HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-15, Page 4ant 440 aeh o ibe for prinoipal ea, intoree "of ttoo, *44 idebt 'AS follO rin0,1141 Intr. TOtel, • "Arn 00 0 Alt rt oL the aivar si'ble ;Rive and.10., t Dari Of Lot zumbcr nlne it is. 0, 1)11 • ord. Y 3 truet ,and rnaintai j.itntton tbertoT ater Tower or Olt*b' Ioeationj„ nr.*Uig n aid tand ;grit.. ny. tile said rwIse tally e • 44314 tr - be in* the urn urchae -it-isnecessam-to nrpo's or the said CorPor- ,x10-0f. Oxetertoltor cri.trtt of the said Man - 0130 ol th. sad municipal - ..Of tIe Vi1Iag L Exter for the of 4.QOO.00 an4 -Anteres bereirpftC providedr-isign 'the debt Intended to be ated by this aly..):4w. the Pt -000_0.2 thesaid debentures to..be APPaed tht atttnisition Of laid lands, the "on ol,said d.ampumping sta- .pip. ai)d the Iing . an *h iiil 4 il,1.01,tavirtraattwe---to- principal. of , the saki debt pabbfln!(I dur- g tb period o tkrentiL,yi;ara- tot, • .3,4stio of the .debenture Lereor. !such inStalments o prLncL- ti to of ouch itmoonts .that the reate..outout4 payable.lot,,,pii• ayable for cipal On4,1n- oath o other years,. ItYLAS it will Ito neeesa- ratge,annually or the •period, f wentryears,4urinte the curuncy of 'the. 'debentures to be issued here- under by A tiNCial rate sufficient' Ureter on all the rateable proper - 'within' the fa,uniciPality the, ,r4uni $17,fr r -the -paytog: the 60V- eral in tm of principal and in- tbiron'at 'the rate of, five Per N It '„ 't a omicron ortro able-proPertY---C1-.010,---1444- Exeter according to the ,...176 ..4 iouo. ' :17.05.B .., 4,05 ios.ii. IV* -tavir'-sirall -otas ir o _nu take effect:On:the •da the -ft., ,XF-Walik,7010, tho 'votei of'''''' Tstald1 . age o , ' - .1 e1 to_ vote onVtbL4 13,y4WW,.taken, On, Writtay. gOth 404! of AnirOatt It 1000, vomm,nolog at Vine o'clock in the fOrenoo and reatinning , •nritil,, fivt' '0:luck in the afternoon Of Lbc iUflQ--144-Y.'.0.7rilte-follOwinq Atlaecs., withiu tho,0414 Ar-illage-fif. ,toieter-:;„,:tir 0-40114*-Intr DOtAttY AcktErnin .-X*; Irst-- • ,,..t. . , ' ' . Olin nub -division Vio, kl, at 811» la' et 4"0 IteSidence • 114. Treble -Poll -Mark; 1oJIiuvt- iii, . fMrop, ,t -,Wie, , lt,.. IWO „Woke* Roll . ; io11ing ub-division 0.0... 3 L t" G. 8'444101) 11. �, J1exG o 41. -M--Iffrattrarl' Taylor, 'Roll Clerk. 6 Thal ' Wednesday, the' 18th da -of August-'4900--At7Eflovert.--eclock-.-in the forenoon, shall be th0 day, and t o rnemner 12 1 Gasohol 4 o ty nura Oe gag i'ee elda lichroeder ,..43TANLE. orinda Dawson Atuttel :pia rite_ '4B 450 24 no, zoo 407 % tenit • appohit Persons to attend nit,the • rioirs ,poiling Plugs ataregaid 044 t tile frau' samtalogup of the voten .by the Clerk on behalf or persona in. Crested in promoting or opposing the • his 1y -Law reapeottvely4 7. That the'Clerk of „the Corpora: - ton • of the 'said Village of J3xeter 11, attend ,at his �Wc in the said il 40, of gxeter it Twelve o'clock' 491,P-P,th 21t aa oC r• .tj, given for aad againl his Netivit,E ita a rive ''.1//41114r.iiiaiiii4 -thleen o ideration and which will be eased by the. Cofinc" of the on of •Ilte Irnliage olExen r in he event - of :the asent of the btained-thercto-after ,.ort gaiser 45 • ir,orence -Hitiper 42S - Prank Istotlregot . 300 '14,-;-.;.,A.notild,-:Vet-rle" * 443 ' lianualt ,Dinadale 391 ttm-rs'-attrvve; ,. ... _,. . - 'The new Traveller** Or , Uca racOntly , way In whith. to carry money *taco. traveuto lot 0, , , , , , cxactamount,. GO . riP Great lt rbl'e.11. 111.1014 Italy,0 . ,andtZetiand ltated. on the, race- of each chin to ya or at-rm , m ___,TitLio toLh tun and all lokunation, ,, .. ... ,...., • Utite-Battitt • iii5lia " 10140 Ezeter.Bral, ' 1 Viessie espy ilian Stab:Lk • tarn Ilogartn •Earl„ShaPten• , .fitapiton +-Barry Schwarz Arra DroltenShire ._ 'tome Maio* V-`011ar1es E. Gower Atarkel 390 390 611 440 . 42 'Atit .” 397 30' 1137440 - ti Wit " R. * SI IF of Ontario and Honor r uate -of ...Toronto VniVers4tY. Oresiog;--Over, Dickson' *.t. Osoling,e Xstat Offices in Dr. dersim's former ental parlore• IVO,' a i3-4oinGaMn VS40814E • 1-Layra • IlarVek— *trLIftmy , Farquhar r- and 11,fre« nobt. Gardiner are after an -extended .tri o 0to goaendltertne. A number Crew, sonmeameiedio.hVibzit.ef.ouretl,r401,totatn7ftperr, hoe ko,\i'aztwr4tt. ,,,,,- • , ; a .-Stinat * ed • 4#' il t 0 boys -went -',10. Pot -. rtii baturdayVeleti !alp was 391 POurs.100. and Iutd , ey,00.1Waelc,00:40,10. If, tiltioWatar wirasenoguelithintgo 'hel 4 co frightful on the SO. Marys road with. eOinOch 'gravel:being, .imuled.-oVer_it. lor4ho-bridge-st _traturtriPynes.-, rowi and EO ari-th' bu s ..,..„A,B3 11,t,..,,,m,.,b,orojniak',in th let Adage Turnbull ia,.., vis t IV 10 -ell IOn to Goderich list Thursday and 1 curs b h ving bid A good times. t • the . . .- ,r0 a _ ,, .: IIMIWillijrrnlitrmrrrwmtmmupmoiroipp,a,___ - guests of Mrs. john ttind On the % ,. Mr. JOS. Hawkins and #usseli kin! Z00 *, have put metallic roofit- -on . their ti°40. .. • : .. .... 435 Non Sinclair and tied children Alex 1 4 Annie, of St. Mnry'S. I.3penb - Sun - 390473 da,Y, at the home of John Johns,- Jr. 423. Miss Ethel' Oodbolt *pont a few '40$ day* with Miss liabot Johns. 400 MIS* joy Whitoi :..4.4 St. Marys, it 308 holidaying at -John Miners. ri gr. John Janis went to Toron ta -urd " e 30 itvaon 'Cecil Down • 2 -John Turabial • Annie Turnbull gertt ExeterTimes xete d- Oertte 430WaP4Per.s, whieh, first pub. atiem was on ttlie' 'llith day ,of July 609, and'a,t *he hour, and p1ac2A herein fixed, for taking .the votes" of the Eleetora a poll. will he heldrvery Leaseholder entitled by law o vote on the proposed 'By -Law shall I. least, ten slays next preceding the', play of -file in the office of Xre. Clerk of the gunicipalitY,A'Stat. tory Deciatation stating -that •hls [aease meeta the requirements by taw d e na , g tte,04 ----treeur to halt a to XLStij- GU' o trge-e-asz "- -Nit% b e y 041 „Ott, . a of the prin r of is In arrears. fiMicipal Council of 1 enac.to tot., t IWu o 14' tcatt o otttfl ("torpor* Viitiga exeter the mr. 901- far, ilurPotat forth: and 'forAftiot debentures of the • la to the amount .of st of not thrift acL a itch dehnitores shall ned by Iteeve of the said ,. and rijwd by the Teasurer for the *1406*(4 ,Itr; o d Qrporttft by thcrizt1 ind d1retd to to krtih of id debentures. itletkotitts shill be dat- ,on 1b date ot the l!rsue thereof , .41te,--rste oer annum troth. the .,therviat--lart44)44, „„ -rayatio ycarit • ottt en *filch' said resar ii.cd and «Ss to both' rest oftiit ite*- to shit:oat 4rato e 'en - b!.`• rIne ipal -est, in Any early tulty , be t hat is pay' for priitelpill tt,nd Lteft the Corporatie -of the Vi .of '0*eter.' A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., Honor graduate of Toro to thi vomit 66.1.66 Our blacomith Is busy 11.100.. n Exeter.' 4 rio. ram and daughter May were 43 • the ier ' • lletattihkr htnY Della Davis Vino. Kerslake 1-13111; Ifeywoott • Lulu .(lodbolt) Ien Godholt . itay Fletcher ' "John *livery Glenn . lossowAndmo Ma Ifortort •c •re; -Wtte Yfltin_ 'C- lifford Ortntae Edna - McGee '300, John McNeU 404 o c Z1coetren 'than the fincit-Cilhanthread-40es "tram, the heart impitiseats_tioiver, it s regularity. Ths,stonittpigalso .140 • its 'hidden or iptidt rff : Dr. Shoop who first told tit it Was wrong to dreg roVeak or Stomach, •Ileart or li.ldneys. 4,1,1; toescription-Dr. itestora., tive-As directed straight for , the cause of these, ailments -these . weak MA faltering intdde-nertes, 013, no oubt,-alearlyit storatiVe hot of late I- .1163 candidates 1, --the board of examlnerslor , Ilursni with the marks obtained niidate. A 4Nt1'a..vivitut the ark each subject has been sent Lo oach"cotlidatc. The certificates, wilioe $ent to the teachers before the ftru. of 24eptetnix.r. The---rintrks tar/10d Po and for honors .4.B7,. Ther,highest-rnarks-ohtained_ Itending Iritorente 40 r. an• n. -Agnes Oories Zte,.• 0+61...P.1 00.4 ./• 41, Spehing..Slaggic McLeod, ,Doris .Megaiv, Violence V.britten Ileuiling-klorefica Vella itebinsoa...... •.•,4 Itobimon. llugh .. - 0.2,„ A, aphy 40041 ..44• 0,1. o •••.11 Atti10.1 • ;',110.U1r. 047 rata1041orence Stnith 40 results 'of Untro, atiOf Altat .the o' ty- tttt, 'teacher% are, tot tette a Avs. priliveipols of ting • fortes. • 'e 4 44,1' tIv aminat o n 4ttnier rounter- o:n with first clols honors; isitors toWn .ittst T 400031 Children's oh, sr,rvoil tiav, flvangelieal church, o tit4-.. 14th .4(Torn ittst_Sufollyi -Thirteen frortner4 along, tir,Ji, 14th nutiZurleh Itott4 have- coitnecfr !,11- , - to'd attelnyt robbery ,vrt .tuti.j. • qintriliay - morning, • whert 1.,rt• to the Itc..ra704.ortic wos blow 'Tito itoor tt cotoptoto ,wroth, halw gh ,tito loer bolt wos tot,' tr:V:;" Ia.1.011ti*, Or. 0:1' rail', eotUp( at: .it I's •toettless,to say Li;t• their booty woutd.pot lave ball*, tif lars„,uir- danigto y., 11). Dolt Tete. 'front' of the office. ate' • rot _ 1tica 5 t„, brarlcb. •Afo'•.e.lo 721. ;tank is in the oatu •t431t •° ,otito, that o' 114 tnot mad., aft4 that it •iithintion of -t `robb-dxs. -444.4 :fl-trna' 40. t dar:ng- c,stelt • oLn4r, txurtiot oci 'o t Ito.r tttch Ivel l'irQ1'14•3*•tstual41lsett 4Bit- reina:tor*t' ltuby Wood, he s rat eL&is eon beteme , of ltSwort. r ul. Tairoto --eltto*eot*tokuort*-tife *or tnaIbI ansi zsfutWizy. *44 • Women -wiTh 16-c4404104 , wetk ind77-illSeftirragtikielit' ,rec1ve both Mental...and bodily vigor Ong .-ClitteeS „Iron rinse •witt011' • ire mode tor, the blood', nerves and complexion. illehelSett Mr. u3d vs. Duncan tttcDoit I of !Com are -visiting friends p 'retttiwo thls-vititatir and Mrs. Thoth Wheeler .and family, 'of Btucer1410 were in tho leo Sunday tailing on their frier( Mu Sarah Washburn returned " to London Monday after ahort *bolt , • . V ' at is visiting b brother.lilmerifti iftlir-tr'Irraldir Under.- , se to ei 0 n friende in EXeter; . . N104 Rhea Godlsilt kin Mensal! v iting her ureles, the Mosta, Miter. Hereto.' front Sunshine celebrated the 1%11 at ClintOn and tloderich, otattr"out...464.14. 0.04(ttat toinorstor,*totor. • • Assitocoltaitgei:0,xre!., 4ar. ,OUPtir0 • •ati liersityl. TWO years lk resident physic 0414 Alaaocira )00. Office and reeldence. Amos' old etatt,d Andrew Street; *veto. v - Webs, rdiatieed vase 6±4:9Eu r.1! "001rn farm �r Usa.tiosc$yb 10 Or•Write A =DONAU)* „nt •Depot, Toronto*. 'Ont., ettfn al�ngnicelv, , Ora And 'offieorto th gdachool held zirneetftg oh fofl- - o e r pcu1c)ieonthe d 711 luIy o ---°.1743balreleaCethffills*Anta$ ovntti ted t irLy dollars roore-thart-jast,7 The-totalAmount4akenktsras • The farmota around here haYe their ay nearly 411 in and the crop is very I ght. By tho way the spring crop is heading up it will not need much barn room to harvest it. Whet we wan Tb. ouly- tliingw- that- see o flourish in this dry oell are pout bags and. thlittles. DICKLI SON •& 40ARNG* ' ettorktsciiiiiieisivtrolv coat= inoatiors .40r,,tbs, v pular 4:40stats Colloctid ONLY to lose etc rev* retaa ---21on4Wfpeuaodortog&AtL 9111004 M11111 Street Exeter. , • ist, Saskatow r The: applicant -mos 'in Der.oa. et the Doininio au 07 for the (Thar r sin I t .on, dough intending boozes ' Duties von and'cultivation .et tbe lend.iz o titres .Yeirs. A homesteide Live w1thi ttrao atead ott, a Oates of At roost% aolely wiled .0134 eeeopied by father,- • Our graduate*, are iteeleted to the eat position% Write for the rottsoni repoto now to enter at the beginning term. Mail Courses/or those who rIah to study ot ktome., 6 -- (Lond1n the ''tiae requjr hotaeat u fifty aerie extra. • • A, homesteader it a his homestead llslat latti * orssioption 1:40*, tilt ohaiied hotteittOtat in crrtn4lsttjet,, r* *So per ears. 'Datielt.;-. volt_ 'tilde six 'month* la tikaz of Oreit sultivato_fitt aerie sad'ersyt , .. orttr Won . EIImviIle , • Sranle atilIcon haws to a',---a*•14710cat llobt, flewaob, 01 etwreall**or'rY434th' Ube% I on, bas IeYCh • 'Otte *1 wbieh 4 he Swale Ly o 1otL $1 teir .hitn., Accoznp'inlojl Lr. Robftt'11-iiitfS he' iii#1)-t on' place lnst • ecic and