Exeter Times., 1909-07-01, Page 6Then Jthcr, withuut a word,lai - - srs-selownhcr work..ornovcd er apron ' liberately .and nat1ys, - ••}0 s ' h "What does this mean ' *re you demanded Mrs. Oulanian, but ratter briathless voice, tile girl attemp 4ted iniTieetzi to 0ack -.mytrunk-Iaiii-sOingtetIpatsiyetir house before the afternoon close," tattier eeldly returned,' • "Indeed you are going to do no VIergetie tJie matron,- quicklyrecoveriu terself in viewsofsthisse;pirit • "tetteitiatiant '''yousarelogally" ..tiermy cave until-y.04.41;re .age ° irsa-±TisliTiffieWSTibil "1 am going away," Eatlier,per- sia ed, without raising herito, lila with an inflection it was possible to mistake; "no power' o r atiskee- sue.-Jser 4.-sifterssue sssss sitc.S2stsashassssoffe.,.. Ncither my father nor my Mother ever struek inc a, blow, and by such itlf outragey�rhave 41`'.1rf-e-ited all rig',1 to tontrol me -all right to obedience, or respect from nie," "Where, will, you'. Mrs.' Cushman inquired, --a----frown 'Ayr mingled annoyance and anxiety aweeping over' her face, , • "I do not sliow---X do not much /" battle f�r lifoun4erq 111 • 040131415tance tleor nocare from tlic source w 5h ehOU1d--hftVO--bMIthe-StroE a tug., forth All words, or the first, timeoldring all her -servitude', and, without allow- ing her companion opportunity for • oversyr sherleftstfr room, and lied up to her own, where her pain, mortification and anger found vent in It wild outburat of weeping. Mrs. Cushman, meanwhile sank i'nto -elair in the sewing too ed in -0/ statts 431 perplexity- and anxiety that Was anything but en- viable. - • She, was disagreeably conscious .ot. the fact -that she had Abused Es- ther ever since she entered •her home -that she had imposed upon. /slave ,Qf her, in fact. She, knew well enough, that her. hatiband had rently.shts be ...„._,--443S...oss7.4114*.eSissbeisste ,-. lions_the. worittl-b-ave given her every aF atssdosssatessarte equally with his own children -in -CV ery ,respect .7:Possibly Mrs. -Cushman 'ire;k1 • ecu quiso erue jtalouly had not been aroused; ber- iiic.on That Iferbils • an • c ished a, lingering 'fondness for tbe 'girl's mother had from the first paved the. way for hatred. She had tiot quite dared to retitle, siiittesitttfrertfmr-iftets---Mr. man's death, and the held the, reins in her own, hands; she had not the Outage t� turn ref homelese itto ..the--streats,san.d-see.aince literate her presence in the e c - J)aisy, 7'wh blasted11°l reli ments, until thc wth tho broth,' panting and .0X7 ved from the ter, ftatier4-,4411474. nuisc a reappeared„ irorneck. Ler Ilea t beating c r TI.) N. AU hour the child. w led throbs, in view e terrible ',Iss° :eltshert.: having ordered as sleeping tealaniitst Of losing all that mule s'41#4.- '4usuinau (Is bed onis,1- 0.11.. q,u.i&iittlY 411.0.ireivol,tE„IblIre,taii"i.s,t, life nussf; enjoyable for her? then, "e -Y a' °tr*P.g al erlitig Suddenly, With-. a wild, shrill -OA : you not think 1 can tako. wheit .nr. Melrose finally rnod sheu Assissto,tsos awaY trom the ..bedside ish ofbreast1 clasping threw-liers . upon, Ether' jlf,„ sissa • I .i!Annl,,t,es‘re .eiOa-SiA4 •,- - . ;:arrna around- . : L _! . 1/ 1 ,o4 byster 1)**Ple'f*I' (1'41 steadily:” s" ts- at 0tipY , -..„ ' '‘I ' -' ' f '11.6, net, no I t can't let -you -go, the u re very ovid. "Will another membrane be like - Est e . if 0. 'Tell, ° lc , . ' vie a ... °t1' 3uit'"44utvia. this 1 '‘t-..:trtrfix°11,stirksni:illii41.,.:°:t.':aturTbie-rsOhiiild,f1,,tialize,oltilugwolviotelli s • ..,. , and must nat go" coiiklssisp , , u tir.7-1}. ler-Titirta-e-tilise .f altesherstakesialtficientspoilr- • ttle weeps t iiihm 1 * pir,,,11446: is nt, I•helieve she will get well. - to Iter .,. . enter- Rielftt..1,47-tf ,.. #444_:4:47 srorta2 11,0 thou.& . that she, do you be careful youratsia"Oelluat-ii'" a; iitli: 'exuc.vul13'entle- . seas ; 'you have probably saved wouid,:ake her; goirig. so ranch . to taking the child's breath," heart, .or she never wejlid, have told "I AM not afraid," Esther quiet; her life; so, while she. Steens tlo 10A--ber- , ton-telitPlateCdepar,- :I3. re liodi_at She •bent a fond no Yon go -and take, the rest which' you. turo,. she would.:;b-ifftg,44.aLiiedik: - ..1177t 0 litik.,::::01att and-,, bestow, -40-1u, se ,' -. 1 t will not is • when she Was'attorlied-In her play,-11*-4-t'rEtititie42:7-07,------riarationro n Antil'A'ati"4"11"--is--0"4.404--.4.9k:r..0' And thus avoided this harrowingher, the physitiau hastened uSZ,j, aii-d7i:WiruilW'allitiattekiiesTe. ': soone,r. . , ., A - .•s, 4losrs glItr.age4 nature'lMel asserted it- , It was -long bef‘re. she could ealtri 'Impl• one of the hospitals 2and Esther WAS forced to yield ospitals was in- 8° -she simply could hot hold out any -s -she turbulent, torrow; but it neat- etalied .in the sick room; but, as - ly spent itself, exhausting the '. er•Aft ' ' lot er and ere t awa to her room•' . - . stow the• *lightest attention -upon- - 'one siePt for -11WIT -11011rat -AA her. , . • , . when she finally awoke it was to eerne near her, to be. weik , trem ins, ex lauste . . sis____, „ zako, anctshe fen atstsso 4n :psalms!, allow her to arms. She continued to hotel her, weep- ing softly herself over the approach- She clung t� our young Jicro‘learn that Daisy was much better, e learn it Would yet be some time 'hal s arittioris'.enetstinis au hour every inpineut of the timertin.d WWI It-- ,„ket „rkall_datiess • Uy ijZ3 - ' - ssistist, s, ss ,,,, Alt 1 oreor min* ring- in seen :sr. ' o colittimed te-gasn, eve , Then it was with It - tial4rP$ hoarse, lititier - - - - ._- t., .,,,,,,,,,,,,4•,,,,,,,,,v. , ,. and her.imprevertient was very ra. cough that sent a thrill of terror No*, to. her. aidbut her Wass seemed only through Esther'e heart, and this Event hour the child became , . trouble,. for Mrs.. was: smareased_tt n ,slissoverin Ate14,4ilY.LIF„esses, Rota her throat be- the ' ,1)°,8.itnilitt . ii f . 11°W 1111117a an lev°40 : 8 ° - ' -F-4"--me 10 Ilvdc-i/t611- 11141-1-1441fi-'4311atAxl to the ', dread . .thsease, and -thus become, ' -, . . . , she seas latterly unable -to swallow. "'She has taken cold," she Sark arid all internal remedies were and e_patietted4imand upons_Elistehaevirly's strength to herself; and, rising ' with the abandoned. - . -• • child still in her arnia;Tibe eieste 4i. The third day Dr. Melrose felt Pde • ' • , - For five long weeks the hoitsewits y--helev---te------M-rs. Cushman's -obliged .tostell-thelinost elistr-aet- ed viether t at he had no. hope of d g saving r -neither-vanotnor-nor--4staughter, -waa She had been the idol regarded as dangerously i dol of the whole, ill, they farnily,and every member of the 4.1v.*cer° 'both. op thoroughly frightened. n y iniaginedLlheysswere _ much house old was in despair in view of, the probable Ioss of their sweek ' Worse than they really were, and little favorite, thus the care of them, the catering' Dither alone refused to accept stomutolitehiirugwahttu4s6nadnoduse.aprices, was the Phrliciatt's vertliet.• _...Esther_sheild.. out _bravely .unti • d'43-77felliOreve'jiteT*I-61rdier Daisy WAS running about the house "She is very ill!" -she. cried, "Es- she steadfastly asserted, with a rig- again, when she, began to. droop, ther, go down immediately and t • f ee and firmly set li s when- . rys a- '!'re e ts-a• etsseasass. 43"tv_111111‘s 1 you certainly will notibinkot I v- that" fC-41tiliskith---4174V41,412-;a114-'431:r my totel--;questtortW47'.41F-iiome arrifassssstssenft--syse• s,--sepssa and411IIF---7151116144''ivliTh-noto of apea1 in her ton. - g0y.hours -ittmiterinisterriinrt,•97.Zacillehildd.. ItWi;-----slicluietlY fainted away. C. floor..an lassauLthisarias)saiastaricsx4ateAtuossss---ss- Tosiseseontintred4.---- • tither had reit,erated` her oft4e- - peated al-farThe age of miracles is/ t," hoconeludccL 1 . -1-(410d-24-1ifesal sut-Ged-is.. oranioe- 1111 1J1 ,: 1111potent and emini-Preseri," :tstiler ' ' ANNI/AL TIIIRTIET reverent]t ." re lied - with a loek of. TUE ;title . was aletost 'sublime. SESSION Or 11100f COURT. physieian madeitS'resPonse, ssikeptieat-eiptrwtM' inoocl7 fact. Mittens.: The Year ,1608 Was the Most. Pros.,', the only god the receg- •„ . veopioi, and. he had, 'permit; in tne IItstorj of the 11S— „ - strangoly impotent. In Attendance. 'onureaus-sind depressing si- . loneesiettied upon the occupants ofstoriessissiett enteSei iesslon_ of tht,Illgh, -11 Dr. Melrose steed it the foot. of, 1' ta "ti,te ear et40"01004.04„ar$4a3r. h bed waiting. for what he. boiler; Jute lih, with a Janis 'number ie Attend.. same. hooding itigh ,Court °titers oad itelegetes representing Subordinate &mkt* :of every Province ot the Dominion. 1. sots. tieetitr- -volts sisse4hs-Order,104 met in this city,- ,and- the omit in an p�rtanf 0110, Ontr,tnr- that Itteenhli but also owing to the, fart Oslo in. this hirtY-Ifeerewegethst *yr th6 light of 4sr* llere rftelfed the *tie Catiedien Order of foresters. Its- nianitdetnz a*teroeitefeot, xpeihtoentiontist:hLodlitratio:, einem then .the Order hit stolidity nevi Aries estitbliebee esers tr'istirie* of•itte Dotaittioti, and its record * *piebald' totheions of *fait saa,be 'eontraithea br eansetions la Censors aftor as ;east eeeniter eerosnotiee eta Aber soolannent- remitters, the ItIgh, oficere sub, ottod lliele;:rettOrte, *NA *hewed 'Wit teaorsto be ie ao snot sentittibit o ivate satin -room, ear a a--.rs''-;Trer a $evere cold,” she remarked as she enter- ed; "she has been coughing hearse- ly and seems very feverish."' The mother started up with ,1111 expression of anxiety which was changed to a, look 44 blank terror at that, shrill cough fell Upon her • and thus aving the--stigee Whibl . hitherto. she had. been obliged t pay her nurse and seamstress. • Esther had always appeared so attraetable that she had not onco auspeetei her; pocatinst *Ceti spirit- and independenee, an4 th tow regretted'havifitt been so rash .esel severe, toward .her. 1etve • - *he- had --nevor- had lit in --the house who accomplished a tithe of the work that Esther was capable of tieing, Then she was to invert- ..ably,sweet- analtind-toward-D who seemed a different child with iniluenet over Frank had become very 'narked. her loss would be irreparabt *list she did not like to contemplate SueIr reitortuse, _ . "I 410 110t believe she will, go," sht ettere with a frov:ii, as she ith- \she piesof t;g11.144.• (1- that°,1t oft; tbere ytatbQ pli.70:14141,::waito:44001,_04:101xxottotri 4101:01,14: ttb. oldicot_Cfritia4rfri_Nrizert Alan 1"orestrr, that time woe, In an iMap ttiti$ geaaresa he urgod upon th. to ;mate 100 ttieStannor sear or the Or. The raport of -Oita. raulUoar. %Utah Sec- retary. covirlog the general work of the 44001ett WSW ttost in orderood ilboweit Iu detait the !Otte YOUDIel. Or. 1)1141)014 Arlin*, gefet through theliee4 OfriOOAO'D.ralfgetd-.- - 1nauatae te- ceivecl .4urtot thoi Yder was 11497.2/3.1C which. with the large atm of $101.2534. derived 'from, Interest earned top layette; inmate. made the total rmeelpts In • this breech $619.11,1,494 There -were 01 dee* clalms.104. teneuntioe, to $396.ast6rt. lea*. lifribir`large-intne0-4002,2490-"44: terry 'eseree-fttuditicirAttigi,he-close the yes;wiirrti atr$2100,r t28.211,,ol wvst, f-tbsoPt0iP"odins-ifeeirtitt6iieerim4Ps* !ranee. The alnount, ,of lee* r'ecelvp4 dor, log the Seat was *169,119,61. intorrst earned $e.174.4,.• The total receipt% there- • rei-amonnted fi,d1( -:ati4„.0.,047:11,ffiusti 942,22 to carri to tbe Rere :run 11140147 At-the-0os* of the year !t42',11r06enw* T11Cre 70•/57 members in acto4 stand, in . at the close of the year, carrying iare tU3 to'p The difterisiee • is the $71.175.000 of insurance, an e mem p the• Birk and Trinerar 13enent branch was 43,0.51. , • There were, Joined from the nigh Beere, tary*a_oOlee 6,752 insurance eeruneatea, and con membership' tertillcateso or a OW of , „ -The report of ItObt. Elliott, Sigh Treas- urer, showed the roods,ot the Order to he In a most eatisteetory condition. The reeelpte in the soiroraf. funds were: _In - fit Fund, • $164,314.10; General_ punt], $51,- 94827. Total receipts. 29$5.3911.46. The total ‘nditure these funds amounted to $612.%8P7.29,. The eurPlOs itie0M6 over • ex- penditure amounted to #329,497.22 ---the-aurplas roisianeertioadaareTinves as tollowe: Itunlelrial and school deben. " tures $21504169 OS Dolninion of Canada Stoek 150000 40 %** a _nepoints Joohartered banks; 10,000(0Current- ateonliti in elturtered .batik, • •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •••• •• • P•71, 49 -1;•I • ` 'a 111,4 0 'Ea'st-end,ot Lor1dorii niti`ot laeta),,!_ttys tfric'_Ifondon:PTimes. ulna...hers in Londu iay •444, 4a,-..4.4.U.P, late the be Total 4 C•-• • *. •4, Affi.940. 54i The total assets of 'the Order *mooted AtedialtlItiectiltM,0 : Assets over liabilities, 0,089,731IX The report a Dr. IT, IL Stanley. who bas • been ,OhisirMan,ot OW -Medical' Board since 'A'atleslarteststbssinsiLoiossettssesett-• theathottiendaffhemrerage4e0k-, rm„,,tor_ thff_txmolAt but 5,1,2_111 the_ thetteand: 'there wire eihniliked Joshes tosa djultst t*I.Oar 7.016 laps. 1111Mita:h1 Becaus. .they are made- 'of the74.hoteett titoothiss.andguan teed' t be lilsolutely pure od must soon egret -death from angeilation. • The trained' nurse, wai tooted by wilidtivt,. calmly reading a azine, while Esther, heavy- eed and exhausted frOM asd-sleepleststaglitss the little hand which had power to cling to her. Daisy coati/rum ant - then alnlosty instant. emod- 11 riett :Esther, a turning cye upon"the t ,uo 't 6 At& affrigbted better twitit's 14 hinghetan4tgent- draw her tient the bed, 'Whst .is• * liNhAt farmers an it rs 11 own. We don't know the 'cost of 'wo- o:010o, and we don't know.whether the margin of profit -would' not be cottsiderablAtreat,ersitthesieedse „ . The -comity- ceiei, :tee might safety say the, majority of owe, OEM • be, easily increased by giving theM MOM raw material to -Work with, or b changing.the ehar- eter of the feed *)1 Aoineparticular. t seeress follow instruc- -for, eeding so freque given- rsteleinnissas4sittsotlsetlatms rierss sinds-expernise, nt, „Amypur - own hook -not too radically, • cause there are .general f3crenate tines outside. of which it positively. will not pay —Itfittli`t iffatibOrt—tiflifIt4 about maniifaettiring-s-heettsise that- onirfnakrririnilk ind butter -the *note you. mit in raw material the better off you are so long as you u .aarlf30 muoatk.injuag kiaupgrou- profitsertid...eattno-ts"-cliaii-WIrsitiga a as to make a profit, better quit CO:1- tirely and take •up isome other line: of work. It's tlie _rstiri. of rflt an ol a large firm a on the rocks by overlooking t ittle fact. Better do a c9nservativel maw • q.t. •a' " han $ Lt. to carry on the largest business in the country at, a loss. • Of course there are off years, uii- iwofiWwle-years in° farming as there are in railroading or any.other so that takes the result or three•years_ to tiCterining_ whet or not your operations are w rth while. By use of scales and.. test sou .can know what each cow „IS do- ing for you every month, but if an aecident kills two or three, that may: mean a 10$s on the year's work, but does not make the rest of the herd -unprofitattle;-Suely-seloss is right, ly chargeable to capital account. __ _COWS -AND LIC 4zif -Ccomaiwbotti.pretty- stelLse 01 .by tests in this country, and art Eng. shiftingcharaiter. o gested theit among this number east Oe found Many to undertake the ac- tive and dangerous task of eoitanits. stin/-outragessr-451reiVeitt vets -the este'sat appropriate mo and mon are always conning in Anarehiet eireles, the money, it must not be forgot- ten that the proceeds of burgle, and highway robliCA44 haeZO b Ago ii...,4upPliee for th. arch' 1 Pena suceessfullY s .of *burg- -early-lOtts b n- mitted these burglaries„.but thee' fact that he contributed freely front the proceeds of his crime' to the, -funds of the movement -caused ' siciet to .• -bit kept, and instead of _ 'being looked upon as a etiminal outlaw he was regarded as a hero. Furthermore his example was fols .wesiss•Wot , archiSts seas the. use r ta the rbbbing cepita $;- in- deed, bottle of ehlorofor for thia session of one of the prisbAtri. The proposal' -vas that men knewn to possess money or :valuables ahotild he followed into railway • carriage or when &sing home at night, a roi -AND / country, but the deviceilt much ens- "ployed in /robberies on the Contin4 ent. The Lettish revoisitienistal - England chiefly reside in .Leyten! stones Tottenham and the F,ast-en They are wellknoVitii for the teethed of terrorism they employ. Within the '37 -ears these romantics - aries have been carrying on'a -same paigv of robbery in Russia similar and the remaining -',64W rojetted, " __The _report. Of IF* flout er Organa ing the year there Were 4,597 lnitlatiojia There were -37 IteVr 0011rti initituted, with,* iiinibers'hil) of Of. • • • 'year there rare T,S4r courts' In 'the Order. rotes:eating 0, ZatUt, .berShIP of 10157. There were Oa court* In the Province of •Ontirgu Ili in Quebec. SS In Nova Stotle. itt Or' Strunewlek, 1 ' In PrInee Zdivard. rei 121 In Mani. ' .- .end711Flit Anionic lowing te-.10' A. S wart. 11 sr. Perth; Thos. elbsotis_ lel Ranger* TorOtit0;,-,.,' GOO, FAIliktitir. Weir ftecretary.-'11rentfordi. Rot& 321110,-, High dialtvilla Medical ltrolAttota; BrItt411it P.11.(1.4. tkitsvo4tAtit L. P. D. Tints, gt. zotint assfroateirs 11040' - • - '"Xatiliontette/preTagittot-Jtita Ejteentive Ctimtnittee. ZOirere.. nigh! Auditor, Orsotfordt W Walker.,_Migh latter, Montreal; Act W Chaplain, lfluevale; W. O. fittOng Soper. Intendent , of orgasisstiotr. lirastrord: Lyp1n Ler' nigh court,,aentios, Ilainil- ton; oh 15; inr Villof agent, Prorince ot Ras r- xolaitace;--Dia. trict fllgh Reeretary. Winnipeg P, ue,. as -shown by -deductions, from their own e_xperiment, as follow: milk and full flesh she will give her normal quality of milk for at least time, eye% _though the quality and quantity of food b very deficient. to. "That when in good Condition s a tow ttilEtt off her body what- give her normal quality of milk. $. "That , an extra supply of utritiotai food, at all times increas • elf the quantity Of niulk, but the itnprored Lr itj- if It/willing this tlas ither way; nsitilltious food altniost v y very r the not fat of the milk, but hal little appteelable effect alt -the fat, . 5, "That with. sis_por ration, a cow in td11,ireigtiVykill lose careaaar wei,bt, While on a richditt she gain w u h t percents/co cow's ulk'May voy natty We at present ewe, ise!Ableto trei these variations .or to count for them. i 4.sL.,,t1 ,r,t u h o ts, all ordivary ititlatt lia tettnt to hao 110 rnM,1rial. ii the quality ilk,' '' "That some. /pods exertise A, "ili- 'tirett, in raising filet Melt, . ,,. oiii t- of butter. , at the ..ai.m Of all P Ik,-butter or „eh 0 ilt, 111.. iteet. Jof _much ,01501.111Sion ,a notwit the numerous out; swhieltshav pre° ica y not ing an :Via -aonet - by the olice authotitieo of Europe'- , „ Ateti40,11 for the' prevention of Anatellist crimes. The police conference in Rome oontributed little to the sos utio-li•of--the-problent Of-tuutuat sistanee, which indeed seem* little likely to be solved: In this country the police'it patient and long centimadliTiiiiei lance. Those know* or tuts' to be eletigerout Anarchia closely watched and...sthetr Attenitrarerestre I arivals from the Contine come -early tilltiOr observatio haunts.; Yet under-. • . A SERIOUS DISADVANTAO s compared with their foreign co 'freres„ inaansuch as ry 1111Y legally' interrogate- risintoriwrsi and when onie a foreigner hat ar. nd where hs feOvsnuttlleityleetematvitirf:otJaeliwhe alicOvu-rht'te' it:ail:vitt, ..ptyleotio se travel has inimediet447to WI up the otel bulletins giing his rasa tionality, 7ocoutiition eta- ., ,0 . -to the police. 11 US , not eonsidere4 satisfacto L%khts1 uiy ‘ b6 ina:. m r, thhis etat ee,. poliil •m O carett 'y "and he it eUttied III rough inte . , is ate in li liottele at City. i eh e a, t ‘ertk t •,t0 she Is You hay* c*ks in 30U1 ery well rt'gatl*trd farm know by Many pout broub, cow, r fat, r Yea ide, ancl it.s well that on $ bowing, and ah post the ut to 'in "."1