Exeter Times., 1909-08-05, Page 7evo ve ie lists do. *tic -eicom ong-sha refreshment ot.enut 444111 ft in the, T.C, in t ""Thou aroflij kce ,Saf k. Vegetation ock's. IshadoW. .in tho avornt sudden at. sang *414,1 treshment and their day. dtintion, mosphere become. ob clear atiti itit most *0 e and blunt lain. 0 o tbis extra on out of ehald allowan e cannot objeet on accounb heavy."140,41 heing to-epcnX ta'vored t4 or it digestible uitrztious. iick, espciaIly valuablc in Iiease of the intestinei as, iuecj to Jookupon gelatin a onl food as for 4ccoativ * is the origin:4. T lora Wait" Cholor*In ckzce ---4664;-Itlit.1171:30'w' el Com - ent*, 4nufa,ctured 001.7 by 1•014 Limitett UMW. ury at their dead .with the • 14 bon scOrns. r ' , who, ,givA* g re, , . , 0 measured by nits. ice- is honcsit, , work. of tIze to standard, s such• rock. .The. influence, of his charactec ir ' jn sowing tares not confined zucr1y to those w1)0 m , coine up LS come, in, ,contact - iiin. The , shadowof his infiuenco roaches to do not multitude/ whom ito does not know, he observe him* take notice of h' , ..weetened and.15e, houror tw apple, .oran Witha- L. 011 ice for an _ strirnie, banana, ano nte)01113.4. "eggs '4inay bo theroxn pink p melon. The effect) of thosc of ice or grapc i -)0,a. een 1hickened with 1 ' u , yerd and h the aspic. ovtheeytee,,rd. aspic h - wairt.1,en a little re arranging tho next: .When overd t ' tongue,et away. to aspic$100k.ittle . e,erirne.nt 0 no cnn xpert in eptat designsoiled eggs and i and are ,eneouragcd iri influicnco upon rnuItitud0 plaeo and sphere to inli. wei xample„ yut into re,' igloo you will think they are rain akes them sad to seo es \-..not preach w i never persuade' ts are the only good to the. canon , of ne- isn knows anything bsen *mit as he tries to omene happy. i i . a 1; 1 and Airn. The lirst- , a of the 0rd' J'rayer, and, therefore,u of ali prayer and all living. ats necesary.right - os. 0 .. VL.thuiles Instructio Thessitioniaits. -1Thei5.S.; 1 Qb.aracterzstc9 og, the 1. to thelhcssulonut or . IN °,0 10 4ie ,ideal Atiris;01' k 1 1 TeligiO I ung t#!,. cLu , bit. it. en , it Shadowed -forth/ *This .1)te,4 pepper is .004 to excev in ho sthat our life and affairs and countries to iitirnulat.e the stomach conduet are to show forth, the veryand liver,,..but a' bit ued 4 .' U :highest that we can 'know or con- ally is an addition toany41i,811. awl * + ' ' Af..._flien'heaverf:beithe. plate t , siteessarillr 01tentinnus,ai ' lid -11-1" heaven is no unpractical t Think of It, earth the Plate' wher elI d, for you wisk ily to like it int C'el-e0; and ken soup si go rod pepper, coveied with aspic, .o the dmh *ill tome .ort the table g ptatt Leftover Meats Attractively Otng :;11as juit a few it, tongue, and wishesto s.e..rve, tiles an attractive 4isiv"Zon, be made gariliBbing the platter, r Wads or aspic ,,t.hing 1irV1* (.1(0-014#4,;nutr1 aley7or-tr, es, „ are just as siiitable fro tbe company luncheon and S'ond* nightoopper • ns.-: theyaro for th mity meal. Sintz-thet0ckl. hich is e by boiling ,the' belies an desirable pieces'of meat, ax the ,Olstitt .0 x" itccifl.ry--ar soap to 'vessels, -coyote rutin in. morning .pluar000 010 , come to , 1 P 0 t°11 -t : awl ill's ' in tl ,ite,,, *tare .. ' an I t130 4011 4 1 lot clothes be 14 A 'carefu attefltiofl tO ghtt rubbing' in. two ut You remov-cd, tio-s-ctlettoo, spun% est'hted by 'a Traveller to the Aoiroit • Bryan Leighton, who has just, re- turned to England froth the lands. of Colombia, brought with blin and presented to the -London Zoo a bird-oatchin spider. .1Ie _ -(77') Marked C Funeral. 'Of the Oriental displ marked the funeral" of t Emperor of China in them. - Besides birds, it eats the smaller ntammals, and has been. known to nttack and kill a scorpion.. The specimen I ave just present- ed to the Zoo is, I believe, the first 'tf its kind to .tte brought alive to England. I captured it in th-e re- public :.of Colombia at an altitude ow ° 3000 feet, about 700 miles from tho-coast,„ and Intel---gregt-difficu y 4.10.1.., 'este feeder, indeed, tho jiuch -r ack has dwindled to half thc size .it originally *wt.?' 1114.4,0 WAS eill)tUredAtezei0irtu by. Vrenth • inl rt'-etUill to England r as ing • usne ir °urge! le inoring the rights of 1tber. 11$1.14 y cre „ rliTterwill-break-nu -4*)itti *1u conscience in 'his le, Venues Find Their -WA to tke Steviptiss;- has - cat exchimge aux t Ott& .Thi *Al% 444.1* A •sizes and t tidies, L part triers, glove Mi* A good /leek zes m 40 centimes e tents). u bet -0f Wing to the y uitflhir sie- e II. of this britised by terrib Philippi, emerging 1 durtgeA -61 -4 prison,tTiei aspect bespeakiiM. "Their co su errngs, significance. A Lammers wits raging in the Itom and the comnio Ile hard risen to six ti r value.," wlerers sin/lotted them. ahcs by weaving -black $074.0.4 Jiar into tent cloth. Herethey preaehed 4 few weeks, founded driven Wit reettion . 2. Paul longe o • visit them again, and made three vain at- tempt5 to•do so,„ from Ifereratt f m from Corinth. He felt, of training *rta mOrt) knowledge of thetruth, of comfort, of gtildattee. „Thal). it,.h&4 jiit. mine I) fromTherakniia. ro lowe.$t whole h erty,'P ilyin trar, an rnpire, " let their table art' used, asp*ragus, pea getti Ie. pulp, it tenJer,-then ru add ptatiti.. our, scien 0 peaee 0.. noI )ence of tt rightcousnss, for it is only when rgbteousnesss is .111* the waves of h ea" thzt "peace tart flow providence;a rive -r"; peee with nd tinonuturretan liko Mike you • ure, free fromin and im- perfe4tiok froin ive1y taint- 41 eiI.,WhoIly. Unto completeness, to -fall .perfectienYin ete and in kindl. Till we alltomeirtitheLunity Of the faith, and of the knowledge of the SOU Of 004, not? a Perff'd man, „Auto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; and grew' p,pinto him In *11 Christ ph., At 13, 15 lVhoIe itit *Ad soul and Saine Rule Applies to- Al ingicalthip't tritute'lebi:emetm of "i'isr froni der drainebop, and r t 0 thfire and e spoon iti Mate richer' and, pef)Petri% tn ttn *dant nitineenggt4u,wh7p.tre ream o o is crne iift•bt popular The uThattrAtral-lite—mil rittell-, the latter be- ing eooked and strained ; A bit of aria satisfying Cold boiled fish ae deBcious hen covered -with ai'o and eierawl Witk*Ofic -or l'iekles, -beets, hard boiled „Fg!!) bums, mon pcints, and011 0111) Oneit,tiortilintaklaivrfo_r o Add iji*e lf tablespoonfuls gelatinti4Ar which h atotttaiapkedhour an hall to a beef o any ic until c 11) it ,into it a half cupful of -olive oil, a part 's ot each. Piit on hicken with one utter• and two tabh-,! f flour. Station With salt, I Take the ten - c rota a. bead of o* 414 in ir' iter , ree egg kit, three tsittlespoon Is o ve,. of, tarrigouNine, n MO of grateri ,v se oth 3ew and entt1i that-tbywere oubk by the deet the coinI e4n)I.0 our ute znc1tuinthe faculties beingThe ho ul,hW cl be as pn host. t* g ne rrnW- equal biped t eti one lc I tsar* u u it, 4flf-quarte ,1 ad a mob of white pee•pniies v. th their burdens coneenled• neathof impeiaIyIl. hy meninount- ed on the shaggiest of ponies and dressed. red c1otiks7to--b all Chinese 'funerals, beai n banners 2_h I wished I ,understood. LAMA PRJEST8. 44- ontrated zellow, a moved p at us gecat s I sit of liina priest tbeir yeIloW on e ponies, beari ur le, yellow, red - flag, witrestore--it to the colone . of the regiment. ittr...../efteock found. the ilag.in.tho chateau" of Airsay-,le-Itideau, •neng Toursinc, 'where it hat,r been -plated •7 Carfariir0177040,11 i, tio 'former vernor. of the Ionian Islands. . o with 4 Hag of lifr; Jeffcock bought The. French Ministry of War iiuss- Uga.ed ' e . • the. and bdilnd thrni two, yellow ibairs, closel4r ;followed more canopies rivaling those had predNl them. Atter these .drove Prince Chingin a closed' est rite, 'surrounded by it large hod lurid such, its one sees daily hi Atret of :riekin„ /there wss* ' At thia poi 4.b14t., th disks of ,p,aper, tut resei and Oung.high in the *pprosieli -W STBW T. pallan es tr to* ro... ph , . . - '.41pe prsp7 hut lettik e. t 'Pr *1. nuts ot er ai li us lea **tit tor