HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-08-05, Page 1o .1 e i‘Kaynone u
and 1151; p, vi
3eattle, after
ngigcd in the furi1t
businesi. Mr
, -L
he rna
CoUn011p and. tb
pAhR4 *COO* 't
be Vatepayers on t
0-1NOV` Atri
argelg- atten
brought ipb
In turn cafled
et the Voice of
project Those
mniember t e
bettir prote
tb 00Uncil
tter and
014 SeIlin cos'•
rae t
de r them.a.0 an
4 eveni
1. -took 11
h whit%
• hne
slt, eni-
de bis distance
in tha 440 $ar‘l tun.,
ht ',entries IA 'the ZOO
46 ate/ard mitrk
ead aidkipt it to the.
by about two feet.
ii out •1y• tbc .0
h • quo on the tb
quarter on Atte
rue nrri irrawvair
s rms._
Vie fo1Jowi
has. Christie,
,ttInzii, 4no,
Next ineetin
ov 'Carl
Friday. Augizt Gtb.
r •
,ESIOD, Clerk
igurew comtrnerawy,,
0 . ee d
is, a 0 , wilt b'
,* suCficicnt to
purc!iae the Iloward-1,r0Pert,',. ,r't
rttel re.constuct the 404.,cre *
a .wt,Lcr tower.ior stand, pipe and
lay tae ivains along ,,aalu Street and
in "thkt serld Oro us the- protttetton• we -
all been 'Agitating for. .
Fortunatel' we have not had a ner-
Artd, :Gobi Medal 650
Iumbing and
, ai 1047 Xrorn the4 to the 5t1
ringing, 44V , thunder•storms 4110
violent gusts ot wind to Iocali-
tk•s on and touching the ,,,5th. The
Venus period will, end, witir the 0
.gotog of Ittl? 'atorm, period, wili
b reOent • .'s
.. ,flentforce to
ri. A. flaeke
4 Bailie,
honors, A.--
4 1. L.
t 0 Who
nd Middlesex.
, It. flail honors, E.
• XlatItley.honorr, M.
A. Beatty, E. BII
ontrautd' _hp dt:navert Al
lrbtittrore, 'eaminttottadoilliddahe
Li' Lb' a -1
er few
-thg .1411g
to be
could go wi
raw 13Oys'• Straw ..1"I
tluilfPrice 10 O.. 0
rkl of hem we are 'Putt
lu the pirce in two.
thtsIu$tbetWeen'$e**0flL �atIs why we are °Nola*
They win 41t se,v1r, you .inoner AO our Reduced
L.otidon, bnd arrivcd bre during
Y "for thti p mg
w days ,outing,'nt Exeter03044
e, 1.1 And tittl underto�k to n-
tertain Om bY driving to the lake
and sow:WO:kg the' daY with -their
hat it wa
cblel, entertainer of
* le his /lien
Ing ineal. . Tbe ttze imrt was So
thlayed owing to laving to listen to
the drama entitled, "nectar 31oFie
Asleep at rotteraburg Switch'''. that
tertainers 'started for home.- The
horses being -used to the ,,rott*d„ and
Immune from the odor of gasOline
and not afraid- of autos, .the driver
went to sleep, being stare that , his
comps,nion,who had negotiated all
rugs' had. dozed �ff. Tire horses pass
led Dashwood without VeVett tUttlitig in
for tt drin
ELat, least the driver
CAL I. • • as ••• • 4,
voil(d and
,Ircatt-took. •_ „ -
-OA* who 110 passed tht way kn�w
enibanktnents slant somewhat) and
over the -steep it:talkie' went -the horses
rig and all. There was a
jolt, .a litile more Settle LIAO you
ni M.
lemon ho
.Clegg, Jionor
n honorr,
W. , rt
R. dlorrante 'ho
• Dil-Evans, honor
honors, V. 0.•-Biliot 6. 1L1io
#,Vord honors,' R. J. Foster....
lkter,, 11. ni,honors, cr.
uld bonorx, T. E Goven1oke
honor, Ortere .bonor
Glanvillc, 11. E. Ungar,
Ay;1?. 3LTakson,-
Je rr, le
honors, Z. Mi 'Locke; at
- 1101
• bing %Of the mate
is not, the only matte
red; we would have 4
wherethe boys
Ming or boat'xig . and
received' from the ic
vork for the kY441
on that there IS none better t
. C4 Moie tenors, J. A.
MeMnbon honors,
0,N- G. 3McNevin. bonors, ,JC.,
JnZIC honors, V. E. McDonald,
..`htitettongall honors, N. ElittOregorii
?VLA 1MeIli, V. IL :Mulholland* - Vat*
Murphy, E. 11. Mrait, 'A. M.
I ter* •Maatersic. S. I. os -o.
1:twith:'3. M. Oestreleher , 404,41grattlig,r,
en %
Iy 0, irt. utcltuajl., A011
be mhos were xtresent. Tho
tes 0C -the last ineetintr were react
ad adopted. Moved by Wnertii; see.
'Tear/ that. by-law No. 137,
ownbip -of Stephcn for the . .year
09 bo 11amd titter .being read the
tbird nine and Signed -by the Boole
andVitFrit and 'the sOat 01 thc Corpor-
ation being ettaeked thereto.
•'Moved by Anderaont istoonded, by
Loire, that the fallowing Ixr-ftears hiv-
ing been read the third time be sign.
SCLL1 of the Corporation attichetrthet
o, Ituppressing. disorderly
For- ;regulating the 'driving
and, riding on roads and bridgesi
Vor Ternnving 'obstruetintit on roads
or streets, and to preterit AlePositing
rubbish thereon; For priventing vice
drunkenness. 'or restraining
i .
isitidaY-mornin ' *ben you want to
slumber r, sin I AMA ::4
generari wakenIng.,_ e frogs
dozing a ong the im The
driver foxind,,Idtaitelf entan1ed with"
the -whiffletrie, while bi tiAlipICA0
10A tried. to -reach,,, --terra •Ortita . by
-walking through the,. top *1 the car -
tinge, and the horeet., well.you. could
not tell whieli . was which. An fm -
mediate itsten 'St ,taken or, the
truttroundings' ter ineating, the
north . stair the carriage waa nrigbt-
ted 1 A
get thir
. way again.
us injuredrt of the rig
p't notioe iny brtk in 1L Vic-
%len it arrived at ,hts 5tsh10.
li5 At itiv," ilcottara atilt *Walt,.
Message- announcing the if
rrival at their friendi -- ' •
110litt •
liONVZV—In Exeter thurd
29ib, 1.ifr. *taut%
benefit yo
will tell-you1
other optieian
My meibod
ork IS 11 0.4
f= -11:44-G.. a at'
;,":*7; .11tihgr•
JLS. Shaw, S. $tubbe.
iShitkleton.'lid. E. .Stoddart
„, firnale, hon
na honors, Di, L. Stow
honors.Stackhous A.
intd or othcr noticcs or puiflng
other printed o written notlies IdAv.
fully affixedit Ver tuirpresiing gamb-
ling houses; For preventing the Post- Merchant Tailor •
a la tram °oars, 14
1., 4VilU81 111/%, JX. 1,Vs4ter honors, M.
AVIA te honors, U. It. Wilkinson',
• DiiLkSgX'
itig&Ti lot
M. E. Ifiagg,,A. Bremner, honors* G.
,Ilenson,'hoitilts, E. Bloomfield.'
tto:ton lie1er4. J Cuulthard: .110n.
,0 $4. %W-1L.C,uthrtrd.
honors L.
hatitott. OVA b I Col
onto hationt4
ahlIti#PN. 'ahm$00 -3.
L ".ertithet 04itifrif1;ihOborii.ir 13.
Okay, It. M. Gibb,' 4. Ilari,ey honors,
Inglintui,.e. W. ,l'eavilk.
Oones honors, K. M. 4ohnsoit honors
N. A. Jackson, E r.itong!' 8. 3. tough.
lin, G. liockwoo$1, 8. 11. tteiCunig,
M.. Motion:0, lt, A. liteXonalo, C. "MC.
Ilse. 1. V. liteTsiggatt, 0.,/±!:Annn:ittr,
3‘t;Z:716-iloney;:-A.-0,;„:_3kitorroiy,_ --
0000,--liOtioril. 1. W. illteyark bo
M. A McDond h'
bonors, A. nlady n
utbraM, 0, �mytru',
bw bun 11.., is
4*ZYE1 honors, 0a
• Z. E. Thotunson. .
ors, /1,, O. Waterworth.
timeregulating t)ie which ;stumps
trees, brush. straw,
u1Ukving or refuse, otay be set on firn.
or burned in Open nir;,,For dispensing
with the paying ,of Dog •Tax cnileeted
.111401404 by 1itg. 0. .Ohnp.
elfon: Oir-7 and 11 to.21 -incluiv.
and provided that All Dog 114X04
lected shall be; tho property ,ot the
znieipality: For imposing a tat
dn the -own-r,posSesors or bar -
rat -o-rt doge4:-Ta prevent ' oUtrat:,.
tion to ins' and waterreourses ,To
• `ftittir_tritoNtintt-of.lizeiltt
event indecent public. ,c-x-
4,...ii'prson.- "Or indft*.nt.tit-
With tIu passing , of the 'following
_order he eounell tiajottritedto meet
In the own.11itit at 'Credittin, o
AvedritsclaY, .flepternber first, at
Tbe ollowin; orders We,re paid:
loarneomtt. rarrol's nwar
Wer-,- --,c,Atit, pinttit
• pir
eznpory bri Z.
u3ycrt ftnci
orth •It