HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-05, Page 5u4 O*r?crop Jj
oo. oire,
est is c
been 'a
tile hunt
#4- °
L\ ' - di.
a 140 oeason'. kr, Jo lIawJjin
... ere 041 o , g., 0
.04gf-41i.hr. pkr4e: a
„v I ' ltratla
.. ,
li 10Ottr•-
t1icdeal treatment fQr 9folkz
..ever Bhockr. A tonc•tiev011
stpation, theuritatanii bliousi
vq.,:atainacittaid bottc,
laxativc. Bet for c
-anyzndaU les
an NR tablet to.
s VotraPgs•
coupagto BY DRS, IC tc lC..
voutio on, ivimpiedioto MEN_ =
who )200a tl*Senrite.$of expert SPOCiallatIr.
, soy -waste your moue' in treSting with. •
douturi you know nothing ,or; why waste
yourtuooey with worthiest'. eleetrie belts
ordrugstoro*cistrunts.witen you cnn ge4
ewiraritetd mashie, suceessfuitoAtuteut
rroin the** Ma.r Spading*. Drit. K& K.
have tn'tM nattenti throughout camel*
our cae prove lemma ei ft need
you aeee f you are linable w-
on omeeferapersonatoraullaation
. ,
oc-rea. —
tea ytrn whetlier you, too' corsoeo or not. '
mien io wilt.prerilbo optelPa teMt`41es'
ateueteestesa;,..efteekyou cam-
toko at Velum no remeily
that we send to everybody make as toot'
ottirdigs do., but wet prtsertbo the rem;
. Oleo •rettuired ter eoli tiatteehuo case to •
• completes tart. one of theecreJn
,....anurlk,-oaderfotsueetts wbett.0thers Aut.
5444 forout
Wo tivaranteei.to Care
Voilas. near, nholaer iota
WAVY :Wow**
unihsti to 464 write fora Ctoiatlea
fortissimo Treatoisat
Two bore5 Wer 1 attacbed to
on Untied veit on and Were 0Lai
ing a abort distanee from •thebridge
the driver being engaged aasieting to
unoad another IV0gOU °Perms, the'
r. The epria,eame up the Vpurtla
conCeIsiOa And on
"t- 41111414 °ii4),151/.1417g
*nal announcing his approach when
tbct 40104.* horses .ran towards
• -hte-ewagrittatranue-
. of the bridge and the, horse fell
to t river bed below,e breaking th4'
•t• the wagon in; their descent
.ie horses wa$ in . short
iinte-:able to get tip, but the fay Wil-
d the other one. The Pardee in
onto backed Op and going around
he five mile block returned to the
cent!of the accident..willing to give
any aselitance they Pould.
alisses Othello, and Vera gots are
visiting their grandmother' Uri. T.'
and otz spent Stin
y nt Grand Bend.
r, Fraztr Thown s e t'Sunday I
e- of Lo»dnr-rk
vting their parente 'la re for a few
Mr. August Kuhn has returned to
artnd here.' • •
is v "her sisterMrs. D. Swett-
zer for -ris feu- weeks.
.1tirei; traluiek and gralTdeblitl,•-lif
waterloo, are *Visiting .friends hero.
•Mr. Fred Harris. of Parkhill IS
her spending a. few days 'visiting
With friends.
Miss Edna Broek. of Exeter' Is vise
ting her sister. Mrs. Bert Clark.
Mr. Art *wicker. of London, *pent
Suriday in town visiting relatives and
The, 'Misses Armstrong', of Exeter
!lime tobacw.
Mt. • Garnet bf tortamii is
Luling a •few days in town vzsit-
iton,..Enst, are visiting their r
mother 'Mre. Thq$,*ileywood'for a few
weeks. • • , _
Ur. 3; Whitford was laid,a3P last
te;of• •
grt Paler aor.ley,, bos pareliased,
thorobreed ',Jersey co* /and intends
to-e;g0;etrtta.:••the 4ulr-Y7.--101111e4't
Mr aVesley Parkineoti, arterit-Sun.
day --,in London., ;•
Miss eo Bertha and •Sailie .Andertion
of douilorton, are visiting at their
grandmother's Mrs4, •
Osler gtirley j opending a
few days, with her Parent:S.4U- Iiirlte
cuezt a Miss ,A. DM on unday;
Sweitzer • is spen ing , a *few
-week s -Wattle • lerk.,
• Miss 'Atadelleet Tlertrand is spend -
a •few days in Elrie.ter. • _
Ntr. sand 'Jr liewtr:41*-bave re-
. turned hotoe after • •eitinpingat the
Dend for a few weeks. •
Mr. and .Mrs. V. Clarke and flat.'
• v,sit frielids and relatives.
- Mr. and gm L. Belding, and fam-
4, of London, are the guests of Mr.
• and Mrs. Trevetbick.
Mr. mid Mrs. 3. •Much have re-
• turned borne after .spending afell"
weeks in Blenheim.
Dr. and Mrs. Orme and daughter,
of Centralia, visited, in town 'one day
• last week. •
Too late !nit week,
We are constantly--
tlie..best 'cloths Inoney.ett buy• . •
are reaping satisfied 003
Ogters. tiaparaliiistet
• but woos-, our, advertialement,ir
theneWhospess, stating the -view. for
,a Sttit,‘ • Coati Trousers, OP wil4tereir
'std. iulighocigge,ti vot ineltnle tho
of everything in that solt.
ie 'hiettLOlotistAte.hlitCtittillisto,,i
radditigliti tiler-best:Thread ctc
01114 the -belt otouNtbilityin Cot
Fitting, and MatUltitr, stiquktuft
gip qur tetvar01 • . •
linortiA ,t,U- roan. 'you- as one
our customers. When $00 need at
Stlit# COO; Trouses or
nut*, Nresi,
let thte al. lead'yoss° mtr *he Dacha'.
w. cinfiroveto-yott-tluttito-ltve-op: att„
Albs Snoody. of- St. Olarys, has
been engaged as teacher of the RIrk.
Mr. atalMrs. flr. I1odrs,, of
4Caro:iret.are visiting friends here.
Mr. Bert; Taylps. of Cleveland, is
visitingbis parerita71%
Jacob Taylor. ,
. Mr. liarvey Viekers spent Sunday
at his, home here.
We- nre 'eorry to hear that Mrs.
J *, Murray., who has been • sick', is
reported to be no better.
.Mary ileelewood, who-- was
vsiting friends' in i'Markdale has re-
tUrned home.,
Mrs. 'Stinson rrout 1:N1uutituin, tm
firma at 'tont. '
pititrnect home
rter v:Ating friends in Exeter.
•gittte:OL VIMber, trOM Itirkton _ _
ended the-Sacratriptit servite held in
Salem ' •
• -preoehedea- VOIT- WO,
/tilt tittl,rt.°Atiog,*.-4,olotr-to--the luting
men •inet Sunday *evening-
, We Are Pleated to state that Mrs.
R. It., Vtate:rtrid.' lvflo lila been eon'
fined to the house owing to blood
poisoning; -hi h6r hand. fa able to be
around •agairi. •
Miss iiffri for lie
holidays... •
Mr. J. ,Williams. and Mr. I :Hanna
are. busy with the threshing. ogain.
The wheat is running, goall and so
•it- 44b03:di ,Nvr, - A. VrAnois Used 1,00
lticlitirdSOn and tsan.' of ton*
reittrined- hoitte,',31rindnar
' lett at,'. (the !tense Of liWr.
ends 1ar ,:ilateart Sunda
We are OtOrtYtebear .0
• nets: . '40
• •
Miss 'Blida Gentling Izoxxe
oesdoy •after a pleasant •visit wit
clativeS- in*St. %%rye. ,*' •
Samuel* XlUson of near' Mit.
r 7,77:4
BroeL from near_Rxeter, vieited with,
Mrs. J. V. 'atillson 'ThinrsdetY,
John Misses Devlin%
r y -visited with their•mother here
Mr. 'Wan. 'Toles. of London. and 41 5
McDonndt visiteCfriends.--,.,here on
Sunday ast.
Dar. .Butt, ourjunior pastor vielt.
-ed. this appointment •on 'Thursday,
Rev. 'Carlos 1)iestnore,witli his wife
and • two elilitiren, of Anderson,' Ind.,
Visited here the ?nests of gr. J.
, • •
Our pastor, Rev. Watson,'.preach.
ed here in the ofternottni,„ while Rev,
1.)InSmatif 4611Veretl'ati excellent .ser.
mon in the ' evenhig. 110th services
v-c're well.-ittton
era OgdenvsLtd frientli nt Stitt
fa on Sunday. • _
August time, tells on the. nerves.
lint tont spiritless. 40 ambition feel-
ing 021,1:i -be falitrard quiPktrilite
by taking what is known t� druggists,
er_ywhere 113 Dr. -iiilhoop's Rester-
ative.--Within IS _hours _after begin-
ning to use the Ilestorative, improve;
meat will. bei noticed. Of course, fulI
health Will not immediately return.
And best of all, YOWwill rArk1i2e and
feel Your Strength and ambition as ft
le returning. Oatside influences
pre..3 first the "Weide nerves ' then
the feontacir,--heart and kidneys- will
usually fail. Strengthen these fail-
ing nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restor-
ative, and see how quickly health- will
be your gain. Sold by W. S. Itee4ey.
Zurich •
bridal Ivrea remora •
*the ,party proceeded.the dinin;-
room, where ax, somptuous wedding
dinner was ,,provi,41,,,,d by the host and
beaten. Tille felloWing„,morning the
bappr • e
SPAVIV 4044 affir their
naati..- where; tnest wilt rid3.
l'dia,a• Olivia, ."*Weitin, who is taking,
• course 1 n nursing in a "Windsor
llospitai riseetisiting•-,,avittbeiter eparent4
here for• few_weeks.
"he MisieeOlive and Flay, Venn, -0
14.11, whp have bean -visiting wit
friends here the pastw.eek returned
•to: ---their 'bow on 'Monday. '
Mr. 'and .eitrs„, a". Brown 'visited at
1.Tielaftnikl. on, Sunday. ,
itev, and Mrs. L. kr..*Eidt are visi-
ting. friend$ in lierito' and Lisbon.
DorteheY returned to
'Toronto .on,Fridos. *
Atz., and*'atts. Shaeffer and family
c.f. Parkhill, ' visited friends here on
Vir, and 'Sire. Charles ELIbtr and•
family -spent .Suridity with, friends in
t,*411=i-tookero lerlin,
vi,iting at --Oetetz • •_
Miss Lillie .Davie, of London,
visiting her Parente• -here.
0 .• it,fts.v days..
P. Arnft who has bean very
11 is _be •'Put atriin.
ArtIt. W. It. r,r.liott and daughter
qtatie/ ty.ent -a- few .. days leAt
-with friends in 1)etroit.
Miss ltuth Elliott, of St. Pauli who
has been visiting her uncle, Mr. -W.
*:verat week. leaves
Monday for her home, visiting .a
London ana Toronto eat -mite.. Mis
• alisses,••aV.'Ooti, •of,Lottelon,, rite'
visiting their aunta, the Misses Wil-
• .
Dalatite_O • our Lace Curtains
, • •• •
g4A"r=""Sr:45.41*,,trit4 ,
enin nth Dress Goods, Gingham, Fancy udin$
crate of. Glassware regular t.5e,„ and toc,
Hoye on hand and for Sale cliMit.P
Pino and *hemlock 1.•umber,__*_Shingle0; Lithe, Poeta, Sash, Doorto Frame*
ripor1.ngsd Siding. - •
We sell the celebrated- Pai*oid Roofing—Norio Better
AlI kindof Factory work done to order for Which our prices are reasonable*
atietto-handra largeritoiport order -of --WINDO-Wit13-tit •
which we will sell at very close prices.
-7:111irtiitrelirolder yo ay a c•s *7 g
The Dashwotid Ptaniug Mill Co. Limite
Greatest Live Stock Exhibit... on the tontines:4.,
- ' •actlia 0e -ration,
date at opening :Jetetnetsies on 'Tuesday, August, Witt
song 30r01011 on Snnday evening, n
titied-`2Sowing And 'reaping,' • lieee
lent music wrto banished by the choir
-finder the leadership of alias' Neil.
Miss Pearl -Dewitt, of Detroit, _is
visiting her CMISITI EileeIV-CAVgs
Tha „Lealies' Aid_ held their annual
picric at Epworth Park on Thurs.
inrieneed by those present.
An, interesting game of ball was
played on tile Recitation grounds on
Tuesday evening between the Pick-
ups and 'the- Stuck -ups. The sore re,t,
,suited` 84 in favor of the btter.
Our baseball team played their re-
turn game at Lueart on Thursday
with the 'score 64 in favor of the
home testing
Missea Iva and Vera _Esser). are
_ramping it tile Ilend. •
Lawson Were in London on Sunday to
bring home the latter's auto which
was left there for repairs.
A -ler mber-frefiv-here-ottwad
the funeral of Mr. IV Coughlin on
Tuesday forentiOn.
Many friends of Mr. James, mnna-
torry to learn that be bs been
r moved to Sunnyside. Prince Edward
tad. „alr,:*,,Tames 'darieg his atOr
hero has made Many warm friends;
and- on Monday _evening a number of
friends met in Dr. MeCtit'S'otfiee and
presented Vati• with a 'beautiful oig.'
net ring, which' goes to show the•high
esteem in whielt he wits held.
Mr. 11612.401 1151Yen* Sandal' at iti$
borne an. Wingliant. - •
'star t $ to Toronto
few-days-agorhy-belig,thrown-o -t4--ralig-42a-AxtlICCAPPSMt_M
a lIght • •
sed over her hip, and while no bones. • 'Mrs. 3% G. B. Butt returned to her
were broke!) it will be some weeks] home in Detroit after spending sev-
before -she able to get around. cral weeke. at Epworth -Park.-
- e
tenth year of '• publication. lira. home or J. I
-Zellex-IS to be tomplimeneed on the
n. 'week and is 'entitled to- the patronage
that is „due .him. - • .
Two rinks of our bowlers went to
.Dashwood an Wedriesda y,of last week
one 6U the rinks winning; while, the
other was defeated. -
.The Zurich baseball team addetrafl.
other reap to 'their already large.
list on 'Friday, when they went to
,Mintett and trimmed the league 'Wain
of that town.
Mr. 11. Drown, our genia.. p
tits eri is aving e
Lred 1)y at.new ateel,,retlf..;
. srisi Attutis. afirtifituto; Spent
few day; in town, the' gateat at -the
a few weeks. with -her mother Mrs.
Dav:d Stahl.. -
The Misses Tilly and,,Etratet
of London. are spending, a ,few daYs
rider .,the parental roof.
Urs. Braun iaf.teudLng dm
rat or Mrs. .1:4- riWb.,11tai..-oJ
• valerig.
• It. Either la vleiting her ei$
ft. Either. or Tbley,
c'ebb. of torirloo, sePendinV1
....holidaya_ the'. awed of Mr..
-,Stitse itieft.aip'ncflng
• _ _ _
th under the parentet roof.
Model C*p toria Cross, and Wrest!' Oft Horseback Com titiOna
ranteitmaironsliregeentimilArtill StO;.•
.• -
totorroatioisiatia J. 02 OAR, cftyUaII, Toronto.
live t,imes what it was hve years
, ago. 'We have planned for it in
lish wheel-wavarrforpepolerselling,and
eying to our custoiners all iqerinediate pro-
byfilling orders direct by mail instead of
tliro!igli agents, in th_i_s_wayave_can oiler
• itittitset.
•50*I3 ,Innitml.
1/1000aritasti wrnsk
' e oticstrritirs,
41,4frPoo7smot t*Nei fit
-tofiaits' 0
xeravd-,,,TheeThritiitiat eve
in: (hiring tlie severe-thuntler. storm
itiisse4 "01/0 1II4 S0AtionLthp
_barn _Ite;onging., to Iiii0-11:riikenitiireilt
on. iI, IS: nth. (concession' W as struck
by ,:!alitning, setting fire to the hay
thatf %los stored thevio. Tortanutet,1
it AN AA aiten.by Mr. Broke -titbit% 4ltie
tun • undo:though nearly blinded and
suffocated its fought the fire •-trwl
til 'it %Ili; Ott Oat. The ladieli did
we..f tarrying- water and not ,going
into a tianit IS-generitly the -case
on I2dI neettettne. Abotit twenty' Of
nelftlxbers hurtled to ,nesist, but
tb fin' tr$L4 4IttetictiVd 'beforti sonic •(?
- tom: twitlit-get--thev. The', burnlt rnatit- darittgctd; ,
0 -anfirt:y* dirnigciI t;tylir.wpe!toterrytriontl
at' 'rite, barnand tontents fur*.
tateared in the Ital. 'Iktuttiel.
and givOctter satisfaction -ell round. 'rim quality ofthevLsLs41-right -
'only the best materials used and only skilled mechanics *ettiployetila •
-,--batistructian.----Tint.-tectutpraentI rillia.J.itti.to-da-auti the Machines.:
.111..... I WRY.
' biles as well as bi eies` and. out plan i ito Make wheels s00,0 as a g464
•4dvettisenient to thoantire business. Send Coil' illustrated folder. - •
BRO$., Limited
HJg!i.Cksw liutoAtolfi.is and eitycles
r)fttorp, :car
Nirs. .1%**A. .
a, hits htert- Ste Mt. Ckmens for st'v
rat' weeks. is *Jet
tho., fltizIpitt# ;
ilerttrite Tarnbui
i.ji. d iiier'-tousra
iret of the '
•Matthi-of. jondb!1
tin uudt-r paten
T. Patti
arid W. 1610.ftugb.
opent a 'It tot slays
ilichtsrdaorto of Lon-
days with Mr. irkf
aispr nd V Fink.
ywith rtlatives
ri,„ ofIfot
ty$ with
4 4 4
day, 1 tad, Mr, ElIz& Blrtckwe
1'401 Ofthe late lluh ne
other of Or. flobert
warcien f the &duty
.pitisett. her efgbtelth Ye
11:1114-t 44101.0.
the 41041
rtom *n att.*
at siriln upon you vksIIty,and unlesSyot*
Idea *11 manner of 11 overtake you. V" HIN
itcst 0? Tonles ind should be taken by every onc at this se
e year PSYCHINB uslitstee juice* attitlerttien
0000 to e o
*ch, and h*s au JnVlEotating d bettellel
e , 0 f tho St�iacb,Ulceratfon or.Weak
?SYCHINI3 3s stron1y advIublC.
* *Auer i
ith her' 11