc as tear, 43 an ex-
ef infhiitc
id pers�nally znterve
e marriage took place
dispensatin for it.
story. was
rlflc&5 own hpa o
w days sgc in Munich,
um -Piek
d, and or
and over
one-h& cea neat
. 1st
Then add two OUT
atcd one red 1
tablespoonful of
quarter4 ol
jiint8 of er vine
Creamed mulhrooYfl
wafera'i ateaspoonfu
al., 040 pint of 0
to 6 batter as thin as batterfo
. Dip-70Settes: iron. int
to 1zet before dipping '
t letting hoe, t
-top of 4-4roii
$peeIaI Sen Of Direetlets
(uklcd by $ightor og4#. ,
The **sense which, is poe
bees, is the object of re.
iearchss c
itt bees
• his own hozne to go upstaira alone
The Jews were wiiyaespeci-
posed, to persecutxou, an
as. the 'mob- would lie likely to inake
• no ittii—iction.between„ Jews and
ns, -au wan
• they putcw 4 f Api iwei•auroded. ear prtomMe:,
that thereferenc,
;Aced when ho jainea the
satisfactory, and that
t the army •with a good.
e n •res..
Fuller was previously ton -
°bonded. the finger -print
Bvijleoce, andtmiztenee of twelve
*.imprisonment was passed,'
1Jer,, who. bad strongly protest -
is innocence, left the dock smil.
t4a, understood that ih eenSe4
nettee of the ease the finger -prints
f all futurs Applicants for admit -
to The force will be taken.
Business Interests versus tho
Yeutt and threg-inunths-Pani_ii
been 'working in Ephesus and was
about ready to:. go on extending
Christianity evert to Itoi0e .010
Rom; 1 z 10, • 15; 23) aad. On tO,Spsan.
ea -41
Macedonia a Greece,. awl bearing
t the gifts of Philippi, Thessalonica,
Bereat Corinth, and other Gentile
churches atom. 141 26) to theo-poor
Christians in Jerusalem.
In Corinth be expected .to re-
ceive contributions for.1, ne-poor I
Jerusalem Cor.
He sent two of his helpers*
Timothy and Ertiotus (2 Tim. 4: 20),
through Macedonia to 'Corinth I
for approaching visit.
0:4°11- 14,
• -truhame timepiecc 12 feet high .campooed
• ire Of '--"biiieles:.'ii-r-theit tenitiOti.
ent . . .
The tramewoot is 4s, huge, bicycle'
wheel, round which are arranged ot
*raillery - wheels,. fitted
tireAc.A rim
for tbe the figuren hem 1
crank rods.
hands are re of steel, tub.
ieyeles. e qua
atrokes on 044.1 are nieke
tots. f the
an arrangement . handle
1,rxnc 1t es
tb rrinces,• .g 4
" 0, but fleat44e tortioed In
Both the ,
that she neje .wuuld
tigiOot but
had no objectio
-,tiren as Cathoiics,•the
replied; • "View to
Idighteit diffeulty to
always sa3d tbat if .
workcjui±3 effi
-E1 cut 4 .41.111r1
-453tr35 cents.
r tWG znfles.froxxL
e then 410, t err
thering their SuPPY
relcnL cTanned this vay keep perfectly-
reserve4he2r,4- Apiou , or. ui
hrre- saired Stone:,th errio an
akl she two
r ',0 , ugat'. '
untla .of the
.. 'Joie taally°e:wr ii:i
•' ot cherriest.then n1gar, n sci
ot the have•inigar:on: top 'layer'. Let stand
uon. 1 Over night and you will
u t of *uice's''Put in stove
and can.
te b
ne 'cubes, may
Mato,' 'ells
whipped erica
e :76fti; aayt21 10 tglra t.t 0Y -eau 403611
OTWite: Sa' 4:00,0nre and •,* hslemriimitos4.t;
Prove- that bees all,...:0:111.0
be hive without lull ,tha,eltisthviEki,,etr4s,igh,O.
, ulTs *yea in - ilia f�r a ,seitiiiiii-
.(v... Vt), .....APpareti several
*tele* or ,Months. ° From- the fact
that Asia is Mentioned rather than
Ephesus, its capital, it has been in-
ferred that he did not remain in
the city • all .the time, but, labored
. - Iii-th0:,outljing di —
A ('ontrast.. In lessoi
.wekiis., Auntarily
. gave up, a bad hntmess,at greet
cost t� tbeine1ves,. ' -for - Christ!"*.
'Nake. Now we-' finciO4*- idea who
Tied. to destroy the ,` gos' el,
iaune ftwasinjuring their business.
Tatin fee, bpsineos of the pope
to roy *It businesa thst injure
he' •c The
a yxnuus parts
It is saw that
s being aturiosity,
whole 29. Tbe city was
fUled with: -(the) confusion. The
Greek idea is of the miiisling-. of
crowds 'together like Watersin a
• ittle or flood. Think of 'BOutheY-
"'tow does the, wider eeate
mind, with end
founding, attotintling, diz
deafening the ar with
00. rata .would have
ul was. not an atblete
acortflng tohis
is bodily
('or. 101But this
leter him from going forn
ob. He suffered elso
pititu*al depresion
Cut Alexander only excited
niob still more.
--85?-Phetownclerk at -length -
terfered and argued with the
1; The worship '
r'shiP:"of Diana wa
nettled in Ephesus that tit:), comi)any
f Jews could overthrow it You
The image (o1 Diana) Which fell
down , from Jupiter their !chief
god, as stones occasional-
ly fall from -the sky..'
• 2. Paul had not committ-ed the
wrong with whieh he was ehargecL
not to blaspbetub the goddess,fik
method of overcoming idolatry
quite noticeable. Ift preached the
gospel1. he net Some Christ before
the people. . The contrasttble4vir
acetner..01 the ido ods was the ar 0.
he ' •
War —
man 'government-mightinterfer
and_devtive_s_tur'bUlent city of its
greatly. ,prize4 liberties. '
Thu* .peace and quiet were et -
The signsof these • times Meant
that it, was best for Paul to lepr,o
imme.diateb- - another fieki of
church Contione,d
to row in ebat--
acter'and_ numberr Therefore
--P646dullii-yhoxiiand. di
i!p&rted for to go iii-
-Macedonia (Acts
on tbzt occasion .": the
jesty. 'saitti'..•-1-1 give yen,my
Aightest diffietilt
mice then again' propos
was steeeriteit
Premier Mattrai iutia the marriage
nt *iiiiiirsizte'of 017)44„ t.� a Protest-
ant could not take:ptate on account
ifficulty it 'yittida .ettuiro •the
Govetuateut. •
Princess Beatriee„ eveise of her
friendship for Queen' Victoria, naW
she would give up the Prince, who
asserted that be intended towarty
ieial gen
rM New, it Oace , 0**ded
• -erests
Traveller* fIndlit hard -03. believo
-..ee• -,ittinriLied, 14;
Th� itrtio
d an
idiug, save int; nns IITS;70 14 je tn tot
parched and
uhtle meanings and. un
xot loos ago a
in quaint:ince a rnunber
about his hula
ow Inapt people wor
Chillcd.1)eae 'ripe
lw'peachen; reniove stone a'.
it sly powderedar
t y cover 14 `s,
bury in icc and salt for an hour,
ove with *hipped crest'
u n
of three, hard boiled eggs ate
ounce butter, aeitsen • salt, a
alt-of-cayenuei gr chews '
Spread on brown or white bread
ikhic,11- hat Veen :buttered; sand-
garnish 1intowith any a'ey,, preferredindserve.0p
444 Farina.—Cook farina the
preceding • day and pold in pound
king powder tins. • When ready
to titmice for hzeakfaot, immokl, cut
in thick -Slices. 'With spoon re-
f cup. Pill wit
• rind of alemon,,*
-spoonfuls- oUliat---vrater.-€ook in
double bailer till it thickens.
inove from 'fire and .014 in whites
o eggs beaten stiff and sweetened.
Serve -told with sponge-eitke.4:-
Plum Snowhalls:—Take• ler
rail with finely chopped nuts.en4t
pulveriaed nugar; dip each One into
the welt beaten white.of an egg and
roll into fr.shly grated cocoanut
rna W*11 eho
it white i
• *pork* gueats
*round the ide
city in 4
nbi�znaftc on
y das before
the beef. Sprezd thin
buttered aliees either of
rsh&m bread and your
11 wonder where yOU got
or thoie Aeli4ms.'t
'Ike new » For
get b1.00izeltatiain twe.,quaor
and then strai!z into a basin for
Iskiw take the whole dress
apart and ripoff trimming,
cifi all '10020 'dust first, and then
with a sponge dipped in the Soap
bark decoction wipe over each piece
thoroughly, folding up--411--you •pro
cced. Itow have :Our irons hot and
'smooth each piece on the wrong
side, even the silk trimming*, and,
when put 'together you will be sur.
prised to tee the resat*. Instead
that dition-13
se little
seatOMIA ith
httl yOfiiialie It
on thin Slices of
on thin toast and serve
LIM ,Of 'sprigs of Wsterk;
rystallized: Fruit
r lightly thin Acts 'of -oast.-
' Pr" bite breacl .Cher* cost*
ine strid *004 a thin
bout Ots per ;cent. alcohol. It
occaaionally it liA.-disWiin in
ow. hours, !Shellac ia& convenient
form ofvarnish to.haire in a house
z.a it readily covers- ani Mark O
with any white, 'soap sud *-- lit
ammonia; lay het -ort table, and
tut 'brusti.9serrdy, bat
with *Os rinse well, then
cord through tOPTWith-
#ng,.. in '404, or box, so
it can SW1411 freely. Jiave ready
•pieees of sulphur cloth,
b done by. dissoliing auIpIulr 'in
I el° a
true when
—Seem to prove
perceivethat beee ,othirs -at • only
o ei. When a• neddle
dipped in ether is 'brought near the
t ows si sof
. ,
odor, -but not no
'r,hen the le is placed hook of
him,or ther organs.. , •
w the organs of -smell
(anteriae) are removed entirely the
.bees will return to, the
Bonnier' maket the .
•pprirnetit. At !ow. 'feet from the
hive he places a Supply- of syrup,
-and the bees soon.find it, proceed-
ing to and fro to the hive, ueli
bees he marks with. green` color
powder. ife then, places 4 second
upfirreTViiirakirther sa
ity t from the former, Other
41041Or rat
and nrk: '
We thus have two distinct sets
and we see that the y can
inguish two directions which
rma v acute angle. We seem ,
rine wbieh does not reside in the
iteunae but probably in the cere.,:
-TOther- Cetimay
cited -,111 evidenee,of,4te . •
twist, '
in it until covered. Lay the3e oi
barrel and light with *
when hats bcome drythi' will loo
like new. .
int, :rear no. fewer than
were id by the .pu