HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-19, Page 2evidcneo to AO.
odors 0 •
zous it ay -h
ax8e intestiue had en ienioveu
by operation it viculd be Lound that
the beneficial germs renutiolog
would greatly outulmber.the harni-
;--and-Woril4 havethe efftct
stavitikrOIT old age. •
At the • hospital in Loudon, Dr.
Distaso, who is Professor Metchni
—koff7E. 4eteil el:144004,t-
Jog the germs found in a aviutier ot
patients whose large inteStines had
en remove(' with those found in
rina14404iatidna1s- so onvine
di 1i tatthMtChuik0ff theory
Is fully proved that 1t cxpresseU
the following opinion:,
"Everv child
should have its large intestine ad
its Lemoved-ivhen-it
twe-er-Oree -.years-old4t-
In th, patents experamited-up-
ho in every inatanee have ot.
roatiy improved lacalth doi-
ng the yrit or more which has
Eilapsed since their operations, _a
---,number of new *germs- .have..',herm
tsWiere77ThliselirillAought. t
be harmless germs whose any, is benefraA to the---mstere,
f their 4410 ar
• bites° takesint for
furt ier att'ar 11, thePast61fl i1Thtt
tutei -Pools, two. tierse_ Are
*zee/lent examples of the- benefit
" 1,o health resiLltins from the remov-
al of the lower intestine. Paled.
tally bedridden before the .opera-
tiee about four year ago, ;these
DatiCnt are new itc, robust'
liave ut ou, in aao
ease, almost forty poun s in weight.
Duringtheir month's stay all'their
-expenses will be paid by the 1)43‘
tear Institute. „
:04170.11 WrIMOUT 1. .
To a . representative of the *Lon-
don Mail Dr. Distaso stat "My
experiments have preyed that we
would all of us .les better off. with.
tut it lower batted -Joe, which,is no-
thing more or less than an ideal
!za1e3 in the
Billy ha4I only ono
use crutch when, he walL
'Walter had weittler0
many tithes -16w Captain 15i
- oSt-iiirgegr 1.iut-of-eonrso-bo.di
not like to askz 11114., But knowin
that he and Captain Benny wer
ttretlers ite f 1,
IltqIE:lkboa ues.
tion. •
.4Trow. ose-biz,
e Abe eaptain repeated Atte
by mail
rhe Wz1r
rtigaI, Was hroitight_t_LA
fl *biupt
n -As. .er-seene--0 r aaar-
driolmon,...st_ wellAttik
4 of or
even t
granted v
n and joinedthe
mstantial-ace0ant of th0
atiiig &ro the
moro about
ut,.elwAya, .
matteralc .
t litT
12cornpl ca QI
ti forni f disorder -is ails '11 0
premise th
ainful and often serif)
o whivh inany are prone in sLall hai& tbeauit, Anyhow."
.„--,1' , • l'i er,"Y
-painful ailmont 0 per.
lloggs Dy
a standard
o• art of the tem teaniift*uf
i a niota
tnan 0 on a ,
bite on
tigersmade a tremendous
making fun .of ptain.'f ' spring upon the captain and
- "No,: no, my boy. It was th0 brought him t!) the .greund. 'rhere.
bigbt"ot It-TortteiaattufritOt-th 1 "'IttPrtooF.At-a"aeone701-sreat-o66
u are thinking of!' __tosion-aniong the audience,. seve
"Dot whatiait,1". aiked the hOTA. al latiita fainting and others. verea
'4-A;-bi-ght-is-tt-.ioOM----ond--it-is-ort*-*hile-'ia-gat ,
ta 1 afraid 0 '
, I.
t '4' I
sox sise by tha
teli,H/fy1'*rit of,
t of Viin
IiEES 2" 3 tOt4,100.
otia ,
A veritable edition de luxe among
ilread pamphlets has been issued
. -1 the,Ara tink.-Itailway- $s-
utiband waS SeeX41 tem to p. c amongst tourits
li the children' iiir their the storm of t.bo cities uf Mout-
the-N".0-infitry.7,-;---$11:meho, Yiiia-ic
aid. ---
, ___,.......,
,k.. ' eaulifell.r.,
t you take , tom ,
rranged in
f -a, 8,-
in dear,. •
j. tion to read
if n
• 4 ki„.„.44.._
o avoil between Sigurd of
ark and Ilarokl /Iilditoun of
Norway fficutions several Shield
maiderut:whe-,conunanderl ;troops...,
ne even boro. trarald's standa
II fought like heroes er-AelnOri
v.40,4-1 think all died onlite iicia;put
it seems that the were only women
-two ntrokr
tb 4iinituer moat
peril would soon b
"Mrs; C.
0 N:0*
41-f ng 1wer would use 4oulmostarifer ting cities
ahlitchinb;0.no7they4i.. .4p:iraitistasois‘dvripaptAhp,htipislayn.Y:steoni'llt:l..urufvF...,uato.onaosn.y
BE YF8.-VirA
on. -0--
e int of view an-
t forgetten ittat FrO
I*ruutttottttfutoos'tuit ,
• . talec4, ".00, hr
0)0 ivitt ifg
liciitbrir'Woolit. at* '010(21_ _
" 11444*
And hen the captaia took
tkk thernL,about the hull
whales; how the small boats Wm
the- ship,, and the !nen row quietly
up to the whale until they are ufat
enough for the man in the bow to
throw the harpoon into the whaie
He showed them *dliarpoon, w
fine rope fastened to it; and he
told them how careful the mea
- must be to see, that the rope is
witoiluste-right-in-the- Lub at t
how of the boat, because, when the„
whaX feels thelogrx.n, ho usttailY1
&its and goes down so fast that
irmd with red bot irous, bad th
t atteekieg the tamer,
['h anirnal whieta-had.'s ng upon
Andriekson seizedone of his
stualhe :hones (villa. be heard
rig. At last the tamer .,roan -
draw his revolver utt with.
st cooln ss he laced tho
re even r t, 0 *AU=
th and fired?, The wounded,
.rolIed 'overt. and. Andrierson:
ragged out ire a terribly lung.
(Mien; This is---t1w-fourtlf
:hat the.sante tiger has.attack-
Wholiy " e
4:4'44-/eAlr..•"Iteok-tif 'Art .
1 .04%504 "for inen '
went alike. to battle those 44,0".4. -.1:0:11topataa. •-•:tad•or•Pwris LmrrooPeci.
Arid women sensitizer ems rittistoatixot ftod 104044 or
and the'record'-of tribal obligations •
idloik."1164168" reck0.6e_ wome4 e ••irl was. en a trf
ireNi t • ,,PlOtrni strong jog an apron for her do' :Look.
lAg. oto er MQ er, a 4,•tori
h 114fa Tr 14 nth"' Rivitor,, D. aut. lotit
the repo soinetimes.inakes t edge
of. the tub smoke. If the,rope When you meet stranger get
not coiled 4ust.right, it may ,catch 604, And toil your troubles Siist.
NvVen it ions oat,, an4. the whole, "That do," said an irate
boat be dre 'the, ,etiater.• . tidy, to her Irish " .neral"
Yr.- i tk
on * 020 he _ „. _pitlIO 2-er.
-,,, - -wilitrot i tii-.4ttt%AE---:--------'- -
.3......• ,
t41°E4. - :That _4v-stIkatau -,...0-.40Pene
exon) .: -.
-The, following diet was roppm.
mended as being most bygenie for
•'people who refuse to part with
their iarg6-intestine-,--yet-tlesirer to'
live AI long as possible: A very
little meat at one meal a day only.
teril of teen vegetablesat this
snd -.other two , and -water -i
abundance during the day. No tea,
•a• e 44044
wine at meals if 'desired. 7.
Eggs, according to Protester
ly doligeroon • ow food.- egg
undergoes- the...01MA. 41006101,20310011
in the intestines," Dr. Vistaso con-
tinued, "as it docs .outikle the
is &tient ..brieding place:ltdr
let the 'rope, get
loop had csaight round Captain
Dillys Ieg and pulled him „over.
Re was earried 4.1011u,'. down,
down, and might never have come
up if Oaptain Benny, *lio was in
th&,„,saine Wit,: had not grabbed
quickly L' uttl.r rn--
Captain Itilly,yese:to tbe top of thAsi
waterat 1ast, and the mn got Witt
into the boat, but h
'bully cut that it h
41 I 4. Z. ) V.,11
nan of 1°114 tells, how he, ring
o is dreadful prutice, wont to
called an aisentbly of
chiefs--and-bislietur and a Ar$II4de41
thetrt 1io45 lee still ' extant,
trititied-"Lex innocatium," which
forgade the summoning of wonien to
war, seems likely, however, that
they still turned -mkt of their own
free will -indeed the practice is not
yet extinct, by all aceounts.
'Moth, I believe thati will he a
duchess when X grow. uP.""Why,
Molly, how is it that yvit ixpect, to
teems a duchesst"*-
irearrying a Dutchman, of course."
_These tire' tleiiirable qualifica-
tions, _pleasant to the taste and at
413,0 Samo-titrie-effectuali,are to be
found in Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
terminator. Children like it.,
- say, lit& T„erki.o*
be. firs an.
The, 13,rst Liver Pill The action
cf the liver is easily 4iSarran
A sudden ebill,, Undue exposure to
the elements,, • over-induNenee in
.17Zeil,e7:sit_t- food, arltif.rili
ohatever otna be the eause Par:
me ee iegeta e • s eau e re-
lied Upon' as tbe best correeitive
that :eau be taken. Plitiey are ithe
leadin liver pills and they have no
superiors among stiO preparation -a,
Joakley-"Now, he's got what I
really tali 'Urge sense.' Cc! k-
• I "How, for instan'eeV
Y----`111, never bets
It is an Undisputed fact that
maaufacturiere ;prices.
SaVe age rortts-bylouying direct.
The Toronto 114rneast TORONTO
& Carriage 'Stip*Co. \ CONT.
Tile Rapid Koadie Threader
A ractital eye.altving,
tialutsaulug deviee, useti
for any size --needle or
• •
coy, and wfll at
*dares*, posteal
of supply, were left to the wives and,
daughters.; also the recovery and
transport of the. ',wounded. But
• when the hgliting line was seriously
pressed the women reenforeed it.
Assuredly they Would have followed
the old euetout, in spite of the
'Conifort for the Dyspeptim-Ther
iis no alment le harassing And ex-
!Imitatingas dyspepsia, ivhieh aris-
es from defective, action *I the sto-
rnitieli and kat, and the 'victim of
•bpitiecL.5et be canfind
Ct 111 rArmLIez:
a ill #11 & preparation that, h
t,tb1ihd itj',elf by years *Veffec.
tire .use. There * are pills Abit are
, . .
a the a •
)unded, but not one Or
them cat rank in value with Par-
1 tbe
R1401CO 11}30$ 1118TO. ylAthllll
r itiitaryheieral: The who litturpstasini
helped them bait their hooks, stridll
gurfst 1114tOrlea cbing them.. when Walter
alce.tuddeni/rhtd a Ere* ug o
that ,bloraong 11,no-so hard that he Ottitt
lw 1t
haad of z big -;o:a
2, ,
voted. to Leave
-xf-crivspaperis retorit
• 1 * haa Aliaraissed tho
matron .and, three .nurses
at the,„militicyjiospital. iti Athen
aeeft 010*, for Sordewhat nar-
patri9tie Motives, desired
tution, to employ 601i
.But the Princess,
ialf English, being the
if tkeJat lets-
, "sr
rcognized at the Eng-
were better trainedtbsn
and also- that the
doing.rinich to improve
rg of Mosta
colonised a atop utlit-E6ine
the treasures of- Oreeces and Italy
to Toulouse, who .overthrew the Ito.
roan emigre in the west And won
England. (rota the Orions, it is
equ*lly that this plys*l
was once flU41t niore dominant
and wi-d&y distributed than it la
ztoW and that it is tending to °to
tout. .This iespedaibt true of that
rottotincEd; 4rin ef-1116nd a -IAA is
red-lakir. rae(1.
elaritY i6 knnwit
"Ilold ha
must lie
Welter 1
his big
inthtenoes were, kAw
light into pit
rinceis nal1y deckled
5t position as patr�ness
"TheY's a good many bumpers pa
thO road to succors, Ws a hull lot
better to turn out fur 'cm than to
tr o turn 'ern all down." •
odily health
ea Polr.din the phY*i.}cfl14f)
It steals in at the,
aity and takes up it
nai and 1
1,)".e3ttt it. •tot. Thomas
il wtil d he it out in short
f?t, 4 ay is• ere
I flici
head ahorterh .are'
t" Min-
nie -"I had to Olitioe, be-
tween a 1itt1 wan with a big sal-
with little
r -"What u do before you L
�st �iemelt,
indirideat therrfetf
ely ci
u 'have toot iny blot t
man *boo tho, youn
"Ai z reward,
yon rnsyarr
' at the dsugbtr,
VA,4/ it
`4)•., ,i. 1, v
4 ..., . t ....:
1.,17,. ,
, ,
-,,,, ., .,..,,.. ,,h,•r u .5'
f:' *r r -P.