HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-15, Page 3production)19373 Lor U .pevious• to yielde4 *U177 with .04404 1t'eflUC bpm the timbei in Arrears ol A 00 0 "i4 00 ection financial stingeneythat he fiiOna oi tt,t4, NV ath o'gan, Orto(;tg At 14 ve, titmrn 14\`'r 1 cur i tabia o„ ats—Nb. 2 Ontario white„ 0. on track 'Toronto and 534 i 4.2 Can - oat 545c and and eiglit aitanee a narrow ernembers of ti re ,hort1y to vit scapo „ 1Y nominal.' *obi e. outside. orou Torouto , t1 I July r ence of the lieavy li'wa l&fe"eaAri:ligetr 1:1's '°Iittcwiletirs that ivttre, v y fellt t1112",, * rime 4,...,40, nport- it4 $,:_700rwe 00:14:0,'""" but there A Yu - xis orULTZflJ HER l'ANICS. AND 1.14A1.4;4. l.e'tbut JnkccUon 'Thurday books create otherLt,4.o-any pe r.rs' iniiage sae r ut char is t to.Colng •Lowlauds Scotia. Lunacy ease 0 during the past. 6 lipper..41000, of the ordinar tramcara ar about 3' a 4 Poultry prize be the ' more ui he birdi of exetuded be hat thc Lnn in Lhe pas 1 hbrary uy er rnptve e.rafter titleat Otri:iteNDrunrer, Mond, and C r- ost,:Ot.4.20 :06o 7.order o jepardize. her • ago. penszon, the Xarmouth s .0 '.tratez fin a woman, ed seven,, $2 h t instead sending prison Br night,..11- t* , lo,v4 worked titat end or Anon hs, declare they bave aded 'up06 cleverest' tri Wont claire workera ho ovi' figured in liontrears Ist.0 lett than y 0 of ate ent 'demo have been put rough by thc men, and in mount of damages 1 0110,101p Ontarn ant1* i4 nt ia rcpurtcd that iinportant.finar kgislatiou i coitciup1ated' abroadrt ii r ti e trong to D. sTAT rcd frO% ' IA; o yore_ d, i s 1' deeription rect 40e.kAtt River at Large .cheIb. and eso, old, 14e tiwarinfa".•40,1011,,nd; quo° , c who murderi Scdrnan recent'. ."under totttcnee.. crirn, tu haxitt.0 „ •long statement excuscs :for tho..crime*.'..Ho *1 chargethe 2",:ratn`iwith ill ;rnonto utyWarden 74„;"who is new e staeks in a fartva Two pure White osterlingS' Vero seen ying-4bont4t-00---0:1;08' Kirkcudbright,. one the 204,, There are in Glasgow "oleos t90 un et houses, 'and factors v le .manr *nstances been forced to re - Ivanta. ha bcn consdering -the • lity of noosing taxatinir all corporations operating publie !itilities,.and abide, oo loan co/Ran- ee, Tho Govrnuiut'r Jgi be.; liovixt, to ,further contemplate plae. re'gulatkirt 45PS-tit:II corpora- tions 'nod' the "cotitrol of t1,1071I en- tirely under the 'iihritdietion,b1 the Ontario 1ia4lwaY• and Municipal Board. of pu 1 Fourth rcduced the nuinber killed and wounded in Vo.Unit • tates; he Steel corporation Laxiety in Pittsburg' atid amo he strikers by tbre4oling to e Wish.* large tin-plate conotn ' Gary, Incliana,. T13RITAIN. fexnale, Baptists rbaptized rec. ently. utauttre411.,., e- - at -Portsmouth tt the en of rset -Xtegim•ntp jir the' p sen'c of rnany veteran. verford Co1Iegt, Pennzylvania, has offered to present it portrait William Penn:, an,71indergraduat Chruit ChurchOxfoird, in 1&O,. itlier to Christ Church or the urn reaty. By growing' vegetables for thc • v,strious institutions instead of bu on he a-accOu o. 1 tunot y,$lL5Oto 12. n on trak lore) and UPI grad $8 to 449• .ott"-toenea. ota-af-ekl-aro .-jobbi-og at 75 to 00c„ and now, are ,lOwer at $3,:to *3,25 per barrd, or. track. ' Poultry-- Chickens, yearlings' dressed, to °13c per lb; fowl, 0 .to•4104- turkeys, 16 to 17e per BOG PIIRJOUCTS. • Bacon, long .elear,, 13% to 13Xe per Ib in ease lots; 11Ws71 pork, 1423 o .wliflo-fren A. despatch from ifotitrea" say succafuI1y' worked t on a grocer namtu Pierre OoIli One called at the store and request to teethe yard and garbage te000- soles ,saying he was an insPector. The Pr4prietor was alone, and no- compained the visitor to the yard., where some time was Spent in exam- ining the conditions, Later in the day_ Ur. .Oollina found that $500, *had been taken from thc asle-during his absence in thb yard, new litt go r Vila' ' 0 ' .1., • •• 0 • . • • .0. 11" b ar- toz;.$ . . . ' Altos is proudly' boasting' of its ,ecdom, from, crime these days. There are-seven:breweries atid three,. distilleries in. the ton and 'Vicinity. Glasgow and ;West of Scotland ttgrictiltural, College will take over, Ille whole '.of Holmes Vann; i . marnotk, for agricultural ue tni°1'suntr7vuitiled'S*.s,tli:he46131ePl'attr'autitoen, DTC0G140 atiIttVitelien Olt at SarinPlee- spfteli from ottaws,sayst. exannitatkm by, tho rv- nue of a number', of is &mid on the ('*nirdian for the purpose of ascer- irg 'whether -4111,:ot these.con- Iitinct trades of -arsem, tricist *mp1es eio Wa4 foand t y preent in certsin autpbut't *ha particuIarly in phosphate of soda. The 'amounts were not s" as to be *laming, but were aufftcient to Mike, it impossible" to zegard UW14 dtlIg* a meeting pra- requivom�nta; 448 samples I:festal-0u p o ate of soda exam- tali:tang«uo ar.. Attercase.o 500 ia ortat- and. BM . principal inceasesr irnporta were $l3,70,OOO in grainy a 54059,560 in raw Material. Izn. •orts froj Canada for Jun were: 'att e. ,2,727 *heat, 1,1CI,- '41;4744 ; wheat, :meal and ,Ilour. trA111.-; baton, 6.G0 ; 11,041 cals.; butte bit U4,546 milts. eggs, t fidreds hors 1.11; ins4 Ctheir e •e so triurnph oveillreauer A5ouith they were received, by -t Secretary on order of the Xii m'eting of London • ab1ovitizn Ina (4 satontist.. . om 1, Great 'interest continues to g. *ken in f'Afrias, and .the Ents S t� s " n ' Exhibition at Agnou tv It U $1 1 Wylile' 0 e upifl 4 01110 V Ullt ' the African' village 'hen an Indian litAt cnturAng the•Ars three days... A systera of illummition in which thirty -tour aniles. Of.--4ectrie ;cable* GENEIUL. and rativ amps of an ttifigre- ol "limn' "Wlitle _ roke ut-in •14,t ,..ev '1 ' inauguri'e*tisitdilitetii"hweesr4ttire lted in the overthrOW Itearils41 bibitton. . • 4 written rotent Governtnotit„ Laod Aritan,toptietot,'of.. ice.ea rlar.. having con-. se noted bust n :Sunday forAhe , , , past three yea under a former de-, ' eision of the magistrate *AO .ftnNi ' $ here on Wedttestlayland °Attic without the gistratoliclitthat:' not fo 4 e *AL; etotteb from Lake Oh a * • tal and telegraphic work necesi sittatcd by the celebration of his go 0 int. lientrei4: e rttil. or oats lilsreaker ; Canadian' rn 38e.. No 1 extra ;feed, 7,Yie;',. ..No• , 57 o; 'onstdian Wes 0, No. 2, 72% toManitoba ree barley, 673i to 6Re. Buckwheat - 693; -..to , 7 0 Manitot Spring *heat patents,ts, *6,30 apt, *tondo, inter *it patents, $6.75; Manitolot atrc kers* $6. raighttoile in bao, 10 3.204- I ags, *2.90 Mnnitnba- bran to 23; do,, shorts, $24 to *25; pure grain %online, #44 to $34; inixed online, 05 ;•to $OO, Cheese— sterns,' 11,4, t� 12e.. Butter, fin. creamery, 22%oir . Egga-18 to ge per:doten. ' .,ut betoreglurn. Exhbit tt..a‘pa,rtograMMyti,rto,te-fioatit7h1:.. broke in,. Calgari, in less than an -,hour .nottrly two inches ot.rain tell.: A.1.30eller 4 young IAA* 7wa*. li- thin tin4 instantly: knit The A tta, uta oo ttitiki but not badly 4;arnaged. trE.vitto roispx. „ Woman ' Took' P*tis Green at Oakland. :A des *tell from Brantford says: 1 Au& sora rk. w, a ' " Wo unconIr;beralShter in121.01 Brown, Leith • trOit-Tritirini "alter lit-',YeArt"' otr, lee been presented with a thms- pier.° and *side ornaments, and his iftt with a diamond ring. Lord Mount 'Stephen, now in n s ire* •aTTOrclior the Oatti. hal age of lour store -years, tarted life in a. very humble way,, - eh*); 0‘. herd boy on the Lil1s of 3anflhire. -. Legacies . ,500 and, 11504 lows. eenbequeathed to the Thnferm- inc t",;iti West FiffS llospital•Wthe- atc° 'damson, Portobello, and " lex Iqpiortitt "Ay on whiIky ll‘kno sr, having beonae spondont, took lt dose ot Path green, -The Damn proved fatal. , • ri sh indkate th'at ,that section for several weelcs, is reading wOcly-Among cattl es an , other live Stook. itundreds of range. cattle have died of charbon d their tareasses.lie unburied s•otibopt A msr t applies to dogs,onl Any' of *hi& are azIuc4 wit m (Ducheas of eietlted e�ots u rtOnahire) claxnation0Viec- tJi provinee that on opium Mt dose has nbreded„.as rnoat. things do in China when it does it th. 4 July wheat easIer; loads, $1.31%. Corn - No. No. 4 whtte, malting 'OS to t d, 1.15 to 1. tut .14, to Nrrthern, No. 2" white, llow,• 10 to *:/tie. 0, 3.white, 71 to 7 • r h 4 ider that every *m4zn° 'euPpressing this Iyof.1 troth nth* of the co the drug, whi .ins thne , She M one uld hek alsi ring 1 arid a ri1 " .ft itand- d bo -* dit'ov&rtc1 until " ',Abet." F.. M.