HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-08, Page 2--4,4 4 vo„-itez„Tt. Ai
. ft.).
tot. Oirtit filcrofitirs LSA1)14
, 1 g
0641, 4., ^ C*P.100411
, • '
• „
it.friI1Iv 'blown gra4nin tIu weston" iunut
"Yirl ..reo ,
' 'overt a' ,. , •Iding 04 ,i4
al! 4etroyed. , The trainucfl at form
Onico '.00010140cP4 an ,investigatioll.stood
'From the incoherent utterances
nI bia brain. were\ eattere4
'4114- food, :1Ying on the plat.
near tA0 ittot where the barrel
.xte: had oidentir been,
red unconscieus, and 1144 been,
ed to 0 -oath in ;!I,„ very ahort
itions ail tin
Thzsh Stla.0 raging., on L)Qfl 1
sidt, of; ttiek'Montreal Rive near
-Elk /fake.. 'Four ,settlers' houseisj
au.d three 4401t13 have des--
toyed; •
Iu tho Motrea1graft intl,!!i
1.0 white to
'ort. tra:ek ,Toont4i and s44 541444t:
'into:tent ell' dead o ahnlessly, 'a he had fired alt hi .
1O-$0011,0 41)4 '0027411i3O leo, and
after bo I ;4110 'was lturric
o ' :on,„-arrutz4.
foundtliero it *aa *as 44ii-r
Thot near 114:14aittl:ea. 47A'iuirteziiir:011.zr.vIcars.nazte,nivai,
htkL him until the', arrival ,o( tite
' 41 4iiriAr 'tof
'oronth for...tbevniOn lune', to,
atthii port, being $276,766.O3 more'
urr&-yotivinlitg.ra-idxfutdcilami"' to PtvCnt them fi
two Montreal young en* Jierbe i*p;pi'61:011r:i'Oa6:7'cicond isahltt for beaiwand Archie r lives. A third ro$nolto.Vp lot Power r of the Jurcom,Ing
er of the •- tft.
Nkroro was received in, the city or
en..nd:the matteli-val.
yac • •
, , r
-Hanverel3r .1 ; . he .60,4:;,191,1;1, --collec6°4t
'for 1007 we
*--040.4 olotttli in t 431I-1-6.
ilx*i V1-!' . 1;ne,
. Ttle returns for the 019n ,I _ _ ,
-, comil ' as they - do, 'With -be Wide
*pre ' feeling of conlidenee, and
• tlite • other evidentes o reneweid,
usiuess an trading ' . * 4, telza
iwkocifewtot,antx, A ,clespateh. from, Toronto says ettieil
_ .
O ran fr m does sport at Dr, or
lespatelt iron Ottawa, sayS: 'Oakville, where he had-takeri, part,
ne of thelpe-e
titi;te building ' ''tle*oted
fito gathering at th Mpefial
er; Ionia rfitmetion
one of : .Ig tdf 1001V
, ar rap. filly'..74010,4
the,"$ attending the her eyeS.40 I‘V
i. aacks, --m -husband:It
utltsteal prO, graMme was yujit-'474n-
eluding: When /,`Stig""*.Mit.ttit0,Zitycl,
• Yittn' X°. 0104.114k $T1 lit 1 It an *1i*e4student " 67: Ili 4. -a* " N11th1
Cul . AriatiyA,41-rew re-
-OA 1_01014 doors. Were finally elotod
0i3veve,nt' eOmpioirtna tpok,ing-
on t•tko tearful
"At this moment someone- ex-
claimed. 'Why, • it is urzon
'Wyllie.' Then a. stately .2rgen14,41
PA 4;
„serious , ttre
reeentilt,r `07..40 .1 4'
t may be ue-
tho U7 riang; to lc lageo recfmte.
'el4'4°4hte@ht'o'3'444.0:1:4110t:Qhf:Itli't)t:::h141:"*ItpligaN;r01::::*.Centrinntelltil%° nirtile°was $
Ma tt'IW
• ,.
. )4.at lniflIe(1N'te-had ovoat, vocottitlor Over
.kulf44..woiotottitt.._ 067-tiut rot-.
, Tor
. *
r 0 ulk, at4toba,
Lake ,St. ,Unis.,,:AnterAnk. ' ,..
4 crake to Lake ,Obituplatti,:.fOr_th ,
tercentenary there. ' Tho yacht wt4-
'struck by a squall' somewhere ne41'
Sara, dtsmate : .' ' - upset, iu.04'
, ,t*o ' a . the ---young -raOtt, , -we ,.
YATAWIElil AT:T04-0.:010#_ ,
'Tiiriiiiiii,d; 7., -:itiliiii747:1477,741:0---
. Jumped. Irani Bridge's
Domnion Day Iva* (t-filOt):tat
\ On with great .i*o.tup
eminent Canadians . were' prese
and ina4)013- - • ,
3 to 83.50 for i
0 to pe:
.,. to, .4.1*. av410.1i
e booth at 1L50 to
track' and 1
-11-1,171 TO PPIt
iftt‘ $$
Straw -47 to trae fitift*
per bag, On track.
i0 _000 yearlings.
, , o .
„ls,,-.....y.,, ..,....,.: - .,,oritimlizi-
iivlir 1614 3 , . ' , reception-,,, ,..
. -
lif '0-$1, roviottity'' .; 114 ViAtP)4bli4;' '
,was 1
`ortlY 4 f43* iilirl 0 : were ' ,(,) .1,Rbeatre,; Ito
•I rnelt..,11011tr. by w. -- , . asiOn--,p1 .
-..,,..,,,Lf.),„ .8ri?up..-0 ,, ,„ .. . *-ii.,:,, -...4tuer., ; , . ## ,.1,0,-h•c
01(110g the ,:0;$34Pftqrbi, ' l''' . ...t .Home,„,..
Viaa:w*I, 1.`9nni!.'Wn'f, ' , ;he . , , .
-e-:-otonov. • - '',Ars6 titagt '1!:!,„44.1'!.
-for yards"ww., ' 1..4„431
-,,,, a* e.,. 1M :44101"4):Allur,44,,, neck. :h1S-_,-.no _ ' 4'.'
.... ,,,.„„arin--....,-.-,........,, ,
- hoir-Ite etreg$10 YOU- 10-1. 0 ab*
mat ,,, 203 Iti u a ; , to "Anotheroar r`hin it, go%4-0,avitieatryY.sidv9c4e4 byEHSO:
: water- tkile players is UTA
'' the .tuan boldly, and AS. wen: ai., he
_ liftsyour hoir.i eantinho'''t9u4C,Bigauflhrory:Y1,:ttot( id planter.11,is
' Pa armpit, aikot vtipielf t0,841 tgrA*°'
is aits djscuwnafl
last7ear 1 -acres al 1
onions. ,
LlIISI R tu g o
The -Legislature Ook
Ilarvard University.
Dr IlkitintAtr.,_Itetyl•-,Pf.:„.:2„--*P-_t1:: • n's, mkmber-ofathletio-evts, i
...._, •
, peronental farms, has telegrapw „ ' 11 iVF-', a .-Tol-Wag ,,„ ,:*
-,tbe Department of Agriculture fronx had just 'bid his eousin g crkilight,
Indian /feed, Sask., under date of was struek•doWn by ei street car at
' Inrw --30i---04-followa It.. -11100 .seen, Xing'. and Simooe. Stroets at 1,0
crops over large.srea,in Saskatche- o'clock 013 Thursday night,-and'adie
i wan, and Alberta. Grain in all 0. fey/lin:molts later. "While hath-
• istricts visited has very • healthy jog in, the-loriii pond "iit the island
aiii)earaneni Is growing 'V raPPY on Thursday -morning, wyear414)
. and premiss well, Winter wheat Leonard Itubstrode, 104 Cooper *y-
in Southern Alberta i • ..6t1.64/ PlIt.e" en, We.g, 57.'1*°1/14t.'n iltarlgtetitt.oztnottlirs
• Company under the anti-trust law. •
. The State of Tennessew went, dry
at Midnight- on Wednesday'. night.
rargain4hitrais, looking for cheap
liquor, wire very numerous.' • .
(3t -Ex'
Tuan Fang, progressive states-
man, has been made V-locroy of the
* 'Chi 11. •
heater, England, recently.
" Waterier
tory•*.btalY for •:
tIn7,0*; 0.4","4-07O47*-040eattii,44-0i:,”
'.10400,goeut.i•and a, largo nur
o orreotly •
s. -ho
, go ...ne*L- -7*
tubs and large roils, 1$ to lOit'; without wing now to swim itaoc, on him any, hold you * arner 23 Some ert infer- I .
• c, and separator; 20 to tie per
Eggs---,Clase tots,.0b)e per tio;en.
04.0,13-e-gt4rge cheese, ioltl) 14 -to
'1,4ge., • lsreW 'quoted 12,14,"0 for
large i and41.12,4 for. twins.
. *1100:PRODUCTS,
,Baeon--,Lorig clear; .1$1,c /
per /b. hi ease Iota; 'mess -pork, *23
to $20.1$0;. short out, $2,5 to $2ts.o6,
lifams—Light to ,MedittrUf 15% to
100; do.; heavy, 14 to 14%0; rolls,
Ite; shoulders, IPA to12e;
backs,- 18 to 1,8 to); rea as • a
..erree41)43401tiilik 14140
• 4$41414.4=1.-71 _1"111
etimen , farm . p*oine
o1Ieitcl,: although
° Ira*
110131%, 11,0
* EN110 ;1414E. .
4:,40. -101 -In ogee'
been • oated • 7tirs,rt
.1; 11111013 the roint. 'bine*
year agelist,,Atigust the tin*,
'has been to 5. ettiplock, and no
Stork on Saturda Inn thus-
_vett:As and -
Glen-ro TITO-5-'1Np
many as xn 'ma a 0 •
• *re as-Asoon na1P,c1-re.--krin
measutes:1410$2.been..dis sed Aato -
;mati,ori on how to ideal t e.
drowning is afforded by Recreatien,. eommona **Plashing water tile
which cautions would -bo •sgtviorls, *,,00. Of struggling 'Per.SOU -Ort the
,escorti 411.17 t;grouvi.that it makes him turn fronl,
'I'k(edsisetit IA' 'kelf‘ :hut ,a*n ini. t. n.'t."t. . r 'it °;31$(i'll°041'43 hi te•rror Ali.'. .
mote Your outer clothing , *and eitereent; '
shoos" saya tile writer, .44114 this "Leg 'holds are the great. fear' of
.1)w ,tinill gnwortettohanociblem,m,tuadtee'rinpitl!Itetz iffe gayer*. ' Ihtt. 'a 'Pbworflit num
encirele you with his legs -and nine
to him, and, freer iit, 'dartil,ng 'him times out of ton you are 4 loner,
ashore; • Proceed • imitodistely'. to. To be. caught tither by legs or 4trAfc
undress and while so doing -think,. Item t,11 roar. is'. also. genera** 'fa-
_:_. : ..,..“ , 1,, . , . , _.• ' tat, lor back. holds are almost int.
0"7-dantrerryou-should-suard ea '
erry Ifarbor Board have again
mmeneed, dredging operatione.
LO cost, estimated
la 4 .
. it'44,44404, * bessible "to _break., . Against,these
should losO 4fly• ' time.
• .
r 1i
ent-sbor f Ile -is on y exhaust-
1,,t14.__Acii__ tten_".„, # thi yswer $_foo,`.:, 31,or!„!:tioilifiglestir1l4erworieli7000... ,_ _
Ps e f - .4)tt w Its S.**' oiikt,,,donellatileThwto.r°mmorelit).144;tte*vi swae--'r barley,..6714,
Gilo; buck's' ea * 10 ne
tr-41,-344*----Crw-P---*Yr t;he is oterl,(1-444---4her--41,744 1300 -..
tit** tett Btu a ornpany c lrl. oc-----Piour.-Ifarniteba-Sprolg i-olgr--liftwip-rtor
— ortralhuraulay-nio tm.,..,. ,mt___
' It of'injuries sustained in * fall mcw,u A.Prni7-. ,- ... -..,,..t..,-.-1-ild ,9 . --
en . raady4akeratomAno-mum-vv--vdr 'a ftict,-litaniobit-ottong-air-' '00CF'ihttulli-lier- 0
1:41 r ' t .. nd' •the •yr.ater there'.13,ne 4y. the, /intr. - A iistfuttglig, rerlon.
5%c;41sto 1 feed ISOYey ponsible for • many fatalities. • flit, th 401. back .strokt
0, -10.7 to 740; Manitoba loot • aozen,times .go under once a bps •-back ana_111$0 the, bee „Oro, 0.
t vet be seen again.;. there is no Yolirtelf, sustainin by plating
• • diNi rn Thursd_. itY", ,Inintwuso, .wleigt71",ihnotmfostiriaspid,„ 4,, • - 1 OlittaFfb. e -our arms;
hboat....Pa.t°11tfiti 11,tett"ot- ifarii4 tore, ---that, when a bead- sinks- -th ta-n,as'. on - es 0 seise
Spring vac* • PA en SY sec- situation it criticat'and not * se gt under, his ohin. or .hold hint by the,
010 -b°41$ -IL lothe at -the "1r
s back e nee Ir or
.ioliaottiri:,:p:to , BanIc. , .t 'e,f '704A , ,...
. A -New York firzn receittr, Piaeed '
an..order for a quantity ijor lace to.PV:
lag about -sri,coo, and,IntrMiOed that
iok iiittp,von... 1 . , ' Crimean
. tutor:rosc::::0::s0 -10:. ..14:1-- io)#hovile
-orap.,,':diOa:., in his .Wth. ', year-
Newry,. :CauuttlDoarn....;00., ..5v If ill'
, .
teeef t of an ,i51 -era e ,peti-Sion-t
wor ta: ell -IM, - _OA y'l , - 1 . ,
-.--.,*-ay--,to t,he poid .. '
••• A seutenee ,of,..a month's„imPria.. . '-, .
in.L------",-..,--,,,„---,""1.1--` - -..-
1,ie-a--;.. -'-' '-' - - •
, %. ,
thraugh 1,0 er make six bodies re- I $Winter *heat pc en s
r....statiA,ty_GWith two other wet v h ers 8.001 1+‘ vis b
-4*Oti-Valittitild. lob - sow- ..t.taTersdpiltLiaJok- , •
'Mali; till Their i'iTe7it-4'titi le reluttSTol Inrre.` GO. traight rollerti in gs, $1.11) water • is pluatly, more ,especially - • -
was working S4eve ' e ' i ' I -44 ' but bodies that 06 fr I/ ... ° b . *2 65 to '.-- --„..„ .1- 6,.,-c,irtitinintr uso - ' -
wer,whte,is ;4 13 Ittl CI _eft a , , ,j,,k, tIttrarto 333, bags, ia* .. n. -tide or * %;.r.rert 1- - T' ,i.,. •_,, ,,fpon, retelling terra Otink" the
Osed to hitOte peen 'v}v11. ° r001141tanitoWi ottn,' • .s, 'IrtiignmOjt,tottyott.will need al '141.4'. "gist obleet sIloilld bete expel, train
. , ago', ,etv 16,nitob*eisOrta; *24 to „iiteuitict4,41.Iie.ati.PeemstuL; ' -- - Ili 'I 'nos- of-thervietiin ant water
.,, . _ ___ . a: e 11
" 4`4 t4'.*,, VargItg; TO 131V-4; ' ' • ° , that may 'have been- taken lit. --7-D -
.. . ,.. , ...- . .
••- tat.* . • ..
- , ., .•.
ng 4 _ tite
channel lemlutixtx?
when the floor suddenly gave wow, vatttlYi 1..
and the- Otto ,rien fell throughtt, .,,,,Nisgstee 0...rine of months
-fri--Atuco of ix- - - inseam 031C.,y,...--„--„,.. - 0311 ittlI,, ,,,--( _ „moil e
i 1E44.414* 01 *61- - froth the . t *35
, r, .• kis ' "Alert. they have, ,boen lead Pl!ro gram - 1 + I - sao.'
•..,4eimi _,ttitmaoto, • i t .,
hie( Ontilirt'"--
L.-- erns*
ird wi
Fatality oft 10# P* riftt -1111101 114c you win not tire • ,
' ost "Or 1414h nnt, .*• MOLTED STATES MA 4urrent, nor -will yOu miss' the neck, .
4. to:I:dentin -Order to obtain oia
double mut er ;was..
perpetrated Dratierstown Court- .
I sod her infant. Ithe--body-v
the child VAS found la* l'kl.d,•and
the fle*(1,' woman in her house ,
not -
tar away,
TheLinet, r
eil liefe 80:10140(1
favor of • .2. °
Shannon at; .0aistletonne
iumaititte* estiutafted
Too to- as la -eh
• .
-• C0NDtOTOR1fI4LED, tele. ereitmer
-18,e-s seen* or,u1)0
location*, and,: work. idoWn stream. .
.inroc-elothing_from Waist," thest-an . _
-then if" th°t* it‘ stOthillg Rai 0. 0 t a P k L. e
0 0 $ ar o #-•
...,,._ -
As Artielli O. P. It. con4ti'ctorl '
"--0.141, itoir_itlifhistet:tvet,ii it:1:,-11st.,,tliiky.,4:4,
_.. -etwolth-.1Itcy;44
- ' - eirtlielif:**Arsod
. 10. 's freight wreck which had block.
. ed the line and he bad walked oat 771/
i() omer
rwpitloi • 'de-
vastating tsitbrtositt,-1. t
nh Isid *age i.04.‘er store
and towns Calehti** and
and killed L'Ote,000
lL�iiin& andlte Were on
1i ar
UIQTDIU *11 visited
t, wouki .46
e and in.1Lggio *1
hocks boL} .0.t1ot rsa
t 117 01t.i0S,
bodv *telt ittore-North-ttay-Uye-1:: ; it has.. titight.,,e0.4ke submerged round to ba41.12ke. *.'berrol „ Disrlsig tart °flit 0*y..,
..steady. ,- No, o obstiele.; while if tt is. free you WI At 0
0144.440t4 - 141%4 .:4041XL,1V`10,4k0rit; -:01Wittithipg!. Oil it .01114* Ii4Olt .401Ortil thflt, The -rule VAC 310 111440i 1430iiki
voliar I 4idat,..._ ..1..Wte,
ttee, ,41;t4ititelothing„auetiet.at tho ADA force .thilfztlex44:!00,40.k&---1i-k1pliir4Patr11.,linligoth7pveeeiz44:iiii..i4H, tier
olio* 7 A g .00tt ;to Of tliese by the armpits), the 'small undle of 'elothes 'eV lite , len floret'. rt:-Xnakii-si'
to rtat or the bur. the bottom la oltair or stool ires* the water fortiwe in the appearauee Ist
a fit, wblefi teemed an
to, the, tertittelt- pepul*.
ou. $t,i1 :said that this r quake
as of greater te,eritir than the
fatal one of the night of Pr eorritier
Se. WOoden, houses and huts
eiicticl for ,hawommodatmu ot
to hint 1600 OA. 4141MS:ft
*her** party was in progress. Re-
turning. to hitt tritia-hti must have
been struck by the westbound Witi-
rapeg.express, his mangled body be-
ing, poked up. 4$1 Thuredey morn-
ing by, *Wall men. ' loaves
* wi and otos chi it/ North
;;to be thrown METtL l'74; K
OHO itt Or .*
* - ))14,04e4L'
• first
' soot:Tier
hia eted th
irernalps'if the
Utilised and tit
densfo! eft)*
tettions a*
ttningst two vets aa4 Oct* ear.:
an Thurs-
4,l‘..; 0.
* . 2 roes', 'or- *al* atia YOU Aire Atat Olit 'with' your Ian • port. ' ;,
:4 white4 55c
n to
• eVilagor Jur
wheat, *14
Iti.3fi; No. 2ba
o. b I
taro 41i; goottpusbolt; but if -- !When t Citing mato ,ejtjter, ever,
h ar5-4
..water is to 'Alertip Or Attk. bottom :'11.00i111311r$' to apply artiltcial respire- ,
soft and mistitly ;swim to 111.0--,,*ur;. tion_ thot 1,00, Tesf4red In Lao w,F4?4.-www 4"1
f*nef.-- **lug leo 10.44r#00,0ni, ttvLoskuritt braaeOlutt,, ;eare .t.in't,i4set--tttet0
0, # reit; *$1,06,,, if ;Pliove„ before .how 1,0'11400u ,hst tiketk '1i-(04-ittAtid ,Alhert- lifeinerlat
sibs to eisrry a ashore it wi 1 bifiteto:ll 'throat thoroughly *mt.* toirolit". (Park Corner ,to
base of' fife *siring the relielie 'efi the Angue,im3. either tie, it inst•be-, ce rigid- tan s !he
• i • '07, ii0okeistn. ty, one was
TLCtlTfl $1,,ss 14 to tooth 01 tho utast thlingerOld chid. ,ot ottitti. N'tat,,ttizie•Wok *taLla.•
$L3L11 0!n ti rrio
no -omit triado. bi fest; yOuti the -lip* or IOU it there!, at '411h*e* P:re6edri Int 11
44 Sitter POU PIS:re"' I*" re- thlit it‘will "t. 1164"" /41 '` bravest *la koost. t4tet t„„e
r a,:ksais
op ord-r, .Eeetialt th v
1, July 6,-
04 the
• at 2110.
diary he $0 stt
e • 4151/ iavatuable utistznce *0 -t
0_1131141t,' !'irtnert14111641iiit 4034 pungent herbIl
moat simpte festures -aro wffialin to the ationt's nogrils ior 1,114tie-
reseb 0-1 asy 011
. andwill e*eilInk of hs throat with*
Wattle t11411/
"h apoi ggliut 'irsiStier tartliOd ot ttit!itt. traet
tcntiofl *of grabbWg *1141y keep 1*103 flienator Alarieb.4eitism in boor
WI - yqur 00 ,unP1 0'0_41,40'1st:
for tho, right i' --r' r Pro*iocront
3 's iol4l4it'071ot f
1:4ftllh:0 0t!r01
„ - - 4
• •
7. •
abtftirao'er. Thi
0Q145 Tar*l
park 'X w&lkecl tbrouh *
1;We- -ear* -4* -*Moo -itr:th
Gentlewoitiot, '1.'*.s.,4 found * fe
,rather forlorn looking broughams'
. ,
ira *leisurely **Auer. hat of tro
e4:1 rink* or line folk* in An* ter-
ttelget t4ote-wee-*04sa, ma *00404,
41140*,:talkat, tit. Krises 000 b)fr
suO 140elessi •with seetees
sse. 4o, ;#