HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-08, Page 7'610 .'• h: gift re isa rationaI,-thining spirit in d1tint,ion frozp the 10*e tua He ha btamped.u hkenessof jlirngelL God has a aihelnatleal ,ihongh aona n and on tar 0 read e thought and admic wqndr�us picturo He ha p4ir t8110u1d, eteo --violence o tonipit. igh nature ri ego againib 1)0 wears. On1y guo 011 al are Nvort m 16 ccause 014 natureszne wo an have,'..secrett $ ift A, of ° t alf'a feet, cut in sm41 iqi hio the tripe, ttot. Parte* turnip ipper,, and onions. Remov& 'elef$Pa;. 11.0d. Ito *ngt pee , • -latest haif si e egg, , Ola 'of ginger, two tea - Is et:cinnamon,onctbli- 1 of s. it One a-spoonfuis soda, two and three and a half cupfutit, o mer a long_ list,' of fatal *rhich,Plfinge thouutnds *4 And the pity of it.is . lo kuowiedgE f Waterin lilt ha careie55uess in entcring A boat or iijie .to openin 'wate tinPre X11111141e am„consist in frcedo .is r t OV3 oYereign Ho doen wha titre iS on voices shore .01 Iife, but of 'tehes away - the throne of God. Wo taught ri tit thrce whole cooking itesse IOU onions wail btokez to litteen minutes. Thi id be stiff enough so th ped fromSpoon the forever."e. :i*Hence,14"*▪ u of t° * image;.racte eth :We 'Pan breathing o 0 iey itt Becreation anci the only w aiToid ti mis tbojiared fo-prescrves to go round ane r, something• to bali with an aoara--ithould ;torny, havin • ie r, cases which irnposing. reputation Fifteen yeara-lig. house cr ek and ker destiny."relter p�wer ho tali moo to ,the angels degrade below the brutes 'image of 004" further a n Iman's Moral nature,:As uid rernenibre ---------in His likcness_ 'resell*. to Serve not perihin o noblest ends of being. -..TUIUS B. X or, .0 nCCd produced in roll • season vol,t: it P., in butt tin Nvn* 0_cover V '' wi nd,re Water bloiicioatimex. :. a x At 1 tiwe ta1e cup of limo; heapingteaepoonful of baking pow- der, ° s oonful of sait, mix, ad e e ' batter ta1vi4Ijuatdrop A butter ful of • sugar,'07.1iatt cupful o tabiespoonfui of vanilia,. otto and a haif r1101110, , baking a, one seant p000ttil soda, put °soda „in the flour. Fifling—Cookdried,apricots, sweet. hen:: tool spread 'bel tween 1ayr - and on. top: ,i3eat tit theej one shouldtry to step light ,into Ot,tein Over the keel; or.it this tLic Christian life, I amotive With tkiannOr'lc to ,0014 traa ie t m- . itt. .,orderto get into the Klon- It.. pany, s expense, greeing to turn over all She, earned that period to the company as 'She t-tier:.contrack: then se- cured employment AS' deputy the cor4er Nome, managed to Sur rt' herself, and ‘rorked every apare hour tiimiliaraing herself with the details of She bsearne the greatvl.plajni expert in 4 i'Ortlient of e r e few extremely el • ienoea of what he is doing is sit Lesson ILL P,aurs Second 1Lss1Ofl ply a blind fool. The danger * ary JourneyrtiCoutinued) not of harm from the Roman o ernment, but from a sinful' life. Golden Text, Acts lat 3t. The motives that lend to A better 1. The Storyoftbe Vattrenzie ar . ' re -u 4=t V% Tho ' Missionaries ' Released Her Mental and rhysieal Trouble. Sent on Their Ara ,. 45-40 ,Vs. 1.6-1% The missionaries Ire- strates.- quently went from Lydia's lieiiie , „ ---mo 'within tho city to tho pip,* of pray. learning what h, a, taken1...tee/ tent er beyond the wall by., the -river, ,,,,,otn„aava to quickly release roll'. and side, where they eduld instruct the Plias, as the easiest way to save w converts, and.gaut others w o toublo. Protaalor Itannial thinks . • . that an old account is correct which adds that the magistrates. Were afraid of another riot. They would induce.the .3yeakeT party to submit o injustice and wItharaw 7. ut u ritiviabet ewy, - , n a - „nccessary,, cover close- - koup with - piing., on meat, pour the gray over a and serve„at once. Liyer af.-Chop three . large onions fine, soak some bread and toother, or . all bre we eggs, two pounds of beef liver, were willing to4Ome tO the meet- - On several occasions they met ii the streets a dah.),Sel.posses e' a ilrth6 Unitd States. Mrs. 5.s A. * eaI4,. wits el clod president Of her 1040* pdt ailrottad,r the * 11/4tovida-- County arrow Gauge, upon his death it developed that. the -rot w out itrid-ti5sPeraterin • ShilielfctiealliaThriiilfo • mach' it now st successt taw,' while she OW11% 7e. • tif 1-u '100 niuch,f t-guarded-J)elplu ,1"-h-rieli-: s 4 ntzrakonoutttPnrna- en Ca n. -anees And ,hysterica lprios.:- in-- r I rfrrge.t...e withont, trial, and legal decuiton i g*v or irenied.eondi0or4 h ,,,,,,,E4' -thai-rtlierWire"-giiiltf -,acc-tOing, to. ,,Intetprettct, aalwheylc.itlittthe;0-":„,--,., I :Remain law.* ' There, are four -din- erstinet'ullegatioes-in.-ra,urii.-'-replyi 11. The Ifiasionstries Thrust' Into ",.(bewtiitil! ,, opuoliosict . ., ttoncon. Prison; Their Faith; Their Deliver,. ii,eitine.dtp., ;A14, ,,being lioznain,s.,It. nee‘---4*-sr- !19416._ . Vhisf.,-„Mastefli.iRoman, and exempt L.from mills .bat their -soutce--0,fgsupt.-iftri Ike the Makers of silver altripettln them 1 helms, stirred uP. * 'Mob 'in ilia.' open! dragged riatui 40 , --Pao,, he (i- e- niagistratti;1- 'Viet ' I,,..,necen snob -,ti colony ar Vlulippri- were -thi--: *No ground; 0 'Kiev little cayenne Mix a together, and it too stiff put in some flour. Pont make ton stiff or too Take a deep bread tin and grease' at well with lard and a lattle4lour on both .sides and bottom; put in, be meat and put a little flour on top Bake aheut two hours. - lain Cuokie.-Ono cupful. -iof ttomt, three ime ha eggs, four t pfula of 1,1P, r two a PO',44P!'t powder, orze t'oubr4i of abliend.S!lat 46401*)00• ratccr- eille .making, buttonholes .cover the ;first, 4ngrer' with white court plaster when _ trig:black goods and Meek plaster when sewang on white Sewing fleas and, Byes. --Try this quick Way of putting, hooks ,arn eyes on waist,;., Sew the eyes on the left front the desired distance apart with the loop out far enough to hooking taasS; then baste thc „„, caraWimrthiL tich o.,great a retok on • to theand then down. Steppbg an. Anwale has been responsible unitterte$$'entisitint0 and it is cia if possiblc whore :fon intend to sit and in such a rnannerthatyou will not have to turn afterwards. Tho 'weight' Should be „distill As :evenly as possible, , in a small boat,, With slight, preference to the stern. if the bow 'is °buried the east head -swell :will flood the boat and if the„ stetnis,toRk 4eep a °mug irea 4414 awamp 1t, ing a landing, one Should :approach at an .angle, shipping the -inward tuir_a„levt yards pmay•and.roun ' ' up . by backing with7 'the ' entward. ovneerh . titoisg,u'd:sylio:::,oto reach strieoternt toutoa or pier. In landing the poron in, the how amnia be first,. taking, the bowline withrliitn and steadying the boat for the ethers.: Will not...insult the fntelligence oftbe_ rockm: thc boat or indttlgin ttexatt-Xr graldzng xirc r IV 1 '0 Mr54.. reemitit: It lilt ifl!flvipan ing * big copped Minet 4) the 307,700 agricultural etori' isooered by the not * few f them, 11 a -fetch .ou, ey arrested US for hint, our 1' the. mob know .tliat power rt-obio wu "rich IrierchatitSf- litlid0Ittiters„ -againat those ptietors of the Mina**. 'tleetid by men.if Valli and Silan went away theirfellow have -,hten real heir n thole reputations, xo rr a_the--1.91pet - they n aniirehy by trying to convert the Roman to a new religion. Ilonui tol- etated all religions, but made it criminal to make converts from the national religion. . Cotiveridef the lailer.. Deliverance from Sin and Death. rough *he--Eahh of the Jailer;— The keeper . would ed,himselly.heeataiie by Ro- man law he was responsible for the **fay 01, thevrasoners,-And he ouldivoid by.toneide_ithe:tliagraesi of an exteution. 8. Paul eriedT we-itre t5,4avin life for theresttuttwmttaiani4ton * relay) for w Called tor* lig Gres t is writ lights, °torches Fell dow before Be must have 'known nomethiiag out these tuto,,..sto4 thei alave giri. il1-trt,ihem. y feared,, when they , heard, etc. boy wero liable to lt, proteontion such as Cic�roinstitut. .. od against3Verrea. rhe erinii'wee regarded as treason tio - cnunitted it were liable to 4egrs dation /rota elate, confiscation 40, 10 resul trates them to Iea,v. t the did with dignity, and -for' d good of the infant Plnh For if.thoy hadreini re miht view usOaste r; wbila by leaving Luke with u we lea* from the ng. of pronouns you a peteeful but e growth of the Christian it 11 hy went with 5U -1.1r.**21:511.0 likt0900 the olks of three kggs (inc nt thegaWrittolOrie kmoz then One. and one-fourth cupfuls little .oit-'a 'titmei thew t and one-fourth cuplo.ls. et.flotir with twoleaspoonfuls of baking powder ifted •latst add, the beaten whiRii-rot—tifo7tOir reserve 'other One for. Ailing, now bake in three laye ith e is' tdkhe12264141:i146; , 'ona Iayer, covermg, and Slit* On * layer nano, then toyer with filling, and put on your third layer,-coster it with fill- ing, put on your strawberries and ver.: thtiii_ with. a then for ..loarii-arew mei-zero.* aie ciekeilii oven_ to harden fhe 11b44 and the ate when cool houId anderery eye, _sew. e I 0814 rk* on* ie buttonholed cage . the gairmentle'Iiiiicectlien wtIi tedlefu17Ot, thread begin o e end and take * single Satiteh itt every buttontiele, tarrying , ,:the threadt* the opposite end. Cut the thread hailf way bet he button - O s, orthreliit t ito will be hit of thread' button should he sc WhenScwingcn the r umberbuttonhole n and .'blek -of-. at Ake* iiiece'pf-tipe shirt 'waist .1614 *ew on same num hobei. Button sn -1F,Alitietan-be ft id e l-wity.- 1521,11e- Part e- tione ith' uffe; - One set of but. .. tons will do for several waists, told ' the ironing is Made easier. 'Never Use' .014 Lining,,,-210ver 1104, an old lining. wished or U ' 1144414:4* Ille following rules con b ifile4 siatipte-41: lei eitiO bur or& of Suglith rambrie the eolor at -the dress two yards ,of 0 tk , on yardof drean braid, and f Ilis Own. Desi n g Thc llgt b�sldes setting the ",nlif.-true,Ate inventor of headgear. . In anen- frrtaiiiinglittt b�ok" <o Hats," written, Molten, theroyal hatter period*, assistedhrGeor e -Augus- tus Sala *Telt hat s:deseribed and -illostreeed iwhich was 441400 bjr the King, then Prince of Wale • an ''improvement • on: the', round - crowned hats then In vo In 00171 samc color as 444 shooting i w s to acconipaA7,- tin* the majority wee made ,'very hem. and stron . Earl of Harrington,for itt- 5tance, whose life had once been . saved through 014 wearing a. parti- cularly ' hard hit in this hunting used to test the quialityref his jected.any.that could not benz his weight without a dent. Efixiss peculiarly•sensitive ration their color, and Vut eccentricity Je him to adopt his taiteln teat parti- cular,to the object he had in view. \Then wrilkinw an his garden, hays . Mr; Melton he would Wear a $40,0 Peen hat* g as Opt to rrightela the birds :Daily News.. certainy Tacking itt gray In are 111416eliiii1 'or swat ft,. however, *hid* thouldlael CONSTANTLY' 13V MIND. , Vox.' initenee,s.yould it be oftesfotry for two people to thang0 plot theAr should 'tee)p weil-orer the keel drto:psiiir ding face to face move t simultaneously that th etherboaV may not lose its balance.nsuAllithin° from he water Or in :helping swimmer iif itheitable to Use the $ the tide, . boat is eitiizett no c n o *gam you eaiIy ilijr!tt 0 o tee ge'li car • board, but attempt over them and they will tuttly tun * h you., ,And sperikirig about when. you are being helped o t „do not hang MAO your reseti- of---boat4vith.-bent tbis taws the body up and aftets Krtigt. et Outstretehettitrine will u chances o ttin a uauglity, but with me, reluctance tbat tbo PAr- *rig; - - - Ht spokc judieiously, but severe. he recounted the lady* mitaltedi- and duly explained the whys and wherefore* of his solernal rehnke,„, his wife the while sitting by* dub - when the tether ceast:4 fr Teeth, 'the :lad,his foe rtyaI title. All tbe femal dants f a Prineeof ar intents, and th, 'tliat many Prineeues arc tino,thet 4, 414o. tol hull teirl toetertl eft )t *it,*