Exeter Times., 1909-07-22, Page 6ie next mOfllfl3
urned to her,
* $ Wellington,
h4PPloecl to
rnomt," the
ut a uspiclon that she wa
foflowed by the, man whom,
baying aiso
he r 'on the opposite -aid'
ents from
110 WQUId not:hzLd he not be
know bini
°411401 utiaiird.
.halfe an dea, fro
hat heaid,. that he may bo ne
ought she
n tho apron
' orro
o i n '
re.riecd alt tha
I. le
leOly ifl .t
it, *ould
lion, Tor
that YOU
:77 hett.
o 1 t
8120 resolved to asumc
£aoat.a3 p0581b141e
Or Wit,
Irreno iltarhei=0.0:ghlt00$41
hicbshe kncw.
roto be anUm
will denouncc ;
'o the growth in th
,ental biireauerac
at Biiros+as come
cases �ut.of every ix th
trouble is brouglit on by
agement. on thc part of5 ti
had, their feeilin;Litt charg
are 'so anxiOus to Savothi
or the--famit t
well subsist on skim mUk
is ',only a week old, and thc
*fe,etting ,aktIn rnilk•
low up the 110
Poi* order
law Ali hOrt, 1
under. which
the- conditions
*s, rcbeOhOuld
the 1 ,
se 'to the u
of $ a weck o,11:1,ba
of digestion - '10 eu
;est it properly.and it pas
ud ithould at
'111 never
me, he
d the . jeviel," site
onIy scouie that
o.vcr,' if ou will pardon
rssion, or he would not .havc
;ed 'But ka,,,e you no eEeOetl"
and im alon�,with 411.„
I�wn-C�L 1n flesh Allthis
e 1;1 had o 1 tho ownerr
fed it
, 0 etY
ooking bali.0f . . I;
hough, ., -.conlil gain orxe clew'ti
ts ,owner," she,
" r's-ii.--,ho added, with a, sigh
nd 1 would like .ti
on reaching
ightly- up the stops, let horse
with her key,,aud was soon
1 011 MY Juin
et rid,or
she x
see• Terry;" Esthcr
plained, and then, inU.0414%111er
mpanion. .
012414 attonded them lusido tho
t1144trel sccured programmes for
therat_and,put them. in -cate...of an
her to be taken to their seats.
Tben he cxeuscd himself and du 1
Will'.8trike at of the Sonrces"
the Slaughter . of Infeete
!Rh Co
eulosis—tbat terrible courgo
Amcrican researche8 havc proved
'beyond ottlit that one of chief
14';11n1,114 ,f°rIont_tilb_ciso is in childrcn
it bas beenasc.ertained that nearly
.,the zilch 00w4 in 34ng,
e, stiffering from 1, culo-
.-vides for -0 tilaugiter ot
jSA Wias t4Wfl-
Jen olo, Butt, tbo la
,‘O 3 1st. u 1
'claimed, her face all aglow,
1friend has,1Cont mother andinc gotno
X -.0 tO-46eirlfring and Terry.
ut mother iS not ablel..to
id dIttet4 AticlyOu
Or. itlacO;ri, 1 ,
r . Burt is ycry kind,"Esther
Arra u
ping utto,Iter eyes.. Then,
anoing at her worktable, she ad-
dcd, regretfully, "but I ought not,
Jennie; 1 have those :three aprons
to ish,. Pit they must be sent off
the morning."• '
"Pk • don't 'say you -can't go,"
leaded Jennc, earnestly. "Mother
rpijtm to o 'lone and
mnt -up -anyone
their treat, both Irvinge
appearing at their 0
discourscd by the
muoh.troulile for
ilk for calves, and it is
ice cold, 44 it, COMO* fr
water or ice tepara
is that the average a1f
is chilkd
paircd, if nob 1
owner desir
oh are a dangero the'ca
II2e thgestIQ
er the st2tIon
iring the
wet season,
o JittlO
or dometic
8Z5t matnly 0
iin eagA 1'01
foro tho curtaiu rosoUpon the last
act,-....U4thor glanced around tho
house'through the 'powerful glass
which was &reHc of, Ilia. Burt'
Whilo us engaged, • canght
something which sod her
rent -her,
rv *of astonishment
The net moment she sank hack
upon her obeiri panting with un -
Controllable ixeitement.-
"What is the matter, 31W Wel-
lingtonquestioned . actinic, in a
tone of alarm; "aro you illi"
"No—oh, no; it is nothing," tho
iri e lied, and .now . making
great- or-regov
n le r
py. .1 s ;al never ry," 0
tinned; the color sloWly lading ou
her face, as the "lonely^ tutu
Ioomed up befbro her "but," with
solute, gleam in her magnificent
am going to. mak-0 tho-rnO4t
oi nlyself) for all that. 1 am goin
to school some more after I have
lutetart; maybe, - by
. that *time
,Jertnla win -he aot a • .
agar for thebusincss, with My as,
fa$tallt0,- and that will give ni
'anti of time .for study and a gooft
support besides,"
And- Altus tho enterprising gir
worked 'on laying her plans tor the
The inlisb Saint
has lied forth to slay this mod-
ern dragon is lion. John Burns,
the fernier dock -laborer who'is,to
oabinctininister ,and afritxid of
the Xing, H4 is seeking freh la
1414tion, but be is not waitingr
policy by which he proposes with
be -weapons ready to his hand to
remove the most dangerous source
infection—the pauper ,consum
tivo:--fron; the possibilit$ of heitt
source of contagion to tkil tarail
and neighbors. Public opinion is
not ripe yet.in.England for the com.
P IsOrY isolation of consumptives in
at in e ease o ope 4121
'which the, disease is Only In its
early stages the fernier will eeeivo
n early her full, value* ilea.
aities are proided for farmers.apd
he -0
m tuberculosis unless it
is otently, sterilized, r; 'better
. teurtzed. The bill has tho
alr-Part104 in t e ooze
lorrimoris and the -4U', ,thing
that can prevent its passage ;$ the
pressure of business in relation -to
new tagation. If it does not Pass
,this year it is certain' to become law
• tho next: season.of Parlianiento
whatever' party is'in power.
it, phy cat lose its appetite
'barely %cats cnough to exist anfl
rows up a weakling when it mght
havo u a Vaioahie
Sonie think any okl hwili pail
43nrnigh t4Jfdc
The result s tric•itd1"h00011104;
harbinger for untold inicrohos azul
1) uea–
iterally poisoned -dies with
garArie lever r Som
think sour milk is all tho caJi .ths
And by the time t If
month old any kind of milk that
comes handy..-huttertnilk fresh or
buttermilk cold Joipered skim milk
or ani old mil ed
bea9ttt, otae
v is,most o wbom ar
▪ L1 Lt_ esfalent di
ionsdetaMe nux
the ms:;st unpqvtan
ts, who eats 'Oleo banauas
�IED 1,0
c se rvin and Terry. this- $00,- attactcd
on. leaso come with me and 1 people.
o.:±mo'rowLMOripL„ Sho was:: I 41
a. -ou iaruietsiour cept a filiSO
refuse youow," said Esther,
smiling "Eow goodlou and Mrs.
Burt arec, Jennie 1 I ,often
rtunate X was to
ueh a t nod pleitaant •ine
will go, An
jour kind offer tor tho nor
int a xo—since 1 must, in oder
keep my word; but you
*cry sure I shall try to re
our kilt:144,0ms in lotoo'lautY.
Jut neither,
extent shewas proph'syiug ufltil
o'clook they
*tarted d ..the evoriin-
wfth the
1st hod actor, their
heartt . filled with eager anticipa.
u, in view of the great treat in
storo for them.
They had ncrIy renehedhe ilea -
ass a oar.
row aIley, when a man suddenly
stopp0fo his band
4 you
the g1, aix] (hie!) 1 know * fel-
(Itiel)'who's been looking (hie!)
or „you for (hiel) a, long titrte0" he
Laid, in a thick voice, while benci
ng closer to her, his breath,.
and ffintiver*w*th the .fumes of
smote foe.
Thoronghiy tri
)isrself fret from him, aincl •
abont to tfen-oh, -when
forcibly by
I" -Esther to
he 41011itt.lestelett her gini
ame direction • aft bcfore
other long look at the o
had given her such a star
ibe iowered it again, she
ith eryous
had seen i'he
e• te to tho
It was suspended from cUamond
neektaree that encircled the
ter neck of abeautiful and queenly
box of
the first circle
-ide on the,
eh 411Ofter*d th back doo
as 6n -00 ,404).1'e/
is ht.
e. mand : -the-nimble
handl- as they deftly wrought tier
;kills porch tinder
,bot at:a:in, to p.mouin is
practi unanimous , that out+
;treatment is-,-nectuay, c, re, the
4-tfise,--o--wb--eiitroits- 1C11
igt '
a can be achfcvd w. Or, ,
ing thatfilie, but '' strong' amen
. , ,
which regard* isolation as an
vasion of the liberty of thc. indi.
,,,, Ar
tf and, as one of her e I ins
notdrawn quitts,4own,
ipy was enabled to watch the
-every . tnentr-withottt'-the
•-0 elag2 vOred in his es
type. Jier face was ko a beauti-
er; her bair shone likebur.
hished;soid, and was coiled upon
the. Op -414 her regatheS4 and fast-
ned, with diamond creseents. Iler
,41rete was Of pale,hlue satin, inado
40001.10to, the ,corsage and elbow
he,r-iightr-hand- she wielded a
quiiito fen of white ostrieh,tip
uron. 'her lap there Isty •
blotch of pink roles,
From that moment Esther lost *11
'toot in the play. Al! her at-
was concentrated upon that
lovely woman, who;wore the
Ieu ruby surrounded brio -swing
If glittering 41tauktoralt.
within tbe White and goki box, wih
tains of plush an1 ]&OOr.
Esther thought *hes hsd never scon
uyone *0 ulonly jgr sto grower*
ore and mere excit.
ha a.stonisbment
As the rood stroke, fell upon
Ether She lifted an .-astort.
hated fete and laid her work upon
lier table;
'Why! I had no idea it wai
t / she murmured., "I 'blue
fit for work to,morrolif. .
ven Omni however -she paua
mt everytbiig in order upon the
le,. h,tened the furniture,
her meehitio. She
hen Iaid- out her nightrobet and
ru abut to Undress, whertIt.o.44
Od to. her ,tbat she '11114: not
�dcect her door.
ping to it, sile laki her
ipon the key, and was'about to
urn it,when The door was oft1y
,a tali It
'aotitiviating ,bez- with
And*, commanded ber
u an .11,re whisper to
by which 90 per
poor consumptives . of
will he ilittioteonittpaeolgl,edwreiten,t
thifWilf be effeitiveli
have _every possible_ebanee
-eavery,,, and will nlonger 46
danger to their fellows. .
B ;
90 pei cent of the o
mptive* in England, at one stage
or another ef thedisease are
compelled to attic' what is known
.out relierfrom the poor law tsu,
weekly -dole of mone)t_ from
fau/i, Whichla given -% to perioni
who „aroc-not abiolutely destitute
and WhO are desirvus of keeping -out
of the 'workhouse. It is ,good, in
most cues because it, enabled many
a family to tide over bad time
without the oiliest) breaking u
wbich must always result
ling up the tow sticks of
P.0001* and entering
° It also tares many tiseer
log person* fret!' the workhou
an4.Corat4 Beet, Cheese,
--77-,--_,-d1nt1teet: Aunt To tie«
84544,4eNten-a-inan- fifer iiiAino
Artfolo- Basso,(---ififew, York., who
-alalatted- fOrtalle ailiouatIng t�
*500,b00 by soiling sandwiches. BOA-
** • was credited with ;giving the
ng a'wic' n 0 . 0.
t um of a nickel(fivo cent
Everyone knew asso!altsiOstiehes
(Litiough..his_had only one *hop
t :was crowded ;sixteen hours out.
of he twenty-four bymessenger
boys, work -girls; business tet, and
• thers'Who. had-.come4s, considerable'
Wane°, to secure *bat bur*
town as a /aBasso?',
Years ego, ,among trio many at-
S'quare Garden was .* 42
walking' raft. ' This file4 wenton
hour after -hour from Midnight
Saturday to'.midnight Friday, many
people staying. there. The entire
the Angela riatIO sandwieh, wbich
the iiii old PAU*
st*nd&rd artfclo No on•07
any sandwich but s,
e 'useless to
to try and bteik Into
trade; it was
k Area,.
1uL in the os of ootuupUe
log the patient fo uiak. him
Ser ofinfection.
r-st step, therefore
fr h_noW,
Mother -Or ---a-fit;s1t---tOw until itis
not -less than te4 days oid, ' thcl
rni, it- witlt miIIC and
gradually reduce...the w,
until the tall is ,a month old.
L.,11evertry,10 fced a csfl cold niilk
U 0 01.74:1
un p
ays 11 100
cgreegt_and never warin it, to tbe.
point of *
vishIP,#rhell" s 11
itylitWITit up to
IOW gi3rms. Alt ch ou
b. toted by the us6 of itax-wst
stir linseed mesa, oatmeal,"wli
brim or middlings or any 0
meal in milk. Always gently
the oatmeal or other meals o
of the milk,' and as the (AU, drini
t �milk the meal will settleto t
boftom of the. pail, and tben f1
f will lick it and suelc it dow
and no 'Farm *nrionc*.
-iti-r-tiktia the 'Milk scouring
Sullrai the; moil will be
ongthe digestive trap,iet wit
ilk further then it should be
re the gastric litieea will act upoi
it. Never Teed loppe
.milk to a calf. Sweet , tt
atter st. tort" znont.h'ef
be fed as *pert milk food; bit
or our buttertailk *aver foe
Irr *end***
This shots e
eftort of 1 ca.lf raisers -not
vilIage an
few rong
chairs, nu
of..A tree,
, men
d with a.
oughs three-legged •
forkedthe boughs
ich t12c members 1e. -
"Xatwa or Bambutu nbabit
0 On bot.h sides of
.Thcy s idb�ut4
are longarrned,'a le
0 •The 1eg are dispropor-
611, --
it covered z
complete nudity. Th
several diff�rent tribe
they appcar to bave
gonisation. It is ibe
group of fandlies to
*etre* to 4 negro chie
turn for to mos
his toe,
ugh th.
4,44 plitak
-------- tribal Or -
011401n for e,
attach them*