HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-07-01, Page 4"of 'LW litiama
Id laat t3at.rdtt
t4a. Pio),
it Par . s Able to I tnitgte,
•• ma tech.
tile government naturalist
„1-.140.0-* '
4b InOftZ:kitin-0;
Arai, . Vosaid • IV 'Soon. OIaE
• N. 3etfreyl°4a 'Coward; M. •Iloti,
' nicio rate, B. Policia; If.
r CottIea W1dng ra�E
r; 13. tMont.eiLh Q.- Stewart.
IlMerow race, C. Coward': '
arreY 10 3 . Mon
Vaiking. E. McDonald M.
ald ; O. Inuneane noPP113g4 M.
:nab;Ifunkine cliodgeatk.
ad and tot, O. Jeffrey; C. Stew..
,trt A.Sn DordeerialUa-a
• nodgerate
Bxown4 13, Turnbull
In hand. 11. Jeffrey A
gerte J. Vollen and C. Vitae,
1W -walking, J. lionteithe T.
Coward; 3. ,Allisoa. Seek • race. E.
ollen't,,,Xte-jeffrey, liardie, M.
Donkey. 11. Jeffrey an4
gentel 4
e Coward; All.
.aVouple race, Be Melitinald
Jeffrey; J. Kay and B. Fol.
en:- ntinkio and C. lalbateith,
ock band race, B. Monteith and G.
u.nCan; S. _McDonald arid II. nun-
. ICay and 14. zunomild,
Ack.reei Iltrulant T. Coward 4.
Dodge...a; Leap -nog -fir ,
• wand. elio4gert ; C. Brawn
O.. •Coward ; Aaelsarar4 120; -1c.
V,. Allison, W. .jefrrey ;a 3.
gged raceeell, nankin and B. Mc-
onald • L-Itity ttnd M. McDonald,
°lien. and L. Stetvart :Cyr() band
nd foot, L. Stewart t Tied ankle, 1-11.
nsekina.E. McDonald, at. MeDonald
under knee,' G. Brown, L. Stew -
ratOt- toy, , to .pl�reo it. For
1111,4, 0110se i1KilOng the 'eepttx
eletita the avoodteciterliatonaue Is fur-
nialieaewitiao..„stitelay secretion.Considering. ite powers or Imitating
7peeph, It 13 not surprising to learn
man Mora closelytietinagraa.eethere
Mars. It is -not because the parrot IS
leave latolligent than ilia ether birds*
bat beeatite tongue Is better oulted
roe artientlatioli thail"Ilietts.; that It is
44,A04-0,40.nt-USO tig Wit ,1,2 ILS rftlerate,
Pio humming bird's toeign;
lave respects the most rein
-it, It Is double nearly from end to•
rat so that the little bird Is rtble to
;.';.-pits insect prey with its 'tongue
ala Ifesita,,etiiontli was furnished.
larrnlisa Anima That Will Fight
Hard When. at Bay.
• A vivullar looking animal Is the
eit eater, which is closely allied to e. sloth flintily. Ifs bead IS' drawn-
al or ii,:tA_Al'U44 Dag 'riir.s-r.Cfl'.*dlW
the.eexit- of .its,..looleae-
%ill:dike tongue, which is covered
7 !in a. sticky saliva. -
.Titis tongue Is -1-hrust-atuong, the
niiits of ants with great rapidity. coin.
lug fiAck laden with the tiny, inseeta
To Obtain Its prey the ant eater breaks
Open, theant hills, when all the active
11. TurnbUlI» lieek-leg-r-
satetitare fo-thoabreaelt and
d. liodgert• ,a; Vosvard.-11'1Fabitiials
• ten hietaoreneeusly swept away by the
Jeffrey ; Miarreo. men, 0 The jeWS of the Unt-0:114-0;0"04"litite-
; 0
tiro* 4%104 A.
.cimobeur, itatdiese. ty vithout teeth, and the" ea and_
oranges, Nellie Stewart. -Wass airs are very mann.'
ilton, 'The rasor,-knivesand or, There are several species of ant eat-
na-ted-1,3Y- landi-behig.--about • four _
,7-11_. •
7V.Itsli-It611 'Xi-orb:Ili, forming a huge
brush. The claw ou the third toe of
eaeta tore limb is of great size anst.a,a
* •diother
teizeets1 nestle ' .
Generally speaking, the ant eater is
harraTess autnreritit at tInies what
at bay it will 'fight with great eour
age, oltting up on Its hind legs and
. hugging Its foe withits powerful arms.
-laondon Express.
are el.
gala s of baseball were played,
,• first between Farquhar, and
°Wham .and the latter between
Zxeter nn )
surrounding 'villages) The first -game
Tatielted in a tie v.fter . a nine hall-
grlaiiireataaeneiraeldee seoring--
ans. 'the earlier stages of the;
amo Wooditara had the advantage
4 about the middle it 'WM a See -
NV game neither team having the
advantage. Hugh Berry. was • a tow-,
Cg..of strength for the WoodhainitesS
Malting a hit every tinse, at bat and
nailing - everything. except what he
. abl v
!: ugh's ex client playing is attributed
. A loaned him by
•+t .10n4.
more im ,OrinOPtealiif the 0.
monalwar • generallY.APPlied
subject of employers' liability Oat
• country, toother with. auch itaaria.
thins as iippea? iti-.`tertetineiTiitea;ailt ,
article also reprotittees the 'laws , of
.4hsako011 ".Uw subject nnd
ak ,tistMealliebejalaitaerlaaaMs9A
thee tonstritetirotei-put ",:therein ewhere;
they have been. revienVed• by the so.
porter . state courts or the fecieriii
collets. • 1
In striking cOntivet witheeenditiOne.
in iho_Taiteited Statas is the position of
thv.-loreigii Nyttalnunt who ,is
.leva accident in the course etiv-a.zzo
-Playttiterit. Practically every WOO
country of any importance iiiOuetri.
aIly has by. legislatiou eveggnized the
principle 'that ate workman is en -
of lItS. _mt.; ° :ay-tW,o-
eign state ii have anti& -1-i-ItigieTte.
tistrirf, etarKaalillatiliartlerenteiar
Cape of .Good Hope, Denmark, Fin-
land', France, Germany, Great airjaain,
Greece, Bungee y„ Taly. Luxembeirg,
Notheriands, New Zealand, Norway,
Queensland. Russia, South Australia.
-*mime-Sweden- an Western, Austrai:a_
While thete---4.3 seeettee-vialation-ie
, the circhmstatices iniirer • Mitch -
'are To--60ifirietisia7-
tiori. at a. rule comparieatioxi is not
payable unless the injury' causes dis.
abletient- for a peeifrediuntri-
days or ikee1is. —
The empl,oyer may. usuallir b. ret;
lieved- from the payment. of _cmipen-
sation if he can prove that the 'injury
or toy will--
fvl zniseonduet or in some cOuntries
1" a41.S.t-40
aet. III -noneof the.4,6
tele -tear conntries • does; ordinary
negligence on the poet of the injured
employe work a forfeiture of tire right
te -con iperlsation
The Perfumed Cloud,
The dentist's *sleeve was stneared
utile& cloud arose.
oalin, and,
e big leagues. -
11 . game, WadhOrP, day's met harvest of make
oterepetaaeraeoeele good the deuce, to front the'
-cert—Fa-WaTfarallrtassreeonalrtaave„ comea-”a'a't-e07.--1A-11-4retp. p as
. .e-a-bettoreshowings-earmina-a) thietine.theti .prettriaccia_arkty_au.
ram itusiltreldale was behind the bat or nearly nikdo It Their lips aro red -
AA II f the • a - uenetl, their
11, •
, Far:Luber, F. Waghorn,, J. 113o.f' A 1
i-ut)ne; McCurdy, Witch, It Wag- tlni network of velturin the temples le
one Mejc1, Cote, Borland, .D. Dal- oUtlined fur blue. Pegging *Way at
•44DerrY, L.4 their_teettu.7, mop Vint zeolite°
.. I
.at Tawa are manufacturing, mining
and querrying, transportation, build-
ing and engineering work and ether
employments involvine more or les.
ruz..1 . In -B _eel -etude larande _rnd
Great Britain the laws apply to pi:le-
tically all employmc!nts. • In a eon
siderable ntifillarcetln
workmen engaged in actual ananuai
work and in some eases those expo -e.
to the same risks, such ea overaeent
awl teehnieal experts, come within.
the operatione of the law. Theee
countries are Austria, Belgium, Den -
'nark, ',inland, Germany, Italy, Lux-
itiotharlarAdA re„Neee-rea, mulsio,„
Spain and Sweden. .On the other
and, in Fr&ec, (heat Britain; the
apply, to salaried employee and work.
mit 'Ovar#,Oreaseantratteelini-
risaeareeipat more. i,.pr
"TsHiginuni, tAle-erxr17ed
-Own, Denmark, Germmiy;
Britain, Italy. Luxemburg and Russia.
ills, II. tere Ewa. -11:- itirtc-z• *date itbees,' black ate Ink It
The game between Exeter and the e, , r p c
Cited- leant Wag the best played at btlwr 14003; Oar
rrellrir this year. Although only, brushhig- his cuff again,
Lt inoings were played owing to leaped bad; to eseipe the sweet Smell-
,...mbeie.,,game was replete frig cloud that filled; the
-Withegoodeplaye. ia, Cale lifeltueseita- •
date m and
Efor the pickeh tea
Wag hit hard at timee. For Exetcroi • Difficult Feats. •
"Here areTsome- extracts from f
modern popular noveA" aalt,t
-took -dow31.4.,,,scrap
Then he read:
"-The Worthy -,pa
.13antly-AtIvtlett. twiried--three, Innings
rind kept his onanents scor61ess dem-
r triaraltd Ilarepicked
r two tons, 'Exeter
',rt. -.3.
i. •
te ling, Senior. Hawk the pockets of ids loose jacket, *while
3avdn, Vhch, Anderson, lroWfllflg,1 he turned the leaves of his prayer book
3rutnll,•Alawden. Picked tvf thoughtfully , arid wiped his &sees
Waghorn.-41,0iliv„is01): . 24,,Clatc14,1,e°10 with a dbitraught air.' .
ria, 'Berry, !vJ. %Joie, ,..,en- "After the door was dosed a
I. Olt. •
Ilt"ilthr 110(4 slipped 'ZUG th6 100th and '
with ellUttolla -Mid liittIngtililfott_.thI
_ etimvili0 light.' "
damp' .strawberry festive, "*Flizilibbon lInge,. 134.11
th t:e • to -day- an 11,a -damn's- when-* gsutl* vcico tapped
oretaird.-A ,good. . time is :sireduhim on the •ahoulder, and, turnini, ho
osveryetto ho cmes
o, Amusements for'' bebeld• htii Old friend Ottee
sill. • ,
0 'The eharloker revolution Is rolllng
II onward, gnasbing Its teeth wilt toile/
rn tictt a tinenitu eall'i
en extended to atev. Ir. I;rquel
kastor of St. .Andreetam eheirch.a a-, -,
be' IiInor ehurela ./.1stowel.) ,
nt ig!
r kne.wiedge of Mr. UrquDear. InnoceThn
hart i • „ „ ,.. _
alto no Wesitation in J3iying that i "u4t# (while d.rewark.0-alitt coo -
Listowel 'congregation ha' o toluded 01AI b$11$4‘e vas running lxi
4t good thoio. Mr. t•rlitihart tnY bead 'all night, witop-iT
oung man, An exceIrinit predner ifirist telt tbe Manager; uliyti. I�
n • earnest and enthusiatie rim '.etilL 1)0,Z tor Wotkina
•.11. . “ .' .
• tiot, SOtteSt0M041.D.
Ittlministrations usual' aome
wahin the provisions o t e net.
The entire burden rests upon the
employer in all but four of the eoun.
4 e, AustriaT _tha • firmgary and
Tin tig,
bur a part of the expense. • The !awe
in every eaco fix the coinpensation to
be paid. In all the coutitrie7; but
Swedenthe compensation is based -
upon thewages of the injured per-
eatt-etorteatteaselemedieal Aar -
cal treatment and of periodical al-
lowances for temporary disability and
annual penoions or lump spy -
tor ,permanent disability or
- -Inr-ntost-countries-employtrs- --may
contract' with state pr private iiisur-
i Le institutions for-thv-• tratuifer-
A A.4 4 1
tion. In a number of countries elicit
transfer is. obligatory.. Provisiort
usually made for the protection 'of
the beneficiaries case of insolvency
of eMployeare •
The,,acts Of nearly all of the conn-
art /raffled' With the view
e necessity for instituting
legal Virtieeedings. The laws are so
speeiflo with regard to-the-_-,eompensA-
t ort allowed arid the regulations for
itii exit that agreements are
ontisably. made 'between; the'
employers and the victims of the
socident. 1! Utes arise,however,
the, mw es th'e tteceetaty pros
their ,oettlettient tither ty
special on tribunals : -or ,by.
Achleveirtritest Success.
. achiettred suecess who bas
laughed often and loved
ash-rga-111WThii resPeet
tmen and :Uu love of little
(.) ilioritit old
DOSts-` 1CrNfS
The new 'Travellers' Cheques. recently issuedbth3 kiirp 4krongt
way in whicp to carry money When travelling.1iey Liu4 dinomina
andtheAtitact amount pay n -tra lik, ire!nlar./.'
firaumb qr*,$ la -andSwjtzer1andb on therfaceetietaett the 'orteaSitille
t ey are payable at current rites.. - •
The cheques and all information regarding them May be obtained at every oaks.
of the gawk. . . . ; , 13IA
Exeter Branch-,-GAV liarrigen; Manager
•"BratkOlaltaa. at-Credifaine - '"
. D. D. S., Dentiat'. Member. of
. vut ce A .utetertear. R. O. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
ato- -of-----TOrento I/Weraity,
OnioSItte-Over Dickion du. Carling'.
09-4 1, 4 I, - ft, Aktei.P,-Volit*IntliVttrtnx#4,074
OS begin at the opening of July, bete°
- 1 ii:Vap:re gni Dr:. Anders°0•11?1,er
DR. A.
D. S., Honor aduate or Toronto
, 1
. , orano 8 nd I day. The stoxim diagram shows that
--Campers are • beginning to put in the period of both Mercury and Von- R. KINSMAN; L. D. S.i' D
an appeara,nee. ° •
nLIuQnce Y.,
t tOr Vill'AWlettieftlilfiiireettt r•
Willis, -of Londom-arrived at "Pine iperiod.---Certaka evise..erities Inform • 0 urgeon
family, - of
croft" on Friday. •us that "it is safe to predict Warnt-. Office ovic t'010,41lnanolk Stanbury
Mr. B. E. iluston And
weather in 'July'," tio vire will sey that Main street4. Ira. '''',
Exeter, have taken up their abode very- .high temperatures will prevail
at their summer,. residence "Qutsid• , ea) . 2odz.g,._ „v.v., . '
-,= ilfirak....!•-•-..r,.=,,,,,,1747,,,%.,11=.1-,,,,,xyz_.-, ...,..7--,,,, -
& "Jones, of London, is camping here. days. From 3rd to the atla low ba- Laborsignatimamteri • • a
aim wayeres-castwardisa 7 III-1---"Eraii 'W•ausita victories UnMr. Jones, ctf the firm of Lawson ever •the country on and about those may. offloie, and reeldeninoe. Doratalen
The Misses Iloward and rollick are rometer and . blustering, violent. A soclite-C;oroper of. Huron:.
at Acorn Lodge for ix "time"... - *terms will visit many localities in •
Mr.- and Mrs. Jackson also Mimi' their &Award sweep over the toxin --
Packman are here froin Parkhill. try, -While we do not look for a .a
; Mr. and Mrs. Geot itiouthcott, who heavy egeneral rainfall' In July, the
:beate--4.itaeneeteintari Veaffarenratalareisa
Mr. -Fred Soutbeot a ' of Toronto, Mr. ettry will naturally cause mime vie-
Pe.rcy Varity, of lirantfords ore at
their ournmer 'cottages on Landon
eida. , , : . se c
Mr. Gratto has rented the restur.
ant of Mr. Morris Brenner for the
season. •
All.95 Dailey, Of-40Giliiltny, 13 the
guest of Mi. and alre. Amos.
Miss Itaeburn waited at her home 'The 4th promises rain and thunder/
in Port Frank over Sunday.- !storms for many localitieea A periodi
'•......fleageegereeeer....Saseatrerdse--eeelbstilliterea.--ase ---eebta-stao
IL guest at. Davidson's cottage, Maple the _ Srd,vx.forttling_from june. 20th
-Orove. - • -- s . to die 'dfla
-- -Chilitee, aerientunhereatteenetialetbeeeGiia ------------------.-----
• W-FearanN-iiii 7Eatiiiajc
-Mr. In' Ilavelle wait- ttrve Ws *ore
completed before the first.
for a bright vow=
ter the repairing ofhammock at the
different cottages. - ' Poi taints and obildre),I.
. .
' no Kind You Have -Always Bought
alalietirositi.,11130nor t,
lent local downpours. As the storms sAaR°Priareariellida6rig
move to the emtward, the barometer I
will rise west of storm area, bring- liAro TO LOAN.
ing cooler, westerly winds and fair ,,V1
weather; but hi advance . of these wal samba! wild. tat& tor ht
chang.es most parts of the country -soon .numer villegerrosetiralp lows
will have blustering to violent thund-4 r iziliersear'„.
er etorreS, say about the 3rd to 5th.i DICKSON ic. CARLINezotor. •
It:tanning- triiielcoke, Zak° of Davit
Ternoganti, Georgian Bay, Maganetftee
wan Rale_arereletreysearatisetalelka,-e
.alasumnaersitatIlaffai" fi.
ALASICA. -- YUKON - emaria
Ef al .
Vert low rates -Vast
tractile ro
turn limit oc
Full itttearnatiOn
3.. J KNIGHT', DepetAgenk
or write 4. D. lileDONSLIAD,
Depot, Toronto, Ont.
los' ce .rias
st to the ath of July, being central.
on the 3rd4 with full Moon at ex-
treme declination south on the Name
Pain tan be easily and qulekly stop-
atop Tiiifache, we -Mindy pains. any
pain, anywhere, in 20 rainates Bute.
Formula on the 25e. box. Asic yank'
.druggitit -or-doctor aboutthis tor.mula
1 -it's fine. Sold by W. S. limey,'
Lydialy E. Pinkhatn's
eta131e Conipound
Gardiner, lifiltted-,-01 bole been a
eat '41114eter frwh.ArrstgrterietAt:
• weakness. T b e
• doctorsaldtwonkt
WS to go to tlie
• hospital for an
• ould not bar to
tl,ilnk of it; I de.
• aoi to try r
',Inkhorn's eg
etailing_ilny_netv - -
an ----ThaaTtii-letit-atikiiiTflifia-
from • the heart Its•impulse, its power,
ifs regularity. The etornach als0 bgs
its 4iidtlen or inside nerve. It wits
Dr. Shoop who first told us it will
wrong to drug n. weak or falling
Stomach, lfeart or Itiditeys. Ilia
prescription. -Dr. Shoop's Itestord-'
direeted straight for fhb
cauee of thase ailments -these weak
early. explains why th6 U
istorative has of late grkwit sr) rtf
idly in vopularity. Druggists sa
at those who tegt the itestoratrve
vett for A fOIV dttyli 0004 iLl021101
.sonvinced of its wonderful merit.
tion4t drug the orgdfl„
eating the rause of Meknes* If the
I LOS' It_and_sucesinAfal Way. Sold
W. 8. Hower,
'rho weAkuess eihibited by • fee
tathdrair iffailtet 1u been Confined
Lo it .toturirativery few • steeks. In
general the market i9 tirm. aithoagh
it zt.ain,elearattevistic • la
00staltortant Mat *her •
tilicktoi--rtifilte-littI-ri!6t, aid
istribution-of interi;st
ild encournffle some new ky.
reaction .44 the /heel i$Nt!,
expOted, and it
of tint'. &large 'it
InTrestors are Wary oi
issties, but the effeet
oriouricetneat .or the liritish
apz..,,rts Avhtt e*ttrained the' ,pr,ant, upon,
mtrit apita ji likely to hl mttfircli.
tistdien!I thaVt tipplrefitlY,' not
li*ed the f011 -Importance -o i!
'port5 Abe. marititne;-ettel i.
duittry, :which WOrd in* dirtet ;oontruk
lo valor opinion., tt the' IlifsiSq.
tee reports it is or prophesyil '
,yearisaf «D0
it . to oINrs, sorb o
are , the *tett ;into
• 4. &MEI/
Conveyancer &outdo tCilloctod
Our gra/3watt are melted to the
best positions. WrItelor the reason.
Prepare now to enter at the beginning
of term, man Ovum* for thoee who
wish to study At hone,
ft el
Any--pereon wife le the eels
•I it e OVOtt,
, years Old imayhomeetead aquairktiO
eseotoni Of Available Dominion land ki
blettitoba,Saskate• pWattor Alberti*
The . 'Hoard m ,
tutuion Lows. Ag oz on
blegoney forth. district; Nutty Its.
proxy may be had at, the( agency, col •
oettaitt conditions. by fathsri, Inothor
sem, daughter, brother, or *biter oe.
intending b Leader..
d eultivation ttf the lend ja
et three Thars. A hotneistesder ,nie, •
ve within nine miles of ,his
Stead on a tfarm uf it ?east 80 aurse-
aokIy owned ,and °ten led b1birn,
fatheerr ttiothiM-•
brother or slitter.-
In, 'certain- districts a
ritsz- •ectiort aloagaide
oast& P.rioe lot*
mrlust reeide six months. invite
Years from date of lunnestead entr
inolutling the time requited to e&rn
tesd • Patent) *end ettitiVt**
fifty :aorta extra.
• A bortieiterider Who hs ezbauste4
his bomeatgd
taiu a pre-emption inay take
,istiaseil,homesteollu certain distrlotr
Prise, t3, per acre. Outitaio4titat
realele air Months in eaoh , of Ora*
ite*Tik eultititte 111 Ly aere* and ere** 4
kr:rose worth:
• .
1400:116b0iii.0 alld tit
ance Gornpauu
'load Offices
'President It,. L.
'11. PB
. pianos
014 aatettl
totick tO •