HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-15, Page 7wI4, vc114°
$1041004 •reftt
e. In tb fe tlie.
50 ,of i
ber is the' s ...
()rye powc
at iflvitEI
d. The one
r o o ri n t
.Iittk3 thingei i h
interroll it . ori
10n5h51) to 4 , T lft 0
rder ittust itevr be inverted
sion,,,how th
1$0.14e. art, kt
• he extv's
Ictrig; the . o
vision t
Theae wods 0
ha stabhsbe4 them
Le cis°. abriolu
:0",,' (wl4:1r4g
,li. l °
c •
Iiiter and
nil out. riprin 1
qitite_lmavily Iiac in
, t. ,
woll, a you 111 fora;;pot 0
baste of 9
100._ , op, 0t111,01,t,11, 44i Ill)
Viieg v , htli done,
<ru SI' ?eot:ire' dgrt4ITIS (1' 1
l i
,old. Vito "' v
lb tie*lleiirt and e , ills a
ritepor box..or3 1 for S't.2s, at
desiera, or mulled dirtet. 04 Oteelet.ot
rioe by The T. Milburn co.,
oronto Ont..
that when it is put
'ut his ear to a
ar h wires
hve -assume(
the in • entirely respox
for the sound. lie it is, in
but often the note is beard
ta,44,0j4i;i4i" 4.* t.4 ' 1,1«
e vieinity fSiugapore.
neo junk eft ',..Singapore
t d the winds
,Io and next,night dropped
etween :Palo 4-ekong. and
land of ',Teliorenot fai
Asian Ateutc
ho -C1W �f ourteen and
zengersvete aroused at
irking of the
the root of all evil i cnIy
-true,' his -true In so far a3. money-
awakenst-h-Weral, terms of belf144"
fleas in. us; it touches springs and
sources of soul :loison as nothing
eIse does. If there is anything -else
that win touch a deeper doer -and
awaken a worse fowl of selfishness,
then that is the root of all evil.
Jesus enunciated a great prinet'plc
, -,,-.
0111, . 0 i 1711011
43 he :bolo
eetyalt '
--p7the vision le
- - i
our-m:5U .fig
4114-304g0S00113, 04 thet,0.' And st
this vision, this love of Sesna, woul
follow ard apea1nd Plead :uriti'
. tPinpitlrit4sh-G4
art and life
t, sel
ft,,;shilltu •
a. wek 0,•atcQrnpr1,u'l 'MU
- pay A
a• t petii4 11 Y
or An0011 61403* 1J10 4h101,1h
it' still,. be .--lifeavily'in
T husband' CrUst.not 1
• oney4ender mal
t last- She i
p 01'14$4erytepful son
lland rz
one-halfznd cupfuls
un o
1), c to
abut the insula-
r.making 4 s sliglit noise, which
est acting as
0110 h0---iu'Ve 1
411X1T-' -e-
un ow -61;41m y ,teligrapft
wircil.should -he, able to serve AO' •
wave detectors and in what way the
electric W-100111, are transformed into
°wad waves,. The ether theory
seems ,more robaoll,
-curit,us-,stories 4ire, tokl 'eft
this wire music. In
Siberia the ars think that it 'is tho
%zing f b�ei, and would. tear
voal loafis:the
• pound b,eels
;hell pound 0141,t, pork;, put
per and a Iittic $.
enough dry :lead crumbi-
riiold into
0 $0/1d loiif.
nese and othcrsMalays.
o r e ,
,tirn , . .
leftantong the sailorsl, layiug
eral low., 'Then ,
hoY' seizedthe
ne' and ceeded to 1tani.
1iticcaecr style. to force
LJL1flRD 14.411. . £OUT.
is Joku Got. WO Ex•Pen$1:Te
Ake Another Terin.,
The French 'correspondent of the
wing anursiV" b r u
'eke. A man in rags-andAist _shoes
'stopped a motor taxi near -the Are
deVriomphe and said: 'My name
is the t,lount d'Alibev411e. 1-ba•vo j.41t
wagered fifty ,louis am now, that jut as
naw, I will i
get dinner n a 31114rt
staurant. There will be five lonis
for You if you help me to win the
het." The chaiaeur entered into
'the fun of thithing, iuid droverilic
" t" to all .eXpeflBi3C rcstaur-
moat valuableT
the pirates ,having Secured a.-
,they could make way with
parted as silently 44 they -had
oome. The b00t3 was not immense.
Ili consisted of $t in money, '14014
IIC&! valued at ISO. raw ehandu
boxes of per
en the survivors came to count
/*trod five dead on -the
re rni'sin their bodies
Ofl ar e..
pateb �f oil
o larger than a con
n in
iiiSant. into a sinootb,, round
which the ship rides like a cork.
The use of ail is also a. valualt1
"(I in wearing shp in gale and
oil over
„the leo quarter eniiblea tht:
vessel, to. per101141 the manoeuvre ir
perfect safety without taking a drop
of water on board. When a, boat
ships so Witch water that it it impos-
sible to get the. oil boo slung int
position 'without runningthe risk
of being swept overboard, an or
dinary bed sheet saturated with
paint.oil, ticd-to a rept and allowed
to float, will soon calm t,110 Stit3
• .
of go into the trado. In the PUe
oh with who had almost tor
o is one of 1ir victims w
ot pay.
hair, pulled her down in tli
'tter; and scratched .her • Ninth
;atpin. this is the usual method
if tiring payment. •
as t I"the mon.eylender has
• enerala.4johoppi,tra<tth4wnt
foreesho,icphohienrg eelxieo
k,itant prices for inferior stuff
*say, for groceries that
-mild be got for 3d or 4(1 at an
-)rdroary, 'shop. And the inore in-
terest paid often worksout at more
,han a thOusand• per cent, per 0.11,
num. .A. curious point about :these
woMen .was elucidated a short time
• o Vor 103i it had bee susPect,..
ore ccouornical than
rniture Polls o one-half
allonof raw linseed nil add two
od one-half ounees , balsam o
Cough pure ,iip le, vinegar to mal
up the gallon and shake well.be
fora 1111$1;•tig- 'Bua. little •Old
shtilde rubbed on: well and dried
as much at possible'. This is an ex.
collent furniture polish,
To Remove Paint.—To remove
Paint from any kindofcloth use
coramon.paint remover„ which can
be had at any drug store,' pour it
on the cloth, and let standd a few
Cleftning811,1/0 1
worn Al wti
opposione. .,whero ,
YOU left 0� iJse-
vet top o
lithr:mw)e!sh afgWeelaning (di
Oct iloors, ot
of il00r, also -top oI to
each o outside of ke
on nth side of the
Fontainebleau, the tele -
ds are regarded as
presaging ram. This is liteeausethe
•south wind in this region brings
rain, and the forest shuts off the
north wind. In -some districts the
naise is popularly supposed to be
dtheze started to bring their vet-
''boek tp Singapore, -the Chinchow
ing on Abend -in a "sampan.
Wben he Arrived a police party
t out in.. the launeh, Lady Eve -
'A, the junk off Tarron
” was tow 44 port-
men weret convey-
tbeGemeral Botipitsl, and the
�die landed for burial.. . The
ra rned over,to the pollee
t. These ma elp
* ;the
t4 Ion hinese Iv wifl
n e an'
etvr ousflghtg Wad
tate t execution
eel1 fort he"(onitd'Abbe-
ville" said:not a 1104#,
have it1Sts 00010, out of Fretues pri..
sou on ticket.of-leave. Take me to
the poliet.staiton." The land/aril,
the waiter, and t110 0114111TOU
roaredt Montle Comte's good
e u
ent,with, him t the puliee.station.
There 't ° joke wu found to hay
'even more point i than they
thought; but a di from
YOfl1 nOOTS..
a 1113 floots iii
logy, and allthe othor
judging character recn
neeforth to take s'ew
othurnoIogy the idol
o Dr.GarIt, of Bast
s 61,10 155
WQfl1fl 01
It•ng per• iods
a fine."
• '014.411D'S DEBT TO -CONVICT.
Ifinc Roads and Portlikettens Unlit
by Convict .14itlior., •
The news.publithed the other day
thnt a well -mule road has , just
betn eornpleted by cinict labor
is liar 1$. nC88ary to say that
ere is.no evidence to suriport, 'this •
ideil Cans, are itripreciated t
Hayti. • .
interesting si nht into social
mmereial con itip.ns ittfla
ds .o '-havpn,
42JfJ lilts) the
Lc t4. Eire All it 'Was
.45 h
ailed -011 them-
10.olg 'Of their flirt'
one tarried -
es Duval, several times eonvie
d li_eikasjorTealy_ttorreet"
he had ilut a penny, out
d onto out of Fresno* *
He hst now Pilo tick to ji1.
In Republieart France onyone seems
*hie to-WM:die anybody by calling
hill -melt a count,
hand, th4 e*tureiof ar
he style of handwriting4
If1Q! the4itit-)
egusily worn After' two, rilettths
*tar, r, is on energetic
business man, *trusty employee, or
aileiteellent wife or .mother.
if the aok is .worii_ on the, outer
weareredge the has si. ten-
deney .' tures, or a bold Mt ' '''.1ifin. Hit h, contractoran
Alt ound . Oat .
result darkatains, of how Ion
standing, quielqy tilappearing b
ath the friction, and the titre
will remain bright a long time;
you desire an extra "thine" use
another silk cloth and dry rub with
olish. - •
,Moisten the edge of ii,.silyer coin
rid) the spot of Paha.
1aint alti distil:0es: Iikc magi
Mtittres o
eti11ta1d tLiCMt tliings Tor The
el on top of the mattress is. the
-h Which comes fr di
.11ndbid h Withbi8t tri
rill!. These litutuler
c- do1ihtfu11r- to
is *stip; of it
kne* in a man,
r. Clorre. has pw
-sole betzt roughenc1_
stifl new.
"o that tfie mon
errnan Potato DurtiPlin
,.potatofgs, gral
cl" a b espoontul ef salt,
• '.'three-fourtlisi,stL_ si_Lpo •
flour. Kneed as you would tire
_Itoll„-Otitg_form iutu bit
nt in a 'kettle or: boiling wat
• d took- twenty Minutes.,Thc
re deliciout.with roast pork.
titrry 1)utoti1losa.-4tio;eupfi
outi:.,ont tithltapootifill of
ne etgifial et :tweet„Stillk4 t
poonfuls of baking' powder,
alt sidtspoonfut oL ult one ei
il of. cherries,. one-half ',toga
uitii Sift Solt* bieitiOg
nil web ,ith b znilk. 114
—NU all prisouers are employed
ateomparatively useless tasks, such
43 oakum -picking and titene.,breaks
ing,. for example, .nor have i.they
been in tho past. But for. convict
labor tho nation would notto-day
nothing of the fortifications on the
Verne. and OH BJue Ptli
At other ploces rvnind the czsts
eonv_iets htrve • cortstrueted_.
breakwaters,deeperted harbors, nad
widened:,estuaries. Tho wonderful
brougleAtt the
Milk, preserve: butter, and lard
tans forin prictieolly the bulk of the
tOOlcing And table, utensils 'nava
throughout the island. Cooking- is
done in five -pound butter and lard
tins." Condensed milk tins, become
linking -mugs by the simple, siddi,
atkr7wifh-rhe —serves
handle. •
id petrokum
storingand carryizlg water, anil
• k n a wc11--to?do
tin for cooking
ssaicepani or -other
• kitchen 'utensils,
in r
au 2 f0
for ten
44trehnows3' , - ,ho*hwev o
tupendous'eonviet e prise ever
undertaken it•that now in prqr014
'Dartmoor, where thi ilderness
is slowly, yet surely, being frail*.
furmid 411;11k444)111potir Ittogr itvegldh*ettvt
raplisti " -alined
nt'eri, ethe ttt8n that
ib coidd ei a it- ti
bave nndertaken it.
iatt'r-ltggednr1t h t
be 4 and
SESF OF. ".t%,
ve- read somt-
where tbat t1u Pliineet will not tit,
low their • omen to ,he photograph-
olietrottElhows their* -$014
of art, niy boyrve been, there, and •
thei 4t 1 her A
red by
egg; One
tut*d .1'4110 t
halt vtot
11 bcu1 of .
tied /
:04 t