HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-12, Page 5. virltit .444
e "past wttit friends here re-
torod„ to her 'Ittatne' ilattle Cr ek
gn moviday
cc Surnrner Suits
bite., Shirt Waists
rtrItri:old4 ail
untrirnmed sumnier I1at3
• 0 0 0 he Xitier,exe PrindflkL'orden
0 1 1 and gory Smith leave teede,' tl) visit
----41; • "0 fArtlitrh(14-ani ptacIS: 43`vt° and lie"tbcr
1 1 1. 51*.r.• charles Xohns raised bIs barn
• last Thursday and a Iarge crowd
. 8 4 crowd 'gathered to help. ilarn ral
0 0 2.0 0 1 3' i130 are. vory,searee now -a -days and
o o 2 1 0 when one does come off ,eVerytt
. •
Ittkirr eltP"iagi"tiseft; wiltIM-17$70:4'toa"%lterate;'eWt.
at made the( race.!_a-
praot, CNN' fOttr
' post during that dat:".atAir:h111:41 °
out Vitosila whejer.the ve„'dotto buid,
vestrfisit rirtr_
em you lalowleWere, e
yaiehous &a they o
thetrreel*. Oleo butkilog to 1)0
corablkaityoorwort7 is removed for you
Imo* they wiii,00t. deceive you,. .1:T.nllY
matter liow naxy doctor5 liavo raued:'te:
sziPthic your y
'suffer grout- the results or pot Endi
.t1043; If your blood bits been •ftom
itsY private disease end you dare artlri
If you strii married and live to dread otyap.
touts breaking out sod expoelopr your pas
• you aver sutreviesefit the *melt
,spent life -Drs. K. 'A.R.'s,* _your' Refuge.
Ley your 0-656' before there eoundeutfally and
007 wju telt you boteStly It yollitreettrO*4
Zi roadWaY
propesitton loz +
'Grafton Starn
4'104114revOing -Owing tie:the 'set.
ban playing on The part of the home
team durnag:. the earlier 'rounds of
.th .game`antl'hadtkediten not let .UP.
•, theCraig ;boysWould have been eelt
*one scoreless. The .rlutS they ttlii
make' wove the .result o - errors.
41TedOe: „Brown...owls
-'4tw for the locale and MtVO
0004-740.40iittt Of .11100a1to • Ile OnlY
• 147;1;
been v4ting with thei' grandnioth-
rs. os. .}ieywood, returned to
tbetr.toine at Crediton, East Monday
A numher..of tee* in,
the .circus at' London on,. Tuesdays
some going -kg :train and some
ing'to the city. : •
Vrvilic, Snell, Whet is travel-
ling for i Guelph firm, is spending
his holidays under the parental roof.
lehard: Down, o1 MuIjfirry,,
spent day the guest of Mr. itobt.
Wood Mr. and Irtirs. Mctetughlita•
,spent - Sunday,--,,,at-,Mt‘-pobt.-Attoodet,
Mr. 'Michael Elford nn4 son Will
site/It film:lay at Grand Send the
guests of Mr. 'Paul 31adg„
Messrs. George ttnd Orrie Powell
were around here last/week caging
• 1.leweve
WORK f011
$ it was Crediton won the
that WOO the fans.
bat,eiteh getting two. baggers the
former getting one of his with. two
men on bases. The visitors were un-
able to reach second base until- th
sixth inning, when they got lt tally.
lit the seventh the ,co ped off two
ing their. core 4.Crediton- went
after the, game right 'off the reek
searing three rum- in the "first. Iri
the third they took another trio, ode,
in 'the- fifth, three la the ..eixth and
one irt7the eighth„a. totaL*of eleven.,
The boys are waiting word front
2uriele•as to what date 'win, be .set for
the coming match gairiele-Vherl-thel
expect to give their German neigh-
bors One of the worst defeats' scored
le ,
of thoe who took part -in the Aitsi
. Front s/ Of-ostiorta ete*a-tperti-
tafeirstilireier-ii-elirierthreiettebeeso ot-idf-..%"'
la Ostirto Of* ei.c.c, P.M. see T..11.&001fisa '
. .
.tottittitor troi Otito*IA„).#0.1t
,41' r.itfrew.;:iii -',411* 1141- -
;,i,to..7leses.v.-ticiitstettoes est' K. Es. 1100%ith of iteetrew. ,
aticraeraritilhir. 'ilia 1v046%bitiiratifitwroulvice.
and he sees tiany-iranges. - -
On. week more and the children
of our burg, who leave Wen /etting
themselves loose tile last six weeks,
:WM have to start for thr..p tannery /
. .1l-Tissee Lou . and Graeo codoeoie ! ''.1,flistePeLL , or Denver. ca. &pent
pent ti couple or:days the t guests or ',Sunda? wit Mao Leeh Fitgebeiner.'
Miss estabel Johns. '' t, •
Mr,.-Zake-triiht-atior-faistng h'
otkor, Mrs.joita Schrader.
Eldon Goetz in,z P.tionaing" a tow
vziaa %aorta: iwayaknitar- ViSited
her parents here over 1Settilay.
'Vass 4Wcitin,, who- has been visiting
her parents here ,. for .tite past two
weeks returned to Windsor on 1,1n08
day 'to resume her stedies.
Itirr. Arthur igellerrnann tendacted Hater t6 k
the services In the "gvangelical church , * Oc
, •
a Sunday .evening. ,
I crate of Glassware 'regular r
e'e,e1"-Katiel* SOS,
3�nr tru10 and we wilt save yougoocl money.
4.‘ $4, number of the
thir 1.11t141*/A
Mis5 Leria. %filOar, .whe un
%veek is improvingniey..
,he Aliases ,,tWilliatn4'nt-Aeactrthi.
s. at • present .Speatilttir. part ot hi
bo;da.s I
lie village.
-.1,1dv;,,, Mr. arcisilan-,"tirStOity-Or.ce
near llamilton, tvtit occupy the ,pttlI
pit in the .rxesbyterian church here
during vacatiou. Mr. Matey in the
'meantime is, invading -his holidays.
his, home at ilantore. .
it is with deep 'regret ttliat the
friends and neighbors of thisicnity
learn of the death ot Dirs. Newell,
former.y Altfrgavet of near
-NvvU bai. becn
bus srotl -eete unexoeeted.
etr night, of lexeter, is Visiting
,tvith „Many friends in this vicite.
presents, .
Miss Lizzie lloggarth,, who has
been visiting her -sister in •Goderich
for some time, returned home last
week, she • was eteomPonle(1 by Ilex`
"Aeic-* Miss Ifeggarth of .Goderich,
atm fioiatbe .o0
with Dr. Shoop's itheumatie eme 7
TA:filet 014 Liittlid. $014 by
Flooring -**7.0 -1414114,8001.
'104 jAitijale
order for which our prices are .reetionithin•e"
ort order of:WILSIDOW GLASS
Ali kinds of Pootory. work done to
. . .
4tiat, ti band, ^large 1
�alI 14 and See us.
Dashwood Plaqing Mill CoLiinited,
mobwood. �pf
OrtrateSt L1v Stok itlehibit on tho C�ntlnent nity Industries
• in active " -,,operation.
'OW Om Victoria Cross And' Wrestling lin horseback Competitions hoe
ween teems from DregoOns and try Drivi,litusical Ride, *to.
VilbertSn3iLb, of Toronto, is
spending a' few dayo at his borne here.
her home Int Detroit. lier tieter Sale
,accompanied her..
rtf. London:
env stThrenbAtethert.few n'aisida sr141414to 'Teett7W44-1-15471it
.1str„ and Wri..Wro.,Galser and hulk
..141Itt'r ly, at ,Criaftciii.:
is °un• cle "Tokio Itatz, of .,Ithiva.
E4 Fghner„...-
0. H.Eshher
rralitter'- 1---Bloodsworti
t!ttiri outitobr.t etzliactelistrt_gtot avid 101501a
r*1 WittrtiPM • and Altitue labn
ttailatt itt .wisettosth eetats_ee. Can. IlarArhe
d.Momitrja%fitithatkiirlfrauttittrilid-git -044-Ticiiiirs *1 1...
&ot in kstellewsts and Alberts, •
iriiratuta- iwith oikebt *Hair* itii4 this eittil ate 4aiErri
ring that tiborerbm worked thirty tlos or Mere. w1 b, bouott4 from that. point.
oroond ticket Wtk 10 *tatting pOlittit ordstio. at $16.00. PM* ,
.110tbt two, •
Pod *ool,',4 Ott ErctiztiratilIt'Utorere cable and we ewe to weetto as welt'
seduirjwA 'snit k"--kwee _eksit; bs.11 _
ref, telt isettlewlets: westesi r
.rette R. L. T110111PSON0 TOR0t0
vicinity.in tb
aiabb .'ittteofired the funer-
.si$for Settforth. last "week..
lit's'. Tufts.' lett on • TitesdaY
trip to -thc wct.„Wive not bite
tatnily. are living there* two..
and -three daughter*.. Ile also,
visiting VartooliVer,- Stat,the
o 'nett& •
114 Copeland- is visiting' With
Is Ji -ere. .'” •
eS Murray- .who ha* been
in Son Is tome from, the
t • e
'John Viekers, Ed-. 'Say and o'
ter • hiccOurilyattended the' carnLval
ttt Grand Dena. itt$t Thursday;
lirtil. r. Gaedke is Vending A few
days- with her parents, Mr., Ivittt 'Atilt
1 Itedvert Davie. .,
Mrs. Smith, of London, who wns
1 visiting at, 'CltarVie iritim's, has r
lorAe.4 httratt_. , _ .._•3_,_ - „
. MIA* Kate Ttooket, of Torento;
'• spent Sunday with Mrs.- 0.'.Tarior,
. . Mrs. Dr.' .SStalter IN;vgusort, of Tore
I onto, is visiting at Wm, Wiseman**.
The now bridge that IVAA ts,tcitt41.
01, tew weeks ago IS ;coinPieLece. ,
. .....,„. _.. .4
THE I4.,.4*lUWTIe 'St
• The most attrictivc route 11 yitt.thcA
Grand, Trunk ltailway yatcm,isTOrth.
ern., ,Navigation ref „across .Xetkes
toren and SupetiOr' and ladati.dietu
oitliern 'Itailwriy Port Allthuir.. to
ittateteg-and-t he- Itireet; offering the
railway tte.rvlee and
' w-ater sea voYalte. rood
•Mr, Daniel Wein, of Detroit* ar-
rived- -Saturday to •visit his parents.
Mrs. Trueller, of Detroit, is 'the,
-guest at Mr. Fred Elibeloto
And Atr3.411/1447.11br,r-ot-
etre 'the guests of the lattees
Miss, Clara Itau, of icondin, i vis-
iting her parents, /AU. and ,Mrs.•*Ohrive
Jinn. '
driletteatid und-bt
attires -in" the vilitigir
r n thiee weeks,* *lilt
in Sebeit*iiititt and other,
Michigan p.tiees. •
lleory met' tvitil re dee
P:orable accident Mod.ty afternoon
end. ne 'result will 1, Iid up -..„for
seinettivne, ile wrts trying to capture
orSe lit a tieter andin running
1,tiee-10.4310st the- Shit*
of -or Mower knife :which srat
!esning on ti allock of grain; Th,
iap WAS 4170444 tilt*
toter wits tailed . and the
Iran was attorded .some
that it Wei
t in n sNetallit
atd, 4)r W4sbri-t, of overliesee'
id in y .to '!t the limb
cni1 bo ved. Much sympathy
; tressdfor the yoling into. Ile
king for $1f.Vitris. ;hist, at
lphe time of 'tit* accident.
i..._Ittiblvdt And, grandeltild
''thSir. home in .31lretterloo if-
s* friends arittintl
fr. and Mrs* A... ;Imo it,: and thid-
ed PridaY
with frien
aay tor nor
, .
1,11 t 1141..
r. . ergo, ,ca Ting.
his lett, arm, ity a sling owing 'to 'a •
frartu.re caused several Alays ago.
• While.be was getting: in a buggy he ,
vt:ipped -nrid failitm:,to the ground
it was broken.
Mr A. V. Mitt spent fhintini,
si,nd Mondly n Potrokt. ,
A iturabor from here sitent an e
lotal4e time with • he Edenites at
their annuaL,ptexiic at tb13en4
• BUSS Lillian 'Snell': has: returned -"t
het horn in rieter --after timnding-
tgterst daiswith friends ;and ter**
Miss Wood and 3iis L "Ifspoey,
or -Loudon.- are iriiiting-frkii4i--ind
, tittilq at baseball la ex it On
Vtititty ievertfrot ,betwato the Udall
Stars 'and Centralia. Darn fail ttl'
Sec., ,the-i'Isstcst 0;00 of th settstoi.,
-Mr, and Airs. Lewis Sehradeor,
spent Sunday With 'friends at Park4
n r er r.
Schaily and families, of Zuriah,
Sunday With 14r. and Mrs.
• ,
Melt enzie and on David,
at London het Tnesder:to' stole
• customos all intermediate •peelitse •
keeteolter *
'alot in Orst-elost wheels will been
restc*ation their Wo
bg ikyete year, with t
for the Monty veer
Soft fat illeetetol root'
LOP BROS., Limit.
Tortoono. ONT.
Parkin,on, of $t.. 'Marys,
is visiting ter around here this
raise lidnn.Ou bonw
nettlitty atter: pletteata visit
Trion hsintotallryt
Tit . *dtett .of the, S. S. .•
„eptect ite.ttit *kitting nit Tday
.;L•rcnofl by Mtt. .0. V. ltilleon ht
12..i ;tante; lwr4 rt sp.ettitd programme
istor.r.n.1x d,by t children, •
altWisitzfand other
to her,
tiog her
Viettl itud
ts of ,