Exeter Times., 1909-07-01, Page 6Then Jthcr, withuut a word,lai
- - srs-selownhcr work..ornovcd er apron
' liberately .and nat1ys,
s ' h
"What does this mean '
*re you demanded
Mrs. Oulanian, but ratter
briathless voice, tile girl attemp
iniTieetzi to 0ack
house before the afternoon close,"
tattier eeldly returned,'
• "Indeed you are going to do no
tJie matron,- quicklyrecoveriu
terself in viewsofsthisse;pirit
• "tetteitiatiant '''yousarelogally"
..tiermy cave until-y.04.41;re .age
° irsa-±TisliTiffieWSTibil
"1 am going away," Eatlier,per-
sia ed, without raising herito,
lila with an inflection it was
possible to mistake; "no power' o
r atiskee- sue.-Jser 4.-sifterssue
sssss sitc.S2stsashassssoffe.,..
Ncither my father nor my Mother
ever struek inc a, blow, and by such
itlf outragey�rhave 41`'.1rf-e-ited all
rig',1 to tontrol me -all right to
obedience, or respect from nie,"
"Where, will, you'. Mrs.'
Cushman inquired, --a----frown 'Ayr
mingled annoyance and anxiety
aweeping over' her face, ,
• "I do not sliow---X do not much
/" battle f�r lifoun4erq 111
tleor nocare from tlic source w
5h ehOU1d--hftVO--bMIthe-StroE
a tug., forth All
words, or the first, timeoldring all
her -servitude', and, without allow-
ing her companion opportunity for
• oversyr sherleftstfr
room, and lied up to her own,
where her pain, mortification and
anger found vent in It wild outburat
of weeping.
Mrs. Cushman, meanwhile sank
i'nto -elair in the sewing too
ed in -0/ statts 431 perplexity- and
anxiety that Was anything but en-
viable. -
• She, was disagreeably conscious
.ot. the fact -that she had Abused Es-
ther ever since she entered •her
home -that she had imposed upon.
/slave ,Qf her, in fact. She, knew
well enough, that her. hatiband had
,-. lions_the.
worittl-b-ave given her every aF
equally with his own children -in
-CV ery ,respect
.7:Possibly Mrs. -Cushman 'ire;k1
• ecu quiso erue
jtalouly had not been aroused; ber-
iiic.on That
Iferbils • an • c
ished a, lingering 'fondness for tbe
'girl's mother had from the first
paved the. way for hatred.
She had tiot quite dared to retitle,
man's death, and the held the, reins
in her own, hands; she had not the
Outage t� turn ref homelese itto
literate her presence in the
e c
- J)aisy,
ments, until thc
wth tho broth,'
panting and .0X7
ved from the ter,
Ler Ilea t beating c r TI.)
AU hour the child. w
led throbs, in view e terrible ',Iss° :eltshert.: having ordered
as sleeping
tealaniitst Of losing all that mule s'41#4.- '4usuinau (Is bed onis,1- 0.11.. q,u.i&iittlY 411.0.ireivol,tE„IblIre,taii"i.s,t,
life nussf; enjoyable for her? then, "e -Y a' °tr*P.g al erlitig
Suddenly, With-. a wild, shrill -OA : you not think 1 can tako. wheit .nr. Melrose finally rnod
sheu Assissto,tsos awaY trom the ..bedside ish ofbreast1 clasping
threw-liers . upon, Ether' jlf,„ sissa • I .i!Annl,,t,es‘re .eiOa-SiA4 •,- -
. ;:arrna around-
. : L
_! . 1/ 1 ,o4 byster 1)**Ple'f*I' (1'41 steadily:” s" ts-
0tipY , -..„ ' '‘I ' -' ' f
'11.6, net, no I t can't let -you -go,
the u re very ovid. "Will another membrane be like -
Est e . if 0. 'Tell, ° lc
, . '
vie a
... °t1' 3uit'"44utvia. this 1 '‘t-..:trtrfix°11,stirksni:illii41.,.:°:t.':aturTbie-rsOhiiild,f1,,tialize,oltilugwolviotelli
s • ..,. ,
must nat go" coiiklssisp , ,
tir.7-1}. ler-Titirta-e-tilise .f altesherstakesialtficientspoilr-
• ttle weeps t
iiihm 1 * pir,,,11446: is nt, I•helieve she will get well.
.,. .
enter- Rielftt..1,47-tf ,.. #444_:4:47
srorta2 11,0 thou.& . that she, do you be careful youratsia"Oelluat-ii'" a; iitli: 'exuc.vul13'entle-
. seas ; 'you have probably saved
wouid,:ake her; goirig. so ranch . to taking the child's breath,"
heart, .or she never wejlid, have told "I AM not afraid," Esther quiet; her life; so, while she. Steens tlo
10A--ber- , ton-telitPlateCdepar,- :I3. re liodi_at She •bent a fond no Yon go -and take, the rest which' you.
turo,. she would.:;b-ifftg,44.aLiiedik: - ..1177t 0 litik.,::::01att and-,, bestow, -40-1u, se ,' -. 1 t will not is
when she Was'attorlied-In her play,-11*-4-t'rEtititie42:7-07,------riarationro n Antil'A'ati"4"11"--is--0"4.404--.4.9k:r..0'
And thus avoided this harrowingher, the physitiau hastened uSZ,j, aii-d7i:WiruilW'allitiattekiiesTe.
soone,r. . , ., A - .•s,
4losrs glItr.age4 nature'lMel asserted it-
It was -long bef‘re. she could ealtri 'Impl• one of the hospitals 2and Esther WAS forced to yield
ospitals was in- 8°
-she simply could hot hold out any
-she turbulent, torrow; but it neat- etalied .in the sick room; but,
as -
ly spent itself, exhausting the '. er•Aft ' ' lot er and ere t awa to her room•'
. - . stow the• *lightest attention -upon- - 'one siePt for -11WIT -11011rat -AA
her. , . • , . when she finally awoke it was to
eerne near her, to be. weik , trem ins, ex lauste . .
sis____, „
zako, anctshe fen atstsso 4n :psalms!, allow her to
She continued to hotel her, weep-
ing softly herself over the approach- She clung t� our young Jicro‘learn that Daisy was much better,
e learn
it Would yet be some time
'hal s arittioris'.enetstinis au hour every inpineut of the timertin.d WWI
It-- ,„ket „rkall_datiess •
Uy ijZ3 - ' - ssistist, s, ss ,,,, Alt 1
oreor min* ring- in seen
' o colittimed te-gasn, eve ,
Then it was with It - tial4rP$ hoarse, lititier - - - -
._- t., .,,,,,,,,,,,,4•,,,,,,,,,v. , ,.
and her.imprevertient was very ra.
cough that sent a thrill of terror No*, to. her. aidbut her Wass seemed only
through Esther'e heart, and this Event hour the child became , . trouble,. for Mrs..
was: smareased_tt n ,slissoverin Ate14,4ilY.LIF„esses, Rota her throat be- the ' ,1)°,8.itnilitt
. ii f
11°W 1111117a an lev°40 : 8 ° - ' -F-4"--me 10 Ilvdc-i/t611- 11141-1-1441fi-'4311atAxl to the ', dread . .thsease, and -thus
become, ' -, . . . , she seas latterly unable -to swallow.
"'She has taken cold," she Sark arid all internal remedies were and
e_patietted4imand upons_Elistehaevirly's strength
to herself; and, rising ' with the abandoned. - . -•
child still in her arnia;Tibe eieste 4i. The third day Dr. Melrose felt Pde • ' • ,
- For five long weeks the hoitsewits
y--helev---te------M-rs. Cushman's -obliged .tostell-thelinost elistr-aet-
ed viether t at he had no. hope of d g
saving r -neither-vanotnor-nor--4staughter, -waa
She had been the idol regarded as dangerously i
dol of the whole, ill, they
farnily,and every member of the 4.1v.*cer° 'both. op thoroughly frightened.
n y iniaginedLlheysswere _ much
house old was in despair in view
of, the probable Ioss of their sweek ' Worse than they really were, and
little favorite, thus the care of them, the catering'
Dither alone refused to accept stomutolitehiirugwahttu4s6nadnoduse.aprices, was
the Phrliciatt's vertliet.• _...Esther_sheild.. out _bravely .unti
• d'43-77felliOreve'jiteT*I-61rdier Daisy WAS running about the house
"She is very ill!" -she. cried, "Es- she steadfastly asserted, with a rig- again, when she, began to. droop,
ther, go down immediately and t • f ee and firmly set li s when-
rys a- '!'re e ts-a• etsseasass. 43"tv_111111‘s 1
you certainly will notibinkot I v- that"
fC-41tiliskith---4174V41,412-;a114-'431:r my totel--;questtortW47'.41F-iiome arrifassssstssenft--syse• s,--sepssa
and411IIF---7151116144''ivliTh-noto of apea1 in her ton. - g0y.hours -ittmiterinisterriinrt,•97.Zacillehildd.. ItWi;-----slicluietlY fainted away.
C. floor..an
lassauLthisarias)saiastaricsx4ateAtuossss---ss- Tosiseseontintred4.----
• tither had reit,erated` her oft4e- -
al-farThe age of miracles is/
t," hoconeludccL 1 .
sut-Ged-is.. oranioe-
1111 1J1 ,: 1111potent and emini-Preseri," :tstiler ' ' ANNI/AL
." re lied - with a loek of. TUE
;title . was aletost 'sublime. SESSION Or 11100f COURT.
physieian madeitS'resPonse,
inoocl7 fact. Mittens.: The Year ,1608 Was the Most. Pros.,',
the only god the receg- •„ .
veopioi, and. he had, 'permit; in tne IItstorj of the
11S— „
- strangoly impotent. In Attendance.
'onureaus-sind depressing si- .
loneesiettied upon the occupants ofstoriessissiett enteSei iesslon_ of tht,Illgh,
Dr. Melrose steed it the foot. of, 1' ta "ti,te ear et40"01004.04„ar$4a3r.
h bed waiting. for what he. boiler; Jute lih, with a Janis 'number ie Attend..
same. hooding itigh ,Court °titers oad
itelegetes representing Subordinate &mkt*
:of every Province ot the Dominion.
1. sots. tieetitr- -volts sisse4hs-Order,104
met in this city,- ,and- the omit in an
p�rtanf 0110, Ontr,tnr- that Itteenhli
but also owing to the, fart Oslo in. this
*yr th6 light of 4sr* llere rftelfed the
*tie Catiedien Order of foresters. Its-
nianitdetnz a*teroeitefeot, xpeihtoentiontist:hLodlitratio:,
einem then .the Order hit stolidity
nevi Aries estitbliebee esers
tr'istirie* of•itte Dotaittioti, and its record
* *piebald' totheions of *fait saa,be
'eontraithea br eansetions la Censors
aftor as ;east eeeniter eerosnotiee eta
Aber soolannent-
remitters, the ItIgh, oficere sub,
ottod lliele;:rettOrte, *NA *hewed 'Wit
teaorsto be ie ao snot sentittibit
ivate satin -room,
ear a a--.rs''-;Trer a $evere
cold,” she remarked as she enter-
ed; "she has been coughing hearse-
ly and seems very feverish."'
The mother started up with ,1111
expression of anxiety which was
changed to a, look 44 blank terror
at that, shrill cough fell Upon her
• and thus aving the--stigee Whibl
. hitherto. she had. been obliged t
pay her nurse and seamstress. •
Esther had always appeared so
attraetable that she had not onco
auspeetei her; pocatinst *Ceti
spirit- and independenee, an4 th
tow regretted'havifitt been so rash
.esel severe, toward .her.
• - *he- had --nevor- had lit in --the
house who accomplished a tithe of
the work that Esther was capable
of tieing, Then she was to invert-
..ably,sweet- analtind-toward-D
who seemed a different child with
iniluenet over Frank
had become very 'narked.
her loss would be irreparabt
*list she did not like to contemplate
SueIr reitortuse, _ .
"I 410 110t believe she will, go,"
sht ettere with a frov:ii, as she
ith- \she
t;g11.144.• (1- that°,1t oft; tbere
pli.70:14141,::waito:44001,_04:101xxottotri 4101:01,14: ttb. oldicot_Cfritia4rfri_Nrizert
Alan 1"orestrr, that time woe,
In an iMap ttiti$ geaaresa he urgod upon th.
to ;mate 100 ttieStannor sear or the Or.
The raport of -Oita. raulUoar. %Utah Sec-
retary. covirlog the general work of the
44001ett WSW ttost in orderood ilboweit Iu
detait the !Otte YOUDIel. Or. 1)1141)014 Arlin*,
gefet through theliee4 OfriOOAO'D.ralfgetd-.-
- 1nauatae
ceivecl .4urtot thoi Yder was 11497.2/3.1C
which. with the large atm of $101.2534.
derived 'from, Interest earned top layette;
inmate. made the total rmeelpts In • this
breech $619.11,1,494 There -were 01 dee*
clalms.104. teneuntioe, to $396.ast6rt. lea*.
lifribir`large-intne0-4002,2490-"44: terry
the yes;wiirrti
!ranee. The alnount, ,of lee* r'ecelvp4 dor,
log the Seat was *169,119,61. intorrst
earned $e.174.4,.• The total receipt% there-
• rei-amonnted
fi,d1( -:ati4„.0.,047:11,ffiusti
942,22 to carri to tbe Rere :run 11140147
At-the-0os* of the year
T11Cre 70•/57 members in acto4 stand,
in . at the close of the year, carrying
tU3 to'p
The difterisiee • is the
$71.175.000 of insurance, an e mem
p the• Birk and Trinerar 13enent
branch was 43,0.51. ,
• There were, Joined from the nigh Beere,
tary*a_oOlee 6,752 insurance eeruneatea, and
con membership' tertillcateso or a OW of
„ -The report of ItObt. Elliott, Sigh Treas-
urer, showed the roods,ot the Order to he
In a most eatisteetory condition. The
reeelpte in the soiroraf. funds were: _In -
fit Fund, • $164,314.10; General_ punt], $51,-
94827. Total receipts. 29$5.3911.46. The total
‘nditure these funds amounted to
$612.%8P7.29,. The eurPlOs itie0M6 over • ex-
penditure amounted to #329,497.22
---the-aurplas roisianeertioadaareTinves
as tollowe:
Itunlelrial and school deben. "
tures $21504169 OS
Dolninion of Canada Stoek 150000 40
%** a
_nepoints Joohartered banks; 10,000(0Current- ateonliti in elturtered
.batik, • •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •••• •• • P•71, 49
-1;•I • `
'a 111,4 0
'Ea'st-end,ot Lor1dorii niti`ot
laeta),,!_ttys tfric'_Ifondon:PTimes.
ulna...hers in Londu iay
•444, 4a,-..4.4.U.P,
late the be
Total 4 C•-• • *. •4, Affi.940. 54i
The total assets of 'the Order *mooted
AtedialtlItiectiltM,0 :
Assets over liabilities, 0,089,731IX
The report a Dr. IT, IL Stanley. who bas
• been ,OhisirMan,ot OW -Medical' Board since
rm„,,tor_ thff_txmolAt
but 5,1,2_111 the_
thetteand: 'there wire eihniliked
Joshes tosa djultst t*I.Oar 7.016 laps.
Becaus. .they are
made- 'of the74.hoteett
teed' t be lilsolutely
od must soon egret -death from
angeilation. •
The trained' nurse, wai tooted by
wilidtivt,. calmly reading
a azine, while Esther, heavy-
eed and exhausted frOM
the little hand which had
power to cling to her.
Daisy coati/rum ant -
then alnlosty instant.
11 riett :Esther,
a turning
cye upon"the
,uo 't
At& affrigbted
better twitit's 14
her tient the bed,
'Whst .is• * liNhAt
farmers an it rs 11 own.
We don't know the 'cost of 'wo-
o:010o, and we don't know.whether
the margin of profit -would' not be
„ .
The -comity- ceiei, :tee
might safety say the, majority of
owe, OEM • be, easily increased by
giving theM MOM raw material to
-Work with, or b changing.the ehar-
eter of the feed *)1 Aoineparticular.
t seeress follow instruc-
-for, eeding so freque given-
rierss sinds-expernise, nt, „Amypur
own hook -not too radically, •
cause there are .general f3crenate
tines outside. of which it positively.
will not pay
—Itfittli`t iffatibOrt—tiflifIt4
about maniifaettiring-s-heettsise that-
ind butter -the *note you. mit in
raw material the better off you are
so long as you u .aarlf30 muoatk.injuag kiaupgrou-
profitsertid...eattno-ts"-cliaii-WIrsitiga a
as to make a profit, better quit CO:1-
tirely and take •up isome other line:
of work.
It's tlie
_rstiri. of rflt
an ol a large firm a on
the rocks by overlooking t ittle
fact. Better do a c9nservativel
• q.t. •a' " han
$ Lt.
to carry on the largest business in
the country at, a loss. •
Of course there are off years, uii-
iwofiWwle-years in° farming as there
are in railroading or any.other
so that takes the result
or three•years_ to tiCterining_ whet
or not your operations are w rth
while. By use of scales and.. test
sou .can know what each cow „IS do-
ing for you every month, but if an
aecident kills two or three, that may:
mean a 10$s on the year's work, but
does not make the rest of the herd
-unprofitattle;-Suely-seloss is right,
ly chargeable to capital account.
4zif -Ccomaiwbotti.pretty- stelLse 01
.by tests in this country, and art Eng.
shiftingcharaiter. o
gested theit among this number east
Oe found Many to undertake the ac-
tive and dangerous task of eoitanits.
stin/-outragessr-451reiVeitt vets
-the este'sat appropriate
mo and mon are always
conning in Anarehiet eireles,
the money, it must not be forgot-
ten that the proceeds of burgle,
and highway robliCA44 haeZO
b Ago ii...,4upPliee for th.
1 Pena suceessfullY
s .of *burg-
b n-
mitted these burglaries„.but thee'
fact that he contributed freely front
the proceeds of his crime' to the,
-funds of the movement -caused '
siciet to .• -bit kept, and instead of _
'being looked upon as a etiminal
outlaw he was regarded as a hero.
Furthermore his example was fols
archiSts seas the. use r
ta the rbbbing cepita $;- in-
deed, bottle of ehlorofor for thia
session of one of the prisbAtri. The
proposal' -vas that men knewn to
possess money or :valuables ahotild
he followed into railway • carriage
or when &sing home at night, a
roi -AND /
country, but the deviceilt much ens-
"ployed in /robberies on the Contin4
ent. The Lettish revoisitienistal -
England chiefly reside in .Leyten!
stones Tottenham and the F,ast-en
They are wellknoVitii for the teethed
of terrorism they employ. Within
the '37 -ears these romantics -
aries have been carrying on'a -same
paigv of robbery in Russia similar
and the remaining -',64W rojetted, "
__The _report. Of IF*
flout er Organa
ing the year there Were 4,597 lnitlatiojia
There were -37 IteVr 0011rti initituted, with,*
iiinibers'hil) of Of. • • •
'year there rare T,S4r
courts' In 'the Order. rotes:eating 0, ZatUt,
.berShIP of 10157. There were Oa court* In
the Province of •Ontirgu Ili in Quebec. SS
In Nova Stotle. itt Or' Strunewlek, 1 '
In PrInee Zdivard. rei 121 In Mani.
' .-
lowing te-.10' A. S wart. 11 sr.
Perth; Thos. elbsotis_ lel
Ranger* TorOtit0;,-,.,' GOO, FAIliktitir. Weir
ftecretary.-'11rentfordi. Rot& 321110,-, High
dialtvilla Medical ltrolAttota;
BrItt411it P.11.(1.4. tkitsvo4tAtit L. P. D.
Tints, gt. zotint assfroateirs 11040'
- • - '"Xatiliontette/preTagittot-Jtita
Ejteentive Ctimtnittee. ZOirere.. nigh!
Auditor, Orsotfordt W Walker.,_Migh
latter, Montreal; Act W
Chaplain, lfluevale; W. O. fittOng Soper.
Intendent , of orgasisstiotr. lirastrord:
Lyp1n Ler' nigh court,,aentios,
ton; oh 15; inr Villof agent, Prorince
ot Ras r- xolaitace;--Dia.
trict fllgh Reeretary. Winnipeg P,
ue,. as -shown by -deductions, from
their own e_xperiment, as follow:
milk and full flesh she will give her
normal quality of milk for at least
time, eye% _though the
quality and quantity of food b
very deficient.
to. "That when in good Condition
a tow ttilEtt off her body what-
give her normal quality of milk.
$. "That , an extra supply of
utritiotai food, at all times increas •
elf the quantity Of niulk, but the
itnprored Lr itj- if It/willing this
tlas ither way;
nsitilltious food altniost v y
very r the
not fat of the milk, but hal little
appteelable effect alt -the fat, .
5, "That with. sis_por ration, a
cow in td11,ireigtiVykill lose careaaar
wei,bt, While on a richditt she
gain w
u h t percents/co
cow's ulk'May voy
natty We at present ewe, ise!Ableto
trei these variations .or to
count for them.
i 4.sL.,,t1 ,r,t u
h o ts, all
ordivary ititlatt lia
tettnt to hao 110 rnM,1rial.
ii the quality ilk,' ''
"That some. /pods exertise A,
"ili- 'tirett, in raising filet Melt,
. ,,.
t- of butter. ,
at the ..ai.m Of all P
Ik,-butter or „eh 0
111.. iteet. Jof _much ,01501.111Sion ,a
notwit the numerous out;
pre° ica y not ing an :Via -aonet -
by the olice authotitieo of Europe'-
, „ Ateti40,11
for the' prevention of Anatellist
crimes. The police conference in
Rome oontributed little to the sos
utio-li•of--the-problent Of-tuutuat
sistanee, which indeed seem* little
likely to be solved:
In this country the police'it
patient and long centimadliTiiiiei
lance. Those know* or tuts'
to be eletigerout Anarchia
closely watched and...sthetr
Attenitrarerestre I
arivals from the Contine
come -early tilltiOr observatio
under-. • .
s compared with their foreign co
'freres„ inaansuch as ry 1111Y
legally' interrogate- risintoriwrsi
and when onie a foreigner hat ar.
nd where hs
feOvsnuttlleityleetematvitirf:otJaeliwhe alicOvu-rht'te' it:ail:vitt,
..ptyleotio se travel
has inimediet447to WI up the
otel bulletins giing his rasa
tionality, 7ocoutiition eta-
., ,0 . -to the police. 11 US
, not eonsidere4 satisfacto
L%khts1 uiy ‘ b6 ina:.
m r, thhis etat ee,. poliil
carett 'y
"and he it eUttied
III rough inte
is ate in
li liottele
at City.
i eh e a,
t ‘ertk t
she Is
You hay* c*ks in 30U1
ery well rt'gatl*trd farm
know by
Many pout
broub, cow,
r fat, r Yea
ide, ancl it.s well that on
$ bowing, and ah
post the
ut to 'in