HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-22, Page 7bginning
0. the -fact
itucic of 0iu wrape
of ,lierty; it H5 not O
0ty to ditnguih true nd f1iica
vie thccivdby
Trtii libcrty r ghten
s oftering all the kingdo
')r1d and th
°rictus 11
's rig
1 how we
Y* t;.
v phyical visio impair
is oral,' vie t octlie0
f -virnuAin 414 bf
n 1.414 the
Trwa to
at word he
et rere
In ootapiling
the searchfor. subjects
I .mi
$1:Yitlah:ear**11'46 peach 1*
ms-eightuor will notChiH Sauce.—f'e large on
sugar, bie °
salt, eight cupfuls oi. vItteg*t
nd boil all together two aTtd a haIf
tiflU t4 ee
t h o boy we:
Tot vision,
es,4boppedftne, iiit
rinds of threo
u d of
-Ihough t.hcrett ,no.Iaw giv
Ito justified, hiii, I�ve will tim
mite . of .. 0
arger coup; n -couki 'ever
Lttimpte&by.Jaw Many
1 -is.
1 tiaiA
everyonethese, he Sal
work on getting out and
o be carried out. in the In-
large and lead
ort is to lie connect
,e la ot Rindustan by
pain no ovi
vts ;of the
e.rsity of Athen
"They had, macle
-and nOW
all dead and wound'
three )ittle Children
my youhgest1 5. in
flung thern into the
iorne twanth has 0 1 axi vs,":110
air es. I 0,hcoti .
alers, and is
l employed
ime ie a n • • her she
unable„tk,,et.:0 k h
vp on. is anee'
four feet.
Richer his
.•Fliee and.then
iing tiine is saved iozweuoi
the pineapple can ceiling w
in sort
Pineapple Purchase A
harp razo it.„ with a, sharp
vlugknife cut .the pineapple'
in -
o slices about one-quarter or on
itth of an inch, thick; Then with
r pool tlie slicez, taking out
.If you bit withte
111 not harn the paper.
gconette Drive Away 1!
ionotte is abhor
room 'where pots. of the
Bet no Ily will Jinger
t. Now is-thet
ay by in veldt;
so, ,anlimerged reef
w e anr* s to be
if/Pa:013r to have
miles or more, bot
• p,s to -be spanncd. Thee
ir -erataiikMenta,-
or tho b.enefit of coasting
which might be jnoxvenienecd
tinuous a harrier,-,$,
I i to he -constructed through
ogles with the r
• The cltiet• benefit to be derived
the, now road will be an m-
erit. In the.facilities of eq.
for getting their
• Athens inOtt.Pani
from Berea, as we learr
a t lesson Paul cam
Piraeus, witere.ho landed,alongt
now road to the m.t,y,' he savO rai
at intervals altars tO.the unknown
As.the,,,,,oity afAtherts'eautS into
his view his soul must havo been
thrilled with the demest. em.0490A.
He had seen JersualeM,,the Most
inlinential city, in- the world for re4
likion; be longed to go to none,
which stoodmabove all others in
power, in law, in imperial away,,the
ealt 044 ceive that in alt thin
trajs!ation, not
either Penns emote
ai an oratoror as a
ng to gain convo
a "marc full of
deities than the lithe
repgiousel 'alluding
nthnlwi of4idols in tI
cotd with
y or his skill
*litistian seck-
The. •
'serambted out,
* with the littic one.
distance, and -sat dowii
zed and oe ing. A.Turkha
lo not 1015e their
desirahle cit -
g) glAgligg'trom
lat sent;no here. My ,husband
thirty 'other MemberOf our
oophical tect, Epicureani-At
Stoie,were c14eply concerned wit
• religious questions.
. The Effects , Produced
Address.—firs. 3144. Z."
Some meatdTile teaching see
ed,absurd to them,
Tenor of the Peat in
the Iftlaou,S._tertOr af
x,al of 1.10110 it; Exeter Cathtd-
, has. had a narrow:espe froin
Msater0says the L004011 Stand-
It was bong rung during the
Whitsuntide when a bolt which kept
tbe elap serin sositiont
uy of Londen midlarirt some
Izi'ge-cities of India-, It i
ibtful witether Bombay "tool('
anything -14 having lett-6;7171i
ire a -04'1otnl, the printipa
cJ above all others fo in
uiuiuestionab1y would.
In its erat eliatuteristtea''the
line, will -resemble+ the
, now partly
Arneriean rpad
,f cora/
-itsr track::
see, -
0 -114:4
Florida.road is
e*rried from on and to the next
solid • embank- ,
pro lower cost than.
involved in the Indian Oecan
aehanit., though possibly at greater .
riik lloreovrr, the Itcy West
e large
uatitni was one.ol the most
'titanl in the world. Within
stns rose is double groUp of.. hills.
The Acropolis„ Mars' MI. (Areo-
pagus), The Pnyx on which De -
'Illow thesc were (het I
gren quare0
the agus, and the Acro
ike thc iazza or square o
in Ilia citT
11. att Work in
en While Paul
waited for 'Silas and irnothy to
come from Berea, before proteedin
*tiller, or beginning special work
new 40(1. peculiar field, his
spirit as stirred in him, "urged
trn with nsharp( goad," to give the
eity wholly iven to
a. d th Toth,
pouted, and became' disciple
ails,. 34. Dionysius the ,Ar
that is, * member of 1
had preach1)amitris. Nothing
furth'r i$ known eoneerning her,
biit she must have been ar woman of
8 roetiOo' aoa- Wet'. A Jebureh.
-fou and the
Parthenon eeame a ..Christian
hundred -eight, also tameou
teltas tha.bett_ `n
od sto
or preventedthe
-elm-mhobelow, -where- here were
tetit or ;ten ralmort,,Telap
t was :knocked clear ,by the ,beli
itself, and beyond slight. clOppin
The bell is the lieaviest nsed to
inging'in'tho. world, and 'half on
nee been -rung single-handed
through a I;eary the, ringer in that
se being Ur. W.' Pse,of Loolon;
miditton ..weighs aeventy4wo
tindrielweight, and if the stook be
neh4ed-. .11,41.1r;.-111ca-fOit,
The tells had .not been rung for
an old Itontan
were obliged to wear their weeds
for ton months, and the bereaved
wunan shaved herbead as a
of fling.. Naturally the, widow
could t very Welt *moo in pub:.
'bald head, to glainkr caps
were stein order to hide the di's-
its t
0, a our torientost dent
geoUs'tells us that the, rea24.)
sueh bad teeth• calf oni
1)utcd to tho (ae the sybten
of dietaiy i
Ilo 01.51$00 is to eat for break
fait biteon, or bacon andeggs,
ed or toasted broad, rsh fruit
d Only drink, tea or to
*you have finished 31001” 'meal, no
flC sed
ttli(t°h4)ouldtbw!,;antliQb* good elin
fruit is to slip the en
Swcet Cornickies.-
carsof g011,11 and grains from
the cob;. add one small head of eab-
bago, one .' cupful„ of granulat
sugar, one teaspoo
tont onions tw
o salt,
lowed by a sweet"pudding if you
al meat and lint
ter an on ap
- It will- Ztnpri -on 411''' +oar- that
wholly ct ,to „ farintioeous,
diets, such as, porridge, :wheat
and the like, for tho reaso
aim that--i
nut diet, , which le
tceth from teposits Of fee
the immediate consequence will b -
Jive .the......4.140400 n
Of their lubricity, With AO
rcaeti4Il occurring in tho, teeth.
The perfect tooth*'withoutfis
sures,or clefts, or pits, is r
ery careftilly wale*
redi peppers, one tabl
g,round' inustard, OU
1cpffl - -
rb of vinegar1. Chop alt fine
aboub half an hoar.
'tined Cherries. --Stone
les without brtiising, Aron,
did of iintgareatCa1141:14).11'tntsdt all04
to Melt the sugar, bring, to
bi1ing pont and skim. Put in tho
ess, mother and clai
long on their
'their , country friei
ver. CiflCG
aulty o ecular structurs of thi
ntutted by theCmi
ry of the thildren.
ea are allowed t
led quantities. of
en they have not,
teething stage.
o Avs ttfry grow'in years, choetu,
ceth is
up unh
d bake
est methi
te , u
on' Oro
lighted gsliould not
ds of 0
e nu 0
likewise .
moth ffifl... •
,. , rom camphor .
vel ancI hold it over the .
is until it sin
.blazo up, but blaze stoir-
to form a good .Sinudge.
s f closetshe bureau
thy °s1", 1-'-bP-ili*i. .:Tt4
alt h);1; r01rlvthefor
tho Ar.4-4114--Pauk Iow1y until .the
drain, olprinkle sugit7--over the
an oven to dry. This syrup Will an-
swer for the .boiling of sever*
pounds o elterrzeti..
4 1 i, vaadir siwattal'gc:.tletilour°tiniti;b0;nshr:,0
n a
ti a alloy-- ot • - Ate& .
t, pep i n ' and • horse*
airt t rs ;
- vinegar,
!ala -dish.. to taste, fe, it without
cooking. '
New Shotl el --It one ha'ori
new oes awayJrorn
- cet pain, they can be r1ieved by
removing the alioca.and letting th,
feet rest until the ,pains tease. T
he feet may be swollen; but
row n IC a oe
utc r, two AO long as Wie‘talt tand
h Then. remove the shoe"
again until the foot feels
easily into shoe, .
may bc. worn quito a while Iv;
nvelope of -talon
cler earricd purposely and du"
The Jews.
synagoguc, as was
Lom, and
•no •
per ifl5, proselytes t(
Jewish religioni aeceptec
triptures and he1ieie4 in t
trne Gd.„
of EPieuroa, known as "Th
ool of .tho garden.1' Th�ii
hIng sisiltat the clijot Of li
was .1eMtr, enioyvent ir
r 'Molars, ar.' gnen
ill the foods *hich hnve * had
on Ittlatell and sugar
are the, worst and .those. Iv 6°
ling 14 little v
gt om*
re I
he teeth.”
. of ondi
to per elf!
the at eat and
aking powder c n
king days ,C010,6 bake .your
, r sartdwiclies in them.. You
li*ve dainty rounds'whcn
Lettue andwiehes.--Butte
ound broadand. slice thin, pu
risp kttuee 1eaveestelt pito,
ppe etc'wit
ham and spiegol Ono
tt.,' sliced 'bread.
litul t$11
ter teasp'snful
oonftil of tiutte
00014 all to
kt rooL and pr
tuttered .bread.
-.*\Ohickeir Sand* alto
'ele pieces of chii ken'. enter
ynd,Meat, through foodre
rer, mi with ma '011naist dress;
7 n
tlin r t
, ll'iliittri. d' 43/4'1'11:1:48:11o*:1::11;f4 44!j i.:Ittt:tritelitihre
e.._ .
v› 7,ee.,
i 'le : t,'crint. ..chilt,..--.,114-41 '
fir 4.4-6.!il- - -141i0i27 eel& vi ,
7 , ilf *goal e - es
-I lit. . 41 , , it ' tflwite li.
n11:-** t1411100i14,43-1 !filf*--Miz I si flirt
th*et oarrt. Arts, rug, won .hositr.it.
t*blr"p rnfuts nt butt{...r, Pt*.