Exeter Times., 1909-08-12, Page 31atwt and. eants, 'rites th Ed r espon o " &dtica. Any. Ifo whfcLL iway of phyiicaI impulse , :uzt be su 'all kinds of ions arid an never be I , i 11 vibr eatb, '.'dvefling sIway ciousness of the .Father' therefoxc BIS L1FE W48 EULL or upon wInoJi there w:II ervice to the begun upon the r Ed,nonton with esiorrittberr 010114'0 t. least we 'labs agree, ie tba1 'k tity are Awe indkdrittn Ch0r9h111, wbicb a1 Uud By rail.way widi the Petersburg.7°shore of th� 4:7 iritiitfl isr: urahill, at the. mouth o .1i*ei.tal.osouthof&,ven ur 'our crea tx 11 tbe..par i . , 6 crank t rypi41. YieWsT7bere A time. AO ver for $I,00, at led di ufacturri1 , . over snight in st*ong ecispim * boiler half Pill of soft, water, eziPtc rut, in.. 000 Pint' of **yell* water bag (made by 140'01,10$on gation ilingvwater Up013 one pound of hloride of ime).in •oT.en to I e• a- ;••• o u fling that a i4d2orl's..11a inod to retain tbo wet a •a n ffloult to•completo* 1iaI for which might. be a ad, were not its pre- tut *Vey There is.no i the price, use artificialrub- r doeu not in 40Y way'ea.Dipar iththeoriglnal rid rubber Ott is zayz the Chi' Tribune,go OA influcnce the euoning ower xmmitea°p4tainand if the 0 it 4 r'berent lob eves tho aith holds the si oumc slicuatheettarrogal 0 he atenal. li ,,-,-1O Gentirne er why our Lt ,k t „ e ,i,1 s , t or 1 ester. ' A' after t . ei sister-of/014104110g, , 6, and ma1e to i'1 Canada :strong c4r,° I Vso s i Ot 0 company'010YIiege 40 ta it PLACES, ANI) LOW; r 1 1s6 oy iind happinc• 0 l' 6 ,"Makeshift. , , occasion.arises yr e inake z n2&1l 40-441# f ic cream,, just enough for at:u: . valid r when 7etne. frend'drops to Iunoheon.You <1 ',9, n .• I o cake,jnit it .-the oven -for -s ow kin Wailt ' thin ernst ' 1 hi. XI 4680070 6 elf.* frontPut a pantry a; hejvIf the `00Pro. bdoorsit, 16,0 Out t ' mneb ,better than Cur growing1 in tropical .v4rzie ie;troca rnilky 10-Aee latex whe ernal, bark is damaged e &ro foiesV treen growing iild Iuxuriancein tropical forest. )4 ont A 0 Vel*e0 411011 , tti, , :ater* oih04e1Xnyd0wed cua5, of -power and light' and _selv on, - aries were'itiavitOti ver . -1., of rich experience, of 41406$ of tnileiiof that . river in eir own life,. which came . overflowing Atencler14.Still the mas.madei by abundancc, for A. llos not heard.4 .1r. tele men e consisted ', —,-....,q.----- 9t 1 exp� ded to him.Scall"nraitilt:bliii. t.'Wheentmit-t- e . t ar e plueli whicb had beLeved through ven graee. 0! is Nut once speaks''t in Paletterlo-Conothi "1 planted, PPollo watered, God me the in- crea& " (i. Cot. 01 'As).. IV Paul's Preaching and 'Null, i s. 8404 As usual, Pent be- gan with, the. ;Tiews Whop were hest *prepared to receive ' th gope1.. And • site bolgy . t - w- ying v eys and lends of the reti7.0 i riot, which yields the celebrated rubber, While Bastille* •elastics of. exit* and Central. Ameliaa, zi- though favoring a, hot, -moist-cli-: -tot b able to withstand dry season if .not. too Prelonged; collfct the latex, in the Anis.' on .4Wriets-iricisiOus are made b nieans ofa smelt iixe. in the bark the, tree„,, tapped the tree can . be bled, at 'intervals =IV 0 316X esson VL,Paul's TMrtI 244-Journey—Ephesus. • Goldcn 17. 1. ri-tirideEtint'46-erit7 i:stvensthe- , ' upon -sous nzry jouth.44*.he' anc,Acts 1.8 nd eOlder 0 tirCh41.4 comp1ted his will to nicely., e cream miX 1 , 4 . 0.• it la Or . Then ot it in the 'n44410,0 is OY , ir 0 wrapping p "1 9,000 110 '000 414h •Ir.tnd "' a' r4C--!i iacre°a4r&lc:Sitho can is -covered, 11 4, 1.- —6115 t i"ParsattiboY—ardlnr•ci-440:107bIL to" * cool place nate1. 11,6 hen c 6/9 top A splitf turningeach- day.ettu ee leaf, , o n *, orderhaainter- as regarda the geography of country, - and ;with multiplying where of -tree, -tradervand- railroad stud lend surveyors ie map has undergone radical changes. . --The important step just taken by the Goverurnent in guaranteeing bundreds of mike of railways into the. -north was foresii • , , &Jtl IJ Kinds or.tinely eh genre)* with mar no is servid, and ikeiint che ballc. chipped raaras-• 01000 cherriesd rolled in-po. tiered out m ' on, the Ode ot the disli in which the salad 4 served. . .. . . Delieloga Salad. - or 4 delicious salad Alike A lemon, jel,ly with less sugar than whenit is 'forgdes. " tore e esti Hi lexe4-70t. -314,04 ording to th6 Aft of mixtnre to be frozen thicic. layers on the ides* t.4 eau_ OnceWor e, while it is freezing. Whip- creara frozen this, way is de. 4/ousi. One of the. '12eat mixtures for Os' "-Da id I is „the Philadelphia. This is uncooked, pure,, sweet cream sweetened and tiaVored.., Ferone pint of scalded s'eet cream allow ihree.quarters of s cu. of :sugar yed with6:198.4 dljeU ressing is a:4'11'015h' . 10$. and pretty salad„ WhoulnstParitswseinif to cover linA144,tboard isi, aterial, and thus avoid pressing hitt, lint into the Materia Bed pepper is peculiarly ohne •oits, Verntin of *11 Sorts, Made into tea with boiling water end:AR. plied hot to shelves and floors it is into he :tropical forest, which in - the valIey5 of- tho Amazon is at fever.ridden- . swamp,. bu 1 Ida the Inaltiparali471PAWrith I,* WhenI-7tither trees are cu ti- vaited in accessible 'districts •the co-' swilitiOn-7'entl- extraction of th- crude.rubhar from the,leten..enn be done on the spot. . The-77-to1lectori:insviut hay far into the forest and ted his 044 . (verAttetta,, incisions in .14r1r-Of-the and Alto**. the Wet .to col - in amall cuistr:—:-ThCieWelis emptied*. * large, dish and the Oodels' 'disb nd ho;ds-it _14;1 ititnng from• 7ccutica1.sh •Sel omned a both erids,and placed er a smell fire. The-'lleat and latek,-ttriv the nvistures„sofl leave ,a. tMn yet of crude rubber on the 'tut. feet of the paI1et The Operatien, is, repeated until the lubber thick- ens iu a. rounded y boy, rre,44i.01» "i mien. e e Not at presents, Itis sf n6ah-r* labor-saving Whet are •xcuse*not- w wondrous sto.q.,of_the or *n brinhig erwould rigeneugh4o-complete-hi vow, the apostle to the, Gentiles in ving rd wzth thc mother. "'lurch of an. Then he, wcnt.down to the hortie church- which had sent him. forth. Here lieiyais.alwoorwelcome. Here he told the story of his missionary,. _ . adrentures, and the fruits of his loors.,, it, it .-elt4.1 AI bhued thing for the home cu to hear from her mi elonstie it • o ionary:Boards are wise in hsving theft 'unsisenarien come home every few year. aul was able to visit Antioch, . gphestio:, Which Petil Ueda Bis Ileiiktiarters for Nearly Three Years Missionary Work. Ephesus was not only the eiPit411 406 province, but was the city of the greatest importance in all /14i*, 4) 15_ hut life and I,- 4 - t ,--, 0 upport, ancl preachboldlyat any co.. must iee to it f he 'risks- , t czuse o DISPullu ,t, • .„. "reasoning,"guing--.....wit NOe on fire,J1' and persuading, using every .legitimate influence and motive* id induce them to re - 1V% thertospel'Of -the-kingdom-of d„ the real kingdom 'whjth ell the which' on "its elms ,our _ --'1004-ir and Va.lue of °Glee '12; In addition to the heti uct and noble spirit exhibited e ordinary -daily lite, Lh1re monies to tbe trtkth and power oF , he gospel. Farit. Miracles of ,Ifeeling and Itelp. IL God wrought special miracles. "Extraordinary . with, which the decal of the lowish exorcists outs" not be -eediparefia" Creek Test; .Ily the hand* of, tbe instrumental; ul ig1016i,ii—ligittillbli-rf*Ili MOtit011- *bait 04/. -Possibiliti ez-Ztlmontort-route-to-the- giver gold tog4et..her with. the increasing -nu-Mho' of poopis into the north country, last ,year roused embers or the Beard .of seof-their,reiponsibf Mies AS resklents,01 a city, thst will .be the miff/Mug. place - 'northern and wtstdrn trails, They sE.ected.,.orliwswhoin andlt report, wben corn pipronoare unced striking document. any western body... iq acctuate shoring af every en te; • Tut MODE OF TRAVEL, bt stearner or se0i.trt Wagons.pak dog train; the meak, frdght, time, it auk sin 1eaeping minodstitm. rya _yea zere with. mayonuaise .aereahthwao u fl -P COO _r ite 611 , $ fuls finel shredd 4 012 e an iih . i.d Anely chopped 'route 1 nasta, Net six tablealle., °Alit: a .1 oliiie oil into the Salad bo I ,vt4[0:1 two teitspoonfultot vinegar, iiiipoonfu of saif, and a, IA 00011,11'4 pepper.. Be&t until •thick stir-ui, 'nuts and cabbage. in Atta husband." W&.St he ticklec I should, say not. won'taol It Me ry abut *nine, the 1 14 sio'c'tinsraix-;" serve lee •61166.01 in indi- sidusi ni-0140. Tiiker.'ihtiltiCaiiiini -0-M-"the.-:catt when lt. istiff,pae i , in the little *nobler seal the edges cf pack in ice, ,iiid telt, To. keep .160. long time cover the freeze ' loths-oetewelVanis; c these- t . vt t. i et kreimt . of with , _1,,t,' 0111‘6171,714th-PartsteN:uilitie:4:poll*itaol'r: „ 6 , cream most -us juij one y to Maki 1 is by the rule given or Philadelphia cream. k ritill creen-'-i'ls.. Or.:,CUPfUh mkt r. 11 is Mix ibosugar,salt, hard,-1spread onh f ±be ham, haif aninchh-thic goodwuhing -sal 'soda, one -Donna; stone lime, -- one.helf nod; water, five quarts. Oen * sliort while, stirring occe. nelly then let it Settle and pour and oork for Atte. .4• RECIPES.: W • ii *4, Spice., i wo cu. :Ail olks) one eupful of'auga riingtsbleonfulit Of fl t lump' of butter, ,one te clovts, one tem he ouble boiler for fwenty toi** stirring !ern When c�ol he cream and ftavoring. $train nd tee:of Iuik 1uyco1ate tis thiiettio Malt two squa.res, of ebo- oate entk, pour cust* tr*ct. Mix and Whitt thit''tool iben add the *hitea--01-1. ntil nutmeg, .• nful of etriOn ex. until thiekk bak ie ' filling, uSinR the - frosting, tor'eered north- hy the Makkenzio to r Arctic shore tun4-0-4- 'lowest turou 6untrjr to Fort 'fat of vines/04 ,and hike the se it *tab on * fop cruzI Deb Io