HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-05, Page 2rt, = " • • • • •• • •,"0 , ko• r .1140•1101614°.1.146... •••••••,•••4•3,eriaacaretaa:,:ireiarraapaaftrogiafir."•#"" , ',' • ,• • • , • 4:•••• 4 ,4(3 c••• .• • • • e, t 14. frat.6--/-X01;i1'.t. 91tg hintetelly toed r 0 tatles.\\. T tro4S ih 1,nde mount. ' ed artilleirawl the de ences of thee rebels h*ve, been raked with shot. r. • u "•-t";- '3raan" catan ii nesday_and iiimed c y , AO* iitownsim of nutonal.Agoare *nte'throughont -Oiders, :,:provinres,•to.-e.rtmh-t-14.*.`„r4VA"- " lution at 1411$ 004tt1 thout twand witivalttrtdtr.-- - An axact estimate , el the dead and Wouuded in the elastics bc- *woo thn troops and - rebels in Cataloniai possible *Wing to the vigid eensorohili., The'eavorn* inent -admits, however,' that riot- -- - hue. beep- ilied ita-svound •• • , to- and ' toWns, art- "00 ' • 1,* • • 4, • • •r 6 $ • ; o , 443 ?7•trer., ' nbu ••• IV; 34. 11 lit*pr�clam&Liofl h1' ,‘ 'city that uo Iif andfwarning . eitize. ta vOmialll undercover 'US! avoid the Salo of the troops. The letest reverts from Bar titalltow the eondttko inarOa'singlY grave. "The riotei avo ...attaelted the eonvent of the ed. he riotousdisor ert whet the mobs assaulted and the' Iii-Fis'e4,7-wevetat-Torthe religioins-es-r• .0111.10balontttelol1ewing. their at- tack by .a fustlade on 014;1'0444o. enerat-enet-his, eseort. - - • New disorders are now, reported from two other interior point, time far tranquil: Tile new points diorder ere Allot and Rioja.• This sitowe that the, zone -of .popu- lor agitation, is 'spreading beyon the turbulent Oatalouians. 401-1 is ogee in.: the Valencittns. The Min. .V.- • -41P , or. ' • o • #41'4,, • "-11,.• o , ;-# • 4 • • .00 ; ',• • "' ru , Wheal O dd • acks outiid 'fur. exp Torott tt. • 77,), • 4.erninent -It*ts grent 'of' 421:44.00 ntal Exhibition. - r TO„tt 1 .1` ; • # , . to* .45.7,5: And ' stro ri! $$,00 ou\ !Toronto. nit wht atiid 4N ort11. 7 " r 0. nts.riowhoa $1.9 i $ 70 att/ icliSturb Ileei -outbreaks,- hit he inis obits are either:mean, ublie the deta.ils of the disolders . r leekio eteh---;---The m the VItienciart 2.--r re , .... , ,•--tianiOn, a 'it*-generlit'Ittrikeir • ,,,,,,, '. • deciered-on asdnesclaje•at-Bisetera,..- . At these pistees • there has been .„.. ...„ ..... , . Innett destruction of property, in- ...., . eluding bridgee end' publie build- •, .., lags; • ..........,...._ „.• The Ceetre of the, rebellion is- -- -: .--.41-1V,„ '-wItietv-plitett - - •rn.-- ernment is "ru-sliing -eXtra. troops,' • both• infantrys and nava 'marines. --------- - -elespetelt-of -Vieduesday-morniug • 444-43,33,1444,34. • .. . .te8 here* Y the troop, • .e all 201 vatowilt-orefe , g -recruitedtor Militaq &orr- ice; The (Met indignation of the peoples 4irect4 against the Gov- ernment's polity • of •raPidly re- cruiting 4% large army to tope, wrt grave tondition eonfronting •''."!--ain in. Vorteeo. ' -' - - ,. The inhelaitt/nts of .•Oulera, a. Malt 6tation Of the P'45rt.110u line, areaddened•by the sight of A p *tail: ). „•• •en ki1�mere. • STORY OP * CLAntliftrANT. WIFEAT TRA,INs wiwtt s'unOtn was *ordered - Lake lifottford.. •, A lies atel from, %entreat says : , oft o vol'a t her on was murder •end it body sunk in Lake Mont. cf• - ford, Mrs/ Viantis.rournier sent a _ tReer on -Wednesday to .aeareluthe. . -.bottom of the lake. •Impreesed . with her 'faith, wia in line with tkeir own suspicions, two .rovinetal deteetivei went with the • diver in a further effort to unravel • this ten mystery of the Mountains; Last November EranCio Fournier, * was rkiit UK contrae.. _ re - n e on n• •• 8, L5 flCVCT sten s Over. N-40 1toad From. NlYinnipeg •\*-•Like'StiPerlors A. despatch front Ottawa " says: isidoners report that the it • 1".. peg.to.L88ke.Sup crier -section of tie read will be ready to lease to the • and _Trunk. ,Pacifte -early- in-& lember, thus enabling the company to earrY at least a. portietre.of this year's •trop handled on its main line •west of Winnipeg through to 'Fort "William. It is, however, doubtful .4if the" road from Wioni- peg to Superior .3"unction will be in • loll to .tbe ; ; or • it • . Afr. ileoisoainT.Price.,, et Battle - ;to_ ,----4,11,33044-4P404, 'itte74,--10'.-faratOriVatia by the 4aeiiith the late, r ,Perley';. -Alternetis."01, propesals' 4en1;• ' memorate,dite`, .huodr4-4years- o ,peace filetweett , Canada aajd. „the ,-C"raited -States are te-htitd-a.,:r4ili.'` • tary peeeaut aod eret 'national bridge. . • • • „ MiG4nUer4a4" 'Belattarera,.:04. 30 •teat Britain. . has • ivoted over, witeltoic,A,.. favor ot a national 'e. • - • • • realist° war or- - o tT4lesti*ei-Terre't-Tent-ther in •front of Pertsmooth her- ent-ered 'the ,itt aii- tity • ••"••• r , ' Iry sr" 4 r#741,' „rontoi. end et -Aside.' tern OenadLaa PlOrts. • Peai---Priees p4relly remittal. , 1)110,i,.whezte—iltrices, purely nonain. Corrt4..-1,1*. ,..Amerieau Y011ows on rack,, Toronto- -Canadian 1.0 7110 -.traek, TOront. ,„ 4149 114 eetti 4reigh Toronto-- freights. • y kito1yuot;— „2 •,i • 2.4„- r" *oh Rouse *f .Commons, • ubert Latham made an attempt to cress the English •OliOnt.1 in his aeroplane,. ut p unge auto tbc mar two miles from •Dover. . UNITED tTATES." . A suicide club is believed to ex- ist Among disheartened faetory ont. • pioyees at Olevelevi. • •••,, wor Ohio. • Ifarry Q. Phillan, reSident of the National Baseball League, at- tempted to eommit suicide in Iw rk-oal--"-Wed Masistehusetts'nu1ztkz tlarptain made •sisty.two consec * 11 ,ta s Wakefield,' GENERAL. I0 .1 .near esky*, _ • , • , "r1333 1%11 3 ushel. ' • Ilay-s-NO. 1, timothy, $13 to Sg4 a ton. 'en track here, and iowOr grades tt0 to $10.50. - • Straw ---$7 $7.110 on traelt. • Potatoes -United •States now, $3 pek barrel; new 'Canadian $1.20 to $1.25 per butgiel. Poultry -- Chickens, ssed, 12 to 13e per ib; fowl, 1r, , . ,ro , ••,- o ,, , kx '' , . , i . . .... ,.., ..•!•‘.. e 41 • '" .r • • , v. .3: Ire - 8' , „.14, „'•00 "req,WV;'-Ve'rfht"21PStr • r - • ••• $0,f :13 ' , •::1r WAS , -434•34134444433!,•4444. ' • , • • • 0, • • reel girt a . • . eW U4 bu ii t, ign•sni'iners an uslness ' wero were r ;elis 4- " " s fa tthreatened with instent death *1:„.7 (slpieots o letters, no empt • sitaTwe" c°111 1 • the Black ITand unless- thy pad was readeilly Ilan,c1 gal,ar°:14111ty tu $2.00*,v,ecit. In' the itnltteatin oithe,morteytnwes destekodoi lollopheld .,--,47-„Inc--e-ting on Jz� •o seeretdraWere Iteirt•• being, .alongsxde Atte.. oyLatternOon.and diseusi,e nsititn rear of the Itoutan Oatheiie.churelt. , ; !s4f. •thCSC e'rP"v' •COrne,K* lut , • r aillS(110 nj$htr _ . $nOtit. -1,1y shikatee act up a er3,7 fired:ahot to scare her away We "went over and toned the lea era's skin too badly mutilated to be'of antyalue. The gait was pert, ea that .night with curry and rice.—Captain Fritz Duquosne, in' , • ":"• CO• W'S. 1.114AN1 BATTLE -VOt 1T..8 I, 1 '4 66 ; •I ; r •I •was hunting one„ -t1014, strike -re raf vex& rm.. -74 brolt-the • • • . TUE D44111 T : at vveldti and;late:r bkle) till the liar!: came to '41 k A $0,0114:1 Sw0 later .the broad omit of a buffalo bull ahowett sth,te4)07hydithhe 4/e:Leos., a.Tutely11-6,011,t;Att.mtoe baill4snttetthBerigtreeteedvelmhietrtl °calm)" teeh000zataers.tavra,Antticzonkno. otttudoilm• ,tililYataharnolvittrbards4ceeedthe elaatitnerA„thiliettt. ler antelopes. "lag ti;t0-.140r,Pie.r Plt a irmtter of coot - All at onee, like an arrow from °Imknowleo$0. gls sailers dm- f a bim Orsall#1.1Y,LatrearljtiallY en& A. ' well d d ma:ie xpeeted or r eais ago t, wife et a ,Kentih laborer was I$reaking up an'•••40141 chest of drawers,. *Ion 40' idiseo- erd 4 secret eeinpartinent near ;,0', -f,lled with: gold coins of the eigos ot Wifliani itt and GeOrge 'eli.tot *bpi, been pnre1:4$ed. 1 .„ 7 :E0W-A-TENT-0==.0137'-'7- Pravians, "4. t this, little -44)r Pr 4.14fra7-• Y-70.gr .-. on. - "et.'•*-- ores! i4=331.431 , t 6 lier IV,* • "of* "Strange . *ante -It: all probahility-the draw.. r tow -several -4-imett • the', love"of hi Thad very • much (mit „feat' than e „that of commandttig their ob. ettee- r1b1-4 hove, • s •*t Sl!e,-fe * Butte Pound prints 10' to 2 tubs an large rolls, la to 1.0e ; in ior, Ito 160 ,ereatnerit, 20 to ati separator, 10 to.2Oe 'per .;•••.• r wikt startipeile..All ran but the. hut. falpicew,, the mother -of the 'calf - Whew the calf was Fitruck it fell ei- ther dee& or tinconseious, an the arlieg, leopard stood over its prey st-044e. ktts, ,t.o, pe dOzen. 1.• ; or YR • TheoLth •aritt,'Ittirt "6:moratitler fro rostrate young.' „. fi'ght cowmen e 7," 0. • ••• , r ter $ — I - ;;k0raad2i aidcopts-reletin roam* .Pottery Vit'PeitS A: • nd,1008.. There are twe hue- dred and forty guinees in a wooden "• box in a hole; Under the OreP10.00 in the garret. There, ate four .dr.0.4.nd Aft#,Ylnore l'-041Ver receptacles 'under, the firepTtiee - the 44 liboratory... door of the little parlor th with hie lost sigrtal. AEn.ik70, land expeeto eve y 1044 to. 4*bs uty,!.' they repeated eontenaptu. euely to.orte .another. ' t! Whaskie • os e.p1a. imunder „ thirtk ain't o rt, to do itl" 4. t .4 r „ • r ° th ils;.:tilteaP; *I* t Int; day' T fb"be ni y a ott- 4ihne kt' chi. irt het t ko iro It. all, ten Or a linzerk 4:1-0 I -.es are naiued, and tile •0300 $ . . e for twinsi. m •earn ni kko iky his officers and his went ., w varir •—e ous, • irra ,B4.1HE LEOPARD • .had no °46. a * ngle cuethrough. $11ED T , •out the fleet.. The slime remark HOG PII,ODUCTS. The leoyIrcl spring' to its. feet aP i` too, to the niihapPY.* ix persons. ost ores 3,:tt 4), gsalitieal riots in Mexico_en, gun. day. A Plot tei restore Castro as die- • tstor ea Venezuela tuts been un- earthed at Cameos., • thousand workors tin the „ er and textile industries of . — • Long' -clear, 13% to- 14e an It; .Arrali.nV r-drohowe • • - 6 ; ; 13 per Ib, in case lots; mess pork, f the cow. With ft- the giof a murdered, at the `instance of his f.423 to ..$20.40; 'shert tut, $2s.t.-,0 to Atrestler she fell and rolled over 'her 'Political foes on the quarter4ee1 aggressor,,arising,to her fed Alain` of his own ilag.ihip. Benhow was IfamseeLight to medium_ 15,1/1 to in 010;311, Before the leopard could 'beloied Whist men-,- hut -detested tee; do., heavy, 14 to 1.41,40 ; rolls„ spring she rushed at.,,,,hint/with a by his officers to so groat 0. degree tig,/e to 13e1"ehou.lders, 12 to te,r40; bellow likea fog horn,. struck him that in Mc lest engagement with b*c1a 18 to 1$3/,c, and breakfast fell onand tossed hint lot° the the onomy they even 'went to the( vt ,••••••••••111 tn091_,SILtha leopard extreme length of refusing -to fight a _ Ira powers, have el., • 1.•• 611. to, rect " i 6 " - iLt4•14.: • re was • t 'was drowia V,-;•17-1 -,,ti-g-orthe--eettor is. -rt. believed that, murder -wai •totnini.t. • • tea. 4•10••••••••••••• 11:11.111; TOREN TilAINS., nettatssionitautissited on Ittiports • Orier, A (lesinttell trora Ottawa says: .• 'The Railway Commission has tnally - arristlyttil'*ifx1=-6tratl•-15uV. • important orders-. . One concern • the uniform, rules far the -operation '4.."t• -"trains.- • .Negotietioept -between- -1101.-„eamOttlittfr...thOLilitiv - -•therhoode and -the lloard,have been , progreos e year and a half, and • ode regulationi, making up a • It004-Siz104 144Pt014 is now adopted. They apply t:O *11 Cm:adieu rail - :nays* and are ealeulated to- • pl(4es.- ',Another suhfeet disposed of is the, bill 'orileliiite. Made, unifeirin in its applieetion to and ,shippera generally. 11414. 1 • ?: 8 Pe 0 F, • handle tr 6, ,a if the fel rings -heavy iltins-lbere- wilt pro- bably be, Many' 41614iya ashouts, etc. -Itoiveveriren tftort 1. being made to hurry along the mpletton durin • the latter part ot the fan it is e pteted the,wheat trains will be rut: - naps over IL • eme", • .A Esramr- Tu„E: ewellery- Stolen" Rat • •Iiept Moat/. „ de.spatch from Ottawa too • ne • . LTh1fl•toLLIDED inTit -- teanter Montrose's Bows Tele. Pea4r4inpat des,patth • from' St. John's,. NThL,sap: The menacing,. presence. of 'icebergs in the path of ocean tteanters Off' Cape Rato has again c Railway , steamer Montrose., from . London sia, Antwerp for Montreal, hosing proceed4 on - 'kyr:titer an ,enforted.lutItTo • four days foe the pqrposs of eyeetw, ing-teinporary- repairsf followmg £t pHl 116. -31411b -Of -th.6% steamer"- -whi estr4t pawners t, . ;horn 'Europe" to Montreal, was n known here 'until_ the British war - •ship Ilrillient eiiived and reported ttanding by' the Itonttese for four day* ofX Ceps lattee, sr d helping to repair' the dimege. Both bows of the Montrose art. teleseoped, and the hawser 4e$tro .t: use Of anison Woodroffe, three Miles from- Of, •, towa, jewellery- valeta et , etolerf fort,t the ,resideike • right. ago,- A ,gold gold rings; and 'turf:oils. oEfrks were:'' brought bsck g the -night -1,v tile d m • 1, 3, '43 • 33, Ofl'tt11er 14g:wet. . . •iian„ • Dr 8' * • e tan be'little'doubt practite of hoarding tutieey -Mgr ItriVtictttlx9-11 great. encour,agelnont 'cr4411•4'' lailteetehr01101, 04" Vigo; ol'ettrly _volume* of 41he',Ahnual Iteitittet," largelY deiete4-fellie7tItientelet1't-7 mime, reveals a rtumberd appa• r- ently: hastily. Planned bertest -which :resulted itt rieblnl$ •,• of a11 rtzon to tho'otee.04,00;' o#it 31 .• a 4Z, 1 re ft, 4 .• rt. 01....m?it....felL_Imok, .ar 12 etr ur ..... .- ..... • • ontreal;.. jaats,..11*„...-2..ttuderneatli her ., liorn. penetratin An as it Is its the Nat'l; to Alio i Canadian, 060 ; . extra, feed, 0 1 p itl'' body . The leopera Is. it in tli-e Army -Totmny A.tkins .6.144t 17o. 1” feed; 'Itig4c ; No. a ed- roare4 1%101,--puirt as it 1611-10•Ib6 ••1(Vtili "little Bobs," for instonee - nadtan Nitestei4rit. fiiio. Batley ground, bleeding freely from its and wottld follow ' him anywther, 4 t ' 1. " '. - Itte'd . 'Irtili 4__n_Ct-iird thi COW . 4i4er -'' tort-hirn•-:--- 1Y., - 04' leY. Go% :a), 61510, nek*heat ,eofered -iiith gathes• tom its. . - her etlar,4-waiiiMi. dereTto' • oesn Y; V •ru - • •-•6to 706. 1'4* 47.11i-Manitobit titgeni$V5 elltWO. Spring. 8sheat patents, firsts, $O-- The leopard sprang agein iSa the OW re11,11,10eNTA01 8VOTION.. # 4.0.1 seonds, *0;.. 'Winter back bl the ollvti* " aterita,-0.101X.itpPa 4,hookAiiiii.off.._aelstockioL 16 _ silo bakers', 5.00; straight luta vt4 tioe tried_ to , :dagger 1.44.1ers, Suzy to go, ;.`,4404. in bags* Th& buffalo tudec.' rio:11 $3.15 tt$' $34,4,0; „extras, :in bar,,, and, hurling him" t•o., th0 iit4M131411 A Irleilciteh frolii7, Alt *nieno work Eted..-4Mortito a fifd-qiiiii-ht,rxis Again ink, hio Alta., says l'The etiristruetion of the rap', oe. I 1 helpless y. e , • too seettori of the G., it, V., *241" gilt* boct If' eft —-.7114) re. u1/4 4 • K., hotesi- • *blesjo the amount of ten thou. sand-pouods, custom Ifeuse at Limeriek* and in • fesr.. minutes cart off eaeltto .the, box*-elghtee*Itne d . ---- ara4�r the erinies which were Own. pest snecossfule-a bold* tinjoic bid for the , treasure ehost."whieb twits almost -eritairt to be well stoeked, etel vet,' jte rtwo • titree"thiet-ese actingain conceit. , •Atkinson-, - eintintrere•-.-- • • • _., • , . „ • be .1. 4 •t wiiia grain motulle-,.., $33 .to $3$; mixed fiktratie-0 b4t roo,over toullis.a. win, be- tho next fort, • bt"e7.- h7ivfirlc.b.„-ivi"1-1415411,1414)„,74:774:1. 04.1fl,r6T. $$•424- tolf".0.--Clieese-:1;14; 4ied, . 111r, ---6StOtt; tet -'11Y0# P - Ver/tAliteentt. tt* ncw Thit-totell)estlo-iktwe.-41ooded 'plete/repentenee by retaining , 14...,041_,L.Vhieth _AO • at‘got • .• •,33- • 3 11 •••••-, n •is * orating disfriet two miles wes r part I co, 4 '4! 'te t - , • , 44441,41.. •••• „ . . ' wo;sep- ot tt-' ot. - -stvarleti ' to the railway th*t tort, �uiu •ei ' Terrilile- • fteeitts • 'Mintiest& 1* .RW1** Tows* despitelt fror.;1 itetersbn -frac ". • Etter—, 14:ffind ktie, trer-workT,, -stent;Us ber-deett to 2.231e in a 14144" gg$ calt sod licked at, moping in pathe Seleeted stock, 23 to' 240, and, No. •tio,snottish,,• 1 truldie4A• Vie per aozen. exitairea that .6„iw too:ouch to . UNITED STATES 14:1tRiTS, inneaPolis, Ang3 at, ti., ept.4--tr.1)4,4•Jo - e . 1 Northern, . /41. ortherni• $1.1.2* Plour Stitond, patent*, 105.80 to 10; ilrst ile # • • •. • X MIL 11.1v1 - ;„ •erears 114•010 4035; settl.m.4 dears 043,5 'to, •/$2.56. Br'ott-Itt bulk* $21.50. . News-rs ited here on Wed- Chieago,,•Aug. h tetZ ; NO. trt-ItitYnt,fr,41:111-4Vitm*Ib°;k1: !itt-e "only eityl•tl red, $1.0334. $1.0114,; reterts4Ilaide-AlAiSili•to .„N.A. '0 hat_ hurg; "Where the , 'cholera • litte madoq •$1.03ttv$142. muth-littiktrity, say that thetas, is 'A Xo... g NI; No. 2 yet. 1 t ie No t thlt *ttistrttion. to /t '44t* 933- 13 white:, 43 ' of 1,4,4)#111.g,. v.) tfte int -41114i. ow, 1 / . • , 1 , 431 11)44„ Dominion (560 Cempety's house e s iktorlitg,„ ott tht 4-e• 1.11,1t, *A_ 4i _Ot e4 01•1 e • ett„eMpt *es; tomniittett1on'a tile dew:64e. nus telonging Lceiis -Guthro, When dsylight tliate they iron,. o 1' There- !rirne4I it , „ ...„ rir leOfie$ • . rtoi 1,6(10.,_tiv„.1*.tertiom.,S$4,‘dautitratt.gb,,tiestivis:1:14.thairto:.' trottett,cr it",tit. ittild-,:rub;rtibotl:atitioixii ttlecnototou i gli he ' t4at 4)1* °I° A! '11,is *it*. piteet of an ,,. ,e„.4. tiowt lot *AN Strang *0 ': burned ,fol't rrl.; r,i6:48q off 41141 • taii* Woo -ivikw# ttl . sibrittli* "411 4111417*4:70;$0** ' ' fikein 144 ma t.'W foresee 1* .• .. , teken ,i.f,' - e t -.„,, to get attention. Mo.rity'sthres 'ta ,clettedi Aug Ail wel.totil pct., s *to freeing'filtircity„:.-7--- , t..,,...,,,,,...„*„.......„1„.. - , , A parent wbo • evidently, dist: p :toted •• f r ttrporel purisitret "strOte the tetthers--, '1)ror .4:t..,--. 1 11,8,1181 isEt 4vor j'ehiteite 'We rte-;.er As it at lisoioi ex in spit e4, , ,..• 343 *it* 4titlk la* (tith" 1* *3 ‘*•Outtiro bcort Area 14" tt opt" ato, toetions .), .30 ofl 111 3 a . , 1 . _ =co • - I 4 • amateur 4eoplet tylaYer. • neighbor as tbxselt 1,to io ' • *tot Spread, Or Ofitiase. „ s impossible t,..; love. thy , alsiAiikeetate 'Villue to Pt*. tnaitt 'but" tlfthsottitoahrixA Xn th.administretiou retort 4041.. not editalgy minatz4-. . • • •, e wro▪ th the 0011MS are Patting themselves vteeination • a "or' aiditieaSe-wisielf-• Chief esi;ion ettoe Before the o erettow desPateh 'from; ridon says; 4:Proposing the toast• to the Ittiptrisf eten:04-infortuotAt.. Empire Club banquet in the Ould. 411' On AVettnO$0;tY: night„ Mr. ValLall-, e de:elated There' (MI/ tett: t tt - th -it"that,n Co c is; •really roneintr • • • litis hitherto 'made • such ravager •etnolfg4-• them. Th0 report says c'The vateinetioni ,bitve. average& nearly 2,000 e mouth for the 21 months The estimated popuitttion of * 219,00).":4. Asiurning tht*ait :;i6.4trr.;4‘ netitto-uinghiltt-t-17-16.-,i, tareortialritece,ittgetlEesrite.siei; altt thatiehish-fied3liV4-1.4 * rtt:11, t,t.torr,. s:tst, 4teittaiyiktIOtterenr-Vet 4,1iltirettlertit,,pnitoatizt•ri. -13 h 11 4 their Int erieC, 8. * ,share t 4 = f wore t take Oart, .irt .d ,ittf# * --"kilitit the; u t.)3,pr tt0 ()fittest * ' J;ettrtst 'A :there 0 re 'two .t.t" e IC tal niaz irtivaq, • . • .•diiiibtlits* "atttiek • ,eeobes„, • • • .•• ittle eter 4 sti.15,1 tn• ro•-• aktM 1i (r4* d t h * o r , be, po ormil b*tas*I• Lit • hittbs insters are , et eom,mka "stetk, A3e •" -14 lb.. , to t • filiortsf, bt:t en fe '*.iy,fl'A‘tmiiru,f.2.,;60,:._ to ,•$1,0 preblems, at log rAttge," t . . wxu tei-66 per lb. - -FrederiekltOvk-?47.fe.ptyinjtk-l-cke're -to-nisiet•-thse be ,4834:el ef heAs .sold et her rights, .and itisisted 443,, her eitt„,that er4 why- cou not the ttat10.44' 31. et• • • ' ilth ( ws• fro:44PS to $30 tie!). *tiny col 14-)tig rttoge, suited to dell t•shou f the donlinwons tbein. • 04' .40''.e 'per lb. id tlatit while Canada stoed upon r,olitttry tt, elksy.to.earr tot ov'er ite, per Ilh; • / ter‘bni, itelt!fr untr:tet3/t thing be 4ione with regard to, • ' le tri,*1. roe thr. r 44; be.t.-34.04 never tea it r 10"' LL rtir arty omit ts* *,c4,' • tv,4,81- C'altik84$4, 11iotikt prepor.' 1)66,11 ss:d. ttist (.7* * 184", t.ot itt last -.dollar; to atokist .ttisint *414 itejkalor 4i .tvito t 4 -t * $44$ilitlirtanC6 of IMlatagt4 cisvor tit , a : JL4uiw ' • trevellms• _ `sParoitli to:auras (of this retel*."la , to retool. t ,itgerteess wkitt wbith te rottivows. Moltrys arid t ht. *ow, 18,* o" vote/oat ion fee their :ehildeste. • •*• e•itity tkna otitis vo Ist foir *mist lightest i*o, ‘0#44101 ;IV t ; t * 4"-,14.0 3 ' „c -o*„..• •