HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-12, Page 7.. • "ztv lev. „eaters espateh from : Owe S(und .1"Eines totalling $1,150 wero llected 00 Wednesday fzom three tetmen and onc4111gTtore-keeper e ult f camj.aign, by Chicf iipcctir John stis men, 'Wit. nald McQue.n. h YA ''.. Atlantic Express, clue North Bay at 8.5 on Thur4ay night, was ilitche4 at Woman River, wo liunlred inile west tWo o'CloOkert-ThurgxJay- afternoon. The-expresswas speeding.along at - A good rate u4den1 over the bunk Ia bmth a, o bank, - ?or;atisaultin u*a man iin tenee4 at Atli& in jai ho-astaul uggart, was ii **zit -VC* Toronto fell zagara River and clothing catching fty feet cloWn, the ifanager MeEac • rteous was 0.0# Bayto 'two Matthow Oherrie, eneral-Manager sentenced to two rts.W44114:pi, ot .1 construction of the way Sir tom Girouad cut hirn oose from all traditins and en ed izpou - TilligtrNEW SYSTI - lt that t su, atterr ;ices nomuzal. No 2 American, yellow,. The on track,. Toronto. Oa- Uan low, 7 to 709 on track, on _ .. 411 0. $40 °for Ontario outsideha) 411,!t01),%; ln, i Toro freights; . - Peculiar-114 'Near. SUdim despatch from North,Bay A peculiar accident occurred on tho C. Toro t ury. branch on Way ovcning at ..4.0mto _ ,A1*.t4 ,$'441,4n tit:bite-II, $9411, of Wanup„ at A .clespirte ro r rcporiron. orcst fa 0 slior I4roctor of Mines. He ha reeent ,iy invcstigated the electric smeltin process of the world and has founi that sixty eleetric furnacos, hzv been established during the four year. Xi!, Sweden the c4mt o meltin Is 112.40 a ort, hut ,his report Dr. Uaanel 'wilt sa /Ts barge, h cash case.. 0 - a bi . . s %salon revealed ontributed ber of passengers injured, but rt eosts were.* seriously, so far as vair be 'ascot e taineti. . The cause of the aceiden .r. , .. sent. Tra cr, was 10 iolayed ftom fie to ten. hours. h -sma left the, rai tn theaira v4taltank ThsTas By stdying he nativelaw ubect 1u badlorMulate f len. tenur rvcd to the at edi- TUX PitODUCE. ns * 0 to $2.,25, and -pieke .40 to er • mniieror Nicholas, concluded hs vzstt, to Xing Edward on Thursday nj-andoit board- titiFirtz; per andert# he left car utti- Th e st mizuster re (ieed 04 'Wednesday,.for Ii.$12at'an beeauso Iie-pre It rons w i e pastor o t a e ure LYbieb they attended. Mr Davis, *e'althS1 and was so impresseril di the brevity and -pointedness 14 Sermons of Mr. *Williatits het he determined to make him dependent. The deed specifies tho evity of Mr. Williams' discourses is the consideration received for 1, land, The sixty acres tomprise no of the most fertile tracts of in Montgomery' county. •1gfltCaL1sfla - . - rn - ene ewnersbip thetillersof the oi1, au bad, in addition, provided* source 0 r0vanue for •the Protectorat it.)% in the fulness of time Would -enable-the Goverinnent:to top user with .moot, it not all,, other Wallis- or-tvattio (liallyrpoeiv *ark 44,00 i;he icj tri!)ute 'to the 'tett 414ga ..00 on traek. o a United States Va per barrel; new Canadian, Poultry Chickens, yearlings, drdi t er ThJow1, 1) 1O; 1urkes, Z4 to IOC per Ib, some Ja1twa3r, sad ici 4z4 no t ouid ver caund, Out to suceess arts -work.. --f proae Irnma fullin...the: nose and--00tting and 14.0 Ler e„ She wak Jlospital,",tohor, -eritical condition: SLEEPWALKER KILLED. t. John, Boy rzdls YrOnt a Window. • despatch front -St. ays t • Victor Nieholson tr. r -old 10; while kin .1 ni lara Braithwaite, yearz of age, the a Ocorge Braithwaite,he at isburg,. was found freni a tree In the orchard near het father's house early-, on Wedneadai everong. The WO VAS -first no ticed..by the Crew of a Grand Trunk train *running . past- the apot. The 'is liomo, felr froni an'open Um; he clown, foun1 li to 18e; in- .4o* in the third story to ,th 0 stinct. The case is thonghto be ery, 23 ;to walk below and was instantly tnicide, sit/tough a ruatives 15 9 to two er # tng. WilOttt Eggs -7 -Cas ,4 to 22c er Atuze t,o-g Y's night. given t is Elder . 9 -Zen. -- not, be1fl in JAN U11. JO VISIT E lie 10U0 PF1* One.g. ,ito *Cheese--4ge f r large. 11, garment parted' in 'her hands and and Portugal's Auto- AeceptsItojtatios• fer"tivitt . the by :was dashed to. cleatb, From lolls Edward. , train lididAt j:12,+. it,'lzad been ha • • noon, whereby' Mrs. H. IL Gran. Canton N, £1I tVVIAJ shirt as -ha- was falling; but the tally minted, and Mrs. 1. fl. Grn- one of ths_irten-oorteor ger,' aged aq.„: who rives -six milea '"VrtiVilWal; SS were. dtr ing 11;. tracks when Abe hrEe .became uncontrollable and -2-ran Into an eastbound- train. The mangled re.. mains of the horse were, earried.a .bandmi yards and the train stop- ped: Mrs. V..11. Granger, who VAS childless, was quite dead,. but Mts. El. IL Granger lived for a short, time after the accident. The lat- ter leaves thret . children and a husband. 'been 'cornered bz.,:the ttos,..Ass o 113-rve-105 an cus. • GMBIaL Eighty tAmusan4 Mei have been Ioeked outly employerkin Sweden. The British steamer Maortrfoun. dered on the. South 'Afriertzt mast. A numberof t0WAA in the Spaw- ish province of Catalonia have pro. claimed it Fopublie. The „British steamer Warat en route from • ma and witli a desire' to accors ir treatnient to these emu:46.6'4 undertakings which desircd to de- velop the' country on reasonable lines. Hewas hopeful that, this policy would meet, with,the'approval of the home' authorities. 11 it' did, lte felt sure they would see ocat benefits from it. it was merely a change from " A 'COMMA/NAL STSTEAX clear, 1334' to 14e &CITED TUE •CEis,ITtra lotss; mess pork,• ea h of., Alexander 31.. Scott at 'London Ont. despatell from London says. Mr. * Alex. M. Scott died here On ;short. ett4 V25:50 to 131!„6, • ma -Light to maim% 1.534 to WO; do., ,hcavy, 14 to 1434e; rolls* 12% to 130; shOulders, 12 to backs, 18 to 19e, and breakfast bacon, 1014 to 1. Lard -Tierces, 143,e; tubs, islite; Fails, Ise. A Xing Manuel' has aeeepted an invi- tation from King* Edward to Visit England in the early Autumn; Th invitation was couched in most eor... (hal tetras. Ne. 'menti)n of X104 Manuertt marriage was in it, but the *Pinion is general that the sub. ject will be discussed during the Wednesday night, aged Ito reit% vAsit and 2 months. Ito served under ,Papineau in ,1831' VAS OalifOt* tia <luring, tho go'id rusk is ISM FIS1fERflEctLtT1oNs 'despatch' from, Chartelteto says': A drownig aceident, resulting in the loss of four kves, ttrred here_ on Thursday. A party'of eight left the city for a pleasnri regart opposite Oltarlott(t. * lobster boat to. prepare cuic.../0-1m-1eld-nex day. It was necessary to land* -1. mints.* leaky craft. Seven of- th itm -were *Orl'heatird,- alid- Wren haif the distance. had 'been -tIaer'- eoit Sauk. 'vire drb-wile are: qilt •rairts Gallant, 'Harry;-aillantt Itarzkett and Daniel MeAu. Ephraim Gallant leaves :and one Son. The others Werc _from 24.,..k,1_21 • Alta. at .1"a Tuesday, A sort- of' •AugCoruier, diggtng, a well., detected gas. Row. aver he, continued' st work.' 11,* liTert'zitOrtgitr-wazy over- come in 'Cornier, senior, lapsed. The lad immediately went. _2(_,_,..neigititorts-...tor,___stssistztrzet_414 int4i- were promptly removed trona the Well. Boohoo, although down the • longett, thanks to * trong tution, etovered and sgr, but Cor- The I3arccons. tOriOSpohtletai of the London Telegraph says. th4 for,.1 rent li*:_t is test y.et t are certain donhtx whc titer t thoht'ion has reoive death blow. Msrtial law Is stij iu force. Tbe tivil guards AA littx, ler:tett ith rifle. still, j.trol the street*.The, *sti,t6 . ing,,ief prisoners aft r I it• les., -on -0, • 't hie "sThirnor' timists shoutia not loge, .hiood8tains AA the Ted Oros* uenn 6 torrespentlentf in * de$P*t h °Way, 'fietenbes ehildren paing At revolntion, shooting at each tiler 'with tos and ery. ing Viva 'la Republica." XIe de. dares it wturd take iroittreet to de- scnbe the' tietolation'"AOW .eprezd ing* cloak over tote:loot.Itt OuLtesii, M. bJm8fl Johnson was rat. lir Injured. ... A ' derip Leh, from 'Lethbridge sissys..L.Norman ..Lewitt .Johnson t .a,ged Aqt.:41iSier--alt*sateader7-1.11,tii 'Porettpirte..Ifills,. met with a, irteit reeuliar and fatalaccident on Vediksitiqr.-"IfeWardiffertirr ,besicle a big boulder to tint/ it, haif burying _hiriz;...and-foretng the pack into his leg, front the ankle to the knee. lie 'was there 4p. hours. before the neighbors discovered and re§gyed.-him, znc_tv liftlit,tttreek--:.11eipititt, but toOn- it ins, brother is ,a doctor in Toronto. • , • 7 - 'STOLEN 11114.#8 CI11001,411$6.. :Traders ItanklInfilgued Ap. Pear in FrottfOnite. despateh from illt on th T toren from * :months ago,. are reported to be in tireulation in • Nortlt Prop The bills are", insultelently signed, as they do not 'bear ,the nameof the manager (4the bank at To- ronto. I..teteetives'are 'w,,Ork *rd. „ skinc. to trace t b11 a& to he -original passers. Thy have have riptions of Men seeking to get ridof :them *t.eountry stores and onikfriI44ons. POOttillti would - -grow in N. e 45-7294-5faiiitOba bar------..........--.......-..*--,.....,, • __ • ,.., to such an extent as wou!d allow of Iey, 00to 079., Enekwhea •116.14 GAN,S,1104triE GIRL *Wank the protical exelusion .of all othe 799. ' Flour --Manitoba Spring forms • of taxation. It had irever wheat patents, .firsts, $0.0; Mani, berm the object of himself or of his toba Sp.rin,g wheat patents, sec. predecessor, Sir Frederiek Lugaid„ tolskt1Un•440011448,-viltiob.Avre-400 • "tntr dut_Vottijik-the.tuTttive_ Governments, and to thCentrall Orttn0r...Jay....the.,penples..avitose. onds, 06.60; Winter wheat patents, ,41.; WAAL _strong,---trst r --t5.60; Atraight, - rollers; 44.0to - $0.as; straight rollers in bags, 1;0" to ea. extras in Itags,,,--124 Charged -With Theft of !MOO 'Prom ,Lorat•liallyas. ...from u placedsay .under rest '1*ifiht* , ittekerts they tOt, them. 2.h0' Manitoba bran, t of $20162 from the Thou, iletvetc bound to look Atter Ch s.shorts, ancLitail*sty_ Comp trilby -regard the.rtzsave overnort Achnimstratorar dents, is trustees for the Ives and his believedfhat.that ideal it ben fitithfully-eurried--out. Thcri as-sterstl lwith-tlus natives; It theytternp freog-makelt those people c4er bridges' of *cantles in a few short years we should lose, he would not call it the loyalty, for that Vait nOt which WAS Atopli&tbIO, 1/0;04 hut,tho ailettion wlich we triernaolon to govern th0 0Agreed upon I y Prof. E. E. 1rince *nd Prof. David Start Jordan, wilt not go into. tifectAintil . They wilt }epublishedSimultaneously in Do- centber .next, so that a full year's 1.1.11.to i1r4e; eastern, flY to total)crettuzery, an t candled at. ige. front the Axle . 'itt'twenty. freight '.4*11011.,and ,another . fle_...ita ' .01, paid by a retail Liyingto n of!flor-Pest_ew Murphy she p1adednoi guilt -y:4 was altowed to o on 'Jail of 14,000, G despitteh ' from Michigan, *aye: A cave in fri tbe 441utlit--level. of 4;404_41:the slurfts the Eureka minis, 000 feet" ulnae ground, caught zix men. on Wed nesday afternoon. retti;Atere go frn oiil, bndly hurt.' Two, .40bn 'Johnson ,ancZ Nte.k $teterltis„ *te itfit C i.eag' o Aug. I0.. --Cash wheat No. 2 red, $1.0g4"to $1.0.5,%; red.. tee to $1.0234; No2-hard, -to-$14.1-; No. 3 hard, 11.00 to 1.0414. Corn --:-No. 2, Oa to 67c; 4; et-W.114r A.ug„, o .101; "O. 1 IStrott 1 *0. A. Bran. In *00 kl.gur eond ria r • * fltthe for Welt ntireIy r «elfproteti the eity -are p-revo1,cr* Althea* it detkia -ent is taking rite ' arid th.0 eni ems f the hea and if ion Is* main itiork it the Or Laeing ir'trjn rd tonehing tiflK _int* 414144 kiai the 100 *64 the Itsin 4 ,abont Toroit#9, Itt 16 -fire. vrit as s were to 41tkr..., 3,$11-11.40.141,f, ' rA-i levr„„