HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-12, Page 2alwaya
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sbve k is **
W 0 0031
'with visible emoti
yourelf ti
my ife, and 1 am
hl 0,
" Esther re5pout
beginning to „feel quite
. t&blo in view Of hi a exalted
• of her. I. *401:43r 00u!d not he
cpniinto yon when(ire
from my 4
fortune, instead o! being th oor
iould lukye every dollur of it, as
:41* ' •
*lob, you,
weeld. net's*, overrate inypoor
4y.feessaid: the,--lerirnt'forl„
really diatreased, "1 was only
sory that.'14tt.,000# not hs
ined latitisa,lt:.,
44Uhttetia, 1 was kfilb
ia trained nu.. 4,
.0 wouki,havochn-
*imount of money.eoul
or the. truc. kirodneis and Eeli410-
iial which you have exhibited,
onoung the care of an utter
anger, a o ot
- ,-t
-'44L p
for me. flo was
inybrother, butt in thc
old becamo lou
my u,ulo .had xrt,
o eornpanion to
you 1.1 *-0 had her,ar
e4wth the jewels,ou her per
he bent a sy
er comport!
4hat he
)nee iiewod, he zuuitt.: never
d on piiiea of
t fidelity, t r 4 or IGOU , S
Somahs'4110p, after
t AO U,
rough hig
dergroit Ix' 1 °
ritton, secretary o
let" whieh extends
o 'River
• LreetF "that w•
1 for iiekpodceta
hat ttt'Olivervittt' Thero ara
Sen. or i 0 of the pupils. froin
hildt6 , •
V . 3 en res.
3onte of tliein.supposed be
o , and the other
returned, 1o.okinat
air a pIa-fuL indignation,
Sho had really become deeply n.
fate had, for the second time,
singuItrIy fallen into her hands.
, Was a. fine—a distinguished-
rlokiog man, with his clear-cut,
high -bred features, his daskie
and a Certain Air and hearing tnot
was 1 ost courtly, like the knights
"' whom ;he
e n' 7170,iti _rk i°41.48etn.111. ittng'' 2P!.. iii.
coflego *ether he Man t
zn into
,how got to e ears ore -- ii, • . Igoe
o . it -_. _them ,...,_ .,.ke-'4%ft:-..°,art,t411 t
urs. ousel his displeaisUre',.and
made him suspicious of inc. Aftcr
we left college,, An& -returned t
solstk our uncle in the eare of hi
e ... tiOus', a ewhile -t
knew that att Harold
proud 10a.
my -
5d11 at the expense.y, brother.
In ihi5 4 so gra-dually
. ,
✓ p w ntlysel ' and my
n .-4., began to realliethat he
h come onspieionti and watch-
. _ ,
, how well 1 remember
Irving continued with a
pain tontraeting his 'pale
Ig-tuy-4-wentridt• 114, bi
and when we wont down to
breakfast we found my unelp ter-
irtitated. Ilis lace, was like an'
iron *Ask" it ve40 00 set and stern,
have been robbed!' he ex-
claimed, in 1, vb** of thunder,
Itobbod! we both repeated in
start1et tones -'of what '
uncle had.oaid-, uld .4
v' v Th
hands, vrtiir
, _. tied
to letend," was Vail- the-,the'Pla 1 th
4,. r not
Ut' X Ittalta.g face UarOld
with his . , 4 . .
s layorito On Tay W41,
't110111K00 ,i1r1r14 thus let him know
had ,4.4tiowvred,'-the. truth
te an:• 1
n' et:11e,
• :r furget.
that , I a l MY
ti 1 I
nce,"L wonder
r n atrust
• ars to be eturnedt
when all is over. (ould you
ear to be burdtned. with such a
growsomo errand 4"'•
I, will do anY1444
her • with'quicerin
ginning to' getdiscurugd,
ly lapsed luto dissipated
did.not go down all at once
I ... oo muct se1f-rsped for. a_
wandered from place to V.400 1
I finallycame Q. Yew
lieu 'I b AusincSs, 1 Late
myself ; but X , have
.durin ten
It oemed t
an must'
1' her tritt
riblefo. t
lhout biwin
11IihNi iiJuc
entt tol
up. All the„highest
borities recommen
ut hen puts from Plac
6101t1Setil hrow1 and ither aud thither by
at his em
red.I?irsL ho begins
rrify41/010 and a 0
\my home, A. little
r'ear ago I had another Se-
a illness, and upon wy rco-
ery iwat.0-braerr1 tenuttit im
possiblo to get employment; and a
* last resOtt.in 0.k.' desperation,.
tol gambling. I had lust' left
ambling-hontte, Where X had loot
cor, last dollar, that night when you
carnet upon me- so Alnexpeetettlz.,
-could not pay the rent , of My rni
in could t v'fl
ins, will
ng my wisbes to
tired now, and th
.w,put, to rest*
i-oI. but ttzey never
jictod to b. 'I
Or . havknown
e against an
7tvrit- '-`t.4i4C'oitr°0411logi:11-4ri 1) 1 ,
soiolnimaanoilm.vais is
. 4*, .
and it imai
,safer to
• n the , for when
distance,*r 'I)" eiretillisanch,
ca4.41 by a hull.
caecful persuasion has fail
pulls up abruptly and offex
Onee he has done this,
.run no more. -H means tc
and to fight to the death.
And when a lion, maddend
0uY of a bullet-wouu
trcsed by long and hard purs
you t ,he panted. •
"tes,•Russ 40 and I've 'COMO.tO
IOU that your exile is over, -
the truth lo known at last, and I
am to take you, bock home with *II:
sible dispateb."
Esther caught this Innen AA she
lipped soft1 ont of the rotio.t and
11010t0 out ti
famine in tit
.on, the
he IScottish Farinei
ssibility of a pz
ar future. This
stoppage by the Lee
Board, from Januar
4# "Mmin
1grL WhO _
itt 6 p rt - a, 1,
ciiscoyernd atupiclon at6uce fast
td on her. She WAS tfe
nothing was found, --an
woinan• made up her min
must have- lost her po
ore entering the afore,
her eub3, is 4lefJnitely opinittd
to battle, (Teat tile only pos
Ade conclusion,/ .33rOTien Iltnbay
_broken jaws, a body raked front- end_
.end;-Iungs pima" through and
rough -7 one of thee -mint: .1
niust sth, instant and utter,
or the lion, or down goes thejuun,
tauled by septic claws and fetid
willed and crunched„ and
piottcd afterward to make doubly
sure, •
o 1"tcp.huerpile
into tho store to
be told ,he others wbea
;their money, nd
tiwIto:11:06nriitreig°11;01rioogitz;:1:10,T4jhrt:10:giiiI:yPitle thi:el,
'pinatatheOinartonva4:04oft doshlotphogliii42184 rooms
and rest room. . Thb, • shop
'would have‘ her ry• omelet
her apron
you more
f of he said, vtith.*
sigh of rcgret. is a great pity
his -appreci-
ative gIucc resting ttpon her love:
fusee and figure ---"should b�
"Oh, but I love to work, said
Tither, With animation. --41t is
ong- tune since I have FienTsluift.,-
y as I sur now, in pursuing no,
/Pest it gives one such A fcl-
otto is Ado to tikc 6 oE ono'
on in lilo. It 1 wer6 well
had thonieans, 1 would
tit yetr.as 41( siitor(or, dung t
give .,ott ?. tow year t of study ar
trivoi, Ana 'Oen' you woilld be fi
tea to grace palace, my litt
IittI� 1M1gb and co
was, great
knew that [nY uttelo saeredlY prized
all heirlooms far 'beyond their
• I express
pithy for his loss, andsugger�ted
that a detective, be employed to i
he proposition, and
offcxed to go • Aion,c4) to secure th
n�thing cisc. had been stolen, al -
thought Other Vito:Wiz
that h easilyhave been taken,
_e i was so,.shi- tar th1 thc
clrawer of the des o been
forced, but eviEeUy epene anct
freto.ked'witlt"s key. X will no go
into detail, Miss. tsther. I will
curtail * king story by telling Sem
hilt the empty 4sket hieh had
us c • into the chianney-
)h 1-" exclaimecl att
o cr
ion reiol
he discovery dopi
'04-titrever of what 1 vain.
an all theworld
n and totour
all knowIedgr of th int
ueh denia
aiut me, totirmiti4ene" ii -tri r
Iiar as well its'it' tidt
ind treadtery
flensied when X .was
from itting theawful de
and then so urtasot4ingly slipped
• five-dolitortill • •
Your voice ° sounded like irq- in
titer'0, and touched a chord in my
hit ,had lort' en80(1 to vi -
thrilling m wit ft, eure
to live ---to redeem. \myself' and be
ilitide, even thoughl knew.
r. heart'trouble, iwhich had gra-.
developing, wouiqL
ate- me a en
my u ly
life. .1 often Wished' aSteirwar
that X had nutdo you go to the Iight
-that I could zee your fee, and
er forget
my meniory .as long as
d, and ny a ...time.
ged to. hear it agmu, more tban
an tell ou, ercen though your
rds *Mit 4S1 strls'stroggirng
th wor stee ntan
greater coward hreIU-
ing- inc
r4. Then your deed
tny sor, need peunia-il
hwd me that.-th
whkh my r had
• i:ke inc. It savedntet morally, anc
id resolve thtt while
iou1d never again dioltormr tb
X 'bear; X turned
thek npon all irtY o34Liauntsanc
nght for oit, X found a p
• in s store as ookkeeper• at, 4 1
aalary1 and there 1 remainod nnti
In niany riwiditi t,--01' , ten suffert(4
e-uliels'llfliee:"du c
n4 where
40 w
tiring their food.
hey...A_Itret_.„ as a. ru1, able
• . *imitate food inth
sante_way as itt their earlier
Thcy wili dq better wLth birds,
ther than wbat IS knovi "b
cher meat." 11 they wake P*47 itt
the morning,as is frequent
bab- ,
., 1.
it of 014 a 044uPvi Of 0000*
U u
soniethin of the'
ant port•isq0-See-thita
us foods art- suhrnittad to a, hgh
degreo. of 'temperature for SOMA
thn6 so u toitietkatt W-6 'grsauta
star eh easy to digest. Meat ma
limed or pounded to * paste.
Both beef tota and milk are
useful; but few 414 p4toplcoso 4
gea row fruit', loit.whts itewed
iuth`of Ii.arbonat4 tif soci& will
do rnuch tdre'duto Thai "se
fat is necesari D1 will, be beat to
from the home bred pigs.
, his- su i
nt cstiin&tCs -that 452,000 addition -
1 pis Will b required, while itt-
ted of being .
position to meet
lie new dnand, the decrease- -4
_Thitt is, 42)
eat i
,J reit Whir*
ints to
pal;.., tits& ui
srayintakent 0 Iris, about
st Eigiit 3ionlizs,the thin fln
egrees Fahrenheit undergo lit e
e*, for this temperature
cicrtt limit the activities
event the growth of the more
eonrnon bacteria.
roblem--o rciug-41
by oluding,..air has ught forth
merout Methods. Gerutazi lave
ugators several years agoconduct,.
ed a 'tieries of ttstS, kceping the,
-eggs for *hour =Mho itt
found tit
es to steal ut
pron poccrIi,
hat we got sighd' regretfully
sbe told me *bout thc other.
flngerw are t041 -thick-
can'td. do that at
work,' siia
th e ' any-
only 0 ,OIIC-darn
'.11te . 1liflg'""eve
6Iad !4V.rther.1* thy had Was
'rush' the -e .
- wo.
inanWOttid be aelected, and itt the
tu5l4lhe- potletho
a irl that get it,
p ;ight On
!bile/ 'the ;:inwtAi-'1141't:Iii.ttililb.ebs'etirati
the crowd. course it any one,
was suspeetrd and searched
oulki. be one of thee. - The, din
and daring' ,of it .appealed
and they showed their th
s.'thneu in _the stories they .
giris was ltro-
tWO!,-voeelot befcc ;4,
I • telr where-.---Ithe---iii
k she tolither tfo-
been taken, *way
the woods*: whtra
lined with sold, *:dbe Oral
ept there yii-b
y to s,hiot ow
srt *ire- .d ti,
I'olhh woman beta
lic sex
Coated with shellac,
1ackst in -'14)
experiments, is we
ny trot it bas been fuind
t lattoett whoa,* ttsplattleoriti
from cold storage
ass is thi-tonintou natne
r *odium siiies.te
ain the shops in the
. somethin
orirte One t of, this
out ration o
g wan*, And causcs the
itoto his food hater.
fnrmula Lor i0iitying the form o!
To oiie' u/kr