HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-01, Page 5- • '1"-4"," •141i4.4.4*.• •
lt .a.ta rs 8Ii
' ltiOnghs bfralpttir0'
pt t e tines - ,
itqaibur. of. ur, ,ouzR jeop!e
f• tt
elt:::0,4, , .,•t:40,., , OA:. ,nyvvt:e..14:71.intiitig,f1 , ,,t,:vii:vtit..:.;4:1,1
141,0f.01 e - 9440 e'reniti '''''''Ftnji4"77„--..-- -
n .„,,;:.,; t :,-tifi,'
tf, ' • t",”
• '
ut „ *0*.•10-
'of: .-eirOli;
.ne in Oct; auto 1,rt
They will spend a few. weeks viSiting
- • friends, and relatives around
. . , Livers-- •
-. te-.Ttt,-iw
ot iCentralia tipunt Priday in
. .: „ ...-...-::, .. ,.. .0 ,,,,,,.• ?thiiiiiititigig
.crnixtijte4, bi1iousnd,generaily run.dowi. At the ;amt.-. , 1 _ Miss Jpnes,, at l:/ontion, arrive 'hottrO' .
lieici.the liVelatat riat-e. In jint'sitiiithoekthesystetU,: '' ''' :- last. weelc..aftcr:.visitint-Xiss Ittmans,,,
is the idealtreatnient for'oald folkalliVers-'4iovat1alls
to act, lot
„non*. 4h.oeks„, .A, titanic at)-44.woculsniiie1w,.al*Seanytiatlue.aaBlettsattifboirs4,'0..07:. '
11°n.e.hell,F11.‘„ ett . •
. s'u
Get a -25c Box
itartleila„ spent undity at her-
„er.ee tit1 04.Liblit00(1,./'W. J. Carling, Agen
Quite number of children :were '
in -town last week. trying entrance. 'you go without epending one. more<
We hope they all wilt succeed,. evening with you. ' 1V wisil to et-
' ' Bertrand, left_ for oresS ,our appreciatioe ef your estem-
-e week where she will vt obs...e eharacter, and also .ois, the vain -
.. , ‘• • , ,
4arly application Musthe
'ma -Spa' sofa Lelia sfliv' Pam irbilXr
" ofookilaitidaft .
'1•1*Jitsl,ihrittoCtimat - ..r•-•,.„!1.;:,,, -,, •;',•'.,_,:,
' may Door uNi,-,...-,. NO eigiget 0,. gat
ttord., ,
tL ittxesta of Mrs.
I . '15:14e-Virrifteigr4Stri-Tinrder404 113 iii""thlr
-';I, •, 2'6,t ',loads attended 4 -the .'ittilllgillg,;14.ineer ,...chttrub„.. Are',--Vdit. •...PP-;
-1 'etriVaiikrry efestival at tibiPkte and rattrirlOrgrt"the---dero interesteteyore
' Dashwood. . . took in our opiriteal Welfare ail
-...-- . • Mr. :Clarence-Duplan,,,--tor-Otntralitt--- - through- yourristorate -ot toury
Cattle 'Vreire, '(terraitaaRitid- dal -laid nigitt. 'is, en you first -earae
Meow:pt., .70,impL.,.--Aht...,911143.. ,NY ,._.,.,.....,---. . "e_e s?ii tolited us ,C.Ord ttnilairlyllrerlen.dils.
.1411-Nrorle for a, to -our 144.414-4.S.49--rel-t_Anpew...wheth-
------ 1 -1,..tfii, l'W. Fete.; ef tsrand llend, for $ornettines We fear sty g rtt find
. ..i.im,,n,• t Satoga0m.,l.n.Lorl ,. ,Y,111411.1 ..,.,„...4...._. _.......____ h
...R.LS„,(1. bu be essureld. vou ,,o rie, not -leav
" ''''i'44;7')'4'''''''Sik.--raa,-,. : r4.'-ileit' "-Clarig.', , ' :ing., to. odr,Itittittereett'- -1,1,t, .. .,
daughter Marjorie, spent a day in your gentlemanly demeenor end
Exeter 'last week: spotless character you bave won your
A nuraber of Vrediton.Iligh School way into our heartsand you enjoy
pupae are at Exeter trying their the respeet and vonfitlenee of the
texam,....1. We liope they will o.II sue. peOpie of Woodhatu circuit. We !lave
-----. --.-T --'*-- . ----i-'-'--- lt,ITTrYwitnrott-Tott-Teird7.-to-hei irIri
wiritil .64:23;- i r
--- ----7.1,* ,E. • -----.---- ;.Iffiz.,.- - , -, , ,,..'" , t .' Ireittly4litbV.I...
aturday ...evening. . - eieerows _us-weilits the eitve which -at,
' Miss veronica Dail, of Mount Cartended our pathway. We pray Gifu]
.„,01.1., is 'calming dressmaking with will bless you and yours in' yttur new
se-Citeee Ta, toyer, -- - - -- --- ,- - --- ft, ei-d- -ofeelitbor, thateevot inay-bo sine
Miss B. Dunlop one of our teathav
ere strumentak in sing ra y souls. We
left for her home last week.- We un- cannot forget Mrs. 'Bart ett. who has
derstand she was found to be a very worked ea earnestly in 'the. Ladies Aid
ood teacher. and • the Woman' a Missionary Society
e • 16 'eurbr Inuiseretions-ana *titre*.
,who Jim faliorett-ta he -you are the
ones we can motor0 tonunhood and tvvilre
the spark or energy and vitality. Don't give
-40e-inedee -eott--hwee.
• ee Citeita.
Our New Method Treaboaitt, has
bundreth trom the brink of despair,/
store(' bapplottio to bund Of tworneo and-
uwn atid-tiovi •0 p Sind rem-
edies to each Individual case itecordin to the.
patent medicines, .I'lits'istetto ottheifecrets of
our wonderful succeso asour trestnteut
" A not WI, for we prescribe remedie es adapted to
each individual Otte. Only quriture cases se
cepted. Wo -hare don* buncss Wrouakout--
Canada tor inter/20 Year&
• •* OR 'NO PAX
1 hope? „ere ou iniending to martv
;ttayour . been f Have you any
weitIcaeaSf Our Now method Treatment wili
cur e you. What %boa done for others it will
do for you. CoesSitailoa Free). •No matter
who has treated you, wr(to for au honest
oNtifort Free sof Chars., • Books Free
wo -
Ybood. Manhood. Fathernood." (Illuto)rat-
ed) ten 1)iseattes of We. .47 •
triWRTET141-CONSENT.....thestaextes.oe boa ..or
.ntiaL' Quasi:Ws List aad Cost of TroataiOnt fftEE E
r: Harold -Daplan, of -Centralia, for ler kindly disposition .and elarist-
was in town one day Jest week. . 'influenee among. us. But our:
loss will be another's gain. We hope
()thing in the -way of a cough is in your new home you May find. a
Zing4;.- re' nefillr
lufekest relief comes perhaps from be yours. You may find a little lei-
kt, perscription known to druggists ,ev. sure In which to look back and re
-1 ee
reiriOregittitea a.•
church nit an '.•sday VvU1U of
Chtilts, They....lett_oar,..Wedneiday -for
tbuiti new home at Dorchester.
Wtalter itustin had .foot crush-
ed at the barn reisilag tif Wm. 'Arthur
r. 3r4 lane. We itiope that. he will
SOU be better•
-...e.,2hot.effeettse1ereidelam. t las
s. it. A. • Byron. ta'
Mr, Ilugt on the exat.e.1'
h wen
- totheeetoodel,,,tarta, last Tuesday.
'411theittikiert” "t
Sunday Jest by the Rev. /..). N. Mc-
'Maxus.- -ors'Strlasar ilotl-moreun
and Oohing services were very large-
ly attended. A strawberry festival
Ar: Fletcher's orchard.' here
'will be singing and speeches and a
Eeneral good time:Baseballand
rootban will be played on the fair
grounds. Cowie and have a good
last week. • • ..
Mr,. 110.7bert Fetcher nod Miss -Ettu
•Fletcher are going to the West by the
. e „,, t w• '14
...', iisTe ,.., t• t -
. -411 1 b 'ke.-Tfrlirigar.,
e Viii. be -sides It Is so thoroughly Wroolhain. We predict for you
44 •41-14-0111” giVe it with bright and useful career and wish you
. e s e y even o •e younges a ong ant • appy life and beg you to
• babes. The tender leaves of a simple secept this purse as a slight token
mountain shrub,' give to Dr. Shoop' s of our appreciation and esteern,
Cough Remedy its reinarkable effect. Signed on behalf of the congregation.
It is truly ft most certain and trus John Hooper. M.. L. Beavers. td1r,
• worthy prescription. Sold by W. iii. Bartlett thanked the donors for their
llowey. • 11-nd---- -gift -and--k-in' der AvordN. Mr,
.... Ilaetiett- left on Wedgy last for • his
41 4 0 i v
'ATEA,• W. A. Turnbull is viszting Jr
'relatives in Brantford.
"Mr. -Win. Stewart is -..
The Ladies' Aid, of grace .church
• purpoSe holding their annual straw
berry • festival in 'Ribbon Townhall
on Tuesday evening, July Oth and are
busily engaged ' in preparing an ex-
• cellent program,. ,
The home of Air. and Mrs. Richard
odrns a1 tirtrfitmth iloundarz, Vs.
_ wcdting WednesdayrJune 3t/th, when
• augaU
The .Cereiliony iya,4 performed by Rev.
Artatay, of Hirktott in the Presence
•--teettneber=i -ed=gnee-
Ruth; llodgins, while . Mr: Ilarveet
Iiodgins supported 'the gri�m0' After
the -cereal:nye-and usua4 -tongratu
lotions had been given, the wedding
__......„.„...,..„1„, 11
- ,
Early Sunday morning, June 20th.,
ihe spirit of John Whitfield, an old
shall you Reap and 'teal:Imo-41i resident Of -Grey, took
its flight. Ile had 'only been ill
-elte-pnetartonia-beirig the taus
death. Mt.' Whitfield was in his Sist
rot- any,pase of nervousness, sleep-
leseness, weak stonmeh1 indigestion.
dyspepsia; -try Carter's Little Liver
er..,,k1--,51atUraTielS10..e-iteeee -p_itheeitejiet..:bplmeceeeeTheeetulyelleitelez
... looloxt, tior Ativettlibinenz in .thedieine in inarket.•', .
*pets, stating the price for Leist %week Thos. CaseT, aged 80
years, passed :Way" at the 'louse of
•at; Trousers, .or whatever
Ighttarggest, we include thel llauge•14.15 friends '41: Sea for tb
. ,
. bivritrthat suit.,---- - --1.10014--a ' 1444-0211-bOiri fQr
b Protlit'll.e.besittnings••the ralptitistion or the' heart. ner-
'•diligli, th-e 'WA Thread eto. vousnessw !trembling*, merroun head.
. t P , . ta handeeandisti/tepain in the
Laing ana,making. shouldn't lifiolt-alid-othtiv-tiirmir- tor -weakness-
. , our re.vo.„0? re relieved. by Carter**. Iron . Pills
ists;t4..i.e,nowrwe'd, to roap ro., ns tins made specially. for the bleod nerves
• The many friends 0: Charles M. Me-
• lly ettOtOrtter. 'When Yaft,...tttl.Pd a Kinston. of Athens, a formeretteteher
• tilt, Coat, Trouserti or ,
, pointed Principal of the iligh School
lin the Collegiate Clinton, hasbeen ape ,
Parifty 14/3t. at Kincardine. • Mr. Mcitinnbri *III
fti the bill 'alright. • • . ,
It ad. lead you to Our shop -oboe 4 tickling , or dry'. 'tough enn ix*
, WO' east prOVe to you that *olive up to - tptickly loosened with Dr. Shoop's
11;0 VVOtile Coudh Remedy. No opium, no chittro-
, . _ ; , • I form. nothing uttrAte or .hatilli. Sold
by " W.' S. Bowes': ; • ' ' J - i
..., . '
. On Sunday, June 20th, .a reildent
•, oltzzaaniii,
', ,
tkotoJaina destloadoot. pre bttllet
toebiow daylightithre kim. °Wing, to P Ls . St 1. , attem Aced
was extracted -And tlie patient is now.
ee.------ -- - - - 1- in- Cintonelfeteliititle.on-- et -fair way.- to.
. 'reciiverf... - •
--,,-- --
.... - .
We are eonstiiii-a-y- seiWing an
the best cloths money eau buy
•. are reaping satisfied eus
" 1,4
IfTfl On ' PlittAttit; POlt segiv),:tit OT.1Tilig
..1 r t$0-40,11teeefes /tiro tuageeel: Lake of Bays, Georgian Ifni;
. " ' ......... 1tEarisit_.-•- - .1 ti" . .
I.....tirketg..., 10, _„,14i 1, kokat le
01,101;00001tellgituslehrirr-ritarggr'llerg.Inettrvran Itiver, lett., on sale
'Gratal Trunk wilt cone
satial.tahos„ 't braulte tateoneo, 7.t with stel (1411i:5..' III('
_ ,,..„19k,e#0.*-te.o.t, . -,settittlititie to. bei! the , tayorite tourist
..,....., it-- r,
n 1141112. 71"i.eir - Inii.:'1'.'
, „
Ara,nori..„1"uto. roma Truitt; 1,kgt...n
1 "Vittlton tholid4e1„., 4 ,,
' Xlittirts" (toodi$
A.. t4t, rt . — : . up t,..on 1. IE Snit;
Z8-1. *III ran. .ti T,;frtifottle kegfirSittft` to
knd OttAr ileteL. t_nt_ii „ Port Atari:tit On Wilaz,,sdav,i July Itit,„
r.: sylikolt%r=t.t,17,/ 'tat. Ortna Trunk and Pere . rlari.
✓ ..Itittotott huvatel'eltiOt tie ItaileVeylla Port Siant?y is the
'rerolikteatr ow --C,3325, Isroa.r.,,d' a we5torit Ontario","
O re -;f7.4% rise• ' ks-o' 1141 Yncout4,rsall's''.839.14.:. , ,11... e,,,, te. ,a51:
a ',fort ar p -toz,... o even a
tevoettratbtott*- mg .,,_ .,„, w.7,0,11..y. ' no tottnuto, seas arrattg..,.
' .;•••s-",- . i.!.4 rtv Att. goesl, ,-43$,is, oomototte! :,in.,
,-t!!,,7::,:..,,,r-,e,,;,,:jii,,:,,,,*.,61.-ir:iifilt4- nit -1, tilci:4,` ti14,6"-iiii.
•. the. Patitisit ,Shs,4 Sleet int r "Lskei.
strie'" • ,Of '014vc%litrid" 01110.'1 Srietkl
.' t t ' ‘-tv**444t1t-'44.4kr4lc-$14-154...4.1,14$04
tnra Aitriailitd the) return, „rare is
4.t.1 . 1KIPtybodY COift0P And enjoy *
*4!entli41 days sitting , $444, lAtite bilis
J W* 13' .1, tin potties -tat*, ,
Special- servicesewere held here last
Way, when Rev. McKinnon, of.Mil-
vereeri preached excellent sermons
both morning And evening. The an-
nual teenday- 8. picnic will be :held
In the mountain arrive} ba -day,
This will be the day of -all days of
14 A awiTerry--frstiva•
-.Everybody comes to !Centralia on july
15t, as. they are assured of it good
tue.---The ladies have. secured Rhuna;
.atiee of strawberriee- and other eat -
.s, w e committee in charge.
orth76-71ipots have arranged, an -
tractive program, nit ,thitt everybody
• Will be assured of a prize.
Mr. Andrew Butt is home from
Albert Collette, eflevUle and having
.somplekitk,)11,14irmr._ttord.y...tooise. is
going to Klimville a jamor final el
of that circuit. ,
Mise .G.ladys Esser i is home from
•.Ainut college to opteid her holidays.
Miss lily Elliott returned. Tuesday'
•rOin eXTeilder silth- -her
Rundle are visiting friends down the
' i4iteftitritibiaatariolitti5ir MOW
.r.............,rrrrinr r. ,. . . . — .
o our entire stoe trim,r(te and untrircuieci - - _i „i ..., '
, . .....,....-..„-_,.....
the se-iiiin-if'iielt prices that will nlaAce then1
move. Now isiyourtlast chance' to *get. a hat
I 1
very ebeap
_ • r ,
THE ,DPASw0 4 ot, .4 1 ,41 a . mii,41.. CO, Limited.- . .
, •Have on Hand and for Sale CHEAP :
Antra' titia'ViiiiToOk-211:1 niber,4F'-iThWjo or i ntireig and Sinstilddifil'g.P. ont4''.3111ft:STI:, :tiff_ fi.rs;: oriaiiii
. ..
We sell,the celebrated Parojd .RoofingNoue Better '
Ail kinds of Factory work done. to order for which our prices at e reasonable,
Justtohand,n 1a -e in ortoxdet-r-alt:31-,t ...iill----7,.---7-1- 77,-: --_"
.4.17.---,c4*-,---;:r..,-... .......„-,.....--;---,.....-- ., .. ..,....,..,,, • •Z -41'4,,'-,L,
,,,... . r -11-- ' 'g'N'tf"-""11' .
. Now is the time to order your Hay Racks and Water Troughs, .,
. .
' ,- - -- Con fn and See us.
The Dashwoodi Planing :Mill .Co., . Linited.
Dasinv000 ow.
• the Ladiee' irtreil!-Trivitt Mentor -
Many ot the farmers have sold their
/The villagers have begun haying
And the scent of tho clover fills the
air. - • _
The baseball, season will soon be
'Mr. Douglasand wife attended the
funeral ot big aunt in Stratford on
Sunday list,
Bete irls fallen to the north and
to the wouth. to the east awl to the
-The• /public, tiehool picnic was as
--- 17-
e- ,e. Wee:M*4W
• Hauls a daughter.
tsua1 a usceess, •
- -
Women •With pale, co lorless faces.
who feel weak and discouraged. 'WM
receive•both, mental and bodily vigor
*by Aesing Carter's Trim rms. which
aryl:nada for the blood. 'nerves and
omplexion._____ 1.
Fi&UEtrUsbOrfl -Monday; June
thurch, lexeter last Thnreday;
-71 I.Metidateineipaleet
was exerniner at the Bayfield en-
trance examinations last week.
Mrte -Gishler-andefamilyeareevisitingeern
Zriends Ber:in. ,
Mrs. N. Ilartung. Mrs. 11. Wesel -
oh and Miss Kate Kock attended the
funeral of •Mrs. Geo.'Seimon at Logan •
last. Wednesday.
Mee. -W. Elenes, Ne* 'York
-occupied the pulpit of • the Evart -
the ba:ance of the yatfit and . Telt!
next appearance •will be wet laed
with 11 Qa 4,101 ktee.-Antnrentee.-3;
iirte"L'%feli-74fIethertiose '
hen, Line btanley, OM of the oldest
pioneers of that Township died 011
esdayeejtme--422-atireafter a s „hortf--
- -
illness and had reached the age of 8
years on Sunday. lust. The fUnent
took, place on Thursday afternoon4
The deceased leaves ea widow, eighil
sons and five
net:Foos ITeratives and frieds.
inieaIchureh last , iettaay„.. everiige_
reporte r;
Lad. principal of the public school
has resigned and that Mr. Gordon,
'who hai taught at the 14th on.,
for a number o; Years will " succeed,
'him. after the , holidays. Mr. Mc-
Leod 1111-9 13Vi2 ti conscientious and
hardworking teacher, and his suc-
cessor is 41.80 spoken of ats cf!, ysry
• evessful--urarteinethe-professi .
The members of the Jubilee Silver
band b31.%0 recieived their new uni..
m.d4-(14.ittt1142_441r tk rild t vtyte•
golar iilitaiw etyie while, the
l?pAinherstburg, baturday,
o lifirtride the' _groom -gave
substantial theck, to the brides-
maid a locket and. to the grooineman,
a- tie •,pin. Mr. and Mrs. CrodbOlt left
on tit+, evening train for 'Comber to
spend their honeymoon after Which
farm just east of Winehelsi)a.
Airs. Dave tioulding is visiting with
friends in Detroit. .
Miss blue Delbridge left 'WednesdaY
riot s. • unc,e, Dr. Elliott, Toronto.
hfre. T. Coiimit iff,,Vilittn,g, frienda1 Mr. Wm. Cave met with.•a_ rather
in Thodford.larrious_aealdent_141-.Thogila W
teerWAlfeeAlintlWiterdtriiing-:64tit ikt IFS -yardifite-buggy was
Rannoek, were the guests of Minnie upset and he was 'thrown, ,to the
Cletnertts'SUnday, ground.' lie was picked Up in iln.41210
Mts. WeRerr wae Ooderich tanstions condition. Dr. Orme was
Wednesday 'attending the wedding 01sentfor. We Are pleased to say
that Miss Ituth Wiggins, and' for • whom his injuries'. are not likely to .prove
she pia:Yed the sveodiog tnarch, ierious, but lie. will feel _the ei:-fects
Mra. John Oentiett and grttnddaugh of the"fait for catirertlitee.'
ter,:14iss Gennett, Mre-There.evrow butter - ritetory is
*te-.vi"k..itt.ng-the-forrneria sister, riearing com'pletion. and will be ready
Ur& liranets. for operation in a fe wdays.
Oodbolt arrived home on . • The Dominfort - celebration
Mon__ I t.eVetalpg. Ilrotri, Tilbury wh• pro/Alla lone' belt. yet
• l(izets.(00.011 lteethin,lacitoo) „for; 110 (ittrWrent tommittee are
end years. It is rumored elm will give tvorkittg like beavers to tfet ready for
op teaching.
meTAIrmstt-ift Shakespeare. Mon-
day.-Itine 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.
-McTavish:ea-4a Mere_ -
M0111.EYeieDOUPP.-At tcark ton, on
"3"iin-iTrOth„ -101 •
Doupe, dieughter of Mr. and Mrs.
II. E. Doupe, JO Mr. Okear More
tey of Whalen. •
rCOCCII--DAWS014,1,-.A.t the residence
•r„.......1heeebeldeeeeeeptee . •
Line, Iltanley, June, Ord, by
Rev. A. 11. Brown, of Varna, Mary,
second 'youngest daughter of gr.
and 'hIrs. Henry Dawson, to Pilo's-
BEATTIE-ERWIN-. tha•restdenro
• of the bride's Eax44-.=-111311.8d* Ott.
June 'f.l3rdeeby-Itev.- L. Hileseette
• the crowd s expecetd. The sports
Dr Warwick_ M. Thompson and promise to be an attraetion.of the at..
Mrs.*Ann Salle, Ciodboit' the latter be tiernoon anft thTe coneert to be held
ing a former ,retide6t.of Witrehelsea,, tin the evening svill atirpais any yet
Ainitalti.matriogs_4tVedt-iWay, held-. Ir_htf Italian Preliestri, 44--.V;...
ittti4itu . . T
jute llth at the home of, Mr. Oodbolt a:Trak 4441-Mis. lease-, itir-of 'London,
ff 'Cid . he etre:non-so was with Vrof. Drown".,of 101intont ought
performed. by Itev..M. O. Drink, pis- to '1'111114h. it'. ii'llArlt/. ....k4.t-4'1 )1_
'tor of the MethodistfOpittoopol (lurch 01191: rirUdions.
Ivatttleo'w"Lite, Trftiellitlirot brit'd re127""tives. 01 r 1 the'a1os-O320.13Awaltszspt:atay,e/1 on grIthill..e:- 0!'te thet r i s At 'li on '*-4,
TnhrieltinItiltstIntlItIoltitialt'ittilears'n e')IXtern.' d' atatidttiMP tstst; geortirittleTit! W°A.S'n ' 3tbl'e°tItwde4LeYti ttv.heettintilt'entrtraillia
- OtabgattkoostA4,,tlitit ...***4 PnetIn 1.0._ent4 And resulted in
.t- irptarattarlaaritottf' -it -liitt4.' ... :,.b , ',..rimtl.eiv:lwiniltilsi*P. • .11044.-,„. r ,
.1 d, t. Tbotnytgon la lt.gontla'.10re,tiontio2tiit'e944.nr41..ftwoosioniVo,erentolttribirioUtt,
n, • tO., 1)181t etitaidit . in first-class form. .
,•..• ',ie.. I ,
On WedOeSdaX %St week blthee4 • Inlia.71,scyrItiol,,uairtsetiritintdd
ViNir;41at W°64batil 1124.4 111 lb° :111I the auniversarY s:!rtleoi Wrgrr
13(44 nt °41' thntb* ""Arkli 1111" tl ' thureh on iflundur. • '
t68n.,,P '0,1",:thjt19',„,tot° rntraltr' °ftee14: Mr. and Mrs. ;Ulm itartovivni .rist
:4.:cbttg,t)?: 0.11.
thtl fo• llotvit4 addres4 Wi1. teati tip.,rAtiyiktrs_
41-otcvlz...0- White ,Mre--Adttte-elrOOPer,- Aeitte ;Ira.
To Mr. 'and llargettlt Prtv .2r0a-vtatt6' tale ikr and
preiented 'the ‘,012„,15 rielgaPOrr
niq„stea in soloing( n_gItt AdAtittoit.
- ttitt George •Erivitito
James. Roe's beattle, fise T. It. and
Express agent at Trout Creek, Ont.
'MASON1 At the
home of the bride, Clinton, On J.taie
23rd, by Rev. 'Mr. loiliffe, Miss
Lena,. Mason, of . Clinton. to xr., 11,
..Gt M McLaughlin of Aberdeen.
South. - -
McCORMICIC ---.00DWIN.....At Park.,
hill, Wednestlat June • 30titt, Eta*
jilwanughotee o,,,f Re, .iva,4and 004,-
IACQUESeeSEADEIt--e, At Stratford,
Wednesday, Ione 23rd, Mr. Mots.
Iaoques. forrnerly%of limvi11, to
Miss Amon*, Seader, Oadthill,
Hart Wednadoic elUne_ 23t:(1, MESS
- 14.0 0,411Infan, NU* ittc.*•
ford. of Elkton', Mith.
1100.11,111.:N. ClEMs vIatictealnee.r/is.41.2st"Tratin•
GOI)HoI1T-.HOiOEiNInt. -;
lithe .430th. Annie L.
datirl• itter. of Mr. sad Mrs. Richard
„ Hod ins, South Iloundary, ttsborne
t - " * chelsesG.
jtt rd. 114' Ada, . of
• !th Di. Malloy, of ridc1110,.
_14ot'ieter iity.;
Juna 23rd..tit infant son Mr4,1
• and Istrs. A. 'lowed' age# ,
tuerittiee •
MOVAlikt-In atanslasta" ; co.
Wilbsrt, tion:of sota mot.
wrolot., onion. aged, IS Odra.
PITZOERALD....,itt Oritnfon",
- 1004,- itteorge Pits
ted, 4ged 11$ sow.'
Mr.and Mrs. Beir,-Or-Detelien _
-Miiii--EyreL.formerly_ofe_Jahlitelldnirateee. ,
were here on their wedding trip Visit*
s. .
rrattl'Ir) ""t°"."'"* 77--d* It '011 0.011:01 14# and ' IS ilOit
tbq WO04 411
,t5al 114 MAhmlist dwelt and.04100, TOOYi_ for 44*ent blOtk 100141441,
01/4044161i tort that t 4111St let tl". Wh(41 0111004 It riti be One'
.44 . 4.4 ,• ,
Ur.' Chas. CdoierutehicagoTisiterer---7.*--
spending . a few Weeks with bis,mothel •„
• tue-____-___--!. -------
ert - larrcirr"-----t-----44
turned home laet week from tho.westi. .
and intend again .residiTag , ., in ottt
village. - t .
COIUmbiat 'eon or Mr. Walittni Valets
CJI 1* la here spereetelkge.a_montelLoreate____•_e_
• with his_parents. . .•
hfr.' Wm. Lam la les two little
1 daughters are home froirt the institl-r”
%Ito at Brantford, spending siturinier _
vacation. . .
- - . ..- l`eierge-4-oynteeve "itee-14,--e-e-eeee., ,
Lueknow last week attending , tho
marriage of a niece of Mr, .loyneti '
We are pleased to see Mrs. Geogr. '
Moir on our *streets again after her• . °
--e-3.--It .":.---ve-re' iltrr.ss--
4 -- — --,-„ --- ,-
Miss 43-ess:e rretehart, who . holds*
' a good- positionetheetestihirstesstiat-,-- ---,
.of a large college in NeWton, gortli-
I's ree4,velmintenttre--..;:e 1-.2--
. ,...... ,
• vacation:. ' • ,
,•Walter Bertgaugh is -now iMprti*Init
Str. Robert Pollard is liopt 0'64
the. welt after an absence Of stie
tho taffOritit life'
tleoled- by Omuta
issott 44 sutler from piles,. tnit
• it has cuted. Out snob grsterst.,
---Mirsbetir 'Taylor. of
er vita, Toronto. elle
-40kfiter feta lok yeala SUffititd
taly Vol* bleeding Oita 'tti‘rin
s repent ss frantensiteashitito
litetioidies* toil dodoes pro.
pIloas but got no este. Zsui..15tik
tle everything elo011sut.
and it 4ofed roe' 't 4:vs 004l.
t oral boa one:01*d
I knOrt,,tho-tort,lo,
Another, thankfni wain Mrs"
A.Guate. a -coo* ,TibtitY Sq.
/Al Alit ail* ,refor ,Zeanittult
" t
41 of ointrata
• That thismay tb4
eotne aartosa froni
te c Shot**.
, Aka Aloe att.,
Store* at -$0e.
k 41.14 spotttor prl
ii-everal of the- . Deratatt-- -
lodge, attended divina/strvice .svith
the Exeter brethern itutt Stinder:
14 :Igew Art.h. -firt4 WOOS 'w.Eti:Ort.
' Wen visiting relatives herei .1#q: Ott.• '
Alt4711.hgt.;* ftioat tihettOtAiii40010et
held their annuli strawbert:by frstival •
on the church grOlinds* rads,* Oren*
in.-Tht- %latch, band, furl:1141A: tho,
A --book on tthetlinittism,-
'fit Racine, Wit./ .*ella Son* .
'it plain' 'truths' oind t plaid rand
prottical. way,: Opt this.booklet, an „.
a tree trial treatittrit of Dr, 15
,Ithettinatte Iteinerty tor isolate 110 Catty
•: .
a grateful And'iipprettalttrtiftrria-oe-'°""-4-',7-----
';.mir 000.1,vbo.is diseetiter btoatt
leif• tomake ,this
. .0.11 yolit •Staterint.
, •
. • . .
- •
'•'41''Or.:**04Pii1:014:-6.1*-1;'**41H1761-:'14611it: tit Rider,
Ititbar, tt;',„„„
thort Delteling.j.,040. -
,t et . Sri Dkosat
.113.4 -
liloteher, tosontilsd
fld of Er. Vt.\ 1,, guttotiS„
•et*.S E4*4.r4 14'611er. 4r. rti.
111,"` 1. 1 '
J, .•
4„, „4„ .• .44.400.11110.0111L,