HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-05, Page 4an nU-ro theleb
t to Unitbinge
,Robsertsorl, of Atibarne
leader 404 ;Assisted
,1,1i0O3 „work* rhYSleal
yttinge eltbt_ Wes
x I 'WYO.,
11 property 'and b
.;h1Jbnces3ioD of the
of iJborne1 now ExeterT
thc aid 3zim i. ward.
JUREAS it is advsabIe to
11cuc £ald
PenStrapt and maintain's dam end
pumping station :Omen and to vt.
oyitOr or gtanrJ,pIpo in
ul able location
ad Mping station and tnnd DIPe
nnd along Atain•-fltnet 'said
.. ;Village and to otherwirwe
nintain and operate Pala orse
AD W.11E11E,NS it has been esti,
znated 411.0 it will require the SUM
ofg fi22000,09 topurchase tAld pro-,
4,rect 'said dare,' ,puraping sta..
kr atour vrwax01to Iny aid
Maino and qUipsaid water
• 41-47:plinese liftlfe--14147.00
on, of the Villageot Eietert00
oW•ttport the credit of the said Mune
Ipality -the seenn ot 61204011
oreaid jt..wilI..b-nece.sEnry..tQ.i5:
" *Pale
�t the VitLagc
.id uni of $22009.00 and 4ntereat
hereinafter proviZod *blob is the
aunt of the debt intended to be
ioxeated by this aly-Yeaw. the proeeeds
• the said debentures to be, applied
In the 43(rMi5itiOZI of said lands, the
oreetion of said dam, pumping sta.'.
on- and. Stand. pipe and the laying
Said water mains and the equip;
ment of naid system and for no other
Tesateig there°
1 That the vote 4 tit the Electord
ctt-the rut.id Villagc ctc'r:entiti
D w lee
be fornoon and c6nthwingout
rive o'clock' in the f er000n of the
Otur40 day at the foflowing 1„plades
selthin the .rialdlt
tho, fol/e1? al:nte
sub-diviei No. at SO-
andfor0 Residence. ,E4. Treble
• .0. Rerbert ' orcl'r
rolling Sub -division No. 2, virtokege,
%orbit:, Shop, Mein Street, W.
1).t:B.0, Jakne5 Weekett
Werke' polling Sub ivision
. Vesle,a Itesidente, Main Stree.tt
0. Mere, D. E. Q A1ex, tledDyere
Poll'Clerk; Volling ub-diViiion No.
Town nail. /11. E Ruston, 0:4,
0., It. N. 'Taylor, L
thejerotip , hitt .‘
etite-Senting Exeter*, Settforth
Zurieh, Auburn and Clinton, Every
bCrrliraS 104the VAMP piit 4olog all
he could to helP..eve0.03-011-0.14:boin
eeable ' '1 :In heotjse
e_ •
of August -190 at .E even,..o."Slock
be. forenoon, fillo,11 the day .ani/
the Vlerleis office -in the Town' Hall
the Village of---,Eato r -shall bertha
piavt- -11 -shallelettend-
' 'tttnt-at-
A-rtlialnudioulami up-otzt-b0-11vates
Jay the Clerk On bebaif or 'persons ln-
terested in promOtingr opposing -the
this By -Law respeeti ly.
1. That the Clerk i f the, Corpora-
tion .• of the -said Vi lege of Exeter
shall attend at his of ice in the said
Village* -of 'Exeter at Tivelve o'clock'
noon 021 Saturday the 21.at• daY . OC
August; 1099, to pm tp tbci number
of votes given for a d against 018
platy- "- •
'the Principal of the said debt:
Opalable by, annual tustalments dur..
,ug the perkedof twenty years next
after the 'issue of the debentures
• therefor, 'ouch instalment s of princi-
pal' to be of tsuch amounts that the
; aggregate ' amount ,peyithie for pritt.;•
interOt in any year shall
be ..equal as nearly 44 may, he to
at ispayable for principal' and bee
ore,st auxin each of the other years,
. 'AO CWITERRAS It will be 'nevem-
ry to raise annually for the period
f twenty -years during. Abe currency
ssued here-
by. a especial rate sufficient
tlicrefor on. all the rateable proper-
ty within the -ranniel-Pallty the sum-
af ' ,rh34 tor the paying the se,-
t hereon at the rate of fiTe pr
cent per annum, •
INTEEREAS the amount of the
wbole rateable „property of the eald
nage r*Xeter -according -,to -the
• as ev 5.
714 e let -of the -sa; age ex.
elusive of local, itopent deben.
tiiiTtat veettred-by special4assess
nts 'therefor *mounts to the sum
oZ $12,80L2-1 and no part Of the prin-
olpal or lbereoljeletrri
• Therefor e the Municipal Council of
Village of Exeter enacts tta
• wrurliir-tre-ItTeve"
OZ the rai1 Village t1f Exeter to .bor-
Owtyr on the zeredit of the said CorPor-
eStiOn of -the Village of Exeter the
entra of 82:4000,00 for he purposes
reinbefore set forth 4(40 for that
1)010 to issue debentures oZ the
id municipality, 40, the amount- of
2.0DOU in slawof not lees than
100 each and emelt debentures shall
utued by the Roxirei.ot thp said
u tersigned4y,the-trelisorer-tor-
Tho 'above" iia true tify-ortlikilitoz,
Posed '13y-Lawwhich as been -taken
into consideration and which,. will be
finally passed by the ouncir of the
Corporation of the V nage of Hue
ter in the event of, th assent of the
electors being obtain thereto after
ontle-frometh • t-publiett •
R $
in the Exeter Winies'.. 41 Exeter Ad -
Vacate newspapers; ch first pub-
• •
1909, and at- thehour, day and Places
therein fixed for -taking Abe votes
of the Electors a Poll; will be held,
• lugder-ooritaad-by4aust
to vote on the proposed By -Law shall
at least ten days next preceding the.
day of Polling file In the offioe 'of
the Clerk Of the Afanicipi_elity_alita
*-Direttratrairiliattrig- that hLs
asLee meets the requirements 'ber_laW
entitling him to vote on such By -Law
and the names of Leaseholders ne-
glecting to file such a Declaration
shall 110t4, bo. plaCed.. on the -Voters'
11O lives Of t e boys tbroughouttbn
'coming Yearaind wbicb we ArP6., will
be renewed -elle iathc
P.4)410, - oCcasip,
g.bui1d1n up o1 astrong, clean
body nncF11*-40-rel0lintetir -91'7
Cbri,tian character. A Sible.readiag
atrcla was formed 0f all who Were
(here, to read daily: at 0,30 p,„ m. a'
L)otion Of .004's- word Sintititaoeously.
at on inspiring thought for. each
one, '4, know that -when he sits down
to read at this hour daily, the net of
ltisecamp icetrepanionsureeitting doWn-
at the same titne for et tbeteeseine 'pure
• bsent -480-another*, -but.
itt-t 'AV
the etinunittee tAirfitO all the •o
io camp they will beoble to accom-
modate, Let us all help this thing
▪ -
Staoszti sr r Witta OA SA• ,
$$ and undo ..'...e.......e...... vet* . e.
Over $5. aod stot.execeditia..$10, ****.* 0 -,.,cents ,
..° $10 ' . °" . ° r._ .00 M.*$4' 41' 1-0 cent*
#.1 $W ., “ . " , 100 '‘.1.!**-it.e.'0.0: 1.54043ta -
. . .. .. . .
-These. Orders are payable at Per at *Very °Mee Of a C.haetered. Sink in Can
-(ex-c° tin tile Vulion)ana.otl-b0101014b$014 -POintaia-tha,Unitid,States.,T
are negotiable at $4.90 to the 4. sterling In,:, 0101* ritain and Ireland.
. ,. .
y...:1•oveeee eXcellentethee14.' * • g:
tram( /Aida $., '
Zet70-t.';::0-x;1 �W'Harrison, Manager'77
.,Branoh otoo at r
'Many Reopte-Ilere-Plan-to7See-Dar.
num and Salley at London.
Exeter will be wcll represented eat!
London, on Tuesday, - August 10th;
when the 1,14ernum greatest
show on earth exhibits thereon that
date, •for a .great many of our .eltizent
have already exposed themselves as
baying made up *their minds at at-
tend. A: glance at the list of won-
wcU as
number: of novelties to. be 'sger, has
finally been rfistebed. Vain= .
Bailey present tlxis year under their
city 14 acres of tents more things new
than have been offered by. .all other
shows in years. "Jupitere the 'balloon.
fl-lre-H" no
alien ecal .black otallions, the
uxusical elephants, celebrated if.onyot
troupe of equestrians, seven. troupes
of foreign acrobats, four 'troupes of
aerialists and hundreds of other
aren't novelties all go to complete a
eirqtA,..p,erforpappee t, IlL„.m,neyAr
•een-- equalled. ThY. big menagerie
has been augmented by the addition
of many new strange beasts and if
larger than all the_zoolegemi freedom-firscountry -eombined. - The -street-
' parade eo gorgeous and so tremendous
in etre, beggars description and in
all is a lair nadei'to the wonderful..
performances that follow.
Mr. Wellington: McTaggart, rell
estate agent of Toronto,was in the
village- during *he past ---reek accom..
Denied by bis yogi* eon,visiting his
sieter, 'ivIra. Hattie • 'McDonald.
ate 'relieved --
Sept. 10.18
irbe mum= ent of iThee 'Western
Vair, _London, tilt., are lenttiate forth
extra efforts his year to make the.
'Exhibition ro re popular than ever
in -air iti-d JP -Orel -It Vatic ei,`-b,t1I to
none of the are they -giving more
attention than to the , Live (Stack
Department. lartte amount Of
1413110Y has been added. to the Prize
In. the --Horse classes_ save _ref
changes have been made sections
are added in .the Itoailster claSi for
"farmers . only -;:'! other_sectiuns the
11141 for, Ttinderna ' and
‘.11,uurntrthanci-, while LA, 0011 events
eteveraT - hundred- dollars- here- been
a , e purses.
In The !Cattle t 500 tas, been added
lo_z_theL,--Alkoitharn ViasseeelOne,,,,z and-
sabstantial inereasee to the other
eatesiis$7.-Ineregses have been _ made
in tlie Sheele' eassel and ono new
c:ass added in tic!. S‘virge. A third
prize in cash has beeri en-
tire Poultry list besides a fine lot of
Speclale. The Agricultural and, rtult
Do,partur,4nts have ben carefully re.
vised and added eto •whoeg It was
11 9 ei d specialnititit'tho
(I 1.0-1 a .(1,1
.z, arty' fornis a ti
atitilt the Secretary, A. M
I Lonclono t/txtarto, *
1)oin!t, .drug-tbe.,Stoniach,_or_atimu.,
the lteart ;That 18
wrang. It 13 the even* nerves that
ere ening out for leelp,•
those weak inside -yontrolling nerves
Dr. 'Sheogi'S llestorative. and
toe hew' ,qttieltZy good he Ith- 1411
talne litSt and se41
Lby. .
Miss Wailes ,T.Trquhart returned
home last week from a pleasant Visit
in, Muskoka,
Mrs. ,Purson, of London, is visiting
her•*sister, AtrS• 41108.- iSi/APSO,11.•
• ',Ntr,S.ONO,. iiace 4s, the 'guest at lArm..
Thomas neraphille . •
Mrs, V. 'C. AleDenell tend feMily
left last week. for Detroit to spend
&eters. •
Mrs,. L. 11. .Dleksan. Exeter, ac.
companted by her sister and (laughter
rtheimatisrn. from the . bloo
with Dr." Shoopla 'Rheumatic ileme4Y.,
Tablet Or Liquid. Seld 3v, 49.
Doweee -•
-Vent! o
Iraduate ,of. Toronto, lintireraiti.
Dickson /Iv Carling'.
viOfficesin Dr. Anderson's former
•ental pokers
oitinoi":"Ar g.raduNthjohopf teStao.' unto
ntal, Surgeon
rn A unTnukw RAILWAY
1111A111.1 1 111.311171 SYSTEM'
. 'he match .games between • rinks
chosen tife-Vre -11wet
and Vice -Pres. tWe W.. Woman, of
the Exeter Bowling club, were play.
ed off last FridaY evening, resulting
in, a 'victory for the Irict.Vre0.4 /11i
ten shots' up. The following...LAD
Lunt in the games
Pres. VIce.Pree,
T.' Acheson C, Lioderfield
their relatives,
Miss Emma Johnston is in Wood-
stock _eisiting_eter----brother-luelawe.
Xi- J. Ile Shut, who is -quite serious
4\Ve are pleased to see -Mr, Wm.
Bengough, who was so veryserionsly
ill, able te be ort . our stredts again.
4 tor, L4,04Y3 •rire in Oil Sprin
4gster Mrs. --AV K
is;oing on in
'""'tAirrifirp. as
pr ..otj • •
Amid thi downpour 'Ot rain- on Vit.
day last, a terrific yell of greeting
from the corner of 'futon and Main
• treets-irom-sixtgerk attnrig-throatt
onouneed the return of the boys
from the , Y. AL C. A. camp at Iron
Springs, at which every boy bad -the,'
time of his life.
Though it 'would be. difficult/to im-
.-agine mote disameable day -of
,break 'Camp, and although the boys,
4a4 the 30 -mile return trip in a
pouring rain, they worty nit iirthe
77,TikiAt .i t' and in thi:--"pInk
P icaletthditiete•-‘ after -their eten
or brat' n ntd
boys were kept so busy every
.hiciog t.ho. said 'Corpostion and daynIs
, doting camp at gyntties,' oWOrte 0e41 ..-ItatsbatL, --baltting'-eratimmen
0 -wicbajhr-ltw 4Citl ratoping, Bible" etude*, camp -fire pro.
4110 bt4og- or said Por t
;---grams, .eteiton4 everybodyentered in
reby authorized, and directed to
oftsad debenturci- q the r..pirit .of every activity so
ac -44 to eachiv:eitcant13' and heartily, that nobody
Tho aid deb.-...ntures shall he dat!" had time . to be lonesoine or time
ed n the date of the, isetlo thereof,. tor anytitinI but downri,ght. cztjoy.
end all hear irttereet at- the tate, latent. - the buys 'had aearceiY tittle to
ptsr tent. per annuM from Abe I write a pot Yard home,, The d'ays
life 'Of, tfie lOtt.erthpor 41141_ ftwiftly by. node- the pleasura
• Vnteeoet year4y40-u,e, -itt t,
th,,e month OA W)41611said! Murray, Jackson of .vel'iititon demone
• delicatitie.A are .11410i .na hcithe at:valet. his 'Skill in -the ,,eititairy• -
we:irttl and •interest the .0 -aid, ,d`Po t to . the- satisfaction_end dee ifIth t o
benture *hall- payable in Manual eve,rybody in,eartitIT Ilis 8petiat8 wcrc
temente ivitbirt twenty rears '11'0101:tea. b!eruite.pancakes, cheery pi',
the idoits-Tot"titt-issittliereof-, auebittur ,Hro-avito oup whch t times
• at1m-pat5to-b!- oUsneh-anionnta-thaitl: brourtht- -tout+OE. .frarri
,Agiktegate amount payablo for tiO. boys ..tor ..thg took. liturrity tone
prnripal and:interest in any year Dtributo4 a great dei11 towtird tho sue.i
leeI.!' uai,nparly reaY be e:ss: and pltetsurce of o6... of tio corn "iti
• , •
at is, piyabe for prant pa an town lottur1).4 -v1z. , eatiotid,
i4tereat duriag tnelt, ether ' shonols_L'Een thole breve -.Let 1
1.411,4•period of twentyyers. P. If, Phatto of Clintonol,un5 3
ittarttl Oct tOrtbs:. • malt valt45hIck aIitaigitiOn to • tir
debnturrii taPre,thalt be taikdtic,,a Of fent ,:Piritdt and, 1111
snaall? by it 14113.14ad ..00.#11 tbt.rate,',dirceteft, 41,5S,Itcti thl
i'Corporation, - !Ott' rK.,i”'e.^,Attiv
'Canto to the moulding eheluesate
tallect-Strk-etteittV-for carrsing--vir
work and has a good force of men.
We hope to be `able to report a neW
th-e4liac -
-or 'tile portion recently deseroyed by
n. Snell Mtn. Taylor
IV. Levett W. W.. Tetnsin •
Skip j8 •Skip X8
Ge Anderson. Mr, arrzion
N. -Dyer Revlon Christie ,
- 'Dickson'
Skip „1.3 •Skip 27
Gould W. Mai
Mob J. G. Stannury
los. Davis
Homan Woo Illatchford
Skip IS Skip. 1
firaditatelrlOtorla 110
tin'intztAgice.. and'reAleaenes; Domielea
30111,01111103DIEOtOro, ,
• lAgiliOchiti'410.0ner 110001..
thi, 114. and
*04 Honor Oradditte:Toronto
0441 Alexandra Ott. Offide
salmi residence, Dr,. Amos` old stand
Andre* §treet, 10.1Feter#' ' --
• ask ttpoSe rarsaier vensigeOteSoctiste' t
"1"."In4671.14:11rStill PetitLING.
• , . ex**.
now in
• .A.WICA,
• :
an Veal ha Lakes, et
O• A TT 10
00:7'1 r tee steefin
urn UMW Oct,.. 13.1
- Full ation
UOIDCK61.4 rUnIou
Depot, 'Toronto, -Khit.
t In the „12 mile race it Toronto Sate
• eereitte.t--alght-Alfie Shrubbe thcPngt,
' lih&iuner bad nti" -difficulty -In de.
eating. Longboat, -The -latter -quit
after the eleventh mile.. Ps looks as
thougheethe4ndiatt were -all in •a.
a r lag Ca •
oic• irced"In zu tutt
tes with one of Dr. Shoop' Pink 114.10
Trib:ets. The fermula Is on the 25
cent bor. Ask your Doctor or Drug!
gLsi about this lorartilal Stops Worn,
_only paine„.:heaelacheit exid'PainEan
where. Write Shoop, Itaeine,
for free trial; lo Praire value of his
lieadaete. or Pink Pule Tablets, $614
r.e. S. noivor.
ast* year at Eislertbt IIOB ritle,
eervIce r eo • e
, tcI th• e ivte4antlintimphih.40tglt seprotkietifl rA
repeated. There are a. few disgrunt-
led people who, with very' 1ittle-4;11o*,
ledge of the gublect, denounce the
Ross rt -and In the 'faee
higheSt scores Ili the world Itgre!totgre To •Lyilla okbals
etab1e Compomut:____._
mane. was troubled
long Ume Wltb. paInzlnmy but_
sfcle,and was in retie In eyery doctored
by this rifle at every shoot. Anat;
‘_11.1„,_ (tette, t4e1 mute_ to- haw
pear that the titres used at DisleY
were especially , made forthe use' of g
hose Oen them. T • Is I ' I
tory was first eirou'hated by the Ot.
tawa Citinnt :With nb, sped
cle- Darden and the 110,g -it
tor .ha ve /emphatically stated' , ba
the -74'm- usod at 111116Y-Iiiiihe *ante
_rite buttiett .-ia-the-foroese- Yet -theta'
are those, led by the 'Ottawa titkzeo,
who sit at a desk nod talk learnedly,
of, things which too only be known to
those tietue go out with a rifle and
face th trtrgt'L. Th Rofi-if1e_adop,.
tca by th.,1Canndins Otiverreinent
the tAlt sanill ornfltr tilt, *604, tot;
day: This i heettfitildri of, ,the -:-Etter.
corrtspooftent in th II
peaking Of th ritte,!
• -1:04-34 ..tottizt soilt1. tleave.'
Mob. Vreiii?
Ottawa Vitt
PST EIL,1410t
stavoyancOr Accootitt Collected
/titt-Wesian StleitievisteK
Notts wattages/ Ter
Officealtaize Street, gieter
ri Vistptitits tifihrd-opitia:
been directly- triteed to the: Stomach
r Whoa these "inside .nerires"
must nrely result. Stor thts,. art
pre.ecriptiou ktown. na.- Dr. Shoop'e
Restorative. Viret* these litlY inside
Stomach, Ifeatt, and.
tall. :Then gas belOhing, Ifeart p31.
PitatiOn - or, , 'kidneys folio*.
Don't drug the Eltotuath, or, 'stint*.
late the Heart or,Xitloeys That is
• Cilit,;71ttrenitthin'tiretei,ArtirfrOV
611 'with Ora kth0016 attitotatiltd4
14 the Oertits OAtiktlitthat
re tailing fo?.'lielp. NV101'148' botcre
aftir.itartiog tU, itelstoratile treat.
tcst It tell.' -Sold- iri',-INtir''SL; Hower.
et 1-ttliniittf- or /MY Male ovsr
Yeltre oild, Mat hotnestead a qua
• aeotoni eof avallableilittainbe
.'llfinFloliffi-Sitikatche,Wait, or
The applieeent tout- appear in Par
at 'the Don:anion Land!, Alano/1..
proxy .taaY be had at the. *gently,
PertaIri., conditions. 'fiktberk motljji
tont, daughter "brother, Or Ulster.
Intending hotriessteseler.
el:Outlet 'eeesix' tooritbs residinoe u.
atid'oaltivation- Of the land
of tbree„(yeare. .'A hornestealle
IIve-within nine 'mile* of ;101_ bome
a Ole * tarts of at haat 00-1*
ownediv '0 " Itito ,amt
hi* father,
brother o mister,
in good standing rney 'kire..etra
lizioo 3. per
Mustresido;,aix taco]
learit'-froor date ot huest,ad.
tincOudirig the litne regultiel to
borne/toad patent) 'and. , Oelti*
fifty, acres extra.
A: 110001004er *oho bu exbauat.j
bliehateeSteed- rigirteelimle
tan it Pre-emption nay take '
-Chased. hinatatettitin....errtain, djatrIoCir
Prio. 13. per *cps. Dutiefolliooll „-
months lo, cosh ol Orail
1r. 4.1tiviite tjtt arts 0,04,-ersot:
. ,
I 0 r 13
rrorn "ny.s..7vtloct,,Ttrots *1 */ to
thc, orld bi pr1dnc
S , 'c Vitie ,carrrs
,crn1tat.!, -of
an'1 '0/ne,,,,
A i'''. c
,nell ,4,.„ rib*,