HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-01, Page 8DnEssaAuoto n=110 ;',1 wAN'Irgp—avilar *0 )414. TOW "Ove Vilson thstitere- *11/41vPsfr,',v, h tor sale4 0 kbnere rfp'1945:* tiqrt: 'A.,1144.1:1")!„'3:fz'xi:11.cee r,t:4 valuestbre tte'neanct4 liatly buytr gcts tI ebb ereaI.beatitiesin tite"•- heiettil-Attreolesaltualftritre bout forty niee o ch from; . Resta, 't I o ' Another lucky etrike. We have just secured another lot a leeelies Black and Tan Rose, •P1041.60.4.Fibbed eottle Very 811041Y imperfect and others perkecte regular Val- • e es2O And 25cthe pair. Come.and take your choice, 2 airs or a quarter. reeee„„ --eve r Ladies' Tailor-made Linen Skirts, extra, value made from pure linen, strappeetwith blue, white and self . strapping and finished with fancy buttone. See them. retadirsatUielt-and :Colortd=ltega,1 -Tatetta ehaneee . • , proach to pure silk we have ever •seen. Looks as good•413-011 rhatethe:pure and,. Wears., bets e. ter than silk. You'll want one. 1 0 4 4:kr ° ,. v 14 'Sow L -A1'..,,, $ ?:4111WV, •:..rr 1. % ' „ • '' , lk: rt,' . ._ , 0 . ',passed by the 'f'Usbornt COUflCL, - ,.• iirie IV -U-tr. ' re(n ti ten 5• a p040 0 , .,,cbwoap,:e,_:Towe don't enind hint rOMing, bgeb,fix.r 1„triwill rel*O_ThrocONO ,i.attemagiA tttlio-Oftvetert 113 4 Coie's Drug Store. Casts no , 4;4 . fir-get:the IA17-7, 7 `.' v liali" '. 'The T m I Ja0,' „ :Ms* -":" at' °fen ' . Exe il°1•Pas$* i+4.14e0 ti 01 . two of' then' ; bei 1th honore. b 6 AI toil:1/4011r 4beoctOariinetst474%tvidnagtenleorueBr", ,, , our Neighbors,abont It. 13ohniton, ax.e ,t9 . • n eangratuleted on tion. ARTIIIIR D. DAyh$. ' e4would re ., ;Filw-i-veatigia-a-, . A- .74,,i -AT f iqtringeiei4-404/. 11111 . 0,:thlaaf "i:t-Iiir 404-likiitit40,4,-,,001 ++++++, 1471.1 4.14+44+. ++++444144r I the eshowIng. Thoee wi4a seeured ' Ur. W. F May spent Sunda'y .• in 1 Vlions°sIre4 IfttrtIteUrailettYesi ,PG-"ItillaYariln:eltitl* 0-thrilldeVr!tP4:31.eprpnerdoPen:tr4piletet8c,.1A:1;:t,/sests11:etilte_11,810714ar,.b7asa.r.1:711 Islisseheil. . 4.1Tat itot 1. i 'olive Wood' and Frede4eaver, A 4°441' '°Pe''tncT'i6-2•1:1'411.r:814/5-*111) --- - ..- • -Mr Uarod.' •• : .'•....31-,. -Gnitilta ' .... ..... fr ' '1307iieffit71414"iitog 14:140141' ' 1418'!.‘"AVItt124°.11-Friday,1;':*11.10USE TO RENT. -On Thainee Boad, , ._. , week from London, . . iteuse. lie pleaded that he was 111Xle rooms.. hard and soft water. MisS Elsie. McCallum. returiked las good comfortable frame house, .13 ;,40'.1x0r. only ativertIsing .114; geode.' but evid- wri9,,;(vnere, Tosuiri"' th4.•,..e.he , "71 , weeke-foteellend -to Mend Iti5Its.' --'tre'd114•'-ssel7lilesn't"odsei'vithosttagftntriptt viti?i,--t-LP.0:04.1:er VI:)b_ee,Nriv:i...Tirne.?7st.triri::---irlif-b-kedri#:,0- .:,,rot..Paoposit. 710. IL 14,13t01:1 "411 4 31311 .1 -- _V t • . card' and I will call. ED. IISIDB- .e..„ •, ..."..Thltrethc el:litthl-nmiSiiiseres-seixtq. Pg41:14-egjesh:MulCie ;s1: manw:Sandortie_S_w_ti-FL,Extteloee- 1 -- All kinds.- of Boots -a • as Ytypri i- eut ,:a4t: 1 rrri rsiit ::::143:;:yraordtevaegloted:tutri\.antie:111o4,61:11herttlenift:atentqL:unelsrtvioltro*ples_ tittlxviy)e;,,u1s0:0:d„rte,lootrihte,grat4for:_nr.:.._pt3..0N. 0. right:T.-The ' felheOlageare •thts --ear- .010,0_ii..U4stritr_ente.iisatItine.;4;teuv:oleteit.si#04:ir CEO MANSoN hVd:sidit" TEACHER WANTED ....v Oil seenes er-s-*2.37.0/2.40 : . 0 -S40.10 : ,,3 t "Iota ifou , to coo P• .--;;;;;;;,....e..m r • -Thellafiii Seastill eefiletee.4-32.440-eero=e. : [ENwill b Commercial - eliParSh-T*N-ing ---iliCit $4:iihlter9E133:051:3:11r3'1)°bu4544s4ho'be.rittgeaSint!r8(e)ce:::t. em4.808Gtarseesesepreoapreralyndfinttoesde and treated. VierPATAYelt as atleuletotwZitirogiCh'eoatinAtelinet Net visit Monday June 14. ii Ile NGtbeiirn Pada your broken hits t about ave tI10 the latest styles 1?oth bigli .nri • Highest Price Paid for Prild.uee-siluitei 170; g Price*, subject 0:243h -env, -70r eetitilithilitted'Tweed-Sitit. -TOT'r--Witrm - days, Thy conee'LlTgeey atidTaii6Yegadie-#ffeCtse- t. ant_emetfert and: value et one of these Ladies' Fancy Parasole, White, Tuscan, Cream and 1.315 Dresden effects, with brass frames and natural handles. 1.60 The daintiest lot of parasols we: have seen for some 2.0,Le time, " Dr. Gerry and family, of Mitchell. -sveree theegueets of -the- Missesr,Ititiss man. Misses Marjorie and .irean Seldon are 8/Pending the Vacation at Inger- Mieses 1,Vinnit-earstentard and Miss Edna 'rollick ore camping: at Th end 5Trs.-Nfoe'aig* and cialdren, of 'Itamilton; are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Selland. Fat solid cernfort Men's Underwear, Linen, colored' - Stores Close -Sharp at 630 oceept -----Weduesday-and-:-Saturdap Highest Prices paid for Live Poultry, Chickens, Hens and Ducks, 1,7, Roots and Shoes. -..2.144_1e10-ealt.1101703r00. Durdle at Brussels. day after visiting his - sister Mrs. -.The country football , layers at. Frank Itooke retuirried- last Thurs. e last get to. the "re" Friday night admired by the fair sex and we heard I obunsi„Gmeaani. Pa.Ainideorn.isoTura.i.mpoepruwars rair4h FA.ItM FOlt S*La large04,..,0...........-......„_,,.., by defeating them 4-2. , many 'say, "'now aint he a beaue. - - ,... Lot 3, concession-Oeetownstlw -0 . Miss Ittura. ihekell aea Yestirdai r ."'11411-17,-vtit; r maxlimicerweeitrjr4hst \for I , containing 100 acrea. On th N station•.,,„ , re , , 'til . '-'t it Iffrs, Capt. W. Te Clarkie -.of-Po unovn ism! it.rwriceirjukrethe- 7.Ti. jead,orecceoar:oeetnnit4era-nprig- pen- under.- Tw Mesa!). W. J. Hearne:2,- W. IL Tom. ankother relaltves..in town. .. ope, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Chas ausptees of the Ladies'- Guild of Tri- acres orchard, good supply of niqt.7.ro toldellurschi; ecimostlyetl manati last 'week. • taittLMtaltr Frilstidcalluyreehv'erTintesil trteetsthraY: atteitded enjoyed the evening imruen- uccess fina.ncea y on every one 0 - .i , • . . esett anti It. G. Seldon attended t e Coal Dealers' Convention at Ilitfialo seiy. Music was . furnished ItyLe the Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Maguire returned Zurich band and during the evening last week after a pleasant visit with several choruses were given by mem- lire and Mrs. J. A. Ilayes, at Niagara ty..rs. Short addresses were .give,.re b • ler: ...18. L. Vollick and Miss Stable Feverai of those present, while tI2 lades were _dispensing ice cream. --viiritgrvr.-T:'. action ale' Spent Sunday- in town. Brigs Follick cake and otbrIr. delicaieies. 4 Nearly all seeded down. "%val. eel reasonable. Pessession given this fall, Apply to JOHN BRODERICK, on premises or the Sarepta P. 0. Weare showing some good vaueS this weak in filicy Voiles n:Blue, 'Brown, Linen artd Black.. Also some ire And you will need a ktvy fork. I 'hdve the ageney for Beatty Brros., Fergus,' trKor4444-a' Satisfaction guar atitetd and prices- * - aye eapa man o ins them. , , would be a good *me tor our bran It is rieflour that 43 sitalaY above alt others in et. use • regularlyin you h 44 . _ , 1 . to .be But the ' only one "beet" and t've- are 'Co a, trial " will • nvince t t It is 'Order Sack to -day and do y . I; •a bag with it. The result s hound to Make you a - steady , user. FARM YOR SALE -Lot 18, Con. 14 eeft Tuesday for a trip to the coast pia l'ARGAIN*1 RATTLING 1110 township of .11ibb4t, coatetining ;11)0 voittng- ertroule. , HARGAINS.T.v.Tbir Erxeter 'Bargain acrest- tfaia property there is a vrho has been ,Store is rented and" we must crack out good brick dwelling, large bank barn. attending Toronto University, has the goods .at once, in order to give /ramie horse stable and Implement 'succeeded in passing ler exams. with irstZaas honors. Miss Raze' Browning, who has been Attaritling-tiito Ladiesi_ivollege -4 Whitby, feturned home' la.st week to spend the holidays. op possession of the Store. Every- house and pig and hen house. Good thing goes at Rattling Big Bargains., young orchard; .never failjzigeupply LT'S A RALF PRICE S -ALE.-. or theof, water s. elk acres clearedethe bal- stock _ is_ollere• td__In_joheintseatetelaw_anceein-bardweed_bush;_nwiii rati;•-On the dollar. Also -for sale at beautiful home, situated well for half piece one iron cafe, one caeh-reg- s9hool, church and market. It is in cession on the Ist of November, 1900. \1j1 ha-aolsi 1.7-4rab. • .14o-auction—ort- faiiitritLarc- c rsaswe or sum- • - ' t1". r gory, o . spent afew is durin Lansfitaisiiilt iii:alLt; ors:: styles_ --I. •- ,--e-airgai,.---.4.1 tit-o--Ato(K Futedszr-a..-or-Trorttou.,.-ar4----visi &tee berinother and eiM ster rs. Chas. Tom and Mrs.. We De 140.. _ . .. ... . , -- Mrs. tDr.) 11. -A. Ilowrinare and daughter Genevieve, ot Menomonie, White Vests in- IfirireWestestyle, Stalk Has, MU; Ties, Shirts, Braces, Cuff:Links; Collars and Fancy Hose! alt up•date-goOds arid priees are right. . Best Fresh Groceries ahsraysfjn Stock • R. .5 eve and p ce c, ail must be eskutea.t.-sonc0,04_ee-AY---BB,0,4-‘, -he-MaisieIt:-1u, en trialtned-th • n • TintolltessIseenirt-Fire-4, played land during that time the *stuivhihelorstle. 4"Do-11411"-11511-odleelirvarkslraw•thrze—P-foltr-hettie"' tenedicts remained in the box Wisconsin- are vunting -at- the-T0J tbradghout- thc game,. Pitchi.og rnast- of her mother Mrs. 'Charles Tom. erful ball.. The married men. recure their rums by good hitting, while the. single fellow& secure.d three their talltee by rank errors. The store was 8-4 in faiorof -the married men.11 The 1W - . teatas, were ne Hos- rg• J. J. itcconapsanied ky. kito,,_ F. no u,,_Fereoe. cariing,„,p,pete. (Saturday to spend a*'6.tvr---3-inonthze"wietik h places. Married. StewT. Boye, art, Anderson, titaMcFarlanwk- haw. Co',,e, l . e: 4 -en:- -Pinner's. Dyer, - 'Mott, friends in Detroit, 1,Vindsor and other e . Frank. llougehmond. the negro, sth MeCol1oa3b. Creech, 11. Nerwr= Creech. .8,PIRemb•?re WO hanged in tile .112::b:If rue the e..vere raur4ered Mrs. Peake, neer Stratford, this 11 ipoi yard at Stratford on fouday [nicions }ewe aivotinzt_ Hee it 4 -794=' ft. Irtre"CCUI:stitch4cv 04- turgAitge---ris-1. in *1 bblVting a!ley8 ror several. Wee -Mir to re gu owing to illness, died mantiyit.r114"s'Theauetff-valtectkrithth'inle 'a‘onpypenwsife. at the home of his parents in London It eeems that whdrever there are boys • on Sunday. dathered there -is always one or two who seem to think that a strong oath embellishes any statement they may make. It. don't and he the opiniim on tbe average, tnan avealrens the Itrgu- ii,i..•ent.rroranity among men. eeems to lei on- the, decrease or if it is not they may , flee it • with diseretiont nk--theiaatter---oserid.--co---bW1 - reelf with come 'bays who ; do swear and take the name of the 'Creator in vain. ° At the last meeting of the L 0. Fe ;iles'Srs. Geo. Anderson and Mart Sal- ter, were elected delegates to attend the grand lodge meeting at Chatham. it tailored by us Iney not all bc bt,11 it is there Just the same., hidden in, the Interlining, the tett the modeling. W Wt MANE Yorn SPRING SUIrl 't red it to wear like an or - It nne. will not. It will wear $0 low'3"0-4111! get tired of it, cvefl fi it retains its style and shepe- Ercs right along. throughout and With careful » conscientious ,work we guarantee at isfaction'to° all custom- ers. Vour Patronage, is. espectfully Solitited P NPR1 W, 9. MIN Mr. Musgrave. 31.-P. of. 'Wing - ham, who taught the room formerly in_rharge 01 311a..Gregory in the High oSehool department, left Friday even- ing tor his home. in Wingkam. The Exeter ratte6nie lodge ttttended e Trivitt Memorial c,betreh _Sand enernInge-velven a 5pegia.11iras de:iverod by the Itec,tor, Rev. D. W. Erkhern were present from 1,!risal1 arid Lecan.' „ , A. superb finish is obtained by us artipbell's Varnish --Stain for farniture or interior AVIXRI. tro Thege etains are sold in 1-4 lit, 1 .pint, pint, quart, end gallon e. Ask W. 3. Ileaman for calor MRI4ob of Lt o oat' Lb&-hOrlee Ors high and t,t 10:44- is%ut, sk he_most intbreAting giune played on /he -iota grautia, thks ason , was pulled. of , last Vriday c'fitriPt, When Bitters I/Font lEist- rs cesayed to defeat flissettse Busy Itattereethe second time. bet were headed off, byetix..., lattor {1 the h-.avy hittin,1 13y Bi'A s: -t; teem 130. The market prices for eddittO are aflye and So is The Old 'iik4iSon A. II. (le:ree de:Ivered his fare - welt sermon Sundayeveningeand t4e -arge • edifice was 0047Sortably fill .o hear the be oved -as or o am trneeteeghurche - ..,ITE -.12=111S03;: -'41,1V AT-SerVts. - -or mseandepartial• ulton. pro rietoriee. one door south, or the rives (no trade, and 110 truolt) 0 "ameron.uc ioneer gift of grate of God given unto me by he-v-ffectind working of hispow Ile spiske-orthe -4utieS of 4 Waist to hes congregation, .chalkinghow a niniste.re-w-ho-did-not--s truth as he believed it, was weakene in his work; hd ehould be closely idene "in tglant3dIthiLwitbli 13Mtheral9iii4nthew°urpklifhtainlAg work. Mr. Going (then followed with a resume of his pastorziet here. lie arr. yettawri,..4th:_4n_____si,.„_..ileirene„ _._iii, rodnsbeen accueed of „deliverinzeser large letters on the boxes. -directed at--- etitdividuaS, fait - while they may have hit the mark, W.'. G.,Caines. .,„ Parkhill.. nthe-eYzny--11‘'eperstur" la° tile-pratarteidt161arridel-sivitehreendj , thongh Geo. had. nothing to do with te,. received his call Co tome to Exeter, e-- • . _ .. _. • ea i the games- The-•busy-battersewereeas AntIL:attr‘cecerted:cbt05fielde-11:rabl%tivtet-hcaght---1.01"1 'rat - follows Elliott. lItirdort, Anderson; prayer. Ile had visited Exeter on a , . .. 21r - i ...... ..., ,.....,.,. ....... ... 4 4,,i1,-, a 4.1144---1414410: * - , . :•4; . WI s were, Ilirneye. ,. wea,..Arne, eeable day the dull, appearance a stronr, Mallbtt, Sander,s, Ilynn. Hill, t 'tc''''n 0I1 that -6;2.(iiliun lnd the Sweet: The spore was 20 to .14 favor tit the Rosy -Matters.. in difficulty he experiented in having the I° as driver find _the place where be wanted to gceei Ite bed also heo.rd. . . Courses are some things 'about the James Stret practk church -that did riot appeal to 'hint • teachers elver to* - inspecfor, Ivor°, on duty (bie week in Very StroziglY,:but he felt- that if the • gradtiatet -COO i,' Of fi ii ng tb.,,,, Ittwo9fito cit nn6rini,. , Lord • wishetl him to CoMM to Exeter. . sponsiblepos tiont. We are he tou7.11 do it through the iii3b.1 or- : retiring num licatliona 0 a, onarterly • . board, as well ' s s --e.islirestienints.- 7.s.o.iiim 1 the cottferenee, although he hi ways. been opposed to the invitation al. four 1 1 rn el „ s'ystem. tre had heard that the cen-graduates 1 gregation of the Jamas Sfreet thatch 0 'en l.vae Eitingy, lbut had not round them At, 0 -13, mid when away frOM Exeter hail . 0-%)ayR ii,-ok,,-„trt hirvilr of Jaruc8 St., . eh -arch. Ilis reception on the eveninr1 or his arrival • tad made :.h.,,, and hi3. fittefie ice?! et 'hot -Jr* - and for - four iYeaV's ieverythipe. haS b;.,en r.,-erfectly harenonIeas. Ile had never b?ori sta., tiorsid -before its a- settlement oZ so Many Devonshire, and had nothing but the kintlilist thoughts fore" the ../ 0 „ `Ichire,,, 'Pees) ,x,tri,, 3 075iss• wh ' , 4 • . - "All". L. 0. klena31.5 tentiot touptica %tub many errOrs oi 111- e TO;3111-E.d this- mraurriltax. lies seat 3 tons Are !evil ,bldly yteingsters, and Mr. Vleming'S lti-ItstuOr ever little :dog, a great favorite c114riroYiewl,gdi:satliodn;!shirel‘'bgver:inilertst5:tt.:tacsoelekidtstla, et4elfztueetd: mattenelog t th he -tic.?nSC oi2 the Man RoitSe e evo.xliatT. proprt, ta tv lke o and' iterd 'rho fsto tnortting. EI t(r,.e! o . for the arrest and corWic- ,, tion of the person- or persons trading in my ttatne Iron Met- al Pbags, etc INly wagons have the boxes painted red and the He hair 00c. _per h. • &and litld 2 1/2e. per lb.. 'Bring yourOo,4100 here and ge toA, et -your -mon A at iet.y of ./ROtit P1PE ilvearftitz sortable price, suitable tor fence po8te brating Wide/Ara:1g, Mr. aatues Iiandford. ofCentralia, or Ilbgrd of Ifealth kir VS- bornv. and Mr. Thos. Senate, sanitary 41tfice h_0113. in$cle day • iithisokt"e2irgit!S e'r14, n*ftZ1Irbgone ho 4Jd Monday -witing',/at /eon outsl4e ot%Ititipat e riZdeid nitb t»orroi el.j b'n tttidy ry one. 404 oA°V o 4 pri'?'. Vi4,1 e ctth .(4,4fin Ivor* •