Exeter Times., 1909-08-05, Page 6- fleUdng ** fo whoni y ve pr iisely intersper*e with pre-, ,tue ory, um* ism, anity., ' •thing tobelp Oen , ren out'of the room, and, myInedieiee r go leaning over ''banister, 'listened water and those moments.”Fleage, sir o not tray intvrpoed„ gladly wait upon you Whic WIC ought you to take no .inquired;-,tuynng to ,he tahter-by the bed, whore bottles and tumbler "That in the plain tumbler; the reps in the fluted one An hour lat- er—two teaspoonfuls.” the; 9 tity,and carefully dropped it into hi $ month. "Now, would you like a-drin fivally oettled lus quarters, .she asked. ° ,.a4d the fAtis Aeithet beard nor KM I‘lIa04_ I am, burning u r e,xpressiCe of disgeot o young feee. -"going into th pond ing to these on and a perfect brute from the strongtodge, language h 1. uses; • although he is evidentlY-siek and in was being taken- up- in a - :Ate' chair.", . . The. confusion 'continued fer,some 1,1 longer, whe». the newcomer anythngmoro of him for several fever." in.kt, room and brought up a pitcher . .ottring out a glassfu),I and that he was afflicted with ill. raised the invalid's head and held • mat,ory.-„,rheuinatism.--, it to his- -,hiorto* Our ;-husy--young-apron kerii- d_rink,until'-his' fierce 't irsr_ was• • atre-haxdlyfg#V0 Knit_ a-s000nd s alre .ught;liontettttily ji edth a was, noon, 3Vriniethaving gene out VP- Then a half-suppreseed shrie On Seine errand, Esther Was ..s,a- den147 :startled by. hearing- groans. •it distress directly beneath her. - . At first she did not lay ranch at- . torttion to them, .but 145 they con- • tinued, her .synipethies were arous- ed, and' finally, unableto bear the • sounds any longer,. she laid down her k and doscendeet to, the hall, but ithout an,_ •.4,4r_ .arhng what .he va. et •believe • Of course the sounds now ecamo-would elieve the. irillamination." niore distinct - and athetic and .-r e tried to find the landlady, to lett her that 'her new 'lodger ap- *axed to be Suffering greatly: But Mrs. Field was ,out, and nei- ther of the servants would g,* up to ascertain -what WAS th6 trouble. • "-Catch mel" *aid Mary, with an Indignant toss of her head. ‘4"rhe • list time I waited on him he swore at inc like a pirate, and threw a tumbler at Mei I The eoek, curtly observed that "tier business was inthe, kitchen, and she had .no intention -of turn- ing nurse at present." tile Esther, resolved tu. go herself to the suf- ferer's aid, 'teaching his door, she :tappcd gently upon it.' • " 1" me....-olle-sai , . e rooin, whe±esbeFonnd- erba put e We highly MI5 cdt and aynostton. vulsed with pain while__eve rea WAY. Be• turned his heavy eyes upon with a__Iook eat Instantly °went' to heri.heart. "Mrs.Field is out,""Esther said, In a gentle, tone; "but I heard you, and have come to see if I can do .oinething to relieve you,' The instant she began to speak tile sick Man raised himself' upon • his elbow, and stared blankly at her, ---astonishm tes-momentteitut • ittg him to forket his suffering. God Esther maz thin You hav, made * mis- take, -Sir," the Observed.; "you can, Dot know We, for t am Sure I newer you before," „ • I,cannot knoW len You never OM inc before It* the .illtatid repeat- ed i 44 a tone of awee "Perlutps 00 4,10, *lot toognize 010.- I never sale you tatfi 4ilstinttis be- fore; but I tin never roriet Otir eke.: should knoviit,had bun- elapeedslue* vr :heard burst ,from himi as he.attempted to rearrange the bedclothing with his sorej and, swollen hands. - Esther's 'heart ached for him. I seemed dreadful to 'have him lie there alone in eueh a-coedition, with no one to' feel ali7 interest in him, and, after regarditet 'din piti- fullya..moment, she said: r r ert*- 'ture to have thein touched," be re- plied, with evident -shrinking. "But I ant used to sick people, and I think I could do it so ful- ly you would not he hurt, ,an am sure you would be.mort con-. fertable afterward," the girl Ter- sisted. •fon, without waitingforpermis- mon, she went to the bath room, where she procured a bowl of steam- inf. water and a.soft towel; thou re- turned to her patient, and worked over his heeds for -fifteen minutes -or more, very carefully and gently, but to *nth purpose that he was greetly relieved. or-twicer.- -when- 4-tsving hirn, he a lie forth with. ApQ1310, s, , • "B44 4$ tq, Usthet IJerzzte ,(Iff Our rnilk hou of the wiudmi the well, husbazicI has fl:tow ade.lw o one ever aqiros in 'Min etest Piett ihility eontrive to p musieal imraco WAS the has d bo d to earn. Way. 1 willfte him, if you ;thcn 1 myself will look in up4i mtiot,to..be sure._ u vo proper attention.' The invalidbent A curious look kipon the gir1,-and,flushed hotly at the thought of his tlePeutleuee, But ho was tiet sick to eare what s were made, f..e that relieved of his Pam, her she intgh went dietat - be well for humanity i is impossible to.conceive young inen are practically eonipellcd to fight, with One im- othsee, . and, for „ earthily reaton exeiept to *how their mettle., -* , tes--,,weapons-are- ode of exeeeding lightness- and sharp- ness, and with thee-ee ant tries to cut the other's face,. resultant sears .are his*: es-. teeined, as they are, from the etu- "A point ofct—iteeeding Iionorable. entetiniei, indeed; "when a dunt-. cientl• make a _tiAtot r y insuri -.Seed noOctehle'- . stand All the join ith white lea nade of f1oorin inside Then Perfectly dry we a er-into the- bex at * it runs through and out endof the box into' Lirnp the- n , a tiler ugh for -1-!s rain the 's. aplesdn to sing four in cage es to obtain week. contract was not alledt how - •or being hardpressed 1nan- she had borrowed £50 from ger and her rezei eontract. This career to sueccssive eters aog as the begint dazzling that are simply * one -gallon bank notes, milk o cornmon one -g , set them ,sidv by sido In 1,67$ she oht a n XI the hox Ater. Tho J)1O 200 gtiineas a nig t, -use, perform hoil$eal this rah" able, te thew�r th* a it doubt men -there . liC01. ohce exerdse their own and they lutist therefor tlie ability of aueriti oiersigbt of hini besides. She. was careful to.see,fitat, lie al- ays , had his medicines on time, kt. his nourishment was perfect' 1:11""4. and WAS so brig a C whenever .she camei- into his pres- ence„- that he grew-te!.witteli fer her touting with on eagerness that was almost vathetie. the day after acquit r, wounds are of a partieuar1y g, i.e., ghastly, cliaraete he contestants have traits en, AU terwards pay a rOLUld of visits to receive the congratula- tionsof their friends. Duels are always fought /in e • publie room, although !, none but mbers of the university are *toss. am part 4ticalar about. skirnming .the niilk before it -gets watry under the 01. I put the ereamin 9 A Pal mado purposeJor it,tie a roe o it a i hang -it flown n the well, where it. keeps flice and tool until 'time, to ehorn it, v other I churn every day, or every other da dt tofgest. ping„,,,iear It. for 'her utb eon- cle,4;epo4c*sited to her her, or payment of the rziances—jatts fav' thus received' times what Ittario last ten perfori *rite device., about twenty and Grisi get4 private 'pp�r1by"pi �w and Es . observed. that his hands were no nearly t10..)mdly swollen and in- flained as heretofore. ___Shebrought, hoe bo:vol of hot rater, 10. usual, -to bathe them, for he would allow no one else to, per- form that service for him, and while die was thus engagi411 "My young „friend,, what to .0411 you 1 You have not yet told ,me Your name."' "It is Either Wellington," atie, replied. "That is a very pleasant tour, ing name for the kindest -hearted little lady I have ever knewnilo. he sponded, • listher iloshedi; but= eseb spcetator must cons-toneone battle, neither more ' or 'less. • , The„ duellists wear pads. over the heart and lung, therneela d in silk bandages, and the eyes are protected by huge goggles of wire • lissze:k OF 111S TRADZ. ntra. and then I draw off the water, bring my cream from the well and'eiturn it brisklY, for a short )no,. an when the butter comes; about like peas, 1 draw off the buttermil and pour on a pailful of good told water. I wash the butter this way -twer-three tines-tintit-111 not look from churn and sal ever JIad tuth to say; But • aorstotka llis Sympathy and understanding be- tween anVn4lith carter and 'hishorses are' delightfully ).deseribell in a Pastage/from "Ifenioys of a Sur - New let me say theta -has neter, weighed a pound pf butter or *- ounce of salt before 'putting them together. X use thq best fine barrel salt. I do not like the salt put up in sack*, for salting hater. In salting I pot itt,, whet I think IS about enough,, and when, thorough- ij through it I taste the aWRtzthnohnUa tit- 41,S1 irsIlsa*S.:-Iids7esiiheoe "4 "Itinerant rensieio Aui eoEpt am Ituhl'enaitne Oft foirPesiIr nattctE tio _not permitted to frontiers." This greatly ei• • favee manager le V(ilCe and her tostu Her draw - ug justified this, "Lode," as an example, was sung to iin-af, ge-44-1.4,000. "Traviata" elte rnor, -once she. sang more 'notes It was a frequent occurrence among the poorer music lovers to buy a. and each talte,.--turns at, tesq. one of thern overstaycd his MO he paid for tlu, 'girt • Sone attentite omput, by dividing nurnbcr of notes ung by sum paid, that Son**, mide" Patti received 42,14; Outs for each note; this was found to be Inst. 7 I-20 cents a note more than Rot- *ini gotlor writing the whole opera. eta must sa y4h,otio law that his of Frenhgtinjit No license is., grantedit*14. net, nixed, .crippled, orifiuin dates °I"Theit:ilettu'ef pos4b ca ss reulations proeeed possibilitie of s he must wen_ r al4age on pain �f in ittanti,,apest, TheIicrnsis"issued in e, cOutioning went- fourt.pagesi numbered and Sign arid giving surname anti; gltristian name of bearer,: his age, piece , birth, religion., :and resnienoe, t. tether -with his exact cleseription. 1 -They mention the kind of perform, it is not .gentlemantly wealt." t Ae he laughed softly, "You *re an outspoken young woman, as well $ a.hand littl nurse, try . I "NUM AS soon teXei a ,per trike Me AS twear t me,' ives the quiet rollout.. "1 wasn't wearzg afryon—it was at the pain." "Pain has neither tars nor In. tclligepce,!' said Es her briar. n--zs the ssw hItt flnsli ago oho inquired: • ‘Xowii it there anything eli "If ce nay ace' washed," pleae suffer0r. "In t* i 'known how 'water feels.", Esther went for a, bowl, of cies( water 0.44 bathed him as shtvilatt often bathed - her father; aft *hi& $40-60tuhtilliOd-libiohkt L. tingled hair shone. sa tin; while . the act so soothed,* 41!'404,(1 11114 twit almost fell lotitep_40114411. operation., - ed ears e do not knew what er. verso , murmuredF *he 'and thank you 'very 'inuch„tt she,linally- laid -down! thos- brusb "You :have made me feel likei yOU "Perhaps pon wilt be .able,to ge nap," Esther replied. "and a strati et- end of in hotir I WM cern. anc th " h your. drops." - t ly drew th . your e f impsed. u you have 1 ,ready, learned who frork_our landlady." ouas • r. Ic mg,. the young girl tur Then as she lanced; face a # Mat ing ig t 4$ and a little zeornful sniile "lov- ing about his lips* she said to her - with sui dden nispiration hat'is not -hit oat tiarile:Aris he has ,xossurnefl to eeneesit his tityt :He to14 me, that.night n he attemted to s1j<o that be WAS an alien outcast. 1/0 is evidently a e art, in spite of bisHoces :14f,„"andq-iini surer -be riust to'is,vnice family, notwithstnd- in poverty, for be is very dainty his tastes,: this language fault. and his manner* Cultivated. I woulki. like to know his 'history; I believe there, »mitt be an interesting onlanee connected with it." ' She uTtrnot kn6ii Alt her in genuous oe-vas-like-an-oPen-book to the man f the world, **Et hr-, tboughta ere slw*s as . 1 ii" h r * e, vestige 43 or, i • , He *row it* 'the. teUxie 4:1t, to coupe ,f werks wi at'1sjeti get about, hi* r TEE. up to a imhevtarri*with :only Li'se1f and the hosses. Re put the runnin'.chain s cm and alt ' AV takes some se d. "Yes, se men got,to understand Eliefarmersa xi; "You'll never get they up yourself) • *stay 1 thalli-10 says; and he 41#1,. too. eni- es n 'that .one carriage! 'WdI, he had a, four-boO, team, that'll011.4)n-what 'twos. Tbey soni.e ho to. -Ordhiaiy m hoses wkldiet, due. t be only jest had to k, an 1..u'dsei they te'When lie wentr got the trees,up, to see what tort:of...a ros.d bed got few..ktettile out, they stood there with their heads stretched out and their: ears forvard. 'Toni. on, he says n they went, .kerin" -*two. „LeJ kids in the roid Where the eet- in, that'll *how ye ti *nothing to pull. liThev'rr we el igofte-out to: or 4Git up,' to t'ocnnt •to g # PA top of hought fte co l3ut he o have had Man) cornplirncnts fory good butter. After salting 1 putt the butterinto a. titk-pat n --ie-a cloth over e top of the in the well a ou thrn 1 bring it up a ougJlIy a ladi niilky water 15 wO her make it in tubs for mar families in and let we've hours, 'orIc it t .1 -1117 -he ed out of rolls or pack I have. fur. tlie y *if& *11 their. butter for several Year** *04 hey say that my butter keeps por- y-tweet---iintit7thOliat�uce used and in Sumner I frequent - y get double the prevailing price. sou sen_there h ng„great..e enditu-re 'of noner 0 inake good , butter. )104i.V TO ASE, Cottage 'eheete, „soinetiine ealled Duteh cheese or tehmietkist, is *kitoMilk, write* of (he Nebraska station. irn.unt of buttermilk may • To make cheese, allow 'Ik to hettome„ Sour and Heat it then to form .90 o 100 drgreea F. in about thirty .After reaching the rata te ,ressiove., The ve source, of , heat and re thc 4 in the hot whey for ' auinutet.,Jjernovr pouring t lot help,, !Git tes.. le the '1 t}te' t One of.the.minor harvests that, ptornise well isthat ol'the lee: er fields. Ilave seenItonour p neig tor 043*A says a Wteela LondonThe Daily Mani -Vely•-few kn.w -this quaint tfordshire Oiwri AS, lavender growing teutee.„ it bas grown The sweet old herb it • the R o y uma n ” tatioMic-etltheir thesedi7 has the iloweri and it ir,,extract,into all part*;0 tim world for more than * century. Tho IlitehinAistriet hovilless rain and vs sunshine than the Londe iria lousedthrty :Indhlrlimrinnstirettn:Itirt1117-14thes just n trim roil Of lavender plants their dusky green look "Aron and hesithy. They are beginning to ShOW their flower buds, and tiler everyis likelihood of an abundant ieI1 at cutting-titnet-whith will be from ee to fourweeks hence. At titling time People tone' in fioi esaround to sweetnes of the 1ek1s, and iiben he.distilling begins the fragranee -1-0-ender.-rs' twa le or more, front the The *ors are put, into tEe stili with 66 fresh bloom iff their reittur- Oh -them; and for Six pounds of sueh flowers, about half an ou of oil it estratted. eetute of Polke every-threo months. Joe t. gore •titer than -those which have ed -the stamp ot-the:ministryo1 the Ia libert.1 Italian candidates reqLair r 'formal certiIkate, whieh alwap granted. The idas, hoi.everr, of /talent playing organa, to each other irresistibly rernmds one of the villagcrs.-who-4 reearions existentoe in net. another!. 'washing, and sk eara :to cattail'. all 4%4010* een tw *ofiki about f Asia* *4.)re