Exeter Times., 1909-08-12, Page 8$e1 Ian* :j�J
I?Jft.r Veato. Tell
11'00130re ehtent it,
vmr dieser, 1jstet New 2oiJ
cleat4ng at $1,49,
Skirts Tatior Made.*Pkati
and buttoned fron
value.i36- to
1 le: Xtettite
lntivc14 Dettcheetere,
Mr; Orv.iSteitheot ,
vncation rt the Delta.
Mrs, TroiOte of 'Pentlett. 14 the gut
of 'Mrs'. ,./.7e Ae -Oforirtte,
'At1$$ 01110 ,Ooxiaiti• Ot. Brantford.'
lisaraLeroy Voortii itiord4 frieni
Ih WOO: -304.1ii.-7'4,W001X.i,';.'
• ,
eeet heibloglor_drivintee oodefor rains,*
0 will soepriee you. 'Your choice for $2.0,5.
eircii at Lond�n -Tueettaye
Mrs.. Ilanna and daughter. of Tor-
onto, are visiting 'Mare Sfrang.
Dick and da'ogliter, •of CM -
caw), are gueel4 Ofeinr4.•' 'Whito4
Mr. '0, T—ebbatt, A former 04001
teacher here, ie evisitiog friends in
'Mr. And Mrs. Chatelenderfleld left
.Monday .inoteilng toeirelat Triendt
• --ittale-:3'‘1.11:01:nat4144 Its:ro,ouiMrs.tDeroltt.1s
.vsiting. Iii 4 J.
Mem& Wfl1. Mirka and
Attended the circue at London Toes.
vex; big parents Mr. and MrLondons. Vine
Davis. e • •
Mr. and 'Mrs. G. R. Salter* of Tor.
onto, are the guests of the former's
patents, .
Ilave *You a Stens:ill Foot? traitalmeure ahettald
. ask, bat ,vre ha,Ve a loeof
Ladieri 2 and 8i It'd Slippers1 Late Shoes Buttoned -1100A Ater •
-Regular values -1.w waft - If Your footis 4sta al,
come and take your Pick for Mc.
just In •A ne*1390 of Young Men'a 0 I'VE GtiREN' knock
about Rate. Theyore•swell $2.00.
J'tiStfl�ULuarter•i'$cee- e-- mew' of our
Do U Ladies Trimmed /fats
wanttenOther nate Oome and see what ridiculootely
low rIce* we w lin te.tokee,. ..tee
ooni Rugs and Linoleitins ate two of our re.al
strong' lines. Some
note lines just in. The patters:0;4os lovely and, values in- yOur
and ICC 01 htk.1
Oii tlie wogon,„.'when it 0114 off strik_!
teltiee causing the,eut,
'Yeeterda wes, Mr. . 'Third°
tee (hi ay; iid Je was
d t-enty three years
nio when he vt,
intereetina batetbelt gutrieeesra
payed 'an ebe reereetiou t u -01
!or of Exeter nntLftgolorth"t'
e Iioin
boys by a score t 16.12.
As tie- in town are talking about
buyizig' :automobiles the -thought -
mtrr9d..to 4,1 that ir our subscriber*
"will.huStle and payeall arreaget they
Ight"tteisiet tithe*" ie.e*. :Or
rice of the marVnea, .;
beeidaY, Thursday Augu t
eeepente-ekery- quit'
Quifr it umber -to nee'
t ers sent. the fro
Several 'tote:resat:1g games of bowis
were played.- •
Miss Norma Ilohlere who, plaS'Tre
returned to
*tag,- yeek -to contjnt bereetiltiree
in tIic anitariuni. " obter was
t-otnAg Ato' .111-0seett
her mother in Buffalo and on her
retern • ateeed off here A few days.
The "roarriege tookeplape yesterday*
Miss :Ethelda. C. nes% 'eldest dajellie
merly -of 1i:retort to Itte. Wm. Robot
IJellnuiy,. of Vancouver. "Mr. and
Mr-. .Bellamy will
- •
.Cydc tett di
d with poison ivv- af
eit _condition, ethit
face w
14bYeician had ,to be consulted* On
.of his eyee was so badly swollen that
could hardly see and -to make mat-
ters %veto a be stung bine on tba
other-, eye closing. thot optic'. for ,rt
e -44neetette-e-etonebintettor
.-111tAND NEW, A •DEMITY, oleo one
Pair ot eotaputing, isertles, DitAND
NEW: The eeiles cost OE IfiTN-
01113D oots-Arts; FORTY- DOLLARS
buys theme 'The iron' sore cost. SIX-
TY FIVE fittLI.A.11S, and TWENTY
FIVE DOLLARS gete it. See- them
at the Exeter cilorgain Stere. -.1.
-Mrs. ateveceeCoopere ot Myth and
formerly of ElimviIlr, was taken
Tuesdny or last week • to the ,bospital
at !Clinton, *here &the underwent a
• . e ,
Nii,55 Laura Vivien, of it,ritehell Is
le:Siting her grandmother Mrs. Geo.
Miets Marie 03Itry, of Toronto, was
the ligUeet of Mts.. J. A. Monroe, over
StIlladra, Y.
eind Art. lternelty return.
• ed to ,their home in Itaniliton on
Mie$ Lulu Martin *returned Friday
evening after A visit with ,friends in
Goderieh." • •
Jie he. Penatenguletette
ss .Eileen Zenner IS the guest o
i5('5 TL' eke_
eelf SteevA4t,-- '
General 110-epital,, is tome tot\ a two,
week' vneatione A •
Several from here attended the ball
game .between iCredtton .and
Craig 'Mondty night.
Saul . visited et the Itterne of VW,
tWm. llockey Sunday, -
Mr. and iNfte, tW. 13.Vireldenha min er
eks at Streetsville.
.trentezt reeiend sgx-eaft;eit'illnielt-irloleill.4efist
Mr. and Mrs.Cha. Iftwke,
oss, �f ivingstone, ar011.
Is st of her_ sistett. Mrs.
'Q01 ms and"Xis*: Iletithroa.
, .heLetiewe-baWlirtgeerri*elooklrrae
in.'etezilent ',and' the Saierit
expect lo --*tri it In n. tew -*aye.
diel:'Blousesi-Vbitewpari-Beltsi lttiolittE4
itairt'Coats..ete ete.
This is a Gelittinp Sale
Jike we w nt to raise SIAM® thirtr Days. do0dit Myatt 4.?
e uinto
tbe sun or raUa can.
them: tither. They- Will
• teminot tita t4 corn iitt bandy 'during.
lour treasoitione tott tt* Make Itteu_ela
vett or So thAt You nOttli10 be. *Mutt
leeeoeere AO 'The au*
Mimeos jennie and Vero;Vrick were
the, geeete 01 Mrt. Barnwell oleo VIISX
terAnAtatchtord 'for a few i.dttri;
%tr. and Mrs. Ileresford and two
children, of 'Cleveland, are the guests
of Mrs., W. 34 Ileamet4 at the--Dende
whO-Ins-teisisect-tbc- 'ntrnnct
Metiers. A. V. ruke and It.
Or Are In Ottaevorattendime
tremontent ot*the stead lodge.
O. ;( •
The Mhtsee Ittiney., of Clinton mita
eleeee Ilfintnell, of iratigethnigt; . were
gtht of M1-Vitta aCooltfon on
'Liss 'VVIcitir. 011 Londono
'XiStvtit Welsh ntel Mist Ucttidell,.
nf London,isperit!gonday with tho,
iSseS "W4,1sIte • -
4,31 -ole
..sfetil Ste 'Thootes. Spent,
holidey with tilt
she can be rat:noted
reptre af RedliAlast
any* -will be anxions
lor tt speedy reetereree,
Abratem Itferner* a relative •of the
lite Senator Artirteer,,e....beseissttest
wrtt against 'filernitor• valentine Rat*
asking compensation for : eervicee
rendered In getting a enator to
Make way for, the, ' totment of the
eleftemln, *rut 0 a z iss A
Pointed during .the last 'Sea -start
Zariteinent. *`xtraor Itatz 'views t
netten taken byVreruer i I ,IPIttl
'and- wilteatiefid-Iiiiiiiielrin tbe courts
it the mile! Igoe* that fete
•-'rberc is nat much eDthusi.nsni
AttiOng the Student* Who tried thotee
ent- teem,, andgotrlotkett--- a hat
h.eett reitarted that the'exanittiatton
otikts at the request of the depot -
moot: were, eturpoteelY nintle herd As
_tined Alt,. g ettAltried 00,Adit104
ors to know that some of their puri/s
were Plucked 'itemise tiso vitt...4* wore
made purposely'liard andthe c*Alnin-
erS. Instructed to be strict. It
ettele lettia `:$5 to tree the examination
and the department altouid send out
d----tt-theeeteachere to allow only
• -4
ores h&'t1 At
tette Aetoeitttion. on Mondy In tb
166 yard event hewee seetind in ttw
firet hest, but In the .fitutit he we
deterttett Ia the OW Yard ever& "he
fourth. -404.1tfettutent*-wert...sent
of:the 'best zlznntTM in Ontario,1.
Dent, of IWooletoek. N. J. White. of
Toronto.. Ond ,en ArneriOen "Athlete
named Alreitotte who It ettnetterirtX at
01:oievor„tittitt Mr, nezn-
ratd rated' on thee hetet treek. Ire WA,
01'0 han4leaprod b ueltie rubber
seete, crcr bit4 to elite Meserre
N leen Sheet.. oittleott
• • e.
m Iftb3.
Iy ett ended. t.
• e•0114.4
uewill thit OOMMeralal
14 ROWM 0 4.
•novelty tatiethat would pay you. to, inspect
• ,Bamala ,Counter..
Sole agenfortjie,Shedra
eratis w!th a. guarantee :
few of those Boots & Shoes left,
We carry a large line .of Crockery at prices:Oat wit
but . or rent* ZOO: *acres prcfr-
FuUinforMation at Tintes offloe.
GIRL -WANTED-Coed- 444 for gene
1* housework, • Good wages.
arose A. 11, Box 1ST, or apply, at Times:
;Altmui... •
heel- a-the-.lfrthesda appointmeut
• will be 15414 be. Public Auction Toes -
'day. nveningse-Augeet 19th at seven
O'clock on the Drone:24s. B. .
,Situated on te;keen* Ono.
lot 26; sit Uko township of trahorties
'three utiles from 'Exeter and -five,
miles 'trout, .Ctleurealie close lo eitturch- 4.- •
and one, Onile and A quarter front el.
ebbe'. On *WS property :there- is le LI.,
oetetlette good, ftgine Ifeesee_ ten
oniee.teOnvenktit74-67hardeand, soft
rater; torn. 40 fx •110 It, ,with stabling'
underneath, horse` ittabte..00 x 35, *ith. .
-ve.afleor and lottefor
neand- st
last- Year, It-peys
rtendeete,elirikeot ethier g
chain,- for 0 "t'S trNiON'
TilltttgAte seat:gam.',
The detnend. s- our.
gvaduate' is Tangs ,
TIMES the *nippy, •
L--i-Setitirrill to
11 not ok1 tlittetr beforethe15th
*Ili De sold by public
auction.t notice mill be
-101-rett. Widat VroPertY Muet sold
as 'the propzietor going west. ror
figAilerra 10 111.7..iliznot.110 premixes!,
Ptilltragla*:-Alr teachea
epeciat course for teac
fleux win be equall
Lot 3, cOncession 9, township of
nay, eonealning 100 acres. On this
property :there it 0 tevoratoreye bride •
cottage, margc bank barn, n4th nhed
and cement pig pen -wider. Two
acres orchard, good supply .of-orater$
acres of splendid bulsh, mostly
convenient fo 'chetah, school and
market. This Is a beautiful ' home.
Nearly *11 weeded down, . will • sell
reasonable. Possesision given 'this
falle Apply to JOHN /1110DERIOX,
00 premises or the Bare:Ate Ie. O.
FAItol gort tLF
tit!iit-nerea-lotif-t0 144
. •
ut llth.etmeestsmele.„.or.
eittrra.,litta-10 _Acta
web. ballet hero 72 x 86
good frame howee.-never failing well,
'eestern at the barn; good orchard.
The other -has- t`tetae---barne:-. geed:
wells, orchard. Roth are • in food
state of cultivation, . •
-Tberve farms will be sod t�g'thei-
eeparitte nr 17twelt le
Veteeetsioei 'tate be had on Morch 1st,
lg.- it „rattles. With to. peril/me
thy can do their plowing now. For
pnrticulars, 'ppi t
11. rtin. Exeter, Ont.
MI TOM '0101S All :40 -
Nitrite for particulare.
b .
sweet, bake
her palinteet
- •tateuld.not ego
iohn riL4 morN
irnrite, who
rt'elyeet tee vet
the local powcr plant
fivyeere, 'lute 'to,
it.i.;-tiettti0A1 toed
-Having-r-text Abe-At:Om roe
of Mr. J. W. Broder ck.
Street, I beg to Announce '
to _public that. I. have opened,:
out businese ki the Tine orGitti-
trait Proiritions.,
PIAVE, rhilD, STOOIC40.06
ALL Kisps OFsmos,
onAtg,, tav;
- -
The very best grsds
of nour
alway.on band.
ces for olol junk
are alellrmeaeit'cl'areknj 4e4sRP°Coril
One door southof the MetrePolie
e foolttottlett4
all cash,
Iron from 60e to 7 .petelion-,
Copper and brats 00. per Ib.'
a -zinc -21 ,erpetet
'Bring your goods here and geh.
the wort, of ur money.. •
• A great, variety- sit /nON
IbIgBal wave ott
poste braeloghoulevarding.
andll elii.teeeettere4ede Ta
-the Vrierelliiikrillietir*Twilrbe
hi We, Town no, Extter n TueedaY
41.004111g .Itogust 12th, at 8 p. me. 1
Wo Invite YOUt pane'*iiil
eoLtft a 0611. from you
ST AITO,fl * 010.
.fter.twe;nty4wo ye4ra. oftolo
ork wit have become the'lar.
best -sex* most succesafnl
cat training *chool in Wes.
With no superior 1
mere 11. A : 1'irt Asistant, CA 11.
-ttley, 15. {A.. Ostnitorcia
A. rt -104040110 Thiz:4,011rSe covered
is thelete for second elate tertifieee
and Junior metrinolation. The
pt rteoti of this-*iehoeti placet, it
fitst itt2Ontaties• tit uole
COTercd. ;Deets' 'allotted: -14 order. of
streolleetion. ••;Ione eloStd with Ovc
100 enrolled stntlits. eltilOst
3. num% .see,rotarr.
Ib'-";Varria-ill s -
his limo:led a reap of thee tenedittn
accompanied .by
striptiTo of the system at Dorninion
land toirvey and of the hootiestettd tee
.ittiationseepplieible to that, pert of
CenadreeeTlec mar and -,Jtiffititteetiou:
**relied' Ste 1niIiiablC titee'eferinert
and other$ contemplating going: Welit
od eople,$' tett be Obtained tottElt tit
nil ottleet the Dank*
tote ofl
von ztvxut
A SIStIonit
wefl iti the Zleo
plotita, lativitatt